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The Shift (II) (2023)
Dystopian Science Fiction. Its a little different
6 May 2024
So, if you like parallel realties. Paradoxical existence. A bit of quantum duality stuff then you'll probably like to see where this is going. It does a good job and does it without borrowing a lot of concepts. There is action, but its not heavy.

So, you have this malevolent being, in human form who likes to call himself the Benefactor. He is calling the shots in all this. The Benefactor is a more gadget oriented being, than a traditional demon. He endeavors to control the fate of others in this multiverse.

As for religion, it is a movie with a diabolical villain, but I wouldn't say religion is in your face. Compared to something like the Pope's Exorcist or The Nun, religion is almost unnoticed in this one.

It has a The Endless vibe. But a bit of a Hallmark feel too. The acting is good. Neil McDonough plays his titular bad guy routine well. Actors Sean Astin and John Billingsly are a comfortable fit in their supporting roles. Kristoffer Polaha as the protagonist is solid.

And I like the ending. It wasn't predictable. But it provided decent closure. Movies lack this attribute these days.
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Down and out salesman makes a choice
29 April 2024
When Scoot McNairy plays the lead you know the main character is an average joe. Because no one can play an average joe better than scoot. He does his part making the audience connect with his seemingly laconic life.

Scoots character, Cliff is not doing so good as a salesman. He has a kid in the hospital and a wife in group therapy. Much of his character development is spent at the beginning observing his time on the road. Its evident he has financial short comings.

There are two superfluous dialogue scenes with Stephen Dorf then later Rose Mason which could have been removed and you wouldn't know it. Except they serve to reinforce two things. One, that Cliff really does try to do something other than take Ricky's offer, and two, he did lack scruples in his past.

There is parallel part of Cliff's character portrayal which reveals something flawed in his past. His past life does catch up with him in the form of a former associate called Ricky. Kit Harrington. We don't know what Ricky was like before, but it becomes apparent that he is a lot more calculating and capable of evil than Cliff realized he could be.

Ricky makes an offer to Cliff he can't refuse. The movie picks up pace at this point. There is violence and double crosses and everything you would expect. Cliff has no idea what he is in for.
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True Detective (2014– )
Time to separate True Detective reviews 4th season from the 1st
20 April 2024
I stopped watching while tuned into True Detective 4th season. 15 minutes in episode 5 and I said I can't do this anymore. Nothing is happening in this series. Its like they are trying to stretch a 2 hour movie into multiple episodes by adding meaningless cringe level filler side stories.

I even liked the 3rd season. The whole Alzheimer's memento vibe which was recently copied by Sleeping Dogs was well done by Ali and Dorf. 2nd season is worth a watch too. And of course season 1 of True Detective is 10 out of 10.

Season 4 is a disjointed mess with a lot of irrelevant fill material. Possibly inspired by the series Fortitude. But it only hopes to be another Fortitude. Not worth the time.

True Detective seasons are separate stories, unrelated to each other. If you haven't seen season 1 of True Detective, watch it now, right now.
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Peaks too early, no ME262 jet encounter, missed opportunities
20 April 2024
I was sold on this up until the 6th episode. And then it was like the enemy just quit. But we have 4 more episodes left to do? And that is where the missed opportunities are.

Once D-Day hits, it was like no air opposition now. So lets check off boxes. POW check. Tuskegee Italian air campaign. Check. Unnecessary romantic flings, yawn. German boy soldiers running around with empty rifles, check.

A missed opportunity to ramp up the tension and excitement would be the mighty 100th first encounter with German jet fighters. The post mission debriefing describing how propeller less panes shot down one of their own. Remove the stupid romance episodes and chronologically feature the Enemy as very much still a threat.
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Fallout (2024– )
Good recreation of Game universe except...
20 April 2024
As a person who played every fallout game to completion, including Tactics, this series has done a great job. But there are some cringe moments.

In the game, sex was there, but the act itself was an abstraction. It was a PC game with a content rating. In this series, Lucy just outing and asking anyone for sex was weird. Maximus not knowing what sex was, but describing an erection he once had as a pimple was bizarre. A group of female dwellers unzip their vault suits to the waist exposing themselves during a ceremony. I laughed because it was so stupid I couldn't believe they just threw that scene in there. Checking off adult rating boxes could actually derail the story if the writers are not careful.

Some errors in mismatched sets. Entering a vault through a building then exiting back into an arid desert. The Goul entering a 2 story farm house and exiting back through a different looking building. Sloppy...

Overall the story is good enough and I recommend to watch if you were a fan. If fallout is new to you, then you have to go with there are no Integrated circuit Chips, yet alien fusion tech just showed up in this analog universe. And it does make sense.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
A story about how Op lost his security clearance
28 December 2023
Safe to say this is a 6.5. It does offer great acting and casting. The methodology or pacing of this movie borrows from Oliver Stone's JFK, and the Theory of Everything.

The story itself focusses on Oppenheimer's loyalty being questioned throughout the years. The movie reaches climax during the hearings about him contesting the revocation of his security clearance, and loss of his reputation.

These types of movies are always going to be a snorefest to some degree. To keep the viewer engaged dialogue is in short spurts, with quick takes from speaker to speaker. In the background string baroque music plays: and plays louder for each sentence to build tension. The problem is the background music volume starts to overtake tense conversations and it becomes very annoying, and tiring.

If you are watching this to see the science forget it. What you see about the atomic bomb is what you already know from middle school. The moral dilemma is presented in underwhelming chaotic scenes. I got the feeling the purpose of this story was to provide a new perspective on a historical event that was never forgotten.
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Dune (2021)
Fantastic Remake: 5 for each part equals 10 out of 10
26 December 2023
I would definitely give 10 out of 10, except I saw part 1, and it was incomplete. Then waited 3 years for part two. So 5 out of 10 for each part. Now, if you're smart you would avoid the whole part 1 and part 2 thing, and stream them altogether when they are available. But as is, its just an incomplete cash grab. I saw the first part, but really did not get a sense of closure. Imagine that? Now I don't care if I see the second part. The hype is gone, and its not like we don't know what's going to happen.

I'm sure after theatre release, this will be marketed in cohesive form. So lesson learned, no more part 1 incomplete epics for me.
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Night Sky (2022)
Without a 2nd season Don't Even Bother!
23 December 2023
Look, this is/was a fantastic science fiction series. It had everything. It was original, and different. Without a second season there is no point in even watching the first season.

The discovery of the anomaly, and the character development is a very slow process. By the time the season ends many plots and subplots are revealed. Including new characters. But they are left completely wide open and you really get nothing out of the first season.

I am amazed how garbage zombie series just keep spawning new spin offs. Or garbage alien invasion rehash series keep popping up. But with Night Sky we finally got a completely original, sophisticated science fiction series and it gets canned first season without closure.
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Fargo (2014–2024)
Season 5 what happened?
22 December 2023
Fargo what are you doing? Season 1-3 were monumental. Season 4 went down hill but 5 is absolute garbage. Its horrible, its just defies the franchise. OK so all men are user abuser murder simpleton man children, or warlocks. There is not a normal guy in all the episodes thus far. Its ridiculous to even try to relate to this series any more. Every time a new man enters I say OK what's his major malfunction: oh he's a crooked perv, OK. What's his? Oh he's a simpleton, OK. When a woman enters I ask: and what's her super power? I get it, its a misandrist theme. Its too over the top though, seeing the matriarch's husband play with army men toys. Or the cop's husband play computer golf all day to the tune of a $100k debt. Nobody would stay married if this was reality. Everything is too far cliché'. The immersion is gone.
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Bodies (2023)
Tries to check off too many boxes
22 December 2023
When dealing with past history, trying to check off too many boxes leaves this series looking disingenuous. Like its trying to be marketed to a specific audience. You won't get the Dark, or a Devil's Hour vibe from this. Those series had characters that you didn't have to second guess, they didn't flaunt religion, ethnicity or gender/preference. Although it was there, it was always a natural background non issue.

But in Bodies, its not about a cop, its about the X-Cop, the Y-Cop and a Z-Cop. The problem is the XYZ traits become a distraction because you are asking why do I need to know this? We really don't need to overtly know every episode what religion or gender preference someone is to make the story worthwhile. Unless that IS the story?
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One flawed scene ruined it
22 December 2023
Without giving anything away here's the scene: A person is dying, a victim of a murderer. Darby the main character runs up to the victim. The victim who can speak coherently doesn't say who did it. Darby doesn't ask "hey what happened, who did this to you?" It was a very perplexing scene. But maybe the victim didn't see the assailant or something right?

Nope, get to last episode for the big Charlie Chan reveal. Recaps from the victim point of view. And guess what? The victim saw it coming, and from whom. The victim was even talking to the murderer.

So I'm wondering why didn't the victim just tell Darby during his final death thrall, which dragged on anyways. I think this scene got botched or rewritten because it basically ruined the series if you stuck it through to the end.
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Just Redo "The Cage" Already!
22 May 2022
Its just too different than what we remember in The Menagerie. In order for this series to gain any footing we need some Captain Pike lore. Also space travel should look a little more austere and clunky like it did in the original Star Trek. 3 episodes in and its too original to a fault.
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From (2022– )
Vivarium meets Wayward Pines
8 April 2022
You have a community, stuck in some kind of causality bubble, or maybe its a construct of a source unknown, or maybe its purgatory, maybe its hell... Every once in a while an automobile will drive in, but it can't leave. The people are stuck in this place, they attempt to drive out and keep looping back. So they stay and join the community. But there is danger here, at night there are insidious creatures who appear human, but are more like ravenous ghouls.

There is just so much potential with this series. It moves slow, but they do tap into the mystery. That's what its about, trying to find an escape, and survive the dangers at the same time. If you saw Vivarium the movie there are some similarities, and of course Wayward pines the series. Kudos to Shawn Mujumdar in his supporting role as the priest, wow that guy can act, I remember him as a comedian way back.
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Dark (2017–2020)
The ultimate Boostrap paradox -Luke, YOU are my father series
2 December 2021
Like a twist to the alternate reality paradoxes where people can actually interact with different versions of themselves in 33 year increments. Well, this show is for you. But are events changing in one reality? Or were they always destined to turn out that way? What came first the chicken or the egg.... Yeah I know its wild right?

The only thing I didn't like was they chose not to age some characters with make-up, instead they opted to chose new actors to play older versions and in some cases they didn't resemble their young adult selves.
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Another Life (2019–2021)
It does reach sophistication, eventually
26 October 2021
The initial episode or two is a little rough. But completely entertaining by mid first season all the way through to the concluding season two finale. Any sci fi fan would like this series. It is original in concept for many reasons. Aliens are not necessarily humanoid, or corporeal. Their intentions, although insidious are really a mystery to solve. The ship's personified AI: William is an excellent character. The reserve personnel in stasis allows for new crew to be awoken, therefore crew, and cast are fresh to the episodes they are featured in. This hipster cast comes to light and they actually become likeable individuals with intelligent scripting. Its a worthy series, with some rough edges.
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Lisey's Story (2021)
Abstract and Artsie
22 June 2021
Grade A actors, top notch writer. But it tries to be something it isn't. Think of a movie, like Cloud Atlas with Tom Hanks, or The Fountain With Hugh Jackman. Those were abstract movies that some people liked but for the most part they ventured too far into the sublime and required Coles Notes to find the true meaning. After I viewed 4 episodes, Lisey's is headed in that direction and I wonder if we are going to find any answers, or just be left with this abstract artsy fartsy tale where some scenes will go over unnoticed.
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One of the better ones
17 November 2020
This doc delivers. Not just a rehash of a debunked story I heard before. This one actually takes a fresh approach and strives for a little credibility with some reputable witnesses, some ranking military, and government officials. Some cases are new, and some were new to me as I was somehow unaware of the Ariel Encounter. The quality of the documentary is done very well. With Peter Coyote narrating it felt as familiar as any other topic he narrated before. Whether you have a casual interest in this subject, or are a little skeptical you will find this presentation entertaining, and perhaps intriguing to the end.
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Really, It's not bad actually
9 August 2020
Once you get past the fact it's a remake in name only. It does not continue, or re-tell the same story of the original. It does not complement or give closure to the original. It really has very little to do with the original, other than it involves something weird going on with a veteran suffering from a PTSD...type thing. If you watch this without any preconditions then yeah its pretty good. The acting is good, it is a suspense-thriller, not a horror, and oh yes the twists are there.
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Searching (III) (2018)
It's a Webcam ASMR video
24 July 2020
I read the description for this movie and thought cool, a suspense thriller movie. You know, a production complete with filming on various sites and studio locations with a cast and crew. It turns out this movie is filmed on a $500 laptop webcam using Facetime as it's POV (point of view). I'm thinking no this can't be the whole movie, it must be the introduction? But nope, its completely a webcam facetime recording. That's it in a nutshell.

The funny thing is I watch cosplay/roleplay ASMR videos on youtube that are done very similar to this movie and are much better. Sorry, but this movie should not even be categorized as a movie. IMDB should really categorize these webcam projects better. I'm tired of being Trojan Horsed into watching them.
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Ghosts of War (2020)
It's not *that* bad
19 July 2020
If you like war horrors such as The Objective, Trench 11, or The Bunker you will be OK with this. Its competently acted. Actually Kyle Gallner the lead from the mini-series "Interrogation" has a major supporting role in this movie. He is a good fit as the enigmatic squad sniper and its worth watching just for him. The horror effects seem a little cheesed but there is a reason for that. The movie has a decent twist to the plot, and for that reason I urge you to stop reading the reviews and watch the movie, as people are saying too much around here.
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I See You (III) (2019)
This is not the Helen Hunt Movie
22 June 2020
My cable provider had this movie listed as the 2019 movie also named "I see you" with Helen Hunt. Someone needs an alternate title. Anyways, watched this move, for a while that is, and there is nothing here, its a waste of time. Meanwhile it still occupies slots showing the description and cover art for the Helen Hunt movie.
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Interesting and entertaining movie (edited version)
4 March 2020
This long movie just flew by. Every scene just locks you in and serves a purpose to establish character development. I suspect most of the 1 scores are from people who hate stereo types as this movie displays them almost to a fault. But stereo types exist in real life because they do represent a known segment of the population. Good people are good, bad people are bad, and in this movie the protagonists walk a tight rope in-between. Both the cops, and ex-cons. The true villains however are absolute sociopaths, and more so psychopathic Anyways, things go wrong for our heroes, and a line gets crossed which leads to an action packed unpredictable end-game. See the movie.
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Game of Thrones: The Long Night (2019)
Season 8, Episode 3
So Dark, Crap Visuals
29 May 2019
What a head ache I had after after trying to discern what took place through the darkness of this entire episode. Its obvious to me, whoever engineered and edited this episode were using monitors that were way too bright. I never had a problem with contrast or gama levels before. Most people are using a cable or fibre box remote. Not their TV controller which has access to contrast settings. What were editors and producers thinking? This was a horrible muddled mess. The absolute worst episode I ever saw of Game of Thrones. Just bizarre they blew it, not only for the writing, but especially because of visual Gama and contrast levels. Seriously? Amateur engineers.
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The Ritual (I) (2017)
Evil with a motive
24 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This may appear to be a typical lost in the woods horror movie, but what sets it apart; it is cleverly executed. And, if i may say something in general about the ending, the audience gets closure for once.

The story centers around Luke, one of 4 English blokes who are planning to hike in Sweden. The conflict within Luke is that he committed an act of cowardice. You see, there were 5 friends once, but Robert was brutally killed during a Liquor store robbery while Luke watched and hid, he did nothing, and nobody else knows.

Spoilers ahead, don't read if you haven't seen the movie.

The other blokes are Hutch, he is the leader, level headed, and makes most of the decisions. Phil is quiet and meek, but turns out be religiously grounded (which comes out later). Dom is physically weak, a wimp, gets injured and slows the group down. Ironically he takes command of the group for a short stint later.

The group soon learns they are lost and take shelter. They wake next morning extremely disoriented. They all experienced night mares. This goes on for another day, and another, all the while they are breaking down. Still lost in the forest. They realize there is an entity toying with them. That's not all, they see evidence of people in the area, there are marked paths and shacks.

There is a reason the entity is toying with the men. Its an ancient Norse creature. It requires disciples to feed it sacrifices, and serve as slaves. These human disciples of the entity are a dozen or so creepy Swedish hill-billies. Turns out they don't age, or age very slowly. But their numbers have been dwindling over the centuries. The entity needs a new recruit to do its bidding. It feeds off of an energy obtained from those who unwittingly enter the woods, are captured and presented ritualistically as a sacrifice.

The creature tested, and toyed with the minds of the hikers in the forest like lab rats. Then the entity proceeds to get rid of the candidates that are not suitable, Hutch is to well grounded, Phil too meek, and religious. Dom actually has a back bone. So they are mind flayed and killed one by one at various times in the story. That leaves Luke, he's perfect, the entity has already determined through the mind melding tests and group observation that Luke would likely serve for a millennium or so just to save his skin. Remember he is a selfish, weak minded coward.

This is the conflict within Luke. He knows why he was chosen. He has a chance to redeem himself. he knows there is no future as a slave to this creature. If he is clever enough, if he paid attention to the clues, he might be able to escape. He's smart enough to know that is the only option...This time he actually fights evil instead of hiding.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Wayyy better than Enterprise
9 November 2017
Actually its way better than the Chris Pine Startrek movies too, and of course Enterprise. The plot is cutting edge dark, as the Feds just started their war with the Klingons. And so far the episodes are well written, and acted. The galaxy has depth, unlike the Chris pine movies where the Galaxy is about the size of a small solar system, in Discovery's universe the Galaxy is a large and dark abyss as it should be. The improved look is a good thing. Its OK to improve the look of the known Alien races. Star Trek:TMP did it first with the new Klingons back in 1979. So its time to vamp up the appearance as make-up technologies improve. Besides, no Alien race should look too human to be believable. I only wish they made the Vulcans look more Alien because they still look like Chinese people who got their ears caught in a rice-picker (remember that line in city on the edge of tomorrow?)

The potential problem this series could have are anachronistic. Since the past history of star-trek has been chronicled in every detail. Discovery is cutting it a little too close with deviations. Inter ship lock-ons and transports were tricky in the original star-trek, you know materializing in bulk heads and all that. But discovery does it like they are in Picard's era and not 10 years prior to Kirk. They never use a transporter room, ugh don't do that anymore! Aliens: don't invent new Aliens! That killed ST Enterprise. At that Epoc there were only the 20 or so....Gorn, Andorean, Orion pirates, Klingon, Vulcan, Romulan, tellarites, tholian etc. Actually some of those were not known in Discovery's day. The galaxy is not that crowded Alpha quadrant yet. But they might get back on track if the writers of Discovery get put in place and stick to the technologies and races that are only allowed in that epoch. here's hoping. I enjoy the series, looking to see where it takes me next.

Edit: So I watched it to season's end, and it is way off the mark as far as Star Trek Lore goes. I can accept that because i really enjoyed the story and looking forward to next season. The only disappointment was that they wrapped up the losing federation/klingon war story saga too fast. I thought it was going to be in the next season, the federation on its last legs getting pummeled by the Klingons. But nope, wrapped it up in one episode, Plot over. next!
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