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You: The Death of Jonathan Moore (2023)
Season 4, Episode 10
A decent season
1 June 2024
I was impressed with the 4th season of You. The showrunners do a good job of reinventing the character and new situations that are intriguing. The season's setting in the UK worked well and the new rich and wealthy entourage of Jonathan Moore worked.

Praise to the writing of this season. I think television in the last few decades has gotten the audience to embrace and even root for the anti-hero. If we think of Tony Soprano from The Sopranos, we rooted for the mobster despite despicable acts. The same applies to Jo Goldberg, we forgive and allow his dark deeds. The writing and plot twist with Rhys Montrose turned things on its head. The writers reminded us clearly this season how evil and damaged Joe is. He is not a character that we should sympathise with, his mentality and actions are shocking. The plot twist to show how he is the real culprit and the conclusion of how he embraces the depths of his darkness closes out any doubt of how sinister he is. He is no longer chasing virtue and being a good person. Goodness will only show as much as his dark personality will allow and he accepts this.
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Baby Reindeer (2024)
Dark and captivating
1 June 2024
I could see why the world couldn't stop talking about Baby Reindeer. It is a very thought provoking and captivating show. From the first episode, you are immediately captured, intrigued and taken down a journey that only gets more sinister. The story of Baby Reindeer is like an onion that stings more as you peel it. What is shocking is that this related to true events that a person experienced. Interesting that Richard Gadd depicts his own experiences and plays himself.

It showcases the dangers of stalking and how Donny despite knowing how he should have put an end to it, deep down had this desire or deep seated satisfaction with being obsessed over. We need his obsession and almost dependency of being stalked. You might think celebrity's or sports stars could experience this but it might have been novel and almost gratifying to be stalked. Baby Reindeer also showcased the very real life situations of people, we are captivated because we see real people who have modest means and simple lives face drama. It is thought provoking to say the least to consider how both Donny and Martha internalised and behaved in this situation. I was on the edge of my seat, not knowing what would happen next. This show is not the faint of heart who like to think the world is full of sunshine and rainbows. It's a harsh spotlight on what can happen in our society.
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A nice watch
31 May 2024
It is nice to watch an iconic point in history where some of the greatest stars of the time, arguably of all time came together to do good for humanity. It was special seeing the support and connection to Bob Geldof and his momentous effort with 'Do They Know Its Christmas'. I was not surprised to learn that there were so many creative energies and differences at this event. I also learnt that so much of it was lead by Lionel Richie and the song itself was written by Michael Jackson. Lionel Richie juggled so much at the time by also hosting the music awards which is admirable. The behind the scenes was good to watch and see such personalities interact. The self reflections of Springsteen, Lionel Richie, Smokey Robinson and Cindy Lauper take you back to that special time. It certainly was a great time in music and the world when they pulled together for a bigger cause.
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The Fall Guy (2024)
All over the place and misses the mark
26 May 2024
I had some hopes for The Fall Guy but it felt like they decided on one storyline and changed their mind partway through and pursued another plot. This film is hugely disjointed and weakly put together to the point that it became almost a chore to finish it. While I do enjoy going to the movies, I also hope for some sort of plot and direction to string this together. The Fall Guy had none of this. Emily Blunt is under utlised in this film and her character is quite weak. Meanwhile Ryan Gosling also looks like he's trying to figure out what this film is about. I liked the tribute to Lee Majors and the original TV series. This could have been a decent film and there was potential here but it was poorly executed. A weak 6 out of 10.
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Fool Me Once (2024)
Had great potential but did not get there
18 May 2024
I think like most people, I was captured by this shows trailer about a widow spotting her dead husband in the nanny cam. The show starts off in this manner which was good but things fizzled out for me throughout this limited series. I felt it was drawn out and contained unnecessary noise for most of it. When I finally got to the last episode I saw there was a good story and thriller here that was intriguing but it was poorly put together.

Another reviewer captured it well by pointing out the story might have worked better if it was shown from Sami's point of view because you could navigate through him how a washed up, damaged detective deals with his own demons while he solves a case. Maya was a 2 dimensional and uninspired character. Through her I struggled to get into this show. I also thought so many elements could have been stripped away such as Maya's sister's family and the half brother storyline that added little value and filled space. This wasted time meant the actual thriller was badly rushed in the last episode with a weak payoff. Also the military storyline was flimsy writing, this was not fully unwrapped or given more depth except again until the final episode. If the pacing was better and these elements (the Burkett family history, Joe's darker side) was portrayed in more detail we might have had a better payoff and story.
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Well made
21 April 2024
I was impressed with how this documentary was put together. The interviews with secret service men, journalists and actual hours of footage gave an in depth look at the events of the day that changed America and the political landscape. I appreciate that the feature did not try to push Lee Harvey Oswald as the only shooter as this version is simply not true. Facts and commonsense show he was not a lone gunman who acted alone. But putting that aside, this feature moves away from this and shows the footage, events and reactions of the event. It lives up to its title and description which is to capture the day and events unfolded. I feel we should not get too hung up or fixated on the conspiracy because it was covered up and they want to keep it that way because they got away it. I am skeptical a little with how Jack Ruby was portrayed as someone who loved the Kennedy's and conveniently was able to access the police station which held Oswald. But again it could have been sloppy police work, the day was full of sloppy protection and police work. Too many questions that did not get answered. Overall a well put together feature that captured the shocking events of the day.
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21 April 2024
Film restoration is definitely an art form. Sir Peter Jackson works his magic in this special documentary feature of The Beatles. What is magical about this is we almost get to experience and enjoy the moments as if they were happening now which is ably helped by film restoration. It is fascinating to see the practice, rehearsals and conversations among the fab four. I often had to remind myself that these iconic songs and events happened decades ago and so much has changed since then. Through this natural and easy to watch feature we see the creativity, brilliance and also up front and personal moments with The Beatles. Sir Peter Jackson takes us on a journey from how recording started to the rooftop performance. It is really well put together and after such a beautiful buildup, the rooftop performance is magical. God how I envied those people who were able to watch the rooftop, witness history and the last public performance of The Beatles. 8.5/10.
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Poor Things (2023)
Hilarious, bizarre and well made
14 April 2024
I was not sure what to expect with Poor Things but was quite impressed with it. The cinematography, unique camera angles, direction and use of colours really make this an intriguing and fun filled experience. This film shows us such a unique concept and the tale of random events that follows Bella as she realises the world around her and interacts with society is a treat to watch. Bella took everything that life threw at her and the consequences were amusing. The acting was superb. Emma Stone steals the show and fully embraces her infant and matter of fact like character. Also some strong supporting performances from William Dafoe, Mark Ruffalo & Ramy Youssef who help sell this film. This bizarre, sexually explicit and at times gory tale also gives a somewhat satisfying ending. 7.5/10.
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The Ice Road (2021)
Not all bad
26 February 2024
I am surprised by the low reviews on here.

The Ice Road is not that bad a film, I have seen worse that have inflated ratings on IMDB. The plot sounds logical and piques the viewer's interest at the start with these dangerous driving expeditions on the icy roads. At first you think this is only a race against the clock to save the workers trapped in a diamond mine. But it turns out there is a more sinister motive for the truckers.

I feel the sinister motive could have been better explained and unwrapped. Tell us why and what the grand scheme is. Also a better actor and a more believable portrayal for the duplicitous character would have helped anchor this film. Parts of this film also seemed a little predictable and despite the high stakes I found myself struggling to be too interested or invested in the film.

Overall not terrible but also not great. Liam Neeson does what he can to carry this film. 6.5/10.
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Needed subtitles!
24 February 2024
I was interested to watch this film. Bob Marley was a legendary singer and wonderful soul. He touched a lot of people with his music. I also learned that he had quite a tumultuous life and was a great peaceful soul who tried to create peace. He likely could have lived in style overseas but instead chose to do good for Jamaica.

This film was hard to follow for most of its run. The impersonated Jamaican accents did not land easily and made it confusing to decipher what exactly was being said. Also a very disjointed film. One moment we were during a political struggle and next we see a young Marley, the audience had to assume as there is no date or context given. This proved confusing. Also the jumping back and forth meant the film was all over the place. I personally would have preferred a deeper dive into Marley, his upbringing and how he became the legend he was. But personal opinion aside, I think a little more structure, direction and steady pacing might have conveyed a much better and more meaningful film about such a legend.
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Cocaine Bear (2023)
Not the best
17 February 2024
I had some hopes for Cocaine Bear, it came across as different and edgy. The first half starts off reasonably alright with some small doses of humour and the audience could laugh at the bizarre turn of events with such a story. I felt such a set up or plot had echoes of Tarantino. The second half of the film falls off the rails completely. The story turns monotonous and ridiculous. We were definitely in silly territory and a lot of it was unrealistic. Not to mention how artificial the bear and surroundings looked. The CGI was very evident and it was hard to believe it. From the bears, the cubs, to the waterfall at the end. It was hard to buy into. A bit disappointing.

Also this was sadly the last film of Ray Liotta, shame it wasn't ending on a high for him. R. I. P. Legend.
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10 February 2024
I was quite engaged by this doco. It got more bizarre and crazy as time went on. I had my suspicious and felt I called it from the start. It was a simple case, nothing too complicated and the producers do well with the subject matter and make a decent production.

If anything, this really was a case of bad policework. Very poor detective work from the start led to this series of terrible events because the true story and some common sense was always there. If some basic things were actually looked into this would have not taken years. I thought it was complicated only to find out it was the obvious suspect. Overall not a bad doco and an easy watch.
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Elemental (2023)
9 February 2024
Elemental exceeded my expectations. Besides being cute and heart warming. There was an impressive amount of depth for such an animated film. A lot of themes emerge from this feature: love, pursuing your ambitions and trying different things to get the most out of life. There were definitely some meaningful moments that could move a few viewers. This is also a very creative film that broadens the viewers horizons and gives you a chuckle along the way. You have to forgive a few plot conveniences for the story to work. But overall this is a cute film that is underrated on here and surprisingly controversial. All it set out to do in my view is tell a fun, light hearted tale in the most creative manner. 7/10.
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Pain Hustlers (2023)
21 January 2024
Pain Hustlers is not a bad film. It boasts a well known cast and sheds light on a very interesting and somewhat controversial industry. Not too surprised to see such hustling happening in big pharma. However it follows the same sort of Greek tragedy like many big successful films before it. Some recent films it has striking similarities to are 'The Wolf of Wall Street' or 'Wardogs'. But there are a few others. The mold and set up was also captured well in the iconic Goodfellas in 1990 and many films have followed a similar style. You have a great rise, a great fall and then the FBI circling in.

I feel a better soundtrack, further editing and more flair could have lifted this film as well. Overall a passable film.
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16 January 2024
I quite enjoyed Anyone But You. It is hilarious from start to finish. The humour is light hearted and easy to enjoy and lands well most of the time. The story or plot points may not be the strongest but the humour carries it nicely. The two leads Sydney Sweeney and Glen Powell do well as do the rest of the cast who hit a few home runs.

Rom Coms are not always easy to pull off. The last few decades have seen senseless and poor plots pulled together with humour that falls flat. Anyone But You is refreshing and does not take itself too seriously. I am a little surprised by the rating on IMDB, I feel it deserves a slightly higher rating on here as it's certainly one of the better rom coms in recent times.
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Heartwarming and decent
16 January 2024
I was pleasantly surprised by Holiday in the Wild. This is a decent story that does not solely rely on Christmas for the entirety of its plot. That's what makes a good holiday movie, Christmas serves as a great setting and atmosphere.

The setting is fantastic by being set in Africa, which is so culturally rich and offers such a unique landscape for this film instead of the usual concrete hustle and bustle settings of other holiday films. Working with Elephants makes a great plot feature. The acting also sells this film really well, Kirstin Davis and Rob Lowe excel in their roles. Despite being reasonably predictable, this film is heartwarming and enjoyable to watch during the holiday season. It is certainly one of the better Christmas movies in recent times.
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Unstoppable (2010)
9 January 2024
Despite boasting a strong and popular cast, Unstoppable does not have much traction. It is a mundane and flat film. Ridley Scott has made some great actioned packed films but this is not one of them. The film drags on and builds up a seemingly bland subject matter. There probably was only so much one could do with this true story and incident. I feel a small TV episode or a short spiel in a documentary might have sufficed instead of a long film. The film felt like a chore to finish and get through. Unstoppable also lacks originality and we all likely knew how it was going to end up, there were no twists and turns to keep you engaged. It was boringly watch a runaway train a lazy worker forget to secure.
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A different kind of love story but it works
7 January 2024
I did not have high expectations going into this film. But I was somewhat surprised. Firstly the setting of the 1800's is well established and believable. You honestly feel like you are watching a true tale that took place during that era. The devotion and eternal patience for true love shown by Michael Hosea is somewhat touching.

There are a number of things you can pull from this film. One of them is how different a love story this is and quite unique. Two very different people. Also the futility and fragility of Angel who struggled to escape her life and constantly felt she was not good enough for anyone. Another theme on display is the struggle a woman faced in those times to stand on her own and how institutions have a way of handcuffing a person to a certain way of life, she felt branded by the cards she was dealt in life. The film has a nice enough outcome and ties the story well together in the end.
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Klaus (2019)
Cute and creative
27 December 2023
Klaus was an enjoyable film to watch. What makes a good Christmas film is something novel and interesting. Klaus keeps you entertained and wondering how things will work out. In the back of your mind you are trying to piece together how this feel good film will end. How creative to use a town in the wilderness as a setting and tell this fun tale. The tale also has some depth with a great meaningful message about acts of kindness. It is through this and the magic of Christmas that we see a hostile town transformed to a happy town. The film does not try too hard to weave in the traditional Christmas stories and legends into it but effortlessly makes references to it. Christmas movies can take a page out of Klaus's book on how to make a good Christmas film.
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Late Night (2019)
Not too bad
23 December 2023
Late Night comes across as quite realistic which is one of its strengths. I could see this happening behind the scenes of a Late Night show. The world is a diverse place but the industry can still contain relics from the past and have old ways quite ingrained. Late Night explored a number of interesting themes. Kathernine Newbury made it in the business as a female talk show host yet she has a team of male writers and proceeds to treat the only female writer she hires, reluctantly, badly. Emma Thompson gives a great performance and carries this film. She proves to be so versatile and believable in every role she takes on. Overall not a bad film.
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Passable and predictable
17 December 2023
The Noel Diary starts off with some promise, the strongest part of the film is the first half. The second half feels rushed and sprinting to the finishing line after setting up the film somewhat well with the characters and backstory. One of the gaps of the film is the premise of the Noel diary itself. It felt unfinished and a missed opportunity to only have Jake Turner as the person that connects with Rachel's mother and not Rachel. Why did the mother not reach out sooner or try? Also Rachel's reasoning for not connecting with her mother was flimsy. She waited in a car outside her old house for a long time only to come this far and then not reach out to her mother.

The cast do their best with a subpar script but there's only so much they can do. This is a weak 6 from me but it was predictable. So if you like easy films that you can turn your mind off for the holidays then this film works.
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26 November 2023
Despite boasting a recognisable cast like John Cleese, Kelsey Grammer & Liz Hurley this film sadly falls flat. The plot, acting and direction is abysmal. This is a chore to get through. The only selling and strong point is Christmas itself. I am quite frustrated that films have a flimsy or close to no plot and rely on Christmas to be subject itself. The best Christmas films use the setting and evoke the spirit of Christmas well but still rely on a strong story line or plot. This is sadly absent in a lot of films that fall flat. Father Christmas Is Back is overall a pitiful mess that leaves a lot to be desired.
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A waste of time
26 November 2023
There could have been some potential with this film. It seems steady in the first half and then badly unravels towards the end. I was hoping for a suspenseful thriller with an interesting twist. But so much of it falls apart and does not add up. Why was Grace so easily able to get away with being the baby sitter for so long? Did the agency not check in or Mary not expect to pay for services? It was quite predictable that Grace would be a villain of sorts in the end. The way they explained it did not add up. They didn't explain her condition well enough and her erratic behaviour was never really explained, it felt like a rushed and poorly developed plot point. Also the icing on the top of this bad film is the bad acting which poorly sells this film.
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The Crown: Decommissioned (2022)
Season 5, Episode 10
A passable season
21 October 2023
Season 5 has not been the strongest season but also not the weakest. Most of the episodes are middling to decent with elements of quality scattered around. In my opinion, Mou Mou was the episode that stood out and the strongest. If they continued episodes of this quality it might have been a stronger season. I would have liked to see more historical connections and political involvement. The strength of The Crown has been its connection and influence to historical events due to its longevity and its influence over political leaders.

I feel Dominic West stole the show and gave a very good performance as Prince Charles. Elizabeth Debicki was passable as Princess Dianna, nothing too special or terrible either. Imelda Staunton was decent as The Queen. I look forward to the final two installments of The Crown.
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Black Mirror: Loch Henry (2023)
Season 6, Episode 2
Feels out of place
1 September 2023
I think this is a suspenseful and nicely written episode. But I'm unsure if this fits within the Black Mirror universe. I was surprised to see such an episode in this season. While it is intriguing, disturbing and very dark, I wondered if this fitted better in another TV series or a thriller on its own. There is nothing futuristic or technology related here. I always thought Black Mirror was showcasing the advanced levels of technology and its intersection of the human experience. Those two facets often crashed in a dark and intriguing way that was hard to pull away from. But this episode feels out of place to me.
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