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It's ok - needed a better third act
1 June 2024
In a Violent Nature is an anti-story film about a rather unique Johnny. He is sort of like Jason Vorhees. If you take his mother's necklace that guards his grave, he rises from the dead and goes on a rampage like s Friday the 13th movie.

80% of this movie is just Johnny stomping through the woods, spying on kids, getting his weapons and mask. Which, although it gets boring, is kind of effective and actually pretty thought-provoking.

The other 20% of the film we see the teenagers (one of them stole his mother's necklace) and the police captain who stopped his rampage ten years ago. These characters are seen from Johnny's POV as they go through the 'tropes' of a slasher film...such as underage sex while camping by a lake, or being the strange old guy who warns the kids of the danger, etc.

About 5% of this film are the kills, which are pretty good and link back to the story so it's not just gratuitous. It's important to note that in the average Jason movie, the main character would often find half the dead bodies as she ran from the villain near the end, and in this one (because we see the film from Johnny's POV) we see all the kills and it's kind of unsettling and effective.

The big problem with this film is that because this is an anti-story film about an anti-hero, it has an anti-story ending where we don't have the normal climax of a slasher film. This film desperately needed the final showdown between our hero and the main teenage girl...and we never get it. Instead, there is more of a thoughtful lesson about how the stories of what goes on in the violent woods don't always match up with reality, and while we, the audience, maybe left to ponder...and even have some sympathy for Johnny...we certainly aren't entertained or moved or having any kind of cathartic reaction to this information.

Overall, this is a decent arthouse film with a good idea that - at times - is effectively executed...but the lack of a real ending leaves the film kind of meaningless. You have to deliver on the promise of the premise, and you can't just skip the final act of a horror film and replace it with an ambiguous lesson on truth v fiction and morality.

I can't recommend the film, but it was interesting and had some good ideas.
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Furiosa is a GREAT action movie!
26 May 2024
Furiosa is a tale of revenge, set in the Wastelands of the Mad Max Universe. (Possibly a rebooted Mad Max Universe.) Our main hero is a young girl who is taken from her people by a gang of thugs, and the first hour of this epic film tells the story of that young girl and the attempts by her loved ones to rescue her.

She ends up being traded to the villains from the Fury Road in return for land and oil, and the rest of the film we see how she she grows up into the ass-kicker with one mechanical arm we see when Max meets her later on.

The battle scenes in this movie are extraordinary. One in particular amazing sequence is where Furiosa is a stowaway on an oil rig and she helps her people (and a strong male ally who is sort of like Max) fight marauders. Holy smokes! What a fight scene.

This film is a prequel to Fury Road, but it is also in many ways its own story. And it's quite the saga.

Definitely, do not listen to people who throw shade at this film. I'm not even a big Fury Road fan, and this film isn't perfect, but it continues the legacy of emotional storytelling, great world building, compelling characters, and the most insanely high quality road war scenes...ever. Seriously, even the minor characters all feel fully fleshed out with story.

Some people say the CGI threw them, but I saw this in IMAX and I thought it was fine. Had no problem with it. I definitely hope they make more Mad Max movies.
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The Fall Guy (2024)
Gosling and Blunt have ZERO chemistry
19 May 2024
The Fall Guy tells the story of a stunt man (who apparently can also fight and sort of be a secret agent-type) who is hired to find a missing star actor so the woman he loves can finish directing her debut movie. If he gets the actor back, her career will be saved and he will win her heart. The only problem is, the case takes several unexpected turns and our hero is framed for murder. Now, he has to clear his name, catch the bad guys, and save the day.

Gosling is pretty terrific as the main character, but we never really get to know or understand him. How did he get so good at being a secret agent-type person? And the film has some funny moments, especially early on...but they become few and far between and it's less comedy and more kind of light hearted fun where you don't laugh but you smile. (Sort of).

Our main hero and his love interest have zero spark. It's hard to care if he ever saves the day or gets the girl. Plus, the case he goes on has a twist that changes the plot of the film halfway through and while I saw the plot twist coming - I can't say that it helped the movie.

The action scenes in this film are fun, but they aren't so good that you haven't seen better elsewhere and in the end they don't make up for all of the missing elements in the parts of the film. Overall, The Fall Guy is a movie that has some action that is decent, a hero who is likable but hard to relate to, a love story that feels empty, and a mystery which never really amounts to much.

I see why it flopped.
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Baby Reindeer (2024)
Tiger King Part 3
18 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is s show about a skinny "deer in headlights" looking guy who gets stalked by some weird creepy chubby lady. Because he is a victim of sexual abuse at the hands of a predatory writer...he has become accustomed to abuse and he begins to have feelings for her. (Albeit - complicated feelings.) He feels bad for her but he is also attracted to her but he also hates her and doesn't really know what to do about it.

What follows is a pretty hilarious dark comedy that deals with themes of how abuse makes it difficult to form a healthy human relationship.

It's hard to take our eyes off of this train wreck - and it reminded me very much of the Tiger King documentary where you just shake your head at what you are looking at and get swept up in the lives of all these dysfunctional people.

If I had a complaint about the show, I'm not sure about the ending. By the time it was done I never really needed to know anymore about these characters or this world ever again. And, from what I've rad, so much of the show is inflated it's wrong to say this was all based on a true story.

But, still it's def worth the binge and its impact on pop culture will be remembered. And, it's also a very unique show that is well acted, pretty well written, and defiantly well filmed.
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I Saw the TV Glow...Unfortunately.
18 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is a film about a lonely kid from a broken family who makes friends a lonely girl from a broken family and they watch a TV show about two girls who fight a monster of the weak - ala Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

One day, the girl wants to leave town because her family is abusive and she asks him to go with her and he refuses. So, she disappears...and all that is left is her broken TV in the backyard. The boy grows up and his family situation gets worse and he lives a pretty sad life with a miserable job.

Then, one day many years later, the girl comes back and tells him the TV show is real and she escaped into the TV show where she has battled the main antagonist. More than that, we learn the final episode of their favorite show had a terrible cliffhanger where the villain wins, and now, if he joins her inside the TV show they can save the day. Also, apparently our male hero IS the young woman from the show - and his entire existence is HER MIND trapped in the final episode.

Also, we see he had a repressed memory where he was almost pulled into the TV show after the final episode aired, but his abusive step father "saved" him.

Now, he has an opportunity to do something with life and set the world right. Problem is, much like when he was a kid...he refuses to go with her. She vanishes. This time for good.

So, he lives a miserable lonely life where he questions his existence. In the end, he rewatches the show and learns that it was nowhere near as good as he remembers it, but by now he is middle aged and he still works a miserable job in a fun house where third generation of kids plays with toys and games based on the TV show he grew up with...and in a moment of emotion he cuts himself open and we see that inside of him the old show he loves. He is left to wander the fun house apologizing to everyone for his emotional outburst - but nobody cares of even listens.

So...I took this film as an allegory about a failure to connect as humans and the tragedy of not being open and intimate.. but at the same time I saw that the film also could have been taken literally where he truly turns down an adventure of a lifetime and will now spend his life living with regret.

Both of those interpretations I guess are ok - but sort of a bummer. Then, I read that this film had something to do with the filmmakers non-binary identity and that the TV show represented being open about your trans identity - to which I have to say...if that is the's a pretty poor allegory and could have been done in a way that was less...emo.

Anyone can point a camera at a rock and say, "This is about my trans identity." So...I hope the filmmaker was not being to crass as to do all of this drama just to say that the TV show represented being open about being tans, because that just makes no sense.

Anyhow, this was a somewhat effective film and held my interest and kept me guessing. But in the end, I was really more bummed than anything else and I think the film could have, and should have, had the kid at least attempt to go into the world of the TV because that would have given us some moments of satisfactory suspense near the final act, and instead nothing happens and the film is neither a heroic story or a tragedy but just a ...bummer.
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Abigail (2024)
Take a bite out of crime!
20 April 2024
Abigail is what happens when you mix Interview with the Vampire with The Usual Suspects. It tells the story of a bunch of crooks who are gathered by a shadowy figure to kidnap a girl and keep her locked up in an old mansion for 24 hours until ransom is paid...but the girl turns out to be the daughter of an old Vampire and she uses this schtick to hunt and kill her victims.

The whole film takes place inside the mansion and the set, dialogue, and action are all a lot of fun. The movie gets super bloody towards the end and has a lot of fun moments throughout. This was defiantly a great movie experience, even if it wasn't always the best movie. (Albeit - it's never bad.)

The rules of the world are hard to hard to follow and inconsistent towards the end. When they find out she is a vampire they kind of act as if maybe this is a world where it's not uncommon for their to be vampires, but then again, it was hard to tell one way or the other. Also, the film went from day to night to day to night in a really short period of time, and there were windows that let light in even though the house was supposed to be shut up with steel barriers. But, I guess that was all part of the fun.

Abigail is a great time at the movies! Def recommended.
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Civil War (2024)
Absurd dystopian film with ok moments
14 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This film is well acted and the cinematography is well done, but the story is filled with so many plot conveniences that it is hard to take the story serious. First off, there is a battle-hardened war reporter (who never wears a helmet in the field, and would have been an older lady by the time this civil war started in the first place so just how battle-hardened could she be) and she is famous to some young girl, who just so happens to meet her in NYC, and they just so happen to have a co-reporter who agrees to let the kid go on a dangerous road trip to try and interview...oh I dunno...the President of the war torn United States in a part of the US where the press are routinely killed. How did this Civil War begin? How does the economy of this war-torn land function? Who is the opposition leader (s)? How does any of that make sense, doesn't matter.

Along the way, instead of bringing gas with them from NYC, they decide not to bring gas and instead will need to buy gas from a random gas station strangers in the middle of nowhere just so there can be a scene where the kid sees some people hung up on wire. Then, they just so happen to have some friends who follow them who just so happen to do strange things like jump into moving vehicles and that just so happens to lead them down a road where they bump into more danger and the bad guys just so happen to talk to them instead of kill them (like the bad guys would be motivated to to since they are committing some kind of war crime) to buy JUST enough time for them to be rescued by a a van that the bad guys just don't happen to hear. And, then, they just so happen to get where they need to go JUST in time to be at the forefront of a battle that leads into the White House, where instead of there being a massive resistance there is just a few random people with weaponry that no one bothers to explain how they got (or how they held off any resistance) and that just so happens to make it so they can get to the President just in time.

This film would have been better if it laid off the big journey and focused more on the small nuances of the world it was trying to build. By the time all is said and done, it's hard to take any of this serious and that is a shame because you can see the filmmakers wanted to make a serious dystopian film. In the end it's just a by-the-numbers dystopian film that could have been a classic with the right script changes.
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Grace and Frankie (2015–2022)
If I were married to those women, I'd change too.
6 April 2024
Wow - I had to binge watch this show with a friend who had depression and I don't know where to begin. This show is about Jack McCoy from Law & Order married The President of the United States from West Wing, and their ex-wives live together in a beach house and they basically just date people, talk about sex, and have odd romantic encounters. And - that is it.

Shout out to June Diane Raphael who is smoking HOT as Jane Fonda and Martin Sheen's daughter who has tons of misadventures in her romantic life and watching her was defiantly the highlight of this series.

This show wasn't meant for me, but it is watchable and kinda charming and super strange to see all these actors from other shows be in these weird romantic misadventures.
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This movie made a monkey out of my lizard brain!
31 March 2024
The plot to Kong Godzilla: New Empire is that below the Earth are face painted tribal people who use crystals to control gravity, and who are a looking for a psychic deaf girl because they need her to awaken a mother moth that shoots magical spider webs, in order to unite old man King Kong, his mini-me, and nuclear Godzilla, to stop a big red monkey with a bone bullwhip and an ice breathing lizard dog.

It would have been better if this plot had been all monster and no humans, but like the rest of this universe its mostly humans who are dumb and unlikeable and stupid and in this one the humans are the most dumb and unlikeable and stupid than any of the previous films.

All four prior films had some charm this one lacks. It's super dumb and not worth seeing in theaters. Just stay home and don't watch.
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Dune: Part Deaux
11 March 2024
I liked D2 quite a bit more than D1. The visuals are superb and the action is a lot of fun. The main villain is terrific and the scene where Paul rides the worm is wonderfully put together and exciting. There are some gaping flaws in this film - the script isn't terrific and the acting is pretty flat. I do think it's fair to say "The Chosen One" trope is exposed as a little silly when the production value is so high. But overall, this is a good film that honors the source material as well as it can and also entertains.

The story is that Paul unites the clans on Arrakis and leads them into battle against House Harkonen and avenge the death of his family. Although this film has flaws, I praise it for being a visually spectacular action packed film that honors a very complicated novel and makes an important science fiction milestone accessible to ass audiences.
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Deadpool 2 (2018)
Brilliant funny movie
26 February 2024
I saw the first Deadpool and enjoyed it but didn't love it. So, for whatever reason I didn't go see this one in theaters and somehow ended up watching it Sunday morning when I had nothing to do. This was a hilarious film with a good message and a big heart. Also, it was a really good X-Men (or, X-Force) film.

All of the mutants in this movie are very well done, including Josh Brolin's Cable and Zazie Beets Domino. Also, CGI Colossus is really great, and as a fan of the X-Men and Colossus I have to admit I thought it was just hilarious them pairing him with trying to help Deadpool be a better hero.

This movie also has terrific action. The people who made these Deadpool films really did a spot on job.
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True Detective: Night Country: Part 6 (2024)
Season 4, Episode 6
24 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This season started off pretty good with a cool crime, but what followed was six episodes where nothing happened culminating in a final episode that made no real sense what-so-ever. It's pretty clear the people who made this show had no idea what was going on - and the story feels like it was written in a few drafts without much thought.

There was still good cinematography in this show, and the acting was ok enough. It was watchable. But, int he end, it was a lazy meaningless disappointment that was saying old tribal women overpower the patriarchy. (And the patriarchy are some scientists in Alaska.)

The cops in this show were terrible. Dreadful. No detective work whatsoever. They didn't solve any crime more than they stood around and learned about the crimes and did nothing. And, apparently, they were guilty of murder themselves.

Oh lort - this show as a mess.
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Poor Things (2023)
Give Emma STtone the Oscar
17 February 2024
Frankenstein is considered one of the first great feminist contributions to Western literature. So in that light, comes a somewhat retelling of Frankenstein where the beautiful woman is created by a mad scientists and goes off into the world on a journey of self discovery, enlightenment, and empowerment. (Oh, and she has a great deal of physical relationships with a wide range of very strange men.)

This was an oddly beautiful film with terrific acting, a good script, and spectacular set pieces and costumes. The direction is pretty darn good, and it somehow holds your interest even though it's a very talky movie without a whole lot of action.

Mostly, it's just our main character going about the world meeting new men and having strange relationships with them and gaining her independence. This becomes so interesting because the main actress just crushes this role, she really is engaging is watch. Funny, innocent, cruel, sweet, heroic yet somewhat of a villain at times.

Also, there is an interesting mystery in this film about who she was before she was turned into the Frankenstein-like monster, and just when you least expect it the film goes back to these questions for a pretty good conclusion.

Who is to say whether the events in this film accurately capture what the female experience in a journey towards empowerment really is. But, this is a type of female empowerment that was true to the story of the main hero and her journey in the film.

Overall, very recommended film with terrific acting that should hopefully get Emma her well-deserved Oscar. Oh, and Mark Ruffalo is hilarious in this film.
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Grandpa, take a nap!
17 February 2024
This movie is utter trash. The plot is ridiculous. The acting is terrible. The fight scenes are horrible. It looks like it was filmed in one or two takes and there was only one person with a camera. Feels like someone just gave some silly-heads some cash and they blew it parting and yet somehow this drivel was created.

The corny-ass plot is that some driver for a gangster stole the "hard drive" - which is really a thumb drive - for some criminal empire and the bad guys are looking for him. So he has his wife send their daughter to meet Nicholas Cage - her grandfather - who is an old guy in the Camas Islands but he is also supposed to be a more deadly killer than Rambo - and Nicholas Cage fights the gangsters and saves his family

There are awkward dumb as hell scenes in this film. Like, they stay at a "remote hotel" where the good guys and bad guys are neighbors and don't know it - and Ron Perlman quotes Shakespeare to the child he has taken hostage. It's just totally stupid.

Rick Fox is in this movie - and he is one of the worst actors on the Planet. Somehow, Ernie Hudson, the guy from Watchmen, and others show up in this awful trash abysmal mess of a film that is so unwatchable it will make you want to break your tv.
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Cinematic Masterpiece - Scary Film Too
27 January 2024
This film caught my eye because it was nominated for best picture and the trailer was intriguing. Always been a bit of a WW2 buff, and have read many books about the rise and fall of Nazi Germany. Having seen this, I don't know if I've ever seen a film that more captures the madness and evil of Nazi Germany - but also a cautionary tale of people who keep silent while atrocities are being committed.

This is the real life story of the Commandant of Auschwitz, who perfected the Final Solution for Adolf Hitler, and how kills several thousand people a day. He lives in a home connected to the wall of the camp, as he tries to keep his family together when he is transferred to another job. The wife refuses to go and so our anti-hero goes about his duty while using the bureaucracy of the Nazi machine to keep his wife in their home.

Most of this film is just people going about life as normal. Servants set up the house. Neighbors and family come to visit. Kids play. Dogs bark. But, in the BG, the sounds of the Auschwitz camp haunt the land. At night, most people in the film are traumatized in one way shape or form by the camp...the kids begin to mistreat one another, the daughter sleepwalks, the neighbors are bothered by the ash.

Most eerie of all is that this is all true stuff. This family really existed. The Commandant was known to be soft and gentle with his kids. Most eerie of all is the very final scene...which I will not reveal but Mayne one of the most haunting memorable scenes of all time.

Definitely worth the watch for fans of good cinema, not only as a history lesson but as a warning for today.
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Fun movie with wonky plot holes
7 January 2024
This was a really engaging alien attacks movie. It is about a woman who is socially ostracized by her community who has to fend for herself during an alien invasion. There is almost no dialogue in the film, which is probably all for the better. The aliens are pretty cool designs. The action scenes are engaging. I was never bored watching this film, and I also noticed a lot of nods to films like Communion, The Shining, and other classics.

The film has two flaws which I think hold it back from reaching greatness. The first is that the rules of the aliens don't really make any sense and become convenient for the story. How can they travel through space in saucers but not have the tech to find a lone woman in a house?

Also, the woman has a secret from her past which really makes her unlikeable and I don't know if that is the intent - or not - but it makes for a recipe where you have kind of stupid bad guys and a not so likable hero.

In the old Twilight Zone this was compared to, the aliens were very small and that made some kind of sense space travelers might encounter a land of the giants and explore. But, beings who have come to colonize or terraform a planet but can't even use tech to find a lady in a house is just plain silly.

All in all, recommended for a good late night binge. Especially you are with a lady. :)
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The Creator (2023)
Very good sci-fi movie
1 January 2024
My friend told me if I saw this in theaters some of the gaping plot holes would stand out more - but as it is I saw it at home and frankly I could care less if there were some plot holes this is a very good film with incredible world building.

It tells the story of human v AI and our hero is a former soldier who is sent to track down the AI's ultimate weapon. Turns out the weapon is a child AI - who may or may not have the secret to his seemingly dead wife's location - and now our hero betrays his people to keep the AI safe and try to find his wife.

His journey with the AI takes him deep into the heart of this world, and he eventually grows to care for the AI and rebels against his own people. It may sound cliche, but these kinds of stories need to be told again and again.

By no stretch of the imagination is this corny like Avatar, this was a very good by the numbers sci-fi movie. Well acted, great special effects, good action scenes, and a big heart with a cool final showdown.

Def recommended, too bad I didn't watch this in theaters.
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The Godzilla movie fans have waited for!
3 December 2023
Godzilla Minus One is a reboot/remake of the original Godzilla movie set in post WW2 Japan. Our hero is a disgraced Kamikaze Pilot who survived the war, but will he survive Godzilla? What follows is the best special effects of any Godzilla movie I've ever seen, the best city rampage choreography I've ever seen, and the best Godzilla underwater action I've ever seen.

Godzilla is a true destroyer of worlds in this film. A monster who was once a strange Dinosaur type creature that lived near a small island who was mutated by nuclear power and is now angry as hell about it - and out to trash whatever gets in his way.

Everything about this new Godzilla movie rules! Where the US Version gets silly and watered down, this is a little silly but mostly gritty reboot. Would love to see an entire series of films based in the Minus One universe.

I only give is 9 out of 10 because I'd like see another one that tops this one.
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Made ZERO sense but was FUN
31 October 2023
This movie was about a security guard who, as a child, lost his little brother to a kidnapping. Now he works at a weird abandoned fun house park for kids where the animatronics are possessed by the ghosts of dead kids. His journey to unravel the disappearance of his brother is linked to these animatronics, as they take liking to his little sister who they want to turn her into one of them, and in return they will tell the security guard who kidnapped his brother.

The film really makes zero sense. The rules of the world are all over the map and incoherent and contradictory. But the creature designs and the overall aesthetic of the film is really pretty fun. Hardly a horror classic, or even a good movie, but it's kinda fun and weird and trippy in its own right. I didn't hate it but I never felt it rose to the occasion to become an iconic horror monster classic.
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Well acted informative historical crime saga
21 October 2023
Killers of the Flower Moon tells the real story of a group white settlers who try to murder a bunch of native people's to steal their oil money. The main character is in love with a native woman, and her family is the main victims that his uncle is systemically killing. This is a really unpleasant film in many ways. The only likable character is the wife and she's drugged out half of the movie. The acting and set pieces are terrific, and the film very much deep dives into these horrible crimes and make you understand them. But it's a VERY long film that feels even longer than it is, the pace of the film is bogged down by a script that is more like a documentary than a real character study - but at the same time - you do learn a lot about this period of history. This film is recommended for anyone who likes Scorcese movies and good cinema.
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Saw X (2023)
It was good to see the Old Cast Back!
4 October 2023
I've always been a big fan of the Saw movies. The cool music, plot twists, and the genius of Jon Kramer. This movie takes place between Saw I and II, and it tells the story of Jon Kramer and his pupil Amanda putting a bunch of crooks who ripped Jon off on his cancer treatment through some "games."

I liked moments of this film a lot, but I felt the final twenty minutes or so the film kind of went away from what made it work so well.

But, it was GREAT to see Tobin back as Jigsaw.

One big problem I had with the film was that it didn't get to the good music until the final moments and I should add that I saw the plot twist a mile away.

Anyhow, there was still some great moments in the movie and it was good to see the old cast back.

Not a terrible Saw movie but also not as good as I-VI,

If you like SAW _ I recommend this film.
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Bottoms (2023)
Slightly uneven but good film
3 September 2023
Bottoms is a teen coming of age comedy that is both vulgar and surreal. It tells the story of some girls who want to score with the cheerleaders so they start a self defense course in their high school. They get sponsored by their teacher, who is former NFL superstar Marshan Lynch (which is very strange and kinda cool.).

The town the teens live in is under threat from rival football team who has come to murder the star QB of the school, and the girls need to get their lady allies into full self defense mode in order to defend their territory from the outsiders.

The film is well acted, pretty well written, and has a good soundtrack. My on real grip with the film is that i goes a little too fast and it feels like lot was cut out of this movie. I will bet there is a superior directors cut of this movie somewhere. But all in all a good coming of age movie with a unique twist.

I should add, even though this film is sort of a "queer" movie one of the things I liked most about it is that it never pushes this or uses that as a crutch. Its a solid film and the same-sex relationships in the movie are just a component of it - normal like any other coming of age romance/teen story - and I appreciated this film for that smart decision.
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Black Mirror: Loch Henry (2023)
Season 6, Episode 2
Great scary story!
28 August 2023
One of the better Black Mirror episodes (and there are many good ones) this one held my attention and paid off. It tells the story of a young couple in film school who go to his home in Scotland and decide they will make a true-crime doc about a terrible series of murders that took place in the town. They feel that this will be a story with a build in audience, and the closer they get to accomplishing their goal the more it tears them away from their families and loved ones and reveals a terrible secret. This episode is well paced, well written, with good twists and a memorable conclusion. Def recommended.
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Strays (2023)
The end of this movie was hilarious
27 August 2023
Strays is about some homeless dogs who go on a buddy road trip to rip off one of their owner's genitals. It has a lot of bad language and crude humor. Some of the jokes are misses, but a handful of them are pretty funny. The end of his movie is actually hilarious and makes up for a lot of the parts that were kind of stupid. The guy who plays the bad dog owner is quite good in the role, and all of the voice actors do just fine. Strays is not a good movie, but it does have some funny moments in the end and I think it sticks to landing, and that is the only reason I don't give it below five stars.
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Barry: wow (2023)
Season 4, Episode 8
A Chevokian end to Barry
12 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If you are familiar with the Russian playwright Chekov, you may get a better grasp of the psychology and story elements of how this show ends. Chekov wrote very dark humor, and when done wrong or acted poorly it can come across just as a long drawn out bummer...but when done correctly and with the right understanding of the socio-political climate of when he was writing the humor really comes across and was brilliant.

Chekov plays almost always end with a gun or someone being shot. Relationships fail. The underdog ideology fails short of its goal. And in the case of Barry, the end of Gene and Barry is very Chekovian. All of their dreams and relationship and friendship is gone, Barry is dead and Gene goes to prison and their entire life story is mauled by the very industry they dedicated their lives too.

What does this say about us as a people? Don't trust what you see on TV - it's just a narrative the truth is far more complicated? Who knows. A good end ( but not a great end) to a wonderful show and I'll miss NoHo Hank and Fuches the most.
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