
161 Reviews
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This 1s my favorite!
26 February 2024
Technically I've never read any of Nicholas Sparks books, I started to read the 2nd part to "The Notebook" called "The Wedding." But I never finished it. Out of the 11 movies he's written, I've only watched 9. & I don't think I could ever watch them. Mr. Nicholas likes to make u cry, so I already know if I watched the 1s I have yet to, "Message in a bottle" & "Nights in Rodanthe" I'd ball my eyes out. "A Walk to Remember" it's not the absolute saddest 1, but it's a sad movie I can handle to watch over & over, like I already have throughout the years! Nicholas Sparks is such a talented writer! Of course "The Notebook" was the 1st 1 I watched. To be truthful, there are some movies that u love but find it hard to watch alot. "A Walk to Remember" it's beautiful, it's sad, it's just incredible! If not 1 of Nicholas Sparks films doesn't make u choke up & cry, I suggest seeing a specialist about ur heart.... There is 1 I can NOT watch more than just the 1 time that I did, "The Best of Me." Paul Walker was meant to play the main guy but we lost him, so James Marsden was asked. He's eh...ok.... But that movie's story, it's just too beautiful to watch again. Maybe 1 day.. But A Walk to Remember, if u haven't watched it yet, then I have 1 thing to say, "Why the HECK NOT??"
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Martyrs Lane (2021)
This film isn't for everyone....
20 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Yes this film drags on & might seem boring to most. Not too long into the film I already knew somewhat of what was going on. It's easy to see the signs when you've lost a child of your own. Sad truth is the questionable ending of this film is how a grieving parent feels. Choosing the child you've lost over the child that's still with u. This movie isn't scary, it's painful. I however didn't understand why they made the little girl evil or a demon creature.. & there's another part for a 2nd I thought Leah wasn't the mothers but the result of an affair between Leah's father & another woman. But she wasn't. & the very end doesn't really tell us if Leah's mom really did die or not... But to see the person who took everything from u walking about, alive & healthy it's pure agonizing pain. The person who stole my world ended up with the same result as my child did. Please cherish ur children & never drink & drive. & If ur confused by my rating of 4/10, please understand I don't rate movies like every 1 else. A 4/10 means I enjoyed the movie & probably will watch again someday.
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A Discovery of Witches (2018–2022)
If u haven't seen this show yet, please do so IMMEDIATELY ASAP!
19 February 2024
Oh my goodness I absolutely loved this show! I was hooked instantly after the 1st episode aired. & it drove me crazy waiting for seasons 2 & 3. The author who wrote the books the show is based upon, Deborah Harkness, she only wrote 3 books, so the studio decided 3 seasons was the best way to go & I was/am ok with that. Each episode was delivered beautifully. It became 1 of my top 5 favorite shows. & since the final episode aired (exactly 2 yrs ago today), I have re-watched the entire series 10-15 times since 2/18/22. It's that good! There are some things I would've wanted to happen differently, but those issues I have can totally be overlooked. The big finale battle in the last episode wasn't exactly ideal. But nevertheless still incredible! Matthew Goode & Teresa Palmer did a marvelous job. & they definitely had alot of on screen chemistry. So anyways, if ur a fan of supernatural forbidden love stories with happy endings, then I HIGHLY recommend u watch this show. I'm telling u, u won't regret it! Scouts honor!
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I am a pretty thing that can't make sense of this movie...
18 February 2024
WHY DIDN'T I LOOK THIS MOVIE UP ON WIKIPEDIA BEFORE WATCHING IT!! WIKIPEDIA TELLS US EXACTLY WHAT THIS MOVIE IS... I went ahead & watched this movie despite the reviews I read. & here's my take on it.. Simple ghost haunting movies I intend to enjoy. But this film, nothing, & I do mean nothing made sense & worst of all, no background explanation at the end... Not a single detailed scene shot answered. The main character "Lily" was really weird. The narrative lines throughout the movie literally made 0 sense. The elderly lady's character was weird & said weird things & it wasn't explained. Seriously what was the point of the movie?? Every scene was weird & made no sense.. & it's not like I didn't pay close attention because I did since at the beginning u know it's gonna be a confusing pay attention watch in the dark to see better type of film. I can over look the slow pace & semi boringness of it but I can't over look it's nonexplainable weirdness no point to it the movie delivers.. I just can't. So, if u wanna see for urself & be like me just going ahead & watch it, be prepared for 123 mins of slow, boring confusion that leads no where whatsoever, hand to God... Awful movie. Seriously though it's a big waste of time. Scouts honor...
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The Visit (I) (2015)
17 February 2024

--1stly though, please don't let my rating of 4/10 discourage u, more than half of my 1,800 & some movie ratings are 4/10. & in my rating system, 4/10 is a good rating. It means I enjoyed it & will re-watch it again someday & I'd also recommend this film to a friend. My rating system is just different than most reviewers. For ex- I have never rated anything 9 or 10/10. There's no such thing as a perfect movie.. ××NOW MY REVIEW×× This movie wasn't half bad & yeah sure I'll probably will re-watch it again someday. It definitely caught & kept my attention after the "grandmother" crawled on the ground like those little girls did from the movie, "Mama." & half way through it I knew some of what was gonna happen. In my opinion there were still a bunch of unanswered questions the movie didn't explain. & honestly since nothing really was explained completely, the ending was quite disappointing.
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The only thing scary about this movie is how people say they enjoyed watching it & rating it higher than 3/10...
15 February 2024
Seriously don't waste ur time with this movie. It has way too many unanswered questions. As I was watching it, I kept looking to see how much time was left, thinking the point of the movie would eventually be explained & I waited all the way till the end of the movie & nodda.. Watching the films credits was better than the movie & that's just a bunch of names! How this script was able to be turned into a movie is beyond me.. The acting, the story, the background sounds, ALL OF IT WAS AWFUL!! & how on earth can ANYONE think this movie was "ok" & give it ratings of 5s, 6s, or 7s out of 10, I seriously have to know... Maybe u should watch it to see just how incredibly stupid this film is. & how crazy people are giving this film a rating anything over 2/10... Those tv shows "Paranormal Survivor" "Paranormal Witness" "My Haunted House" & "A Haunting" Every episode from those shows are 100 times more interesting than this movie... That horrible movie "Cats" we all know how crappy & stupid it turned out to be, well this movies worse, trust me!
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Please read all of my review below, thanks.
15 February 2024

So I gave this film a rating of 4/10. Ok, 1st understand my rating system is different from other people's reviews. A 4/10 in my system means I enjoyed the movie & probably will watch it again someday. I've rated over 1,800 films & more than half those are rated 4/10. I try to be realistic. Just because I enjoyed a movie doesn't mean it should get a high rating.. I've never rated anything over 8/10. There is not 1 single movie or show that deserves a rating of 9/10 or 10/10.

Ok now about this film.. Was it a really good movie, no. Did I waste my time watching this movie, no. Is it at all scary, no. The story itself has great potential. Especially the back story. But the eerie suspenseful background music didn't fit the movie.. It's like they tried to over sell it, but it just didn't do the trick.. I'd definitely love to see James Wan make a remake of this film! Ok, say ur bored, & u turn on the TV & ur choices are The Changeling, the news, The Matrix, A Charlie Chaplin silent movie, & Mission Impossible. I'd choose this movie (The Changeling) in a heart beat!
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Better than the other 2...
11 February 2024
See I saw this (3rd installment) before 1 & 2. I loved this movie when I was little! Mainly because I knew Jason James Ritcher from the Free Willy films & I also saw Melody Kay in Camp Nowhere, so I was already acquainted with the 2 main characters. Plus that little song the stepsister sings about her father, I could relate. Now as an adult, & re-watching all 3, honestly none are good. & 1 & 2 certainly does NOT deserve ratings of 7 & 5 & the 3rd film getting a 3 rating.. 3rd film is WAY better than 1 & 2. I gave the 3rd film a 3/10 cause well my rating system is different from other people's reviews. For example over 1800 films that I've rated, more than half of those are rated 4/10. 4/10 means I enjoyed it & will re-watch it again someday. 3/10 means I really didn't care for it but perhaps 1 day I'll re-watch but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. Now the 1st & 2nd movies I gave both of them 1/10 ratings. I get technology in the 80s were awful but the acting in those films were bad like the effects... Most of my ratings like I mentioned above are box office hits & I still gave them 4/10. For example: Avengers EndGame, Neighbors, Maleficent, Mr. & Mrs. Smith, etc.. Never have I ever rated anything 9 or 10/10. Nothing deserves ratings that high. The highest rating I've rated is 8/10 & out of 1,842 movies that I personally rated, only 14 titles did I give 8/10 rating. & 3 out of those 14 were tv series..
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Relic (2020)
Tons of unanswered questions...
30 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If I could I'd rate this a 3.5/10 I would've. I pondered on whether or not I should give this a 4/10 rating. Most of my ratings out of 1,800 are movies I've rated 4/10. & in my specific rating system, a 4/10 is means I enjoyed it & will re-watch it again someday. I've NEVER rated anything over 8 or 9/10. Ain't no movie in existence deserves a 9 or 10/10. Movies I rate 3/10 are movies I'll never watch again. & the reason why I debated on whether or not to give this film a 3.5/10 or 4/10 is because I might re-watch it again someday. The movie itself wasn't awful or a waste of my time. I decided on 3.5/10 aka 3/10 because the film never explained or gave us a back story as to why those strange occurrences were happening & why the grandmother became that way.. In the film it showed & said that the grandmother & her late husband inherited the property & that the relative they inherited it from became very unstable towards the end of his life. Basically insinuating that the property is the reason why that happened to them. But why it was like that & what it actually was, was never answered.. The other house on the property that was torn down, was never explained. Or the daughters dreams she had about that house & it's original owner & his wife was apart of her dreams. There's a scene when the daughter looks under her elderly moms bed & sees a dark figure that moved. & I can keep going but it doesn't matter since there aren't any answers to these questions...
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The Boogeyman (I) (2023)
More like a demon creature from Hell than the "Boogyman."
27 December 2023
Sorry uh-uh, this movie wasn't scary. Not even for small children. I was around 3 or 4 yrs old & terrified by the closet monster I called the, "Boogyman." & I finally grew out of it when I was around 8 or 9 yrs old. So u see why I chose to watch this & I can say this thing is more like an Alien or a demon out of Hell. The boogyman felt more like the version Barry Watson starred in. Or even Michael Myers! They called him the boogyman & he hid in closets. Which may explain why since I've been 15 yrs old, I've dreamt about Michael Myers chasing me. I'm 36 yrs old now, & this is 100% God's honest truth not exaggerating, hand to God, I have literally & I will swear on my child's life have dreamt about Michael Myers at least 3-9 times every yr since I was 15 yrs old. I haven't kept track but I do remember the least amount would perhaps be 3 a yr. I'm 36, so that's 21 yrs, so at least I've dreamt about Michael Myers chasing me 60 plus times. & I know 60 is not even close to the actual #. I started keeping track this yr. I wish I would've before, but this yr alone I have dreamt about him 9 times. 9 times!! I only watch Halloween on the holiday of Halloween.. So that's my opinion about this films version of the boogyman. He's not suppose to be a 4 legged alien creature, he's suppose to be a man like figure who hides in closets & can never be defeated...
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Secrets in the Walls (2010 TV Movie)
24 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Technically I'd give this movie a 3.5/10 rating. U should be told 1st that my rating system is different than most. I've rated over 1,800 films & more than half of those I rated 4/10. 4/10 means I enjoyed the movie & will re-watch & recommend it. I have never rated anything 9/10 or 10/10. So.. I gave this movie a 3/10 that means it wasn't good & didn't care for it. PLEASE CONTINUE TO READ ON.. This film really isn't any good. It's pretty boring & highly predictable. In the middle of a scene, I thought in my head that the door was about to slam shut, not even half a second later, whaddya know! This film reminds me of the 2014 movie, "Ouija." In a way. & I KNEW that the ghost had a evil ulterior motive!! I knew what her plan was all along! Pretty obvious since she was more focused with the older daughter & they were the same age... Then there's the films title that gives it away. I do enjoy watching "B" films. Finding those hidden gems. & normally this is the "type" of ghost story I enjoy watching. But this film never caught my full attention. The "ghost" for this movie didn't do a good job being creepy. I mean those tv shows of the supernatural, "A Haunting" "Paranormal Witness" "My Haunted House" & "Paranormal Survivor" have better creepy looking characters compared to this film! & this movie felt like an episode from 1 of those shows, but the shows were more interesting! The music was boring too! Not ominous music, but wanna be ominous music.. Then there's the actors. None of them fit together. Just no on screen chemistry between the actress who portrays the mother, the 2 actresses playing her daughters & the actor who plays the moms brother... I gave it a shot cause some reviews said it was a typical ghost film, & I have enjoyed some "B" movie ghost stories, just not this 1... Seriously I'm telling u, ur not gonna care for it. 5 bucks say if u do watch it despite this review, ur gonna think to urself why did I give this movie a chance!
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23 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
At the beginning during Stanford & Anthony's wedding, Anthony made a statement to the "group" that Stanford gets the wedding of his dreams & he (Anthony) is allowed to cheat. Charlotte made a face towards Anthony about his statement & he replies that he's allowed to cheat cause he's Italian & won't change who he is because he's getting married. Carrie makes her statement on how their marriage is no 1s business even though Anthony told them his business. Carrie then says & Mr. Big adored that every couple is different so therefore each married couple has the right to make up their own rules & miss stuck-up Charlotte answers Carrie back by saying, not really, it's marriage... Charlotte's words for that part angers me on a scale of 1-10, my anger level is 1000!! Grrr!!!! Another scene that makes me see red is when they're on the plane, Carrie reveals her & Big's 2 days off idea, & what Charlotte says, & HOW SHE SAYS IT, REALLY REALLY ANGERS ME SOOOOOOO MUCH!! Charlotte-"I just think marriage is 2 people, night after night, sleeping in the same bed." The way she said it is what gets to me the most... Then there's SATC 1st episode & 1st scene with Charlotte, her line for that scene made her my least favorite character. The prettiest but that's it... My hubby & I have been together for 17 yrs & married for 11 yrs. I invented this thing called, "IFC." Identity-Finances-Children The IFC are the main issues for divorce. My husband & I unemployed, poor, broke, & we had 2 kids, the oldest was murdered by a drunk driver when he was 17, he & his best friend. 4 yrs, 4 months, & 6 days ago. & the 2nd is now 14 & he's autistic. We've been thru more than anybody should go thru. We stay home 97% of the time, & we both literally have 0 socially active lives & 0 friends. But we manage to remember what's important & somehow it's working.

Married couples have to make up their own rules in their marriage in order to survive being married to the same person till death do them part. Couples who try on some level to embrace old traditions usually ends up getting divorced. The "rules" of marriage during the 40s-60s, can no longer be practiced. The reason is pretty darn obvious.. 50% of marriages end in divorce. I mean marriage is not what "Charlotte" portrays it to be. Wife staying home cooking, raising children while the husband works his butt off. That's a big ol' recipe for divorce... & EXTREMELY outdated! Now onto other people's reviews on this film... HOW ON EARTH CAN ANY1 GIVE THIS FILM A 1/10???? That's insane! They're insane! It's not perfect but it's not terrible either.. I've seen people give B films that sooo obviously deserves a rating of 1/10 get 9s & 10s out of 10... Those reviewers are just as cuckoo as Charlotte York-Goldenblatt.

& if ur confused about my rating of 4/10, 4/10 is my most common rating. I've rated over 1,800 films & half those are rated 4/10. My rating system isn't like most people. 4/10 rating means I enjoyed the movie & will re-watch again & recommend it to others. No movie deserves ratings of 9 or 10/10. Only a small handful of movies I have watched & rated got a rating of 7 or 8/10.
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What's not to love!
23 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I watched Sex and the City the movies 1 & 2 before watching the actual series. & the main reason why that was because I never had cable in my household growing up & my friends parents only had "basic cable." Plus there's the added fact from 1998-2004 I was 11-17 yrs old, & what parent is going to allow their 11 yr old daughter watch SATC?! So after watching films 1 & 2 in 2010 I obviously loved them both & instantly ordered the complete series! But I gotta say I was actually thrown by a few things. For instance (even though "Mr. Big" stood Carrie up at the alter) in the 1st film, when Big & Carrie get "engaged" I guessed that it was Carrie who was the "catch" & Mr. Big was the chaser. I was TOTALLY wrong! I only assumed that since he's older & I figured she was the character that of a younger New York fashionable woman was hard to commit & be pinned down.. Nope! It was Mr. Big! Lol! I will admit my 1st time watching the series I was shyfully thrown by extreme sexual details on every episode. I didn't realize it would be as "juicy" (no pun intended) as each sexual scene was. Especially airing in the 90s.. So as a young small town girl in central Ohio, u can understand my shock after watching it for the 1st time. But then the storyline was basically almost perfect for me not to love & enjoy it. Funny thing is, for me, even before ever watching SATC anything, when I was 16 yrs old my future dream was to be a writer & living in New York City! I made plans, but as we're all to well aware of, plans change... Do I regret it? Sometimes. But I'm sooo not an optimistic girl, & I don't think my dreams would've came true.. So now at 36 yrs old, my character can be summed up by connecting Miranda & Carrie & that's me! I'm more like them both. Just a little more so of Miranda than Carrie. Basically because I'm a red-head, pale skin tone with blue eyes that only had 1 child, a redheaded boy with blue eyes too! But with Carrie's body frame & chest looks! Trying to make this as PG as possible, I'm just soo glad that the centerpiece of my chest area looks NOTHING like Miranda's!! & my bedroom "list" is ALOT, shorter than either character... I can count on only 2 hands... & where I come from, that's considered too much for a girl... Insert rolling eyes here...
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Sex and the City: A Woman's Right to Shoes (2003)
Season 6, Episode 9
22 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
SATC is a beautiful series about 4 women who truly love & care for each other. & in my opinion I feel that's a fictional love every woman desires. But unfortunately in the real word, the chances of 4 women being as close as they are doesn't really exist, especially without a ton of drama. Normally in a female group of friends, most are backstabbing 2 faced friends. In the show none of the girls say or talk bad about each other behind their backs. & honestly I don't think that their level of trust, love, & compassion for each other has never & will never cross into reality.

So anyways about this particular episode, Carrie & Stanford attend a party for their friends latest child. & at the party there was a strictly "No Shoes" policy because they had children. Carrie was wearing her newest pair of silver Manolo Blahniks that costed $485. & somebody at the party purposely stole them. Now this episode boils my blood as hot as the sun because her friend/hostess, the way she reacted after Carrie informs her about her missing Manolo's really really gets to me. Like her line, "I just can't imagine where ur shoes went. U know, Jennifer was wearing sandals, perhaps she took yours by mistake." Grrr!! Nobody will "mistakenly" take a pair of shoes that clearly shows "Manolo Blahnik" on it.. They were purposely stolen. Like Miranda stated, Carrie's friend is legally obligated to pay for them. So after Carrie goes back to confront her friend, her friends reply made me so angry, that I wished I could jump into the screen & take my anger out on "Carrie's friend." This is the conversation, "How much were they? $485. Come on, Carrie. That's insane. Well. That's what they cost. I'll give you $200 dollars. Okay. This is an awkward conversation. I'm sorry, I just think that's crazy to spend that much money on shoes. U know how much Manolos are. U used to wear Manolos. Sure. Before I had a real life. But Chuck and I have responsibilities now. Kids, houses. $485. Like, wow. I have a real life. No offense Carrie but I really don't think we should have to pay for your extravagant life style.

I mean it was your choice to buy shoes that expensive." & Carrie adds, "Yes, but, it wasn't my choice to take them off." "They're just shoes." ((Insert EXTREMELY ANGRY emoji here!!)) Sometimes I have to skip the entire episode because it gets me so mad..
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Seance (I) (2021)
A predictable attention grabber!
9 December 2023
My review for this film will be at the bottom after I explain to all of you about my rating system. Out of the 1,800 movies I've rated more than half are 4/10 rated movies. Movies have to be truly excellent for me to rate them higher than a 4/10. & never not once have I rated anything 9/10 or 10/10. No movie deserves a rating like that. A 4/10 rating means I enjoyed it & would recommend it to some 1 & will re-watch it again someday. 5/10 means I really enjoyed it, 6/10 means it was a great film & 7-8/10 means it was awesome & half way perfect. But 3/10 means it wasn't that good & sometimes wasn't really worth watching.

**This film caught my full attention about 10 mins into it. & 30 mins in, I guessed correctly of the "killer" in this film. Really wasn't hard to guess. But I didn't guess a couple other things that I won't say!

But all in all not half bad & maybe will re-watch it again someday.
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4 December 2023
I watched this when I was 3-5 years old in the early 90s when my grandparents would babysit me. It's funny how their collection of movies I still love & watch today! It's also weird how a little girl of 3 years of age would rather watch movies that a 3 year old shouldn't actually be watching. For example this film, or Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, Gone with the Wind, & etc... If your a parent of a toddler, honestly would you allow them to watch this? Or better yet, would your toddler or any other 3 yr old you know would sit through this movie from start to finish & re-watch again? But anyways, this movie in a couple scenes used to scare me when I was little. The dream that guy told his shrink & when the shrink was doing his laundry. & Meryl Streep in this movie was different compared to most of her resume. Quite, shy, delicate, & her voice was soft & low & unfortunately we see a little more of Meryl than usual. But it's a good film & highly recommend you watch it!
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Dark Entities (2023)
3 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's ALL so bad it's laughable! Oh dear lord, even the "suspenseful" music is terrible.. I'm the type of person who sometimes enjoys "B" films when others say it's awful & stupid, but this is DEFINITELY not 1 of those! 4 out of 7 reviewers liked it. & movies about supernatural haunted houses being haunted by ghosts or demons are my favorite type of "scary" movies but sometimes even if the plot sounds interesting, doesn't mean it will be. There are sort of tolerable scenes in the movie. Not many but some. I suppose it's somewhat watchable cause I'm still watching it but only since Wikipedia doesn't have this movie to read what's going to happen. (NEXT SENTENCE IS A SPOILER) At the end it implies they all die. I enjoy watching "B" films. It's like digging through a treasure chest, trying to find those hidden gems. So please take my word for it this is a movie you can pass on. I will never watch this movie ever again & I DO NOT recommend this film to any 1. Ok, you know how when your real little & playing with your toys, & you act out your characters, well our younger selves were better actors than these people! & if you've ever seen the tv shows: "A Haunting", "My Haunted House", "Paranormal Witness", or "Paranormal Survivor" the actors, music, & effects are 100 times better than this movie. I promise you if you decide to give this movie a chance, even after reading my review, your gonna think I was right & that you should've listened to my review!!

So at 14 minutes & 26 seconds into it, I see 2 similarities between this film & the 1st "Insidious" movie. 1st in Insidious, they moved into a new place, & the mom is the 1st 1 awake & after she quietly goes downstairs, she begins to thumb through family pictures & the little boy wakes up & sits next to her looking at the pics too. In this movie, they all move into a new place, the sister is the 1st 1 up & goes downstairs & looks at a couple pictures. Then her younger brother wakes up too & sits next to her looking at the pics. & the 2nd similarity is a missing box the sister couldn't find. & then her younger brother goes up to the attic & hears & sees something frightening so he screams & his older brother & sister go to find him up in the attic hurt. & his sister notices the missing box laying there in the attic, wondering how it got up there. So in Insidious, the mom couldn't find her missing box of sheet music. Dalton goes up in the attic, he hears & sees something scary, he gets hurt & then he screams. His parents go to find him & the mom sees the missing box in the attic wondering how it got there.. Also there's a scene where the entity says "GET OUT!" Like in Amityville but this GET OUT is just so so bad!! Lol!
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Host (II) (2020)
Uh..Haven't we seen this movie before..??
3 December 2023
Oh that's right we have, nearly 10 years ago! Seriously it's basically it's a British version of the 2014 movie, "Unfriended." Just a tad different. When I watched the trailer I didn't realize it's a remake of "Unfriended." So I decided to continue to watch it because I enjoyed "Unfriended" & it's sequel was sorta ok.

I of course already read the ending on Wikipedia cause I hate not knowing what's to come... To most people reading ahead, to them it's like why finish the movie if you already know what's going to happen. I don't know why but I just need to know 1st. At 1st I was gonna recommend that 1 should watch this alone in the dark, but in the middle of the movie it started to get uninteresting. Too bad too cause if you tweaked this film a bit, it could've been better. Even though it's similar to "Unfriended" it still had the potential to be a pretty good film. But will I ever re-watch it again... Hmm... I suppose maybe in a few years..
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27 November 2023
My review for this film will be at the bottom after I explain to all of you about my rating system. Out of the 1,800 movies I've rated more than half are 4/10 rated movies. Movies have to be truly excellent for me to rate them higher than a 4/10. & never not once have I rated anything 9/10 or 10/10. No movie deserves a rating like that. A 4/10 rating means I enjoyed it & would recommend it to some 1 & will re-watch it again someday. 5/10 means I really enjoyed it, 6/10 means it was a great film & 7-8/10 means it was awesome & half way perfect. But 3/10 means it wasn't that good & sometimes wasn't really worth watching.

**NOW MY REVIEW** 1st, make sure you watch this really late at night (better if your alone), with all the lights off! & if you've never seen the 1st or 2nd 1, you may want to watch those 1st. In my opinion, this was alot better than the others. This film caught my attention, kept it throughout the entire movie & it freaked me out (in a fun scary way!) I liked it all, the plot, the set, & the actors. It really was a good movie. Watching it, it was like I could feel how scared the characters were & that's pretty rare for this type of film.
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Why on Earth did I try this movie..? DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE!!!
27 November 2023
Last 2 days I've been searching IMDb for horror films made in the last couple of yrs & reading most of the reviews for each 1 & I definitely got my reviews mixed up in my head cause I thought this was 1 of the movies I bookmarked that had lots & lots of great reviews & after 45 mins into the movie, I rechecked the reviews & realized I mixed the films up. Cause there were a lot of bad reviews for this movie, & every 1 of them are right. Which is funny cause before I rechecked them, as I was watching the movie, I kept thinking to myself, "Omg, it finally happened, I'm an old person now. I feel too old to be watching this film (even though I'm 36)" & then I saw a review & the person said if ur over 17 yrs old skip it! Lol! At least I'm not the only 1! But this movie maybe fun for little pre-teens & teens but that's all. It's boring, not funny, & the final editing for this movie was a bad choice cause the very 1st scene is unexperienced gross looking kissing. Those 2 girls didn't have any chemistry between them. & also to the teenagers who read this, A. Don't do drugs. Once u start, it's nearly impossible to stop & from then on u'll live an awful cursed life with nothing but regrets & if ur 1 of the lucky few who get clean from rehab, like Sophie in the movie, being around others who are doing drugs in front of u, u'll wreck ur sobriety & something terrible will happen. Please don't do drugs, cause I promise u ur not missing out on anything..
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This movie would've been better if...
26 November 2023
This movie had my attention, it creeped me out a couple of times but there's just 1 thing it was missing... THE BACK STORY!! No explanation whatsoever about why this "entity" that plagued the family & their land. I kept waiting & waiting for it to start explaining certain things but nope... & what a shame too, cause like I said above it definitely had my attention throughout the entire thing.. You know, these last couple of days I've been watching these recent-ish horror films & they all just didn't have any back story that puts it all together & you start understanding the movie better.

**& now here is my rating system. Out of the 1,800 movies I've rated more than half are 4/10 rated movies. Movies have to be truly excellent for me to rate them higher than a 4/10. & never not once have I rated anything 9/10 or 10/10. No movie deserves a rating like that. A 4/10 rating means I enjoyed it & perhaps would recommend it to some 1, 5/10 means I really enjoyed it, 6/10 means it was a great film & 7-8/10 means it was awesome & half way perfect. 3/10 means it wasn't that good & sometimes wasn't really worth watching.**
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Frickin' Twilight Zone type of movie.
26 November 2023
On another person's review they said, "Just think of The Twilight Zone, & you'll get through this movie." Or something like that & they were absolutely right. This is a film that you have to watch every second or you'll be lost.. I didn't care for the ending. & there really wasn't a back story to explain the rock & the tall grass. I have seen worse. This movie is a type of movie that 1 would watch once to give it a chance & afterwards you know you'll never watch it again. So, now for my rating, 1st off ya'll need to understand my rating system. Out of the 1,800 movies I've rated more than half are 4/10 rated movies. Movies have to be truly excellent for me to rate them higher than a 4/10. & never not once have I rated anything 9/10 or 10/10. No movie deserves a rating like that. A 4/10 rating means I enjoyed it & would recommend it to some 1, 5/10 means I really enjoyed it, 6/10 means it was a great film & 7-8/10 means it was awesome & half way perfect. Now 3/10 (the rating for this movie) means it wasn't that good & sometimes wasn't really worth watching.
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Not the worst I've seen but still not really worth trying.
26 November 2023
1st off ya'll need to understand my rating system. Out of the 1,800 movies I've rated more than half are 4/10 rated movies. Movies have to be truly excellent for me to rate them higher than a 4/10. & never not once have I rated anything 9/10 or 10/10. No movie deserves a rating like that. A 4/10 rating means I enjoyed it & would recommend it to some 1, 5/10 means I really enjoyed it, 6/10 means it was a great film & 7-8/10 means it was awesome & half way perfect. Now 3/10 (the rating for this movie) means it wasn't that good & sometimes wasn't really worth watching. This film never caught my attention at all as I watched it, cause it was basically boring...
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Cobweb (2023)
FINALLY! A half way decent horror movie.
25 November 2023
1st off, ya'll don't let my rating of 4/10 confuse you. I've rated over 1,800 films & half those are movies I've rated 4/10. & when I give a movie 4/10, it means I enjoyed it & will re-watch it again someday. I'm just a harsh critic. Now onto the movie. This film took me by surprise! Usually I check Wiki as I'm watching something I haven't seen cause I hate not knowing. But this time when I checked Wiki, I only read the last sentence. I had to know the teachers fate. The movie creeped me out a few times, so yay for that! & the thing I didn't like about it is that it didn't show "the back story." That should've been told. Plus they left it open for a sequel!
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Le divorce (2003)
IMDb rating for this film is way too low.
24 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I rated over 1,800 films & half those are movies I've rated 4/10. So for me to rate any film higher than 4/10 means it's enjoyable & would definitely re-watch it again. & then movies such as Rocky, Captain America 2, Black Adam, Thelma & Louise, Ant-Man, 2023 The Little Mermaid, & etc, movies that are supposedly "Hit films" I rated those all 1/10! This film definitely should've been rated higher. What I disliked about the movie is the way "Roxy" reacted towards her cheating husband.. & the fact she's an American from California... I'm sorry pregnant or not, any American woman who's been cheated on would tear her cheating husband a new 1!! Whether it be with violence (like punching him in the face or somewhere else) or hateful words. Also there's a scene where a party of 6 eating lunch & the total was $900.. Basically $150 for each person.. "Fancy" French restaurant or not, the cost of each person shouldn't be any higher than $50... & 1 person shouldn't have to be burdened with paying the entire amount... Unless they're wealthy like Oprah or Bill Gates...
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