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Entertaining thriller
23 May 2022
I love these movies that Gerard Butler makes now. I'm never gonna complain about him running around kicking butt and being the hero of the piece.

I loved the pacing in this one. After all the excessively long movies being released lately it was nice to see a 90 minute movie at the cinema. It felt like it just flew by. Plenty of action and tension which meant it never dragged or had any unnecessary scenes.

The sound and score were also fantastic. It's worth seeing at the movies just for that.

I just really like movies that know their movies, and Last Seen Alive definitely fits into that category.

It's an easy, enjoyable watch which does exactly what a movie is supposed to do: it entertains.
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Eerie and Magical Fantasy
7 March 2022
This is an old favourite which I watched so many times as a child, but I think this was my first time revisiting it since I've grown up.

It's an eerie fantasy about a little chimney sweep who, after being accused of a crime he didn't commit, jumps into a river where he finds he can survive underwater and then befriends an Orcadian lobster, a French swordfish and a delightfully camp seahorse.

Throughout the film it continually switches between entirely live action and entirely animated scenes and I think this works really well in differentiating between the real world and the magical underwater one. The animation is so charming. I love the style and the character design.

The pacing is amazing with the 90 minute runtime just flying by. It's helped by some simple but catchy little songs that have stuck with me all my life. They'll often pop into my head even though I hadn't watched this in years.

This movie contains many elements that may remind you of an aquatic Wizard of Oz, but while it was made after The Wizard of Oz movie, the original book actually predates L. Frank Baum's famous work by almost forty years.

While I may be biased due to nostalgia I still think this strange but very fun movie is worth checking out if you're into animation and/or children's movies with an unsettling edge to them.
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Fun family movie
31 January 2022
I really liked how it wasn't just a straight out screen version of the book. Instead, the characters refer to the novel and use it as a sort of guide throughout their adventure. It made it different as well as more appealing to a modern audience, while also being a really nice tribute to the work of Jules Verne.

These movies made for kids can sometimes stray into the territory of annoying characters, but thankfully that does not happen here at all.

Brendan Fraser is so good in these action/adventure type roles. He is both funny and bumbling, but still believable when it comes to his character's heroic moments.

A very young Josh Hutcherson delivers a sweet and likeable performance handling the more emotional moments very well.

Anita Briem completes the main trio as a sassy tour guide and vague romantic interest which fits perfectly with the tone of the movie.

For 2008, the special effects are pretty good. I really enjoyed all the creatures and landscapes.

This is a fun family movie with just enough substance to get you invested but not so much that you want to start questioning the science of it. It's just a fun ride while you're on it.
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Home Team (2022)
29 January 2022
I thought this was a nice little movie. It was more of a light drama with some humour than a straight out comedy, and I enjoyed both aspects of it.

I really like Kevin James and as usual he was great in this. It's always nice to see Taylor Lautner as well. The child actors were all quite good too. Actually, the entire cast did a great job.

The plot was simple but still fun. The ending was absolutely fantastic and I feel like the build up to that moment was perfect.

Inevitably, this movie won't be loved by all, but it's a fun enough time with a positive message, and its PG rating means it is definitely something the whole family can enjoy.
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Finch (2021)
Great characters
7 November 2021
Once again Tom Hanks proves that he can be the sole human on screen and carry a movie effortlessly, and also that he can really make us care about non-living characters and animals.

I quite enjoyed this movie. It's a simple story with some really nicely played dramatic moments and a little bit of humour. I really liked how understated the more serious moments were. The subtlety of these parts of the story were contrasted well against the not so subtle setting.

The special effects were pretty nice too. I thought it all looked great and I never felt like I was watching a movie with a lot of CGI even though it was definitely full of it.

Post apocalyptic stories can be a bit too bleak for me sometimes, but I feel this one has just the right amount of bleakness and just the right amount of hope.

And of course, being a dog person it was lovely to see a real dog playing a main part in a movie and giving such a wonderful performance.
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Hilarious and touching
11 February 2021
Long Story Short was hilarious, sweet and at times a little sad and touching.

It had a very small cast, but they were all great.

Rafe Spall was hilarious in what felt like a scene that ran for almost the entire movie yet was never boring or slow. He pulled off both the comedy and the tragedy of his character with his usual brilliance.

Zahra Newman and Ronny Chieng were perfect in their supporting roles, bringing a lot of emotion to the story and their characters.

Noni Hazlehurst and Dena Kaplan were both wonderful with strong portrayals of their characters despite having only a few scenes each.

Josh Lawson has done a great job with this quirky little film which he wrote and directed and appears in briefly.

It was refreshingly nice to see an Aussie made film that never focused on the fact that it was Australian. This really could've been set anywhere, but the NSW coastal setting was still very much appreciated.

A solid rom com which tackles the "curse with a lesson" device in its own unique way and succeeds. Highly recommend.
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5 February 2021
I really enjoyed this movie. It was beautiful, tragic, weird, funny and romantic.

The locations and cinematography were gorgeous. The screenplay and direction were fantastic. The whole cast was great, but especially the two leads, Jamie Dornan and Emily Blunt who delivered strong and touching performances (no surprises there).

It had a nice slow, but not at all boring build, and I absolutely loved the "twist" which was both unexpected and well played.

I didn't recognise John Patrick Shanley's name as director, however after looking him up it came as no surprise he was involved in a few other movies which I really loved including Moonstruck, Joe Versus the Volcano and We're Back.

Highly recommend this if you're into the things I listed above. It's well made, well acted and has a great storyline.
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Better than the original!
29 January 2021
Part sci-fi, part fantasy, a whole lot of action and a touch of horror; all with an Aussie twist!

It's not often sequels outdo their predecessors but Occupation: Rainfall has definitely done that. It's got a way bigger budget and that shows in the sheer scale, the stunning special effects and the enormous cast!

While seeing the first movie is essential for perfectionists it certainly isn't required to follow the plot and enjoy this movie.

Luke Sparke has brought his absolute A game to this, his best movie yet and a real pioneer for the Australian film industry.

Definitely worth checking out whether you loved or hated the first one. It's bigger and better and will leave you wanting more!
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Occupation (2018)
Fun watch
28 January 2021
I really enjoy watching this movie. It's just an easy, fun watch. It's not realistic (obviously) and it's not the most profound story you'll ever witness but who ever said it was going to be?

It's an action, scifi set in Australia (for once) and has a great local cast which is one of the main things I love about it. It really is a first of it's kind and if people think bashing it with bad reviews is in any way helpful then I don't know what to think.

I actually liked it a lot more the second time I watched it so if you weren't fussed the first time, it is worth another watch.

Don't take it too seriously and don't sweat the small discrepancies. As I said, it's a fun movie to watch if you just let it be.

And the practical effects are great too!
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A fun Aussie Christmas movie
12 December 2020
This is a really fun Christmas movie with a great story, likeable characters, plenty of laughs and most importantly lots of Christmas spirit.

It never makes you cringe nor does it go down cliched paths. The plot isn't predictable and kept me interested. I enjoyed seeing a summer Christmas in a movie for a change.

The actors were all great from the kids to the villain and everyone in between. What I liked most was that it was really Aussie without having to use unrealistic stereotypes.

A fun watch for the whole family.
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Get Santa (2014)
Fun for the whole family
28 November 2020
This is a fun little father/son team up story with everything you want from a Christmas movie, plus a little more. It's got Santa, elves, reindeers, snow, magic, a great message, humour the whole family can enjoy, a parolee, and even a car chase.

The cast is great from Rafe Spall and Kit Connor as the father and son duo to Jim Broadbent as Santa, plus loveable groups of prisoners and elves.

What I liked about this movie was it made me laugh the whole way through yet also had some touching moments that didn't turn too corny. It's very family friendly and suitable for all ages.
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Willow Creek (2013)
Scary and fun!
24 October 2020
If you love found footage movies, hokey tourist destinations, and bigfoot them this movie is perfect for you!

It's got two likeable characters played brilliantly by Bryce Johnson and Alexie Gilmore. Actors in movies like this don't get enough credit. This movie was shot over five days. The two actors met on the first day. Nearly all of the lines are improvised. One shot is 17 minutes long! The whole time they remain perfectly in character and are completely believable in these roles.

Director, Bobcat Goldthwait, has created a really great tribute to the pursuit of bigfoot. If you've spent any time in the world of unexplained mysteries then I think you'd love this movie.

A lot of the extras are playing themselves which adds a nice layer of authenticity. This is something this genre used to be known for but rarely gets the same "this really happened" treatment it once did so it's nice to see that.

The tension is next level. Even on a rewatch it is still so suspenseful and nerve wracking.

It's also got one of the best theme songs ever!
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Sonny (2002)
15 September 2020
Sonny is a beautifully made movie which looks at some really sad and intense characters who are frustrated with lives that they see no way out of.

I went into it pretty much blind and was blown away by the story and the acting. It was written by John Carlen. I'm not familiar with his work, but this screenplay was really something. It was so different and bold.

There was a subtle yet demanding tension that built throughout the 110 minute runtime resulting in an investment in these characters that kept me glued to the screen. That, I would say, is what you call some good directing.

James Franco was brilliant. He went between passive resignation and rage fuelled outbursts in a way that I could see Nic himself doing.

Mena Suvari, Brenda Blethyn and Harry Dean Stanton all gave really great performances as well.

There's also a really beautiful use of music throughout the film.

It's a pretty intense movie with some heavy subject matter, but is definitely worth watching.
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The Joneses (2009)
So underrated
12 June 2020
The Joneses is such an underrated movie. The first time I watched it I had no idea what it was going to be about and I absolutely loved it. It's a movie that's best to go into blind and with an open mind.

If taken at face value I can see how some audiences wouldn't get a lot out of it, but if you look a little deeper it's actually a really interesting little movie with a lot to say.

It's another movie that uses humour to lighten the mood at times and to illustrate certain character's personalities, and due to that unfortunately gets labelled as a comedy. This movie is not a comedy. It's a drama. It's a social commentary. It's a study in what it is to be human.

What it is really about is the power of lies, the weight of expectations, and the desire to belong to something. It's actually a pretty realistic look at what material possessions mean to people and what money can do to you. At the same time it's very much a story of human nature. Even people such as the filthy rich and ruthless salesmen are just as human as the rest of us. They have problems that money can't solve (sometimes problems causes by money), and they have just as many insecurities and worries, as well as hopes and dreams, as we all do.

David Duchovny and Demi Moore are both so great in this. They really get to the heart of their characters. Amber Heard, Ben Hollingsworth, Gary Cole and Glenne Headly are all really good too. All of these actors really show that there are many more sides to a person than the one they show the world. You can equally feel disdain and sympathy for all the characters at some point which I think makes them so realistic even though the plot can seem unrealistic at times.

I highly recommend The Joneses. It's not really like any other movie I've seen. It definitely sticks with you and gives you something to think about.
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30 May 2020
I watched this because Laura Carmichael was in it and she didn't disappoint. Her portrayal of Aggie was both disturbing and heartbreaking. She really got both sides of the character across.

The rest of the cast was fine though a lot of the characters weren't especially likeable. Once again Ryan Corr was playing a part which I think he could've done a lot more with than he was given the chance to.

Some aspects of the plot were predictable but there were also a couple of twists I really didn't see coming.

The Sydney locations were a welcomed change from all the Australian TV/movies that are always set in either Melbourne or the Outback.

Episode 5 (of 6) was by far the best and it's a shame the finale left a few too many loose ends and was a little anticlimactic.

Overall, I enjoyed the show. It's not the greatest thing I've ever watched but it's certainly not the worst. It's always nice to watch Australian productions which are sadly few and far between.
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Austenland (2013)
Requires multiple viewings to be truly appreciated
19 May 2020
I admit that the the first time I watched Austenland I was confused. I didn't realise exactly what type of movie it was going in, and I definitely interpreted it the wrong way. Once I got to the end I had a lightbulb moment and upon a second (third, fourth, fifth etc) viewing I realised it is actually quite brilliant.

It is absolutely hilarious with great performances all round. I always recommend this movie to people and ask them to approach it with a much more open mind than I did the first time.

It still makes me laugh out loud every time I watch it. It's a rom com that is equally romantic and comedic. In other words it's kind of perfect!
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Project Blue Book (2019–2020)
Great cast playing great characters
13 May 2020
Project Blue Book is an awesome show with a fantastic cast. They are all individually great and together make the show so much fun to watch. It's been a while since I've enjoyed an entire cast of a TV show so much. They all act their own roles wonderfully and also play off each other really well. This show can be so intense at times and it's fun to watch actors capable of doing the story justice without over or under playing it. Even though the content of the show could come across as fantastical or unbelievable at times, the characters and their actions always feel genuine. The quality writing and acting on this show make it something you can believe in and care about. If you want to watch a show with substance and really well written and played characters then Project Blue Book won't disappoint. This show is a drama, not a dramatisation of historical events. There is a difference so be aware of this before watching.
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Frozen II (2019)
A weak follow up
20 March 2020
What I loved most about the first Frozen movie wasn't the songs or the story or even the sisters true love trope. I loved that it was funny. It made me laugh. Frozen II had about three moments when I kind of smiled. That's what was the most disappointing part. I really can't see it appealing to children much. It was way too dark. Yet it didn't appeal to me as an adult either so who knows who enjoyed it, but apparently some people did.

Yeah the animation was incredible, but that wasn't enough to keep me interested. The plot was very flimsy and the songs mediocre at best.

Ironically, the best song in the movie was the one sang by Anna's love interest, Kristoff, who we are all supposed to care less about but ends up being the only character worth caring about.

I didn't like Anna's obsession with her sister and quite frankly she wasn't a nice character like she was in the first movie.

The little fire salamander was cute but didn't play the usual part of the trademark Disney animal companion. It's a shame because having Elsa care about something other than herself might have provided her character with much needed redeeming.

In short, it's not a patch on the original and probably should have been left alone.
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Good but not great
25 February 2020
I had always hoped for a live action Pokemon movie when I was a kid and now I've got one I'm not sure how I feel.

I loved seeing all the "real" pokemon, especially the bird pokemon which looked so good soaring around in the sky. I understand that they would always look strange given that their source is a video game/anime. I think they looked great considering this. I loved the look of bulbasaur, pikachu, psyduck, magikarp, greninja and even mewtwo.

The landscapes in the opening scenes and even the city were good too. I liked them. They seemed very pokemon-y.

The characters and plot, on the other hand, weren't great. I felt like a guy with attitude about pokemon because his dad was obsessed with them was very undermining to the pokemon franchise which often promotes sharing a love of pokemon with people you love. It's what brings everyone together. It doesn't tear them apart. It was strange to watch a pokemon movie about someone who really didn't like them. I would've preferred to have seen the plot go down the well worn road of a rookie beginning their adventure. A full grown man still sulking about playing second fiddle to pokemon was somewhat ridiculous, in my opinion.

Due to this unusual choice of age for the protagonist, it made some parts of the movie a little awkward. I'm not sure who the target audience was supposed to be.

The acting was fairly average too which I'm guessing is a reflection on the script and the director more than anything. I've definitely seen much better work from Justice Smith, Ryan Reynolds and Bill Nighy.

One of my favourite things about Pikachu is how cute it is when it says "Pika" and because he spoke English we never really got to hear that.

I certainly didn't hate this movie. It was okay. I just really wish it had been all I'd ever dreamed of.
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Creep (I) (2014)
Surprisingly brilliant
20 February 2020
No this movie isn't a terrifying, gory horror film. But that doesn't mean it isn't good. In fact, it is brilliant.

For starters it is a found footage movie so yes it is low budget. It's just two guys and a camera and some real wacky shenanigans.

I knew nothing about it and had zero expectations. I loved it from the first second to the last.

It has some great creepy moments as the name would suggest but it also has some really interesting moments that hold a mirror up to human nature, both the good and the bad, but not in an overly dramatic or profound way. I guess it's understated and subtle yet not enigmatic in any way.

I found myself drawn in and amazed but this strange little film, and still thinking about it long after I'd finished it.

Creep doesn't exactly fit into a clear cut genre and that's what people both like and dislike about it. I like it. Give it a go if you have an open mind about film.
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Ready or Not (I) (2019)
Lots of gore and laughs
31 October 2019
Yes, it is a horror. Yes, it is a comedy. Yes, it is a great watch.

I laughed a lot watching this movie. I also cringed a few times from the gorey horror. I didn't know much about it going in. I honestly couldn't pick how it would end which means I was interested the whole way through.

I liked all of the performances, especially those of Samara Weaving and Adam Brody. They had interesting characters. Andie MacDowell and Henry Czerny were great too. Everyone was. No one let the team down.

I really enjoyed this movie. I honestly don't understand all the 1 and 2 ratings. Even if you didn't like it, it doesn't deserve that low of a rating. It was just a really fun movie to watch. Give it a chance.
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Downton Abbey (2019)
12 September 2019
I love the Downton Abbey TV series so I was always going to expect a lot of the movie. I'm happy to say my expectations were exceeded. Everything about the movie was brilliant.

First of all the cast were nothing short of amazing. It must be hard to resume playing a character after years away from them but they all managed to do it and do it well. Pretty much all the actors returned which was nice for fans and reflective of what a great time they must have had working on the original series. I loved that every character got a moment, no matter how big or small.

The writing and directing was spot on. Great to see the original team still has what it takes. Grand yet subtle.

The costumes of course were stunning as usual. The attention to detail is very much to be awed.

The plot was perfect. It was a new storyline but had all the hallmarks of a great Downton episode. Plenty of laughs, lots of little romantic moments, that ordered chaos we all know and love, and of course a wonderfully acted bittersweet moment from two of my favourite characters (I won't spoil it).

And last but not least it was so lovely to be back at Highclere Castle aka Downton Abbey. A wonderful location. It felt like going home.

In summing up, this movie was the perfect addition to a practically flawless series. As an avid fan I was thoroughly satisfied by everything about it. Highly recommend seeing it on the big screen.
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The Snowman (2017)
It was okay
12 August 2019
Not great, but certainly not terrible either. The ending was a little disappointing, but the rest of it was okay.

I haven't read the book so I have no idea if the movie is true to it or not. It seems to be billed as a thriller, but I think I'd call it more a drama. It's not really suspenseful at any point and certainly isn't scary.

I quite liked the two leads and I think they saved it. Without them it probably would've been bad. The plot was alright. Maybe it could've been executed a bit better.
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A great, enjoyable watch
12 August 2019
I really enjoyed this movie. I didn't know anything about the true story and had not read the book it is based on, so I don't have any complaints about accuracy and I didn't compare it to the book. So from the point of view of a simple movie watcher, it was a great movie.

The cast, locations, costumes, sets etc. were all great. The story was very enjoyable and it seemed quite authentic to its time period. With a running time of 2hr 20mins it could have ran the risk of being long-winded and boring, but it kept my interest the entire time. I didn't think it felt like a long movie. I'd only seen Charlie Hunnam and Robert Pattinson in a couple of movies before this, but I think they played quite different roles to usual and were both very good, as was the entire cast. If you're not going to get hung up on historical accuracy and just watch it as a movie than I highly recommend giving it a chance.
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Cooties (2014)
A Perfect Blend of Horror & Comedy
27 June 2019
Cooties is truly a horror and a comedy. The blend of these two genres is seamless and works perfectly. Every moment and character is hilarious, but there's also some really cool horror elements (lots of gore and violence).

The ensemble cast all shine; no one lets the team down. None of the jokes fall flat. They are all very funny. The script is brilliant.

The makeup and effects are all great too with the cootie-infected kids looking absolutely revolting and frightening.

Cooties succeeds at both amusing and scaring. You will cringe at the graphic imagery as well as laugh out loud at the numerous well played jokes. Highly recommend this for anyone who loves horror but also enjoys comedy.

If you can get through watching the opening sequence you're in for a real treat.
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