
20 Reviews
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Moon Knight (2022)
so surprised from this one
25 January 2023
I was shocked that i actually like it. Used to love reading Marvel comics and watch the old movies and shows but somewhere in the 2014+ their movies became so childish with lazy scripts and boring story lines that became a copy paste model of themselves. Or maybe i just got older and new mcu movies stopped having that nostalgic effect.

But this one was fun to watch, i loved that i couldn't pinpoint the entire story line for the get go. I loved that the characters seemed somewhat believable and i think credit for that goes primarily to the cast. Beautiful performance, they made the paper-cut marvel characters come alive. There were some childish moments and awkward fighting scenes but those seemed few and insignificant.

Really hoping for season 2.
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re-watched all of the three first movies after a long time
28 August 2022
I can honestly say they pass the test of time.

They are not perfect but compare to the garbage Hollywood puts out these days it's just golden... So enjoyable!

You can forget all the wokeness, politics, cultural climate and just spend an evening having a good time watching loveable spicy characters like jack sparrow and his crew of miscreants.

Good story, surprisingly good CGI, characters full of personality, great attention to details and what you get are movies that grow old very very well.

I will forever love these movies and plan to re watch them every few years.

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Encanto (2021)
cute but not much more
28 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Don't get me wrong the animation is beautiful. Most of the songs are cute and really catchy... i can't get "we don't talk about Bruno" out of my head. The premise is interesting-a regular girl in a family of superheroes but the story is somewhat lacking.

The relationship between the characters was also good but Mirabel and her sister patch things up over a cactus was too easy.

The crisis in the story disappears just like it came- without any real explanation.

Why she's the only one without a door? Because the house sensed it was for the wrong reasons? Then why the little kid got one? For years it's been for the "wrong" reasons so why the magic is falling apart? What was the trigger?

If the one that can hear everything knew Bruno was there and she's a gossip how the hell didn't she tell everyone? Or at least the grandma..

it's no COCO. And i was expecting the same level.
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Peaky Blinders (2013–2022)
can't believe i waited this long to watch this amazing show
21 November 2021
I completely binged it. Like watched it all night instead of going to sleep. So damn good! The only other show that made me do it was FMA:B.

Gripping and thrilling story, characters full of personality with family relationships so strong and loyal you wish you had in your own life.

The beautiful visuals and the cinematography are submerging you into the story and it's time, make you wanna hang with the blinders, getting in all sorts of troubles.

I'm currently watching season 4, hope it keeps the same level in later seasons.
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Soul (2020)
this warmed my heart
7 April 2021
Absolutely delightful !

Cute, slice of life movie that handled common real life problems in the most heartwarming way.

And the graphics! The best animated movie graphics i ever seen.

More like this please.

*not really for young kids. I think they might get bored for not understanding the emotional weight this movie presents.
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Inside the Criminal Mind (2017–2018)
absolutely horrific stories told in the most ridiculous way
23 December 2020
Although the subject of the episodes are interesting and the stories like real life horror movies, the way this series is directed makes the whole thing a bit cringy and ridiculous (sorry i can't describe it differently). there is no serious tone to it apart from specialists being interviewed like forensic scholars and psychologist or just people that were involved or linked to one of the stories. and that narrator! he sounds like the guy from Honest Trailers on Youtube! like over the top enthusiastic narration with movie trailer voice. it was laughable at times (NOT THE STORIES! THE NARRATION). and even though criminology science is interesting i just couldn't continue watching past 2 episodes. good idea.... really badly executed .
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how can I even rate this thing?
8 October 2020
On one hade I think it's important to raise awareness about violence against women and to see evidence of real monsters living among us. On the other hand... isn't it taking cinema a bit too far? Aren't we creating a new genre that it's main appeal is murder? Are people watching it to be shocked or because it's a thriller but real? To be honest I watched it after reading a good review on my local news app. And I felt sick to my stomach after watching it. I couldn't even watch to the very end. And than I asked myself why I watched it? And I really don't know why. But I'm kind of ashamed that I did.
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The Umbrella Academy (2019–2024)
14 August 2020
So so bad. Bad characters, bad acting, bad back stories. The only thing I like is the "movie feel" effects of the footage. everything's feels out of place and cringy. Seriously can't understand what people above the age of 12 see in this. Have you seen other non sitcom shows? What's wrong with you people? Giving it a 9 or 8?? It's ridiculous.
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Annihilation (I) (2018)
it got some good moments
10 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
First of all - apart from Natalie Portman and Oscar Isaac all the actors were just terrible. really unbelievable acting at all. also many parts of the story didn't make any sense. for example : a medical school professor going on a dangerous expedition without any specific training for this after her husband nearly died there. a psychologist of all people in charge of the operations and expeditions regarding this mysterious physical\biological\chemical phenomenon. a simple paramedic chosen to go in without any military background. an all girl expedition. i can go on and on but you understand my point.WHAT I DID LIKE about this movie was the effects of the biological changes, the suspense build up was great, and the actual "horror moments" were good (like the bear-like creature screaming like a human, the intestines moving like snakes and the alien stealing your form). overall : nice special effects, good suspense, bad casting, too sjw with the female characters to my liking and poorly written characters.
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too long and slow
26 January 2020
Actors reactions to situations are unbelievable in my opinion. the main character is portrayed as a funny geeky Dr of philosophy. but he doesn't really act that way. and at the end of the story they leave lots of loose ends (like the american mobster) .
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too politically charged for my liking
26 January 2020
I started watching this thinking it'll talk mostly about pandemics in the past and in modern times and concerns about future pandemics and mostly how to prevent them and fight them. maybe 30% of the series actually talks about it. they are very repetitive (which is weird cause it's not exactly a boring subject) and followed just one private research and instead of focusing on the vaccine and the research they focused on the head scientists and their life and how badly they need funding while not explaining how it works,which types of influenza they include in, how they worked on it, what experiments they used and so on... they talked a lot about immigrant children at the border.. like it actually have something to do with the pandemics. everywhere there are people living in poverty and in crowded places, it's not unique in immigrant facilities. so I don't see the point in zooming in on that. i would have liked to see more about hospital staff dealing with a pandemic outbreak. different types of pandemics and how to deal with it. most of all i would have loved to see more about the research and the scientific aspect of pandemics. how to spot them, what are the different symptoms and such. overall I'm really disappointed. i just skipped the parts i didn't like(unfortunately there were a lot).
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it's unbelievable!
19 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It was good and interesting story. but what was more interesting to me was how after everything this osho did people still adored him. people actually believed he didn't take part in the whole scheme and sheela did and thoght of everything herself. half or more of the things she did he orderd her to do. can't believe she got a whole country sick, stole people's money and made them do terrible horrific things such as attempting murder, comitted national scale immigration fraud and all she got was what? 4 years ?and she got out EARLY??? and this osho guy got nothing???? what the hell is wrong with the US government? can't believe people still think of him so fondly. just really amazed and shocked at the whole thing.
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gripping series
19 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I was horrified the entire series but couldn't stop watching. his mom probably knew and did nothing. i wonder if there was actually that other hand in the kitten video and if he beat himself up for that picture he sent to that lawyer.
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Game of Thrones: The Last of the Starks (2019)
Season 8, Episode 4
this episode was a giant cringe fest .
6 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I mean Brienne and Jamie? cringy! and so predictable ! Gendry not saying anything minding his own business than being announced as the lord of storme's end? cringy. Daenerys and john was always cringy and it also was predictable af that at some point Daenerys will go mad. the only thing that surprised me in this episode was when they killed the dragon with that spear, that by the way sounds just weird - a flying dragon that easily maneuvers though air and have sharper sense of hearing getting hit by that spear in complete and total surprise, kinda lame. the giant spears destroying the ships... come on... cannons don't make as much damage and they are loaded with gun powder . and the spear looks way too heavy to be able to reach the dragon with enough force in the first place . the whole scene looked weak and quick ... like they are trying to put in this episode every reason for Daenerys to go insane.( you don't have to have a good reason if it's genetically transferred ). and the way bran just pops up everywhere now ... this character is completely useless. these episodes are not what they used to be, now they are just predictable boring crowd pleasers .
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that was the worst movie iv'e seen lately (and that icludes captain marvel)
30 April 2019
HO GOD SO BAD i can't even describe it! it's like Chris Hemsworth is there just to be pretty. his acting is just terrible. the only actor i actually thought knew what he was doing was the one playing the drug addict kid. all that build up in the movie to what? to see Chris Hemsworth shirtless. that's it, that's the general idea behind this movie.
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Venom (2018)
i don't understand the hate
30 April 2019
I really liked it. not the best movie iv'e ever seen but not the worst either. i know it's different than what people expected venom to be and the jokes were nothing new but over all it was funny and the acting was good enough to keep me focused on the story. before i went to see it people literally warned me of how bad it is, and i came to the theater thinking it would suck and i'd just waste my time and money but i was pleasantly surprised... the story was good and the characters were believable and i really loved the bond between venom and Eddie (i think the reason venom betrayed his own kind was kinda weak but i let it slide) and it was funny in a good way.
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this movie sucks ! so so bad
11 April 2019
War is a drug? for who? a sociopath? the overall idea of the movie was so stupid! really hated this film .
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013–2021)
love it! was looking for a good comedy show
4 April 2019
This show never aired in my country . I absolutely love it, it's funny in all the right places. Is it weird Charles Boyle is my favorite character?
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this movie sucked.
6 March 2019
I don't know how j k rolling let someone put her name on it . It was predicted and the story was boring, the actors ( though famous ones) were terrible that even if the story was good I couldn't dive in and enjoy it . I really can't understand how people older than a five year old could enjoy this . Also it looks like the movie was cut like a hundred scenes from it so.... Really bad editing .. really bad everything
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loved it!
12 June 2018
So different than all the other special effects agenda pushing movies out there. beautiful atmosphere ,full of emotion , wonderful story .hollywood should really learn something from the french. i really don't understand why and how this movie is a low profile one. if you consider if it's worth the time - DEFINITELY ! i enjoyed every minute
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