
136 Reviews
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Solo Leveling (2024– )
Okay for Average Viewers, But Disappointing If You Had High Hopes
12 May 2024
If you watched this anime adaptation of Solo Leveling, you likely did so because you were already a fan of the popular Korean manhwa series, or you were intrigued by all the hype surrounding it. Regardless, you probably had rather high expectations going into it. The secret to fully enjoying Solo Leveling Season 1 is - don't expect much.

There are a few key reasons for this. While the beginning was solid and promising, effectively introducing the power level system, after the first couple of decent episodes, the show starts to lose momentum. It becomes clear that aside from the main protagonist, the rest of the characters are essentially irrelevant to the overarching story and have virtually no impact on the main character's journey. As a result, there is little opportunity or incentive for the viewer to become invested in any of the side characters. The mother's initial illness fails to garner much sympathy, the sister's role is negligible for the entirety of season 1, and this pattern holds true for almost every other character. Even the graphic violence lacks impact since we don't form connections to any of the characters, including the protagonist himself.

This flaw could potentially be overlooked if the animation quality was exceptional, but unfortunately that is not the case. The visuals remain mediocre and messy until the finale, where there is a modest improvement, but it comes too late to salvage the season.

The repeated emphasis on the protagonist being the "weakest hunter" comes across as heavy-handed, seemingly a contrived attempt by the author to amplify and oversell the extent of the main character's eventual power growth and evolution. To me? It just felt forced.

Overall, Season 1 falls into the familiar trope of "a initially weak main character gaining immense strength, ostensibly to boost his ego and snatch the noble goal of saving someone beloved". While not particularly noteworthy, it provides a reasonably entertaining experience. I would rate it a 7 out of 10 - not necessarily a standout recommendation, but the season did pique my interest enough that I may pick up the original manhwa to see where the story goes next.
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Jujutsu Kaisen (2020– )
Saved by the spectacular animation
27 December 2023
This show is a visual delight thanks to MAPPA Studios' stellar animation. However, beneath the impressive visuals lie some notable shortcomings. This makes you wonder: Would the show have made such success were it not for the astounding job by MAPPA ?

While the animation is top-notch, the storyline feels like a blend of familiar themes from Naruto, Bleach... etc. The characters, though visually appealing, often lack depth, falling into predictable molds.

The power system is vaguely explained, leaving certain abilities feeling arbitrary. Despite its commendable animation, the series faces inflated hype, often overshadowing its narrative shortcomings.

In essence, Jujutsu Kaisen offers a feast for the eyes but falls short in delivering an original and compelling narrative. It might appeal to those who prioritize visuals, but for viewers seeking a more nuanced and unique storytelling experience, it may not fully hit the mark.
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Jujutsu Kaisen: Right and Wrong - Part 2 (2023)
Season 2, Episode 19
Gege's not thinking it through
30 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So, I just finished watching that latest Jujutsu Kaisen episode, and man, it took me on a wild emotional ride. I had tears streaming down my face, but let's dig into it. I can't shake the feeling that the author might be leaning a bit too hard on shock value, especially in that scene with Mahito charging at Nobara. It felt a bit over the top - I mean, she's just standing there waiting for him to land a hit? Come on, that's a bit hard to swallow.

I get it, impulsive decisions can mess with the overall fan experience. Even as a diehard enthusiast, the abrupt exit of Nobara without much backstory or development felt rushed. She's this central character, and bam, she's gone. It makes her seem a bit one-dimensional, and that's disappointing because we all love her. A few flashbacks won't magically fix that.

On the positive side, Mahito is killing it as a villain, and the animation is still top-notch. The portrayal of Nobara's fall was done beautifully.

However, there are some downsides. Nobara's character needed more time to grow, and it's glaring that the author struggles with giving depth to female characters. Killing off Nobara felt unnecessary, especially considering what Yuji went through after Nanami's death. Nobara's death wouldn't add much at this exact point of the story because Nanami's death is supposed to be sufficient for Yuji's char-dev. Mahito pinning down another important character felt a bit forced. Nanami struggling against that long-haired blonde guy and then getting killed by Mahito? It feels like the author might be changing things up hastily.

And those flashbacks, they felt a bit out of place. I love seeing Nobara's cute side, but they could've incorporated it better, maybe earlier in the series.

Anyway, I'm giving it a 7-star because the animation and effort are still praiseworthy, as well as the fact that I just can't help but feel terribly sad for Nobara's loss. Fingers crossed for better character treatment in the future.
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Supernatural: Baby (2015)
Season 11, Episode 4
A Return to Supernatural Roots
19 November 2023
After seasons cluttered with cosmic clashes and heavenly politics, this episode serves as a breath of fresh air, harking back to Supernatural's roots; lands perfectly without any need for fan-service.

Many battles with demons, angels, and the enigmatic Darkness, the show seemed to lose its essence-the thrill of "killing monsters, hunting things, the family business." This installment, viewed through the lens of the Impala, brings us a unique and unexpected perspective. Rarely have I felt an episode fly by so quickly; it was an exhilarating ride, and I owe it all to Baby.

This episode masterfully recaptures the show's true spirit-introducing a new monster-of-the-week, providing a welcome reprieve from the cosmic heaviness. It's a delightful departure from the incessant brotherly conflicts and cosmic power struggles that have defined recent seasons. A genuine gift to the fans who've stuck with the Winchesters through 11 seasons. Kudos to the writers for this much-needed return to form.
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The Interview (II) (2014)
Stands the Test of Time: Does what most flicks can't
14 November 2023
As time rolls on, hitting that sweet spot of universal comedy gets trickier, especially in the quirky realm of humor with its picky set of rules. "The Interview" nails its comedic mission, and honestly, it couldn't have hit the bullseye any better.

Seth Rogen and James Franco are like a comedic dream team. Amidst the bold and audacious humor, the jokes hit the mark, creating a riotously funny journey. Sure, it's not everyone's cup of tea with its explicit humor, but crafting a movie this side-splitting without some dirty jokes? Now that's a challenge.

The movie keeps its groove with consistent pacing, and the plot keeps you guessing at every turn. Predictability? Not in this flick.

What sets this movie apart is its timeless quality. Aging like fine wine, it still packs a punch even after a decade. Kudos to the entire crew, from the actors to the writers, producers, and those effects-crazy good. This one's a solid recommendation, a strong 9/10.
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Get Smart (2008)
Excellent actors, yet a subpar plot full of predictability
12 November 2023
Usually when you see a cast like this consisting of a number of outstanding names with Steve Carell and Anne Hathaway in the lead, you'd expect the narrative punchline to land a little smoother, but what they ended up doing in this movie is just carry it. I started the movie a little skeptical, you don't expect much from a movie scoring a 6.5 but I chose to expect nothing and suspend my belief, and only enjoy the laughs nonetheless. However, this movie left a lot to be desired. The majority of the jokes are below average both in terms of creativity and how they integrate to the general chemistry of the characters, and the only reason why they worked (if ever) is because of the actors, not the actual jokes per se.

The plot and its pace are all over the place, movies are usually a "Sequence", but in Get Smart, you feel like everything is glued and slammed unto one another.

What's more important (to me at least) than the actual plot (which was predictable in the first place) is how the writers did not even put the necessary effort to build up the required chemistry between the main lead characters, the way it was forced along the line makes it feel unnatural and plastic.

Oh and, the fat joke is overused, it was funny for the first two or three times, but that's about it, you don't keep using the same joke over and over again.

Thanks again to the amazing cast which made this a decent ride, but I would not recommend this movie to anybody. It aged (not that) badly for modern age drama but still underwhelming. 6/10.
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J. Lawrence makes this movie decent
24 October 2023
I can't stress enough how exceptional J. Lawrence's performance was in "No Hard Feelings (2023)." She truly carried the film, and in my opinion, no other actor could have made it as enjoyable to watch as she did.

The movie itself is a nostalgic throwback to the comedy genre of the past decade, which seemed to have disappeared from the cinema for a while. It has a handful of memorable scenes, but not much beyond that. While it's not exactly boring, it lacks many standout elements. I would have given it a solid 4 out of 5 if it weren't for the iconic role played by J. Lawrence in this film.

I am giving this a 7.
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One Piece (2023– )
It deserves all the praise, whether you're a One Piece fan or not!
8 October 2023
After watching a plethora of live-adaptations for many stories and animes, this is the only series that comes close to perfection. It is not perfect, but it certainly lives up to the hype, and surely does a pretty good job delivering one of the most entertaining stories in Anime to real television.

The pacing is on point, it may feel rushed to those who are used to the anime's pace, but the flow in this series delivers everything on the right timing. Every single actor studied their characters pretty well, especially the main ones, we felt for the characters, they had way more depth even than when they were introduced in the anime, which I believe is a perk of having a live adaptation rather than just plain animation.

However, I believe there should be some consistency in the gore-like delivery, for example, some fights are pretty bloody, and some other fights are unreasonably "blood-less" ?

Anyway, Luffy doesn't look too braindead in this series, I am pretty sure this brings One Piece to a whole new taste and dimension, I certainly would rewatch it some time, and I can't wait for Season 2 !
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Ozark: All In (2020)
Season 3, Episode 10
Season 3's plot can be summarized in a 20-line paragraph !
5 September 2022
I have no idea what's getting people to like this season at all. It's totally beyond me. I loved Ozark's first and second seasons, but I feel like the writers put little to no effort coming up with the plot of this season, especially when it's nothing that cannot be summarized in a 20 line paragraph !

Always taking the easy way out, always dragging out the screen time for characters that we do not care about, making them do stupid things, making us hate them, then expect to feel sympathy or root for them. I hated this season with every bit of my core.

It's such a shame because the actors did a terrificly great job, however, the writing and the essence of the story felt flat so hard that it outweighed any good.

I am not denying it has its ups here and there, but this is a huge insult to anyone with a finite life and decent intelligence.

It seems that people who are 10-starring the this monstrosity haven't watched anything good, which explains why their standards are subpar.

An absolute spitshow that doesn't deserve more than 5 stars (For the phenomenal acting)
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Better Call Saul: Breaking Bad (2022)
Season 6, Episode 11
Connecting the dots - Breaking Bad !
3 August 2022
For those who underestimate the importance of this episode, especially those with 1 star reviews, this episode plays a key role in connecting two worlds. It is not just fan service. First of all, this review contains no spoilers. Second, Imagine where someone starts by watching Better Call Saul first, up until S06E09 "Fun & Games", then of course it would be about time they started watching Breaking Bad and then FINISHING it. After that, comes this beautiful Black & White epilogue which hints that the ending for Gene is definitely not gonna be good.

This episode pieces everything together. Remember that Better Call Saul is in no way tightly related with Breaking Bad, in other words, it works as a standalone series and not only just a prequel. So, someone who has never watched Breaking Bad, might enjoy this series even more.

The episode also showcases a beautiful work of art when it comes to dialogue, chapter succession, transitions, and Jimmy getting his final closure with the characters who were close to him the most. We realize Gene is left alone, hence the black and white, and has nothing else to do other than conning people and going back to his nature, Slippin' Jimmy.

If you think this episode is empty, then you're watching the show just for the Adrenaline kicks, which means this show isn't really for you.

Definitely a Ten out of Ten.
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Squid Game (2021– )
The more it went on, the more problems it got. (The Good, The Bad and the Ugly)
16 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This will be your thorough start-to-end review. I am going to mention that this series got right, and everything it got wrong. I am rating it a 5 overall. It's a solid 8 for the first 5 episodes, and just ONE star for the remaining episodes. You'll understand why.

And in advance, excuse me for my not-so-good English. (Im not native).

Overview: This series was a risk to take, the director knows that very well. It's very bloody, and the centerpiece of the plot deals with a rather sensitive idea. It was no problem because it was handled as it should be, not perfectly but, it was good and enjoyable, until it started falling apart and the bad outweighed the good.

The Good:
  • The idea is great. If you have watched this series, you must have a faint idea about why this had so much buzz in such a short time. The whole concept of "Hunger Games" style, being played by the wealthy but not forced to do so, as well as the kids' game as their theme, did pretty well in the first episodes. It was fair, square, and it lived up to its own concept.

  • There were stereotypical characters, and others really well-written, the entire cast is great, memorable, and there are characters who you would root for. All characters had a common thing between them, financial misery, and that money can solve all problems, yet they had some depth to them. It's not the best character writing but it sure did the job.

  • The atmosphere was so great during the first 5 episodes, you can actually LIVE in the shoes of the characters, you can see what they see, you can feel it, you start actually relating to them. It's all great, it's what the series is meant to do.

  • The acting for most characters was great, the dialogue is smart (I watched it in fan-subs, as the original subs didn't do it for me).

The Bad:
  • The main character is kind of "stale" to me, it's not really someone I'd care about, he is a loser, and he is set out to be one all the series but he ends up winning just like that, he gets this psychological breakdown after he wins, but it just feels so not right. The main character is just wrong. I am pretty sure everyone shares the same opinion. It's not about the actor, but the director didn't really get so clever about managing his MC's façade it felt flat.

  • It becomes predictable towards EP 6: You start wishing something unpredictable happens. Most characters just die during the 4th and 5th game, and there's not much to see after that.

  • It deviates from its concept: Kids game, right? That's what made the first 4 games great, as soon as they deviated from that logic, it started feeling like a different series, ones we didn't sign up for, nor did we want.

The Ugly:
  • Remember the policeman who played spy to look for his brother? Such a really long side-plot for what? We watched him infiltrate the island but for what? He gets shot off by his own brother, nothing happens afterwards. We sure haven't seen him die but something about the entire side plot should've happened during the first season because it took a lot of screentime of the FIRST season. Simply leaving it for a second season after it took so much time from the first season is just ridiculous and kind of greedy. Also, being shot by his own brother is really cliché.

  • VIPs: This is a grand "kek", they were just very bad and a pain to watch. Nothing about them really adds anything to the series, they had so much potential, and the air of mystery about them faded away poorly as soon as they started talking nonsense. I get the director wanted us to hate them, but this bittered the drink
  • Nothing gets resolved: This is the big downside of the entire series: So WHAT. They want to enforce the fact the money doesn't buy happiness, it does buy happiness. But that's not the point, because the contestants CHOSE to partake in the blood fest. Yet somehow the MC kept whining and whining seeing people die. What the hell? You signed up for it, you get what you wished for, lolz.

  • Last game is a buzzkill: They should've come up with a better 1 on 1 game. It was already a big let-down when they killed off the girl like that, but seriously? Suicide? After all he went through ? So freaking stupid.

The last 3 episodes just killed a lot of braincells in my head. It felt like the director and the writers just turned the switch of thinking in their brain OFF. I couldn't help but feel so bad for not just skipping to the end of the last episode.

All in all, it was fun to start with, and kind of an ultimate disappointment in the end. But it's still good, totally worth your time but no way in hell does it come close to the best 100 series ever.
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Hot Fuzz (2007)
Miss me with this British
25 August 2021
What the hell is this rating? I know this movie is a tad bit old but this doesn't justify the last hour. It became so random, so foolish, and not much of a movie than it is a youtube parody.

The actors did fine for whatever this is, so I solely blame the director who is literally mocking all of us. Can't give it more than 5 stars for the sake of the first hour lolz.
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You might enjoy it if you're doped
12 August 2021
This is the kind of movie that you might enjoy only if you're on something. It was a below-average movie despite the famous cast and the huge budget. The plot brought NOTHING new, and the dialogue is very lackluster. The worst thing about it is that it's filled with stupid things and plot holes you can't just ignore them.

Pros: It's independent from its Prequel (Hitman's Bodyguard), so you can watch this while not having watched the first one.

Cons: Almost everything else is a con. It just felt like the director wanted to make a sequel just to make a sequel without any effort to make it feel unique.

The Dialogue feels like it's written by some twenty-year-old amateur. The plot is very inconsistent and the entire idea of "Destroying Europe with a Virus" is so dumb you can't just turn a cold eye on it.

Oh and Bruce, our protagonist, somehow never dies, not with a bullet, not with a dozen cars stumbling into him at a significant speed.

I can't just go on and tell you every little thing that is wrong with the movie. If I am being modest, it deserves 5/10 at best. It's just a movie that you would enjoy when you're stoned with friends, otherwise please skip.
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The Guest (I) (2014)
A movie with no core shouldn't even make it to theatres.
6 August 2021
Movie producers should think twice before spending a budget on a movie that has no core whatsoever. What I mean by core is what movie is basically based upon, relying on, the bedstone idea that is the pillar for the movie.

The Guest however fails to mark itself as a rememberable movie by missing the biggest thing of all: What's the point of the movie.

The start was very rushed, acting was off. The director didn't even give us a chance to get into the movie but he slammed the idea of the guest right in our faces but I was gonna be kind of alright with it if the movie had any importance at all. But it failed to deliver, failed hard.

The acting was way off for most of the characters, felt like they're being paid in half to do it, except for the boy and the mother. The main character (David) seems to be forcing his cool guy persona since minute one and it was very cringy and annoying to look at. (Totally not the actor's fault, it is all bad direction).

So bad direction at almost everything literally: Plot, Casting, Audio Producing, Choice of Music, and the overall storyboard. Everything feels so amateurly done and this is definitely one of the worst movies I have seen.

I will be forgetting this movie within the next few hours. I don't recommend this to anyone.
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The Queen's Gambit (2020– )
An empty shell of cinematographic art
8 February 2021
There will be no spoilers in this review. As I mentioned in the title, that's all this show is, a cinematographic manifestation of an empty, dull and underwhelming story. The show started off quite promising, the first episode in particular was very good, it investigated the depths of relationships for our protagonist, there was indeed some development. But onwards, it fell way too flat, no development, and a bunch of predictable and futile encounters for our lovely main character. Nothing too long that cannot be summarized within 3 lines of talk. This show should've been made as an indie movie, but if it were, it would've been bashed so hard.

The show was ruined the moment we realized there is an actual antagonist, we knew how it's all gonna end. Moreover, our main character is so one-dimensional, and suffers from teen issues that the show never investigates but seems to encourage in a deeper layer without even knowing it. Let alone the weird stereotypes for literally every personage there is; russians, average american adopters, orphans, shopkeepers..etc. The acting was average at best, regardless to some really promising figures.

There are so many unnecessary things, like when our main protagonist underwent the unfortunate event of menstruation. Or when the oprhan janitor is ALWAYS grumpy for no reason (and we never get to know why). How is a girl always let to be playing in the basement every time but gets away with it ? There are so many other questions that remain uncharted and therefore weakens the overall structure of this show.

Just skip it, you won't miss a thing. 2/10
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Mr. Robot (2015–2019)
Near-Perfect Execution of a Brilliant Idea
7 February 2021
Mr. Robot is by no means a flawless series, it has its flaws, its issues, its downsides. But all in all, it is one of the most enjoyable and mindfûcking series of all time.

I do understand how the ratings don't come near the scene's grands such as Breaking Bad or GoT, but Mr. Robot is something you should /never/ miss.

No matter how it gets cliché at rare times, no matter how many times it gets confusing or meaningless, or slow, you NEED to push through it, most of the people who are hating on the show probably blame it on Season 2 or 3. But there is no way in hell that you make it to Season 4's finale and not end up hyping up the series. It's just so good that my words can't describe.

The cinematography is so beautiful, I thought I paid too much for the BluRays but they're super worth it.
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Attaway General (2020– )
A masterpiece written for the next generations.
22 January 2021
This review is not ironic, and I am not being sarcastic. This series hooks you to your seat. Unpredictable plot, astounding actors, magnificent cliffhangers, mesmerizing direction. It's a 10 on 10 series, with everything on spot. I've never seen something like this. It's like all directors of the world including Quentin Tarantino and Christopher Nolan collaborated and co-made this. I am waiting for the BluRay 8K version so I can buy out all copies.
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BoJack Horseman: Brand New Couch (2015)
Season 2, Episode 1
Hitting the chords.
21 January 2021
The overall emotions and vibes amount this episode gives off towards the end is considerably depressing. I assume this is where BoJack really takes a turn towards being more serious after having put us through a rather ironic first season.

This is a really strong beginning for the second season and it's raising my expectations higher than I thought. This episode is definitely unskippable and cannon unlike some episodes in the first season. The comedy all in all isn't top-notch but this episode truly delivers. 9/10
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The Office: Finale (2013)
Season 9, Episode 23
The Perfect Closure
18 January 2021
This Finale is so satisfying I had all kinds of emotions, right ones. Only thing I think it needed is a Michael speech towards the end, speaking about the documentary and what he had as a job in The Office. But nevertheless, a truly perfect coda to a near-perfect series. Very well-written last few episodes, and this finale is the pinnacle of it all.
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
An interesting take with many issues and flaws.
11 January 2021
I went into this movie with the right expectations. I enjoyed every minute of it and it hooked me right to the end. The end is satisfactory. But this movie has so many unaddressed problems which puts a little bit too much mud over it hence my giving it a Seven.

One of the biggest problems is the lack of logic. Throughout many scenes, certain mechanics/stunts would never ever work in real life given those certain circumstances. To put it subtly without spoiling, I hate when movies think of Kitchen Knives as the sharpest thing in the world, and they're "cut-throat" potential. In fact, that can never be the case. No matter how sharp they are, they're never made to be "Skin-severing" as that goes against the International Standards.

That aside, the CGI looks a bit sketchy at times, and a little bit off, some scenes are completely useless, and the plot would've been much better towards the end.

Nevertheless, a quite enjoyable movie that had so much potential yet didn't use half of it. 7/10. Would recommend.
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1917 (2019)
A memorable take at an unforgettable war.
30 December 2020
Make sure you have the undivided attention before going into this movie. It is intense, insane, with so many jawdropping moments. It absorbs you and your full emotional depths into living the experience of World War I by depicting it through two cinematographically-made-to-seem-like single uncut scenes.

Everything is on point, regardless to some minor plotholes and goofs, this is one of the better ones at portraying and manifesting the horror of wars, the agony of soldiers, the suffering and the sacrifices. I can't say much without spoiling much.

I am not even a British guy, nor a European guy, I do not belong to any of the sides of this war nor has my country ever partaken in one. But I got emotionally-invested, this is a gem and a must-watch. The only downside is that the non-rewatchability since the style of the movie doesn't really root for it. 9/10
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The Office: New Guys (2012)
Season 9, Episode 1
So many things gone wrong.
17 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
You know that little urge that we had that kept us from dropping the show after Michael Scott left ? I am grateful for it, at least for Season 8 which wasn't totally a mess because I really had great laughs throughout many episodes and scenes, Robert California and Nellie Bertram were extremely great additions to the show. Although Season 8 doesn't stand above the rest it does the trick.

However, this Season premiere episode fell ludicrously flat. Nothing about is funny, nothing happens is interesting, the only scene that made me chuckle is when Dwight wanted to do the calibration-on-rope thing.

What went wrong? It is Andy turning into this giant butt*ole who accepted Nellie just to take revenge from her although he was a total idiot when he left work for his "romantic endeavor". Nellie is a great character and she was designed to be hated but many people ended up liking her for her eccentric personality. Yet, they just ruined Andy for us, great. It is Andy taking it out on Toby for absolutely no reason, no reason at all. Michael Scott hating on Toby had its reasons and it was hilarious because Michael loved many people and hated many people for unknown weirdo reasons. But Andy just hating Toby made no sense. It is when Kevin killed a turtle, an attempt of the writers to achieve "Dark Humor" but what the hell ? It sure is dark but it is not funny.

This doesn't look so good for the rest of the season. Dropping it already might sound rational after you see this episode. But the finale is only so close.
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Written by a teen ?
13 December 2020
I am a huge fan of Quentin Tarantino, as so many movies of his made me just love his chaotic-calm way of delivering things. This movie however falls in the category of "Don't like the movie just because you love the director". It felt alright when it started the it became super dull and predictable let alone how horrible the fighting scenes are. A movie without a purpose, without a tolerable plot or story. It carries on like a drama vengeance cliché written by a 16-year-old person. Unnecessary gore, predictable and uninteresting story, both of which left a lot to be desired. From this, we all know that even the most brilliant directors may have a career blip or too. Although all those positive reviews come from people with possibly low standards or they're just mad in love with Tarantino's movies nevertheless.

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Juno (2007)
I feel empty.
10 December 2020
I went into Juno with low expectations. I didn't really like the humor in it, nor how it started out. To make this sum'n'brief, let's point out the ugly: The main character's persona gets pretty dull and annoying after a few dozen minutes. The entire idea of the movie advertises for a very contradictive (not the good kind of contradiction) theme. But also, nothing feels in place. So many useless scenes, so many useless characters, and when you finish the movie, you will feel like you wasted an entire 1h30 of your life watching a teen get troubled around a single teen issue.

I am very disappointed with the director as I thought he would do as good as he did with his movie "Thank You For Smoking", but he missed the bull'seye by a long shot here.

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Below-Average movie, very far from perfection, and sure as hell is it not a 8-star movie.
10 December 2020
Let's keep the exaggeration out of the window. I am not even that much of a hard-to-convince woman. The Big Lebowski seems to be loved by many. It starts out promising, and at some point throughout the film, "The Dude's" gimmick didn't really tick me off. But what went so wrong with this movie is the plot that went downhill around half-way through the movie. You get to realize, it's a wasted opportunity, and nothing really is going to happen. The end if very anti-climatic, and there are a lot of scenes that contribute nothing, absolutely nothing, to the plot, nor the humour.

Don't get me wrong, the humour is somewhat fine and at times it's digestable, but towards the end, the movie gets absolutely disgusting and meaningless, shoving braindead scenes and pointless gore, helpless attempts at teen humor and tying loose ends into different loose ends. Nothing really made sense and I felt like this movie shouldn't have been as long. I wasted my time and should've dropped it half-way where it stopped being good.

I am rating it a 1/10. It started out as a 7, and ended up horrendously disappointing.
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