9 Reviews
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War (2007)
It's better not to ask questions
31 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It was a fairly standard action movie until a major twist near the end that sent it into the wtf? Category. When it is revealed it is better that you don't ask questions because it is quite unrealistic and unbelievable. The one thing I have a major problem with is when he sent one of the ultra valuable horses to the widow of the Triad boss with a note that says "start a new life". Like wtf? She was well aware that her husband was a murdering gangster and was happy to enjoy the fruits of that career. Why does she deserve an expensive gift at the end given to her from "Rogue" to "start a new life"? It seemed like just a pathetic attempt to give Rogue some emotional depth but in doing so removed any backbone that he might have.
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John Wick 3: Death of a franchise.
29 March 2020
There is so much action in this movie that none of the scenes, kills or stunts actually stand out. They all just blend into one another. And the fighting style is not quite the same as in the first two movies, not as quick and calculated.

And as for the story... there almost is none. Its not a bad movie to have playing in the background while you type the review because you know you aren't missing anything.
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The Gentlemen (2019)
Great, entertaining movie
27 January 2020
Stellar performance by Colin Farrell and Hugh Grant and of course Matthew Maconaughy. Jeremy Strong's acting was absolutely terrible and flat, give it some effort mate. Especially in the company of greats. It was the only issue i had with the movie.

The story was awesome. Highly recommended
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Blade Runner (1982)
Not what you expect when comparing to other Sci-fi's
11 July 2019
If you are used to sci-fi movies being made a certain way: heroes being typical heroes, showing off futuristic weapons and in your face graphics then do not watch this movie.

The best way to enjoy this movie is to just imagine it as a creative science/philosophical university paper. It is basically Ridley Scott putting forth the rhetorical questions associated with 'what it means to be human.' and throwing it into a dystopian world in the not so distant future. While I can understand the message and why the long, oh so long scenes are present in the film, I, much like regular people (non-professional critics) feel that the tried and tested methods of suspense and character building are sorely missed. Its long but not suspenseful, it makes you think, but not too much and not often enough for a movie that lacks any of the other entertainment factors. If it were a short film it would be worth a 9 or 10 but as a looooong movie with dull characters it loses a few points due to time wastage.
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The Titan (2018)
Terrible. Confusing. Just a waste of time.
19 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Wtf did I just watch? They signed up to alter themselves so they could live in the harsh environment of titan. But then they rebelled against the scientist that made him that way because he did exactly what they signed up for. Then in the end they ended up sending him to Titan anyway and it's made out to be a victory for the family. Wtf??? Wasn't sending him to Titan EXACTLY what the scientist wanted to do when they rebelled?

Also, wouldn't it be easier to just 'articificially evolve' to be able to remain on earth rather than trying to survive on an unknown planet. At least on earth you know what the problems are.
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Don't expect it to be anywhere near as good as the first one.
9 December 2018
Fairly disappointed to be honest. I loved the first one, a good balance of him kicking ass and caring for others but this pretty much left all of the main story line to the end.

You know in most conspiracies how the trail usually sends them to one clue and then another and another and another and another 5 or 6 times until they reveal the bad guy and their motive?

Well in the equaliser 2 they left the main story to about halfway through so the trail was about 2 clues until he figured it out which I felt was really lazy. It's like: let's show this guy being a good samaritan for a while but now we don't have time for a deep plot so let's just connect the dots sooner oh and umm the bad guys... yeah here is a possible motive that I pulled out of a hat. The audience will buy it and believe it.

Won't be buying a movie ticket for the 3rd one if there is one.
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All superheroes in one place does not mean a super movie!
8 December 2018
Quite disappointed. Too much going on, too many heroes to follow. Who is the protagonist? Iron Man? Thor? Star Lord? Dr. Strange? Who do I follow? All of them? They have tried to recreate the impact of the original avengers when they all join up but times by 5. Unfortunately it flops. I will watch Endgame because I have already committed this much but just have to say Stan Lee should not have signed off on any of this.
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So... when are the jokes expected to arrive?
7 August 2017
Horrible. If there is anything i have learned about new TV series' its that the pilot has to be a killer episode to get the viewers hooked for the rest of the series or at the least the next episode. I watched the first episode on netflix and could not wait to remove it from 'my list'. It attempts to draw humour from the daggy 90's references and style but the jokes just fall very short. In the first episode i laughed twice and one of those was a little forced, trying to influence my mind to find it funny but to no avail.

I have not seen the original movie or any other of the franchise so i do not know if the corny brady bunch style acting is supposed to be part of the humour but it didn't do it for me.

Don't waste your time with this one.
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24 September 2015
I was 2 seconds away from turning this movie off after about 30 minutes until Sean Bean entered. I am a big fan of his so I thought maybe it would get better. I was wrong. To me, this movie is considered a burden to the Sci-Fi genre. I have no idea how it even made it to Cinema, thank god I didn't pay for a movie ticket. Just because you put 2 good-looking people in the lead roles doesn't mean it'll work. And what was with the make-up they put on Channing Tatum? Mila Kunis is still dam sexy so that at least took it from a 1/10 to a 2/10 for me. This really is a big disappointment from the Wakowskis.

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