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I Just Don't Jive with Ryusuke Hamaguchi
20 May 2024
I guess I just don't jive with Ryusuke Hamaguchi.

This is the second film of his I've seen (the other was "Drive My Car") and neither of them made me feel much of anything. No, that's not completely accurate. "Evil Does Not Exist" did make me feel something, namely grumpy and frustrated.

I'm going to whine for a minute. Right now most of the movies in theaters that are made ostensibly to entertain large groups of people are crap. They're either Marvel movies, which I hate, or they're the fourth installment of some series that was never that good to begin with. So then I turn to critics to see what they are giving high scores to, and they are giving high scores to movies like "Evil Does Not Exist." I am a cinephile and have seen a lot of different movies in my time. I like to be challenged, and I can like having to do most of the work myself when appreciating a movie. But I also know that I need variety, and not a steady stream of any one thing. I feel like every movie lately that experts are telling me is good is like this one. It seems almost designed to be as un-entertaining as possible. Like moving the camera too much, or having anything resembling narrative momentum, or moving the film forward at anything other than a glacial pace is capitulating to the dumb ass masses. And then don't even get me started on these endings. The nice word I suppose is "enigmatic," but really they're just baffling and often feel arbitrary, like the filmmaker picked a random place to just end the movie because they didn't have a better idea. Where are the films that intelligent adults can enjoy but that also feel like entertaining movies? The other night I came across "Tootsie" on TCM and I felt like a parched desert wanderer stumbling across an oasis of refreshing, crystal clear water.

Ok, done whining. I'm going to give Hamaguchi the benefit of the doubt and say the problem is me. Maybe I wasn't in the mood. He's clearly a smart guy. I don't have to "get it" in the conventional sense of the word. I can just let it wash over me and see how it makes me feel. But again, it made me feel nothing except restlessness. Like are you trying my patience on purpose just to be a jerk? Would it kill you to frame actors sometimes so that we can actually see their faces while they're having a five-minute long conversation? Do we need such long, static shots of tree branches, and people chopping wood, and filling water jugs? I really do get it. We're exploring the relationship here between man and nature, and the fact that we all, just like the animals in the forest, are driven primarily by the instinct for survival. We will do what we must for what we think are our best interests and justify those actions in whatever way we can. So I'm really not incapable of enjoying or understanding a slow burn movie. I just ask that it gives me a reason to keep watching it.

I don't know what the ending means, and I don't care enough about this movie to try to figure it out. It really needed Dustin Hoffman tearing off a wig and shocking a room full of soap opera actors by revealing himself to be a man. That would have made as much sense to me in the context of this movie as the ending I actually did get.

Grade: C.
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You're Going to Have to Do All the Work
20 May 2024
20 minutes into "Gasoline Rainbow" and I was pretty bored. This movie is why I don't want to hang out with 18 year olds. The kids in this can barely form a coherent, intelligent thought. Their vocabulary is limited to variations of the "f" word. They all seemed interchangeable. I barely knew their names. If they had interests, hobbies, aspects of their personalities that set them apart from each other, you don't learn about them.

But, while I'm not sure I ever completely got over my restlessness while watching this movie, this movie does work a kind of modest spell. By the time it was over, I realized that I had gotten to know these kids and had started to feel a little protective of them, and my wife and I had quite a bit to ruminate about after the movie was over. It made me appreciate living in a place like Chicago, with access to so much, and where I can expose my kids to the world. A lot of Americans who've never known anything other than big cities and the suburban areas immediately around them have no concept of the vast spaces out there, and how deadening and hopeless it can feel to grow up in them.

"Gasoline Rainbow" feels like a bunch of young people without any resources to actually make a movie decided to just go ahead and make one anyway. For that reason, it feels often like you have to do a lot of the work yourself. That can be wonderful, and many times is actually what I prefer in my movies. But it can sometimes also come across as lazy and half-baked. It's like paying for a meal in a restaurant and having to make half of it yourself. It feels like the directors gathered some friends together and just started winging it, hoping something substantial would emerge. It sort of does, but not enough to be really satisfying. If you're not going to have a strong screenplay and give your actors structure and direction, then you need to make sure they're really good at improvisation. Stoned, drunk people are actually really boring to hang out with.

So while I overall am glad I saw this, I can see why others would be bored to sobs by it. I don't blame them, and I'm not sure I could unequivocally recommend it to anyone else.

Grade: B.
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Challengers (2024)
Lacks Erotic Sizzle
14 May 2024
Young, attractive, wealthy people trying to win tennis matches and deciding who they want to screw. That's this movie in a nutshell.

These people are tedious, and I didn't care at all about how any of their conflicts were resolved. Zendaya has some appeal, but I'm not sure yet whether or not she has any real acting chops. Mike Faist gives the film's best performance. He and Zendaya have some chemistry, which helps. But Zendaya and Josh O'Connor, who plays the third in this love triangle, have none, so their tempestuous, on-again-off-again affair isn't convincing.

The thing that torpedoes "Challengers" is that it has no erotic charge at all. It's all supposed to be so sexy and hot, and it needed to be for me to care about anything happening, but it isn't.

And the film is too long, though it wouldn't have been if they had cut out all the slo-mo, which seriously probably adds a good half hour to the running time.

Grade: B-
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Like Two Different Movies
6 May 2024
"Between Midnight and Dawn" is like two different movies awkwardly slapped together into one.

For the first half, I was praising the movie for a crisp screenplay that finds cop buddies Mark Stevens and Edmond O'Brien vying for the affections of the new dispatch girl. Ok, so it's a little creepy that they both rent the apartment right next door to her so that they can more easily stalk her, but hey, this was the 50s, so what's romance without a little sexual harassment to go with it? But they're both winning, and the film is lighthearted and funny. Then mid-way through, a major character dies, which I was not expecting, and after that the film transitions into dark revenge territory. It also gets quite brutal and graphically violent for the time. A character gets shot in the head, you see bloody bullet holes actually appear in another, blood gets smeared on walls. Fairly extreme considering this was made at a time when characters in other movies like this would get shot without any apparent physical damage and then fall into a bloodless heap.

I liked it and thought it was a pretty entertaining noir, even if by the time it's over it feels like it's been all over the place. And I enjoyed the cinematography in this one, especially some POV shots from inside a patrol car while it cruises the dark streets that look like something out of "Taxi Driver."

Grade: A-
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Great Plot Twist
6 May 2024
I love a good plot twist, and "Strange Bargain" delivers one that I did not see coming.

Jeffrey Lynn gives a really good performance as a clenched, strait-laced suburban husband and father whose boss ropes him into a scheme to help his suicide look like murder in exchange for a pay off. A running theme in the film is financial desperation -- all of these guys trying to live up to the American dream and finding that it's too expensive.

This is one of those noirs with a protagonist who's not cut out for the mess he's landed himself in, and watching him dig himself deeper and deeper into a hole is like watching a car accident in slow motion.

And then there's that plot twist that had me tipping my hat and saying "well played, sir" to my television.

In the world of film noir, this one is much more on the modest side of the enjoyment scale, but it's fun.

Grade: B+
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Where Have Movies Like This Gone?
6 May 2024
I don't normally like it when people say "they don't make them like this anymore" when referring to movies, because it usually makes people sound like they're just old and resistant to new things. But I have to admit while re-watching "Absence of Malice" lately that I had that feeling myself. In this new world of fractured streaming entertainment, you can still find plenty of good movies made for grownups, but you have to try so much harder. I don't much like most of the mainstream stuff that now saturates movie theaters, and the more serious stuff is hard to find and then is many times so bleak and depressing when you do.

Back in the 1980s, there was a middle tier of movie that "Absence of Malice" is an example of, and that played regularly in theaters next to blockbusters. Intelligent enough to be enjoyed by adults, but accessible enough to be entertaining without stressing you out too much. Really great actors giving really good performances, a serious topic but dealt out in a way that doesn't make it feel like medicine, and an ending that isn't exactly happy but also isn't demoralizing. The romance is dumb and feels tacked on just to tick off a box, but it's not pushed too hard. There's a place for middlebrow, reliable entertainment like this.

Paul Newman and Melinda Dillon received Oscar nominations for their Best Actor and Best Supporting Actress performances, respectively, and the film won a third nomination for its original screenplay.

Grade: A-
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Anastasia (1956)
6 May 2024
Meh...I just don't get Ingrid Bergman.

People go on and on about how beautiful she is and what a wonderful actress she was. She's fine, but she never does much for me. The dramatic tension in "Anastasia" comes from everyone not knowing whether or not Bergman's character is the lost daughter of assassinated Russian royalty Nicholas and Alexandra, who some think survived the slaughter of her family. Yul Bryner really wants her to be, because he stands to gain financially if she is. So he totally Pygmalion's her into acting like a princess so everyone will believe her. This movie is like "My Fair Lady" but without any songs and without Rex Harrison there to be funny.

I never really cared much whether she was truly Anastasia or not, and the movie never tells us for sure anyway.

Bergman won her second Best Actress Academy Award for this movie, and she'd go on to win yet a third Oscar, albeit in a supporting category. Alfred Newman also received an Oscar nomination for the film's score.

Grade: B.
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Poorly Edited But Winning Anyway
24 April 2024
I loved the book "The Milagro Beanfield War," but I read it a long time ago and don't remember details very well. I can't speak to how faithful an adaptation Robert Redford's movie is, but I also don't really care because I think that's usually a boring conversation. Taken as its own thing, the movie "The Milagro Beanfield War" is in some ways actually poorly made, but it manages to be winning anyway.

I'm a sucker, as many people are, for an underdog-against-greedy-corporate-interests story, so that went a along way toward making me like this. It's also got a leisurely, meandering, lightly whimsical quality that I was in the mood for.

But it's also a terribly edited movie. There are a lot of characters and storylines to account for, and the film cuts frequently between them all, to disorienting effect. We will be watching two people have a conversation, and then the film cuts abruptly to two different people in the middle of a conversation somewhere else about a different topic, with little in the way of transition between. It makes for a choppy movie where no one actor really gets a chance to shine.

But I'm rounding up because I liked this movie anyway and I'm in a good mood today.

Dave Grusin won the Oscar for Best Original Score.

Grade: B.
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The Hunger (1983)
Stylish But Baffling
24 April 2024
Taken shot for shot, "The Hunger" is one of the most gorgeous movies ever made. Meticulous attention was given to individual images. But unfortunately someone forgot that all of these pretty pictures need to add up to a coherent story. Instead, the end result is mostly baffling.

I don't understand the vampire rules in this one. Why do all of Catherine Deneuve's vampire husbands die, but she doesn't? And why does she then arbitrarily die at the end and leave Susan Sarandon to continue her legacy? Can there only be one hot, immortal, female vampire alive at a time? And what do the monkeys have to do with anything? And was anyone else surprised at how little David Bowie is actually in this movie?

Is it possible I'm overthinking this film? I'm not going to say "no." But this film is frustratingly opaque, partially I think by design, but also partially because it's not made well.

Grade: C.
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Black Angel (1946)
Holy Plot Twist
19 April 2024
Holy plot twist!

"Black Angel" is a B noir from 1946, so it's little known now. But this movie has a plot twist on par with some of the biggest from much more prominent films.

It's a small miracle of misdirection, and the casting team made the brilliant choice of putting Peter Lorre in the role of what we assume is the villain. Peter Lorre in a film noir has to be the villain, right? The problem is, Dan Duryea is in this too, and he also frequently steps up as villain in films like these. What to do? You completely pull the rug out from under the audience, is what you do.

Not a major addition to the film noir canon, but a very satisfying one for lovers of the genre.

Grade: A-
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Khartoum (1966)
Something's Missing
12 April 2024
"Khartoum" has some things going for it: an intelligent screenplay that's more "Lawrence of Arabia" than typical Hollywood historical hokum; a for once restrained and actually kind of good performance from Charlton Heston; a terrific and magisterial score; some exciting battle sequences. But somehow the parts never add up to a satisfying whole, and I was left not caring that much how this historic episode (which I knew nothing about) turned out, and toward the end even slightly confused by what was happening.

Laurence Olivier appears in one of the most egregiously terrible brown face performances ever. I couldn't decide which was worse, his makeup or his acting. I think my favorite performance was probably Ralph Richardson's as a beleaguered and reluctant British military strategist.

"Khartoum" was nominated for Best Original Story and Screenplay at the 1966 Academy Awards, losing the award to the French film "A Man and a Woman."

Grade: B.
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Conquest (1937)
Dull Romance
12 April 2024
"Conquest" does what a lot of movies from the 1930s did: take a historical subject and turn it into a dreary romantic melodrama that feels like every other dreary romantic melodrama ever made.

I've really liked Greta Garbo in some things (hello "Ninotchka"), but roles like the one she plays in this movie were what she was most often given, and they're my least favorite. She yearns and sighs stoically like no one's business, but it's boring. Charles Boyer is another actor I've never really taken to. He gets the juicy role of Napoleon and won an Oscar nomination for it, but every other actor nominated with him that year (I've seen all of them) were more impressive.

"Conquest" won a second Oscar nomination for its art direction, courtesy of the billion times nominated Cedric Gibbons and his partner in this one, William Horning.

Grade: B-
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Creative Exploration of Cancel Culture
8 April 2024
"Dream Scenario" is a creative exploration of cancel culture, and the way social media creates a mob rule where the herd decides who belongs and who doesn't and the victim doesn't get a say.

I would have given the film a higher rating if it hadn't gone on quite as long as it did. It starts to lose its way a bit in the last third, and it felt like the story was ready to be over before the movie was. It also became literally difficult for me to watch after a time, because I felt so bad and frustrated for Nicolas Cage's character.

But I mostly enjoyed the film's originality and its ability to articulate a beef I have myself with our current culture.

Grade: A-
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Afire (2023)
Study in Artistic Insecurity
8 April 2024
The actor Thomas Schubert deserves much of the credit for making "Afire" work as well as it does.

He plays a self-absorbed, petty, insecure writer who's so myopically obsessed with the book he's writing that he's oblivious to the world around him. In other hands, it would be a big ask of the audience to spend two hours with such a tiring character, especially since he's in virtually every scene of the movie. But Schubert is able to make this character not only tolerable, but relatable. We're all guilty of missing the bigger picture because of our individual preoccupations.

The ending of "Afire" feels a bit overly dramatic. It's like something that would feel right at home in one of those Southern gothic plays by Tennessee Williams or Eugene O'Neill. But I did enjoy the irony of its conclusion -- once our main character starts paying attention to the trauma around him, it's something he uses to write better books.

Grade: A.
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Utterly Incompetent
2 April 2024
It's been a long time since I've seen a movie so incompetently made as "The Last Voyage."

It doesn't waste any time getting to the disaster, I'll give it that. The movie just starts with the cruise liner already on fire, and we see the crew trying to contain it over the opening credits. Robert Stack and Dorothy Malone are apparently the only people on the cruise ship affected by a big explosion that blows a hole right through the middle of the ship. Malone gets trapped under a big piece of metal, where she'll stay for the rest of the movie. Stack has to first save his daughter, who disturbingly looks like an adult Shirley Temple impersonator who's been shrunk back to child size. He then spends literally 45 minutes running around the ship with Woody Strode looking for a blow torch, because this cruise liner apparently has absolutely no emergency protocols other than propping giant pieces of timber (where those came from I have no idea) against the leaky hull in the inexplicable belief that that will stop water from coming in.

Late in the movie, we finally see some other people getting into lifeboats. Stack gives his daughter to Woody Strode to raise so he can die with his wife. Strode seems game. Speaking of him, thank god this particular ship has him on board, since he's the only person in the movie who does anything useful, and he does it all wearing only a neckerchief.

The less than spectacular special effects earned "The Last Voyage" an Oscar nomination.

This movie is really bad, but it's a hoot to make fun of.

Grade: D+
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Broken Lance (1954)
Sluggishly Paced
1 April 2024
Despite having a typically terrific performance by Spencer Tracy (he could do this kind of grizzled character in his sleep), "Broken Lance" is a mixed bag of a movie. As long as Tracy is in it, I found myself pretty engaged. But when attention shifts to anyone else, I found my attention wandering away with it. Robert Wagner isn't an actor I like very much, so I always have inherent trouble rooting for him as a protagonist. Richard Widmark is an actor I like, but he's not enough to carry his parts of the film. Katy Jurado was inexplicably nominated for an Oscar for her performance as Tracy's wife. She's not in the movie much and doesn't do a whole lot when she is.

"Broken Lance" won the Oscar for Best Motion Picture Story, a category that would be dissolved three years later when it was merged into the category for Best Original Screenplay.

Grade: B.
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Deep Valley (1947)
Workin' on the Chain Gang
1 April 2024
Though "Deep Valley" aired as part of TCM's Noir Alley, it's really more moody romantic melodrama than true noir for my taste.

Ida Lupino seems too old for the role she's playing, a young woman bored to sobs on her parents' run down farm who gets the hots for a chain gang fugitive (Dane Clark) who hides out in her barn. This movie goes about where you'd expect it to, but it does have the guts to go for the downer ending.

There's a sweet little side story about the parents who rediscover affection for each other when their daughter becomes too distracted to continue being their go-between.

Even if she's not the right age, Lupino is an appealing actress and makes pretty much anything she's in worth watching, and she and Clark have chemistry together.

Grade: B.
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Billy Budd (1962)
Why Is No One Talking About Robert Ryan in This?
1 April 2024
Top notch sea-faring drama based on the Herman Melville story. Terence Stamp received an Oscar nomination for his performance as the title character, sweet natured crew mate who literally does not understand malice in the men around him but who nevertheless has a limit to how far he'll let himself be pushed around. Peter Ustinov is the well meaning but somewhat absentee captain who follows rules to the letter with no consideration of what's right or wrong in a given scenario. But it's Robert Ryan, who I never hear mentioned in connection with this movie, who gives the film's best performance as the sadistic master of arms, a man who enjoys the punishment he gets to dole out indiscriminately on the men under his charge.

Ustinov also directed the film, and he takes a low-key approach, devoid of melodrama or histrionics. It makes for an intelligent and complex character study of the way men with different temperaments respond to the same situation. And it also looks terrific in widescreen black and white.

Grade: A.
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Paul Newman's Oscar Winning Role
1 April 2024
Finally, FINALLY got around to seeing the movie that brought Paul Newman his only competitive Oscar. It's definitely Scorsese-lite, but it goes down awfully smoothly.

Is it Newman's best performance? Hardly. But when was the last time anyone won an Oscar for the best performance of their career? Let's face it, Newman won his gold in this film for pure charisma, which he has so much it almost feels like it should be illegal. But we have to give Tom Cruise his due, because he's got it too. I don't even like Cruise that much as an actor, but when he's in the right role even I have to concede that he's magnetic, and this movie gives him the right kind of role. The third principal part goes to Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, and that's where the movie makes its biggest stumble. She's a fine actress in her own right, and you can practically feel her chomping at the bit to tear into a juicy role, but the film lets her down by giving her a thankless character who exists almost exclusively to be a sexual object for the men around her. There's a reason Scorsese's movies most always been focused on male worlds.

The Academy apparently had the hots for Mastrantonio too, because they threw her a Best Supporting Actress nomination despite having a nothing character to play. The film also scored noms for Best Adapted Screenplay and for Best Art Direction, which I believe famed production designer Boris Leven received posthumously.

Grade: A-
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El Conde (2023)
Dynamite Premise But Unenjoyable Film
13 March 2024
"El Conde" has a dynamite premise, one of the best of any movie released this year. It imagines Auguste Pinochet, one-time dictator of Chile, is alive and well as a vampire, still feasting on the blood of innocents. By extension, it suggests that fascism itself is a kind of monster that will never die.

But this is a one-joke film that goes nowhere once it's made its point, which it makes early on. It's a ravishing looking movie, filmed in beautiful and eerie black and white by Academy Award nominated cinematographer Edward Lachmann, and it's got atmospheric, gothic production design that makes a Chilean hideaway look like something out of "Dracula." But the style isn't enough to make up for the lack of coherent narrative to hold the thing together. It's also got many gross out moments that were way too gross for me. I can only see so many scenes of people slurping down blood smoothies before I'm completely turned off by the movie.

Grade: C.
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Inside Moves (1980)
Low Key Indie Film
13 March 2024
"Inside Moves" is the kind of low key, slice of life indie that the movie world is full of these days, but that was a rarity back in 1980.

John Savage and David Morse give two terrific performances in this film about a bunch of people, many with disabilities, who form a kind of family from their shared feeling of being outcasts. It's a meandering film without any one central conflict. It's more like there are a bunch of small conflicts and the film bounces back and forth between characters as it resolves them. It's a bit raggedy, with abrupt editing that makes for a disorienting sense of time passing, but the raggedness somehow feels right for the film's setting (mostly a bar) and mood.

Diana Scarwid received an Oscar nomination as a waitress and love interest for Savage. She's watchable enough but I'm not sure I see anything very award-worthy in her performance, mostly because her character doesn't have a whole lot to do.

Grade: B+
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Io Capitano (2023)
International Feature Film Nominee from Italy
13 March 2024
Can someone please explain to me the eligibility rules for how the Academy determines which country films will be representing in the International Feature Film category? As I write this, "Io Capitano" just competed for that award as an entry for Italy. I realize it was an Italian production, but it's set mostly in Africa, features a mostly African cast, and maybe three words in the entire film are spoken in Italian. Seems like they could have thrown Senegal a bone and let this be the first ever nominee from that country.

"Io Capitano" is the kind of film I watch and then feel completely guilty afterwards for being American. Seriously, not a single American has the right to complain about anything when you watch a movie like this and see what's happening elsewhere in the world.

This is an absorbing film that finds a nice balance between being harrowing and uplifting. Though many terrible things happen in it, it doesn't feel like misery porn the way so many other movies about exploited people do. It wasn't my favorite of the International Feature nominees -- in fact, out of the five it would probably be in fifth place. But that's more a testament to how strong that category was this year than a knock against this movie, because it's very very good.

Grade: A.
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Storm Warning (1950)
Packs a Punch
12 March 2024
Good grief I was not ready for "Storm Warning" to pack the punch it did. This is strong stuff for a film from the 1950s.

Ginger Rogers visits a small town to spend time with her sister and her new husband, only to find that the town is run by a certain hooded mob and her new brother-in-law is one of its members. She witnesses the mob murdering a man, and the rest of the movie consists almost entirely of her being terrorized in one way or another to prevent her from telling what she knows to the authorities. The whole movie has a very dark and violent vibe, appropriate for a story about this particular group, and it includes things like sexual assault, spousal abuse, and the accidental killing of a pregnant woman by her own husband. The film ends on a real downer, Rogers finding the courage to stand up to the mob, but only after it's much too late.

Doris Day plays her sister, Ronald Reagan plays the town police officer, and the smoldering Steve Cochran plays Rogers' cowardly bully of an in-law.

Grade: A.
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Shockproof (1949)
Entertaining Enough
12 March 2024
An entertaining enough noir about a parole officer who's smitten with one of his clients and allows himself to be dragged into some criminal dealings because of her.

Oh, those dames, always causing trouble for your average red-blooded American male. Cornel Wilde is said male and Patricia Knight, not an actress well known to me, is his charge. The film has the opportunity to go to some really dark and gritty places, but it cops out and resolves everything with a happy and ridiculously rushed ending. Even Eddie Muller, who introduced the film on TCM, couldn't defend the film's wimpiness to go for the throat.

But ending aside, this is still a pretty good flick, directed by Douglas Sirk, who wasn't exactly the go-to person for film noir.

Grade: B.
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Ikiru (1952)
Very Moving
12 March 2024
"Ikiru" is a very moving film from Akira Kurosawa, but it's not one I think I'd ever want to watch again. I generally am very weirded out by stories about people dying of lingering illnesses, especially cancer, so this film made me quite uncomfortable, even if the conclusion it reaches is one I agree with, which is that we're all living on borrowed time and so we should be very frugal with it and selective about how we want to spend it.

The film "Living" with Bill Nighy was an updated version of this story, but needless to say it's a pale imitation of Kurosawa's original. The best part of the original version isn't even in the remake -- an extended scene set at the wake of the main character where everyone tries to justify their own lack of charity and selflessness in the face of someone who was an example of both.

Grade: A.
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