
15 Reviews
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Battleship (2012)
Man, so many whiners on here, I tell you.
23 October 2013
I really don't understand people anymore. Okay, it's one thing not to like a movie, but it's another thing to attack someone who likes something because someone has a dissenting opinion and then go so far as to accuse someone of having low IQ because you just simply didn't like it.

Is "Battleship" the greatest action movie that I've ever seen? Far from it, but did I have a good time watching it? Yes, I did. Why? Because it had decent action and decent special effects. Sure, I kind of felt that things could have been better, but I was entertained by it.

Lighten up, people. Not everything is supposed to be deep and meaningful.
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Not even the beautiful Christina Milian was enough to save this travesty.
16 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
To even think that I actually considered seeing this in theaters when it came out ten years ago. I have to admit, I've had a crush on Christina Milian ever since I saw her debut music video "AM To PM" when I was about 15 and I didn't even realize that she was the same girl who was on Disney Channel years prior who did the "Movie Surf" bit and I even thought she was cute then. I also watched it for Melissa Schuman, who was a member of the girl group known as Dream at one point. Pretty, THOSE TWO were the only reasons why I watched it and it's a good thing that I never saw it in theaters because it would have been a waste of money. Even watching it on HBO was a waste of time.

Let me break it down like this: I learned later on that this movie was somewhat of a remake of "Can't Buy Me Love" that was released 16 years prior to this movie. The premise is similar. High school nerd pays off a popular girl to pretend to be her boyfriend for a few weeks and then gets cocky with the whole "popular" lifestyle. I must say that I still have not watched "Can't Buy Me Love" but I might check it out to see if it's a better movie than this, because this movie really has no redeeming qualities.

I was never really a big fan of Nick Cannon's to begin with, but I seriously was not able to buy him as this high school nerd who people made fun of. Plus, what's the deal with the "popular" territories? So an unpopular person can't walk through a freaking hallway without being bullied? What if someone's locker was in that general area? Oh, and what was with the Sean John product placement? I get that anybody popular rocked Sean John, but it was overkill. Plus, someone who was considered nerdy is bound to be assaulted and no teachers or authority figures are around to stop it? Not a totally realistic view of high school in the slightest.

Plus, what was up with the ending? I get that Alvin was confessing all the stuff he went through and learned his lesson...or so we are supposed to believe that he did, but I certainly didn't quite understand why he needed to mention what he likes to drink and Michael Jackson's "Bad" album (Great album no doubt, but what was up with the writing with that line?). It also felt too predictable that Paris would forgive Alvin and go out with him in the end. What I wonder is why. She exposed to him to everybody about how he paid her and everything that he did.

Okay, I take it back regarding the lack of redeeming qualities. Steve Harvey DID kind of have some moments here and there but that was only it.

The rest of the movie is evidence that I really was bored and watched this on HBO to make up for not seeing it sooner, but I really wish that it didn't because this movie sucked. I can go on about how this movie sucked. I like Christina Milian. I have all of her CDs, but regarding any movies she has done, I am not sure what I actually liked. Well, maybe Be Cool or those Christmas movies for ABC Family, but I guess I'll stick to those. It's better than watching this. And about Melissa Schuman, well no disrespect for her (she is a good singer), but it's no wonder her acting career never got off the ground after being in this.
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Filly Brown (2012)
I'm glad that I discovered this movie.
15 July 2013
The funny thing on how I discovered this movie was when I saw a trailer for it attached to "Olympus Has Fallen" when I saw that movie back in March of this year. I remember after that, I had to look it up and I was able to that this movie is an indie film. I got lucky that it was released in my neck of the woods when I looked it up to see where it was playing.

I have to say that this a good independent film, but not a great one. There were some flaws in some areas like the ending for one thing, even though I see what they tried to do, but it felt a LITTLE awkward, not a lot. Same with a little romantic subplot that didn't really go anywhere.

Other than that, I liked the music of the movie. Also, the acting was pretty good, especially from Jenni Rivera. It was a real shame what happened to her. She died before this movie was released. I wonder if she even got to see it because I read that this movie was shown at film festivals before getting a wider release.
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This not a movie for everybody.
8 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, I see so much negativity on the boards and on the reviews about this movie but I might as well just state what I myself thought of this movie.

Now I can very well say that how I came to know about this movie was from when I had seen some promotional pictures of the four lead actresses in bikinis. Now I won't deny that I found those images to be enticing, but then I looked up the page and saw who directed it, I had an idea of what kind of movie this was going to be.

Bear this in mind, I kind of knew what I was getting myself into and I can say that I enjoyed this movie and took it for what it is, but that isn't to say that I didn't see any flaws in it at all.

I have to respect Selena Gomez for trying to break out of the Disney image she had before. I can't say for sure if the Disney image is still on her, but she showed that has some decent acting ability. Also, it's a shame that her role is cut out halfway through the movie. I was hoping to see her one last time before the end.

Also, James Franco seemed to have shown that he could act well. I can say that he has come a long way from when I first saw him in this cheesy teen movie called "Whatever It Takes." I know most people know him as Harry Osborn or even his work in "Pineapple Express." He has range as an actor and while in some ways I found his character to be a little annoying, he still pulled off his role well.

Like I said before, the movie wasn't without flaws. I mean I didn't like how Selena Gomez left early. I noticed Rachel Korine left early as well but I also didn't like how her character didn't have much to do. She slept in the dorm mostly, as well as drive the getaway car from the robbery earlier in the movie and then showed her getting shot and finally showing that she wasn't as tough as she thought she was. While it did kind of give her something to do, it wasn't enough. Selena, Vanessa and Ashley had more to do than she did and they also had more lines than Rachel did.

One thing that puzzled me when I saw it was the ending. I seriously have my doubts that a couple of girls who probably never fired a gun before would go through a drug dealer's mansion yard completely unscathed. I found it somewhat comical, but it was kind of stupid.

Another thing that puzzled me was the letter Faith (Selena) was writing to her grandma. I later on thought that maybe she either lied in her letter about her vacation or didn't really tell her about all the debauchery that went on. I think maybe it was to show that she had a wild side but fronted it with the whole good girl thing she had going on.

Now I still have yet to see a few movies that Korine has done. The only other one that I have seen is Gummo and when I watched that movie sometime recently, it reminded me of the style that was done for this movie. I know Gummo was released more than a decade before this, but I saw that it was somewhat similar. I still have to see Julien Donkey-Boy, Mister Lonely and Trash Humpers. I have seen Kids, but that was a movie that he wrote.

Anyway, this is a movie you either like or dislike. I can see why some people would dislike a movie like this. I know it didn't have a big budget. I know that the movie's cinematography looked like it was filmed with older cameras. I know that there was no real story to it, but if someone were to really see what this movie was truly about, they would be able to understand it better.

Maybe I am just a little too open-minded and have a strange thing for indie flicks, but I still enjoyed this movie. However, I wouldn't rate it too high because I felt that it was a little strange and different than what I am usually used to seeing. Maybe I should see more of Korine's movies, as well as more independent movies. I still took it for what it is.

Again, this movie is really not for everyone. Just know what you are getting yourself into if you watch it.
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I can't believe that I actually sat through this.
30 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Oh my goodness, where do I start? I remember hearing about this movie back in 2009 when I saw it on a shelf at Target back then. I remember being curious about it because I kind of enjoyed the first movie but in some ways, I was a little iffy about it. I remember wanting to watch it but I didn't buy it until October of last year but I didn't actually watch it until a few weeks ago, and man, I really wish that I didn't.

I am going to say this: I have SOMEWHAT of a thing for unrelated direct-to-video sequels. I know that a lot of them turn out not to be so good. Some are watchable. Some just happen to have the name slapped on it and it's the same thing but it turns out to be really bad. Few are actually good, and this is not one of those movies. It was really bad.

Now I am not going to deny that the movie has a lot of eye candy. It had some great visuals of Hawaii, great underwater sequences and of course, great looking women. Laura Vandervoort, Mircea Monroe, Marsha Thomason, Audrina Patridge, even some of the other female characters who we didn't get to know were all smoking hot. However, that's as far as I can go when it comes to the positives. Now on to the negatives.

The plot is almost a replica of the first film, yet there were some differences. The other couple in this one were more like a comic relief couple and didn't get them into the trouble that the couple in the first one did. Plus, it felt kind of predictable who the villains were. Right at the beginning, I kind of sensed that the British people were going to be revealed as the villains more than halfway through the movie but I saw it coming from a mile away. Second, what was the point in the little anti-war subtext that came out of left field? I understand that they tried to differ from the first one being the "illegal treasure" that is found at the bottom of the ocean was a nuclear weapon as opposed to drugs, but why bomb Hawaii? Also, another thing that I thought that was badly done was when they killed off Mircea Monroe's character. I get that in a lot of movies, there has to be at least one casualty in the protagonist group, but I really didn't think that her character needed to be iced unless the writers wanted it to resemble the first film. But in the first film, the reason the other girl died was because she got bit by a shark but she was somewhat of an antagonist anyway. This movie, on the other hand, didn't have a reason to kill her off and then later on, have a little funeral for her and then it was like it didn't happen. The actor could have shown that he was more broken up about his girlfriend's death than he actually did.

There are some more negative things that I could point out. One, the henchman who can't swim. I kind of chuckled when I saw that part when he was drowning at sea. Also, the mini subplot with Audrina Patridge's character coming up and talking all fast was really pointless and her boyfriend wasn't even a major character in the movie. Also, Laura's character making a fast recovery from hypothermia. Okay, I can let that one slide because it was a plot device and she had to go back to her boyfriend and friends eventually. But wait, this was a major goof if I ever saw one and I am sure I am not the only one who saw this: after she ran into a cop and her boyfriend's rival, they take the guy's boat to go find her boyfriend and friend. But that's not the bad part, the bad part is that we last saw her wearing a hospital gown but when we saw her meet up with her friends, we see her wearing a different shirt and you see the bikini string coming out of the shirt collar. Okay, for one thing, she wouldn't had enough time to go and change her shirt because she had to meet her friends to help them. Even she did have enough time, the best thing she could do is just get a shirt, not a bikini top along with it. I thought that was a major error when I saw it.

I could really go on about how bad this movie is. The first movie wasn't special either, but I found it entertaining in some areas. This movie, on the hand, had so many errors and it suffered from bad writing and bad directing. Some of the acting was decent, particularly from the villains, but other than that, it was a bad movie. Don't ever waste your time watching this movie.
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Sunstorm (2001)
Beautiful women does not always a good movie make. Even with two talented actors who couldn't save it if they tried.
8 June 2013
Ah, yes, Sunstorm. A movie that I remember seeing on listings on Showtime and recorded them through DVR but deleted it many times to make more room but still recorded it and tried to find time to watch it but then I deleted it again. And then one day, I was at a flea market and came across a section that had movies that were obviously from a Hollywood Video location that had closed not too long before it. I remember coming across a DVD of this at the flea market and bought it along with other movies. Even for a dollar, that was a waste.

I will be honest. I have a strange thing for B-movies. I sometimes believe that there are B-movies out there that despite being low budget and bad in quality, they can still be rather entertaining. Such was not the case with this movie. I remember seeing on the listing that it was like "Charlie's Angels" which I am not opposed to. I enjoy looking at hot women as much as the next guy and there are movies out there that have hot women and action and still provide entertainment. One example is "DOA: Dead or Alive." However, this movie was so bad that I really wonder how Bo Derek and Stacy Keach got roles in this movie. Were they really hurting for money that they found whatever they can find? I don't know if Stacy Keach really needed it around the time this movie was made because this wasn't too far off from "American History X," which he did really well in. The quality of the acting and the action sequences were so bad that I felt like turning it off at some point but knowing myself, I felt like I needed to see how it ended and I regretted that action in hindsight.

All I can say is that no matter how hot the women are, it doesn't always mean that the movie will be entertaining. I still cringe at the "Miami Vice" line in the movie. *SHUDDER* So badly delivered.
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A good send-up of B-movies/Grindhouse style movies. Not for everyone, though.
22 May 2013
I have to say that this is one movie that I can see why one would dislike it, but there are people who do appreciate this movie for what it is: A modern day send up of old Grindhouse style movies, as well as low budget B-movies.

As stated in the review headline, it is not a movie for everyone. This movie is very gory, rather mean-spirited in some (if not a lot) areas and it's all around over the top. I remember thinking that "Crank 2: High Voltage" was one of the most over the top movies that I have ever seen but this one has that movie beat.

Also, I like how Rutger Hauer plays it straight in a movie that isn't so serious to begin with. He did a good job as the title character and he shows that he still has it.

All I can say is that if one wants to watch it, the person should feel free to, but he/she should know what he/she is getting himself/herself into. There are a lot of scenes that are in bad taste, but if you can handle, you'll be fine.
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Redline (2007)
Horrible movie. How did this make it to theaters?
21 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This is one movie that I regret buying and watching because I really don't know what came over me before I first watched it. Many think that I have too much of an open mind when it comes to the movies I watch and I tend to see the positive than the negative. Such was not the case when I watched it as I was able to see everything that was wrong with it.

Let me just say that I had bought this at a closing Blockbuster location and didn't get around to watching it until maybe a couple of months after buying it. Also, after watching it, I promptly sold it to a new/used record store because I felt so dirty watching it.

Let me just mention that I can see that the female lead is one gorgeous woman. She is also not a bad singer (At first, I thought she was lip-syncing but I read that she is an actual singer and it might have been her actual voice) during those scenes, but the song was terrible because I can see that it has to do with cars and all that stuff. However, I still find that the movie's plot and subplots were bad. I was able to sense from a mile away that the girl and the military guy were going to hook up when they made eye contact in that party scene, but I did not buy the romance one bit. Yes, they end up sleeping together and they end up together in the end, but I don't remember seeing anything that made me believe that they were into each other. Yes, there was the rescue scene (Well, it was mostly to take out the guy's corrupt uncle), but even I found that to be stupid. Did he really need to be all spy/ninja to infiltrate? His uncle lived there, he would have treated him like family if that were the case. But no, we had to have some kind of action sequence and make him out to be some hero.

Also, what was the deal with the military guy getting into these fights? Okay, maybe I can buy the part about getting into it with those thugs on the street, but the fight at the party? Because one guy got grabby with the girl? I don't think there was any point to it but just to try to force the romantic subplot down our throats and to show how tough this guy really was. Did this guy get into fights everywhere he went? Let's not forget before the climactic race sequence. Okay, in the beginning, it was said that the girl's father died in a racing accident, but towards the end, somebody mentioned that a fellow racer KILLED her father. Okay, we knew nothing about the racer, second, the part about the girl's father being murdered while racing was just sprung on us like that. It made absolutely no sense.

I can go on and on about how terrible this movie is. It's a wonder how this even made it to theaters because there were no big name stars in it. Okay, maybe some like Angus MacFayden is famous in his own country and Eddie Griffin is still a known comedian (And is funny on stand-up) and Tim Matheson is probably the only other one, but he hasn't been a household name since probably the 1980s. I still remember seeing ads for this on this website, MySpace, and even a poster at a movie theater.

I may be a fan of "The Fast and the Furious" franchise and while I can admit how bad it is, I also liked "Torque." At least "Torque" was somewhat of a satire of racing movies. However, this movie was without a doubt one of the worst that I have ever scene. Many plot holes, some contrived romantic subplot, too many half-naked women (Not complaining, but was there a purpose?), etc.

If you guys want to watch it, feel free to, but never pay a single cent for this. You will regret. However, I would only recommend to use this movie as a means of punishment on someone else. It can really be used as torture.
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Caught Up (1998)
Not a good movie and it was very confusing, too.
18 April 2013
I watched this movie because it was included in a four pack that I bought at Walmart for five dollars. I had been curious about this movie for quite some time and I remember seeing TV spots for it back in early 1998 and wondered what the movie was all about.

I get the premise of a guy getting out of jail and wanting to go straight but couldn't because some things wouldn't let him. However, there were so many twists and turns that I was not sure who really was the main antagonist and when you do, it turns out to be a really minor character and while I get the motive and reasons (Sort of) about the true villain, it just doesn't relate to the main plot.

The only thing that saved this movie was seeing Cynda Williams naked and the soundtrack was also better than the film. This movie sucked and I really wonder how this made it to theaters. As much as I respect Bokeem Woodbine as an actor, I don't really think he is cut out for lead roles and this movie shows.
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Hot Boyz (2000 Video)
One of the worst movies that I have ever seen. I will never give those 90 minutes back.
16 April 2013
Let me just start off by saying that I had the misfortune of watching this movie a while back because this was included in a four DVD pack that I bought at Walmart for five dollars. I will say that even paying $1.25 in a four pack is considered a waste because this movie is so freaking bad that I will never get an hour and a half back because I watched it. I might even use it as a means of torture on someone to punish the person.

Also, I must mention this: I first watched this at the age of 14 on UPN. I enjoyed the movie back then but now that I'm older, I am A LOT wiser and know A LOT better. I can't even begin to say how bad this movie is. The plot made no sense whatsoever. I refuse to believe that a girl would go to jail for being at a murder scene and not being questioned once about who murdered a cop. Second, how did the crooked cop know who she was? The guy didn't even beat her that badly enough to die. Also, how did the cop know it was that girl's funeral he decided to shoot up? Let's not forget the drastic change in plot midway. It goes from being a drama about a guy trying to get his girlfriend out of jail to a story about rising up the ranks in the crime world.

I have watched movies in the past where a lot of the cast consisted of rappers or a portion of the cast were rappers. "Thicker Than Water" with Mack 10 and Fat Joe comes to mind. Granted the movie is low budget and the acting is bad, but it had a decent plot. It was enjoyable for what it is. I have seen bits and pieces of "State Property." The acting was bad, but I haven't seen the whole thing to give my take.

This movie, on the other hand, suffered from bad writing, bad direction, many errors, horrible acting (Especially from Silkk The Shocker). The only thing I liked out of it was the music in the background and even I thought that the music was out of place during the final shootout.

Unless you are masochist, never watch this movie. However, this could be a great form of torture or punishment to use on someone.
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Survive the Night (1993 TV Movie)
Not bad at all for a TV movie. A female version of "Judgment Night."
30 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I had no idea of the existence of this film until a few years ago when I looked at the forum for the movie "Judgment Night" and read that it was similar to that film. Fast forward to late last year, I had bought "Judgment Night" and "Trespass" and had to look up the name of this film yet again and in the process, I found out that this movie is out on DVD. I knew that it would be the only way to watch it, so I bought the movie off of Amazon.

I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised with this movie. I don't watch a lot of made-for-TV movies and I know that this movie is such, but it was a really good one. There are similarities and differences between this and "Judgment Night," and I don't mean the main difference being that this consisted of women and JN consisted of men on the run from criminals. JN had the men take a wrong turn when they were on their way to a boxing event and ended up in the bad part of town and witnessing a murder take place. STN had more to do with the women on their way home from having Thanksgiving dinner at the house of the mother of two women and the grandmother of the youngest woman. The car was running out of gas and were then cornered by the gang and then were on the run from them. Also, there was a scene when the group tried to cross between buildings on a plank, which was in both films, as well as a showdown in a store or abandoned restaurant.

I can't really say which was made first. Both movies were probably made around the same time, though Judgment Night was pushed back a few times but I can't say when it was shot or if Survive The Night was made AFTER Judgment Night. Anyway, regarding Survive The Night, I am glad I was able to find it on DVD because a lot of TV movies have not been released on any medium.

I highly recommend this movie.
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Blood Games (1990)
Hot women, action, what more would a guy want?
11 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Just got done watching this. I read the description and it seemed like it was a "most dangerous game" type storyline in the sense of "Surviving The Game" and "Hard Target". Of course, the difference between this film and those two is that there is no Van Damme, no John Woo style action sequences, nor is there Ice-T, Rutger Hauer and big name actors in a low budget movie. Just beautiful women and a bunch of rednecks. Anyway, the storyline is that this baseball team of scorchingly hot women beating the team of rednecks in their neck of the woods. The main guy on the team and his buddy want a peace of action and try to rape two women on the opposing team but end up being saved by their manager, only to be stabbed. Since the main guy of the team got killed by being rammed by a bus, his father wants his friends to take out the women. Reminded me more of "Surviving The Game" than "Hard Target" since it mostly took place in the woods and that the women were doing everything they can to survive. I watched this on Comcast On Demand, and figured that this would've been the only chance I would have to watch it. I enjoyed it, but I know it was far from the greatest I've ever seen. Of course, the acting was bad and the budget was really low, but still, it was an enjoyable bad movie. Watch it some way you can. You'd be surprised.
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Yes, Dear: Jimmy and Chuck (2003)
Season 4, Episode 9
I never thought that Chuck Norris had a funny side to him.
30 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This happens to be one of my top favorite "Yes, Dear" episodes. Chuck Norris was the guest star and in this episode, he is just HILARIOUS! Everyone knows Chuck is an action star who kicks ass on screen and is a take no crap kind of guy, but in this episode, he showed that he has some comedic talents in him, playing himself or not. In this episode, Jimmy is told that an actor is supposed to shadow him for a role as a security guard. Jimmy then starts hanging out with Chuck and finds out that Chuck is a father. Chuck then starts asking Jimmy for advice on parenting and Jimmy starts to get annoyed by it because he didn't expect Chuck Norris to be like a regular guy. Funny moments were the dream sequences with Jimmy dreaming about being in a movie with Chuck, Billy being in a Total Gym infomercial, and Roy dreaming about co-starring with Chuck on "Walker, Texas Ranger", as well as going to a baby gym, as well as the answering machine messages, and the final scene was a great way to end this funny episode: Jimmy then dumps Chuck because he didn't want to hang out with Chuck the dad, then some punk bumps into him and he didn't want trouble. The punk started with him and then Chuck starts kicking everyone's butt at the bar. Funny episode indeed.
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Not bad, but very unknown.
18 June 2007
I watched this on Showtime back in 2001. Funny how this movie was shown on Showtime, yet I come here, and there's almost no information. This movie is below B-level in terms of budget, and also in some cases, rather one dimensional. The storyline mostly dealt with racism, drugs, and life in the streets. However, there are two main characters to this movie: One was an African-American high school student, the other was a Jewish female news reporter. Though a lot of the characters, including the protagonists were very stereotypical. Also the way it was presented looked more like it was released in the late 1980s. I haven't seen this movie since that particular year. Though I'll admit that it was an okay movie in terms of plot, but the movie wasn't good either. I still remember the scene when the black students were holding their racist teacher hostage, but that scene had bad acting, particularly the actor playing the teacher. I wouldn't mind watching it again, if I find a way, but I wouldn't buy it any means.
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Out-of-Sync (1995)
Not bad for an B-Movie, not to mention hardly anyone knows about it.
4 July 2005
This was a movie I have been curious about for a while before watching it. I had seen previews for it on cable. My guess this was a straight-to-video release, because during 1995, I didn't see any trailers for this movie. In fact, I knew nothing about this movie until I saw trailers for it on cable. Anyway, I'm gonna get straight to the point now. LL Cool J plays this club DJ in this movie, who was a former drug addict, who is forced to work for an undercover cop to get info on a drug pusher. He gets involved with the pusher's girlfriend along the way, because she wants revenge on the pusher because of what he did to her sister. But during the course of the movie, there are some plot twists going along, you never know who was playing who. Some of the most unexpected happens. I thought this movie was good. I can't believe I don't see comments made about this movie. I wouldn't say it's the best low budget movie I've ever seen, but it's rather enjoyable. Watch this movie.
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