
8 Reviews
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Supersex (2024– )
A misleading title
19 March 2024
The title is actually and undoubtedly the weakest part of this most interesting and well put together production, as it will undoubtedly attract people who are not looking for the intelligent, well scripted and well acted fare that has been produced.

It is undeniably an extremely difficult subject matter to deal with intelligently and is mostly abused by other film makers by adapting such content to far more pornographic images and a sexually explicit script, thereby electing to sell out for financial reasons.

My review is not intended to criticize such other productions. However, in my opinion, this production fails to do so and consequently deserves high praise.
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Mass (2021)
An amazing and transformative experience
2 January 2022
I hereby most respectfully wish to deliver a 15 minute standing ovation to everyone involved in he creation of this remarkable film.

It is an unbelievably painful subject delivered honestly, non sensationally and so so courageously.

We especially salute all the actors for their phenomenal, deeply felt performances.

Thank you to all concerned.

Kheli & Yogesh.
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It lacks superior and/or critical editing
20 September 2021
I would like to add that this would have been an exceptional work if proper attention had been afforded to its editing.

Regretfully this is surprisingly missing, which explains much of the other criticism against the film.
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Girls (2012–2017)
Totally remarkable in every respect
4 March 2021
I watched the entire series when it first came out and loved it. I have just rewatched it for the 3rd time (2021) and am now compelled to add my personal comments:

I fail to comprehend the negative reviews on any level whatsoever. A rating of 7.3 on IMDB is an embarrassment and hurtful to the marvelous producers, writers and actors. Perhaps a large number of people may have viewed it with personal emotional and/or sexual limitations. Whatever the reason, it is entirely inexplicable to me as I firmly believe it to still remain one of the very best shows that is available.

The entire 6-season series doesn't disappoint for even one moment which is, in itself, a feat that not many productions have accomplished. Every single character without exception is extremely well cast and just remarkable in his/her own right. And yet, they are entirely and remarkably different from one another, whilst the material itself presents a rich and finely drawn emotional content. I would be extremely hard pressed to find a show that manages this as creatively and well. The writing is not only believable, well researched and conceived, but never becomes repetitious. It is also originally funny in the very best way.

Lena, you and your collaborators have pulled off a remarkable feat and produced something that may actually have been way ahead of its time. Congratulations!!! I am a great fan of some of Woody Allen's work and would love to see what a collaboration would produce.
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A daring subject fearlessly handled
18 December 2017
Ok, the film was imperfectly and somewhat hastily delivered and does not deserve a high rating in its present form. The editing is decidedly uneven and Louie's sidekick's (I forget his name) performance entirely unnecessary, gross and completely over the top. This character actually contributes absolutely nothing to the film and detracts badly from its important message in these turbulent times.

The film's obvious weaknesses are most unfortunate, as the material itself is thought provoking, intelligently presented and actually NEEDS to be discussed this fearlessly, this openly in a time, where closed-minded prejudice and irrational fear inhibit rational thought.

Louie's fearlessness in the face of all the angry adversity should actually be admired if we dare to admit for one single moment to what extent our own sexual inclinations are forces that exist that are almost unmanageable. The scene of the girl's apparent surrender to John Malkovich is brilliantly depicted and, in a way, says it all. Yogesh
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La La Land (2016)
All this praise? You' ve got to be kidding!!!
17 January 2017
I guess the power of advertising remains a marvelous and powerful medium that has but one goal: To make more money. And, in my view, La la land delivers the perfect example of this clever but unfortunate phenomenon. Of course everyone will go to see it, (even I did after all). It will undoubtedly make a bundle for its producers and investors and may quite possibly even win a few awards that increasingly appear to be handed out with the sole intention of increasing a film's profits even further.

How can this possibly happen? Is it really all about money? What did all of these people that saw the film see that I didn't? Admittedly, not much attention should be paid to Mr and Mrs Public who will continue to slavishly follow the opinions of others and are perfectly satisfied to have their minds dulled by average entertainment. But what about the critics (e.g. IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes among others), and especially the ones who are actually paid to deliver a service and whom one hopes and trusts to be just a little objective? Who can be trusted not to mislead the earnest movie lover these days?

I fully appreciate that taste differs, but please please tell me what exactly separates this film from mere, unabashed mediocrity? In considering this just for a moment, one is mindful of some of the musicals of the 50s (Hit the Deck is just one) that did not possess the money machine, camera work, and technological advantages that are readily available today. It bears pointing out that La la land is a mere pale shadow of some of those films of so long ago.

More to the point: In my view La la land is a mediocre effort, not worthy of the actors' talents, nor of that of the Director who, after all, gave us the wonderful Whiplash. I do have to say that Emma Stone does her absolute best against almost impossible odds and gives a great performance, but Ryan Gosling is not only miscast, but displays no visible energy for his co-star. He appears somewhat wooden, stiff and almost disinterested in the movie and this describes his dancing and singing as well. The film's editing furthermore leaves a lot to be desired and creates a disjointed feeling for the viewer. It is almost as if some of the scenes were just thrown together haphazardly in a hurry in a boring and predictable script.

I really could go on and one may wonder why I have spent so much energy in criticizing this film, but I simply cannot believe the accolades that it continues to receive and this upsets me greatly.

Finally, after seeing La la land, I was left feeling dissatisfied and somewhat angry at having sat through it. Yogesh
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Girls (2012–2017)
Just superb on every level!
2 August 2014
Why has this show been viewed as apathetically as it has been? 7.5 is almost an insult, when it easily deserves 9.0 and more? This question leaps out at me as it should to anyone who is able to see this material for what it is.

The reason for this cannot possibly be attributed to the show's creators, as the casting and the writing is almost faultless on every single level. The script is not only topical, intelligent and very very funny, but ventures to surprising depths without ever becoming preachy. In addition to the material being intimate and surprisingly profound, the acting all round is just wonderful.

I am of the respectful opinion that anyone who disagrees with my expressed views, would be well advised to rather look deep within him(her)self to root out any unwarranted prejudice and antiquated morality structures. Of course it must be said that I do not necessarily endorse the portrayed practices of the characters in the series, but that's simply and so obviously so much not the point that no further remarks supporting this statement are necessary.

Ms Lena Dunham: Your courage and insight are admirable! I sincerely hope that you read this, as you deserve to be supported in every way. Yogesh
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Episodes (2011–2017)
A marvelous and hugely under-appreciated effort
16 January 2014
I am extremely pleased to note that the given rating appears to have been climbing somewhat. However, I am of the opinion that this series easily merits 8.5 for the following reasons:

First of all, the acting, writing and characterizations are absolutely marvelous all round. If fact, in considering the basic material that they are working with, it's almost surprisingly good. Although the entire cast and particularly the main characters deserve high praise, I believe that "Carol's" carefully nuanced and even understated performance is beyond brilliant. In having just watched the first episode of the 3rd season, I now believe that this lovely actress is going to go from strength to strength in her most promising career.

The writing (particularly for the first season) is absolutely outstanding. It is fresh and innovative and hilariously funny in a non-conventional way. Although there was a slight lull in the second season, it must have been noticed as it picked itself up soon enough towards a wonderful finale.

Finally I would like to record that "Episodes" almost does everything right without fuss or the pretension to being anything more than it is.

May it please continue for a while to come. Yogesh
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