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The Tingler (1959)
1 June 2024
All us kids loved this chiller back in the day. In fact, it makes you wonder who inspired who. At the time producer Roger Corman was cranking out as many weird films as William Castle, though Castle's TINGLER has become a one of a kind sci fi monster.

Following the success of HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL, Castle moved his production company from Allied Artists to Columbia Pictures, and with a higher budget. Vincent Price faithfully followed him, again cast in the lead, this time as Dr. Chapin, who has discovered a centipede-like creature that attaches itself to the spines of people who are frightened. Note -- the only way to stop the Tingler is by screaming!

You have to admit, although the Tingler is kind of creepy, it also looks like a rubber toy from certain camera angles and it bounces...? Historically, this is also the first film to deal with the effects of LSD, the scene where Dr. Chapin performs an experiment on himself is camp stuff. Well directed by Castle.

Robb White, famous for writing "House on Haunted Hill" did the screenplay, also cleverly mixing in a murder plot. Popular character actor Philip Coolidge (a cousin to President Coolidge), plays Ollie, the owner of a small movie theater who gets to know Dr. Chapin, and using him as an alibi, attempting to kill his disabled wife (played by Judith Evelyn). Evelyn was a successful stage actress who worked with Vincent Price in the past, and recommended by him for the part.

Two offbeat notes; co-star Daryl Hickman (brother of tv star Dwayne Hickman) had to wear shoe lifts because he was short (5 foot 10) as compared to Vincent Price, who stood at 6 foor 4 inches!

Also, Castle invested a little extra money in the production and filmed a grisly color bathtub scene, the tub filled with blood. One to see.

Castle, who always promoted his films with gimmicks, introduced "Percepto" this time. Percepto was actually a series of buzzers secretly placed under chairs of movie patrons who were watching the premier screening of the film. Basically, the buzzer would buzz under your seat (near your spine!) every time the Tingler appeared on screen, making viewers scream. At least that was the game.

Lively music by Von Dexter, who also did the score for "House on Haunted Hill."

Always on dvd (collectors box) and remastered blu ray for all us thrill seekers, past and present. Thanks much to Svengoolie for rerunning this gem on his show.
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1 June 2024
This is funny, largely due to the creative efforts of Edward Bernds, who wrote and directed many of the THREE STOOGES comedy shorts and the BOWERY BOYS films.

This episode borrows from the Stooges with lots of wacky stuff happening, especially to Dagwood.

For starters, he meets his no nonsense new neighbor Mr. Conroy, played by Arthur Loft. He gets behind the wheel of his car and wrecks it, prompting Conroy to sue him BIG TIME for damanges.

Next, enter Shemp Howard (just before he joined the Three Stooges) playing Jim Gray, a goofy process server who wants to serve Dagwood court papers from Mr. Conroy. Shemp steals a lot of scenes, without too much surprise. It's a shame he did not return to the series as he and Arthur Lake were perfectly matched.

In the meanwhile, Mr. Dithers has a minor fender bender with a guy named Peabody (played by Jerome Cowan) --picks a fight with him --only to discover he's a future client with lots of money. So not to mess things up further, Dithers cleverly arranges for Dagwood to pretend he's him and for Dithers to pretend he's Dagwood? The scene with Shemp trying to figure out WHO to serve the summons to is priceless.

Best comes last...

In an outrageous change of pace, Dagwood becomes a "patient" for two eccentric doctors (Ludwig Donath and Stevan Geray) who are testing out a new truth serum? It pays 500 bucks, which Dagwood needs to pay back Mr. Conroy.

Somehow it all makes sense and, right to the end, is one over the top episode, again thanks to Ed Bernds' excellent comedy writing.

To note, Bernds holds the record for being nominated for an Oscar (for best screenplay) which was an absolute mistake. He wrote the Bowery Boys film HIGH SOCIETY, which had the same title of the Grace Kelly film, the latter nominated for an Academy Award. Bernds notified the Academy of the mistake, and was allowed to keep a placque that mistakenly nominated him for Best Screenwriter. Super trivia question for film buffs.

Good support from some very well known character actors, including Jerome Cowan, who would replace Jonathan Hale as Dagwood's new boss in the next episode. Hale left the series to move on to many other film projects. Also one of the last screen appearances of Arthur Loft, who died suddenly not too long after this film. Loft appeared in a long list of movies, and some classics, such as THE BLUE DAHLIA and THE GLASS KEY.

10 Stars, especially for Shemp Howard. We love him. Thanks much to MOVIES Net for running this great series on Saturdays.
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31 May 2024
Three's a charm. The third teaming of Jack Lemmon and Kim Novak is outrageous fun, and the way it was meant to be.

The story is simple enough, sort of on the lighter side of Hitchcock. Lemmon plays Bill Gridley, US State Department diplomat on the go, who needs an apartment in Europe ASAP. Lucky guy, he chances to meet enchanting "landlady" Carly Hardwicke (Novak) who offers the young gentleman some extra space in her house. Everything seems to be going along, that is until Bill mentions Carly to his inquisitive boss, Franklyn (well played by noneother than Fred Astaire) who knows a little secret about this lady.

It's all over town -- she's the prime suspect in the murder of her husband --only the body hasn't been found -- YET. Franklyn wants Bill to get the heck out of there, although wise, old inspector Lionel Jeffries suggests he's perfect to do some undercover work, and perhaps catch Carly once and for all?

What a dilemma, and what fun, Jack Lemmon the ideal fit for this type of role, equally matched by Kim Novak who he can't take his eyes off of. Do you blame the guy?

Terrific supporting cast puts this one over the top, and in style. Jeffries is memorable as the law, as is Estelle Winwood playing Mrs Dunhill. In fact, any role Winwood appeared in was a hoot. Veteran villain Henry Daniell is also right at home here. No surprise Blake Edwards co-wrote the screenplay, soon to introduce movie goers to the legendary PINK PANTHER.

Top direction by Richard Quine, who would next direct Audrey Hepburn and William Holden in PARIS WHEN IT SIZZLES. Kim Novak reportedly was paid $600,000 dollars for her work, over six million dollars in today's market.

Interestingly, this film was one of a few productions that Columbia Pictures released to television, but did NOT release it on Beta and VHS formats, keeping it out of the hands of fans for decades. Unless you recorded it off tv, as did some bootleggers to make a quick buck. Finally released on remastered dvd and blu ray formats, officially becoming a re-born classic, and a special tribute to Lemmon and Novak.

Thanks much to TCM for re-running this gem, and the more the better.
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Barnaby Jones: Deadline for Murder (1980)
Season 8, Episode 21
31 May 2024
This is a clever episode, written by series regular Larry Alexander, who also wrote for CHIPS.

At the very least, you have to admit its original because you never thought something like this would happen to Barnaby. Alex Henteloff plays a reporter called Al Geiger who uncovers a HOT story. It's so hot that he's told to check it out with Barnaby, just in case.

The catch is Al is conned BIG TIME by two guys pretending to be Barnaby and JR. They get the info they want and Al is toast.

More over, Barnaby and JR now have to piece this all together, and with unfriendly competition. Watch how this all plays out, and the cast is good. True, this kind of gag was done on other cop shows, but it's interesting to see it happen to the "senior" detective.

Maggie Cooper guest stars, who later appeared in FALCON CREST. Look for veteran Carmine Caridi, famous for his roles in the GODFATHER movies.

Also in the cast is Roger Perry, always used by producer Quinn Martin.

Only debit, Alex Hentelhoff has a small role. He played some neat villains or victims. Alex appeared many times on BARNEY MILLER.

9 Stars for originality, and for a few memories watching this back in the day.

SEASON 8 EPISODE 21 remastered color CBS/Paramount.
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30 May 2024
A classic and poignant episode to be sure. 10 STARS.

It all starts with Beave overhearing Ward talking about "going to the poor house," something all us kids heard at least one time or another growing up! Beaver takes it to the next level and is intrigued by the garbage man, Mr. Fletcher (played by Jess Kilpatrick).

Thinking that Mr. Fletcher is kinda', sorta' poor, because he's into trash, Beave wants to get to know his family -- who happen to live next to the city dump! Not only is this a revealing time in Beave's life, but also a time where he has never had so much fun!

Producers and writers Joe Connelly and Bob Mosher no doubt listened to their own kids observations, because lots of us had fun in all sorts of weird places when we were growing up too. To be sure.

Super appearance by child actor Billy Chapin, as Pete, Beave's new pal. Billy was quite famous at the time, appearing in the classic thriller, NIGHT OF THE HUNTER, and was a favorite of actor Charles Laughton. Billy (who passed in 2016) was the brother of Lauren Chapin (FATHER KNOWS BEST).

Jess Kilpatrick, especially if you are a tv western fan, was popular on GUNSMOKE and WAGON TRAIN.

Best of SEASON 2. Great dvd box set with a classic color cover.
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30 May 2024
I agree so much with the last reviewer; episodes like this is what made TZ, stuff we all grew up on, somewhat habit forming. The outline for this story is just as amazing. Reportedly, Madelon Champion met Rod Serling at a party and suggested the story to him, which perhaps, has become one of the most famous episodes of the series.

You can be sure why Serling took note, as it fit into his niche of "desperate character" situations. And these guys are desperate. All about astronauts blasting off, going off course and crashing-landing on a desert planet, and somewhat similar to earth? Need we say more.

Watch what happens, and with a dose of human nature at its worst. The ending, a knockout. In a way, it has a similar feel to the memorable first episode, "Where is Everybody?" but with a few more characters cleverly tagged on.

A terrific cast takes this one through; Edward Binns as the colonel, Ted Otis as Pierson and Harry Bartell as Lanfield. Bartell was quite a dramatic actor in offbeat roles, formerly a popular radio actor and DJ.

Best of SEASON 1 EPISODE 15 remastered. Thanks so much to METV for rerunning this mini classic, and with that unforgettable title.
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Barnaby Jones: The Final Victim (1980)
Season 8, Episode 19
30 May 2024
Any show with Harry Guardino (who we lost too soon) is one to watch. An actor who really got into his roles. We all loved him.

According to notes, CBS was hoping to put together a spin-off series, obviously with Guardino in mind. Best remembered for playing the lieutenant in DIRTY HARRY and THE ENFORCER.

Long time series producer Robert Sherman both directed and wrote this story, which is fairly good.

It's all about a distinguished judge giving a girl a ride --in a seedy spot of town. One thing leads to an other, she dies accidentally and the judge is blackmailed by a prostitute. But there's another twist. The innocent victim is also confused as a lady of the evening, causing even more complications for Barnaby. A cop show episode with a slice of soap opera.

An excellent story coupled with some fine performances, foremost Harry Guardino as Walt. Popular tv actress Hilarie Thompson plays Gypsy (from the original name department). Also look for Loretta Spang, from BATTLESTAR GALLACTICA, and two Quinn Martin favorites; Lindin Chiles as Kingsley and Philip Pine as Denfield.

Barnaby has his work cut out for him in this one, making for a very interesting ride.

SEASON 8 EPISODE 19 remastered color CBS/Paramount. DVD box set released 2018.
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Born Reckless (1937)
29 May 2024
I agree with the last reviewer, this has that two fisted feel of a Warner Brothers B film, and a bit more.

In the driver seat is big guy Brian Donlevy, famous for tough guys, and he's rough and ready. A whole lotta' fun, produced by 20th Century Fox, cranking out the Charlie Chan films at the time.

Donlevy plays "Hurry" Kane, a race car driver whose at the top of his game one day, and then at rock bottom. He visits old pal Harry Carey, known as Dad, who runs a cab company and gets a quick job as a cabbie. Not so fast! It seems Dad is being pushed around by big shot slickster Barton MacLane (as Jim), who wants all the cab companies under his thumb --or else.

Reminiscent of TAXI (1932), an early James Cagney film all about a tax war, and is there ever. Lots of high speed adventure, and some romance with lovely Rochelle Hudson, playing Sybil. See if you can spot all the famous faces, such as Joseph Crehan as the district attorney, and Lon Chaney, Jr., in a bit role as a garage mechanic. Popular silent and early sound film star Jack Mulhall also has a bit.

Directed with style by Malcolm St. Clair, who did lots of comedy in his day. In fact, he was one of the original Keystone Cops. St. Clair was also toted as being the tallest (6 foot 7) director in the biz, and held a record, of sorts, for being fired a lot, in the early days of his long career, and then immediately re-hired, because nobody could handle a cast and crew as good as he could.

See this for Brian Donlevy at his best, veteran of such classics as BEAU GESTE and the GLASS KEY.

10 Stars. Finally released on dvd, also as a double bill remastered dvd box set.

Thank you so much to MOVIES Net for running this gem.
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Barnaby Jones: Death Is the Punchline (1980)
Season 8, Episode 18
29 May 2024
True, both JR and Betty had some friends who they should have parted with a long time ago, however, this episode holds the distinction of featuring a young Ed Begley, Jr., who has been around Hollywood for a long time. If you're a fan, it's interesting to see him in an early role.

Ed plays a stand-up comedian called Lindy who loses his job and is quickly accused of killing his ex-boss. You have to admit, it's a clever set-up, and Begley is the perfect fall guy. In fact, he looks the part, and probably the reason he was cast. JR naturally jumps into the case to help an old bud, and really has no choice.

Good thing about this story is there's some interesting characters, so there's enough suspicion to go around to make guessing the killer fun. Paul Robert Coyle obviously wrote the episode with a sense of humor, later writing many episodes of JAKE AND THE FATMAN and CRAZY LIKE A FOX.

Popular actress Virginia Kiser guest stars, later appearing on DAYS OF OUR LIVES. As for Ed Begley, Jr., he's still acting, best known for playing Dr. Linkletter in YOUNG SHELDON, and years back playing Dr. Ehrlich in ST. ELSEWHERE, and many, many other classic roles. At this stage in his career, he probably did more film and tv work than his famous dad.

Some memories here for us long term fans of Barnaby, especially as the series nears a close. SEASON 8 EPISODE 18 remastered color CBS/Paramount. DVD box set released 2018 and with a classic cover.
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Alfred Hitchcock Presents: The Cure (1960)
Season 5, Episode 17
28 May 2024
Fairly dark tale with a surprise or two from the master of suspense, Robert Bloch, one of Hitchcock's favorite writers. Knives --and sharp ones -- seemed to be Bloch's game in many of his creepy stories, like PSYCHO.

Right off the bat, a desperate woman (Cara Williams) tries to stab her sick husband (played by Nahemiah Persoff). She wants nothing more to do with him, yet he's convinced it's something psychological and she needs help. What a position to be in, and watch your back...

A fascinating character study, and all set in a steamy jungle of all places. Robert Bloch tells a super story, and the acting is terrific. TV comedian Cara Williams is very good in this dramatic role (nominated for an Oscar in THE DEFIANT ONES), complimented by Persoff (as Jeff), one of the best character actors. Popular bad guy Peter Mark Richman plays Mike, adding to the festivities. Both Williams and Richman passed in 2021.

Look for Leonard Strong as Luiz, a master of offbeat and quirky characters, best known for GET SMART as super villian The Claw.

Not to be missed, and especially with this stellar cast. Best of SEASON 5 EPISODE 7 remastered.
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King Kong (1933)
27 May 2024
Having recently purchased (used) the collectors tin box anniversary dvd edition of KING KONG, for sentimental reasons, I also have to add my sincere comments.

I was introduced to Mr. Kong as a child in the late 60s on television (black and white, no cable!) and absolutely astounded. And after all these decades, remain amazed. Time has stood still, as far as this incredible film is concerned, and we'll probably never see anything like it.

As the last reviewer noted, and spot on, the special effects are truly revolutionary coupled with some intriguing characters, and with an emotional twist, not only for them, but for the monster.

Based on special effects master Willis O'Brien's silent adventure, LOST WORLD, which interestingly, has as many exciting scenes of animation to its credit.

Directors and producers Merian C. Cooper and Ernest B. Schoedsack continued the journey, this time with sound and a bit more imagination to make this the best stop-motion animation movie of all time.

Produced at a time when computers and high technology did not exist, all those involved in this incredible project deserve to be congratulated with what had to have been the textbook definition of a labor of love.

Never to forget the cast of memorable actors who took us on this wild journey; Fay Wray, Robert Armstrong, Bruce Cabot and sea captain Frank Reicher, plus so many other familiar faces who played an integral part. In a way, for all us film buffs, they are family. Fay Wray, who outlived most everybody connected to the film, said King Kong was her best friend.

Thank you, too, Max Steiner, for a music score that continues to play in the background, even when the film is long over.

A salute to all these heroes, a job well done. Unfortunately, produced in a day when Oscar categories were rather limited. This one would haven taken every single category by storm. It did, however, accomplish the demand for new avenues of recognition in the film industry, that you can be assured. In the long run, Kong did win.

Forever on dvd and remastered blu ray for generations to come. Thanks to TCM for rerunning this film great since the very beginning.
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27 May 2024
This first episode of the short series produced by Monogram Pictures, while not as creepy as the radio series, does have its moments and lots of suspects. If it reminds you of the later CHARLIE CHAN mysteries, it's all because of writer George Callahan, who wrote many of the Chan whodunits for Monogram in the 40s.

Kane Richmond, polished star of B adventure films, is quite good as the Shadow, and with a solid right hook! Barbara Reed compliments Richmond as wise cracking Margo Lane, both caught up in a series of bizarre murders in which the victims leap to their death off balconies? You have to give writer Callahan an 'A' for originality. The mystery begins in a spooky graveyard, where jewels are hidden in a coffin.

Goofy Tom Dugan as Shrevvie, Lamont Cranston's chauffeur, is fun and has some of the best one-liners. Dugan (at times) slightly resembles Shemp of the Three Stooges, at least playing it like Shemp, added for laughs and used as the proverbial punching bag.

Fast paced entertainment by veteran B film director Phil Rosen. Many familiar character actors pop up, including Frank Reicher (KING KONG). George Callahan later went on to write one of the great sci fi films of the 50s, THIS ISLAND EARTH. To his credit, Kane Richmond also appeared in several of the classic Fox CHARLIE CHAN mysteries, later starring in the popular BRICK BRADFORD movie serial.

Remastered on dvd, followed by BEHIND THE MASK and THE MISSING LADY.
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77 Sunset Strip: The Checkmate Caper (1963)
Season 5, Episode 35
27 May 2024
A terrific offbeat episode, if not character study, extremely well written by Robert J. Shaw, later to write endless episodes for soap operas, like GENERAL HOSPITAL.

Stu has a particularly strange case that involves the matriarch of a crime family. Popular character actress Katherine Givney plays Mrs. Carmichael, sort of a sophisticated "Ma Barker," whose family earned their wealth as criminals. She even shows her sons vintage movies (for entertainment) of family members robbing trains!

Mrs. Carmichael is still in the mood for commiting a robbery, even though she's very wealthy, which poses one heck of a problem for Stu. Great support from veteran actor Robert Cornthwaite as her eldest son, and William Windom as her youngest son, called Cuthbert.

None other than Nancy Kulp appears as the family maid, Eloise, who at the time was also appearing on the BEVERLY HILLBILLIES. Nancy has some memorable scenes (including a drunk scene) with Roscoe! You have to admit, she and Roscoe make an interesting couple, and it's a shame they didn't do more episodes together.

The closing shootout with spry Mrs. Carmichael is a classic, like a clip from an old movie. Katherine Givney should have gotten an Emmy nod for this role. Best remembered for playing Katie's grandmother on MY THREE SONS.

Top notch direction from one of the best, George Waggner, who just let the camera roll. This is a gem. Not to be missed, if for all the unforgettable actors.

SEASON 5 EPISODE 35 remastered. Thank you again METV for running this classic show Sunday nights.
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26 May 2024
Love this episode, but not only for the story. All us kids back in the day just couldn't get enough of comedian Vito Scotti, a former standup comic, who is tops playing a goofy on steroids Japanese soldier. In fact, his characterizations inspired cast members on many other variety shows like LAUGH IN and CAROL BURNETT. Vito was the king of nutty characters.

This one's about Gilligan keeping a secret diary, and the story of how he saved the castaways from an insane Japanese soldier (Vito Scotti, natuarally). Gilligan hides the book, and the crew begin to think he's hiding such stuff as a pearl, a rare jewel, or as Mr. Howell thinks, a bottle of Scotch. You have to love this.

Best and most creative part, is how the Skipper, Ginger and Mr. Howell relate their OWN stories concerning the soldier. This is hilarious, and super writing on the part of David Harmon, who wrote nine classic episodes for the show. Harmon was also a popular writer for cop shows.

The title character Diogenes, was the Greek philospher who was always in search for an honest person. Without giving too much away, Gilligan is a very honest guy, his diary finally found by Mary Ann who reads some important notes. Wait and see.

10 stars for Vito Scotti who appeared several times on the series, also a regular on COLUMBO and the FLYING NUN. In real life, he was a popular cook in Hollywood.

A gotsta see. SEASON 1 EPISODE 31. Remastered color dvd box set. 6 dvds. Released 2004 and 2011.
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Gilligan's Island: Forget Me Not (1965)
Season 1, Episode 30
26 May 2024
Kind', sorta' a goofy take-off on THE THREE FACES OF EVE which has the Skipper getting konked on the head --loses his memory -- and returns into some offbeat characters.

Alan Hale has a field day, and I agree with the last reviewer, does a fine job of acting, much in the tradition of his famous father.

First... the Skipper becomes a "wolf" and starts chasing after Ginger. Big time. This is bizarro, and it does make you raise an eyebrow. To the rescue, the professor becomes the pseudo consulting psychiatrist and attempts to hypnotize the Skipper back to his old self. NEXT... he snaps into a heroic WW II soldier, believing the castaways are his Japanese prisoners? The crew made up as prisoners of war is campy, sort of a bit from a grade B film, the makeup and uniforms ain't bad. Give credit to the makeup folks havin' a blast.

Creative writing 101 thanks to Herb Margolis, and the only episode he wrote for the show. Herb was a long time tv comedy writer. Also director Jack Arnold has some fun with the cast, and in one rare scene has the Skipper, or Alan Hale, actually talk to the camera. Shades of Laurel and Hardy.

Interesting footnote, the castaways now have guns and ammo.

SEASON 1 EPISODE 30. Originally in black and white. Remastered color dvd box set. 6 dvds. Released 2004 and 2011.
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The Beverly Hillbillies: Granny Lives It Up (1966)
Season 5, Episode 11
26 May 2024
One thing for sure, series writer Mark Tuttle is to be credited for the name "Farquhar," which has become tv legend in many later sitcoms.

Lowell Farquhar is best played by legendary comedian Charlie Ruggles, who appeared three times on the show. The story goes he actually dated Granny (years ago) and happens to be Mrs. Drysdale's father! Just incredible. Sooo... Mr. Drysdale calls on his big businessman father-in-law to come between Granny and crafty Mr. Cushing (played by Roy Roberts), who once again wants the Clampetts -- especially Granny--- to move all their millions into his bank. What a devious character, who we all love to hate.

This is fun stuff, and with two memorable guest stars, Roy Roberts and Charlie Ruggles. They both steal the show with their share of goofy dialogue, especially Charlie and his scenes with Granny.

10 stars for our favorite Granny.

SEASON 5 EPISODE 11 remastered color. 4 dvd box set. Released 2018. Catch the classic color cover family portrait.
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The Beverly Hillbillies: Jed Joins the Board (1966)
Season 5, Episode 10
26 May 2024
Another original episode all about what to do with Uncle Jed? Sitting around the mansion and having his millions work for him gets him to thinking... Why not go to work and become a useful citizen?

Jed heads over to the employment office and lands a job as a trash man. More over, he's impressed with what he has to do! Of course, Mr. Drysdale is beside himself and --BEGS-- Jed to serve on the board of directors for the OK Oil Company. It's all about appearance. The rest is insane. Jed mixes with big shots Mr. Brewster (Frank Wilcox) and stuffy E. W. Brachner (Barry Kelley), who can't believe what the heck is going on.

Best part finds Jethro taking over the oil company jet as pilot and Granny as the stewardess? Real goofy stuff, and as usual Jethro steals the scenes.

Very well written, with some clever touches. The opening finds Mr. Drysdale secretly gazing at x-rated pictures of "naked" gold bars. That's a series first. Directed by Guy Scarpitta, long time producer of DOBIE GILLIS. GREEN ACRES and PETTICOAT JUNCTION. It's amazing Guy had time to direct anything.

Great support from series regular Frank Wilcox, very popular tv actor, and Barry Kelley, best known for playing Carol's dad on MISTER ED, and just as grumpy. Kelley has a funny closing drunk scene on the back of the Clampett's buggy.

Classic episode from SEASON 5 EPISODE 10. Remastered color. 4 dvds. Released 2018.
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Mission: Impossible: The Mercenaries (1968)
Season 3, Episode 4
26 May 2024
No question, the kind of over the top secret mission all us fans loved, and what made M. I. unforgettable. Definitely creative writing to the next level. 10 Stars.

Pernell Roberts, in a signature bad guy role, plays ruthless Colonel Krem, a commando headquarted in Central Africa who is undone by shear greed. Krem is one smart cookie, but his stealing and stashing of gold, both from friend and foe alike, neccessitates a visit from the equally clever M. I. team -- and what a fakeout this is. This will keep you entertained.

As the last reviewer noted, yes, timing is of the essence, and the force has to separate Krem from his treasured gold supply. You have to love this. According to production notes, the elaborate gold melting scene was done with ice cream bars! Amazing, and it does make sense to get a realistic effect in an artistic sort of way. True, there is a stretch of poetic license ALSO at work; the extreme temps in the vault would have surely melted the walls ... but whose keeping score? Another win for Barney and Willy behind the scenes.

An excellent supporting cast with two dependables, Skip Homeier as the major and Vic Tayback as Sergeant Gorte. Tayback played some memorable heavies for years before moving into comedy. Without fail, some great work by the team, especially Rolin, the master of characterizations. Martin Landau always fascinating to watch, and with a wry smile.

Applause for director Paul Krasny, who headed many classic episodes, also directing MANNIX at the same time. Krasny was one of the best with adventures like this.

Best of SEASON 3 EPISODE 4. Remastered CBS/Paramount color dvd box set. 7 dvds. Released 2007. Catch the classic picture of Peter Graves on the box cover.
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The Flintstones: Dial S for Suspicion (1962)
Season 3, Episode 14
25 May 2024
Obviously a take-off on Hitchcock's "Dial M For Murder..." this is a whole lotta' fun. The stuff all us kids grew up on.

10 Stars.

It's the old "my wife is trying to kill me" routine, and that's exactly what Fred is thinking when Wilma slips him a new life insurance policy? Let's not forget her reading a book about a some lady who wants to kill her husband??

If a lot of these comic situations kind of sound like something from THE HONEYMOONERS, you are absolutely right. Herbert Finn wrote episodes for this cartoon series and for Jackie Gleason, also quite a few stories for GILLIGANS ISLAND.

I agree with Jimmy -- BEST part is when Wilma introduces her old boyfriend, Rodney, who happens to be a circus performer who throws knives???

Funny guy Howard Morris is the voice of Rodney, and is hilarious. The only debit is they should have had a gag appearance with a cartoon version of Alfred Hitchcock. Not to forget a previous episode where Hitch was Fred and Wilma's neighbor. Another Flintstone classic.

Best of SEASON 3 EPISODE 14. Remastered dvd box set. 4 dvds. Released 2006 and 2017.
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25 May 2024
Actually, if you followed the series, Dagwood had many chances to start his own company and (perhaps) become a financial success. Never ever works out that way, though. That's the kicker.

While Mr. Dithers is away, Dagwood hires on an unemployed female architecht Betty McDermott (Angelyn Orr), who happens to be a recently discharged sergeant. This also was a very timely episode, and as noted by the last reviewer, sort of in the tradition of the BEST YEARS OF OUR LIVES, the spotlight being hiring war veterans. It was a big issue post WWII across the country.

Dagwood's hiring Sergeant Betty only gets him into more trouble with short-fuse Dithers, and he promptly gets fired. Dithers losing his temper is always a hoot. You have to admit, the long running queston in the series is WHY did Mr. Dithers hire Dagwood in the first place? The bright spot (for a few days or so...) finds Dagwood, with Blondie's optimistic encouragement, starting his own construction company, which costs him a lot of money. In a typical hilarious poor Dagwood scene, he treats a spoiled client to a series of expensive restaurant dinners, more money going out than coming in. According to notes, if you added up the food bill, it would have cost Dagwood hundreds of dollars each night --just to eat!

Good support from popular character actor Paul Harvey as Mr. Butler. Also singer Dick Haymes' brother, Bob, plays Jonathan Butler. This was the only screen credit for actress Angelyn Orr, who was an established radio actress.

Well directed by Abby Berlin, as usual, and well written, some funny dialogue and one liners. It all clicks, and Arthur Lake is so over the top. He is the whole show.

Thanks again to MOVIES Net for running this classic series on Saturday mornings, like the old days.
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The Dead Files: Forgotten (2013)
Season 3, Episode 12
25 May 2024
Some of the best episodes of this renown series dealt with properties that had lots of wandering spirits, enough to make anyone run.

Such is the case of a lady who calls on Steve and Amy to investigate her haunted home in rural Illinois. Both she and her son, who is disabled, have been marked by dangerous spirits, especially by what Amy describes as a deranged man who is carrying an axe. His goal is death.

Steve's research definitely breaks some records in this case, which is absolutely fascinating. Years before, the same property housed a poor farm, home to many destitute souls and those with mental illnesses, hence the ghost with the axe. Documents indicate the farm, which existed for about 100 years, beginning in the 1800s, buried as many as 170 people on the property, and an additional 300 in unmarked graves across 350 acres of land. That said, Amy is confronted by scores of wandering spirits who criss cross the property day and night, some walking in ripped clothing and without shoes, displaying the horrible care they faced when they were alive. Steve's research also reveals that animals kept nearby actually had better treatment than humans.

Amy urgently suggests a medium be called in to clense their home and save the family. Will they take her advice?

A 10 Star spooky story for late night viewing. SEASON 3 EPISODE 12, originally aired 2013. Rebroadcast on TRAVEL channel 2024.
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Suddenly (1954)
25 May 2024
Oustanding edge of your seat crime drama, and with some similarities to Sinatra's later thriller, THE MANCHURAIN CANDIDATE. One thing for sure, this is one of his best performances, and you won't too soon forget it.

He plays mad dog John Baron whose mission is to assassinate the president who will be making a stop in the small town of Suddenly, California. Production was actually done in Santa Clarita, CA, which has grown a lot since this film was made, but some of the old landmarks are still there.

Baron and his men take over the ridgetop house of old Pop Benson (played by James Gleason) who lives there with his war widow daughter (Nancy Gates) and grandson, Pidge, played by 10 year old Kim Charney. Charney is good in this role, popular in both movies and tv at the time. Since the house is the perfect spot to hit the president, overlooking the train station, Baron lies in wait. The subsequent dialogue and tense situations to follow with the Benson family is a must see. Also one of James Gleason's most remembered roles, and late in his career. If you're a film buff, yes, there's some similarities to the DESPERATE HOURS, released the following year with Humphrey Bogart.

Sterling Hayden also well cast as the town sheriff. All in all, Lewis Allen brings out the very best of the entire cast. He later became series director for tv's BONANZA.

The screenplay was partly based on the real-life travels of then President Eisenhower, who would often take side trips to Palm Springs. The film additionally had a historical slant, reportedly viewed by Lee Harvey Oswald, only days before President Kennedy's assassination.

The story goes that Frank Sinatra was so overwhelmed by the real-life connection, he bought up the prints of the film (a decade later) and had them destroyed so it would never be seen again. That production note has changed through the years, although he was instrumental in recommending limited re-releases of THE MANCHURAN CANDIDATE, which had a strikingly similar theme.

Oscar nods should have gone to both Sinatra and James Gleason. Colorized in 1986, and interestingly noted for changing Sinatra's famous blue eyes to brown! Always on dvd and remastered blu ray, and thanks to TCM for running this film great.
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24 May 2024
With talk lately in Hollywood about the contribution of veteran Asian American actors, particularly those who blazed the trail for many others, comes the name of Anna May Wong. A beautiful, talented and most underrated actress, born in Los Angeles. She shines in this adventure, which was especially written for her by Paramount Pictures.

DAUGHTER OF SHANGHAI has resurfaced of late as a lost classic, though don't be fooled, its been around for years. Also of historical significance, due to the fact that when it was produced (in 1937), white actors generally played Asian characters on screen. This was Anna May Wong's vehicle all the way.

Wong plays an undercover detective of sorts, out to expose the killers of her father, notorious smugglers linked to a human-trafficking ring. Wong is aided by another popular Asian actor, Philip Ahn. The story becomes even more fascinating when Wong travels to a small island, off the coast of Central America, landing a job as a dancer at a bar which is a front for the smugglers.

Without giving too much away, there's a surprise ending as to who the leader of the mysterious ring is, making this a whole lot of fun. Can you guess it?

Exceptionally directed by the king of B films, Robert Florey, who worked his magic with this cast. Co-starring rough and ready Charles Bickford, young Buster Crabbe (just before fame as FLASH GORDON), veteran actress Cecil Cunningham and J. Carrol Naish. Also look for Anthony Quinn in a very early role.

Wong followed this film with another crime classic, DANGEROUS TO KNOW, also directed by Florey.

Always on remastered dvd for a new generation of collectors.
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The Beverly Hillbillies: Big Daddy, Jed (1965)
Season 3, Episode 27
24 May 2024
Yes. Right off the bat, I agree with the last reviewer, there are similarities between beatnik Sheldon Epps (Alan Reed, Jr.) and Bob Denver's Maynard G. Kreb's offbeat character in DOBIE GILLIS. What an outrageous, campy story.

This episode marked the second apperance of Reed, son of Alan Reed, a popular radio actor and voice of Fred Flintstone. Sheldon Epps and his beatnik pals live in a shabby apartment (in a building owned by Mr. Drysdale no less), which doubles as a rather unique coffee house. And as aspiring, starving Hollywood artists -- they need money.

Of course, Jed and Granny get into the picture, also caught up in their hilarious slang. When they refer to money as bread and lettuce, Jed and Granny get them food? Hilarious story, and somewhat poignant, certainly a time capsule of the day. Definitely the star of the show is Reed, having a blast as the jive talking head man.

Naturally with Jed concerned about the kids, tightwad Mr. Drysdale changes his tune and even dances with Miss Jane. A gotsta' see with a lot of memories. The only debit here is that it's in black and white. It would have been absolutely amazing in color, ya think?

Well written by the famous team of Eric Freiwald and Robert Schaefer, best known for all the classic episodes they wrote for LASSIE. Freiwald later wrote for THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS.

And yes, Sheldon Epps will return!

Best of SEASON 3 EPISODE 27 remastered. Check out the classic color dvd box set cover.
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Barnaby Jones: Murder in the Key of C (1980)
Season 8, Episode 16
24 May 2024
This was Bonnie Ebsen's last appearance on her dad's show (guesting five other times), and doing a good job of it. At the time, Bonnie was quite popular on tv, switching gears a bit and playing an aspiring singer (Connie) who gets a dose of Hollywood reality. One thing for sure, it was fun to see Buddy Ebsen and his real daughter together, which got the show some additional viewers.

An interesting expose on the darker side of the music business, not necessarily fiction either. Connie writes a song that may have a future, victimized by con men who want to steal her blind and leave her behind. If you're a music groupie, this story is very common in Hollywood. Happens all the time.

Andrew Robinson plays the crafty villain, the real star of the show. Ever since playing the maniac killer in DIRTY HARRY, producers offered him lots of bad guy roles, which he made the most of. This is one of them. Popular actor Kip Niven also guest stars, who appeared in another Clint Eastwood film, MAGNUM FORCE, a few years earlier.

You also have a solid team behind the scenes to make this click. Robert I Holt wrote the story, who also wrote several episodes for Mark Shera's previous series, SWAT. Directed by Michael Caffey, later known for TRAPPER JOHN.

Worth a look for good girl Bonnie and her dad, together one last time. Bonnie would later appear in soap operas.

SEASON 8 EPISODE 16 remastered color CBS/Paramount dvd box set. Relerased 2018.
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