
149 Reviews
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3 Body Problem (2024– )
A Complete Mess
9 April 2024
I suppose this version of the 3 Body Problem may be more easily digested by western standards. In other words it's been reduced to trash.

I read the book and watched the original series and thought both were very good. I highly recommend you search for both or either.

This version is a mess.

Suppose this version of the 3 Body Problem may be more easily digested by western standards. In other words it's been reduced to trash.

I read the book and watched the original series and thought both were very good. I highly recommend you search for both or either.

This version is a mess.

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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
Thoroughly Fantastic
21 February 2024
This is the best adaptation from the book(s) to the visual that I've ever seen. I never like the movie better than a book but this series was just as intricate and amazing as the books were.

The characters were strong, full and interesting with intricate growth. The costumes and settings were phenomenal. The cgi used only when needed and done very well.

It has a very strong medival/fantasy tone with a believable and supported world. It's humorous,romantic and adventerous. The political/power agendas are based very loosely from the "War of the Roses" (so I heard) so there's the usual treachery,poisonings,knights in shining armors etc. Evil vs good thru out.

I adored the books and was absolutely thrilled to see the series honor them so thoroughly. (With a few exceptions in the last season) I thought it was fantastic.
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Helen (2009)
9 January 2024
I believe that depression is very difficult to portray intimatly as so much of it is internal. What the outside may be witness to is the side effects. Sleeping too much very very deeply and/or sleeping to little and very lightly.

The foggyness of the mind. Forgetfulness to extremes. The lack of curiosity, will power,passion,enjoyment for anything. Lack of appetite. Explosive anger, explosive sadness....

The deep dark cave of despair hopelessness and loneliness. It is all encompassing and smothering.

This film attempted to visually portray those internal feelings and that is a very complex concept to "show" Having said that this film is as close as any I've seen to express that internal HELL adequately. But still falls short of the reality.

If you haven't walked in the shoes, as the saying goes, you are not able to FULLY understand.

Keep that in mind as you watch this.
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60 Days In (2016– )
Downhill from Season 6 On
9 January 2024
I got hooked on Season One and binge watched all available seasons up to Season 6. After that the format and entire reason for the series changed significantly. And it was utterly terrible I found that most (not all)of the participants not very authentic. Most barely likeable.(not all) Season 6 was just tedious,moronic, egocentric,superficial. Lazy editing and production. Gone was video snippits to either confirm or deny what participants were saying happened during the very few interviews. Odd random things such as no explanation for why, all of a sudden a participant was locked in his celwhile the whole other block was out in the day room as he's talking to someone thru the door to "buy drugs" During the exit interview there was no mention of the mentally disturbed inmate that had been locked in her cell without showers or recreation for weeks.

I'm leaving a lot more inconsistencies out. The whole show has just gone to crap.

Season One thru five were fantastic. Season Six was a joke. What has happened to this once, really good show?
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Eileen (2023)
3 January 2024
1960's Massachusetts. The era and setting in itself, is interesting. And showcased really well. Although for a younger crowd who doesn't recall such a different time and culture, I'm not sure they'll be as impacted as I was.

The story's pace is pretty slow burn the first half of the movie. But it builds consistently. It is interspersed with numerous surprising/shocking moments while every scene is tightly focused and spellbinding.

I loved the feel of the old noir classics.

The acting is award winning from every important character. But I think Anne Hathaway was mesmerizing.

The score and sound is top notch, as well as camera and lighting.

Directing was very focused and clear.

I'm suprised at how many films I've enjoyed this year. Seeing some older actors and actresses doing some of their best work.

Thankfully too. I was getting pretty discouraged with the super hero/barbie crap of the last 10 years.

Perhaps good film making is on the rise.
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Thought Provoking
29 December 2023
I knew I'd most probably like this movie when other reviewers complained about not understanding it's point and complained of the movie not providing answers by the end.

This was the best movie I've seen in a long time.

The interesting and creative uses of the camera was outstanding. The eerie score overlapping the normal happy everyday activities was thought provoking in itself.

The acting superb and the script genius.

The film was a mirror and instead of telling the audience what to think, it invites us to think for ourselves.

I liked it a lot, but unfortunately I'm almost sure there's many who won't.

And that's ok. I'm just so happy there's still movies like this made.
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Finestkind (2023)
Ben Foster/Tommy Lee Jones? Where Do I Sign Up
21 December 2023
They had me at Ben Foster and Tommy Lee Jones. I'd watch either of them act out a bread recipe over anything Hollywood has put out the last 20 years.

Anyone else who has lived long enough to understand that statement will probably like this movie. Others, not so much.

I read somewhere this was a made for TV movie. I couldn't tell. The quality was big screen worthy.

Also, real fishermen may or may not find fault with the technicalities. (I was in the medical profession and find medical inconsistencies on film yank me out of the required suspension of disbelief easily so I avoid those types of movies.)I enjoyed the glimpse into the fishing lifestyle.

It was a decently strong story, good acting,good cinematography, and decent directing. Not as strong as the movie "The Perfect Storm" but still a very worthy watch.

P. S. BTW, for people dissing on the accents.....Ben Foster is from Massachusetts.
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Dogtooth (2009)
A Complete Waste
18 December 2023
This film tries to be thought provoking. It is not. In fact it actually kills viable brain cells the longer you watch it.

Its intellectually stunted and worse, it has absolutely no heart.

I was astounded by the high reviews. Maybe that's the reason, the reviewers were HIGH.

There are literally thousands upon thousands of films that touch upon the subject of how our reality is taught by our environment and how we are essentially prisoners of those ideas.

Even the attempt to shock was juvenile. The script is just BAD.

There are films out there that stand the test of time...those are masterpieces.

This one gets WORSE with time.
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The Holdovers (2023)
Substantial Beautiful Real
7 December 2023
Finally......a GOOD movie. The story/script, although not a breakthrough idea, was heartfelt,full and real.

The settings were also real and gorgeous (not really a cgi fan) Camera, cinematography, lighting,sound,score....every level made my eyes and ears satisfyingly full.

Acting was oscarworthy across the board.

Directing was brilliant.

Only negative I can come up with is that the pace was a bit slow, but so much of the movie is so focused and so superbly and beautifully made I just sat back and enjoyed it.

A very thoughtful substantial and beautiful movie. A rare gem in today's superficial gimmicky movie making world.
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Lady Ballers (2023)
As a Conservative Leaning Female This was Idiotic
7 December 2023
I lean conservative, I'd like to think too that I'm a realist. This movie, realistically does not deserve the high ratings.

The acting, on the whole, is just a titch above high school play level. The story was low IQ level. The jokes not fresh or funny. The pace veeeery slow.

Camera and cinematography was perhaps the best part of the movie.

I just did not find this entertaining.

The whole thing kinda reminds me of when a bunch of guys get together and laugh at farts or when one of their buddies accidently hurts themselves.

Moronic. Boring. Idiotic. Slow.

But then again I'm not a guy, or stuck in high school brain zone.
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Killer Cases (2020– )
Hated it. (And I watched 5 episodes) They All Sucked.
4 December 2023
This crime documentary series has a very basic, very dumbed down formula for each episode. ( as opposed to "Forensic Files" Homicide Hunter" and literally tens of other QUALITY crimes documentary shows) There is very little actual scientific/logical evidence presented to us as viewers. I just hope the juries were presented with overwhelming evidence that we the viewers were not shown, otherwise the detectives,lawyers and juries are failing miserably and shockingly and innocent people are going to Prison.

The only half way interesting parts are extremely edited and reduced actual footage. (Not even crucial footage!!) We get footage of what the lawyers say in the actual courtroom but again without any mention of any actual scientific evidence. Its just a very ODD way of presenting a documentary.

There is no time showing any police or good detective procedure.

At the end of each episode there is a few minutes of the closing arguments that also does not reveal any evidence.

These suspects/defendents most likely ARE guilty but the way their cases are presented in this show they weren't proven beyond a reasonable doubt. I'm left feeling like justice is NOT served.

Bland, boring, mindless, superficial unintelligent. Very miniscule in information.

Hated it.
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Beacon 23 (2023– )
Interesting Enough for a Plan to watch Episode 3. But It must Hook Me Better by Then
13 November 2023
The opening scenes drew me in immediately. I love Lena and always enjoy her acting skills and the other actors did admirable jobs.

The setting is interesting and futuristic appearing.

I think where this series may be off putting to some is the story. I'm really hoping that future episodes gives us some more character depth. I've watched the first 2 episodes and am interested enough to continue but I'll be needing a bit more action and/or something that makes me feel like I know the characters more intimately.

So far it's borderline for me as to if I'll make it thru the whole series. I am pretty patient and actually prefer character driven stories but admittedly It drags a bit.
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Supernanny (2005–2020)
7 November 2023
I was thrilled to notice a new season made. I watched all the shows when they were airing in the 2000s and I got so much out of them that I used in raising my kids!!

I've often wondered how "super nanny" would address the modern family issues. (Increased mental health diagnosis, the internet and digital devices etc.) Her approach makes sense and has remained consistent after all these years. ("Say what you mean, mean what you say, and don't sound mean when you're saying it"...."sprinkle the praise"...."redirect" more) I HIGHLY recommend parents watch how she works with these families.
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Rebecca Miller(writer/director) A Relatable Heartwarming Film with Quirky Intriguing Circumstances
25 October 2023
This film gives me hope that there are still writers/actors/producers out there who understand what I need in a movie. I'm NOT the demographic anymore. So Gems like this are hard for me to find.

The film is unique! With a tugboat, (with female captain) opera theater, (with composer) and a psychiatrist with O. C. D.

I LOVED the characters. Imperfect but well intended characters who each come to a greater awareness of what is needed to be more fulfilled and happy.

This film has heart. It's subject matter about real emotions set in a quirky set of circumstances is very relatable and heartwarming. Reminiscent of good ole fashioned story telling that touches the soul.

Something I desperately needed.

P. S./added edit.....I was unfamiliar with the director, Rebecca Miller. Without making any connections, I had actually seen one of her movies years ago that I thought was brilliant with Daniel Day Lewis. And am now, halfway thru her 2016 movie. She has a very clear point of view. And it's very relatable to me as a woman who has said and thought some of the same ideas that Ms. Miller explores in her movies. I'm such a fan!!! Looking forward to catching up on her past films and hope she has more coming!
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Loved It
18 October 2023
Maybe it's because I'm a Gen X, and have lived long enough to be unsettled more by the unknown and the hidden in plain sight rather than the obvious big scary mean up in your face monster.

I can handle up front obvious in your face!!(although still scary, at least I have something substantial to resist) In my opinion It is in the subtleties that wears a person down that's terrifying. Those instances that make us enter into the endless caverns of our own minds, (where we are TRUELY ALONE)that can have a person questioning their own reality, life,morality/beliefs and mortality. I know all this now, as an older person who is more insightful and self reflective than I was 30 years ago.

Therefore my favorite kind of horror (although I enjoy most kinds) is exactly what this movie is.

I enjoyed the crap out of it.
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11 October 2023
I was hoping to get to know Daryl more.....but alas this series is very short on character development. The writers lack the depth of understanding of exactly why people love Daryl. That magical recipe that TWD writers understood has not been re created here! I've watched 5 episodes and really can't emotionally connect to any of the characters. A lot of the time I'm just trying to stay tuned into deciphering accents or reading translations. The costumes are BORING, the setting has no contrast, it's just one aspect after another that continually pulls me away from being submerged into their world.

I think it's a bit better than Negan and Maggie's spin off. But not by too much.

Honestly I'm not one that goes back and rewatches movies/series that I've enjoyed. Once has always been enough. But TWD has something special I'm not finding anywhere else.
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Hijack (2023)
Warning:Not a Review But a Rant Born of Frustration
23 September 2023
Warning, this isn't a review but a RANT.....People that give a film low rates because they judge a characters actions or words as morally or politically not pleasant drives me absolutely insane, and it's happening more and more often.

Ratings are NOT so you can get up on your soap box and preach about how stupid,irritating or wrong a character behaves or if the situation the story is about hurts your feelings.

Did the film entertain you? Did it make you FEEL ( yes, even being irritated or feeling dislike for a character IS A is what good films INTEND to do.) I'm rather sick and tired of the holier than thou judgements people spew that are passed off as legitimate critiques.

Does it make people feel self righteous? Make them feel like they've actually bettered society? I don't know, I just don't get it.

For those precious reviewers actually review and critique a film based on the skills of the actors,director,camera operators,screenwriters, costumers,editors etc THANK YOU.
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Enjoyable For Specific Demographics
21 September 2023
Wonderfully familiar faces of very talented actors was the highlight in this movie. Included in this non Hollywood budgeted film, is a great setting and top notch camera work. Mostly an enjoyable experience.

However, If inconsistencies easily pull you from the brink of the necessary suspension of disbelief (ie: constantly calling a flash/thumb drive a hard drive, or a dial tone coming from a cell phone) then you may want to skip this one.

The movie has good intentions, and it's familiar. Just a bit out of modern day touch.

Had it been about an older generations struggle to stay on top in a world they obviously don't understand anymore. (Made more comedic situations.) I think audiences could get behind that with bells on. Nick Cage has a unique comedic voice I wish we could see more often and in more depth. After all, as us older generations navigate such a changed world, we often find the humor in it.
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Costumes/Setting Stole the Show
19 September 2023
Have always enjoyed movies about this fascinating time period, and never get too anal about historical accuracy. What's most important for me, as a movie buff is that the creators get the "heart" and the "atmosphere" of it across with the tools available. (Actors, camera,music,setting,costumes, dialogue and a solid story) The positives for me: There were some gorgeous costumes, hair, make up and settings which all seemed to be historically correct and if they weren't it didn't matter. The score was ok. Nothing of it stood out neither exceptional or terrible. The subtitles, often, were not clear in translation and that may of knocked my enjoyment of the movie somewhat. ( I watch subtitled movies frequently, and this is NOT usually a big issue) Seems like a fascinating story with some full characters but the story did not hit me as emotionally hard as I would of liked. It just didn't feel intimate enough for me.

There was some solid acting, but again, it was a story that didn't flesh out the characters enough for my tastes.

It was ok.
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Achingly close to REALLY good
14 August 2023
I wouldn't classify this as a horror. This movie is more of a psych drama. Although it's a very decent film, it could of easily been way more intense and interesting had a few more elements added.

I found the setting too "nice" A missed opportunity to convey a n added depth to the story.

Some real good acting takes place, the camera work, lighting (which I could of used a lot more play with light and shadow, but it was, at least, present) sound and editing were competently done.

It had a few eerie moments,it had a few warm and fuzzy moments, it had some uncomfortable moments, but none of it was what I would call surprising or edge of your seat.

The story was above average but the last ten minutes, a few things didn't add up, for me.

Better than a lot, but achingly soooo close to what could of been excellent.

Would still recommend.
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14 August 2023
It was a decent documentary but missed opportunities.

A pretty concentrated and focused film! Perhaps more suited for those just beginning to become aware of social media issues. It's definitely a step in the right direction.

I'd be interested in other areas of concern besides the more obvious ones stated in this documentary.

I.e. Digital addiction, effects on cognitive,social,mental etc on children who are now being inundated with constant digital input.

I do have to say, I was leaning more towards the concept of freedom of speech and taking personal responsibility in what a person allows for themselves and their families (I still believe that) but this documentary has me pondering if it won't take more then that. Not sure. Will continue to ponder In the end, I suppose thats what a decent documentary should do.
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The Mist (2007)
Member of the LOVED IT Camp
11 August 2023
Reading other reviews it seems most people either really liked it, or really hated it. There were very few people who felt mediocre.

For me....that means it's a winner. The film makes you feel,think, and react strongly. Which is what a GREAT story does. One reviewer even stated the movie was good until the ending where the character responded 'immorally' and therefore it rated very low. Just because you disagree with how characters behave, doesn't mean it's a bad story or movie. (Sorry, I just had to stand on my soap box for just a second to shout that out)

It is a microcosim and an exaggeration of human nature, if a little on the cynical side.

The ending just really pissed some people off!! Since I don't prefer my endings to be wrapped up in a pretty bow and served on a silver platter, I loved it. If you love irony, you'll love it too.

The actual film making is still good after 16 years. CGI is a bit dated, but the film doesn't DEPEND on it. The acting is super!! The characters strong and consistent. I have a good attention span so I thought the pace was just right.

A few tiny plot holes...but suspension of disbelief was attainable.

Great camera action and music that compounded the general atmosphere.

Over all a movie that is leaps and bounds better than many made in today's Hollywood studios.
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Tricky Dick (2019)
As Part of Further Research
31 July 2023
Admittedly, my rating is based after finishing only one episode.

Curious, I came to Imdb to see what others thought about the production and was rather surprised to see so few reviews.

I wasn't born until 1968, and there was very little taught to us in school about Nixon. (Perhaps there was, but I didn't retain much of it) now that I'm in my 50s, my child raising days over, and my Country in more turmoil than ever, I'm thirsty for knowledge about history. I'm beginning to see such similarities!!

In regards to a few of the reviewers statements. I agree it is important to search for as many sides of a subject matter to get the most accurate info available and most importantly understand how and when you are being swayed.

Although another reviewer mentions that this is a simple retelling of what is already known, If you aren't very familiar with this subject, and appreciate actual recordings (audio and visual) this is a great place to start on your road to further research.
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Cobweb (2023)
Best Horror I've Seen In Years
28 July 2023
I'm a horror movie buff, and tend to like older productions but don't mind a bit of blood and gore as long as it isn't purely for gross out value.

The first half of the film was creepy. In a way, that made me question...was that REALLY creepy, or was it just my imagination? Is that real or supernatural? The first half had me questioning and becoming very invested.

The acting was excellent. Great camera work!! Wonderful setting!!

Appropriate score and creepy sound and lighting.

On the other hand, once the second half started, I think it answered my questions too fast and my imagination wasnt tickled as much. But I was invested by then and it had been a fun ride so far..... I have a feeling some people may like the second half better while others the first half. It had a little bit of everything for everybody which usually ends up being a hot mess. But this worked for me!!
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The KIND of Movie I Typically Appreciate
27 July 2023
Typically I adore films that do not waste artistic opportunities, but for me, I found my attention wandering often in this film. And that's unusual for me.

The story was unclear and the plot unengaging and slow.

The acting is phenomenal. The soundtrack powerful. The lighting,camera work,and setting were all done very mindfully.

I love all the TECHNIQUES used, but it was just TOO much technique for me and I think it distracted from the journey of the story. I need to enjoy the journey as much as the end.

After all of IF you can't engage and KEEP interest and make an audience feel invested.....a beautifully done last 5 minutes doesn't make up.

Still, it's the KIND of movie I appreciate.
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