
14 Reviews
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Genius (2017– )
Entertaining and informative
27 July 2017
So, I see a lot of reviews about Genius that diss the series. Many of those lament the "salacious" nature of the story.

Einstein was not, and never will be, a perfect human being. He had a brilliant, inquisitive mind, but he had plenty of flaws. To show him as a human being, who lived, loved, had opinions that were right, and opinions that were wrong, showing successes and failures, personal tragedies and his way of coping with them -- what is wrong with that? I didn't know about quite a few aspects of his life. I did know he had a great sense of humor, but could also be incredibly stubborn and downright insensitive. There is absolutely nothing wrong with how Einstein is portrayed. The jumping around in time did get confusing at times, but that's about my only quibble. I'm trying not to spoil anything for anyone, but I would recommend to watch the series with an open mind. And, quite frankly, I think Einstein himself would have enjoyed it.
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Kill Switch (I) (2017)
Umm... first person shooter point of view?
20 May 2017
Okay, I felt like I'm in a first person shooter game pretty much for the duration of the movie. I do like the idea behind the movie, but the First Person view ruined it for me to a large degree.

It's okay, but it's not something to shout off the rooftops. The story is jerky and disjointed at times. You do get the gist of what's going on, but the "info" on the screen (from the Head up Display type screen) was quite distracting.

It could have been done much better, and if they'd ditch the first person shooter idea, it could be phenomenal.

If (like me) you get seasick when you play first person shooter games -- this one's not for you.

P.S. I had to type out all the first person shooter etc stuff, because the site decided I was shouting...
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Gifted (2017)
Great movie with beautiful cinematography
5 May 2017
Yes, I give this a 9 out of 10. Not because it's a blockbuster (actually I don't know if it is, or not, and I don't care.) or because of any hype. (I've watched it by pure chance.)

I enjoyed the story, which was well thought through.

I enjoyed the acting -- by everyone. Really. That doesn't happen to me often.

And it is beautifully shot.

The movie has drama, humor, sadness, and happiness. Even a little romance.

The story revolves around a little girl, Mary, who, at 7 years old, is found to be a mathematical genius. Her uncle, Frank, is bringing her up, after his sister committed suicide. When it comes to light that little Mary is truly exceptional, Frank's mother enters the equation (pardon the math pun). She wants Mary to go to a school where her gifts are challenged, where she can advance her level of mathematics. Frank, however, wants Mary to be a kid. To grow up playing, having friends, and tromping around with her one eyed cat Fred, and go to a regular school, with regular kids, so she's not alienated from kids her own age. Basically, he wants her to have a normal life, where she can be normal. A custody battle ensues between Grandmother and Uncle, and Mary is caught in the middle.

I don't want to spoil anything, so I'm keeping it vague. :) Sorry.

The movie has many "Moments". Things that you'll recognize from your own life, the troubles and the joys. I loved it for that. I would say it's suitable for kids to watch, although there are some adult themes. Nothing graphic though.

It's a quiet movie, not something flashy, not hugely dramatic. But there is a good story that's well filmed and acted -- and honestly, there don't seem to be many of those anymore.

All I can say is, watch it and make up your own mind.

And yes, I would definitely watch it again.
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Self/less (2015)
Thoroughly enjoyed it
23 September 2015
I was attracted to watch the movie because it has Ben Kingsley in it, whose performances I generally enjoy. I'm glad I watched it, because the premise is intriguing, and well carried out. It has all the angst of a confused character, and yet we know (to a degree) what's going on. Ryan Reynolds (Damian) does a good job, and his character is likable throughout.

Damian Hale is a very rich, but dying man. He arranges to "shed" himself into the body of a younger man, whom he is told was grown in the lab. Upon revival, he is given medication, a new identity, a new life. He makes friends, sticks to a routine, but there are episodes -- brought on by the shedding -- which complicate the new life he has.

Some things just don't add up, and he sets out to investigate -- and pretty soon ends up running for his life.

I would watch the movie again without hesitation.
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I liked it
16 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Like many reviews here state: This is not a spraying blood type slasher horror flick, with grotesque monsters going around killing people. Don't get me wrong. There is gore (and decay). Plenty of it, and pretty realistic looking stuff. This is about evil in its main form, and how we may see it, but not recognize it. It's about possession and exorcism. For that, I like the movie. You get your usual stereotypes -- but some of those stereotypes are, quite frankly, exactly how people would react. Disbelief. "He was crazy". That's exactly what you would get if you claimed someone is possessed. So it isn't far fetched, just realistic. I liked the journey Sarchie was on, and it was a hard road to travel. There were some aspects where I thought things were a little off (I don't want to put major spoilers), and where a little more emotion would have been good.

What I particularly liked, was that the exorcism wasn't totally over the top, and handled quite well (with a twist or two. Would have been nice to know what was said tho...)

All in all, the length is fine, the acting was good, and I thought both the heroes and the villains were well performed.
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Enjoyed it
19 September 2014
This came on TV the other day and I had nothing else to do. I didn't know what the movie was about, or who the actors were. I recognized Haley Joel Osment, and kind of did a double take. (More of the "Yikes. Has it been that long?" kind.) The story is a sci-fantasy story, but that's not the driving factor. There is little (almost none) in the way of special effects, and it doesn't need it. The plot centers around Erol, whose father left for a conference, and disappeared. But there is more to it than just a disappearance, and with his grandfather he figures it all out. I thought the acting could have been better in places, as it was very character driven. I won't put spoilers, but I didn't see the ending coming. Definitely worth getting the popcorn out for.
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Everything will be alright in the end
1 August 2014
I wasn't sure whether I wanted to see the movie or not. I'm so glad I did. Not only do all the actors fantastic, but the story is engaging and entertaining. It shows how a preconceived idea can be turned on its head, how opinions can change, and how life will generally throw you a curveball when you least expect it. The setting was great and honestly, it makes me want to go out to India and open a hotel lol. I haven't read the other reviews, but saw a few that gave low ratings. I don't know why, because the movie really doesn't deserve anything less than top marks. I particularly enjoyed Maggie Smith, Bill Nighy and Judi Dench's parts, and the Aspirin bit... I laughed out loud. Not going to say more than that, as it would spoil things, but lol. If you're in two minds about seeing it, go watch it. Seriously.
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District 9 (2009)
Not my kind of movie
23 June 2014
Nope, this is not my kind of movie at all. And I would watch it again in a heartbeat. It was action packed, with a lot of drama, and I really disliked the main character, Wikus van der Merwe. More than disliked, actually. I absolutely detested him. But the transformation he goes through is unlike anything I have seen in other movies. Prepare to do a complete 180, because you will be rooting for him in the end. The CGI was extremely well done, and I kind of forgot that Christopher Johnson was a Prawn. (And my hat off to the person who came up with the creatures, because they were perfect for this movie.) Normally the documentarystyle movies are too put on, too dull. Not this one. The documentary style moves the plot forward, contributes insights and angles you don't expect. Some of the revelations are creepy as hell. There were many, many things that really aren't "My bag", but they worked really well for this movie. Also, considering that the actor who played Wikus van der Merwe had never acted, and only accidentally ended up with the role, I am extremely impressed with the job he did. Would I recommend District 9? Absolutely. Would I like to see a sequel? Hell yes!
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Unicorn City (2012)
Cringed and laughed
18 June 2014
Okay. If you're not familiar with role play games, some of this will be a little difficult to understand. Not in terms of what's going on, but in terms of what the motivation is. I liked the movie, it's funny, it has a face-palm cringeworthiness to it that makes the characters completely endearing. I liked the geekiness and total dedication of the main characters, the lack of understanding from the outside world too. I never played D&D, or went to any comic cons, or anything like that. But I have friends who love it, and yeah. I get it. I also liked that the movie showed how seriously involved the gamers get, and how difficult it can be to deal with all those different personalities in real life. Personally, I think it takes a strong individual to handle the ridicule they encounter for their hobby and the movie got that across nicely. There's more depth than there seems to be, but all in all, I really enjoyed watching it, and had some great laughs. That Centaur...omg lol. If you're into RP gaming in any fashion, I think you'll enjoy the movie. If you've never heard of RP gaming, I think you'll also enjoy the movie, but you will probably come away wondering why people do this.
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Und wieder spring ich über Pfützen is the German title
14 May 2014
I saw this as a kid in Germany, and the movie has stuck with me ever since. I honestly don't remember a lot of it, except the boy had Polio and a love for horses. I remember some spectacular scenery. I've actually looked for this movie to watch it again, but can't find it anywhere. I'm hoping it stood the test of time, but considering the story (and I even remember the music) stuck with me all these years...well that has to stand for something. I don't know if there is an English version (I presume so), but if you come across it, give it a try. I think it might be one of those movies you either love or hate. If I find it again, and get to watch it, I'll update the review.
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Interesting Horse Movie
14 May 2014
I'd never heard of Tarok, or the movie about him, but tripped over it in the original Danish version (with English subtitles.) It's a good movie and gives an interesting insight into the trot (harness) racing scene, which I was not familiar with. I thought the acting was a little wooden at times, but that could be because I am neither Danish, nor could understand the language aside from a few words here and there which I picked up during the film. It's the story of Tarok, a Danish Trotter who raced back in the mid seventies. You don't get in depth horsey stuff, it's mostly about the family who owned him, but one thing I took away was that Tarok was quite a character -- as most high end racers were/are. There are some very nail biting races in there, and I really enjoyed watching the absolute power of those horses. Watching them race, in slow motion at is something to behold. I think Harness Racing gained a new fan. If you like horses, you'll enjoy this movie. If you enjoy drama inside close knit families, you'll also enjoy this movie.
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The Iron Lady (2011)
9 May 2014
After much hype, I watched The Iron Lady. Unfortunately, I thought this was a movie about Maggie Thatcher's career and her life as PM. Instead I found myself checking if the actual movie had started, about 15 minutes in. I struggled to understand why I was watching a woman pottering about with dementia, rather than get a sense of her life and how it led to being prime minister. I found the flashbacks tiresome and confusing, especially early on in the movie, where they are short and frequent. I'm not a fan of Meryl Streep, but she did a good job. So yes, I found the movie to be completely disappointing, and the script writer should seriously consider a different career.
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The Raven (I) (2012)
Great for Poe fans
3 May 2014
I've read Poe (and still do), so this was an interesting one for me. I'm glad I watched it, and I thought it was quite well done. The film has a good atmosphere and is beautifully shot. It has a good pace and doesn't give too much away. At first I was dubious about John Cusack as Poe, but he and Luke Evans played well off each other. There are some "Meh" moments that feel contrived, but there are also some that made me chuckle. (The insults in the bar.) The movie has a "Jack the Ripper / Sleepy Hollow" kind of feel to it. It definitely helps if you know some of Poe's more "mainstream" work, but it's not a necessity. I saw a lot of negative reviews for this movie, but I'm glad I ignored them. Well worth watching.
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Parkland (2013)
Great unbiased movie
3 May 2014
The assassination has likely fascinated most people at some point in their life, whether they were aware of it at the time, or born later. Zapruder's movie is inescapable, and I doubt there are many (western) people who have never seen it. I wasn't sure what to expect -- and I am pleasantly surprised that the movie simply followed the events, without casting blame, without any hints that something else might be afoot. You get to see how events affect the people involved. I had never given any thought to Lee Oswald's brother, or how it may have affected him. Nor did I think about Mr Zapruder's reaction. I did wonder how the doctors and nurses felt. All in all, it's a good movie that touches on many people's reactions and feelings. The actors were great, I really like Giamatti and I think he did a good job, as did the rest of the cast.
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