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Hell Trip (2018)
Not good bad. Just bad bad
24 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The acting is ridiculous. The storyline is even more ridiculous. I thought it was gonna be a ring of body part harvesters for rituals. Which is a real problem in Africa. That could've been ok. But no, just senseless killing that makes no sense.
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Elves (2021)
Meh 😒
16 January 2022
The format is so standard you can easily predict how it wil end a few episodes in. And usually I suck at predicting endings. I hoped I would be wrong when I started to see where this was going, but I wasn't. Who will save who, who will die, and who will be offered up as a sacrifice. You'll see it coming a mile away. It's all been done to death by now.
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Midnight Mass: Book I: Genesis (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
Hooked me from the start
23 October 2021
The opening scene of this series really drew me in. The contrast of the upbeat music over what was actually happening was so good. I'm rewatching all the episodes now to pick all the little details I missed. I've seen some people call it a slow burn. And it is I guess. It takes time to get into what's actually happening. But this episode had me hooked right away. And that's saying a lot. I've been losing interest in most shows I start lately.
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Its literally the same movie except the kids are unbelievably more dumb
28 June 2021
Nothing new was learned. Nothing new happened. The ending was almost identical. What an absolute waste of time.
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The Unholy (2021)
Its like Darkness Falls and The Exorcist had a baby
2 June 2021
It's a creepy ghost woman vengeance movie (think darkness falls, lights out, mama, etc) minus the vengeance and with a religious theme. Nothing new. Nothing extraordinary. Come on Jeffrey dean. Make better choices.
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The Widow (2020)
Decent movie obviously heavily inspired by blair witch
18 April 2021
Watch with subtitles if you have a choice. The voice dubbing is pretty distracting. At least in the beginning. It's worth a watch though. If you're bored and have nothing else.
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Its just a movie, it isn't that serious
29 December 2020
I think people are going crazy. Why are movies, and other firms of entertainment, taking the brunt of people's frustration with the state of the world? I can't think of very many movies games or shows released recently that have been completely slammed with backlash from bored pseudo critics.

This movie was fun. It held my attention all the way through, which is actually saying a lot, and it was a lot funnier than I thought it'd be. Idk what people leaving 1 and 2 star reviews were expecting. But I think they need to chill and try to enjoy life again. If they ever did. Just pretend you're happy and eventually you'll actually fool yourself too
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Me to this movie: you don't even exist to me
3 November 2020
More like an episode of charmed than a sequel to the craft. It's super cheesy and nothing like the craft. While at the same time just straight up ripping off parts of it.

I've seen a lot people praising blumhouse, or saying "this movie will be good, it blumhouse". I for one am not surprised at all this crap came from them. My husband and I used to be thrilled to see the blumhouse name at the start of a movie, but those days are long gone.
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Nowhere near as good as the first
18 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This feels like a completely different franchise than the first. It's not clever, funny, or surprising like the first. It was cheesy and predictable.

I didn't mind the ending so much. But the fact bee was hardly in the movie and then shows up a brand new person bothered me. We get one line of explanation "you changed me that night" or whatever the line was. A cheap copout to subvert expectations, although they really didn't because you could see that coming a mile away.

He didn't really change her though, did he? She gave up her soul in the first place just to save Pheobe. Maybe it could've been that he reminded her of who she really was? Okay I know, I'm knit picking now. A better backstory to what made her give up her evil ways would've been appreciated.

A lot bothered me about this movie. And even more made me cringe. I watched it all because I hate leaving a movie unfinished, but I didn't enjoy it. I felt the need to fast forward through certain parts. I'd say the first was a 7, and this one's right around a 3 for me
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Cursed (2020)
What is this show trying to be?
20 July 2020
I can't figure out if the aim was a teenage romance or serious action fantasy. If this was aimed at younger viewers, which it seems it was, it's extremely brutal and graphic. It's just not what I was expecting at all from the bad *ss trailer released not long ago.

I don't care that they changed the race or the romantic interests of any characters. But was it really necessary to turn Merlin into a drunken pos to empower the female lead. It's just so hollow to me. Like congrats, you're better than this idiot. Real accomplishment LOL
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The Grudge (2019)
Not terrible, could've been a lot better
10 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The movie doesn't really follow the rules the original set. Like why was the mother a Ju-On? She was the murderer. They should've just started with a new story, a new grudge, and left the previous house out of it.
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Altered Carbon: Phantom Lady (2020)
Season 2, Episode 1
15 minutes in and im already disappointed
1 March 2020
Its a completely different show than season 1. When i found Joel was returning i was very worried, and turns out for good reason. Im not a marvel watcher so i don't really know Anthony Mackie, but he's definitely no Kovacs. All the confidence and his dark sense of humor is gone. I feel as though he isn't even trying and it's frustrating. Did he even watch the first season? Idk, I'm only on the first episode. Fingers crossed he gets better
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The Doctors (2008–2022)
I am so confused how this show is still going
1 February 2020
I guess there's plenty of vulnerable people out there, maybe suffering, maybe confused due to all the misinformation and pseudoscience floating around out there online. These quacks are getting rich and famous by playing into people's fears. They don't care about health anymore
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Saving Zoë (2019)
I'm only half way through the movie but...
18 January 2020
Sometimes I wonder if the peoole who make these movies have ever even seen a teenager or a person in their early twenties. These adults don't really look like kids. And the guy in his mid thirties playing a 24 yo definitely doesn't work. I realize they can't actually hire kids, but why not get as close as possible? Rather than every actor being at least a decade older than their characters. There's at least no reason not hire an actual 24 yo. There's a huge difference between 36 and 24, and that guy looks closer to 40.

Not only that, but the movie is pure cringe. Not much chemistry between any of the characters and I feel awkward watching it. I probably wont finish it tbh.
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Castle Rock: Let the River Run (2019)
Season 2, Episode 1
Hooked from the first episode
30 October 2019
First of all, lizzy Chaplin is great as Annie Wilkes. It's not identical to Kathy Bates' portrayal, but this is a younger Annie, with a child, actually trying to keep her illness under control. People are hard to please though, so of course there's gonna be complainers. I'm not really seeing any valid critism about her in the reviews at this point. I was a little annoyed the show was starting out so political, but it does serve a purpose to the story and the characters. That was the one thing that had me rolling my eyes. But as long as it's done well, in a believable way, it won't be an issue for me. The story had me hooked right away. It's off to a much better start than season 1 for me.
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Watchmen (2019)
What does this have to do with the watchmen
29 October 2019
It's well done and the acting is of course great. I would give it a high rating if they didn't call it Watchmen. I don't care about the politics. It's fiction. It takes place in another universe, get over it.
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Eli (I) (2019)
A Netflix movie I actually enjoyed
18 October 2019
This isn't going to be an in depth review. This is a horror movie on Netflix. It isn't deep. I did like this movie though. It's not an entirely new concept, but it's done well. It's a little boring at times and mostly filled with jump scares. But the medical stuff was really tense. That's probably just me though. It's worth watching imo
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Total vegan propaganda
16 October 2019
I'm sure many biased vegan will disregard this review, but here it goes... First of all this movie took so many years to finish because so many athletes dropped out and went back to animal foods. Not surprising since 80%, or something like that, of vegans go back to animal foods. It reminds me of what the health. The main character pretends to only just now be discovering and converting over to veganism, when in reality he's been vegan for a long time. What a joke. Also James Cameron has a major conflict of interest as he owns a huge company producing pea protein. There's lots of cherry picked data. Lots of hyping up athletes that really aren't that great, athletes who's performance went downhill after veganism, or athletes who built their careers by eating meat and just recently went vegan. This absolute propaganda, like every other vegan doc.
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The entire finale season was the worst yet
10 August 2019
I had a hard time paying attention this season. It took me a week to finish it, where every other season up until now I watched straight through. One of the most important plot points from last season is barely touched on. I get it, it's realistic. But it's also super depressing. Most of the best characters get a depressing end. Not to mention all the new characters and plot points that go nowhere. The entire season, and especially the finale, is big a mess.
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Another documentary with an agenda
12 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Look into this case yourself before forming an opinion. This girl was definitely disturbed, but this show would have you believe she was so doped up she thought she was doing a good thing. There's no way this wasn't malicious. She used him and his death to her advantage and it's a slap in the face to anyone that has actually lost someone they love to suicide.
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Polaroid (I) (2019)
How did this get so many good reviews?!
11 May 2019
I swear I've already seen this movie... at least 50 times. It's like the writers used a common horror movie tropes manual when writing this. If you've already seen movies about cursed objects that kill off the attractive group of friends one by one then you won't get anything new from this movie. It stays right in the box.
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Pet Sematary (2019)
I have some issues with the story in general
8 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Idk, it's a good story and the movie is really well done of course. And maybe I'm just nagging here, but I have to suspend my disbelief a little when it comes to this older child standing in the road oblivious to anything around her. And the fact this family with two children would move next to such a dangerous road without at least putting a fence up to protect them. If you had a toddler would you move to a house where you can't ever let him outside to play without your eyes on him constantly.

I have three kids, 12, 9, and 7, and they are extremely cautious of cars in the road. If even I step in the road they are on high alert. I know not every kid is the same, but it's not like I've been super overprotective of them. I just tell them the road is very dangerous and you have to keep your eye out for cars. So it's hard for me to believe a child of 9 would stand in a dangerous road for that long and not even glance up or hear the massive truck barreling at her. It was at least believable in the original that a parent could take their eyes off a toddler for an instant and he'd chase something into the road.
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Yummy Mummies (2017–2018)
Dumb people buying dumb crap for him and that don't need it
18 January 2019
I don't know what I thought this show would be, but it's not really about anything except brainless rich people that don't deserve their wealth. Clearly a large portion is spent on botox and fillers because some of these girls can't even speak normally. Watching people spend fortunes on useless crap isn't really my idea of entertainment.
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Slobbys World (2017– )
Slobby made me very uncomfortable
16 January 2019
I know guys like him. Very obnoxious and believes it's okay for him to say anything he wants to a woman if he sounds like he's joking. I watched like 15 minutes of the first episode before I gave up. Two stars for the shoes I now want to make mine
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Cuckoo (II) (2012– )
Love the first season
14 January 2019
I honestly had no clue Cuckoo was Andy Samberg, the character is amazing. Every 9actor and character is great and hilarious. It was a great season, but of course series keep going and change. I'm not as crazy about the new character and actors. I binged watched the first season in a few hours, but it took me much longer to watch the next few. And I didn't even finish the last season and I don't care to.
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