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Abigail (2024)
A Fun Thriller
10 May 2024
Simple and yet entertaining. It's really not much of a horror film. More of a thriller. There is an insane amount of blood as people seem to be bursting, literally into massive blood splatters.

It's a simple story. Not much to uncover, very little layers to it. But as all vampire movies go, it's fun to watch. And it's more comical than anything. I think the biggest down fall to the movie were the criminals. For being big bad guys they were really wimpy. They felt like normal people trying to be bad thugs. I didn't hate any of them, instead they were relatable characters which made it harder to watch the outcome. It would have been more believable and enjoyable to watch the bad guys die if they actually felt like bad guys.

There were a few things that didn't make sense and it was really easy to read where the movie was going as they gave away so many hints. But overall a fun thriller to waist an evening with. And Alisha Weir was absolutely fantastic as Abigail. The whole evil child theme is always an eery one to watch and she really delivers.
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A Massive let Down
28 April 2024
I loved the original Orphan Black. It's one of my favourite series. I was quite excited to see where this new one was going to take the story. Unfortunately I was so let down.

There is no grit. There is no real mystery to uncover or bad guy to take out. There are no deep onion layers to dig through. Or cool exciting characters to find. It's so fluffy and boring compared to the original series.

The writing is so bad. The show could have been summoned up in one episode and yet somehow they manage to drag it out for 10 by adding in too many empty filler scenes that it gets boring fast. They had a great cast, but no real story to act out. What's even more disappointing is that this is supposed to be the future. And yet there is no future tech. No cool costumes. Everything is the same, except everyone has an electric car, and there's less violence. Where is the creativity? Where is the cool tech? To make it even worse they have Kira looking like a sixty year old. Which means Sarah and the other clones would be in their eighties. And yet they talk like they are young and spry and out saving the world. To top it all off, they didn't do one episode with Tatinan Maslany.

In the original Orphan black, cloning was bad. You got people playing god and making armies of clones. Everyone wanted power... it's understandable. But in this new series, remind me again what is so bad about printing a dead loved one? No one is making clone armies here. No one is selling prints for money or personal gain. The answer that they give you in the series is that, it's heartless to bring a teenager into the world that has no past memory of who they are. We need to stop this and rescue them so that they aren't confused about who they are... what is so evil about this?

Another thing that makes no sense is why the richest man on earth only has three body guards to do his biding. These three people better bring down the bad scary prints and if they can't do it... no one can.

To top it all off, I made it through all ten episodes hoping the end would end with a bang of some riddled plot that makes you finally feel like you've found out a secret and uncovered evil. It's a let down.
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A Sad, Dark, True Story
28 April 2024
I was intrigued to watch this because it's based on a true story, but I felt cautious due to its content of lesbian incest. Soon after watching the movie all my cautions vanished. It's surprisingly a good film, very dark, but well constructed.

I think the reason the movie does so well with the sensitive subject matter is that the sisters never feel like sisters. They feel like lovers from the first time you see them. And the relationship comes across as mutual. It's done in a very gentle manner that shows so much love and kindness between the two. And then as the film goes on we see a decent into madness. But you can't help but feel for the sisters and thair horrible circumstances and life. From abuse to isolation to really only having each other its understandable what happened in the end.

The movie is dark especially how things end up. For only having four characters in the movie, it did a really good job with keeping its intensity and pace. I never felt board. The acting was amazing. Jodhi May who play Lea made those panic attacks look and feel real. Her anxiety was palpable. Joely Richardson who played Christine was fabulous with the extreme intensity she brought to the screen. One moment she could be the embodiment of kindness and love. The next she is a raging mad woman.

I looked into the facts of the true story behind this movie and felt a little disappointed. It does follow the story pretty well and adds in all the main points. But the real story is more awful and intense. And would have made a better movie if they would have followed it more closely. It would have been nice to have added more of the backstory of their childhood to give more context for their actions. And they were abused by their employer for years causing them to come to the end of themselves. It's a really interesting read. It's too bad they didn't add in more.
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It's Made for Kids
8 April 2024
Anyone who loved the original, this dose not compare in anyway. The original was magical and great for all audiences. Lady and the Tramp 2 is very kiddied down. It's about Tramp's son who is pretty much a defiant teenager who wants to do things his own way. Wants to be free from his life at home. We watch as he finds young puppy love, new friends and slowly grows up into a more mature dog. It's a coming of age story.

There are a lot of songs. No real bad guy, even the pound is no longer scary like it was on the original. The love story feels cheap and oddly out of place considering Scamp is a little puppy. It's directed more for a younger audience. I loved watching this movie as a kid, but now as an adult I find it difficult to watch.

There are many plot holes, like the movie is supposed to take place right after the first. We know this because the baby boy is still a baby. Which means Tramp has maybe been off the streets for a year. And yet they have him acting like he's an old man, ten years older. Has completely forgotten the streets and denies ever being a street dog. And it doesn't make sense that the owners kept all the puppies. They would have sold them. The only nice thing about the movie is that they kept the same art style and vibrant colors.
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A Discovery of Witches (2018–2022)
All Bark and No Bite
8 April 2024
I absolutely loved the first season. They were setting up a wonderful world where witches, demons and vampires all lived in. It felt realistic and magical. There was a wonderful mystery to uncover that made me binge watch the entire first season. I thought to myself, where has this been hiding? It felt magical and exciting as the viewer slowly got to see Diana's abilities come forth. There was a great mixture of good vs evil that made you sit on the edge of your seat. Above all the cast was phenomenal. Throughout the entire series Matthew Goode was extraordinary with his talent of acting. His character depth and growth was amazing. The love story was beautifully written and so cleverly done. Above all the sets and costumes and such were gorgeous. The older buildings, items and books were stunning.

After watching season one I was so excited for season two and three, I had thought to myself, why was this series ever canceled. Then I soon found out... Season two is where the series need to expand and show more of the world they had set up. But it didn't, it stayed small. By the time we got to season three I had a hard time finishing it.

The problem with the show, is that it's all bark and no bite. Everyone is always threatening everyone. Everyone is plotting and scheming. And yet nothing comes of it. All the threats are empty. What's even more odd, is that we see the heads of the family, we see the seats of power, but we never see the army. There is no foot soldiers. There is no one to command, which makes no sense. Every king and queen has an army to back-up their threats or protect them. The series was lacking in the volume of people. It barely showed anyone but a handful of major players. And yet those major players seemed to be completely alone. There is no power or strength in the lone wolf. It got really annoying when they kept bringing up the Knights of Lazarus. They would threaten all the time about being the leader, or wanting to change them. And yet they never showed us any knights, no army, nothing. Empty words.... When someone finally does decide to do something, it's the leader of the group that makes the attack, alone. Do you ever see a queen or king go out to battle and attack alone? Normally the leaders are the last line of defence on the battle field. Where are the soldiers that they command?

Another odd thing about the series was the demons. They never showed us what makes demons different than humans. They look the same, they act the same, whats the difference? The series really should have been called "The Book of Life" The entire series revolved around getting the book. And the final episode wraps everything up in a very quick rush of disappointment.

The main two actors was the biggest draw to the show. They stand out wonderfully and are exciting to watch. They are magical on screen. Everyone else is very boring because they don't have a very interesting role in the series. They're just kinda there. Did any of them really help? Were they really useful? Were the bad guys really even necessary, what did they even achieve with all their talking, how did they slow down the good guys? The series lacked in giving any character real weight in the show other than the main two characters.
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Superfast! (2015)
It's Bad, but Oddly Funny
5 April 2024
I'm not sure why, but I tend to watch all the spoof movies created by the same people who made this one. And oddly enough I enjoy them. Yes, there's a reason they all have horrible ratings. Some of the spoof movies are even on the lowest rated movie list in IMDB. Are they good? No, not really. I think that's why I like them. They're so silly that they're somewhat funny. I like that they make fun of famous movies. Movies that we all love. Could it have been done in a more tasteful way? Yes. But still, it's nice to watch something that doesn't need any thinking. If you've seen one spoof movie from Jason Friedburg and Aaron Seltzer then you've pretty much seen them all. They all have similar jokes and style.

Superfast is better than some of the other spoof's I've seen. It's actually pretty funny in some areas. I love the way they made fun of Dwayne Johnston. That was perfect. The biggest downfall to the movie was the length of it. They somehow managed to fit in the first five fast and the furious movies into this single one. It gets a little exhausting after while when every single line in the movie is a joke. There are some cringe scenes as per usual. But over all it was still enjoyable. One of the better Spoof movies from Friedburg and Seltzer.
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Balto (1995)
Another Great Animation Film for the Entire Family
5 April 2024
A fun cartoon for the entire family to enjoy. I really liked watching this movie as a kid and I still enjoy it as an adult. The animation isn't as beautiful as Disney but the characters and story is really well put together. Especially the villain and the hero dynamic. It's done in a very dramatic way that clear cuts who you're rooting for and rings out the massage of, don't judge someone for how they look, but who they are in the inside.

Balto is about a half wolf, half dog who just wants to belong. We follow Balto as he finds himself, finds love and goes against all odds to deliver medicine to dying children. There are no songs in this one, it's a very serious cartoon that's filled with adventure and a great story.

The movie falls short in the voice actors. Kevin Bacon was not the man for the job. His voice is very flat and fails at giving life to Balto. His voice is too rough and deep. Emotion is missing from the voice actors, especially Kevin Bacon. The side characters were fantastic. I loved the mafia duck and the cute polar bears.

There is a true story of a Husky named Balto who delivered medicine to people dying in Alaska. The dog covered over 50 miles in extreme weather. But this movie is very loosely based on the true story. It's mostly fiction. But it's nice that it makes a viewer want to look up the true story and learn about what happened.
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Wholesome for the Whole Family
5 April 2024
Lady and the Tramp is good for all ages. It takes adult concepts of forbidden love and getting caught up with the bad boy and puts it in a cute cartoon about dogs. It's not dulled down to complete kiddie level, but instead holds it's own for all ages. With a mixture of a romance story, a fun adventure and decent action. It's very wholesome and has some great scenes with the trouble making Siamese cats and the famous candle lit, spaghetti eating scene. There are great side characters and a fun plot.

I love the detail and color. All the colors are very vibrant and lively. And the detail in each frame is astounding. The thought and care that went into creating this masterpiece is clearly seen from start to finish.

I also really enjoyed the fact that Lady and the Tramp has very few songs in it. It's less of a musical and more of a normal cartoon. It's fun and easy to watch. Great for the whole family.
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Tarzan (1999)
One of the Best Disney Movies
2 April 2024
Easily a masterpiece. One of the finest animated films. The music track is beautiful. So many of the songs live rent free in my head. Phil Collins out did himself. The story of Tarzan is excellent. From start to finish it's balanced perfectly. There's lots of fun action mixed with gripping hold your seat action. There's so much comedy that makes me laugh at scenes. And there's other moments that really hit the heart strings nearly making me shed a tear. They even manage to throw in a really cute love story. Tarzan is wholesome. It's fun and never gets dull for a moment. It's great for kids and adults.

I loved this movie as a kid and I still love it today. And I hope one day my kids will love it too. I wish Disney would make more movies like this one. If you haven't seen it and you love animated moves, you need to watch this. It's worth your time.
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Showgirls (1995)
The Struggle and Endurance of a Woman in Las Vagas
1 April 2024
It's a little all over the place. Not an easy movie to rate because it was really strong in some area's and very distasteful in others. It really does stick with you after.

The movie follows a woman who wants to be a dancer. Nothing is explained about her until nearly the end of the film. We watch as she struggles to find her way in Las Vagas. A city that treats all woman like prostitutes. We watch as she struggles for fame while trying to be more than just a sex item, a person who can actually dance. The movie shows an ugly side of Las Vagas. To make it big, a woman has to sell her body. They are only seen as a sex idol, or an object. We follow a woman who wants to be more and yet still falls into those cracks. This is not the normal view we see in movies. We expect Showgirls to be a fun eye candy treat, but are met with a heavy message.

The hardest and most uncomfortable thing to watch was the woman's anger issues. It would take next to nothing to set her off, on an over the top tantrum of anger. Like a little child losing their mind and being unreasonable. Being angry made sense, but they turned the dial up way too high in the scenes. And it's riddled all through the movie. Near the end it was finally growing on me but it took awhile to get there. And it took way too long to explain her anger issues.

The movies does a great job with the cast, the dancing scenes and the excessive full nudity throughout the entire movie. They also add in one wild sex scene in a pool. There's loads of eye candy, It's visually fantastic. Unfortunately there is one really hard to watch rape scene. The story is where it falters. For such a long movie that takes on a long and exhaustive journey, it has a disappointing ending. If they would have giving it a better ending, the movie would have been much more enjoyable. The ending ruined the entire movie.
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Brother Bear (2003)
Still makes Me Cry
31 March 2024
I loved this movie as a kid and I still love it. It's very wholesome with a heartfelt story. A boy who wants to be a man and his journey of growing up. It's a coming of age movie done in a very creative way. We follow a native boy who turns into a bear. There's some really sad scenes and also some really funny ones. It's an epic journey of the heart.

Maybe it's one of Disney's softer movies, as it tells us about not hurting animals and we should all be friends. The message is very politcal in that sense. But it's a really cute story and really well put together. I love the art work and the voice actors were perfect. My favorite part were the moose. They are hilarious.
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Fire and Ice (1983)
Creative but Teasing
30 March 2024
A story of the pre-man age, similar to Connan the Barbarian but animated. The art style gives us a painted background with normal drawn characters. I found it very creative with fun monsters and great gory action. Unfortunately it lacks in story giving us lots of teasing moments and keeps the viewer on the edge of their seat.

We watch as Ice wars against Fire. The cold king wants to destroy all. Everyone else is innocent and just trying to survive the brutal assault. The movie follows a few characters who are left in the aftermath. The most tiring thing about the film is that evil always seems to win. The good guys can't even get a chance to breathe. We also don't get to see one massive army against another. I was waiting for that epic battle of all of fire vs all of ice but it never came. And we really don't get to see the full force of fire, only ice. It also would have been nice to have more scenes with the ice king and his mother.

The gore is fantastic. The fighting is great. There's lots of eye candy but no real follow through with it. Most of the movie feels more like a tease instead of a follow through. There's no calm moments in the movie, it's constantly a feeling of running for your life.

It's still a fun animated movie thats very serious. There is lots of action and intense moments. The monsters are fantastic. It's not as great as Heavy Metal, but still a good watch.
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All Over The Place
29 March 2024
No real clear cut story. The first film had a fun adventure of saving the princess and falling in love... now we have so many different things thrown in to create a cluster of cliches and a boring plot.

The question is, who will be king? We already know the answer. But we watch as everyone fights and shoves for it. On top of that they throw in "lets have kids". And on top of that they give us a bit of action here and there with some side story stuff. It all becomes this jumbled mess. II really needed a clear and simple adventure. There's too many different characters now and so much going on that it creates a busy headache. There was very little time with Shrek and Fianoa together. They spent most of the movie apart which was disappointing.

It's still a good cartoon. It just doesn't have the umph that the others had. It's just "okay"
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Heavy Metal (1981)
Where has this gem been hiding?
28 March 2024
From start to finish it was good. Extremely good. The story was really fun and creative. It's packed full of fantasy, space, monsters, aliens, evil, gore, action and crazy hot girls. Each little story told is interesting, there's never a dull moment in the entire thing.

The movie follows the stories of a green evil orb and how it effects different races and planets in the universe. It tells us about the evil in people and the power the orb has.

The very adult content was perfect, all the way through we get beautiful naked women, a couple sex scenes, lots of gore and action. But not only that, the movie has a great message about evil vs good. And the music track is amazing. I'm a big fan of animation, this movie really did a great job with the art work and design. That final story, with our ultimate hero was done so well. And the costume was very creative along side the colors.
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Shrek 2 (2004)
Another Solid film in the Franchise
27 March 2024
Not as good as the first, but very close to it. Shrek 2 brings back all the same charters and voices we loved in the first, plus they add in a few more. Puss in Boots, was a very good add. I loved this character so much. He's adorable and fierce all at the same time.

A classic tale of, meet the parents. I find in the first movie I tend to forget that the princess is a daughter of a king and queen. We really get to see all of that in the second movie. And it's very funny. Well paced. And keeps you interested all the way through. Again there are great adult jokes with a fun story and great new characters. If you loved the first one you will love this one too.
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Iconic For a Reason
27 March 2024
It's a different kind of movie. Very different. But also unique. The movie succeeded beyond succeeding in merging normal film with 2d cartoon with next to no seams. This is an adult film. And it's a very entertaining one at that. With amazing special effects for it's time.

A poor struggling rabbit with a very hot wife, is framed for murder. We follow a detective as he tries to get to the bottom of it. The best part of the entire movie is how they brought Disney and Warner brother cartoon characters together in one movie. It's really fascinating that they make it seem like there really are cartoon people out there just acting on camera. It's a really fun concept. Especially since we all know cartoons are nearly impossible to kill, what happens when you bring that silly cartoon character into the real world? A world of trouble... and a really fun story. Who Framed Roger Rabbit is one of the most Iconic films to bring us a cartoon character that makes our hearts speed up with pure lust. It's a movie that had amazing special effects for it's day. And gives us a fun and entertaining story that's very different then most.
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Shrek (2001)
Still Stands Up. Solid Movie.
27 March 2024
There's a reason it has a rating of 7.9 with over 700k ratings. It's good. It's solid. It's worth your time if you love cartoons.

Shrek is one the first cartoons I ever saw that is riddled with adult jokes and yet still is a great kids movie. Most of the jokes are subtle and hint at another meaning. It's wildly entertaining for all ages.

A fun spin on the classic Disney princess story. Almost a parody. I love that they included Disney characters into the movie and still managed to add in fun songs too. The movie also has a great message, it's not how you look, it's what's inside that matters. And the character dynamic of Eddie Murphy and Mike Myers was perfect in every way. They are so funny together.

Very funny, heartfelt, great message. Entertaining plot. Perfect character dynamics. Solid movie.
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Easily A New Cult Classic
21 March 2024
This movie is strange. There's lots that doesn't make sense or is unexplained. Kind of like jumping into a trippy world. But it's fun strange. For all those who love Tim Burton films, this one is similar. My favorite part was the super bright colors. The entire movie was filmed with 80's vibes which made it that much better. Giving it a really campy, classic feel.

Yes it tries a little too hard in area's and the plot was a little disappointing with the overused love story, let's have sex before my life ends... but the character development was fun. All the characters in general were great. And the weird vibes were fantastic. This will easily become a cult classic.
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Go Watch It!
18 March 2024
If you loved part one, you will love part two. Needs to be seen in IMAX theater. The movie's soundtrack is phenomenal along side the vibration from the theater speakers with the gorgeous picture from the screen. You only really get the full masterpiece effect when seen in theaters. The movie's story is slow like the first film, but it's a masterpiece. It's visually stunning and really dives deeper into the world it's trying to show us. We finally get to see more of it along side other aspects such as new characters and the structure/order of how things are run. The film can afford to be slow because it's nearly three hours long and there is definitely going to be a part three. There's some really solid action in the movie and it's very creative with the technology, makeup, shapes and structures. You truly feel like you are entering an alien world making you crave to see more of it.
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Wynonna Earp (2016–2021)
Another fun Supernatural Fighting Show
11 March 2024
I don't know why it took me such a long time to finally sit down and try this one out. Once I started, I couldn't stop. I binged all four seasons. It's really good, it does have its flaws, but more entertaining than not. Mostly a comedy, Supernatural series with some heart. The first episode is a little rough and confusing, but really picks up after that.

The cast is what makes the series so good. I loved all of them. They all had amazing acting skills, really knew how to show emotion. And they had great chemistry together making them feel like real family and friends. They really knew how to play their parts well.

Wynonna Earp was really cleverly acted and scripted with always having energy to fight everything that came her way. The never ending sexual jokes and the goofy and yet tough act was great. I loved how they portrayed this character. Waverly the innocent sweet baby girl who is always there to cheer on the team, her relationship with Officer Haught is easily one of the best I've seen for a lesbian romance in a series. It never wavers, they're a team through and through no matter what comes their way and they have amazing chemistry together. Waverly and Nicoles part in the series was so well written. And they get so much screen time. I was really impressed. There's also a ton of movie references in the series that makes it really fun. The show has a good mixture of comedy, drama with a dash of seriousness. It's more comedy than anything. But had great heart.

The downfall of the series is in the story itself. The plots. There's not much originality and there are many, many plot holes. By the time you get to season four the plot holes are so bad, it was making me angry and frustrated, because it really didn't make sense. The worst part is the gun draw on the bad guy where they stand and talk to them for five minutes before finally deciding to pull the trigger or giving them all the time in the world to escape. Who pulls a gun and just stands there and talks while explaining to the bad guy that you are about to kill them? This got exhausting. And the constant tug of war, win one lose one is nearly in every episode, it gets exhausting. The CGI and graphics were really good. I was impressed with their costumes, other than the wings. That was horrible. And the sets were very simple. Most of it was filmed outside or on three other staged sets. They didn't show the town enough. It gave it a cheep feel.

The last season was rushed and wrapped up way too quickly. But the final episode had a beautiful ending.
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Red Notice (2021)
No Originality. Great Cast. Lot's of Action.
3 March 2024
There is nothing original about this one. It's a mixture of Mission Impossible and Indiana Jones. I loved Ryan Reynolds, but again, not original. They tried to make him sound like Deadpool. I love Deadpool, so I didn't mind the jokes. It was the one thing I really liked about the movie. But by doing this it's just reminding me of a character I really like. As always The Rock was okay, if you seen him in one movie, you've seen him in every one of his movies. Gal Gadot was beautiful as always and very capable. She too, plays a role similar to her famous Wonder Woman, but she's a little more sly in this film which was highly entertaining.

The balance of cast was perfect. The spy stuff was cool. But it's a mediocre film that takes all the things we love and tries to combine it into Red Notice. It's not a bad, it's just not great.
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Re-Animator (1985)
Truly a Mad Scientist
3 March 2024
Solid horror movie. I'm surprised Re-Animator never got more fame. From start to finish it's packed with action and horror. The gore is just down right gross all the way through, but the story is compelling. The cast is great. And more than that, it has a fresh spin on things. It's not about zombies and it's not Frankenstein's monster, but somewhere in between both of those things. The movie is creative. I loved the script with the random jokes between the gross gore, it helped lighten up the movie a little.

The best part of the entire movie is Herbert West played by Jeffrey Combs. He truly is a mad scientist to his core. He has no intention of causing harm, but just wants to experiment and reach depths no one else has, unfortunately that leads to a string of chaos. Death. And then life. The movie does not hold back on the nudity, male and female full on. It holds it's intensity all the way through. And does a great job with making the movie feel real. Even with the insane amount of blood and gore, it all looks fairly real. The movie is not for the weak of stomach. And there is one nearly rape scene that was a bit much. Some might find this funny, other's extremely offensive.
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Poor Things (2023)
Breaking All the Rules
1 March 2024
A very artistic film from top to bottom. A movie about going against the rules of society and just being who you are to your core. A coming of age movie.

I was genuinely curious what all the fuss was about with this movie. The ratings were oddly high. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I figured it must be good. I sat down and watched it, and for the first time in a long time, I was left feeling, I need break from watching movies. It was heavy and oddly memorable and really leaves a mark.

A movie that breaks all the rules. It's truly something different. From start to finish it's extremely artistic. The camera angles and lenses start out very wide and oddly strange with no color. Only black and white. And as the viewer slowly watches Bella grow we see the change in color and camera lenses and angles to try and change our view as hers does. The movie is very slow and a long adventure about self exploration and growing up. Being thrown into the rules of society and finding your own. Most of it feels very staged and otherworldly. It's extremely creative.

Easily Emma Stone's finest acting. I would be shocked if she does not win an oscar. The dramatic character growth and change she shows in the movie is astounding. The entire cast is amazing. Especially the makeup done to Willem Dafoe's face.

I know one of the main appeal's of the film will be the sex and nudity. There is plenty of it and Emma Stone shows all, literally. But the message about it is quite different. Instead of shame it's about, this is who I am and why deny the pleasure of it? Who made these rules of polite society? The script is very bold and entertaining. You never know what to expect next. It's is a very heavy movie. Very artistic and slow. If you love deep, artistic movie's definitely give this one a watch.
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Mermaids (1990)
Wholesome Coming of Age Film
26 February 2024
From start to finish, the movie was fantastic. It's written very smoothly, it's funny, down to earth and lots of great drama with an amazing cast. I was really taken back with how much I enjoyed it.

Mermaids is a coming of age film. We follow Charlotte played by Winona Ryder who is a 15 year old girl who wants to be a nun and also can't stop thinking about losing her virginity to a cute boy. On top of that we have her crazy mother who is free and wild, unlike most people in that time era. And the little sister who has no problem with chugging back a bottle of wine or willingly trying to drown herself, to break the world record of how long one can hold your breath. It's a really fun balance and interesting mixture of people. When you throw in the boyfriends and love drama it really spices up the movie. My favourite part of the whole film is the script. The lines are witty and funny and it flows so nicely always keeping your attention.

Easily one of Winona Ryder's best films. Her performance was amazing. She did such a good job with her emotions and keeping the audiences attention. She was intense and seemed genuine. She really shined in this movie. As always Ricci is very serious, but funny. This role must have opened the door for her to get the Addam Family part. As for Cher, she's done better. Her lines were perfect, she looked great but she was missing heart, the emotion wasn't there and you couldn't feel any energy from her.

All in all, it's a solid movie. Funny, cute, great drama, solid cast. And the ending leaves you with a smile on your face.
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Inhumans (2017)
Not Worth Your Time
26 February 2024
Out of all the Marvel series that have been made, this by far is the worst. I forced myself to endure watching the entire series because I am determined to watch ever marvel series and movie in order. But I had a hard time stomaching this one.

The acting is unbearable. And the lines make it worse. Every character is so cringe with the script they are given. They sound like they are reading the paper, they have no acting skills. The costume and CGI is horrific, we all know marvel can give really good costumes and special effects, why didn't they do that in this series? The entire show felt like something marvel didn't want to put any money into and yet for some reason still decided to make it. Why did they make it?

The plot is very silly. They barely use their powers. There's always this threat of the king and his horrible ability and yet he never uses it, not once. And why is it that only one person can speak sign language? And they got rid of Medusa's powers in the first episode, what was the point of having her? The plot is so cringe, along with the rest of it. Someone writing a high school play could have come up with something more creative. And for being a race of people with abilities, they barely show us the abilities.

This series could have been great if Marvel would had actually put some money into it. The Inhumans were awesome in Agents of S. H. I. E. L. D. so why didn't they make a series that was just as awesome is the question on my mind.

This is not worth the watch and it really doesn't add to the MCU at all. You're not missing anything if you skip this one.
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