12 Reviews
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Alaska Daily (2022–2023)
21 October 2022
Let me just say, this series is very much needed. The realization that indigenous women are indeed murdered more than 10 times than the average is appalling. That doesn't even include all of the indigenous women in Canada, either. The depiction of this in the series is spot on. It's a very well acted cast. It's good to see so many indigenous actors to highlight this issue. I would like to see a series focused on actual cases, as well. Get on that, Investigation Discovery. Hilary Swank is brilliant, as per always. In a time that everyone seems to want to demonize the media, this series shows that sometimes they do get it wrong, sometimes they're heroes but they work really hard to get it right. Most of them, anyways.
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Immanence (2022)
Beware: Propaganda Incoming
10 October 2022
If you're into religious films that mislead scientific people into watching it, this is the movie for you. If you are into alien movies and scientific facts, this is not the movie for you.

The description of the movie had made me so excited to watch it. "Radio astronomers discover a mysterious signal in the deep sea that could be contact with extraterrestrials." I love alien movies and ones about USOs are not as common. But only a couple minutes into it, christian propaganda made its way into the film. I was here for the aliens, not an exorcism. Their claim of the astrological event crashing into the ocean as being god or something, is so confusing and ridiculous. Then the exorcist guy tries to brainwash the scientists on the boat into believing his wacko impossible theories. I tried to give it a go but it just kept on veering away from extraterrestrials and science and pushing some biblical theories instead, so I stopped watching and exorcised the film from my DVR. I'm so disappointed. If any producers wanna do the movie the right way, please do.
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Mom and Dad (2017)
Great but then... nothing
1 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was truly loving this movie until the end. The actors and acting were great. Story line is somewhat original. It's basically the same theme as the movie 'The Children' but vice versa. Instead of the children suddenly turning on their parents, Mom and Dad features the parents turning on their children. I love The Children and was well on my way to loving this, too. Except... there wasn't really an ending to this movie. It's as if the movie just cut off and you're left wondering, is there a part 2? Did my DVR cut off? Were there budget cuts? Did the movie rapture itself? The ending basically wasn't an ending at all. If you can handle or get over that disappointment, then I highly recommend it. In all honesty, I'd watch the movie again. I'll just lie to myself and pretend that there's a part 2 they're working on.
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Misfit (II) (2016)
Bad but Good
21 June 2021
Okay, just to get this out of the way... the acting is terrible BUT I enjoyed this. It was a cross between The Final & Death and Cremation which are two of my favorites. An outcast that's bullied everyday snaps. She gets a bit of a nudge from a serial killer that has a soft spot for the teen and empathizes with the girl's plight. He and his cohort train her and assist her on acting out her revenge on those who wronged her. Acting aside, the movie was done well. Although I'd describe the film as The Final meets Death and Cremation, I still find the movie to be an original storyline which is hard to come by nowadays. If you're a snooty moviegoer who is looking for an Emmy Award winner, this is not for you. But if you're a horror movie lover, like me, who loves revenge films & can overlook bad acting & find beauty in the bad or loves those 'so bad they're good' kinda movies, give this a go. It might surprise you.
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See No Evil (2014– )
*whispers* I see evil people
28 March 2020
Although obsessed with the ID channel, this is my favorite series on it. I think that's because you get to see the movements of the guilty and follow the investigation with real live video and not a story retold and acted out by actors in which they're retelling a series of events that may or may not happened. This series is almost as if we are there with the police, solving the case with them. It also shows us how surveillance cameras are a necessity and are saving lives. I was always one of those people who didn't want "big bother" watching my every move. After watching this show, I'm basically like "wait... I never do anything shady or illegal so what am I afraid of?" ... followed up by a "put surveillance cameras everywhere!" and cameras with far better image quality. Although it wouldn't be such a popular idea, make the cameras a socialist type program where we all pay into it much like we do with police, fire, military, schools, etc. This show really opened my eyes to the importance of surveillance videos and cameras are used to save lives, solve murders & all other forms of crimes.
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27 October 2019
I watched the film because it was labeled "horror" and well... I only watch horror movies. But this wasn't really a horror film. It was more of a crime/drama. Despite this, I did watch the entire movie. It was an original plot which is hard to find these days. With all the remakes and recycling of the same 'ol plots, this was refreshing. In that sense, I mean. I actually enjoyed the movie even though I had predicted how the movie was going to end. The acting was good, cinematography was good, characters were also good. I would likely watch the movie again... and that's saying something since like I said, I only watch horror movies.
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Share (I) (2019)
I am so confused...
24 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Warning: Spoilers - Discussion of the ending

This movie is important in that it shares how sexual assault is dealt with -or not dealt with- in this day and age. This is always a sensitive topic with me since I went through something similar to Mandy. 10+ years later and I'm still dealing with it. It doesn't ever go away and seeing things, such as this, is a 'trigger' for any woman who has been a victim of sexual assault. We flash back to that moment and relive the event nearly every day. It's important for everyone to know it happens and way too often and that 99.9% of the time, nothing will be done. There will never be justice. It's a very sad reality. We also don't have the energy nor emotional strength to go through the long & arduous task of trying for years to bring someone to justice only to have them see zero punishment for their crimes.

So, the part that I was confused about is the ending. The video shows Tyler and Mandy flirting and then we hear them kissing and then having sex. I'm confused because Mandy wasn't passed out at this time. We can see them flirting. We don't 'hear' her say "no". To me, even as a victim of multiple assaults, it doesn't seem like a sexual assault -at that specific time- took place with Tyler. Perhaps it harkened back to a previous video which shows Tyler doing something beyond what we hear. Perhaps I missed something. So, in the end I feel like there was no closure and I was left with more questions than answers. But it honestly doesn't seem like -from that final video- that Tyler assaulted her. Thus I am really confused...
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Surprisingly Good...
22 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
As an atheist, I don't typically watch 'exorcism' or 'demon' type films. It's a subject matter which I find annoying & ridiculous, not to mention, I like to steer clear of christian propaganda. With this one, I was bored that day and thought "meh. I'll give this one a go & see if it's watchable." Out of the gate, this movie was different from others I've seen. I'm not afraid to admit that I love 'found footage' type films. This is one of those so I decided to keep watching it. It kept me on my toes simply because I kept having to try to figure out if the girl was actually possessed or was it a family member, was she just insane or seeking attention. At the end of the movie, it took a surprising turn which I wasn't necessarily expecting. The ending of the movie was perfect. As I have been saying since I was a horror movie addicted child, "why does every movie have to have a good ending? Life doesn't always happen that way."

The acting was really good. Even from the actors with very small parts. It really seemed as though those actors were real people being interviewed & not just small-bit actors. I don't see that happen a lot.

I took off 1 star for it being a genre I'm not really into & another star off because I'm sick & tired of movies killing cats. It's a disturbing trend & one that needs to stop immediately. I know they aren't 'actually' killing cats. The point is that the simulation is written into far too many scripts & I'm sick of it. It's disgusting. Stop.
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V.C. Andrews' Heaven: V.C. Andrews' Heaven (2019)
Season 1, Episode 1
Disturbing yet good
28 July 2019
I love V.C. Andrews' books although her subject matter can veer into a disturbing place. And this movie/series is no exception. I loved the original Flowers in the Attic movie though not so much the remake on Lifetime. Thus I was watched this movie with a little bit of hesitation. 'Heaven' is a twisted tale of a teenager who has had a very tough life and it keeps getting worse for her. This movie & other V.C. Andrews' books aren't for the faint of heart. What's most concerning about this subject matter is that even though it's really disturbing and twisted, it's very plausible and that's sad. I think it's important to tell tales of events such as these as they are very likely to happen in real life. Although the movie was hard to stomach at times due to the horrible things that happened to that character, I think it was a very good movie and I look forward to Dark Angel and the rest of this series.
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Mother! (2017)
Hand me my Xanax
25 July 2019
I guess this movie was supposed to be artistic or something but all it did was give me anxiety.
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Grandma's House (II) (2018)
Better than I expected
30 June 2019
The movie is about a college student that loses out on the college's housing for the semester. So, she looks at the community board to find housing off campus. This is when she meets 'grandma'. A creepy old lady who is more creepy than she seems. Things go from bad to worse and the college girl becomes trapped in the creepy old ladies schemes, unable to get out.

Despite the lower quality of the movie, it was a lot better than I expected. The plot was somewhat different than other movies I've seen. The acting wasn't terrible. It was watchable & kept me tuned in. You could tell, at times, that it was a low budget film. But even then, I was surprisingly still engaged. By the end of the picture, I found myself quite liking the movie. Plus, I love how the band featured in the movie was a 'feminist punk band' since I'm in one, myself. I'd totally watch the movie again and would recommend it to fellow horror movie fans. After having watched the movie, I am shockingly giving it 8 stars. I know, right?
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The 100 (2014–2020)
Worst of the worst
21 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The previews seemed promising and had potential to be decent but was a huge let down. Disguised as a sci-fi show, turned out to be a teen drama which isn't a bad thing but was badly written with horrible acting and no common sense. Shows like The Secret Circle which was cancelled by CW was much better. A show I wish would return. If this farce of a show remains on with the Secret Circle being cancelled which was a great show and The Tomorrow People which is also a great show being threatened with cancellation, makes me wonder about CW. This show makes no sense. The premise of a bunch of stupid teenagers who seem to have plenty of make up and know how to swim tho they've never seen a body of water before and dance to music from 2014 and have all the same stupid cliques after all these years and these kids were the ones sent back to earth? The writing and directing is bad enough as it is since nothing makes sense and isn't plausible or has any common sense but the acting is horrible as well as the dialog. The only people that could possibly think this show is good would be a teenager with no common sense. And by the looks of Twitter comments, that's what it is. The only positive comments #the100 came from young teenagers who said "so and so is cute/beautiful so imma keep watching" or from old pedo's who said the same thing. Really? I know I had common sense as a teen and watched things for acting and good plot etc. if The Tomorrow People gets cancelled over this pos, I'm done. TTP is a great show and this show? Well, let's just say no one with any common sense or brains would watch this. Renew TTP and bring back good shows like The Secret Circle and cancel this trash and burn the script. While ur at it, make sure the creators and directors never make another show and get these actors some acting lessons.
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