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7 June 2024
A nifty whodunit for ace detective Philo Vance, this time played by Paul Lukas. William Powell was asked to continue the role (last played in THE KENNEL MURDER CASE), but obviously caught up in the THIN MAN and didn't want to confuse both characters.

That said, MGM borrowed from the Thin Man mystique and welcomed the competition, developing Philo Vance into more of a "sociable" detective. In fact, the studio attempted to showcase Lukas and co-star Rosalind Russell against Powell and Myrna Loy. The mystery, well written by the team of Edgar Allen Woolf and Florence Ryerson (who wrote the screen version of the WIZARD OF OZ), is about a devious killer with lots of poison, attempting to kill socialite Lynn Llewellyn (Donald Cook) at his uncle's casino and finally succeeding in doing in his wife, played by popular MGM actress Louise Henry. Bottom line, a family member may be the killer -- but who?

Debonaire Paul Lukas is quite good as Vance, although critics weren't too keen about his Hungarian accent. The supporting cast is excellent, lead by versatile Alison Skipworth (on loan from Paramount Pictures), playing matron Priscilla Llewellyn, young Rosalind Russell as Doris, also Eric Blore, pretty Isabel Jewell and silent screen comedian Louise Fazenda (married to producer Hal B. Wallis) as Becky. Not to miss former Three Stooges alumnus Ted Healy as the police sergeant.

By midway, can you guess whodunit?

Edwin L. Marin did an excellent job of directing, next to handle the GARDEN MURDER CASE, starring Edmund Lowe as Philo Vance opposite Virginia Bruce. The Vance mysteries were exceptional, this being the eighth in the film series, MGM buying up the books and making author S. S. Van Dine quite wealthy. However, the THIN MAN (or rather William Powell) was tough competition to beat.

Always on remastered dvd and thanks to TCM for rerunning this gem that hasn't been on tv for decades.
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The Beverly Hillbillies: The Sheik (1965)
Season 4, Episode 3
7 June 2024
What makes this goofy episode a classic is the appearance of Dan Seymour, enormously popular film and tv character actor who specialized in villainous roles, sort of in the tradition of Victor Buono.

Seymour plays Sheik Ahmed who strikes up an oil deal with Mr. Brewster (Frank Wilcox) of the OK Oil Company and, of course, Jed. Ahmed, in turn, offers four harem girls to Jed to seal the deal --until he sets his eyes on beautiful Ellie May. It's love at first sight and Ahmed will do ANYTHING to add her to his collection of wives!

Series writer Mark Tuttle tosses in some unforgettable dialogue, especially between Jed and the Sheik, add a bunch of outrageous scenes, include Granny in a few. Without too much surprise, Jed refuses to give Ellie away, and that's when love-starved Jethro enters the picture. Jethro has a secret talk with Ahmed --and in return -- gets his own herem and throw in one camel in exchange for Ellie? The scene with Jethro dressed as a shiek is laugh out loud funny.

There's more...

Not wanting to mess up the oil deal, crafty Mr. Drysdale suggests Miss Jane become a harem girl to lure Ahmed away from Ellie. Nancy Kulp's revealing outfit is sitcom classic, one of the most original wardrobe changes she ever had, and don't miss her bellybutton. This all would have made a dynamic Holloween episode.

10 stars for the insanity.

Seymour, who appeared in such film classics as CASABLANCA and KEY LARGO, steals the show and his offbeat role had to have inspired producers to cast him as the maharajah on BATMAN about a year later. Two of the harem girls, Diane Bond and Nai Bonet were quite popular in cult films of the the 60s.

Dedicated to all us devout BH fans. Must See TV. SEASON 4 EPISODE 3 remastered. Check out the classic color dvd box cover.
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Mannix: Bird of Prey: Part 2 (1975)
Season 8, Episode 21
6 June 2024

Back in the day, all of us kids thought this show would go on forever, and took it for granted, much like GUNSMOKE that ran for twenty years. Sunday nights would never be the same. Being a final season episode, and particularly, one of the very last episodes of the series, the story reminds you of the early years, kind of closing the circle. True, there's the Catalina effect, for which I took off a star, however, you can't turn down a solid chase. Also a salute to Mike Connors, still rolling with the punches

Yes, writer Alfred Hayes, known for international films, wrote this second part episode much in the style of THE FUGITIVE, and is Joe ever a wanted man.

Mannix is neatly framed for the assassination of a South American country president and is marked for death. I do agree with the last reviewer, he has ample time to make a getaway, which plays into the MISSION IMPOSSIBLE theory and timetable of events at hand. Worth mentioning once again, the story may have been an outline for a M. I. episode. Sit back and enjoy the wild ride.

A prime example of how a top director can make things roll. Credit Michael O'Herlihy, born in Dublin, who directed seven episodes for the series, many more for HAWAII FIVE O, not to forget THE FALL GUY and the A TEAM. Adventure on steroids.

The cast definitely puts this one over the top, foremost Robert Loggia in an excellent dramatic role. It's actually a contest between he and Mike Connors for acting awards. Pretty Andrea Marcovicci plays Adriana, lending excellent support, also popular actor Richard Evans as Victor. Honorable mention to Alexander Scourby as the count, whose deep voice was perhaps better known than his face.

The ending, and it's a long time to get there, is worth the wait, just like the old days. Note the remastered color, especially the outdoor scenes. Nice touch.

SEASON 8 EPISODE 21 CBS/Paramount dvd box set. 6 dvds. Released 2012, similar classic artwork design to CANNON Season 5 final season collectors edition.
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The Twilight Zone: Elegy (1960)
Season 1, Episode 20
5 June 2024
The year 2185. Jeff Murrow and his crew make a short pitstop, about 600 million miles from Earth, on a small planet. What they encounter is absolutely bizarre, if not creepy, classic material once again written by Charles Beaumont, whose style was much like Rod Serling.

The planet is actually a modern graveyard, called "Happy Glades," a bunch of people frozen in various settings for eternity. Best of the deal is spry, old caretaker Cecil Kellaway, in an outstanding performance, whose job is to keep the residents from being disturbed, since they have paid to be able to live out their fantasies!

One incredible tale that keeps you guessing right to the end, make not mistake about it. Kellaway is the whole show, and with a wry smile, perhaps one of his most memorable tv performances. Jeff Murrow is right at home as an astronaut, best remembered for the iconic 50s sci fi, THIS ISLAND EARTH.

I agree with the last reviewer, as kids, we all loved the outer space TZ episodes, they were rich in flavor, had endless possibilities, and wait for the final scene. That's the pay off. If the space ship controls look familiar, that's because they were borrowed from the famous sci fi movie, FORBIDDEN PLANET, also used for other TZ episodes.

SEASON 1 EPISODE 20 remastered. Classic dvd box set. A must for collectors.
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5 June 2024
Finally! The show was photographed in color, beginning with the fourth season, and something magical happened. I think the episodes became even more outrageous. This is a prime example, and the reason series writer Mark Tuttle stood with the series so long.

Once again a simple story gone haywire. Mr. Drysdale wants Jed to buy a yacht and join the elite yacht club. Jed gets his hands on an admiral's uniform -- and goes shopping for a boat. Taking a "slight" detour, the Clampetts arrive at the U. S. Navy shipyard instead. Which battleship will Jed buy???

Over the top stuff, and I agree with the last reviewer, there's some funny military lingo written between the lines. Jed asks one of the crew members, who thinks he's a REAL admiral, where Mr. Drysdale is? "Is he supposed to be here, sir? The sailor asks. "Yes!" The sailor gulps, "Then HE IS!" Spot on military talk. Whatever is supposed to be done is DONE. There is no other answer.

Super scene with Mr. Drysdale and Miss Jane, searching the harbor for Jed and Granny. Drysdale asks a boat operator (popular actor Ray Kellogg) how much he charges. Knowing that he's desperate, the operator says $35.00 an hour -- which would be about 344 dollars an hour today. Yikes!

Look for former child actor Frank "Junior" Coghlan, Jr playing the helmsman. Frank, famous for his freckled face, became an overnight star in silent films, later as an adult played CAPTAIN MARVEL in the legendary 1940s serial.

This episode runs fast and is full of gags. A must see. SEASON 4 EPISODE 1 remastered color dvd box set. Check out the classic color cover photo.
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5 June 2024
Series writer Joel Kane obviously based this sentimental episode on GOODBYE, MR. CHIPS, the film classic starring Robert Donat.

The guys inspiring high school teacher, Mr. Pomfritt, says he's going to give up teaching and move into another field, all because he's not making enough money! The announcement absolutely floors Dobie and Maynard, remembering all the support and encouragement he gave them through the years and their fellow classmates --making them better people.

Mr. Pomfritt nevertheless wants to leave.... So Dobie, Maynard, and Mr. And Mrs. Gillis ban together to stop him. There's only one thing to do: throw a party and bring in some of his old students, whose lives were changed because of him. And there's a bunch, including young Jo Anne Worley, as Myrtle Tarantino.

This was Jo Anne's first tv acting credit, and she's good, even in a bit role. Popular character actor Eddie Firestone plays her dad, who also owes a lot to Mr. Pomfritt.

There's only one scene that doesn't make sense.

Pomfritt, who is really angry, backs down to Principal Nettleton (played by John Graham). Why? If he's not making a lot of money, he should DEMAND a raise!

Yes! There is a happy ending. Humbled Mr. Pomfritt decides to stay, even if he has to work nights at another job... Oh, well?

Top direction by series associate producer Guy Scarpitta, who does a great job with the cast, and with more dramatic material at that. By the way, actor John Graham was best known for playing the governor on the 50s tv soaper VALIANT LADY, later making several apperances on HAZEL.

Cheers for poor, but enlightened Mr. Pomfritt. Best of SEASON 2 EPISODE 34 remastered dvd box set. 5 dvds. Released 2020 with a classic color cover of Dobie and Maynard.
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Barnaby Jones: The Killin' Cousin (1980)
Season 8, Episode 22
4 June 2024
This is a good story, but a missed opportunity. All us kids back then remember this final episode, and were surprised Barnaby had a smaller role. It would have been a fitting end to the show to have Barnaby in one last big case, perhaps even a two part episode. Not the case.

Still, Betty gets caught up in an interesting story, and what makes it flow is Kenneth Mars, a fun character actor and voice actor for years. It all starts with the death of Betty's cousin, and the mention of family money, which immediately brings Mars into the case as brash William Tarkington, the Fourth?

Tarkington believes Betty is a cold blooded killer out for the cash. It's all money!

You have to admit, there's a touch of dark comedy at work here, because Betty is such a kind person. Mars has fun with this over the top role, and it shows. Mars was voice actor for many cartoon series, such as THE PINK PANTHER, later known for MALCOLM IN THE MIDDLE.

Good support from veteran actress Lurene Tuttle as Emily and Mark Goddard (LOST IN SPACE) as Roger.

Series writer and script supervisor Norman Jolley wrote the story, but again it's a shame Barnaby didn't jump into the case full time. Buddy Ebsen did return though in MATT HOUSTON in the 80s, playing the detectives uncle for a few years. As this series closed, producer Quinn Martin wanted to re-boot CANNON, producing a two hour tv film, "The Return of Frank Cannon." However, a new generation of cop shows was coming in the 80s. Thankfully, there are reruns, right?

SEASON 8 EPISODE 22, remastered color. DVD box set released 2018. Thanks to METV for running the entire series, some of these later episode not seen for decades.
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3 June 2024
You will NOT forget this star-studden movie, to be sure. About as goofy as IT'S A MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD WORLD, minus the wild chases, but with many familiar faces and big names. A showcase for movie buffs.

No surpirse Betty Comden co-wrote this comedy, best known for SINGING IN THE RAIN. The plot is simple and insane. Heiress Shirley MacLane has the bittersweet dilemma of marrying several idealistic gentlemen, all of whom are wealthy --or about to be -- and subsequently DROP DEAD, each leaving her richer than before. In short, she's loaded!

Hilariously, it all begins with widow Shirley telling her sad and lonely tale to psychiatrist Bob Cummings, claiming she wants to give her amassed fortune of 200 million dollars to the IRS!!!! --- and forget it all!

Today it would amount to 2 billion bucks! Amazing. Dr. Cummings almost falls out of his chair, as can be expected. Her scenes with Cummings are just as nuts.

The vignettes with the stars are priceless; especially Paul Newman as a modern day Vincent Van Gogh, who has designed a machine that can paint masterpieces. Dick Van Dyke is a hoot as a struggling businessman who latches onto a multi million dollar idea and drops dead! Other memorable stories with Dean Martin, Gene Kelly (who you just love), and Robert Mitchum, who Shirley MacLaine was dating in real life at the time.

Two veteran actresses guest star, Margaret Dumont, long time foil for the MARX BROTHERS, playing her mom --who wants the MONEY -- and French comedienne Fifi D'Orsy.

Top direction by J. Lee Thompson, known for his sprawling adventures such as THE GUNS OF NAVARONE. And this film is an adventure in its own right. Always on dvd and remastered blu ray. A true labor of love.
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77 Sunset Strip: 5: Part 4 (1963)
Season 6, Episode 4
3 June 2024
PART 4. 10 Stars.

I agree, much credit goes to producer Jack Webb, and co-producers Jimmy Lydon and William Conrad, who also directed this five part episode.

Although Stu was now working alone, and the rest of the cast written off, this was a pretty good adventure, and going international. If you were a long time fan of the series, Stu had worked for the government a long time ago, and apparently was called back into service for a special assignment. And not without a pack of smokes!

Writer Harry Essex, who wrote all five installments, gave it the feel of a BURKE'S LAW-type story, replete with a multitude of interesting, if not devious characters, and the roles filled by some big name talent. The story was partly based on fact, because the US government was long in pursuit of Nazis who stole billions in money, jewelry and art objects during WWII. In this case, Stu is assigned to locate at least a half billion dollars in stolen art --which actually was found --and then stolen again.

In the previous episodes, Stu meets up with Vincent Marion (well played by Burgess Meredith), who is a thief himself. The case continues with Stu confronting a wide assortment of other colorful characters, each of whom has a story to relate. Just who can he trust?

Yes, there are some dynamic acting vignettes, such as Telly Savalas as Hendricksen, Jacques Bergerac as Inspector Duprez and veteran Walter Slezak as Oskar in a great bit part. Interesting casting of singer Tony Bennett in a dramatic role as Maximillan, trading info with Stu. Tony is young here, and probably cast due to his growing popularity.

Heavy hitters Richard Conte guest stars as Lt. Butler, Cesar Romero as Lorenzo, also Lloyd Nolan as Colonel Watkins, the big guy calling the shots. Marisa Pavan has an excellent dramatic role, playing Anna. Some surprise bits, including tough guy Al Lettieri in a brief scene with Stu and Eric Braeden as a German soldier, in a flashback scene, and there are several WW II flashbacks and shootings.

The ending with Stu being cornered by some cut-throats is exciting, followed by the introduction of the next episodes' guest stars looking into the camera. And so it goes.

William Conrad (later tv's CANNON), does a fine job directing, and not surprisingly, who for years worked at Warner Brothers/ABC tv generally heading all the top western tv shows. At the time he was also directing and producing the tv western series TEMPLE HOUSTON, similar to PERRY MASON, only set in the old west.

10 Stars for some classy actors, acting and international intrigue. True, the old series was missed, but this re-vamping of the show (to improve sagging ratings) also served as an inspiration to a new generation of lone wolf detective shows, such as MANNIX in just a few years. It also would prove to be a bridge to Efrem Zimbalist's next hit show, the FBI.

SEASON 6 EPISODE 4 remastered. Thanks so much to METV for running these classic episodes on Sunday nights, episodes that haven't been rerun for decades.
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Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Madame Mystery (1960)
Season 5, Episode 24
2 June 2024
If you are a true blue movie buff, this is a must see for fans of noir bad girl Audrey Totter, who co-starred in such classics as THE POSTMAN ALWAYS RINGS TWICE and LADY IN THE LAKE. I'm sure Hitch was one of her many dedicated fans.

I agree with the last reviewer, the story about PR people who try to make a name for themselves on dead celebs is spot on, even to this day. And that's what Totter is -- a DEAD celeb, for a few minutes anyway.

It all begins with Steve (Harp McGuire) in his cozy beach house writing a novel, only to have Jimmy (Joby Baker), a fast-talking PR idea man for a film studio drop by. The big headline is the supposed drowning death of movie star Betsy Blake (Totter), and comes the crafty idea for giving her a huge send-off, which may make Jimmy famous and lots of money. Why not?

The door opens... and in steps sopping wet, arrogant, short-tempered Betsy -- very MUCH alive. Now what?

Beautifully written material by Hitch's favorite author, Robert Bloch, known for PSYCHO. Bloch could write some offbeat material, and this is one heck of a dark comedy that must have made Hitch chuckle. The only debit, you have to credit poetic license 101, Betsy had shear luck on her side, nearly drowning and then returning out of nowhere to the beach with perfect timing?

Atmospheric with an old Hollywood slant. Again, dedicated to fans of Audrey Totter. She is terrific.

SEASON 5 EPISODE 24 remastered Universal dvd box set. 5 dvds.
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Gilligan's Island: Physical Fatness (1965)
Season 1, Episode 32
2 June 2024
Great writing on the part of Herbert Finn, who wrote a ton of material for Jackie Gleason, and this ties into this episode. Jackie was always trying to lose weight... sooo.... we have a story about the Skipper trying to lose 22 pounds!

The Skipper makes the promise that when they are all rescued, the first thing he's going to do is join the Navy. But in order to meet the requirements, he has to lose a LOT of weight. At the same time, skinny Gilligan has to gain weight to join the Navy. The scenes where the Skipper is starving himself are shear torture, and you feel sorry for him --while the scenes with Gilligan being fed sweets and treats by Ginger and Mary Ann are a must.

We also get to see Mary Ann show off her Daisy Dukes, which was kind of a fashion statement at the time. Many reviewers have said Mary Ann's short shorts was a plus for the fashion industry in the 60s, and quite a change in conservative dress codes for tv.

Interesting footnote; the Skipper claims he served in WWII. So he would have to be in his 40s now, a real stretch at that age to join the Navy in the first place.

There's also the side story that has the professor working on a phosphorescent material that will attract planes and ships to the island at night. The final scene with Gilligan painted to glow and rotating is Creative Writing 101, not to forget the clever wardrobe department.

Best of SEASON 1 EPISODE 32 remastered color, originally released in black and white.
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2 June 2024
Yes, I agree with the last reviewer, this is a classic Christmas episode, and beautifully filmed in color.

For all us old timers back in the day, we saw it in black and white, but still lots of fun, and the dialogue is priceless.

You have to admit, in a way, the Clampetts were very similar to the ADDAMS FAMILY. In fact, some of the gags in this episode, could have been re-worked with the Addams. Short-tempered Mrs. Drysdale plays Scrooge in this goofy story, begging her husband to send the Clampetts away to some tropical resort for the holidays, like Devils island?

In a reversal of fortune, Jed and Granny feel sorry for Mrs. D, thinking she has fallen on hard times, donating old clothing to a holiday charity. They think she's the one who needs clothes, and Granny who is dabbling with a mind reading potion this time, believes the first thing they should get her is a pair of shoes, the LARGER the better. Yes, the bit where Granny measure's Mrs. Drysdale's feet is wacky stuff, again like something out of the Addams Family.

Best part is when Jethro announces he has found everybody temp jobs for Christmas! The guys head over to a Beverly Hills department store and do their thing; Jethro plays Santa, Elly is his faithful helper, while Jed handles sporting goods and Granny is in lingerie? Popular poker face character actor James Millhollin is spot on as the store manager, going nuts when Jed gives away all his merchandise.

The gang welcomes Mrs. Drysdale back at the mansion at the end, decked out with a gigantic must see Xmas tree. Lots of memories with this episode.

SEASON 5 EPISODE 15 remastered color dvd box set. Broadcast the week of Christmas. Classic family portrait on the box cover.
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The Beverly Hillbillies: Foggy Mountain Soap (1966)
Season 5, Episode 14
2 June 2024
Another wacky Hollywood behind the scenes story, this time all about filming a soap detergent commercial? This is fun.

Special gag appearance by famous bluegrass team Lester Flatt and Earl Scruggs (who composed the series theme song). Popular character actor Edward Andrews is the perfect addition, playing Commodore Ratterman(?), in charge of the commerical and working with Jed and Granny, who he believes will add an authentic, down home feel to the product. Ya think?

Yes! Jethro wants to be the director and let the insanity begin. Hilarious stuff, and Andrews as the idea man on steroids is always a hoot. Flatt and Scrugg's fancy banjo work is the cherry on the top. Not too long after this episode, they composed the legendary theme for BONNIE AND CLYDE (1967).

SEASON 5 EPISODE 14 remastered color. Classic family portrait on the cover.
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Mission: Impossible: The Execution (1968)
Season 3, Episode 5
2 June 2024
I agree with the last reviewer, this amazing episode has shades of I WANT TO LIVE, starring Susan Hayward, the stark gas chamber scenes, albeit on a lower budget, are still impressive.

Another imaginative gem written by series writer William Read Woodfield. Vincent Gardenia returns to the show, again playing another hood called Parma, who wants to control all food distribution across the country. You have to admit, that's a herculean task, but M. I. has always relied on a heavy dose of poetic license.

The way to bring Parma down is absolute genius.

Phelps plays a distributor who is bullied by Parma's men into paying up, so he goes to his office and roughs him up too. Even stevens. This naturally leads to a mob hit placed on him, Parma ordering his ace marksman Duchell (well played by Luke Askew) to do the job. Very cleverly, thanks to the M. I. optical illusion department, Duchell shoots a grenade into Phelp's apartment, thinking he's a sitting duck inside? Fake Out #1. Phelps is obviously safe, HOWEVER, Duchell wakes up on death row. Fake Out #2!

Woodfield borrowed from the TWILIGHT ZONE school of writing with this scene onward. And it's terrific. Duchell has a front row seat watching Rollin (playing another convcited killer) about to go to the gas chamber. This obviously done to scare Duchell into bringing down Parma -- and who better to play his lawyer than Cinnamon. Fake Out #3!

BEST of the best is Martin Landau (who should have won an Emmy) kicking and screaming his way to the gas chamber, all an act to scare the living daylights out of Duchell. What a trip.

Superior casting of both Vincent Gardenia and Luke Askew, who was quite popular in westerns. Also featuring Val Avery and Byron Keith, playing Dr. Loomis. Keith is best known for 77 SUNSET STRIP, as Lt. Gilmore.

Guaranteed, the gas chamber scene, and Martin Landau's over the top acting will keep you thoroughly entertained. 10 Star episode.

SEASON 3 EPISODE 5 remastered CBS/Paramount dvd box set. 7 dvds. Released 2007 with a classic color cover of Peter Graves.
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2 June 2024
Outrageous episodes like this is what made the series famous, and written by comedy master Carl Reiner. Dick Van Dyke works his magic. No other way to put it.

It's the old hypnotism routine, and with a rather neat twist. Rob and Laura's dinner guest is a handsome guy named Glen, played by popular actor Charles Aidman, who happens to be a hypnotist. Buddy naturally wants to have some fun with the guy, daring him to put him under his spell. In the meantime -- as only a kooky episode like this would have it -- Rob is out in the kitchen and somehow, someway also falls under Glen's spell.

The shear insanity of it all finds Rob turning into a hopeless, staggering drunk any time a bell rings, such as the phone ringing, even the bell on a typewriter, which nearly costs him his job at the office. Dick Van Dyke is just plain laugh out LOUD hilarious, proving to be one extraordinary comedian, if not a master of improv.

In real life, Dick was a big fan of Stan Laurel (of Laurel and Hardy fame), and often did goofy material much in the style of the comedy legend. This obviously was a variation of something Stan Laurel did in his films, Dick Van Dyke taking it to the next level. What a treat.

Production notes indicate the hypnotism scenes were delibertly interrupted --just in case -- so nobody in real life could be hypnotized. Whether that could actually happen is debatable, but producers had it filmed that way as a precaution.

Look for popular character actor Roy Roberts, especially at odds with Rob in the classic office drunk scene. One for the books.

10 Plus Stars. Must See TV.

SEASON 2 EPISODE 6 remastered. The dvd box set contains a picture of a classic tv set on the cover for collectors.
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Leave It to Beaver: Eddie's Double-Cross (1960)
Season 4, Episode 8
2 June 2024
Great showcase for Ken Osmond, who never let any of us fans down when playing Eddie Haskell. Producers and writers Joe Connelly and Bob Mosher wrote this story in reverse, and very cleverly.

This time around, instead of pulling the strings, Eddie is the one who gets conned, and Big Time. What a twist of fate! Eddie hooks up with pretty Caroline Shuster (Reba Waters) who seems to like him, even surprising Wally. And there's more surprises on the way. Caroline is playing a little game. Her real boyfriend is grounded and can't leave the house, so to kill some time and get her kicks, Caroline makes Eddie (who she actually despises!) think he's Mr. Cool -- until she can dump him and have the last laugh.

Another super episode that also shows what a true blue friend Wally is, finally filling Eddie in on the ugly details after he overhears Caroline's secret plan. The thorns of being a teenager, and a story many of us kids at the time could relate to in one way or another.

Of course, if you're a long time fan of the series, you can also argue Eddie deserved everything that was coming to him... but two wrongs don't make a right. Right? I agree with the last reviewer, season four had many excellent episodes revolving around Wally, growing up rather fast and becoming an earnest young adult, comparable to Robbie on MY THREE SONS.

Good acting on the part of Reba Waters, who frequently appeared on DONNA REED and FATHER KNOWS BEST. Cindy Carol makes another guest appearance, best known for playing Gidget in GIDGET GOES TO ROME. Cindy appeared in seven episodes.

10 Stars for Wally, our hero all the way. SEASON 4 EPISODE 8 remastered dvd box set. 6 dvds. Released 2010 with a classic color cover of the Beave.
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The Tingler (1959)
1 June 2024
It's a Gassss... even after all these years.

All us kids loved this chiller back in the day. In fact, it makes you wonder who inspired who. At the time producer Roger Corman was cranking out as many weird films as William Castle, though Castle's TINGLER has become a one of a kind sci fi monster.

Following the success of HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL, Castle moved his production company from Allied Artists to Columbia Pictures, and with a higher budget. Vincent Price returned, again cast in the lead, this time as Dr. Chapin, who has discovered a centipede-like creature that attaches itself to the spines of people who are frightened. Yes, the only way to stop the Tingler is by screaming!

The Tingler is kind of creepy, but it also looks like a rubber creature from certain camera angles and it bounces? Look closely, you can see some thread or strings yanking it along. Perfect grade B sci fi material. Historically, this is also the first major studio film to deal with the effects of LSD, the pivitol scene that finds Dr. Chapin performing an "experiment" on himself is camp stuff. Well directed by Castle.

Robb White, who wrote "House on Haunted Hill" did the screenplay, cleverly adding a murder plot. Popular character actor Philip Coolidge plays Ollie, the owner of a small movie theater who gets to know Dr. Chapin, and using him as an alibi, attempting to kill his disabled wife (played by Judith Evelyn). Evelyn had worked in stage plays with Price, who recommended her for the part. She reminded me somewhat of Agnes Moorehead in this offbeat role.

Scream Notes; co-star Darryl Hickman (who passed this year at age 92) had to wear shoe lifts, he was 5 foot 10 as compared to Vincent Price, who stood at 6 foor 4 inches. Hickman was the brother of tv star Dwayne Hickman.

Also, Castle invested a little extra money in the production and filmed a grisly color blood-filled bathtub scene. A must see for horror buffs. He came up with the idea of "Percepto." This was all about secretly placing electric buzzers under chairs of movie patrons who were watching the premier screening of the film. Basically, the buzzer would buzz under your seat (near your spine!) every time the Tingler appeared on screen, making viewers scream. At least that was the game.

Mood music by Von Dexter, who also did the score for "House on Haunted Hill."

Always on dvd (collectors box) and remastered blu ray for all us thrill seekers, past and present. Thanks much to Svengoolie for rerunning this gem on his show.
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1 June 2024
This is funny, largely due to the creative efforts of Edward Bernds, who wrote and directed many of the THREE STOOGES comedy shorts and the BOWERY BOYS films.

This episode borrows from the Stooges with lots of wacky stuff happening, especially to Dagwood.

For starters, he meets his no nonsense new neighbor Mr. Conroy, played by Arthur Loft. He gets behind the wheel of his car and wrecks it, prompting Conroy to sue him BIG TIME for damanges.

Next, enter Shemp Howard (just before he joined the Three Stooges) playing Jim Gray, a goofy process server who wants to serve Dagwood court papers from Mr. Conroy. Shemp steals a lot of scenes, without too much surprise. It's a shame he did not return to the series as he and Arthur Lake were perfectly matched.

In the meanwhile, Mr. Dithers has a minor fender bender with a guy named Peabody (played by Jerome Cowan) --picks a fight with him --only to discover he's a future client with lots of money. So not to mess things up further, Dithers cleverly arranges for Dagwood to pretend he's him and for Dithers to pretend he's Dagwood? The scene with Shemp trying to figure out WHO to serve the summons to is priceless.

Best comes last...

In an outrageous change of pace, Dagwood becomes a "patient" for two eccentric doctors (Ludwig Donath and Stevan Geray) who are testing out a new truth serum? It pays 500 bucks, which Dagwood needs to pay back Mr. Conroy.

Somehow it all makes sense and, right to the end, is one over the top episode, again thanks to Ed Bernds' excellent comedy writing.

To note, Bernds holds the record for being nominated for an Oscar (for best screenplay) which was an absolute mistake. He wrote the Bowery Boys film HIGH SOCIETY, which had the same title of the Grace Kelly film, the latter nominated for an Academy Award. Bernds notified the Academy of the mistake, and was allowed to keep a placque that mistakenly nominated him for Best Screenwriter. Super trivia question for film buffs.

Good support from some very well known character actors, including Jerome Cowan, who would replace Jonathan Hale as Dagwood's new boss in the next episode. Hale left the series to move on to many other film projects. Also one of the last screen appearances of Arthur Loft, who died suddenly not too long after this film. Loft appeared in a long list of movies, and some classics, such as THE BLUE DAHLIA and THE GLASS KEY.

10 Stars, especially for Shemp Howard. We love him. Thanks much to MOVIES Net for running this great series on Saturdays.
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31 May 2024
Three's a charm. The third teaming of Jack Lemmon and Kim Novak is outrageous fun, the way it was meant to be.

The story is simple enough, sort of on the lighter side of Hitchcock. Lemmon plays Bill Gridley, US State Department diplomat on the go, who needs an apartment in London ASAP. Lucky guy, he chances to meet enchanting "landlady" Carly Hardwicke (Novak) who offers the young gentleman some extra space in her house. Everything seems to be going along, that is until Bill mentions Carly to his inquisitive boss, Franklyn (well played by noneother than Fred Astaire) who knows a little secret about this lady.

It's all over town -- she's the prime suspect in the murder of her husband --only the body hasn't been found -- YET. Franklyn wants Bill to get the heck out of there, although wise, old inspector Lionel Jeffries suggests he's perfect to do some undercover work, and perhaps catch Carly once and for all?

What a dilemma, and what a comedy of errors, Jack Lemmon ideal for this type of role, equally matched by Kim Novak who he can't take his eyes off of. Do you blame the guy?

Terrific supporting cast puts this one over the top, and in style. Jeffries is memorable as the law, as is Estelle Winwood playing Mrs Dunhill. In fact, any role Winwood appeared in was a hoot. Veteran villain Henry Daniell is also right at home here. No surprise Blake Edwards co-wrote the screenplay, soon to introduce movie goers to the legendary PINK PANTHER.

Top direction by Richard Quine, who would next direct Audrey Hepburn and William Holden in PARIS WHEN IT SIZZLES. Kim Novak reportedly was paid $600,000 dollars for her work, over six million dollars in today's market.

Interestingly, this film was one of a few productions that Columbia Pictures released to television, but did NOT release it on Beta and VHS formats, keeping it out of the hands of fans for decades. Unless you recorded it off tv, as did some bootleggers to make a quick buck. Finally released on remastered dvd and blu ray formats, officially becoming a re-born classic, and a special tribute to Lemmon and Novak.

Thanks much to TCM for re-running this gem, and the more the better.
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Barnaby Jones: Deadline for Murder (1980)
Season 8, Episode 21
31 May 2024
This is a clever episode, written by series regular Larry Alexander, who also wrote for CHIPS.

At the very least, you have to admit its original because you never thought something like this would happen to Barnaby. Alex Henteloff plays a reporter called Al Geiger who uncovers a HOT story. It's so hot that he's told to check it out with Barnaby, just in case.

The catch is Al is conned BIG TIME by two guys pretending to be Barnaby and JR. They get the info they want and Al is toast.

More over, Barnaby and JR now have to piece this all together, and with unfriendly competition. Watch how this all plays out, and the cast is good. True, this kind of gag was done on other cop shows, but it's interesting to see it happen to the "senior" detective.

Maggie Cooper guest stars, who later appeared in FALCON CREST. Look for veteran Carmine Caridi, famous for his roles in the GODFATHER movies.

Also in the cast is Roger Perry, always used by producer Quinn Martin.

Only debit, Alex Hentelhoff has a small role. He played some neat villains or victims. Alex appeared many times on BARNEY MILLER.

9 Stars for originality, and for a few memories watching this back in the day.

SEASON 8 EPISODE 21 remastered color CBS/Paramount.
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30 May 2024
A classic and poignant episode to be sure. 10 STARS.

It all starts with Beave overhearing Ward talking about "going to the poor house," something all us kids heard at least one time or another growing up! Beaver takes it to the next level and is intrigued by the garbage man, Mr. Fletcher (played by Jess Kilpatrick).

Thinking that Mr. Fletcher is kinda', sorta' poor, because he's into trash, Beave wants to get to know his family -- who happen to live next to the city dump! Not only is this a revealing time in Beave's life, but also a time where he has never had so much fun!

Producers and writers Joe Connelly and Bob Mosher no doubt listened to their own kids observations, because lots of us had fun in all sorts of weird places when we were growing up too. To be sure.

Super appearance by child actor Billy Chapin, as Pete, Beave's new pal. Billy was quite famous at the time, appearing in the classic thriller, NIGHT OF THE HUNTER, and was a favorite of actor Charles Laughton. Billy (who passed in 2016) was the brother of Lauren Chapin (FATHER KNOWS BEST).

Jess Kilpatrick, especially if you are a tv western fan, was popular on GUNSMOKE and WAGON TRAIN.

Best of SEASON 2. Great dvd box set with a classic color cover.
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30 May 2024
I agree so much with the last reviewer; episodes like this is what made TZ, stuff we all grew up on, somewhat habit forming. The outline for this story is just as amazing. Reportedly, Madelon Champion met Rod Serling at a party and suggested the story to him, which perhaps, has become one of the most famous episodes of the series.

You can be sure why Serling took note, as it fit into his niche of "desperate character" situations. And these guys are desperate. All about astronauts blasting off, going off course and crashing-landing on a desert planet, and somewhat similar to earth? Need we say more.

Watch what happens, and with a dose of human nature at its worst. The ending, a knockout. In a way, it has a similar feel to the memorable first episode, "Where is Everybody?" but with a few more characters cleverly tagged on.

A terrific cast takes this one through; Edward Binns as the colonel, Ted Otis as Pierson and Harry Bartell as Lanfield. Bartell was quite a dramatic actor in offbeat roles, formerly a popular radio actor and DJ.

Best of SEASON 1 EPISODE 15 remastered. Thanks so much to METV for rerunning this mini classic, and with that unforgettable title.
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Barnaby Jones: The Final Victim (1980)
Season 8, Episode 19
30 May 2024
Any show with Harry Guardino (who we lost too soon) is one to watch. An actor who really got into his roles. We all loved him.

According to notes, CBS was hoping to put together a spin-off series, obviously with Guardino in mind. Best remembered for playing the lieutenant in DIRTY HARRY and THE ENFORCER.

Long time series producer Robert Sherman both directed and wrote this story, which is fairly good.

It's all about a distinguished judge giving a girl a ride --in a seedy spot of town. One thing leads to an other, she dies accidentally and the judge is blackmailed by a prostitute. But there's another twist. The innocent victim is also confused as a lady of the evening, causing even more complications for Barnaby. A cop show episode with a slice of soap opera.

An excellent story coupled with some fine performances, foremost Harry Guardino as Walt. Popular tv actress Hilarie Thompson plays Gypsy (from the original name department). Also look for Loretta Spang, from BATTLESTAR GALLACTICA, and two Quinn Martin favorites; Lindin Chiles as Kingsley and Philip Pine as Denfield.

Barnaby has his work cut out for him in this one, making for a very interesting ride.

SEASON 8 EPISODE 19 remastered color CBS/Paramount. DVD box set released 2018.
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Born Reckless (1937)
29 May 2024
I agree with the last reviewer, this has that two fisted feel of a Warner Brothers B film, and a bit more.

In the driver seat is big guy Brian Donlevy, famous for tough guys, and he's rough and ready. A whole lotta' fun, produced by 20th Century Fox, cranking out the Charlie Chan films at the time.

Donlevy plays "Hurry" Kane, a race car driver whose at the top of his game one day, and then at rock bottom. He visits old pal Harry Carey, known as Dad, who runs a cab company and gets a quick job as a cabbie. Not so fast! It seems Dad is being pushed around by big shot slickster Barton MacLane (as Jim), who wants all the cab companies under his thumb --or else.

Reminiscent of TAXI (1932), an early James Cagney film all about a tax war, and is there ever. Lots of high speed adventure, and some romance with lovely Rochelle Hudson, playing Sybil. See if you can spot all the famous faces, such as Joseph Crehan as the district attorney, and Lon Chaney, Jr., in a bit role as a garage mechanic. Popular silent and early sound film star Jack Mulhall also has a bit.

Directed with style by Malcolm St. Clair, who did lots of comedy in his day. In fact, he was one of the original Keystone Cops. St. Clair was also toted as being the tallest (6 foot 7) director in the biz, and held a record, of sorts, for being fired a lot, in the early days of his long career, and then immediately re-hired, because nobody could handle a cast and crew as good as he could.

See this for Brian Donlevy at his best, veteran of such classics as BEAU GESTE and the GLASS KEY.

10 Stars. Finally released on dvd, also as a double bill remastered dvd box set.

Thank you so much to MOVIES Net for running this gem.
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Barnaby Jones: Death Is the Punchline (1980)
Season 8, Episode 18
29 May 2024
True, both JR and Betty had some friends who they should have parted with a long time ago, however, this episode holds the distinction of featuring a young Ed Begley, Jr., who has been around Hollywood for a long time. If you're a fan, it's interesting to see him in an early role.

Ed plays a stand-up comedian called Lindy who loses his job and is quickly accused of killing his ex-boss. You have to admit, it's a clever set-up, and Begley is the perfect fall guy. In fact, he looks the part, and probably the reason he was cast. JR naturally jumps into the case to help an old bud, and really has no choice.

Good thing about this story is there's some interesting characters, so there's enough suspicion to go around to make guessing the killer fun. Paul Robert Coyle obviously wrote the episode with a sense of humor, later writing many episodes of JAKE AND THE FATMAN and CRAZY LIKE A FOX.

Popular actress Virginia Kiser guest stars, later appearing on DAYS OF OUR LIVES. As for Ed Begley, Jr., he's still acting, best known for playing Dr. Linkletter in YOUNG SHELDON, and years back playing Dr. Ehrlich in ST. ELSEWHERE, and many, many other classic roles. At this stage in his career, he probably did more film and tv work than his famous dad.

Some memories here for us long term fans of Barnaby, especially as the series nears a close. SEASON 8 EPISODE 18 remastered color CBS/Paramount. DVD box set released 2018 and with a classic cover.
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