
77 Reviews
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Bodies (2023)
Quality story telling with little to no plotholes
31 October 2023
My favourite kind of drama is that which keeps giving you more of the puzzle as episodes go. Some shows do not manage it well and it falls boring in the middle, but this show leaves you talking after each episode, with just a little more to go on, but enough to keep your keen interest.

Love shows that pay more attention to story continuity than big bold action scenes, and this is typical of British shows. You wont find much in the the way of holes, and those you do find are more time paradoxes than story holes.

The only problem i had, and it irked me, is the actress that plays Iris. She is Israeli, and has an accent which obviously isnt English, let alone Londoner. Yet the story explains nothing as to why she has this accent, and her brother is most definately English accent, and their storyline has them growing up in London.
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Stunning visuals, but thats about it
18 December 2022
Was expecting so much more. The original movie was stunning in the visuals, but very compelling characters and story line.

The sequel however, relegates. Neytiri to a second tier character, which is mind blowing as the character and the actress were the best thing about the original.

This sequel is more about the kids, and they they seem to constantly follow the basic storyline that has been told hundreds of times in hollywood movies, i.e. Kids ignore parents and constantly get into trouble. By the end of the movie i was kind of tired and annoyed by that.

Bringing back Langs character is a huge mistake. Given Cameron has talked alot in recent years about movie making, and talking down Marvel movies, you would have thought he could have got some original ideas and/or script going, but alas no. He goes with groundbreaking visuals, but boring seen it all before script.

Full marks to Zoe's character and activing (its her voice right ?) that have me the only emotional moment of the movie and made my heart wretch.
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Stranger Things: Chapter Four: Dear Billy (2022)
Season 4, Episode 4
23 July 2022
Has there been a better combination of story, writing, acting and music to any tv episode ? I have been watching Tv and movies for 40 years and i have not see one greater. Sadie was just so on her game it was an epic goose bump time.

Sadie has taken over the show, or rather yout hink she has until the later Millie episode, which then gets equalled by the Quinn scene and your head is just spinning as to how good this show is.
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Season 3 contains incredible content
21 May 2022
Season 1 was very good, with 2 really top quality stories.

Season 2 was a somewhat a disappointment.

Season 3 was totally WOW with an oscar worthy animated story at the end, as well as 2 other top quality episodes. Just 1 episode was average.
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Love, Death & Robots: Jibaro (2022)
Season 3, Episode 9
absolutely incredible
21 May 2022
Was engrossed in this from the first second it began until the moment it ended. Has there ever been such quality story mixed with quality animation ?

Take from it what you will as there is no dialog, but its so incredible it does not need any.

Love, death and robots to be sure.
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Sometimes great, other times wondering when it will end
2 May 2022
Overall and enjoyable movie, some very good scenes. The last half hour was a boring generic dudd though, i think they were aiming for a purposely corney generic ending, and they got it, but it was still boringly corney.

Always liked Nic though and will continue to go watch movies he is in.
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The Lost City (2022)
First half was funny
26 March 2022
Always liked Sandra over the years, shes delivered a good laugh in the past. The first half of this movie was not disappointing, had some very funny moments, but around the halfway mark they seemed to run out of funny moments and went with your generic romance adventure. They kept cutting to her book publisher, beth, who kept talking and im not sure if what she was saying was supposed to be entertaining or funny in any way, but it really was not.
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The King (I) (2019)
Good performances, but...
26 January 2022
The Battle of Agincourt was one of the most amazing victories in the history of warfare, vastly outnumbered, having terrain against them, they tried to escape before standing and fighting, and through luck and great vision, slaughtered to French forces. Such a decisive victory that defeated the French for years in a single battle.

However, this film really does not give any where near the necessary credit for the reason for winning. Sure French arrogance was a large part of it, but it was the English longbows that won they day but this movie shows them loose only 2 volleys and the rest is one in hand to hand.

Other than that, beautifully made movie.
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Just terrible episode
17 January 2022
Just think, back in the mid 80's they made movies with speeder bikes that had fast and furious chase episodes. Fast forward to 2020+ and we have nice shiny bikes that move about as fast as your grandfathers electric wheelchair with about the same level of excitement. Had a great opportunity to turn back the clock a bit and failed so bad, not funny. The whole arc of the bikers is just annoying, they are just there because disney wants to attract the younger crowd.
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Did Lana make a crap movie on purpose?
24 December 2021
Makes you wonder, given parts of the script, whether she came back to destroy the movie series so that nobody else could take it.

This is probably the biggest gap in movie quality from originals to current in movie history.

I can only think she is really having a stab at WB execs, or was it really her other half that had all the vision?
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Colony (2016–2018)
OMG they cancelled it ?
18 November 2021
I knew they cancelled it before i started watching. But i thought i would give it a go anyway.

Right from the start you see the characters are pretty typical cookie cutter types for this kind of a show, so that had me thinking this was not going to go well.

Josh Holloway and Sarah Callies you feel like you saw there characters before, in their previous shows.

Peter Jacobsons Snyder is an exception and this character really grows into the guy you want to hate, but not too sure you should kinda guy.

The script and storyline however, more than makeup for the typical cast characters. You feel sometimes that it will inevitably fall down into the hole of family relationships, but never really does, that part is always there but it never takes over.

The storyline is a pretty good one, and lots of interesting things happen, even if it means the main characters should be squished, executed, shot or disintegrated multiple times but always manage to escape/avoid, but thankfully not in your typical saved at the last second kind of way.

Every episode you get a little more glimpse, a little more information on whats going on, what the aliens are, why they are hear, though you rarely see them.

Its very sad that it was cancelled because i felt it really was going somewhere and that season 4 could have really been something great. But USA network's numbers have been dwindling for years and despite the good positive ratings of this show, they still went down, Season 1 averaged around 1.2M, season 3 averaged around 700k.

This show really needed to be picked up by netflix or amazon from the first season, i feel we would be on season 6 now and very happy about it.

In summary, of its genre type, i.e. Aliens invading Earth, i find its probably the best of the lot(non animated that is).
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Eternals (2021)
Different style to the more recent MCU movies, but not in a bad way
8 November 2021
I went to this movie with fairly low expectations, in that i had heard many negative things about the movies overall quality.

I did not, and do not pay attention to people moaning that a characters sex, race or sexuality is not as it was in the comic books, get over it people.

The balance of story and action in this movie was about as perfect as it gets. Keeps the movie rolling perfectly as it switches from story, current and history and mixing in the action well.

Good performances, excellent writing, sincere acting.

Was a little strange to see the 2 brothers from GoT both courting a girl named Cersi (ok spelling a little different, but pronounced the same).

The MCU is still in very good hands.
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The Witcher (2019– )
Excellent in all boxes
6 November 2021
Not often you get this quality of this genre in a tv show. The casting, the acting, the story, how it all comes together is just plain excellent.

Season 2 trailer has me salivating.

Henry is just perfect as Geralt.
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Foundation (2021– )
Started so well, fell into an abyss of tediousness
31 October 2021
I never read the books, was always aware of them being a scifi fan. So i cannot say how close they are to the book. The first episode really went off well and grabbed your attention, as did the second. But it went down hill from there, to the point where i cant be bothered to watch any more episodes.
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Worst marvel to date
10 October 2021
Yes, worse than Thor 2, chaotic, lacking any depth, always love Tom Hardy but not really thus time.
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Star Wars: Visions: The Village Bride (2021)
Season 1, Episode 4
Better than the previous 3.
23 September 2021
Quite liked this one, after a terrible episode 3. Empire period, a Jedi trying to hide her identity, sticking to her code, she mentions her "master". It gels well, unlike the dark twins episode, and hints and suggests of possibilities.
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Star Wars: Visions: The Twins (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
Does not fit very well
23 September 2021
The stories here should be side bars, the kind of things that will not affect the time history of our modern jedi/sith struggle. But here we are, during the rebel era, an extreme powerful pair of twins very strong with the force, doing all sorts of the things Palpatine would be envious of. Does not work.
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Harley Quinn (2019– )
23 August 2021
I love Kaley in Big bang, but honestly when i heard about this show i thought it was a kids thing. Then i heard it was adult animation, but thought no way sweet Kaley could do this. Then i saw the trailer and thought F yeah. Have not looked back, its brilliant, and Kaley is perfect, except for the missing Brooklyn accent.
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Loki (2021–2023)
20 August 2021
After being wowed by Wandavision, and disappointed by Falcon and Winter soldier, i was a little apprehensive about Loki.

First episode started well, took a huge dip, and came back strong.

The penultimate episode was a 9* The rest was subpar annoying garbage.

Loki's strongest weapon is his mind, his deviousness, yet it never really came to bear in this show.

This is the Loki, emotionally and mentally literally the day he was captured in New York, yet within a few short hours of in show time, they had him converted to the Loki we know today. From vicious killer, wanting to laud over all his subjects on earth, to kind caring brother who realizes what wrong he has done, in literally one episode.

Other issues is the style of the show, very Doctor Who'ish, and thats not a good thing for a Disney Marvel show.

Some of the fight scenes were very unconvincing, and there were not many of them. Not that i need them in a loki show, but seeing as his mind games were missing, what else would there be ?

Penultimate episode was brilliant, but only because of other actors and characters they bought in for that episode, and the eggs that were dropped.

A strong ending of the final episode, that droned on for most of it. But a very poor showing for a character that we are looking to be devious and smart but really does not have any of that for most of this show.
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20 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I have given it 6 stars just because there were some good moments.

The rest were fast and confusing, with an antagonist that terrorized and killed people yet was at the end somewhat put on a pedastal.

Falcon, who constantly tried to reach out to her, and as a result let her get away more than once, a result causing more deaths.

Winter Solider, despite his 60+ years of training and experience, despite his reputation as the worlds most dangerous assassin, despite being a super soldier himself, was turned into a side gag that could not hold his own against a couple of newly super soldiers with some fighting skills.

The whole John walker, Captain America to US Agent arc was the only thing that saved this mess and had people ignoring its core problems.
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Palm Springs (2020)
20 August 2021
It was July, Covid was supposed to be in retreat, i am in Miami, its hot, and they had a sweet outdoor theater setup at Hardrock stadium, what could be better ?

Well, when i got there, they had changed the movie on us as they didnt realize (apparently) that Palm Springs was R rated and this was a family theater.

So trudged home so dispapointed, only to find it was on Hulu.

Very well done entertaining movie. Thats all your getting from me.
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Depressingly bad
10 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I just dont get it. You spend money on actors, you spend money on CGI, but you give the interns a couple nights round the table with a few beers and pizza hashing out a script ? Thats what it feels like, and this isnt the only movie like this in the Pandemic era.

Movie premise is exciting in that i dont think its really been done before, and they do try to explain away the whys and cannots of their time travel, even if unconvincingly.

I have never left spoilers in a review before, but this one i just cannot help myself, but will keep it to a minimum.

But we have people getting recruited, whether they like it or not, to fight in the future against nasty rip-you-apart aliens. The people who recruit you, decide to take your average day normal people (typically 40 or over) give you a weeks training, then send in a small army of suburbanites who can barely hold a weapon, against an army of nasty teeth gnashing aliens that have already destroyed huge armies in the future (higher tech armies?).

That, apparently, is their plan to deal with this futuristic invasion. Instead of course of spending the next 30 years preparing for it, creating weapons and armies to deal with it when it hits, no, they send these ill prepared, ill equipped people hurtling through time. Its just annoying they could not come up with something more intelligent in this story.

The movie literally continues in the intelligence insulting category.

Like when Pratt is told he was bought to the future for a reason, to help develop a toxin that will kill all the aliens. Hes a high school biology teacher. You can have bought in the worlds foremost exports, but know, you bring a high school teacher.

Later they need an expert on volcanoes, the world depends on the accuracy of the information they need to get about this Volcano, so they ask this high school kid (from Pratts class) because he loves Volcanoes.

I could go on, but i would ruin the only pleasure you can get from this movie, to laugh at it (not in a good way).

I wonder if Chris Pratt, at any time whilst making this movie, thought to himself that this was a huge mistake to be in this movie.
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very disappointed
22 May 2021
Coming off of Zacks redo of Justice League, and how it was so damned good, i was very excited for this movie.

I need not have been. It was very disappointing. Actually i tell a lie, the opening scene as they roll through the credits and show you how Vegas got to be the way it was, i was scoring the movie 7/10 at that point. But it went down hill, all the way.

Now i dont expect a masterpiece of writing in a good zombie flick, but i am expecting some hardcore nutjob like characters, and though the intro suggested we were going to get them, they never really took off.

The daughter and her storyline in this movie has to be one of the most annoying characters(almost as bad as Jar Jar) to be seen in a movie this century. Bautista just has no acting ability, so to fully utilize him it should have been full speed ahead zombie guts everywhere, but the zombie scenes were actually few and far between.

Total miss mr Snyder. Hope your TV show based on this disappointing movie is much better.
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Amazing visuals and a $2 script
2 April 2021
10/10 for the visuals and fight scenes. As to the rest, leave your brain at the door because its pretty bad. I really cant go into it without throwing out spoilers, but it came really close to me turning it off, but the fight scenes saved it.
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Bliss (I) (2021)
unfair reviews
12 February 2021
I passed this movie over several times because of its ratings, despite being a big Salma fan. Finally watched it last night, taking the watch the first 20 minutes attitude. Well i was hooked after 20, and it only got better.

Salma really grew into her role as the movie went on. Owen was a surprise too.

Its a bit of a depressing movie if you wish to look at it that way, or another way could be to come to some sort of realizing of what some people out there go through and to maybe think a little better of them.
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