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Cassandro (2023)
Bland Tale of an Interesting Life
11 December 2023
I watched some footage of the actual Cassandro after we finished the movie, and it showed just how tame and bloodless this movie was. Why was Gael locked into this one bad haircut when Cassandro had great, grand hair?

This tameness also brings the storytelling down to a very banal level; the love story, the career rise-nothing felt like it had any real stakes. Only the relationship between Saúl and his mother raised this by-the-numbers biopic above the snooze-level.

I'm glad to have learned of this fascinating world of Lucha Libre and this interesting corner of queer culture, the Exoticas, but it could have been so much more fun.
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Inside Man (II) (2022)
Deeply Disappointing
16 January 2023
You can tell Stephen Moffat and crew were very pleased with themselves when they came up with the concept. Trouble is, they weren't smart enough to realize they don't know how to write mysteries.

There are two halves to this show... David Tennant as the possible murderer in England, and Stanley Tucci as the death row detective in America. The England part is... pretty good? But Tucci's detective set-ups and resolutions are laughably unrealistic. You can poke holes in his "detective work" in two seconds.

The show just feels cutesy. There's a potential interesting story with the (possible) murderer being a good man who thinks he can remain good. The show could have been about that and left the Tucci character on the cutting room floor. Good actors wasted.
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Superb Actors Save a Messy Movie
12 December 2022
The script is clumsy (Really? Breaking the fourth wall?), the blocking is stumbling and cinematography bland (I felt bad for the poor editor who seemed at a loss to shove the clunky shots together). But in the end, this movie still worked.

It was a pleasure to spend two hours with these actors, especially the always witty and wonderful Sigourney Weaver. She gives the part weight without making it heavy, and she is well-supported by Robert Kline, Rebecca Henderson, Rob Delaney, and Morena Baccarin, all of whom turn in well-rendered performances. And in the end, all the pieces came together to make a satisfying story about people trying-some successfully, some not-to get through life's trials.
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Ozark: A Hard Way to Go (2022)
Season 4, Episode 14
Ozark Sticks the Landing
7 May 2022
I'm frustrated by all the reviews that wanted a sentimental ending to a clear-eyed show about the bankruptcy of morality. The brilliant call backs that have made these last 7 eps such a pleasure continued accelerate and surprise. A perfect ending to a nearly perfect show. Just thank you.
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Covering History in Shiny New Clothes
15 February 2022
I gave the movie 6/10 for the work by the wonderful actors. But this movie verges on the ridiculous. It is an excellent theme-traumatized victims of the Holocaust forming a new family to help each other heal-but it is wildly inaccurate about history.

At the end of WWII, Budapest was a bombed-out wreck. Yet everywhere here, it is in fine shape, and everyone has new clothes and shiny apartments. One character talks about the wedding they were planning for the April, 1945... which was during the siege of Budapest when everyone was starving!

Then there are the unbelievable ways the doctor acts with the girl right from the start of the relationship. Propriety is a much bigger issue in Central Europe in the middle of the 20th Century. The arrangement they made would have been impossible. Only the teachers at the school seem to care!

Multiple threats in the movie just fade away to nothing as if the screenwriters forgot.

Considering the wonderful cast and potential, this movie is terribly frustrating.
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All About Eve (2019)
Deadly Adaptation
21 January 2022
There are a lot of great actors involved in this production, and they're doing the best they can, but the conception of this piece is horrible, and the experience excruciating.

When you really sit down and listen to Joseph Mankiewicz's original script, you realize how heavy and pretentious it is. Luckily, in his direction of the original movie, he managed a lightness that made the piece sparkle.

But this adaptation takes the heaviness and just adds to it with pretension. First, there is terrible, intrusive score. Whatever comedy might have been achieved is flattened by an eternal, ominous drone that kills the actors' rhythms.

Then there is the video screen which again looms larger (literally and in attention) than the actors. The idea works best with Gillian Anderson's mirror POV, but it is just awful in the party sequence. The actors caught on camera look uncomfortable and like they're stuck in a scullery closet, but we end up watching them more than the actors on stage, and that's just bad theatre.

Watching Gillian Anderson do Bette Davis almost makes this production worth it, but only almost.
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Original and Full of Light
20 December 2021
Hot Summer Nights is not a flawless film, but it's an excellent film. The construction of the characters, the use of legend vs reality, the amazing rhythms, visuals, and the crackling script all made for an exciting film full of characters I cared about.

The writer/director doesn't seem to have a lot of credits to his name, but I hope he has a bright career ahead, because he's exceptionally talented.

I tracked down this film because I want to see all of Chalamet's work. This movie and Miss Stevens shows that he had his acting chops early. There is an openness and a confidence to everything he does, and he moves with astonishing grace. Maika Monroe and Alex Roe keep up with him, and they form a wonderful acting trio.

And finally, Thomas Jane, as the cop, gives a turn that surprises with its heart. All through the movie, characters turn out to be more than their own stereotypes, and that makes for a wonderful, rich movie experience.
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Doctor Sleep (2019)
It's Own Movie
8 November 2021
Doctor Sleep surprised me with its heart and a strong sense of the characters and their journeys. It has fun riffing off "The Shining" (and the actors reprising the original roles are actually one of the weaker parts of the movie), but Danny's story of trauma and growth rings very true, especially with McGregor's beautiful performance.

Of course, it's Rebecca Ferguson whose brilliant character creation as Rose the Hat that steals the show. Her movement, voice, beauty, calm fury are all rich and believable. The child murders committed by her and her family are truly horrific and effectively done.

Abra's character is a little too self-assured for a 13 year old, even a smart and powerful one, but I have few complaints about the movie and the characters have stayed with me days after watching.
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Pig (I) (2021)
Super Pretentious
15 August 2021
I kept waiting for someone to say, "Here, can I clean your wounds?"
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Lost Opportunity
22 May 2021
A good cast and talented designers are left out to dry by incompetent direction and especially screenwriting. The characters are inconsistent and have no development arc. The understanding of social roles in history is abandoned for nonsensical melodrama. The most centred sex scenes are heterosexual, and queer love is left as a strangely posed affair in long shots.
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Hope Springs (2012)
False and Dull
28 June 2020
A waste of time. a meandering mess by a director who seems lost. Tommy Lee Jones' character makes sudden emotional leaps that are utterly unbelievable. You can tell that this movie panders to its audience of Karens because in the end, the trouble with the marriage is ALL the man's. Meryl gets everything she asked for and Tommy Lee gets nothing he asked for.

This is wish fulfillment for entitled, self-centred suburban wives.
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Caliphate (2020)
So Much Wasted Potential
24 June 2020
Great subject, great actors. The writing was absolutely abysmal. Not only was the dialogue endlessly repetitive and stultifying, but character motivations made no sense, and all because of bad script editing.

There was plenty of room in this series to slow down and learn about the characters, and let those slow scenes illuminate the action ones. But instead, everyone seemed to spend the entire series flapping around like alarmed chickens, especially Fatima, the main character.

Nothing made sense in terms of police and security procedure, the relationships had no depth or resonance.

What a sad waste.
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
An Idea in Search of a Script and Filmmakers
12 April 2020
Great idea: using the invisible man plot in service of a movie about stalking and the way especially women are haunted by abusive relationships. But the movie seems to have been made by people who have idea about police procedure, how science and invention works, estate law, general logic, storytelling, or film making.

Elizabeth Moss is such a good actor, she almost makes it worthwhile, but the most fun was just spending the whole second half making fun of the dumb decisions.
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Class (I) (2016)
Superb! Why isn't Patrick Ness the showrunner of Doctor Who?
14 December 2019
The one and only season of "Class" is brilliant, coherent, emotional, and superbly constructed. It puts a lot of balls in the air and juggles them with aplomb. There are no places in the entire season where you feel like they've forgotten about any of the characters or the world they're creating.

The diverse cast is all wonderful and believable, and the adventures they go through always serve character: whether it's pacifist Tadeusz struggling to keep his boyfriend Charlie on a moral course, or Tanya's insecurity about her age, or Quill's dual pull between caretaking and revenge, the stories always reveal more and more about them.

The show looks great, especially episodes like the one where the town is covered in killer vines, and the acting is all top-notch. Yes, it's fairly bloody and doesn't totally settle into its rhythm until the second episode, but this show is anything but second-rate Who. It is a model of action/adventure/SF and it's a tragedy that it never got its second season.
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Strapped (2010)
10 August 2019
A movie that proves that low budget doesn't mean low quality. This stylish, smart movie uses and episodic structure to tell one moving tale. The main character, a prostitute who ends up with four customers while lost in a slightly surreal apartment building, ends up having to face the truth about his own avoidance of love.

All the performances are honest, the settings beautiful and inventive, and the director fully in control of the narrative, which runs the gamut from comic to sad (although never too dark). Highly recommended!
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Uneven but Moving
10 August 2019
The movie feels a little underwritten, like they needed to work a little harder on making the plot flow. But I want to HIGHLY recommend the director's earlier movie, "Strapped." It was also made up multiple stories that came together in one narrative, but it was much more focused and fun.
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Well-Acted, but a Little Clunk
21 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the two-part structure very much, and the WWII settings seemed very authentic. The acting was always on point, but the script let the actors down sometimes, making some of the emotional transitions too abrupt and unclear.

The movie also seems to have a problem with passionate sex. Every time sex actually shown, it is depicted as negative, as if Flora's views about "animals" was also the movie's. The two sets of happy lovers were only shown post-coitally or avoiding sex altogether. This is a rather odd stance: as if part of being successful partners isn't also having enthusiastic sex.

But I was very happy to have another movie showing the terrible pressure placed on queer people in the past, and the way the brutal laws affected not only the men, but also the others in their lives.
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Doom Patrol (2019–2023)
Sad, Funny, Heroic
25 March 2019
When I saw the first images of "Doom Patrol" - some stills released months back - I thought it was going to be a disaster. How could something that looked this cheesy be created by people with any commitment to quality? Boy, was I wrong. The campy aspects of the show are deliberate and carefully considered, and this absurd show about people who don't want to be heroes is beautiful and tragic and full of love and incredible humour.

It just goes to show you that you can produce the most lavish effects in the world, but it won't help tell your story. Instead, put a terrific movement actor in a dumb-looking robot suit, give him Brendan Fraser's f-bombed dialogue, and we have a character we totally care about. Ditto all the other characters in the show. Even the cheap CGI horsehead totally works!

Six episodes in and the show hasn't dropped the ball once.
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A Story by People Who Know Nothing
2 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
One star for the cinematography, one star for Asa Butterfield's mature and understated performance. Everything else was complete nonsense. The actors consistenly react from historical knowledge they couldn't have. There is no sense of the stakes of war and how, for instance, a wife of a Nazi officer would dare behave.

The idea that a child in a concentration could sneak off daily to hang out at the unguarded fence and play chequers is insulting, and the entire ridiculous ending depends on people somehow understanding that Bruno entered the camp (there is no way that child could have dug that trench in the 30 minutes he had), dressed as a prisoner, and got caught up in the random gassing. When the father yells, "Bruno!" the mother somehow hears him and instantly understands all that has happened. That's just the worst example of writing and directing that understands nothing about history, nothing about the culture, nothing about human motivation.

One of the stupidest movies I've ever seen. But Asa Butterfield was an amazing actor even back then! Watch him in "X+Y" and "Sex Education."
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Imaginative Adaptation of a Great Book
3 June 2018
The novel, A Wrinkle in Time, was the first I read that really felt like "my" book. I was 12 years old, and was totally captivated and changed by the story. I have re-read it numerous times in my life, taking new lessons from it at different stages in my life.

I approached the movie with trepidation, especially after the terrible adaptation done in 2003, but I was pleasantly surprised by this well-made film. I thought the movie caught the spirit of the book, while updating it cleverly.

The kid actors were terrific, especially Storm Reid as Meg. A couple of the "relevant" jokes (Mrs. Who making hip-hop references) were too cute, but I liked how they linked mean girl culture to self-esteem and then linked that to the spreading darkness of "It." While that is not what L'engle wrote, it is definitely in the spirit of her message.

The filmmakers made great use of a smart black girl lead. When "It" tempts her with a life where she's popular, the vision includes her having straightened hair. Making Oprah Winfrey, as Mrs. Which, her mentor also underlined this thread. Again, a brilliant way to make the film relevant to 2018 without losing the heart of the story in any way.

The movie really needed another 30 minutes in its run-time (and it wasted 12 of what it had with a stupid sequence of "hey look at me!" CGI), and needed to work a little harder on selling the physics, but I thought it was solid.
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Last Tango in Halifax: Episode #3.4 (2015)
Season 3, Episode 4
18 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
It's hard to describe just how betrayed I felt as a queer viewer by Kate's death. What a brave and wonderful thing to have a main character, especially a middle-aged one, come out on a TV show the way Caroline did. It is not a topic we see that often if it's not the focus of the show. It demonstrates that gay people come out at different ages, and that we are just part of the larger family.

What a betrayal, then, when that one non-heterosexual relationship out of all the ones in the show is snuffed out so summarily, so callously. When queer people see themselves on screen, we are seeing something that is rare and wonderful. And then to find out that our identification is so expendable is crushing.

I will also point out that the same thing can be said for people of colour seeing their stories told. Last Tango is now two-for-two with flushing non-white characters. It must be a relief to conservative people tuning in to see that everyone is now white and heterosexual again.
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Don Jon (2013)
Confident, stylish, intelligent
25 December 2015
Don Jon is a movie of staggering confidence, artistic swagger, and biting humour. It is especially impressive for a directorial debut. Joseph Gordon Levitt's control of tone in the service of an important, carefully observed, and nuanced story is amazing. Note the difference in pace, editing, and camera-work as The title character learns to see sex and relationships in the new light. The actors are universally good, rising above stereotype to deliver performances of deep understanding. Especially notable is Scarlett Johansson who turns out to be a comedian of great precision. There isn't a false note in the whole picture, which is brought in at an admirably concise 87 minutes. Levitt is building a whole career on surprises and daring. I look forward to what ever he does text.
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Pit Stop (2013)
Doc, it has a pulse, but barely
26 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I was kind of generous giving this movie 6 out of 10, but I at least admire it for never having a false moment. The actors and the director made everything believable, but it was such a set of dreary characters in undramatic scenes, that the movie was actually painful to watch. I think I mostly blame the script which failed to find a way to really make us care.

The ending seemed to be about some kind of redemption and finding love, but all it really was was a successful hookup. "Hey, call me," says Gabe. "Anytime," and they head off smiling, in the hope of another session of manly frottage. But given all the heartbreak and disappointment, there is nothing here that points to a great future.

Compare this to the date episode in the first season of the TV show, "Looking." Nothing but two guys almost just about to fall in love, spending the day together talking about their lives, their fears, their histories, sex. And it was totally engaging because there was a tentative fragility and joy to the whole thing. "Pit Stop" (why is it called this?) never found such lightness.
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Archipelago (2010)
Not When You're Sleepy
2 August 2015
This is a maddening movie, though a good one. The structure is just about perfect, and the family's dysfunction unspools in a very controlled way. The acting is universally excellent and clear. The movie makes wonderful use of the unique landscape of the Isle of Scilly, and all in all, I felt I was in the hands of first class creators.


The rhythm is eternally and unchangingly slow. Every scene begins with long, long minutes of barely discernible action. There is, despite the simmering resentments, only a single explosion. This lugubrious technique is both effective and maddening. The movie seems like an experiment in just how far you can go into hazy somnambulance and still create dramatic tension.

Don't watch it when you're sleepy.
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Also the Best Comedy of the Year
20 February 2015
In addition to this movie being a bravura and gorgeous piece of technical and cinematographic art, it is also one of the sharpest comedies I've seen in a long time. The cast understand perfectly that the best comedy comes out of acting the pain of the scene. The insecurities and loves of the actors are sometimes ridiculous and hilarious, but always believable and brilliantly portrayed.

In fact, the movie gets less interesting at the end when we stop having the interplay of the four actors in the play. And Edward Norton! Seriously, the man has done almost nothing worth watching since "Fight Club" (he was good in a small role in "Moonrise Kingdom") but here he is astounding. The timing, the physicality, the interplay with Keaton, Naomi Watts and Emma Stone — just fearless and top-notch.
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