
6 Reviews
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Should be ashamed
22 July 2021
Rushed. Wasted opportunity to add a last season, should have been slowed down to the first seasons.

Ending was one of the worst I had to watch. Super predictable altogether. Sorry, please step back from creating worlds we love and then just delete them. Disgusting.

I'll just ignore the ending and no, I love Toby but that was the worst writing ever since DCs messed up Universes.
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German here
24 February 2021
We're not known for a lot of good actors, series or at the very least, movies. Netflix Series DARK is one of the first German series in a long time I've seen and can say: job well done. More of that, please!

Tribes of Europe picked my interest. If you're from the US, it would not work if you're not slightly knowledgeable about the history and structure of our beautiful continent. Where you come from, by the way.

If you are European, imagine what could happen in a post apocalyptic scenario where we have a total blackout, permanently. And then fast forward a few decades. 50 or so.

We had tribes before. It took thousands of years to form what we have now and it's still always a bit fragile. This series takes onto what happens if it breaks apart. Imagines how different countries and tribes might survive. Act. Move. Teach. Survive.

Think The 100, just in the opposite direction instead of leaving a planet behind.

First episode and I like it so far. Acting is good. Scenes, including the combat, good. Gritty, too.

Give it a chance and stop rating series after a few minutes.
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The Shannara Chronicles (2016–2017)
Unjustified rantings by Novel Readers
7 January 2016
Let me start with: I have not and most likely will not read the novels. Ant that's just the same with Game of Thrones - and I believe that this is the best course of action.

Now, let's get into the series.

I've watched, t this point, 4 episodes. Let me correct myself: I devoured them. If you're a lover of DnD, Forgotten Realms, RPG settings, High (!) Fantasy then this is a series for you. As long as you do not hate elves - though these are truly different elves from your standard Tolkien ones - you're even more a-go.

The CGi is beautiful, maybe only once or twice a bit less perfect when the Fury appears. The landscapes are marvelling, the acting top- notch with a mix of old experienced ones and younglings. The setup of costumes, armor, weapons, attire in general fully immerse in their utterly stunning surroundings.

The story itself is one of HIGH fantasy, where magic is what it should be - blasting energies, fireballs, forcefields and yet not common (at the moment), therefore leaving commoners both afraid and sceptical if it really exists.

Yes, of course there is a love triangle thing - but hell, if you watch "The Flash" or "Arrow" you've a LOT more of that smoochie kissy teenage angst drama than in any of the 4 episodes, packed with tension and building a real story.

Why 9/10 and not 10/10? Because there is no such thing as a 10. Each series will lack at some point something - this one doesn't so far.

If you're rather into Medieval stuff or hate elves - don't even vote here. Just go and enjoy the other series, that are no less bad. Just different.
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Beautiful movie that captures the spirit of the old Peanuts
18 December 2015
Rarely do I voice my opinion to a movie on the web. But here, I just have to. I've been growing up with The Peanuts and was devastated when Mr. Schulz passed away (Nature, I know, but still).

I'm glad that Bryan Schulz, Craig Schulz & Cornelius Uliano picked up their idols spirit and brought to us this revival.

The movie does pick up a lot of the old series and movies, from Snoopy having his old rival in front of him, Charly failing at all ends and hunting after the Red Haired Girl; heck, even well known dances and comments were added.

Watch it. With your heart open. Listen to the music. And please, STAY until the very end :) You won't regret it.
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Chappie (2015)
Watch Number 5 Lives instead (all of them)
8 March 2015
Everyone has a different taste and as such reviews need to be taken with a huge grain of salt. However, getting some insight into reviews before going to the movies is something I should do even more often as Chappie was in my opinion a big let down.

The Good:

-Outstanding visual effects ...and that's it

The Bad

-Acting: really god awful, boring acting - I blame the script and their really lame/boring conversations. There was no tension at all, everything was flat -Plot: predictable to the very end, including who would die and who wouldn't (no spoilers here)

Overall: I like the general idea of AI getting a life of their own and - for that matter - grasping the question what existence really means. However that last part, as philosophical as it should be, did not get a real impact on the movie. The movie itself seems to struggle strongly on what it really wants to be: drama? Action? Scifi? Only really good ones mix these together in a great movie that builds tension to the climaxing end - Chappie does not.

Instead it flicks back and forth, shows as "Techno Vikings" and their "Mad Max" inspired crews ready to go all medieval on everything to make a buck - while a tiny other crew suddenly has a change of heart and become sorta heroes...after having shot, maimed, killed countless other human beings for money.

Do NOT compare Chappie with District 9 - if at all take the flopped "AI" and add "Number 5 lives" - the latter is actually a lot better and worth watching instead of this piece of rusty crap.
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Project X (2012)
Always wondered how far a party can go when you invite across all possible means?
29 May 2012
Not sure about you 1 star rating folks but I for one had a lot of fun watching this flick. If you've been following the news in the recent years mass invitations to birthday parties via FB or any other means tended to end up roughly like this.

So which high school student who's unpopular did not dream of something like this? Tell you what, barely none. And that's what this movies captures: how a plan of three youngsters went from legendary to dreadful.

Even the end was alright because you know that parents are bound to love their children no matter what crap they do. Besides it's something you will remember all your life.

Granted a burned down house may have been a bit over the top but honestly we're living in such crazy times...better said we never stopped living in crazy times so what the hell.

For anyone who wants to enjoy a movie, has no issues with boob shots (no offense, really but that's usually just an US issue ;) ), wants to feel like you're partying, if you're INTO partying or just having a good time following it. Perhaps not on the movies but at least on DVD.

Roger and out, I'll get me the soundtrack. Was a sweet ride.

P.S. I barely party ;) This was fun :)
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