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Goliath (2017)
Very good drama
17 May 2024
Here's a good example of a good European drama, one filled with many tense moments, decent cinematography and a good script. The acting was very good and the story is something many of us can relate to, the anxiety of becoming a father especially when you don't feel ready or even worse, when you have self esteem problems.

It's a relationship drama that centers on the upcoming father who is feeling insecure after a failed attempt to protect his girlfriend from an attacker. He then resorts to steroids to compensate for his insecurities, but the plan backfires because in the process of bodybuilding, his mental sanity an his virility begin to fall apart.

I also liked the ending, was very symbolic and emotional...
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1 May 2024
Very good show with a nice setlist, unfortunately none of Yngwie's shows are above 480p, DVD quality and even those are badly recorded. So no HD remaster whatsoever, but still nice to see Yngwie delivering a good performance in the 90's after the amazing period he had performing live in the 80's. This is the only show with Mike Terrana on the drums, and includes a nice drum solo (though not his best, I guess he became better at soloing in the early 2000's). You can find here the rarely played songs from the seventh sign album which I find to be a great one, most of the songs have catchy riffs, not to mention the incredible guitar solos delivered by the one and only, probably the best guitarist of all time.

The version I've seen includes some backstage footage and an interview, plus his arrival along his wife.
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In the Earth (2021)
Fresh Folkstale
27 May 2021
This movie is not for you if:

1. You like mainstream horror movies like the conjuring, dead silence, and so on. I'm not saying that this or all mainstream horrors are bad.

2. You don't like movies like Midsommar, the dark and the wicked, the witch, beyond the black rainbow or the wicker man.

3. You don't know what folk horror is or haven't liked any of Ben Wheatley's previous films.

That being said, i think those who look for something original in today's movie landscape, will find this refreshingly different and thought provoking.
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10 November 2020
Finally a documentary about Lennox Lewis, but is it good?

Well... some parts are decent, some are good and some should have been edited. However it's nice to see that they covered pretty much all of his amateur, Olympic and pro career. There are some nice moments about the relation with his team and also some light shedding on his two only losses, which he later avenged.

Lennox was a smart man and for sure an underrated boxer, I think he was one of the greatest fighters of all time. He won all of the great fighters of his era, including Mike Tyson, Evander Holyfield, Tony Tucker, Frank Bruno, Tommy Morrison and Vitali Klitschko.
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Different modern TV series
2 September 2019
I was compelled to write a review for two main reasons: 1. I loved it, and it's a different kind of tv show than what we are used to, especially from Netflix; 2. After seeing the "low" rating but especially the few votes (approximately 600 at the time of writing).

It doesn't start slow as few other pointed, but then again it really depends what kind of movies you like. If you've seen and enjoyed Ciro Guerra's Embrace of the Serpent or even the more "mainstream" Emerald Forest by J. Boorman., you will surely like this one. Ciro Guerra directed the first episode, and Antonio Bolivar has a role in this one as well.

It's hard to pick a genre for this series, I would say it's an environmental oriented mystery with supernatural elements, with some drama and thriller undertones.

The cinematography is beautiful at times, the script is convincing and works very well along some good acting moments by a relatively unknown group of actors and the editing is nicely done. I didn't have any problems with its pacing nor wished it would have gone longer, tough I had to admit I would love to see a season two with a similar theme in a different environment or culture.

The story itself is a classic one but with a very fresh approach, it deals with the environmental problems we are facing (right now the amazon forest is/was on fire) but also with the internal problems, the alienation from ourselves. The writers really did a good job in creating a good background for the narrative, the elements of Christianism and a certain type of pantheism become tangled and intertwined.

The lead actors are very good, much better than the average cast of most Hollywood produced tv shows. There are able to deliver three dimensional characters, there are some good lines in the series and also some dramatic and memorable moments.

I won't give the plot away, don't want to spoil the pleasure of a viewing without too much information that can often harm the viewing experience. I highly recommend it (along with Dark) this is by far the most original tv show produced in recent years.
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St. Agatha (2018)
Hostel Part 4: The convent
6 May 2019
OK, the comparison to hostel might be a little far-fetched, but there are some similarities.

The story is somewhat original, the build up was good at some point (flashbacks, strange occurrences). The main drawback remains the script, the dialogue at times gets pretty weird (not in a good way) and the editing could have been done better.

Soundtrack wise I guess it's just average, could have learned from Argento's Suspiria to create a particular mood that would have worked here too, considering the main theme.

The acting was OK for most parts, but there are obviously some discrepancies between the cast and their acting abilities.

Bottom line is, it could have been far better, but it could have been also worse, filled with even more horror clichés and cheap jump scares.

I gave it an 8 despite the shortcomings mentioned above, because I think that in comparison to recent years horror movies (with few exceptions: The VVitch, Get Out, Autopsy of Jane Doe, The ritual, The endless or Hereditary), it's something a bit different.
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Art is Truth
4 February 2019
After seeing Nightcrawler I decided to watch whatever Dan Gilroy will direct next. There are of course some similarities despite the thematic difference between Nightcrawler and Velvet Buzzsaw.

The social commentary is still there, even more pronounced, the black humor as well. As for being classified as a horror, I think it's too much and it will turn out to be a "marketing" flaw.

From the beginning I noticed the cinematography, was amazed how well the shots were composed, but also script wise, there were some memorable lines about art and what makes us humans.

The hypocrisy and fake elitism of the art world is very well put into context, though some characters are obviously too cliché but being a satire, it fits well most times. I liked the fact that It shows how this world became so corrupt and without humanity, how the young generation that work in this field learn from the start that in order to succeed in this domain, you need to be able to manipulate and sell yourself.

Art should have been truth, but nowadays in the consumerism era, it has become a commodity, it's not a personal experience anymore (we value more what other people think of it, like reviewers).

So, "art" found the punisher, the one who will revenge all the wrongdoings. Everyone will be punished with their own character flaws. The creator? An unknown painter who used art as a cathartic element, his art was created from pain and suffering.

Jack Gyllenhaal does a great part and reminds me of his acting in Donnie Darko, Rene Russo and Toni Collette playing their part great as well. I cannot say more about the plot without spoiling the pleasure of discovery, in conclusion I highly recommend it and give it a 9 out of 10, thought it will receive a 10 just because I think the ones who misinterpreted it gave very low ratings.

PS: it felt like similar to a revenge movie I've seen long time ago, "Long weekend", where nature takes revenge on a couple that didn't show the proper respect.
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Cam (2018)
Object of desire
22 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
At first, I thought this is going to be a straightforward movie about internet dangers or an average cliché cat and mouse/stalker mystery horror. I was wrong, it is more than that ... it tries to cover many hot subjects of today's society including the desirability in the digital world and how far you are willing to go and expose yourself for fame or money. Inherently, internet dangers and identity theft are presented in a creative way in my opinion.

Competition and low self esteem are also key components that drive the action and the decisions of the main character.

But due to the lead actress the movie does a very nice job in showing not only the dark side of internet but also the dark side within people. The script is simple but tight, effective and the directing and editing were also good.

During the beginning, I thought some supporting cast's lines were poorly written but after the first half I got caught in this eerie, almost virtual feel to the "reality".

Warning spoilers:

Some reviewers are complaining about the loose ends and about the fact that the ending remains unexplained. What is there to explain?

Arnold discovered the pattern: Most chat companies use an algorithm that analyses the girl's behavior and creates a virtual girl. Why? Because of the productivity and the income. A virtual girl could be online 24/7 and demands no share of profit. It's happened before with "baby girl", but she couldn't fight back since she was dead. I think she wasn't randomly chosen but due to reasons that include the recent increasing popularity of her persona but also the fact that she worked "freelance".
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Hold the Dark (2018)
Different TV experience
1 October 2018
I've seen Saulnier's previous work (Green Room and Blue Ruin) and liked both movies although there were no clear messages sent throughout them. Hold the dark is another kind of thriller, set in Alaska and it projects a supernatural feel to it even from the beginning.

What kept me glued to the screen was the setting, the score and the potential story that wasn't actually developed in a linear way. Its pace was very polarized as well, fast paced at times, especially during the "action" scenes and slow in the development of the main story/mystery involving the child's disappearance.

The acting was very good and the script, although lacking a proper closure, had some good moments. I remember some very nice lines and conversations throughout the films, lines that make you think about darkness, loneliness, relationships (there's a kind of twist about the couple as well) and kindred spirits.

Cinematography wise, the movie has some very nice shot scenes and good composition especially for a "tv movie". As for the editing and the film being approximately 2 hours long, yeah, I think a better editing could have been made but on the other hand I enjoyed the parts that weren't necessarily connected to the plot itself.

There are some possible explanations about the ending, in any case I think it's of those movies where you really don't need everything to be explained/explainable to like it.
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Mandy (I) (2018)
King Crimson and Tool translated into imagery
26 September 2018
After beyond the black rainbow I was very anxious to see what Panos will deliver through Mandy.

I got even more excited during the first minutes of the movie when I've heard King Crimson's starless. KC is (along with Tool) my most favorite band, they deliver a unique sound in the realm of art rock just like Panos delivers unique visuals in his art house films.

Before I get to the movie itself, I think that casting Nic Cage was both a good and a bad decision. He was great for the part but the "fan base" he has consisted mainly in mainstream movie lovers. Those came here and gave their vote (mostly 1 to 3 stars) on a movie they wouldn't otherwise (in case Cage wouldn't be part of the cast) see.

On the other hand, Beyond the black rainbow, a movie with no mainstream actor in it, still got pretty low ratings considering how good it is. I can't begin the actual review without comparing it to BTBR, with whom he shares many similarities. Both have, portrayed as the antagonist, a delusional and egocentric, LSD/drugs driven characters.

Panos Cosmatos did an excellent job in choosing the actors for both movies, Michael Rogers and Linus Roache are great in portraying deranged individuals. The resemblance to BTBR doesn't end here ... both take place (at least partially) in 1983, both are homage and pay tribute to great filmmakers, they share the same vibe and feature and excellent score and some similarities as far as the cinematography is concerned. The car scenes have the same concept in terms of lighting and a similar meaning, altered/changed personalities and a reminder that the main character is in a fantasy world.

Enough with the comparison, let's get back to the film and talk about the script & story. (this is where the similarity to BTBR starts to fade). Story wise it isn't so complex and but I do think that there are plenty of metaphors and symbols throughout, at least enough of those in order to let the viewer use his imaginations and draw his own interpretation.

Warning - mild spoilers ahead

In the beginning we see the idyllic/ utopic world the characters live in, they seem to be soul mates and live in a secluded house, sharing the same "universe". The fact that they chose this remote place to live their lives in, could be a statement that the company of the other is enough for both of them. Besides being a huge fan of Panos and King Crimson I must admit that I also love the location they decided to shoot in (Wallonia region in Belgium).

When they are "separated", the revenge part I think is mostly a symbolic one. Not only he managed to revenge her, but does it by entering a different world (her fantasy world). The ending scene, where you get to see her drawings, is a good indicator that he traveled to where she is.

Overall, I would highly recommend this movie, especially since 2018 brought few original flicks ("The endless" being one of those few). It's a cathartic and unique experience both visually and in terms of the excellent chosen score. PS: It's not really a classic tale of revenge so I won't compare it to what I think is the benchmark of revenge movies (Dead man's shoes).
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Journeyman (I) (2017)
Emotional KO
2 August 2018
Paddy Considine did it again after the great directorial debut with Tyrannosaur. Without a doubt he is one of the best actors among directors and one of the best directors among actors. The complexity of the character he is interpreting is nothing short of amazing, Jodie Whittaker being great as well in portraying a various range of emotions. I'm amazed of the lack of popularity it has now, but I hope time will fix this as it's easily one of the best movies of 2018. Of course, one has to reach a certain emotional maturity in order to fully appreciate a masterpiece like Journeyman.

Is this a "traditional boxing" movie? NO! Boxing here serves only as a mere context for a heartbreaking story about love, forgiveness, despair, respect, will and hope. A film about taking the most important things in life for granted: health, family and unconditional love.

Is this a pleasant movie to watch? NO! But like all great movies, the payoff is worth going through this emotional rollercoaster. And the ending, although having a certain positive vibe and could be described as a "happy" ending, is being delivered without the elements that would have made it cliché like ending.

Paddy Considine offers a "free" master class in writing, directing and acting so I highly recommend it to anti mainstream film lovers!

PS: Jawbone (2017) is another good UK made, boxing themed independent film boxing fans should check out.
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A Quiet Place (2018)
Last of us meets Feast and The Descent
10 July 2018
Step 1: use the post-apocalyptic scenario found in various movies and video games, like the Last of Us, putting emphasis on survival in hostile environment and family relations.

Step 2: create a hybrid monster with great influence from: The Descent, and Feast and even from Stranger Things.

The problem is that both steps are lacking depth and context. The scenario isn't properly explained, the context of the world they live in, how it became that way. This is also the case for the monsters, they haven't created any background for them as well. The film isn't by any means bad in execution, I mean the acting is OK, the atmosphere is decent, the score is good and sound effects are serving the jump scares and tension in most scenes. So, the directing isn't the problem, the bad script is ...

It relies heavily on jump scares, but most of them are predictable for serious horror fans, and I doubt they are effective for the others as well, since most of the moments are "announced" using tensed music scores.

Plot holes? Well, since the plot is hardly explained, it's hard to say the several logic defying moments are actually plot holes. The fact that the monsters are traveling with surreal speed for example as soon as they here a sound, it's like there are at least 10 beasts in the proximity of the sound source any time, any place.

Anyway, for those who like more concept, you'll always better with no mainstream, no PG 13 horror movies, like some recent low budget and/or independent ones like: The Endless and The Ritual.
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The Endless (I) (2017)
Complex and atmospheric
9 July 2018
First of all, I need to mention that I'm familiar with the earlier films of Benson & Moorhead.

Basically, I think it's a pre/sequel to "Resolution". Needless to say, that I would have preferred to see this first and then the loop inside Resolution, it would have explained the framework better (but I will rewatch Resolution asap).

Back to "The Endless" ... I find it fascinating, both in terms of the script & direction and also in terms of visuals and sound. This is actually a great accomplishment considering the fact that it's a low budget independent film, like the other two movies they directed.

Although the plot may not sound so exciting and original at first, rest assured that it is. Also, the many subtle symbolic references to today's "unauthentic" society add a lot to the general impression. It deals also with the decision of living a secure but repetitive life instead of a risky but free one.

It's hard to review it properly without giving too much of the plot away, or includ minor spoilers.

Highly recommended to people who love independent, anti mainstream movies.
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The Ritual (I) (2017)
11 February 2018
I was thinking it will go in a different direction after seeing the trailer, i thought that it will elaborate more on the guilt part and that some of the parts were just in the imagination of the protagonist.

Along with The VVitch, Autopsy of Jane Doe and maybe The Blackcoat's Daughter is safe to say that the last three years brought us some really atmospheric super natural movies in opposition to the jump scares "mainstream" flicks.

The cinematography was nice, the audio effects were effective and the script was good. The director really knows how to do a build up without the overuse of sound effects and visuals. It relies heavily (at least in the beginning) of your imaginations and fears in order to create the tenseness. There were some scenes in which actually what wasn't depicted, but merely implied, that had the most impact in creating the sense of dread and panic.

Highly recommended!
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Wolfen (1981)
Horror/Thriller with a message
27 November 2017
The movie is probably one of the hidden gems that got lost during the 80's slashers and werewolf themed films. I say this because one might have different expectancy after reading the synopsis and the tag lines.

For me (a big horror and art movies fan) it was one of those rare films which didn't just deliver sensations (fear, edge of the seat experience, etc.), but also provides a clear and thoughtful message that stays with you after the credits roll.

For those who like symbolism, mysticism, there is a lot to discover in this movie.

Although there is no other resemblance, except the profound Eco message, i would put it together with "Emerald Forest"(Earth theme)and the more artsy "Embrace of the Serpent"(Civilization theme).

For me, as an animal and nature lover, it had a similar impact, mostly because this was intertwined with the themes of the movies I've mentioned above. Also deals with the fact the every progress of mankind means also some regress as well(technology vs senses/empathy).

Scripting and acting wise it isn't very spectacular, but compensates with good camera-work and concept/message. It will age well and will be relevant in the next decade too.

Highly recommended!
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Jawbone (2017)
23 June 2017
Unexpectedly good boxing/addiction movie considering the amount of Hollywood and European movies produced in the last 50 years.

It's hard to explore new territories, and not using the usual clichés most boxing films rely on. Jawbone doesn't innovate or bring new concepts here, but the execution is great.

Acting is very good, supporting cast does a good job, Johnny Harris is an actor that can communicate without the use overacting, which is rare nowadays.

The cinematography is beautiful sometimes, has that independent flick vibe. There are some closeup shots and some details that look great (one takes places at night, in the gym, where you can see the steam of the body heat that rises).

Some say it has no point, it does not prove anything ... I'd say otherwise, it's an episode in someone's life, and much like in reality, the end doesn't have to be always very meaningful and reach a climax.

It felt like an honest movie, depicting reality, hopelessness without using the motivation clichés that will make some feel good in the end.

Highly recommended, for boxing fans and anti mainstream cinema fans.
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A De(s)cent Sequel
17 October 2016
It felt like a decent sequel especially if u consider how good the first one really was.

It has some claustrophobic moments, some tension, good and funny dialogue in certain scenes. Of course, cliche's are there but it doesn't fell too far fetched.

Good to see some continuity regarding cast, decor set/set design and creature appearance.

Also nice to see that some actors from previous film were cast and delivered credible performance.

I would recommend it even if you haven't seen the original, which is a must see in my opinion.
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Before I Wake (2016)
Flanagan's aiming at PG13
1 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
After seeing Absentia, i had high hopes for Flanagan's work. Then, i saw Oculus, mainstream horror attempt, which was average.

Now i thing the director is aiming at mass entertainment movies, which isn't always bad. But it's not the case here since Before I Wake is full of predictable moments and Hollywood clichés.

First of all, the characters, secondly the jump scares and CGI.

The characters are a bit two dimensional, not fully developed, the acting is average though. It fails at being a good grief and loss drama and it kinda fails at being a fantasy horror movie.

The jump scares are nothing that we haven't seen before in tons of mainstream productions. Build up is not always effective and the script not always coherent.

Mild spoiler: Same recipe used: child has a gift, something went bad, the woman investigates the past and brings closure.

It's not all bad, cinematography and acting are good from time to time, hence the vote, a 6-7 out of 10. And also i think the child did his part very good, a very talented kid. I've seen him in ROOM (2015) which was a great movie...

Let's hope Flanagan's HUSH is be better.
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Below average thriller
30 August 2016
It is a below average thriller if you consider the theme. I mean most of those TV movies of the 90's covered this topic, or at least a similar one.

A pretty modern take on a "classic" topic, with good acting, pretty good script and some nice camera-work and composition.

Not bad for a debut film, it keeps you guessing throughout, makes you think what twist will it be in the end.

As far as character development is concerned i think the director did a pretty good job in delivering close to 3 dimensional characters that you might care for.
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Beyond conventional film making
29 July 2016
I think this is one of the best debut pictures, from young directors.

I won't describe what's already been described by other reviewers, though i need to say that besides the influences from Kubrick, Argento, Saul Bass, it also has some scrip lines, framing compositions and a certain dialogue vibe that David Lynch has in most of his films.

And that being said, i recommend to watch this movie twice, to get all the hints, all the symbolic elements. Or maybe just to like it even more, the first viewing it's a sensory experience, and has to be lived not viewed. On the second viewing you can see it rationally and connect the dots, try to bring the pieces together.

Rarely I've seen such a perfect blend between images and soundtrack, along with stunning performance from the lead actors: Michael Rogers and Eva Bourne. I can definitely say that micro expressions and non verbal acting are top notch, also regarding Eva which does her part with no spoken line.

Panos Cosmatos said in an interview that she was chosen (given the part) because she played the role instinctively. She does a wonderful job and i think most of the audience will feel empathy and resonate with her character.

The ending may not be everybody's cup of tea, but i guess it fist very well within the movie, if you interpret it in a certain way.

I hope Panos will direct one more time in the following years, because the number of good independent/non blockbuster movies is getting smaller every year. And also maybe support the soundtrack, and purchase it.
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The Hunt (2012)
Emotional Roller-coaster
24 November 2015
I've seen a few "modern" movies with great acting and 3d characters/good development, but the hunt was one of the best along with Tyrannosaur and Calvary.

Thomas Vinterberg did a really good job in creating emotional intense scenes, much like in Festen aka The Celebration.

A must see film, in a decade filled with Hollywood mainstream blockbuster hits.

Mads Mikkelsen is great along with all supporting cast. It is quite emotional draining but it's worth it. It isn't a subject that will be "touched" too often, not now and i'm quite sure not in the near future as well.
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