
12 Reviews
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Another Life (2019–2021)
Does NOT get better...
12 September 2021
At least not by episode 5. What all the other negative reviews are saying holds true, these are a bunch of immature irresponsible kids sent into space to save the planet and it makes no sense. By episode 5 they were still being petty and annoying, still making insane decisions, still completely disregarding science or any kind of internal logic... I'm done. Don't torture yourself trying to watch this, it's garbage and even Katie can't salvage it.
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Just another boring indictment of religion...
20 August 2020
The movie takes way too long to get going... It has a few chuckles, but overall is just boring. When it eventually does get going, it turns out it's just another complaint about religion... I am not religious, I'm not offended by it or anything like it, but it's simply boring. Ricky just can't seem to talk about anything else, just defined by being an atheist, so one dimensional, so bleh...
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Just watch T2 again
3 November 2019
I went into this blind because a friend wanted to see it, hadn't read any reviews, no bias... Unfortunately, it's not good.

There is a lot of action and it's done pretty well, but the problem is that the story is just a rehash of T2, but done worse. It's extremely predictable and towards the end just doesn't make sense (with obvious plot holes and deus ex machina). Action without any reason for it to be interesting is just boring!

I didn't really have any problem with the acting as I see some people do and it wasn't exactly painful to sit through it, but that was really all it was, sit through it and wait for it to be over.
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Robin Hood (2018)
Underrated and misunderstood
25 November 2018
I feel like this review page is being swamped by Robin Hood afficionados and movie geeks that are all taking this film way too seriously... This is not historically accurate at all and it's not Robin Hood as you might expect. What it is is a nice action flick offering entertaining action scenes with solid archery combat (if you've ever seen this youtube video of a guy showing how archers actually fought, it seems the makers of this film were paying attention). If watching the bloke from Kingsman shoot arrows into bad people sounds like fun to you, go watch this movie. If you're a history buff, go to a museum or something. It doesn't reach the heights of Kingsman, and there are some plotholes (such as Robin having the opportunity to end the whole thing by killing two people he's alone in a room with... no idea why he didn't), but if you can look past it there's plenty of enjoyment to be had here.
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Still good, just not as good as...
27 October 2018
I feel the low rating currently (5.7) is probably because people are disappointed because it can't live up to its predecessor. And it's true, it can't... but in its own right it's still a good movie. Not excellent, but good. The story is okay, the action is solid, and Lisbeth is still badass. If you have the previous movie sitting in a shrine in your house somewhere and you worship it before you go to bed... skip this movie. If you just want an enjoyable if not terribly memorable action thriller, then go ahead and have fun.
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Hereditary (2018)
Badly acted, non-scary, overrated mess
17 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I was quite excited to see this movie, and a little scared, after reading the glowing reviews that are voted most helpful on here, and the very high rating (a 7.9 as of this time) for a horror. Unfortunately, I was massively let down.

The first hour of the movie or so was just following the life of a family that just buried grandma, nothing out of the ordinary, except for the characters at sometimes think they see something out of the corner of their eyes (but this wasn't scary and is just normal when mourning a lost family member). My friend and I were honestly wondering if we had wandered into the wrong movie. It was all drama, no horror and no mystery. It wasn't bad per se, just bland, chugging forward without much of anything happening.

Then halfway through some abnormal things do start happening and we briefly hoped the true horror would start, but unfortunately it then quickly just moved from the bland to the bizarre, showing things that just didn't seem to make any sense (and still absolutely not scary).

Performances were weak as well. Peter (Alex Wolff) seemed to have the emotional range of a cucumber, only ever showing either typical teenager apathy, or crybaby 'why are you hurting me' type of scared (no, true terror looks very different). Steve (Gabriel Byrne) was pretty bland as well, just sort of being there, and also unconvincing in believing his wife is just having a mental breakdown even after witnessing convincing paranormal effects. Annie (Toni Collette) was the best, but the problem here was she was just unlikable. I truly didn't care about what happened to her.

The story meanwhile was quite simple, pretty predictable and left some pretty big plotholes. At the end we're led to believe that the entire thing was pre-planned, but what about the accident? Yeah, maybe that thing on the road was planned, but everything else just seemed random. Also, the head coming off was totally unbelievable, that would never happen in an accident like that. Other things seemed very random as well, why did the fire suddenly jump to Steve? Completely unexplained and also failed to convey any kind of feeling ("oh, that guy burns? why?" was all the reaction it got from me)

In short, while the movie wasn't painful to watch, it was also completely devoid of any impact and I'll be forgetting about it soon. I would rate it at a 4.5 out of 10, but will vote a 1 star to compensate for the insanely inflated score it has currently.
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Starts out great, but then nose dives and drags on too long
27 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I just watched a Maze Runner marathon, the first two followed by the final instalment. Loved the first one, but hadn't seen the second one yet. I have to say, I didn't think that was anywhere near as bad as it was made out to be. The third one though? Oh boy... Well, it actually starts out really well! Good action and our heroes are able to make a fist against WCKD in a very satisfying way. Unfortunately, the film ends up dragging on seemingly forever. I feel like at least half an hour could have been cut to make it much better. The second half of the film keeps getting more and more boring. The biggest problem is that several of the most important characters are completely unbelievable. Janson (Gillen's character) especially seems to make no sense at all. Then there is a nagging feeling that the whole thing is completely pointless and our 'heroes' are actually wrong! Now that could be very interesting if done right, but the movie is presented entirely as a young adult good guys vs bad guys film and the fact that they may be wrong is not explored at all. If they'd just done nothing, the world would probably have been a better place, but the movie still pretends that they 'won' and everything is fine now. Also, the motivations behind why these kids were put in the maze in the first place are barely explored. It's implied that the pressure is needed to trigger their immunity to grow (why that would be so is beyond me), but most of the kids just sat in the Glade peacefully for years. Instead of exploring those topics, the last half hour or so of the movie is spent watching characters melodramatically stare at each other while war rages around them, inevitably dying because they couldn't get over their teen angst long enough to actually save anyone (except Thomas, he has plot armor). The film just left me feeling like I watched some dimwits that couldn't see the big picture and the survivors now sit on a beach pretending everything is okay (when most likely the infected will just catch up with them and they'll die because they're just sitting there in a couple of beach shacks)...
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Death Note (I) (2017)
Better than the anime fans make it out to be
21 October 2017
I have not seen the anime. As such, I am rating this film on its own and as such I would say it's not great, but it's not terrible either. It feels a bit rushed and a lot of things are glossed over just to be able to get the story done in 90 minutes, but the ending felt satisfying to me. It's not the best movie Netflix has ever put out, but it's fine to fill a rainy Saturday afternoon with. If you haven't seen the anime that is. If you have I can imagine you'd be annoyed by lots of things, but then has any live action movie spin off from an anime ever lived up to the expectations?
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Total Recall (I) (2012)
Couldn't believe how bad this is...
16 September 2012
So, I didn't expect this movie to be great because I read the reviews on here, but I suspected that it was being judged harshly by fans of the original (and who over the age of 25 isn't?). It's not. If anything, I don't understand how it is still getting a passing grade. The only explanation I can find is many people like the overload of CGI it serves up. The most fun I've gotten out of this movie though, was at the start watching Kate Beckinsale in tight panties and in the car ride home bitching about the movie with my friends. The two hours in between were a total waste of time.

There's the story, which is different in what the bad guys are trying to do and it not being on mars but otherwise so alike to the original that there is absolutely not a single surprise. The only surprise to me was that they didn't go with the obvious parallel ending to the original, which sounds like it would be good, but it's not because the way Cohaagen tries to go about achieving his goal is so unbelievable that when his plan is foiled there's really no sense of relief or grandeur, going with the obvious would have been better. Then what makes it worse is that at every turn they seem to want to remind you of the original movie, by rehashing lots of details from the original (the three breasted hooker walks by without any explanation or logical reason for her being there, including the cheesy you'll wish you had three hands quote, someone gets their hand cut off by an elevator, Quaid/Hauser getting caught by customs because he only has three lines prepared, etc.). Also, the music is ripped from the first movie, which could have been good but isn't because the movie sucks so badly. At the ending when the music starts in in the same way as when the original had just given Mars an atmosphere, it's just a slap in the face because you're reminded how the new ending is so totally inconsequential, it's just not deserving of such dramatic music, it doesn't work. The action and CGI is OK, but it seems to me like it's going through the motions. They threw a lot of money at it, but it doesn't work. The first half of the movie seems to be one big chase and I was bored out of my mind.

Then there's the blatant disregard of physics... I can usually ignore this, but this movie is so bad about it, and with the absence of a plot to distract me, it really bugged me. There's a fast travel line through the earth from the UK to Australia, called the fall, which basically works by letting you fall through the earth to the other side. Now, I can see how that would be possible, in movie logic, so I'd be OK with that. What really bugs me, is how they cope with gravity. If you would do this, gravity would slowly decrease as you approach the earth's core, then start to build up in the opposite direction. Not so in this movie, gravity seems to be totally unaffected while you're falling (you should be weightless already while falling), then around the core, gravity just disappears as if someone threw a switch, and a minute later it comes crashing back with a bang in the opposite direction. That makes absolutely no sense at all. Then, I believe at the beginning of the movie they say the journey takes only a few minutes, but let's say I misunderstood that and it takes 30 minutes. At half an hour, you would still need to have an average speed of 25.000 kph (about 16.000 mph). That's average, you'd be going faster in the middle of your journey. So what do they do during the final scenes of the movie? They open a window and climb along the outside of the craft... If the story would be good, but it's just another thing to show the absolute lack of attention to detail that was put in this movie.

Then there's things like Doug fighting a robot in hand to hand combat and pulling a phone out of his hand without any blood or his hand being mangled for the rest of the movie (seriously, the through-the-nose-brain-surgery device from the original was more believable), it just tests how gullible you are at every turn. As for the actors, I'm not really good at judging how good someone's acting, but Colin is no Arnie. Kate and Jessica succeed in being pretty and that seems to be their purpose. Then, Bill Nighy as the resistance leader??? Don't get me wrong, I love the guy, but you can't take him seriously and he's a very bad fit for this role (however small it is). They would have been better off casting someone no one knew yet.

So to summarize, if you want to watch Kate in tight panties and you enjoy loads and loads of CGI and don't care about such things as plot and believability, then you may enjoy this movie. For anyone with half a brain though, don't bother, just watch the original again.
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Surrogates (2009)
Good movie but DON"T WATCH THE TRAILER!!!!
18 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I find it hard to rate this movie, as it left me mainly angry at whoever made the trailer I saw beforehand... it gave a fine sense of the type of movie it is and it did its job in getting me and my friends to the cinema, but they show a scene from the ending! For me, this completely spoiled the last 20 minutes of the movie since basically I already knew what was going to happen. Based on the movie itself I think I'd give it an 8, but it felt more like a 6 because of this. The movie itself is fine however, the action is nicely paced, the story poses some good questions and it's not clear which side is right. Of course, it's been done before, but it's still good fun to see. You will not be talking about it for very long, but if you enjoy a nice sci-fi/action flick, go enjoy it. Just don't watch the trailer :(.
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Very amusing, quite underrated
17 September 2006
I actually wasn't too sure about going to see this movie, because shyamalan's name to me actually doesn't mean it's a good movie. I found signs slow, boring and taking itself too seriously, and didn't even bother to go to the village because the trailer even made me feel bored. Not so with Lady in the Water though. It seems to me that this movie doesn't take itself as seriously as signs did, and as a result dares to be humorous. The characters are quite convincing, but at the same time they can be hilarious in their own subtle (or in some cases less subtle) ways. The story that is told, is entertaining, brought well, and doesn't become predictable at all (even though I did guess some things right halfway through the movie). If you go see this movie, don't go in expecting some dazzling plot (and certainly don't go overthinking it) or mindblowing action scenes, just sit back and enjoy the movie for what it is. I used to be one of the people that overanalyzed every movie but honestly, since I let that go, I can enjoy movies a lot more. If you can watch without prejudice, go see this movie, you'll thoroughly enjoy it. When I watched this movie, there weren't too many people in the cinema with me (which might also be because it was a 5 PM showing, not typically a crowded time), but of the people that were there a lot of them didn't immediately get up when the credits started, which is usually a sign that people were impressed with the movie (I know I was). I find this usually says something about the movie, which is why I'm mentioning it here.
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Slither (2006)
First movie ever I've walked out of...
30 April 2006
Okay, first off, I usually skip the reviews that rate a movie a 1, but I vote a 1 for this anyway because it really is awful, and I feel like I have to compensate for the masses of high votes this movie is getting for some reason. Really, me and my friends were baffled both by how bad this movie was, and how it was the first time that IMDb had rated a bad movie so high. The only thing I can think of is that every single person that had anything to do with this movie asked their entire family to go write reviews or something. This movie was also the first one ever for me to not view until the end in cinema (and I've seen a LOT of movies in cinema), but we went to ask the cinema owner if the second part got any better and he actually admitted that it only got worse and he had gotten tons of complaints about this movie. He told us he had no choice but to show it because of a contract or something...

Anyway, as for the movie, now I may have only seen the first part, but it was soooo boring, nothing happened. Seriously, if you've seen the trailer, you've seen the movie. Nothing else happens. The acting is very unconvincing as well, and the special effects are laughable. Now this in itself is not always that bad, and me and my friends actually started this movie with comments like "this movie is proud to be B" expecting to laugh our ass off, just like with movies like shawn of the dead and army of darkness as other people have compared this too... But, there was nothing. Seriously, I LOVED those other movies, but this, I didn't even get one chuckle out of the part I've seen, and the only startle I had was because after half an hour of nothing at all happening we were nearly falling asleep, there was one cheap thing-jumping-out-in-front-of-the-camera type scene. Yeah, that's really worth my money there. (I don't want to mark this review as spoiler, hence the vague description.)

Seriously, I know bad reviews in a sea of good reviews usually get ignored (I usually ignore them myself), but please just don't go watch this movie unless you enjoy wasting your time and money. We had more fun sitting in the lobby upstairs waiting for the next movie, rolling a ball one of us had around, than sitting through that piece of crap. I'm quite a shy person, but I actually turned towards the line of waiting people and raised my voice to warn them to please not go to slither while getting tickets for the next show (other movie! heh ;)), that's how much I want to warn people against seeing this...
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