
52 Reviews
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Constellation (2024)
a new record in yelling the word "Alice"
6 May 2024
This show sets a new world record for the most times the word Alice is yelled during the course of a story: of the eight hours of duration, there is probably a whole half an hour in which people shout the kid name, for any of the following reasons: Alice has disappeared Alice has reappeared Alice has done something wrong

The beginning is very intriguing, but once the science leaves place for the mistery, the anguish starts and the developement of the story almost freezes like in an event horizon.

Technically is very well done but the same old trick of mixing the time flow of the events gets severely abused here.

Cannot reach 7, sorry. Would have been a lot better if lasted four hours instead of height, but we know where the trend is going nowadays..
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The Inevitable (II) (2012)
Amateurish at a pro level
12 February 2024
This must be one of the worst movie ever appeared on Prime, and believe me I have largely explored the dark side of Prime for years.

Probably the audio track of part of the movie got lost in production, because it is silent and has subtitles for many minutes. This should give you a clue about what we have here: an unfinished mess that for some reason managed to reach distribution stage.

Direction and lights are under average of nowadays amateur level. Some actors are credible when they cry or scream, while the rest is just as terrible as expected.

The pace of "events" is so slow and the editing so random and raw that it is impossible to keep the attention.

At least it is short, so it gets a valuable 1/10 instead of 0/10..
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Diamantino (2018)
in order to like this movie..
5 December 2023 must be at least as stupid as the lead character of this movie.

Ok, it's comedy; ok, it's allegorical; ok, it's satyrical.

But still, it's all based on the dumbness of Diamantino, and everything is so in your face: no surprises, no plot twists, no emotions.

All characters are one-sided_ the good (and dumb), the bad, and the bad-soon-to-be-good,

The movie made me smile at the beginning, during the dreamy soccer scene, but that's all.

I actually did not fully undestand why the "daughter" had to be disguised as a "daughter", making it even less credible. Maybe in order to avoid any sexual harassment by DIamantino?

Anyway, this movie is avoidable. Best part: the last couple of minutes..
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Not much more than the story itself, but in USA
4 December 2023
The story of Hichiko is so touching that writing a bad movie about it would have been nearly impossible.

This adaptation shifts the story in time and space, putting Hachiko in modern USA for some reason. Everything is set up well to tickle the viewer's emotions and it is almost impossible not to cry.

The dog(s) are by far the best actors in the movie.

This adaptation clearly reaches its goals but does not add anything to the story itself, other than some details which work well but are fictional.

I promised myself to never watch this movie because I am too emotional when it comes to animals and dogs in particular, but my girlfriend convinced me to watch it.

All in all, it is enjoyable and of course I have cried. Well done!
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Should have been even longer
25 August 2023
I liked the movie, but i felt like it should have been even longer, since the pace is too fast for a dialogue-driven movie.

What I have found harassing is the everlasting soundtrack overdubbing the dialogues: useless music is almost anytime playing unger the dialogues and, if sometimes it serves as a tension builder, most of the times is distracting or muffles the voices for no reasons.

There are many things which are made-up (Einstein role, primarily) but they not so annoying, after all.

Honestly I think that the movie is currently quite overrated (8.6: I would say 7.5). It is a good movie but I don't see it as a masterpiece: it tells a story so deep and important for humankind that it would have been really difficult to make an uninteresting movie.
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Life Like (2019)
Well produced, 95% already seen, 5% bad
31 July 2023
This movie is certainly well produced. Unfortunately, it is yet another reinterpretation of a concept which has many other better examples (one for all: Ex Machina). The ending comes at no surprise and is unnecessarily over-dramatic. Maybe it could be much more enjoyable if seen as the first movie of this kind, but such a viewer would easily explore further and find quite better narration in other similar and previously produced movies.

This subject has clearly already been explored and has little more to say without a big change in perspective.

The Technical aspects of the movie are almost perfect in their manneristic realizations.
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Only the crew has rated this movie on IMDB
21 July 2023
Current rating: 9.6. Probably this is the most funny part of this movie, and indeed I started watching it because of the clearly fake rating.

The overall result of the making of it is so embarassing that it is not even funny: it will manage to let you laugh a couple of times but certainly not to scare you, if not for the terrible audio taking and mixing which will make you deaf in some minutes.

Prime Video is an unesaurible source of this kind of movies but this is probably the lowest effort ever made by human kind, also taking in count its release date, and I somehow feel proud of being part of the small elite of people who managed to watch it.

On to the next!
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La danza nera (2020)
So bad.. it's quite bad!
12 July 2023
I really don't know where to start with this movie. The strangest thing about it is that there is a huge variety in quality of direction, photograhy, acting, everything that counts in a movie.. some scenes are good, some are paintakingly bad.

The timeline is very confusing and adds little to the quality of the movie. There are some good ideas but are often just thrown into the mess of the others.

I would say that viewing this movie can only Be somehow "enjoyed" if the viewer is italian and is trained to such kind of WTF movies.

That being said, it's really up to yourself to decide if you are brave enough to watch until the end.
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Tries very hard to be smart, but fails miserably
27 March 2023
I wonder if people who are enthusiastic about this mess of a movie have seen The Matrix, Inception, Brazil, Mr. Nobody and other movies I am too bored to mention; these movies have come years before this one and are still a giant leap above this pretentious bunch of thrown-there ideas.

There are some precious moments, and the movie is highly imaginative, but it looks like there was noone in the cast who was entitled to say "ok guys, this is too much".

If this movie were aimed at smart people, it should have told far less than it does; it looks like it hardly tries to tell you how smart and unconventional the writers are, and they Keep the secret message of the movie for the end of the movie, except for there is no real secret, and the meaning behind the story is dull and oh-so-obvious.

It is not a terrible movie, but it is probably the most overhyped and overrated movie to win so much oscars in the movie history.
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The Strays (2023)
Predictable, poorly written, well executed
8 March 2023
If you read this review while viewing the movie and you have the feeling that you already have undestood where the story is going, just stop viewing: you will save your time, as this move goes exactly where it seems to go since the beginning: i was absolutely not surprise by anything the plot had to offer.

Also, this movie - has Netflix has accustomed viewers to see - is a mixture of other movies, and the references are so obvious that it is useless to name them.

Do yourself a favour and spend your time watching some thing more original or writing 45 characters more, in order to reach the 600 minimum require to add your review here.
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Braid (2018)
i believe most people did not get the point about this movie
13 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The last seconds of the movie do reveal what's actually going on in reality, under some layers of imagination by the persone stuck at the sink..

ok, you could still not like it anyway, but this movie has an actual sense and explanation.

Other than this, I've found this movie intriguing and very well thought and made. Yes, there are some parts here and there that are a bit too much, and I also don't like when a violent movie likes to show blood but doesn't dare to show any nude. Nude is no necessary, of course, but moving the camera away from a nude body in a movie where slashing occurs (off camera as well, to be honest), seems a bit nonsensical to me.

All in all, Braid looks like a movie by someone who managed to make a Tarantino movie but also interesting.
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First four episodes are just great
19 April 2022
Forgive me for the comparison, but the first four episodes reminded me of Monty Python Flying Circus. The last two ones are quite weaker, unfortunately.

I reckon that this show is not for everyone and it is easy to miss the point about the whole absurdity of it.
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Paul (2011)
Has its moments, but definitely too mainstream
10 April 2022
This is an 80's movie released with a 40 years delay.

Most of the times, The alien makes you laugh just because he is an alien doing some thing absolutely normal for an human. This is not the kind of humour an intelligent comedy has to have.

The movie is very well done and packed, but it's made to be enjoyable by everyone and this is almost every time leads to average or below average results.
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Cadaver (2020)
9 for the aesthetics, 2 for the rest
25 February 2022
This movie is beautifully shot, a real pleasure for the eyes. However, there is not much other than the start idea, and everything else is so predictable it can really get on your nerves.
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unrealistic and illogic, even for ST standards..
17 February 2022
If you are looking for an action-movie held in space, then you will probably like this movie.

If you like movies in which at least a couple of consecutive frames make some sort of sense, then stay away from this.

I have seen some of the new course of ST movies, but this is way below the already low standard regarding logic, dimension and even imperceptibily small adherence to laws of phisics in general.

I will not stick in details: if you really want to look the movie, you will see aberrations like a motorbyke (yes, a fuel-propelled one) teleported WHILE RUNNING from a spaceship's teleport platform to an enduro-like terrain of an unknown planet, with two people aboard. That's too much for me.
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Big Bug (2022)
Classic french fail.. may be funny to french people, who knows..
15 February 2022
The Classic cliches of over-the-line french comedy is all here in this unsorted sequence of mostly unfunny and overperformed gags which should tell the viewer a message: technology is making us dependent from it, turning us into slaves of our slaves.

Sounds familiar? Yes, this is the message behind a couple of millions of other movies.

That said, great CGI and some funny instants ("moments" would be too generous) let this movie achieve a 5/10.
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Too slow and flat
7 February 2022
Could have lasted two hours. There is really not much to tell about this crime, other than what happened the day of the heist.

There is a bunch of junkies pretending to be smarter than others that accuse each other for four hours, and that's all.
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Very interesting first 40 minutes, then boring and vague
2 January 2022
The beginning of the movie is very well centered, intriguing and keeps the attentino high; it is a very refreshing way of retelling the story of the first movie.

Then, action comes into the movie and gradually but actually quite fastly turns it into a chaos with shots, freezed bullets and computer science jimbo-jumbo to quickly justify what's happening on the screen.

A whole (shorter) movie entirely thought to explore the psichological aspects of the first movie would have been really great to watch.
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Frequencies (2013)
Interesting idea, turned into a complete disaster
9 November 2021
Don't believe higher rates: this movie is simply bad. Much effort has been taken about cinematography, scenes, and even the kid actors are great (way better than their adult counterparts), but the rest of the movie sections take an interesting idea and make a terrible movie out of it.

At some point, a bunch of very intelligent people are looking for a solution to the main problem of the story in front of a blackboard and then each one of them start to say something like "we could do like this" - scribbles some formula outside the screen - then the next one says "naah, better like this.." and writes something different off screen. THIS is the Level of explaining things in the movie, and it goes throughout the whole duration of it.

The beginning is very good, though; it's like the first 20 minutes have been written and directed by some smart people that then left, leaving some 5 yo kids finishing it.

I suggest you to give it a try: it is SO badly made that it is a surreal experience to watch it.
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Coma (I) (2019)
a big concept which probably needed to be trivialized a bit to be a movie
24 October 2021
A big concept which probably needed to be trivialized a bit to be a movie

This is one of that rare movies which left me without being able to express a solid vote: from one side, it tells a classic story of an hero escaping a trapping situation with his woman; on the other side, it shows concepts so deep which really needed an enormous CGI effort to be put on a screen.

So the great, omnipresent, CGI is functional to the story, and it could be even pushed farther without turning this movie into a Vin Diesel one.

What it left me with more to be desired is the clear intent to trivialize the story in order to let it be a commercial movie in the first place and, this is a real intriguing paradox, this need for trivializing things to let the world accept them is one of the main morals behind the movie itself. If you see it like this, you get yet another point of view from which to see this strange, deep yet somewhat cheesy movie.
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Clickbait (2021)
Well produced, unrealistic story
27 August 2021
I like the idea behind the story, i like everything about the production. In a world where every high school student can hack systems and revamp deactivated user profiles, where noone uses passwords, noone locks screens, apps share every single user data, servers preserve pictures metadata, this would also have been a realistic story.
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CHristian Sci-fi garbage - 1 bonus point for the hilarious ITA subtitles
24 August 2021
Prime Video seems to have acquired rights for a bunch of christian sci-fi movies recently, this being probably the most confusing, poor made, full of religious nonsense and with less actual sci-fi of them all (at least I hope so).

The fun part is that, while the others are also boring, this one is so bad is good.

The complete nonsense feeling is even improved in the italian version (which has original audio and italian subtitles): they are so poorly translated that the dialogues make no sense at all in lots of parts.

One of the best: you know that "bike" can both mean "bicycle" and the fuel-propelled thing. Well, at one point, an actor is looking to another one riding a motorbyke and in italian he asks: "are you into bicycles?" "yes, they have two wheels and an engine, what's the problem?"

without hilarious italian subtitles, this would be a 2, but it gains a whole point more with them.
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10 years later, this movie seems to tell about present times
24 August 2021
Certainly we are not talking about a fresh concept, but the way this movie has been done is refreshing. By viewing it while being still in the middle of COVID-19 pandemic, some things seem like being written by someone who can foresee future.

The movie keeps its tension all over its duration, though slowing a bit after middle, but then rising again in the end.

Being italian myself, let me mention the performance by the actors: i hate most of italian actors because they are so dramatic, so overreacting. I have to say that 90% of the movie is acted by people who look, act and speak as regular people, and the dialogues are very realistic. I hope that translations have kept this feature intact.

Sound and music are also very good.

Some scenes suddenly shift the movie from a documentaristic point of view to a cinematic one, and this is of course weird, but all in all, also considering the clearly low budget available, this movie is simply great.
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Would Be a 4 without the (unnecessary) nudes
5 August 2021
The scenes where the beautiful main actress appears nude are by far the best ones in this confusing mess of a movie.

Above all, the funniest parts are the sudden camera dramatic ZOOMS.. my god.. they are there because the director is giving credits to some 70's movies, but in this context they are more than ridicolous.

Other than that, the movie proceeds slowly and fails to remain interesting. Some moments are good, but all in all the movie is boring and below average.
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Entertaining, if you switch Your brain off
5 July 2021
Please remember to switch your brain off before watching at this, as otherwise it could want to escape your skull and run away.

The CGI, acting and action scenes are pretty good (if you can stand genre clichés); photography kills your eyes at times, ahimé the story, although having some interesting moments and concepts, has little sense ad a whole.

Can be entertaining if played with brain in low-power mode.
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