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22 March 2024
I'm shocked! What is with all the negative response to this film? Did people have extreme high expectations or am I missing something?

I had a really fun time watching "Drive Away Dolls". I had no expectations whatsoever going in, all I knew was that it was directed by one of the Coen brothers. So I was pleasantly surprised how easily I was hooked into the story and its characters. It's a stripped back, simple, buddy comedy, with a modern flare to it. I found myself laughing at the jokes, which is a rarity in film for me, and overall just buying the entire wacky concept.

Is this film doing anything mind blowing? No. Is this film meant to be up for awards? No. Is this film going to be redefining cinema? No. It doesn't have to be any of those things, just an overall good, easy film to watch. One that is over in the less the 1 hour 30 mins, which flew by. Could have it been better, of course it could have been. The story maybe more fleshed out, the characters better developed. However, that would have made it drag on and messed up the high flying pace.

I am astounded by the really bad negative reaction to this film. Makes me wonder if I'm missing something or if I just have bad taste haha. I'm not even a Coen fan, I think their films can be very up and down. I went in wanting to be entertained and have fun doing so. This film achieved that.

70% out of 100%, its good and thats completely fine. Nothing thats gonna make you have an outer body experience or change your definition of film making. However, it might make you laugh and have a fun time.
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Damsel (2024)
9 March 2024
I'll be honest I am not the target audience of this film whatsoever. I only ended up giving it a chance, was due to its relatively good trailer that made me very intrigued.

I didn't have any expectations going in, hope for the best but expect the worst. Overall this film is decent. It's not splitting the atom and not gonna redefine cinema in anyway however it does its job. Good acting, easy story to follow, great CGI and production design plus finishes in under 2 hours.

Off topic but if this isn't an audition for playing Wonder Woman in the future, I don't know what is. I thought Millie Bobby Brown was very comfortable and believable in this lead role. More action centric roles in the future?

60% out of 100, its not just Netflix trying to be Disney, there is a bit more to it. With the correct target audience this film will blow up probably. Not every film needs to be pushing the boundaries. This one certainly stays in it's lane and delivers a solid product.
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Left wanting more.
2 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
What an unique experience it is to watch this film. Sadly though, for all its qualities, I was left wanting more.

Let's start with the positives.

Justine Triet and Sandra Huller are both tremendous in their respective parts to this film. Triet has directed an intense, complex and thought provoking film that leaves a huge amount of ambiguity. The camera work, shot selection and almost documentary feel makes for all the more riveting watch. Add the fact that this is a investigative thriller about a murder, played within the frame work of a courtroom, for the most part. I really did feel as if this was real in parts. The script is intense and made even more so by the interchanging of languages spoken in this film, definitely keeps you focused. However the main reason you are glued to the screen is because of the mystery and the quest to find answers/the truth about the case. (I will talk more about later). Huller, for me, is just as awesome as Triet. Truly great performance and deserves all the accolades she gets. It is such a pure, genuine and honest portrayal of how someone would act in this scenario. She treads this extreme fine line between coming across totally innocent and leaving an element of doubt in your mind about her account of the case. She is great!

Now onto the negatives.

I'll admit this might be my own fault and not entirely the films issue. I was extremely looking forward to finally watching this. Read and listened to a ton of great reviews, add a great trailer and the is genre right up my alley. Maybe I was too hyped and it was never going to meet my expectations. Ambiguity! Now don't get me wrong, I was very invested throughout this film, desperate to get some sort of resolution. I love ambiguity in film and if done right can transcend a film. Sadly for me "Anatomy of a Fall" has no resolution whatsoever really and too much ambiguity. We never know what happened. Did she really kill him or was she innocent. I just feel for all the build up we got, the ending was a major let down and really unsatisfying. Even just the smallest hint of something would have been anything. Maybe that wasn't the point and is my own naivety or misinterpretation of the story.

The other major issue I have with the film is runtime. Wow is this film far far far to long, almost to the point where nothing really progressed for a portion of this film. The first half was fine but after a while it just felt a little stagnant, needed a little lift or twist but never got either. Did start to drag ever so slightly, maybe made even worse with my own issues with the ending.

Overall its still a very interesting watch with some great elements as highlighted. However maybe due to my own stupidly high expectations or issues with the ambiguity and lack of any twist/change of pace. I was left wanting so much more and felt very underwhelmed. I wanted to love this film and sadly came away enjoying it but not with any itch to revisit. 70% out of 100.
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Madame Web (2024)
What were they thinking?
2 March 2024
I'll be totally honest the only reason I watched this film was due to the horrendous reaction to it. I was very interested to see how bad it could possibly be or were the critics wrong.

In short no, the critics and now audiences aren't wrong whatsoever.

Genuinely I have no idea what anybody associated with this film was doing. How on earth is a film like this allowed to even be green lit by the studio. Is it laziness or just a lack of care, to be honest I fear it was the potential of a quick cash grab.

The only reason I'm not giving it a 1/10 is because the cast are at least trying to salvage this horror show, I don't blame them fully. Although I do wonder why on earth they even said yes to doing on it, on the basis of this script. The money must have been good! Saying that I've never really rated Dakota Johnson, she always seems to pick strange projects to be involved with. I don't dislike her or think she is a bad actress in general however in this she goes full Tommy Wiseau! I was laughing a lot when she was on screen and wasn't meant to be. The rest of the cast are trying at least apart from her.

20% out of 100, its about as terrible as everyone said it was. In reality though I am saddened that this quality of film is the standard for some people to be released. I don't really have anything positive to say.

You can imagine the shock I had watching this after "Dune : Part Two", like they were made in different worlds.
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Instant Classic!
27 February 2024
Days like this don't come around very often, so we as audiences really do need to cherish these moments. Cinematic greatness is being shown to us. I know that is a very grandiose thing to say, however I think it is most definitely warranted.

"Dune : Part Two" is so close to perfection. Denis Villeneuve is a modern day great director, that cannot be contested anymore. He is up there with the Finchers, Nolans and PTA's of the world. He has delivered a film I think that only he could have achieved. Every single tiny element to this film, is made with such care and attention to detail its truly breathtaking. His directing is sublime. His uses of massive scale, action as well as very intimate moments are all truly wonderful. Nothing is overused or left to waste for that matter. Every part gets its moment to shine. The world, language, technology and characters he has adapted into this film is unlike anything else I've seen on screen.

However most importantly of all, this film fulfils everything set up in Part One. Both films compliment one another so perfectly, however Part Two going deeper, bigger and more epic than ever before.

Denis Villeneuve you are a king!

Everything within this film is pure perfection. CGI, practical effects, action, acting, production design, sound and story. All of whom couldn't be any better.

I could name every single actor in this film for being so amazing and to be honest they all do deserve that. Sadly this review would be 4 times as long if I did that, so I'll stick to a few standouts. Firstly and obviously is Timothee Chalamet, the guy is yet again building his career into quite something. I don't think there is another actor of his generation that could pull this off. Perfect casting! Rebecca Ferguson and Stellan Skarsgard both truly great. The surprise for me though was Austin Butler, who was fantastically horrifying. Especially his early scenes in black and white, gave me goosebumps. A true villain that actually felt threatening.

I am totally lost for words with how incredible this film is. However I do have one minor problem with the film even though that might seem impossible. For me the pacing and editing every so often is a little uneven. To be honest that is me really knit-picking.

90% out of 100 this film will go down as one of the greatest Science Fiction films ever created, I truly believe that. Not only that, I feel it will become an instant classic. This is the definition of epic cinema!
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Horrifyingly Beautiful
27 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I was not prepared for this film whatsoever. To be honest I went into it just with the hype from a very good trailer and nothing else. I would be amazed if this film didn't leave an massive impression on anybody that watches it.

Johnathan Glazer deserves such an enormous amount of praise and credit for the great film he has created. This isn't your typical WW2 or Holocaust film, this brings a new, fresh, horrifying, haunting angle to this genre. This film shows the naive, ignorant, blind and almost fairytale side of Germany during the war. More specifically the home life of Rudolf Hoss, the man in charge of Auschwitz. This films biggest positive and strong point is the vibe throughout the entire film. Strangely for a Holocaust film there is nothing gruesome shown on screen, however it is conveyed in a different manor........sound! We as the audience are shown a beautiful, happy family home life. With kids running around having fun, an enormous garden, lots of food and all the luxuries you could desire at that time. This is on the backdrop of only a few feet away the Auschwitz concentration camp. Which a lot of people would agree was one of the closest things to hell on earth. We never see inside however we get ominous hints of the horror occurring, masterfully done by Glazer. Yelling, Trains coming into the camp, gunshots, people marching, factory noises. Nothing compares though to the most haunting of all, the gut-wrenching screaming at night. Masked with the wind, makes it to be one of those truly goosebump moments in film history. The mass murder of hundreds of people makes the wind carry their screams of horror.

All of above is such a masterful juxtapostion, the beauty of the setting shown on screen with the truly terrifying sound and score......its fantastic cinema.

Although Glazer has created some great elements to this film, I do have one problem. This film, although I imagine is historically accurate, doesn't really go anywhere. It feels as if a snapshot in history but leaves us wanting more or to show more on screen. It feels like a lot of buildup but no pay off. Maybe the modern day shots at the end was the pay off but that felt completely emotionless. Even something as simple as showing Hoss at the Nuremberg trials or being hanged would have been something. It was a very odd and unsatisfying ending to a really well done film up until then.

Due to the ending and no real narrative arc per say, it has left only the slightest of sour taste in my mouth. I'm so annoyed because up until then I was transfixed by the horrifying beauty of this film. 75% out of 100, still a really really good film that has some truly remarkable elements that are a must see, I was just left wanting more.
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Past Lives (2023)
Liked it a lot ! (edited a few hours later : I LOVED it actually ; see bottom of review)
29 December 2023
I'll be honest, the only reason I even heard about this film was due to a few film critics putting it in their top 10 list of the year. That caught my eye and plus I'm not scared to take a dabble in a foreign language film now and then. So I gave it a shot!

I am 1000% not the target audience for this film. I'm a single guy in his late twenties. With that being said I really really liked this film a lot. This is how romantic/dramas should be made. None of the cheesy over the top and obviously fantastical love stories. That actually makes me despise a lot of romantic films because they are in no way realistic or relatable. "Past Lives" has to be one of the most real and emotionally gripping films made! At a lot of points during this film I thought I was watching a documentary and the actors weren't actors but real people. That to me is a testament to how good the writing, directing and acting is. If you are achieving that sort of performance and vibe, that transcends film!

One of the biggest achievements of this film is the time jumps that happen throughout. A bold strategy to tell a story however it nailed the landing and then some. In a lot of ways elevated and gave a more emotional punch to the story and characters. You 100% feel the journey they had been on! Fantastic writing!

This does give me hope that this film should gain word of mouth and hopefully be opened up to more mainstream audiences. However I wonder would it be so real that they wouldn't enjoy it? Much like the film itself offering up so many more questions about life, people, love and relationships. It is a really thought provoking film.

I must mention quickly Greta Lee who is simply sublime in this film. I mean to be honest everyone is however she carries the story/film so well. A lot of scenes where there is such little dialogue are the most powerful due to her intricate performance.

80% out of 100! Take a chance on this you won't be disappointed.

(After letting this film marinade in my mind for half a day, I have to admit that I can't stop thinking about it!! That to me shows how good and powerful a transcendent film can be. It has definitely left its mark on me for all the right reasons. Raising a ton of deep personal questions about life. There just isn't another experience or feeling that this film has given me. Can't wait to watch it again! That's why I changed my initial rating of 75% up to 80% seriously great film.)
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Maestro (2023)
Bradley Cooper is a master!
25 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There are two very distinctive aspects of this film that are a marvel to behold. However there are some drawbacks to this film that I can see putting people off. For me though there is just too much good not to be blown away by.

The two areas that for me transcend this film both involve Bradley Cooper. First and foremost this might be the best directed film of the year plain and simple. The techniques he uses in this film create such a feast for the eyes that is just a joy to watch. Never a dull moment! I especially loved the use of differing screen formats, colour and camera movements to show us the transition of time throughout the story being told. Cooper easily could have just put date stamps on the screen to show the audience jumps in time. I'm so glad he didn't because his method worked so beautifully.

The other standout is obviously Bradley Cooper's acting. It's a huge claim to make but I do think this might be the greatest performance of his career to date. I can 100% see awards consideration. It has everything. The physical transformation with the help of prosthetics is one thing. For me the more impressive element is how Cooper carries himself as the man he is portraying gets older. Its small details that go a long way. Plus obviously he worked a lot on the voice which shows and to be honest at some points Cooper really does dissolve out of view! Brilliant all round!

The is one major negative I have with the film. I am someone who knows absolutely nothing about music, composing or Leonard Bernstein for that matter. Sadly after watching this "biopic", I still don't really know anything about the man apart from his marriage. Which to me is an odd choice to focus on. I'm not 100% sure what he is famous for or how is musical career went? I didn't really find out much about his accomplishments. Which begs the question why focus on his marriage?

Sadly that is the biggest downside to the film that the story itself isn't that interesting or entertaining. If it wasn't for Cooper's phenomenal directing and acting, this would actually be a pretty boring, dull watch.

That is ultimately what pulls this film back and for me limits the score I can give it. The story is the foundation and backbone to a film, if its not that good there is a problem. It is only for the reason that we are being treated to Bradley Cooper pulling out all the stops technically and acting wise that I give this film 75% out of 100.

Directing and acting out of this world, sadly the story is something much less desired!
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It's just sad!
24 December 2023
This is just so sad, for many reasons. Not only the outcome of this film but the state of comic blockbusters these days and more specifically the standard level at Warner Bros./DC.

I'll be honest I barely remember the first film, I thought it was just average to ok and never watched it again. So to be honest I had no expectations going into this whatsoever, more confusion than anything given the circumstances at Warner Bros. This film was made and released into a cinematic connected universe that no longer exists. So much so there is even a chance that Jason Momoa won't be returning in the future now that James Gunn is at the helm over at DC. It begs the question what was the point? Why not cancel it like "Batgirl" or had Warner Bros. Spent too much money, a bit like they had with "The Flash" and were forced into releasing it.

I left watching this film just feeling overall sadness. This film is beyond poor in so many respects that it is a shadow of what I thought we were originally going to get from a DCEU. Over 10 years on from their original "plan" and a few years on from their massive course correction away from Snyder (more than once) this is what we get. A poor story, with poor writing with a film that feels just like a cash grab and a bad one at that. Nothing in this film made me excited, entertained or have a good time. Not huge amounts of CGI and action scenes can mask over the problems behind this film.

Put a pig in a nice dress, is still a pig!

I don't blame the actors that much, they all did their best. I do slightly blame James Wan for even agreeing to do it, why not just walk away? Unless of course he has future plans with the character? This mainly falls at the feet of the studio who have clearly given up on making quality over quantity. To be honest that goes for Marvel/Disney as well, in recent years it has been quantity over quality, only the very few good films have come out! Maybe this is the beginning of the end for comic book franchises?

I'm not sure audiences really care for cross-over universes anymore, they just want to watch fantastic quality films! That comes first and foremost, then think about everything else. Sadly this film is neither! It is a poorly constructed film with no connection to anything (apart from maybe its previous film). Bad writing/dialogue, boring story and just dull uninteresting action seems with an obscene amount of CGI that isn't that impressive!

30% out of 100 I'll probably forget about this film in a few hours!
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Most amazingly unoriginal original film!
23 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Let.....................me...................start............by.......saying...........Oops sorry forgot I had my slow-mo turned on, unlike Zack Snyder I realised and turned it off. (More about that later).

I'll be honest, the trailer for this film sold me, it looked interesting and I'm a sucker for Sci-Fi. Plus I'll admit I'm in the very tiny minority that likes some of Zack Snyder's films. "Watchmen" and "Man of Steel" are favs of mine. However he can be an extremely frustrating director/writer, which sadly this film doesn't change!

I was also even more keen to see this film due its such horrifyingly bad reception from critics, made me curious how bad it really was.

Positives! The world building, creature/alien design, production design, CGI and cinematography are all good/great. Even the most devote Snyder hater can't deny that the man isn't a great visual storyteller. His films always look great and that is no different with "Rebel Moon".

Other positive is the pacing, although nearly 2hrs 20 minutes long, this flew by which is nice and plus a relief as well.

Negatives! As I alluded to earlier Zack Snyder is a great visuals guy however his writing/story telling lets him down consistently. Once again its more style than substance! There isn't really a lot going on here, maybe it'll be payed off in part two that comes out next year? The story is bland, boring, dull and nothing new or fresh. I've seen this all before in Sci-Fi! If you are marketing this as an original film then make it as unique, bold, new as you can. Yes maybe borrow inspiration from pre-existing franchises but do your own twist. Something that another film this year excelled at "The Creator" by Gareth Edwards. Sadly "Rebel Moon" just feels like a cheap copycat of beloved Sci-Fi films/franchises just chucked into a blender together.

I've got to talk about the horrible dialogue, which is very Snyder esc. Cheesy, cliche and just uneven all across the board! Snyder really does need to let other people write his films for him.......... I just don't think its his strength.

This links into some of the cast! Ed Skrein, is a decent actor however he is horribly miscast and used in this film. I'm not going to blame him much because he is doing what he is being told to do. Sadly his character is laughably bad, over the top, non threatening and just overall cringeworthy. Who sadly didn't die which was even more of a bummer! The other person that needs a shoutout for the wrong reasons is Charlie "I don't know how Hollywood keeps giving this guy jobs" Hunnam. For me personally he is a terrible actor and once again proves that correct! He always has to have a ridiculous accent in every film, this one is no different. Unlike Ed Skrein, he did die (I'm praying so lol).

One last thing! Zack for god sake stop using slow motion shots, it isn't 1999 or the early 2000's anymore. I actually thought at one point there was something wrong with my laptop! Fingers crossed for part two he doesn't leave it turned on!!

Overall though in a strange way to me this film is just meh. Its nothing overall offensively bad or terrible. However thats not to say its good either. Its story and characters are bad, boring, stereotypical and over the top. Although there are some few good aspects to the film, I'd be intrigued to explore more within this new universe created. 60% out of 100 its not as bad as I thought it was going to be or the critics thought..........however its not good either.

Well at least part two will be better right?
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Great! Though not one of Scorsese's best!
23 December 2023
Scorsese, DiCaprio and De Niro you've sold me already! I don't need to know anything about the film and I'll watch it. Arguably three of the most talented and legendary people within the film industry, collaborating once again!

Straight to the point! This film is great and yet another example of Scorsese not slowing down with age. An Absolute brutal film that is gorgeous to see yet horrifying to watch at the same time. The story is both beautiful yet heartbreaking and haunting. I'm not sure what else you could add to this film to make it better because I think Mr Scorsese has squeezed every single bit out of the story he could.

For me though in an odd twist its not DiCaprio or Scorsese or Gladstone who is the big standout for me. That goes to Robert De Niro, who is truly magnificent in this film. Cunning, sly and yet oddly charming his character and performance embody the absolute core essence of evil. Yet in his own mind his thinks he is doing a great service to people and the community, again tapping into his narcissism. I haven't seen De Niro on the this level for a while and I'm so surprised it hasn't been mentioned more. I think without his performance the film wouldn't have the tension, anticipation or threat that it has.

Now onto the negatives! The reason why this review is so far after the release of the film was due to one reason. I was put off by the runtime! Sitting in a theatre for that long about a very dark and complex topic, even with the touch of legends didn't sway me to see it. I am so glad I waited for this to be available on streaming. This film is way way way to long for its own good. I'd say easily 30-40 minutes could be cut and maybe benefit the pacing. I knew going in the film was obviously gonna be slow however I didn't realise how much of a slog it would really be.

Another strange negative I have is re-watchability. Most of Scorsese's back catalog of films are extremely re-watchable. That is of course what makes his work so great and iconic. However I don't see myself jumping at the chance to watch the again. I can appreciate its artistry and great story telling however it hasn't got me wanting more or repeat viewings. Maybe due to the topic of the film but I feel more due to the runtime and pacing which is rough.

Never the less its a great film and just mastery across the board! 80% out of 100!
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Should have been a mini-series
9 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I knew nothing at all about this film before watching it. Casually scrolling through Netflix and it popped up. Looked at the cast list, which is very impressive, and thought why not give it a shot.

There is so much to say about this film, this review could be hundreds of pages long because my word was this film infuriating!

My main reason for my annoyance is the fact that Sam Esmail is so so close to delivering something truly spectacular but sadly falls on its face in the end. His writing and direction for the majority is sublime. Unique, haunting, obscure, interesting, topical, fresh and just overall very entertaining. I was gripped the more and more I was watching. Obviously massively helped when you cast titans like Julia Roberts, Ethan Hawke and Mahershala Ali who are all incredible.

The biggest plus of the film for me, is the way the story plays out. We as the audience are in as much confusion as the characters making it all the more realistic and grounded. It feels more like a documentary than a film at times. Fantastic!

Sadly this is all undone! Firstly this film should have been a mini-series on Netflix. There is so much wiggle room you could have easily taken the story. Add the fact that the film is slow paced anyway, I felt the story could have breathed even more. Letting the tension build even more. Plus the more reveals the film had would have made for great cliff-hangers.

However the worst part by a million miles has to be the ending! Which is up there with one of the most unsatisfying, ridiculous and boring endings to a film I've seen in a long time. After all the incredible build up and reveal, this is the ending we get!!??! I genuinely thought Netflix had glitched at the end when I first saw it. Sadly I ultimately feel like the rest of the film was a complete waste. Of all the story threads you had to close, Sam Esmail why on earth did you chose the least important/riveting one?!?!

Mind-blowing/confusing/infuriating.......not for the right reasons! It was so damn close but leaves with a horrible taste in the mouth. 50% out of 100.
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Dumb Money (2023)
19 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'll be honest, I was hesitant to watch this film for two very good reasons. One, could Craig Gillespie captured the right tone and two will the story been given the underlining seriousness it needs to have.

The answer to both of those is a big fat YES! This film is great and everything I was hoping it could be and more! It has all the outlandish and comedic elements that it was bound to have, yet does still deliver the serious/more complex side of the story when it needed. This is not a complaint but it does very much remind me of "The Big Short" which is an easy comparison to make because they are both films about wall street. However they are both very different in other ways. "Dumb Money" is much more of a focused story on an individual as well as ordinary people and how something can bring everyone together. I am an avid Reddit user and was an distant observer of the r/WallStreetBets story in real time. So was very happy to see that Gillespie did his research and gave the honest interpretation of the online space that it deserved. For me Gillespie does everything I wanted him to achieve and then sum, hats off to him!

Paul Dano is just a sensational actor and has been for many many years! Needless to say he is awesome as always but for me the bigger plus point in terms of acting, is the entire ensemble. Every single one of them is perfect, not one puts a foot wrong and all fit!

Sadly though as the film shows, the reality is that Wall Street won in the end! They tried and tried behind everyones back to play dirty but got called out on it. However is anyone surprised that the end lawsuit was dismissed? Of course it was, the little man couldn't win outright....the rich always get their way in the end! Which to me suggests that even though a lot of good came out of the whole scenario, some underlying massive problems still exist in our society today in the stock market!

85% out of 100, super entertaining as well as a bit educational on the whole topic. Got some good laughs but is serious when it needs to be!
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The Creator (2023)
Impressive !
18 November 2023
I'll jump straight into it, this film is super impressive and I'm just annoyed with myself for not seeing it on the big screen!

Where on earth has Gareth Edwards been all these years? His last film "Rogue One" came out back in 2016! For most directors 7 years between films is uncommon, especially considering the trajectory of his career. Coming off both Godzilla and Star Wars franchises, he could do anything he liked.

However in some ways I'm over the moon he took a break to give us "The Creator". For me Gareth Edwards directing and world building are the standouts by some way. This film shockingly doesn't have a $100 or $200 million budget but it feels like it. Edward's and his team have pushed the boundaries here with sensational VFX, production design, score, cinematography. It is a true marvel for the eyes, I cannot say enough however phenomenal this work really is. Especially considering that this is an original film! Yes, this isn't an already existing franchise or book, all from Edward's mind. Don't get me wrong this pulls inspiration from many Sci-Fi classics of the past ; "Blade Runner", "Terminator" and "Star Wars" just to name a few. However this film is certainly not a rip off or just copy and paste. It takes an essence from a film and moulds into something fresh and new.

Another shoutout should go to John David Washington who yet again is a scene steeler! This man just goes from strength to strength and delivers a vulnerable, heart warming yet determined performance. Something definitely the audience can gravitate towards.

As much as I love this film it does have a few slight issues. For me the story doesn't completely work however I respect the attempt at making something grandiose and very adventurous. Also the editing towards the end quarter of the film is a little choppy. It makes me think that there are scenes missing or cut out, maybe Edwards changed his mind on certain elements and removed them. Lastly is the pacing, which links in with the story and editing, it again is a little all over the place. Sadly the ending does feel a little rushed where I would have liked the film to have taken more time. Given more an emotional punch!

Overall though they are slight issues and do not in any way make me feel as if this film is a failed attempt at something original. This sort of film doesn't come around often and when it does it should be cherished. Studios more and more looking to make an easy quick buck rather than take the chance on something more risky. I hope that Gareth Edwards gets to make whatever he likes from now on, I think he has deserved that respect. "The Creator" is extremely impressive original filmmaking. 85% out of 100!
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The Marvels (2023)
Oh no!
12 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
With all the negative reviews surrounding this project, it actually made me want to see how bad it could be. Or I'd either be in for a nice surprise and the critics were wrong. (this is rare territory for Disney and Marvel to have such a polarising film even before its released).

I'll be honest my expectations were low and yep this film is pretty terrible! I have only one/two good things to say about the film. Brie Larson and Samuel L Jackson are of course still trying to save this film and I do feel sorry for them, that they are in this horrendous product. I'll be honest I actually was in the minority and really really enjoyed "Captain Marvel". Still to this day I stand behind that statement and view, I do think its very good. I'm also in the extreme minority who actually don't get the hate for Brie Larson, she is a perfectly fine actress and does well in the role.

Her performance along with Jackson's might be the only two things of any note that are half decent.

The rest of it is a mix of boring, bland story telling along with some mindnumpingly stupid decisions taken with this film. I am still in shock how they thought turning it into a musical for a brief time would be a good idea? Like what had the writers and director been sniffing to come up with that?? I want it permanently erased from my memory!

The villain.........erm I have no idea where to begin with that......erm weak doesn't feel good enough descriptor but I can't think of anything else. Its sad and shocking this was the best they could come up with.

Forgettable story, villain, tbh the whole film is extremely forgettable and stupid.

I'll leave it at that because I really don't like writing negative reviews. We have to remember there are hundreds of people behind the scenes of films that do work very hard to produce something good, its not always the case that it comes out well.

20% out of 100 its terrible, you can watch it and laugh or cover your eyes in horror.

PS - Forgot one minor sort of good thing, the cat eating the crew gag, made me slightly laugh! I know shocker, however I'm biased because I like cats. Oh and also, wow X-Men tease at the end, like we really needed that?
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The Killer (2023)
Was that it ?
11 November 2023
David Fincher, is easily one of the most recognisable names for creating superb films over the last 20/25 years. Needless to say then that I was pretty hyped to see what was in store for his latest endeavour. Add in the fact its a thriller/spy/assassin type film, I couldn't be more ready to be blown away.

Was I blown away, sadly a big fat no! However is this a bad film, absolutely no where near. This film for Fincher standards is on the weaker side, thats only due to the film being just really simple. At no point it felt like Fincher was flexing his muscles or really trying to create something, new, fresh and unexpected. Don't get me wrong this is solid Fincher, however I expect more, due to his filmography's very high standard. Thats why maybe I feel a little let down because this is just good and not great.

Michael Fassbender had disappeared for a while after Hollywood had multiple attempts (and himself) to destroy his career. Thankfully his is in a film and a performance he can be proud of. One of the highlights, fight sequence in the house. Very "John Wick" esq and was fantastic, whether it was Fassbender or a stunt double, its still great work.

The thing that annoys me most about this film is the fact that Fincher and Netflix gave us this instead of maybe reconsidering a Mindhunter season 3 (which i believe Fincher either writes/produces/or both? And which is now obviously dead in the water forever). Surely that would have been better than what we got here, maybe I'm wrong?

Sadly we'll never know. "The Killer" its solid Fincher coasting and not doing anything out of this world, however its not awful and some directors would dream of making a film like this! 70% out of 100%
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Reptile (2023)
Almost great!
5 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Where on earth was the promotion for this film? It was by complete accident that I found it on Netflix today. Either I need my eyes tested or Netflix gave up on a film they thought would be great?

Either way I'm extremely pleased I gave this a shot, and wow is this film so so close to being a great film. It was everything you want from a murder/detective/thriller. Great lead actor/character, fantastic ensemble, complex story and lots of twists. Plus add the terrific directing that 100% deserves a shoutout, I was absolutely gripped for about 1hr 45min of the just over 2 hour runtime.

However, there is one glaring error that keeps this film from being great! That is the woeful third act and ending, you can't help but talk about spoilers with this film. To me it feels as if the writers, director or Netflix themselves either ran out of time, money or effort to give this film a fantastic and warranted ending. 3/4 of this film is brilliant, it was awesome to follow and kept you guessing who the murderer was. Plus the bigger conspiracy behind the families drug business, in with some of the police. You have all the ingredients to make something spectacular. Sadly it just ends super fast and with a whimper. Benicio Del Toro's character finds out all the info, kills the bad guys, Timberlake's character is seen arrest by FBI.....the end. Within 10 mins of the 2 hr runtime everything is wrapped up far to easily and quickly. Plus maybe a bit of ambiguity may have elevated this film even more.

It sucks so so much because I want to love this film however that final act has felt a real bad taste in my mouth, like I've been short changed. Even so with all that in mind I'd still love to watch 3/4 of this film again and still think its very good. 75% out of 100, not your average thriller by any means!
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A nice surprise!
4 November 2023
Well I certainly wasn't expecting this! I'll be honest I was really not bothered or that enthusiastic to watch the third instalment in the "Equalizer" franchise. The first two films for me where average/ok at best and to be honest I have completely forgotten about them. So going into this one, I wasn't expecting much.

Wow am I glad that I gave it a chance because this is easily the best instalment in the trilogy, by a long way. I believe there are 3 reasons why this succeeds over the other 2 films. They are tone, location and story. All of those 3 elements are massively improved upon and elevate this film, plus keep it a more interesting/compelling watch. The tone is so much more grounded and darker in this film than the previous and it suits the main character and story so much better. Not saying the other films are light hearted comedies, no but this one certainly feels more grittier. Its also helped by using Italy as the main location of the film, its a gorgeous country and it pairs beautifully together with the thriller genre. Lastly, story. This story is much more interesting and grandiose than the others whilst still remaining serious and not caricature in any way. I loved the vibe the whole through and the story has a nice completion to it as well that doesn't feel forced.

Even though I really enjoyed the film, is it a masterpiece? No. Is it going to break any boundaries within film or the genre? Also no. However, its just a really solid film to watch that is good. Nothing wrong film a film just being good, maybe thats its maximum potential. 70% out of 100.
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Pain Hustlers (2023)
Solid film!
4 November 2023
Give me Emily Blunt and Chris Evans plus an interesting story, I'd probably watch it!

Is this film going to change cinema forever? No.

Is it a solid film, with good comedy, multi layered story, interesting characters? Yes 100%

Don't go into this film thinking its going to be a serious drama about pharmaceutical companies and the opioid crisis. You can easily tell that by the trailer. This is much more in the vein of a "Wolf of Wall Street" type of film, although not to the same level of quality of that film.

Emily Blunt is fantastic! I mean when is she not fantastic, its so easy to under appreciate great actors not doing a "cashing in a pay check" kind of performance. Which this so easily could have been. Blunt, in a strange way, gave the film a bit of heart and something to balance against the wild drug company side of the story. Even though her character is still not a great person overall, you can still feel empathy when needed.

Chris Evans is also great and yet again getting to do stuff without wearing a costume! He is a great actor but doesn't always get to show that, I hope this gets him more work with more quality directors in the future.

Overall I enjoyed the film, I knew what I was getting myself into and it didn't disappoint in the slightest. Funny, interesting, sad and has a decent ending. Its definitely a film best suited to a streaming service, you aren't missing out on the cinema experience for this. 70% out of 100!
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22 October 2023
Who would have thought that 9 years after the first film being released, there would have been 3 further sequels. The "John Wick" franchise has really grown and become a unique standout in the action genre that can be a times quite boring and predictable.

These series of films has now set the new gold standard for action films and stun coordination. It's rare that each film gets better and better..........however......

........ Sadly and very unexpectedly that sequence of boundary/quality pushing has come to an end in a very strange way. This is a very bold statement but for me "John Wick : Chapter 4" might be the worst of the 4 films within the franchise. Well actually thats unkind, its the least great one! Make no mistake this film is still absolutely bonkers fun to watch and once again is simply breathtaking from an action standpoint. Keanu and Chad have delivered yet another great entry into the franchise, however there are a few things holding this one back compared to the rest.

Runtime and Story. These two elements are the weakest aspects of this film. Firstly, even though I love these films and could watch them forever, maybe not almost 3 hours in one sitting. This film felt every single second of the monstrous 2hrs 50min runtime. There is nobody, not even Chad Stahelski himself, could tell me that this film needed this runtime. Far far too long, easily could have chopped 30-45 mins off and it would have been perfect. This would also improve the other weakness I feel this film had, in its story. The story itself isn't boring however it is drawn out and laboured over for so long that it becomes very repetitive and dull. Yes, I understand trying to make it grandiose, if this is to be the final film, however there are better ways of doing that. It's a simple enough premise, it really didn't need to be told so slowly.

Other than those two problems I have with this film, its still absolutely great and by "normal" action film standards is way way ahead. However in the "John Wick" context, it does feel a little inadequate compared to the other films.

70% out of 100!
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Extremely Underrated
21 October 2023
Where did this come from? I had not heard or seen much promotion about this film whatsoever, hence I'm watching it months after its initial release date.

I am over the moon I took the chance and watched it.

At last I can say that there is a Guy Ritchie film that I absolutely love. However that might be because it is the least "Guy Ritchie" like film. He was always been one of those directors that I struggle to like his unique style, plus also understand why he gets so many "big" chances. At least now I can truly see and appreciate the man because wow does he have some talent. I absolutely loved this film from start to finish.

Excellent story that has complex yet relatable characters with themes and story threads that go beyond the cliche Hollywood war film. Stunning directing, cinematography, score, pacing, action.....this film really does have it all.

One of the big things for me is the realism of the film and how grounded it really feels. Nothing in the film feels staged or planned, paired with the "in hand" camera movements 100% makes you feel as if you are there.

Plus also the basic foundation of the film is the connection between US/Allied forces and their Afghan interpreters, something that still to this day is unknown and under appreciated. Thankfully films like this shine a light on the selfless sacrifice and dedication to a greater cause, these people had. Without forgetting the brutal truth that in reality the US, UK and other western forces within Afghanistan completely failed these Afghan interpreters and sadly abandoned them. I am so glad that this film doesn't try to gloss over that because it is something that we should not be proud of.

That goes with all the messaging within the film, every note hits its mark and nothing is left to waste.

I was blown away, firstly by Guy Ritchie. I didn't know the man had it in him to create and produce such a high quality film, that is in stark contrast to majority of his filmography. Jake Gyllenhaal is incredible as always and maybe taken for granted how good he is!!

85% out of 100!

Please do not miss the chance to watch this film it is something that I'm sure you wouldn't regret.
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Asteroid City (2023)
21 October 2023
Why did it take me so long to finally watch this film? Maybe it was the bad taste left after Wes Anderson's last film "The French Dispatch" which didn't live up to expectations whatsoever for me.

However I am very glad that I did indeed finally get round to watching his latest film "Asteroid City". Had an interesting premise, great trailer and of course, like all Anderson films, an awesome cast!

Yes this film does have a short runtime, of 1hr 45mins, however this felt like 20 minutes. My eyes were glued the entire runtime of this film, whilst having a massive grin on my face. To me Wes Anderson was back to doing what he does best, wonderfully choreographed drama with stupidly over the top comedic genius-ness!

This film is constantly on the move, not just in the sense of the camera movements throughout but more so the quick pacing of the film. It really works perfectly with the quick wit and dialogue delivered. Coupled with a very unique story that spreads out over a vast array of characters, with some great cameos from acting legends.

I would almost say this film has a bit of everything for everyone in it. There is mystery, comedy, romance, and drama all wrapped into one film within a film.

That being said I can see that this won't be for everyone, it is in someways quite a strangely sad film throughout or even monotone. Not in the colour pallet, far from it, but the line delivery, the characters outlooks/ decisions. Apart from a few instances I can see how this could almost get boring......or at least the novelty wears off quickly.

For me though no, that doesn't affect my enjoyment or view of the film which I do believe is Wes Anderson back to his best! 75% out of 100, you aren't gonna find many more unique films this year than "Asteroid City"
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
We Are Spoilt!
22 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Full disclosure this might be a slightly biased review, I am a confessed Christopher Nolan super fan. This being my personal most anticipated film of the year I was expecting big things!

I'm gonna get straight to the point! This is NOT one of Chris Nolan's best films! I know shocking right. After seeing "Oppenheimer" and giving it a day to marinade in my head, I came to this conclusion. I have a few issues with the film. Firstly is far far too long. Even for Nolan this is taking it to the extreme, 3 hours felt almost like 4 and a half! The other issue I have is the amount of time spent with Oppenheimer's early life as a student. I didn't feel that we needed to spend as much time as we did in that part of his life, I didn't serve much of a purpose! Could have easily chopped off 30 minutes, may have made the pacing slightly better too.

However with all that being said this is still an incredible achievement for cinema. If this is the standard of one of Nolan's weaker films then we really are a spoiled audience. Just because, for personally, he doesn't hit the heights of some of his other films doesn't mean this is terrible or awful. Some filmmakers could only dream of making a film like this.

Everything about the production, majority of the story, acting, effects and sound is truly remarkable. Especially the fact that Universal gave Nolan a huge budget and bascially said go have fun! Thank you for giving us this experience!

I could list every single actor in this film because they are all absolutely amazing, however there is only one that deserves a bit more praise. That is of course Cillian Murphy. A performance that will go down as career defining!!!!

Overall this film is a lot to make of and trust me it'll need a second viewing to truly appreciate and understand what Nolan is trying to achieve. For me it isn't one of his best though, due to its absurd length and unimportant focus on Oppenheimer's early student life. I'll give it a light 80% out of 100 !

In a strange way I don't see myself rushing to watching it again for a while, it is quite a physical and mental experience to go through. Maybe that is the point!
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A New Direction
22 July 2023
Wow! Six movies in and audiences are still wanting more and more Tom Cruise risking his life for our entertainment. Now with the seventh entry, into one of the most solid franchises out there, the stakes and pressure were on to deliver yet again another fantastic addition to the series.

The film is a little bit of a new direction for the franchise. All of the previous films more or less had the story wrapped up in one film (or sort of conjoined with Rogue Nation and Fallout). However now we have a story split into two separate films, firstly with this film Dead Reckoning Part 1. Which I have to admit is an awesome title for a MI film.

A interesting concept and ballsy move to create a story so grand that it requires two films to tell. McQuarrie and Cruise are obviously cooking something special.

However although I like the idea of doing something new in the franchise and splitting a story into two films, I feel this film was being held back. Part 1 had a LOT of filler, in terms of story and character development. It feels to me as if Cruise and co are keeping a lot back for Part 2, maybe too much.

Don't get me wrong this film is still extremely entertaining and very enjoyable to watch (especially on the big screen). The action and stunt coordination is simply sublime and a gold standard for the industry. Cruise yet again delivers truly mind-blowing blockbuster cinema, a brilliant achievement. Sadly I just feel as if a lot more attention could have been payed towards the story which feels like it drags in this Part.

The performances across the board are terrific as they always are in these films. In particular would love to shoutout the newcomer to the team and that is Hayley Atwell's character "Grace". Steps up to the plate and is a brilliant counter to Cruises "Hunt".

Overall this film is still stupid crazy fun and a feast upon the eyes. However I just feel as if the story was lacking just a bit more than other entries into the franchise due to the "two part" style this is crossing into. 70% out of 100!
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Tetris (2023)
Perfect balance of serious and fun !
9 April 2023
There are probably very few people in the developed world that haven't played or heard of "Tetris". I remember playing it as a kid and being addicted. Until today though I never knew the incredible backstory to the game actually existing.

I'll be honest I had no expectations or preconceived notions going in, wanted to be surprised and have some fun with the film.

I had a great time with this film! Came away from it with such a better understanding and knowledge of something we take for granted. The effort and turmoil that went through entire people's lives just for the development of a game (yes of course the opportunity to make lots of money). I did not realise the incredible origins of "Tetris" and the extremely complicated birth it had. The film balances the serious personal, political and business aspects of the film well whilst still introducing great elements of comedy when needed.

There is a lot of story threads going on in this film and could easily be very confusing and told badly in the wrong hands. However the writers and director of the film have created a film that uses the gaming background to the films advantage. They tell the story in some unique methods using "Levels" and animated sequences to show important transitions or information going on in the film. Perfect way to incorporate the source material with the story being told.

The film was cast to perfection but obviously the main standout was Taron Egerton. Stole every scene he was in, which is pretty much most of the film! Great performance.

Overall I had a great time watching this film and see myself watching it again. Good re-watchability, flies past in the blink of an eye and will have you very much entertained. You don't have to be a lover of the game or a gaming person to understand or enjoy this film. 75% out of 100!
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