
2 Reviews
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Carmen Sandiego (2019–2021)
This turned out to be my jam
21 January 2019
2d animations have always had a special place in my heart, and this show makes me remember all the cool cartoons I used to watch when I was little and all the nostalgia I gained through 2d animation's amazing joy. The animation is stylized and fun to watch, a few things can be improved like walking animations and ease in ease out frames. Characters have variety and are enjoyable, their development is also done very nicely. Carmen's transition from a tomboy to a feminine badass fighter is really great and stunning to watch, although I think they still could do the transition better, the show shows that as a person, Carmen did become strong in many ways. As the main character, Carmen also does not lose her mysterious style to the watcher and to her rivals. I finished it in one day and now I am craving for more as the story does not lose it's interest it implements on to the viewer. So in short, you should get watching, you won't regret it.
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Code Geass (2006–2008)
An Anime that has a breath taking story and has amazing character you will get in love with!
12 June 2016
I first watched Code Geass when I was 11 years old, now I am 15 and this anime is still my favorite. I know, four years is not a very long time but know this: I am a very picky person for everything. I don't watch all the most popular anime's that other people watch. Like FullMetal Alchemist. Sure its a good anime but I didn't find it that strong like Code Geass. Its not like I am trying to tell negative comments about FullMetal Alchemist, please not get it in that way. I am just comparing in my point of view. Now lets get back to Code Geass, first I want to let you all know that my love for this anime is at its over dose. And the main character Lelouch is my favorite character out of everything I saw in this world. This anime has a normal start, its not that strong. But the more you get in to the story and the more you learn about the characters, it gets intense. Like, real intense. I may be over loving this anime but when I checked the Japanese's Top 10 List of Animes I saw that I was not the only person who loved this anime. Code Geass' Season 2 stands in the second place of the list and season 1 stands in fourth. And its right, I mean this anime gets better and better with every episode it passes that in season 2 it becomes more than just an Anime for you. It doesn't messes the character personality's telling or the story line, it just gets better. And I may be a teenage girl but I'll tell you this; the boys are so sexy in this like god. Anyway *cough* this anime deserves your view. Promise, it is not a waste of time rather this anime will change your life. And mostly what I like about this anime is it gives you two options; you can see Lelouch as an evil man or you can see him as a hero. The anime doesn't determines it for you, you do. Watch it till the end, it will blow you away...
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