
14 Reviews
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Swing and a complete whiff
28 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A couple things that instantly lose me in movies. Cowboys of the old west with pearly whites, entire cast of pretty people. None of which can be believe. Oh, and english speaking nazi's. This movie had none of these, but it lost me all the same. They're so many ridiculous aspects in this movie it's hard to name them all. Now i understand this is a true story and I have no idea how those who were held captive are faring today, but c'mon really. A woman who hasn't seen the light of day for 24 years has skin silkier than mine. Has teeth whiter than mine. Has hair as gleaming as mine. Plus, hasn't aged at all, and what the kids who only knew a dim lit room the entire life. Their command of the English language was better than mine. Look, can we be honest here. Them kids would have been inbreds living in a cave. Do we have time to talk about the family upstairs who never questioned dear pops obsession with going to a relatively empty basement locking doors behind him every day for 24 years... no,, to bad.. cuz it's just as ridiculous. If the director just stuck to the actual accounts and truth this movie would have been a homerun. How could it not,,, we're talking 24 years and 7 kids who were born down there,,, by her dad!! That's one heck of a story... just tell it,, that's all they had to do! Gave it 4 stars cuz I like dark stories like this... just not pearly whites,,, which they all had after 24 years of no dentist visits. Go figure.
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Flag Day (2021)
Kinda boring
20 November 2021
This movie just had a ho hum on it from the get-go. Good acting but just a boring story, and it never really explains itself... stuff just happens. I mean you don't just get to point B without a soluble A in there to make it all happen... and did they have boat-cars in the 70's? Maybe I guess... just a weird kinda movie bout a family and their demons and struggles... that's it. Not the worst,, not the best... a 5 star movie.
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Wildlife (2018)
Boy that escalated quickly
20 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
My boredom that was... oh, and also how fast she stepped out on her husband. I don't know what to make of this film but so many things just didn't seem right. First, her husband leaves to fight fires and the seemingly caring very cute 34 year old loving wife who pleaded for him not to go begins cheating on him after about the second day he's gone... with an old fat bald fart with a wooden leg... umm ok.. maybe believable... but then you have the husband who upon returning home.. finds out about her... then sets himself.... On fire!!

Look, movie was very slow but ok.. I spent the entire movie however just feeling sorry for the child caught in the middle. There is no smiles in this movie.. just a dark dismal unhappy hour and a half. I don't recommend.
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Mr. Mercedes (2017–2019)
You had me hook line and sinker... but never will get me on the boat.
25 March 2021
Wow. What a first season. Wow. What a second season... meaning WTF. By the end of the 2nd episode of the 2nd season I'm I'm gonna assume that you will feel like this series has become a terrible hallmark movie. Impossible and unrealistic plots that would "actually" embarrass hallmark. This review comes after the 7th episode of the 2nd season and I can't believe that I have stayed with this series but now I'm here and I guess I will see it through. Think I'm kidding about the 2nd season. Go watch and then come back and tell me I was right.
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Your Honor (II) (2020–2023)
I mean really?
23 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I can hear Earl Holliman of the Twilight Zone saying... "where is everybody"

Look, watch the first episode and youll see what Im talking about. Don't know if you're like me but I need a little believability when I watch a show. Don't give me Cowboys with pearly whites,,a biblical epic with a cast of young white models and please dont show me an loud screeching accident on a corner of a town and not a soul shows up,,,ever!

Look, this show is kinda fun to watch but everything is kinda ridiculous about it. From a kid taking the fall,, and really for what,,, or the prisoner in the county jail,,with a cell phone.,,or the bumbling idiot son of the Judge who can figure out how to score with his high school teacher but can't figure out how to simply lay low and STFU.

I dunno,, im only thru episode 3 and I will prolly watch the rest but this show is so unbelievable it's become a comedy to me at this point.
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Dark Skies (2009 TV Movie)
Even Hallmark would be embarrassed
27 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
In board meeting room:

Hey, lets make a movie about a really smart great looking college guy who lives in the woods and is really buff. Will throw in an ass shot. Then lets have 3 other insanely hot brainiacs go camping and run into this guy. Then lets have the guys cute girlfriend of the 3 people constantly go over to the guy in the woods tent but the boyfriend doesnt seem to care,,, he just wants to sleep,,, oh, but lets have it turn out the guy in the woods is gay anyway,,, but not only that... lets also have one of the 3 college kids be gay as well. Then let's have the entire lake turn into acid after only a few drops of rain has fallen and when he washes his face with it it only burns the face but not his hands. Then as they run through the down pour it only burns the guy that they also leave blinded outside while they're in the tent. Oh, and the guy who runs to get the car crashes into a tree for really no reason. Oh,, one last thing guys... after the brainiacs heroically stop the rain and save the world lets have the two gays kiss and fall in love as they walk off the camera to end the movie.

Others in the room: Oh lets!!

Stay away people,, this is terrible.
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Hated car movies... until this one popped up
8 March 2020
This kept my interest all the way thru. Even spiced up and glamorized for Hollywoods sake never caused me once to say as I always do "C'mon, I mean really"... except maybe when Henry Ford II started balling like a baby. Hard to understand Bales English accent at times still wasn't even to much a bother since you were already so gripped in the movie by then. Damon pulled off the perfect car guy character and Fords top henchmen pulled off their roles as well. Very watchable movie and I know you will enjoy it too. Worth the watch.
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Mob Town (2019)
You'll have a better time watching paint dry
1 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Where to start. Let's start with the bad. This movie's trailer looked to be a pretty good mafia movie.. it wasn't. Half the movie was building up the relationship of the main actor to a widowed wife of a fallen policeman... and really for no absolute reason. It added zero to the actual story. It also was comical to the fact that this police dude was always showing up at the exact moment transactions and dialogue were taking place to lead him to the conclusion that something big was going down... the exact moment, and it happened several times. Also, can someone please explain to me how you can get in your car, leave a hotel, go back to the office, talk with your superior, get back in the car and return to the hotel in about 10 minutes. Please. Lastly, can someone please explain to me how you don't notice a police cruiser sitting and observing in your driveway as you drive back out that same driveway, mind you, as well as 50 mobsters later at the house never observing the police cruisers just over a 10 foot embankment 50 yards from the house the party was being held. So unrealistic. Hell, I could go on but ill spare you. We laughed at so many points in this movie it felt like a mafia spoof type of film. Oh, I promised you the good....... ok,,hmmmmmm,,, well it ended... there ya go.
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Mud (2012)
Sling blade meet Stand by Me
21 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie held my attention (barely) until the end... and then it lost me all completely. I have one glaring question though. How in the hell did he get on that Island in the first place? Listen, I see a lot of reviews that give this movie 9 or more stars and frankly it's why I watched it. Not understanding the love for this movie. It's slow and the end gun fight scene was beyond ridiculous even for Hollywood standards. Lastly, why does the boat "have" to be up in a tree? Couldn't it just be an abandoned broken boat washed up on the Island. Guess I just don't understand the purpose for it, Yea, watch it at your own risk but get ready to be kinda bored.
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Yesterday (III) (2019)
Is there anybody gonna listen to my story...
28 September 2019
Well ya should... cuz this was a well thought out and playful movie and worth a feel good watch. Gotta admit,,, best well acted movie by the two leads that ive seen in a long long while. How has nobody thought of this plot line for a movie before is beyond me but we finally have a funny Beatle movie that keeps you watching,,,, why,, because of the songs for one reason. There was one glaring error that caught me when they stumbled on to John Lennon but ill let you see if you can figure it out. My only hint is "why them but not him." Bottom line, if you want a great movie to watch (and lets face it not many coming out these days) then I would recommend "Yesterday." The only downside to this movie was the character played by SNL Kate McKinnon. An overplayed continuous character that youve seen her do on the show as well as any movie shes ever been in. If the movie itself wasnt this strong then she possibly could have sank the whole yellow submarine with her style.
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Searching (III) (2018)
This was a damn good movie
24 August 2019
During the first 5 minutes you kinda think to yourself can I watch an entire movie looking straight at a computer screen and video surveillance,,, and you quickly find out that you can. This was very well done as you ride along with the main character as his roller coaster of emotions goes up and down the winding track as he searches for his missing daughter. There are a couple things I believe that could have been left out the movie for a more 'WTH' moment at the end but it hardly mattered. The movie carried itself regardless... for a good ending. I personally enjoy movies that have actors that I don't know. This movie in my opinion would have been ruined had Tom Cruise or Liam Neeson over-played the main role along with other well known figures. This father was actually believable in the role. I think the weak link in the movie was Debra Messings acting (the only actor that I recognized in the film). You'll see what I mean,,, though she wasn't exactly horrible. Bottom line: Though some things seem kinda far-fetched like the face-timing of the lead investigator as she sits at home or in the office, or how tech savvy the father is, or that the families entire life has been recorded to video and pictures,,, but overall I really really really really enjoyed this movie... and I believe you will too. I absolutely loved the ending. Go watch this.
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Good movie but how can 6 people (well 5) be so stupid.
13 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
When the first realize they can't get back on the boat they try one thing then doggy paddle for the next hour or two before trying something else. So many things they could have tried that they didn't. The movie was frustrating in that regard. However, if they used their brains then there wouldn't be a movie. I could go on and on and dissect their idiotic actions but ill allow you to judge the movie for yourself. Bottom line... not a bad movie, definitely keeps your attention but frustrating to say the least. Im not gonna even get into the end scene that leaves you scratching your head and what is going on. You'll see what I'm talking about.
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The Homesman (2014)
Hard movie to decide on
15 March 2015
Let me start off with some positives from this movie. This had the look and feel of what the old west must have been like. It was very authentic in this regard. The characters we're believable in their roles as we didn't see the glamor girls or the pretty boys or the pearly whites as we often do in westerns that un-authenticate. This film had it's moments.

Some of the negatives were actually the bases of the entire movie. Transporting 3 crazy women cross country. I didn't understand first how they even got crazy and why did they all act the same... staring into the void. Also, why didn't the husbands object to them killing their newborns,,, just because they were girls? I didn't understand or find it relevant to the story. One scene in particular was simply unnecessary. If you watch the film you'll know which one i'm talking about. Also regarding the trip why couldn't he stay and help rebury the poor girl... it would have taken 10 minutes.

The scene where he goes back for food was odd as well. Why didn't anybody jump one floor down to their survival? Didn't make sense. Was disappointed also when one of the main characters left the film with 45 minutes left. Seemed again unnecessary. The ending was disappointing as well.

Overall this wasn't a bad movie it just didn't really go anywhere and was kinda slow and boring. Lastly, Meryl Streep as a nun or whatever she was suppose to be just weirds me out a bit. Not sure why. So, I don't "not" recommend this film as it had it's moments and was quite believable to the old west. It was just slow and unmoving for me.
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Like watching paint dry
11 May 2014
I just read a review where they said you are on the edge of your seat with anticipation. I was on the edge of my seat bout to walk out maybe, but certainly not with anticipation. This movie was slow slow slow, and the sound trac only added to the crawl. Don't get me wrong I did give it a few stars, but that was only because the acting was plausible. If you didn't read the summary before watching you may have a hard time figuring out where exactly they are. Canada, Maine, Oklahoma (for the Tulsa reference)... but in the end you know where you are... on the edge of your seat thankful this movie has ended. On one side note this film does make you appreciate what you may have at your own home... kids with direction and responsibility. One last thing about this movie that bothered me, kinda. Everybody in the movie seemed angry and bitter. Is this little town so depressing that it causes such bitterness and unloving parents? Who knows. Watch this movie at your own risk. I recommend painting a wall before sitting down to watch. My guess is that you'll turn to the wall and watch that dry instead.
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