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Wavelength (I) (2022)
Rather bizarre
3 June 2024
"Wavelength" is less than a minute long and it appears to be one camera shot of a bedroom that contains a small skateboard on a shelf and a... severed leg by the windows. Does a killer live in the house? There's no dialogue, but there is noise that sounds like humming. I don't really know how to properly describe it, but it doesn't sound like a person humming. I won't spoil the ending, but there isn't much to spoil.

The film is apparently a very short remake of Michael Snow's film "Wavelength", which I haven't seen. This remake is by Mich Gelinas. It's OK. The cinematography isn't great, but it's not awful. The leg looks fake. However, it's still kinda eerie and it makes the film *somewhat* interesting. You're like, "What the hell?" Pretty much nothing happens. Since the film is, again, less than a minute and it's not annoying or poorly made, I can't say I hate it. It's just another strange short film I watched.
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A strange music video for a strange song
28 April 2024
I remember I first saw this on TV a long time ago and had no idea what I was watching. Well, it's obviously a music video for the song "Rabbit in Your Headlights" by UNKLE and Thom Yorke from Radiohead. The video is about a man walking on a road in a tunnel, talking to himself. The man might be homeless and he talks unintelligibly. He gets hit by vehicles. However, each time he gets hit, he gets back up and keeps walking.

The song is really good and so is the music video. The acting, camerawork, editing, and such are superb. The ending is particularly memorable. Like I wrote, the video is definitely weird, but that's fine with me. It's a must-see if you're into UNKLE or Thom Yorke's music.
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28 April 2024
"Eastern Avenue" is an interesting and kinda trippy documentary about Peter Mettler's trip to Switzerland, Portugal, and Berlin in the 1980s. You see many things like train tracks, skulls, and buildings. You also see people looking at the camera and people dancing, probably in a nightclub or something. As for what you hear, well, you hear music and people talking in a foreign language, although there is a bit of English. The camera is constantly moving. There aren't many shots while the camera is still.

I saw some of Mettler's films that he made after "Eastern Avenue". He's hit-and-miss with me. I enjoyed this one. If many people hypothetically saw it, I don't know if they'd enjoy it, though. Anyway, the cinematography, editing, and music are good. Like I wrote, the film is kinda trippy, but I think that's largely due to the way it was shot. I didn't mind. The scene of people dancing is probably my favourite part of the film.

"Eastern Avenue" took a little too long to end, but when it did, I was glad that I saw it. I'm not surprised that Mettler made it. If you enjoy documentaries like "Koyaanisqatsi", you *might* enjoy this one.
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Flower (II) (2017)
Violent, bizarre, and funny
15 April 2024
I enjoyed "Flower". It's about a man in a conservatory who discovers a red flower that talks with what I think is a British accent. The man doesn't speak and the flower wants him to kill the conservatory's groundskeeper. The film has a twist ending, but I won't spoil it.

The acting is good and the talking flower made me laugh. The film is definitely violent, but it's not extremely violent. I liked the cinematography, editing, music, and writing. The twist ending isn't original, but it still works. "Flower" succeeds at being weird and entertaining. If you have a few minutes to spare, check it out.
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Annoying and mostly unfunny
14 March 2024
"Melvin Brother of the Joker" is not good, but it's not terrible, at least in my opinion. It's about a guy named Melvin, played by Doug Walker, who is indeed the brother of the Batman villain the Joker. Melvin looks specifically like the Joker from "The Dark Knight"... well, mostly. He's not wearing white makeup. Anyway, he talks to the camera because he's making a video blog. He lives with his mother, who's off-screen throughout this film/sketch, but you hear her yelling at Melvin. Dear God, whoever voiced this mother (I don't know if it was Doug) did a terrible job. She's very annoying and not funny. I hated this performance. Maybe you're supposed to find the mother as irritating as Melvin does, but she could've at least had a better voice. Melvin talks about rayguns and, at one point, talks on a cellphone to someone. I didn't really care. Well, at least Melvin's voice isn't annoying.

There are maybe a couple of moments that are a little funny, but even right after watching "Melvin Brother of the Joker", I don't remember what they are. I mostly wasn't laughing. Still, Doug's performance of Melvin isn't bad, I guess. There's a song at the beginning and at the end. It's a bit catchy. About ten years after this film/sketch was released, "Joker", starring Joaquin Phoenix, was released. That film's title character also lives with his mother, which is kinda interesting. It might be a coincidence. The cinematography of "Melvin Brother of the Joker" is so-so. The editing is fine. Like I wrote, it just isn't funny. It's also kinda cringeworthy. I can't recommend it, unless you wanna annoy somebody.
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Great twist ending
29 February 2024
"Make Me a Sandwich" is about a verbally abusive man who watches TV and constantly demands that his wife make him a sandwich and bring it to him. He's an a-hole and his wife naturally hates always having to do what he says. I don't wanna spoil the film, but I was kinda confused while watching it until its dark twist ending, which made sense.

The acting, cinematography, editing, and such are all good. It did not come across as a comedic film to me, although the fantastic ending is a bit darkly funny. It kinda reminds me of a famous horror film, but I won't say which one because, again, I want to avoid spoilers. "Make Me a Sandwich" is only a few minutes long and I recommend watching it.
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Rock (2019)
It's alright
30 January 2024
"Rock" is about a guy on a skateboard who goes to a gas station store in the middle of nowhere. A woman drives to the gas station to fill up her car. The guy leaves the store and the two of them see each other. I don't wanna spoil what happens, but I wonder if these two people know each other. By the way, this film has no dialogue.

It's hard to say if I like it because the first two and a half minutes are kinda boring. The opening shot of the guy skateboarding to the store lasts pretty long and after he goes inside, the shot seems to just keep going. We see that not much is happening outside the store. Sometimes, I enjoy long camera shots, but this opening shot is so-so. You may find it boring. When the two characters see each other, that's when I became a lot more interested. I also really like the dreamy music in the end credits.

The acting and cinematography are pretty good, but I have mixed feelings about the editing. The film is short, but I think it could've been even shorter. Still, I enjoyed the film after the first two and a half minutes. I guess "Rock" is OK. Do I recommend it? I dunno, but I've seen worse short films.
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Our Valley (2010)
Kinda funny
22 January 2024
"Our Valley" is about an actress being filmed for what I'm guessing is... well, a film. I don't know what the film is about, but the crew seem to be testing a very powerful fan on the actress while she delivers her lines on a set. "Our Valley" is only about a minute long, so there isn't much to spoil. Nevertheless, I won't spoil the ending.

The actress is played by Clara Mamet, who's the daughter of this film's writer and director, David Mamet. She did a good job. The film isn't hilarious, but it did make me laugh a bit. The cinematography, film set, and costumes are good. As for the writing, it's decent. So yeah, I guess "Our Valley" is OK. It's currently on YouTube, if you wanna watch it.
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Funny and delightful
13 December 2023
"The One Note Man" is about a guy who lives by himself and has a daily routine. When he wakes up, he brushes his teeth, eats breakfast, eats something sweet, and rides a bike to an opera house where he plays one note on an instrument in an orchestra. After he plays that note, he goes home, eats dinner, brushes his teeth, and goes to bed. The next day, he does everything again. It kinda reminds me of "Groundhog Day". The protagonist of "The One Note Man" is lonely and he falls in love with one of the musicians in the orchestra. I won't spoil the rest of the film. By the way, except for a bit of narration from Ian McKellan, the film has no dialogue.

I really enjoyed "The One Note Man". It's quite charming and funny. The protagonist is played by Jason Watkins and his performance is great. His character is also very likeable. The story, music, cinematography, editing, and such are wonderful. You don't need to have dialogue to make an entertaining film and "The One Note Man" is definitely proof of that. I honestly can't think of anything I didn't like about the film. It's Oscar-worthy.
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Ceres (2022)
Entertaining and pretty low-key
2 December 2023
"Ceres" is about a woman named Proserpina, who goes to her mother's house. Her mother is Ceres and she's not home, so Proserpina has the house to herself, but Ceres soon comes home. The two of them do some planting outside and they lie on the ground. I don't wanna spoil the rest of the film.

There are definitely scenes that don't have any dialogue, like at the beginning, but when there is dialogue, it's good. Proserpina is played by Hannah Morrish, who also wrote the film, and Ceres is played by Juliet Stevenson. Their performances are fantastic and their characters are likeable. The film is well-edited and it looks very nice. I particularly liked the opening shot of Proserpina walking through an empty field. "Ceres" isn't a comedic or action-packed film and that's fine with me. Maybe not everyone will enjoy it, but I did.
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Very good
11 November 2023
I really enjoyed "How to Get $100 Million". It's about a young woman named Hope, who lives by herself. She's played by Jessica Marie Garcia. She watches TV and discovers a self-help guru, played by Aaron Groben, talking to his audience about how to get rich. Hope is interested in this mysterious guru and follows his advice. She wants $100 million, which is obviously a lot of money. Will she get it? Well, I won't spoil the ending.

I love the acting in this film. Groben gives an excellent performance and Garcia is also really good. The writing, cinematography, music, and such are terrific. Hope is a likeable character. She isn't shown interacting with many people. I kinda wonder if she has any friends. Anyway, the film succeeds at being dramatic. When I first saw it, I was kinda underwhelmed by the ending. I was hoping there would be more. However, I watched the film again and I think the ending is fine. "How to Get $100 Million" was made with great skill and I definitely recommend it.
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Self Care (I) (2022)
I guess it's OK
4 October 2023
"Self Care" is a film that's only a minute long and has no dialogue, no actors, and no music. You see objects on the ground or a table (I'm not sure), like a mirror, a cigarette, and some kind of machine that has a dildo attached to it. By the way, the noise from that machine is the only sound you hear. That's the film. The objects you see (presumably) all have to do with the film's title.

The cinematography is good. The film seems to be a single shot of those objects. Despite the very short running time, I was a little bored, but I don't know if this film was made to be entertaining. "Self Care" is truly a film where pretty much nothing happens. It's a weird film to review. Like I wrote, it's OK, I guess. If you wanna watch it, yeah, go ahead. If you don't like it, it obviously won't feel like a huge waste of time.
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Shit Show (2023)
Disgusting and mostly unfunny
17 September 2023
I first discovered "S*** Show" on Kickstarter and decided not to pledge money to it, but I was still kinda interested in seeing the film after its completion. Well, after watching it, I'm glad I didn't pledge any money to it. It's not terrible, but it just didn't make me laugh.

"S*** Show" has both animated and live action scenes. It starts with two guys talking about the film "You Got Served" and whether or not that's the title of the film. I haven't seen "You Got Served" and I forgot about the fact that it exists. The two guys are playing tennis and their ball is accidentally hit into a sewer, where we meet the three animated main characters. They're a bloody tampon, a piece of excrement, and a used heroin needle. Oh, and they talk. Admittedly, the sewer looks very good and the stop motion animation of these characters is also very good. I liked the voice acting of the needle and the excrement, but not the tampon. That voice sounded rather obnoxious. The tampon screams and I thought it was awful. I wanted it to shut up.

Like I wrote, I wasn't laughing throughout the film. There are maybe a few moments that are a little funny, but that's it. There's a live action scene where a guy says to a woman that he kissed Amazon founder Jeff Bezos in the '80s. Is that supposed to be funny? I don't get it. I dunno what to say. Humour is subjective. Will most people who watch "S*** Show" find it hilarious? I'm not sure.

At times, this film isn't easy to watch. It's gross, but it tries to convince you that the three main characters are more than what they look like. That they deserve to be loved or something. OK, fine, but I didn't really care about these characters. The concept of an ugly looking character having inner beauty is unoriginal. I guess I don't really like films that are too gross. I was watching this obscure feature length comedy film called "Gross Out" and I couldn't finish watching it because it was really disgusting. Luckily, "S*** Show" is pretty short and I still wanted to give it a chance. Plus, while it has excrement, nobody eats it like in "Gross Out".

So yeah, "S*** Show" isn't very funny, but it definitely has good animation and mostly good acting. I should mention that there's a scene with a drug addict that is visually interesting. It kinda reminds me of that film "Spun". "S*** Show" is certainly odd, but an odd film isn't always a good film. Again, it's not terrible, but I don't think I can recommend it.
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Cruise (2022)
12 September 2023
"Cruise" is about two guys who are forced to call people and convince them that they've won a free cruise. The callers aren't just forced to convince them, though. They have to also get their contact information. If the callers fail three times, they're killed by a gunman who's sitting with them in an office room. It seems that a lot of people are forced to make these calls. I don't know why, but I didn't care why. It's darkly funny. Do these two guys succeed? Well, I'm not gonna spoil the film for you.

The acting, writing, cinematography, and such are great. Visually speaking, the film is dark, but it doesn't look too dark. Like I wrote, it made me laugh. I really liked the ending. I don't *think* the story is realistic, but this is a film and films don't always have to be realistic. "Cruise" is well-made and I highly recommend it.
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Unoriginal and mediocre
5 September 2023
"In the Red Corner" is about a boxer who fights an opponent in a room. They don't fight in a boxing ring and there's no referee. The boxers also aren't wearing headgear and they fight on a hardwood floor. I'm not an expert on boxing, but isn't that dangerous? Is this something boxers do? Were the filmmakers unable to afford a boxing ring? Well, anyway, the story isn't unique and the film often looks too dark. Who are these characters? What's the protagonist's life like? I don't know. During the match, two people talk to the protagonist and I really don't know who they are. One of them is a woman. Is she his girlfriend? Yeah, you may be kinda confused while watching this. I was.

The acting is not great, but there's nobody who gives a godawful performance. I guess the guy who plays the protagonist is OK. The music is good, but the writing is so-so. This film has opening credits. However, the film is only about six minutes long, so I think those credits are unnecessary. None of the characters are terrible, but they're not interesting. I guess the fighting is decent, but I didn't care who would win the boxing match. I think the filmmakers should've learned how to light their film because, like I wrote, it just looks too dark. So yeah, I don't recommend "In the Red Corner".
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One Shot (I) (2020)
Well-made and unpredictable
22 August 2023
I definitely didn't know what was going to happen in "One Shot". It's about a man sitting on a bench who's being filmed for something. Probably a movie. He takes a basketball that's beside him and goes to shoot it into a basketball net, but something shocking happens. I won't spoil it, though. While he's being filmed, you hear members of the camera crew talking.

The acting, cinematography, and such are good. I like that there's no music, especially during the end credits. It's appropriate. "One Shot" is only a couple of minutes long, but if you watch it with other people, you might be talking about it at least for awhile. To me, it's difficult to just ignore the film once you've seen it. I highly recommend it too.
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The Apprentice (I) (2014)
Somewhat funny
7 August 2023
From what I understand, "The Apprentice" was going to be a segment in "Movie 43", but it wasn't included because I guess it was too controversial. I haven't seen "Movie 43" and I don't have much interest in seeing it. As for "The Apprentice", I think it's both funny and unfunny.

The film takes place at a morgue, which seems like an unusual location for a comedy. The protagonist is a guy named Wayne, who only recently started working at the morgue. He's played by Anton Yelchin and his performance is good, although he didn't always make me laugh. I guess he did the best he could with the film's script.

One night, Wayne is alone with a young dead woman in a room and the film gets pretty weird, dark, and unfunny. I'm not against black humour, but I just didn't find what Wayne does with the corpse to be funny. I won't spoil what happens, but you may find it hard to watch. I didn't personally find it hard to watch. However, I'm someone who watches extreme films like "Pink Flamingos", "Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer", and "Nekromantik". I did get *some* laughs from watching "The Apprentice". I won't spoil the ending, but it is kinda funny. There's also a scene where Wayne is (presumably) mopping the floor, listening to music, and singing. He's oblivious to what's happening near him and falls. Yeah, I think that part's funny.

The acting, editing, and cinematography are fine. The music can be a bit weird at times, but it sounds good. I don't think I've ever been to a morgue and I don't know if the film was actually shot at one, but I'll just assume the morgue in this film looks like a regular morgue. "Movie 43" wasn't well-received by film critics and audiences. If you're one of the few people who enjoyed it, I don't know if you'll enjoy "The Apprentice". I *sort of* enjoyed it. Even when I wasn't laughing, I wasn't hating the film. It's only about six minutes long (including the credits). I think you have to be gutsy to make a film like this and I admire the filmmakers for taking risks. So yeah, I don't know if I can recommend "The Apprentice", but if you're not a fan of dark comedies and you become nauseated easily, then definitely don't watch it.
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T.P. (2015)
Odd and amusing
28 July 2023
You wanna know what "T. P." is about? It's about a talking toilet paper roll that gets put in a filthy public washroom, but it wants to escape. The toilet in the washroom also talks and so does a plunger. The toilet paper roll struggles to break free from a holder attached to a wall, but does it succeed? You'll have to watch the film to find out. The story is rather weird. Was the writer on drugs when he came up with it?

All of the characters are apparently voiced by Bob Bergen, who did a good job. The film's stop motion animation looks impressive. I laughed, like when "Ave Maria" plays in the end credits. The film is a bit gross, but I don't think it's extremely gross. Humans in the film come to use the toilet, but from what I recall, you don't see any urine or excrement. This might sound weird, but the toilet paper roll protagonist is likeable. So yeah, I think "T. P." is well-made, funny, and entertaining. I recommend it if you're looking for something short and unusual to watch.
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17 June 2023
In "Farewell She Goes", two young women go to a beach with a dead bird to give it a burial at sea. One of them throws the bird in the water, but it just comes back to shore. This is the only part in the film that made me laugh and it also made the two characters laugh. What are they gonna do with the bird? I'm not exactly sure when the film takes place, but judging by the clothes the characters are wearing and the film's ending text message, maybe it takes place in the 19th century. Again, I don't know, though.

The characters are likeable. They're played by Isabella Speaight and Cat White. Their acting is good. The writing, editing, cinematography, and music are also good. I had a little bit of trouble understanding what the characters were saying, but I heard most of their dialogue clearly. The film isn't powerful and the ending didn't make me cry, but I like the ending. If you enjoy period dramas, you might enjoy "Farewell She Goes".
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Calvinball! (2015)
Bad, but a little funny
7 May 2023
I could be wrong, but it seems that the people who made "Calvinball!" just wanted to have fun and did not take the making of the film seriously. Well, it may have been fun for them, but it wasn't really fun for me, the viewer. For those of you who don't know, "Calvin and Hobbes" is a comic strip about a boy named Calvin and his stuffed tiger named Hobbes. Hobbes seems to be a real anthropomorphic tiger when he's just with Calvin, but to other people, Hobbes is just a stuffed tiger. It's a funny and wonderful comic.

This film features live-action re-enactments of moments from "Calvin and Hobbes", but they're not well-made. The characters, including a girl named Susie, are played by adults and their acting is terrible. It seems that they didn't even bother to buy a tiger costume for Hobbes. It's just a guy with his face painted and wearing fake ears on his head. His clothes aren't even orange. That's Hobbes? He hardly looks like Hobbes! If you were to do a side-by-side comparison with pictures, it would just look funny, although probably unintentionally funny.

From what I recall, the re-enactments are usually(?) different from the comic. In this film, Calvin sometimes wears what looks like a Transformers mask. I don't know why. I don't recall Calvin watching the animated '80s Transformers show or even having Transformers toys in the comic. There also seem to be live-action re-enactments of moments from "The Far Side". Why? Again, I don't know.

The sound quality isn't good. You can barely hear what the characters are saying. Sometimes, they'll say something and I don't even know what they said. I did laugh maybe a few times. Like in the comic, Hobbes is a stuffed tiger, at one point, but he looks like the Winnie-the-Pooh character Tigger. OK, that's funny. However, I didn't laugh much while watching the film.

"Calvinball!" is cringeworthy, cheap looking, amateurish, and mostly not entertaining. Luckily, it's only about 12 minutes long. I think you'd be better off reading "Calvin and Hobbes" than watching this film.
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An entertaining short film that might be difficult to watch for some people
18 April 2023
"They Can't Hear You" is about a young woman who's tied to a bed and she has blood on her. She's given two minutes to try and escape. Her sibling is apparently the perpetrator and you don't see his/her face. The woman tied to the bed is clearly suffering and wants to live. The actress playing her gives a great performance. You really feel sorry for this character.

This is a single take film, meaning it was filmed in one long take or at least it looked like it was. I've seen the film twice and I don't remember it having a music score. That's fine with me, though. The film's not extremely violent, but it may still be tough to watch because you're mostly watching a character who's very unhappy and afraid.

I think "They Can't Hear You" is effective. The acting, writing, and cinematography are very good. I liked the ending, but I won't spoil it. I recommend this film to horror fans, but you may want to watch something upbeat afterwards.
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Clash (I) (2021)
Mostly unimpressive and confusing
24 March 2023
I'm having trouble understanding this film's story. It begins with a cop chasing a few people and then... the cop wakes up in a field wearing different clothes? Did this happen later? Is it a dream sequence? What does this cop have to do with the rest of the story? Well, anyway, we see people in a church playing poker or some other card game. Who are these people? Are they gangsters? A different cop named Jonas goes inside the church and I think he wants revenge. I believe his... sister died? Jonas is basically a one-man army and he fights these people in the church.

"Clash" is just puzzling, but not in a good way. The fighting is not on par with, say, "The Raid" movies. Some of it looks OK, but some of it is unconvincing. There's a part where Jonas stabs a guy on the ground (presumably killing him), but you don't actually see him stabbing the guy. It's off-screen. Was this done because the filmmakers didn't know how to show it properly? The acting is so-so at best. I guess it's better than "The Room" (2003), but not by much. The guy who plays Jonas is OK, I guess. The editing and the sound are not great. I was watching this film with my headphones and there were at least a couple of times when the sound seemed to be coming out of only one side, for some reason. The film also doesn't look great. In fact, it often looks dull. I didn't care about the characters. There are maybe a few funny moments, but I don't think they're intentional. For example, when a character says, "Anne, don't rush me like that", the actor says the line poorly and I laughed.

If you think I'm being too harsh, well, what can I say? It's my opinion. I know movies require a lot of work, but I don't think "Clash" is entertaining. It's certainly not the worst short film I've ever seen, though. Maybe Orlando Giraldo, the writer/director/editor/etc, will make something better in the future.
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Santa Baby (2019)
Not bad
23 February 2023
"Santa Baby" may not be a great short film, but it sure is memorable. After I saw it, I couldn't stop thinking about it. It takes place during the Christmas season. A killer in a Santa suit breaks into a home of a woman and a mysterious person living in what I think is the basement. The killer looks in the dark basement with a lantern he finds in the house. I don't know why he doesn't just turn the basement's lights on... or does the basement not have lights? I won't spoil what happens, but this film has a very weird and unpredictable ending.

The acting is good. The guy who plays the killer in the Santa suit is pretty convincing and frightening. The violence in the film looks OK. However, at one point, the filmmakers seemed to use cranberry sauce or something for blood and body parts, which looks rather fake. There's a suit that looks like it was made out of humans and it's very good. It reminds me of "The Silence of the Lambs". Anyway, the writing, editing, and cinematography are decent. The ending is great and it definitely helps make this film memorable. If you're looking for a short Christmas horror film, "Santa Baby" is good enough for me to recommend it.
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To the Sea (II) (2020)
Pretty good and a bit sad
18 January 2023
"To the Sea" is about a brother and a sister who live in a rural house near what I'm guessing is a sea. They live with their mother, but one day, she just leaves in a car. The siblings throw a party at their house. The sister later thinks she sees her mother's car nearby, but it may not be her car. The mother also may not be coming back. What are they gonna do?

I was impressed with the acting in this film. The people playing the siblings give believable and solid performances. The film looks very nice and it's not predictable. I had a bit of trouble understanding the characters' accents, but maybe that's just me. I felt sorry for the main characters. Why would their mother just leave them? I don't know, but I guess things like this sadly happen in real life. Anyway, the writing and the editing are good. I tend to watch films that not many people have seen and "To the Sea" seems to be one of those films. To me, it doesn't matter if this film is obscure. It's worth watching.
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homer_a (2017)
Eerie and brilliant
27 October 2022
Well, this is a weird short film. It's well-made, though. "homer_a" is about the lives of a few people who wear masks of characters from "The Simpsons". There's no dialogue and it looks like it was shot on a VHS camcorder. We see someone wearing a Bart mask on a bridge and he appears to be getting intoxicated. He strangles someone wearing a Milhouse mask in a garage (I think). There's also someone wearing a Homer mask drinking in a parking lot at night. By the way, these random scenes are in the first few minutes of "homer_a". The rest of the film basically shows Bart, Milhouse, and Homer in a park or a forest. I won't spoil what happens, though.

"homer_a" is unusual, unpredictable, hair-raising, entertaining, and rewatchable. I've seen it a few times. The actors, camerawork, editing, and such are great. I don't know who the actors are. They're not credited in the film, but that's OK with me. I guess it's a mystery. If you wanna show your friends a strange little film, then show them "homer_a".
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