
358 Reviews
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Ripley (2024)
Superb adaptation
6 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Having seen all the screen versions of the Ripley saga I think this was outstanding. Not many films or series work in black and white these days but the camera work and production result in an absolutely authentic work that shows Italy in a very different way.

An excellent series based on the original gripping story which is more atmospheric than the earlier versions imo. Andrew Scott and Dakota Fanning are brilliant and the casting throughout is very good. It's one episode too long I think as it can drag in places but overall I'd highly recommend it and will watch it again at some point.

A nice little nod to the past in having John Malkovich appear in the final episode.
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Renaissances (2022– )
Enjoyable French drama
4 April 2024
A decent enough drama although it is rather over- complicated, particularly in the final episode. As in many series these days there's a lot of time hopping which is confusing and annoying but the cast and plot manage to bring it all together in the last episode.

The fact that there are only 6 episodes helps and there is some attractive location filming in Antwerp and Biarritz. The casting is good but overall it's a rather implausible story and one which makes me feel that the writers couldn't think what bombshell or twist to throw in next.

Overall it's not one of those series where you feel you've wasted your time though and it helps to watch it in one sitting.
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Coma (2024)
Pretty good drama
31 March 2024
I thought this was quite a decent series. Plot kept my interest to the end and cast were excellent - the "baddies" more so than Jason Watkins, whose character was very insipid. Just the right length at 4 episodes and no sag in the final one.

I'm rather surprised by the poor reviews some have given this series. I've seen plenty of series which were stretched to 6 plus episodes when the storyline didn't merit it. Whilst I think Jason Watkins is a good actor he can be rather one dimensional so you know what you're going to get.

Decent script, filming and production so I'd certainly recommend it.
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Criminal Justice: Episode #1.5 (2008)
Season 1, Episode 5
Disappointing ending
30 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this series when I first watched it about 5 years ago and still did on this my second viewing. I also watched the more recent US version ( entitled The Night Of) in which Riz Ahmed, Bill Camp and John Turturro were outstanding.

On balance I'd say that the US version is better as the ending gives a clearer steer of the effect of false imprisonment on Ahmed's character, Nasir Khan. The original UK version drops in an unknown person as the perpetrator right at the end. What's the point of that ?! And we have no idea as to what is likely to happen Ben.

Fine acting though and Peter Moffat's screenplay is pretty faithfully followed in both versions, although there are some embellishments in the US version.

Overall I'd recommend both as outstanding viewing.
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L'immensità (2022)
An unusual and sensitive film
5 March 2024
This is a very different role for Penny Cruz which she carries off with her usual aplomb with an amazing supporting cast playing the part of her children. The story is ostensibly about her eldest child and how she is coping with adolescence but the story is really dwarfed by the problems of the mother.

It's a bit disjointed in places but the cutting in of dance scenes in black and white is as effective as it is unexpected (and some may say, unnecessary). It's a bit arty but I really enjoyed it and the closest parallel I can think of is Vicky Cristina Barcelona.

As others have said, Penny Cruz improves with age and I'm becoming ever more of a fan.
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An utter waste of time
16 February 2024
Just finished this series, of which all 4 episodes can be seen on My5. It gets steadily worse with each episode with a paper thin and entirely predictable plot.

None of the cast brings anything memorable to the production and the best that I can say about it is that there are some interesting classic cars in Elliot's museum and his house and grounds are worth seeing.

The script is lamentable and I'm amazed that they were able to get sufficient funding together to screen this. I struggle to think of a series in recent years as flat and unremarkable. My advice would be to watch something like Happy Valley again if you want quality entertainment.
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So disappointing
8 November 2023
I wasn't going to bother leaving a review on this but but having seen the rating and largely rave reviews felt compelled to offer a contrarian opinion.

I'm a huge fan of Frances McDormand and Richard Jenkins as they were outstanding in the Coen Brothers " Burn After Reading" ( now there's a proper film !) but this series just left me cold. Kitteridge's character is unlikeable and uninteresting and I felt that McDormand's acting did nothing to wow the audience.

It's a depressing story and I'm sorry that I bothered watching it now. With Jesse Plemons in the cast as well I expected something far more Coenesque but it didn't deliver for me I'm afraid.
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Outstanding dramatisation
18 July 2023
A really good production based on the true story of an evil man and his accomplice. I wasn't aware of this case before seeing this but it's a pretty accurate encapsulation of the events.

Outstanding cast and well written script and, as it's filmed in and around Bath and Bristol, very familiar location filming for me. Tim Spall is as brilliant and understated as ever and the two perpetrators, whilst totally opposite in character, are superbly played.

The casting is absolutely perfect and there's little to criticise about the entire show other than that I'd like it to have been a little more detailed in terms of the evidence gathered by the police and the building of the prosecution case.
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Postal (I) (2019)
Absolutely riotous and joyful fun !!
28 June 2023
I haven't written a review since IMDb introduced the mad 600 character requirement having previously written over 300. Anyway this film is worth it.

It's superbly original and outstandingly funny with such a good storyline. Reminds me very much of Jared Hess' work on Napoleon Dynamite and Nacho Libre. Full of unexpected twists and asides there is no point at which you look at the elapsed time. I can't believe it's taken me this long to stumble across it !

Superb cast, script, direction and everything else. One to watch time and again and it's currently joint favourite alongside The Trip and Riders Of Justice in my list of funniest films.
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César Wagner (2020–2023)
Quirky and enjoyable series
17 September 2022
Just finished watching this excellent series and happy to recommend it. I hope they make further episodes.

Each episode is a separate story but there is linkage between them as the characters are developed. It's rather tongue in cheek in the way it is written and there are a lot of amusing asides with the budding romances and spats between characters.

The quality of acting and direction is very good although I'd never seen any of the cast in another production. It's in the vein of the wonderful Sicilian Inspector Montelbano series with the filming locations and incidental scenes as important as the plot development.

The hypochondriac Wagner deserves special mention for the way he adds humour to his role without allowing it to become banal or too repetitive.
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Fantastic but episode 6 is missing !!
15 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Really enjoyed this true story but having got right through to the end of episode 5 I find that 6 is missing. What's going on ? I'm desperate to see the end.

The acting, casting, script and direction are all of a very high order and it's up with the best of the Scandi thrillers imo and stands comparison with The Bridge, The Killing, Borgen. It's best watched in one or two sittings if you have the time as there are a lot of characters and it's easy to confuse them - especially when so many have blonde hair.

I'd never heard of this case before but it's similar in content to The Staircase - the series about Durst killing in the USA which took many years to solve.
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Grace: Not Dead Enough (2022)
Season 2, Episode 1
Enjoyable if far fetched
26 August 2022
I've enjoyed series 1 and this first episode of the second season. John Simm brings a lot to his role and is almost on a par with Lewis and Luther imo.

The story is interesting but terribly contrived in places. But the pace and character development keep it interesting and I'm looking forward to the rest of the season.
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The Workshop (2017)
The usual unfathomable French drama
24 August 2022
It's oh so French and whilst I'm a real Francophile it really doesn't go anywhere and ends very slowly. That said, it's atmospheric and at least reminded me of the huge difference in the French and British psyche when it comes to all forms of art.

Vive la différence.
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Little Fish (2020)
A beautiful film
20 August 2022
I'm a huge fan of Olivia Cooke since her performance in Katie Says Goodbye and Jack O'Connell is the perfect co-star. A thought provoking story about love and how we take so much for granted. I'd put it on a par with Still Alice and Memento.

I'd definitely watch It again.
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Black Hands (2020– )
Intriguing but overlong
16 August 2022
A very unusual true story about a very weird family. Overall it a fascinating watch but it's an episode too long and doesn't cover the police work in nearly enough detail.

Good cast and acting and I think this could have been really outstanding with tighter screenplay and better balance of forensic police work with the psychological aspects of the characters.

Well worth watching though.
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Ted K (2021)
Not much unabombing going on here
14 August 2022
I've previously watched the excellent series Manhunt: Unabomber so felt compelled to see this through. It's factual but very very slow and light on detail about Ted K's targets and focusses far too much on his backwoodsman lifestyle imo.

Nevertheless a fascinating story about the largest manhunt in FBI history even though we get to see very little of it.
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Murder in Provence: Episode #1.1 (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
Easy watching
27 July 2022
The location filming and cast are excellent but that's the best I can say about it. Plot very thin as is the overall storyline of the series. A husband and wife team of investigators - what are the chances ?!

Great fan of Roger Allam but this is well below his capabilities.
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More sensationalist nonsense from Oliver Stone
19 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Whilst we all enjoy the intrigue and speculation this documentary raises more questions than it answers and descends to the level of those that suggest that aliens are already here.

It doesn't really back up its own suggestion that Oswald really was a patsy, was never in the Book Depositary or that there were other shooters who killed JFK from the front. It's all very fascinating but there is no real evidence other than to totally discredit the magic bullet theory - which we all knew was nonsense.

No mention of Oswald's subsequent shooting of a police officer when he went to a cinema and no real evidence to suggest whodunnit.

Fun but piffle imo.
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Agnelli (2017)
A fine piece of work
18 July 2022
An impressive account of the life of one of Italy's most important men and the history of Italy since the war. Beautifully made and with footage from his private life/ lives never shown before.

A must see for any student of automotive history as much as the intricate web of Italian politics, industry and mafia influence.
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Better than it's current 5.7 rating
11 July 2022
Quite an enjoyable film with a strong cast - Evangeline Lily is the best by far. The story is ok but stretches credibility, although that's what you expect of a Sudekis film. It's really a dark comedy in the vein of Fargo and gets a bit OTT towards the end.

Still, a good watch and certainly worth a 7.
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Happy End (2017)
Mildly interesting
8 July 2022
A bit of a non-event really imo. The cast is excellent but the story is totally unsatisfactory and the end is just a mess.

I see no meaningful nuances or anything to make it remotely exciting but I did enjoy the the cinematography and the locations. In some ways this is a typically French film where nothing really happens but we're all supposed to think we've missed something.

No cigar.
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Sundown (I) (2021)
An absolute waste of talent
3 July 2022
I'm a big fan of Tim Roth but I can't understand why he took this film on. Short of money perhaps or something to do whilst Covid put proper films on hold ?

A few positive reviews here by people claiming this has some sort of hidden meaning or "artful" contribution to make. I don't think so and I'd advise you to move on. I kept thinking something is bound to click into place soon but it never did.
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Detective Montalbano: Il metodo Catalanotti (2021)
Season 15, Episode 1
So sorry this is the finale
3 July 2022
I'll miss this atmospheric series enormously. The stories are always terribly weak and quirky but I've got so used to the characters and their individual stories.

The last episode follows the same format but there's a surprising and not totally welcome twist. Well worth watching.

It's like saying goodbye to an old friend.
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Sherwood (II) (2022– )
Superb drama
28 June 2022
A gripping series from beginning to end and even more powerful for being based on actual events. Outstanding cast and direction, superb location filming and a poignant reminder of a terrible time in British history.

A must see in my view.
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Perfect Nanny (2019)
Rather disappointing
22 June 2022
Whilst the acting is good the storyline isn't and really it's all rather pointless right up to the rather twisted ending. It's a story that's been told before and better in films like The Hand That Rocks The Cradle.

I can't recommend it I'm afraid.
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