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9 November 2023
A flawless finale to what will undoubtedly go down as one of the greatest television series of the 21st century.

Every character is sent off beautifully, each one getting a moment to shine in this final episode. The culmination of 10+ years of storytelling reaches its peak in both action and animation and remains unafraid to leave room for resonant, gut punching emotional beats that will linger with the viewer.

Breathtaking, beautiful, brutal and bold in it's vision, Attack on Titan brings its story to a resoundingly satisfying conclusion with this final episode.

Farewell, AOT. Thank you for your devoted hearts.
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Prey (I) (2022)
Hell yeah!
7 August 2022
Now THIS is how you do a Predator sequel. White knuckle action, gory mayhem, and one absolute badass of a protagonist.

Breezes through its 90 minute runtime and earns its place as quite possibly the best Predator movie in the franchise. Loved it!
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Not bad, not great, WAY too long
27 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Everything I like about this movie is undone by it's ridiculously self indulgent length.

Is it better than Whedons cut? Absolutely. Are there some really cool action scenes? You bet. Are the characters more fleshed out? Eh...kinda. Bats, Supes and WW don't have meaningful arcs in any capacity, but Flash and Cyborg are leagues above their alternate cut counterparts.

That said, dear GOD Zack needs to learn to trim the fat on his flicks. There is no reason this needed to be 4 hours. Especially when a natural endpoint occurs almost a half hour before the credits start to roll (Supes ripping open his shirt). Cut out the Knightmare scene (whose only purpose is to set up a sequel that'll never happen) and the Luthor scene (same thing) and the Manhunter scene (again, same thing) and you may have a pretty decent, if unwieldy, superhero flick.

Longer does not equal better, even if the movie has some standout moments (Speed Force, final fight, bank robbery). At least it's better than the Whedon cut.
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Calling it a "Marble Hornets Story" is an outright lie
29 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First off, Alex didn't leave the tapes on the camera he filmed Marble Hornets on. He gave Jay all of the tapes. So no, the ending of this movie does not tie into the series in any tangible way.

Past that, this movie just does not read as Marble Hornets at all. The Operator now fully possesses people and forces them to kill, something he never did in the series? The famous symbol is now a brand to mark his victims? No totheArk, no Hoodie/Masky, no mention of Jay or Tim?

The most concrete tie in to the OG is a split second shot of a missing persons poster for Alex Krailie, and that's it. Nothing else.

This all might be forgivable if the movie was any good but aside from one or two MILD shocks, it's paint by numbers found footage with zero personality. Maybe it's too much to ask that a movie based on a web series has any connection to the series, but if you're going to make a Marble Hornets movie...maybe make an actual Marble Hornets movie? Not some knockoff?

Ugh. MH deserved better.
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American Horror Stories: Feral (2021)
Season 1, Episode 6
30 August 2021
An honest to god good episode. Simple, efficient, spooky.

Ending was a bit of a let down but honestly I'm just happy they finally told a story worth telling.
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American Horror Stories: Game Over (2021)
Season 1, Episode 7
Meta does not equal good.
30 August 2021
This is such an obnoxiously meta episode, which might be fine if it made any damn sense or had anything to say at all.

Instead we get a limp deconstruction of AHS as a whole, aggressively unlikeable characters making poor decisions, YET ANOTHER murder house story and an ending that should be seismic in its implications but only elicits a shrug.

Thank god Double Feature has been so good thus far, or this might've been the episode to finally make me walk away from AHS for good. Here's hoping S2 actually tries to make something worth watching cause hot damn this show has been an absolute mess so far.
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"Scream" for a new generation
6 July 2021
Gory fun through and through. The cast is solid, the characters are likeable, the story is a little predictable but cmon, it's a slasher, are you really expecting them to reinvent the wheel?

Very promising start to the trilogy. Even if the next two fall flat this flick can stand on its own as a celebration of 90s slashers and a throwback to a time when horror was allowed to just be a goofy, brutally good time.

Slashers are back baby!
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As someone who grew up on Dick Van Dyke...
23 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was absolutely delightful. The meticulous attention to detail in the set design, costumes and performances are staggering. The way Olsen and Bettany tune their performances to evoke Mary Tyler Moore and Dick Van Dyke is genius. This literally feels like an episode of Dick Van Dyke starring Wanda and Vision and wow does it work wonders.

And then there's the elephant in the room: what the f&@k is even going on?

Call me a weirdo but I am LOVING the pacing marvel is employing for this show. The dinner scene is such a jarring and unsettling tonal shift that you immediately get goosebumps. And the fact that the show runners are parceling out this mystery week by week instead of the instant gratification of a big reveal is keeping me completely hooked.

All in all, in tone, style, execution, writing, production design, editing and pacing, this show is leaps and bounds ahead of anything Marvel has produced so far. It's funny, exciting, nerve shredding and so perfectly, wonderfully weird.

If this is the future of Marvel then sign me the hell up.
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I love this dumb show so much.
30 November 2020
This show is just all kinds of awesome. It's funny, quotable, gory and maintains the nihilism that made the OG such a darkly comic classic.

Cortana and Holtz carry the Gecko name with a hefty dose of gravitas but the real star of the show is the tonal balance it maintains throughout. The fact that it works as a crime show in addition to all the supernatural shenanigans is just a testament to the quality of the concept.

If you can get past the first 4 episodes (which are easily the worst of the show) then you're in for a hell of a ride.

Ramblers, let's get rambling!
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Should've gone for the R rating...but fun nonetheless
27 November 2020
Fun flick! Certainly could've benefitted from a dose of grindhouse gore, but as it is it's an entertaining way to kill an hour and a half. Nothing groundbreaking, and it certainly lacks nuance, but the cast is aces, the characters are fun, and the message is timely and important.

3.3 is way too harsh. Lighten up.
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
Passes the time, but massively overhyped.
25 October 2020
The Mandalorian is a perfectly acceptable Star Wars spin-off, nothing more, nothing less. The characters aren't particularly interesting, the action is fun but forgettable, and the overarching plot is engaging but unremarkable.

I think people were so turned off by the Disney sequels that safe, boilerplate Star Wars stories like this seemed groundbreaking by comparison. And while the technical achievements this show utilized in terms of VFX and photo-mapping are game changers, theyre in service of a story that's incredibly dull after just three episodes.

I wish Mando's story lived up to the massive hype and effort that went into producing it, but so far it's nothing we haven't seen before. Baby Yoda is cute, but that doesn't mean the show is anything more than a standard (albeit expensive-looking) space adventure. Like The Mandalorians armor, it's flashy and cool to look at, but hollow underneath.
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Lovecraft Country: Jig-a-Bobo (2020)
Season 1, Episode 8
THIS is what we've been waiting for!
5 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Let's be honest, Lovecraft Country has been a tad bit uneven up until this point. The episodes with strong social themes skimp on the magic and scares, conversely the spectacle-heavy episodes have been lacking in the department of social commentary.

But THIS EPISODE had it all. Magic, monsters, a strong emotional center, biting social commentary, genuine scares and a bloodbath of an ending that twists what fans of the novel might've expected and sends the series barreling towards what will no doubt be a rip roaring conclusion.

The character work was strong, the action was gloriously gory, the narrative twists are juicy and my GOD I haven't been so elated over a last minute life-saving intervention since T'Challa stepped out of the portal in Endgame. This is Lovecraft Country operating at its full potential and I couldn't be happier with the results.
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Campy fun!
18 September 2020
I was not expecting to like this movie AT ALL but I have to say they really hit the mark with this one. The gore, cartoonish style and self-awareness of the first are back and turned up to 11.

While there are a few lapses in logic (i.e. how old is Cole supposed to be? He says he's a junior but was 12 in the first film and it's been two years since that?) the infectious energy of this flick reels you in and the violence and plot become so outrageously cartoonish that you can't help but turn the brain off and lean into the fun. This flick is like a live action road runner cartoon at points and that is not a knock against the movie whatsoever.

The returning cast is as good as they were the first go-round, and McG's flair for over-the-top style for styles sake keeps the film chugging along at a steady pace.

At the end of the day, if you liked the first, you'll probably dig this follow up. Bonus points for a killer soundtrack!
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Cats (2019)
A nightmarish descent into the void.
16 September 2020
My roommates and I saw this in an otherwise empty theatre on January 1st 2020. I have thus become convinced that In doing so we broke the matrix and accidentally unleashed a monstrous curse upon the year 2020.

I often ask myself, was it worth it? A deadly virus, the most divisive political race in history, wildfires, hurricanes, unending isolation and millions out of work. All because my roommates and I just HAD to see this trash heap of a movie. Could it have been avoided if we had just gone to see Jumanji 2? I guess we'll never know.

What I DO know is that there is nothing remotely redeeming in this movie. The music (excluding Memory) is a grating mix of discordant leitmotifs and demonic-sounding chants. The visuals are a massively uncomfortable crawl through the Uncanny valley. Talented actors (Judi Dench, Ian MacKellan, Idris Elba) are forced to meow, mewl and hiss their way through the poorest excuse for a plot I've ever witnessed. The set design bears no semblance of a consistent scale (one seconds the cats are small enough to tap dance on a train track, while earlier they're as tall as gravestones). And the CGI becomes so distractingly horrific that I was convinced someone spiked my large coke with multiple tabs of acid.

Avoid this movie at all costs. It's too late for me, but I'd just one person reads this review and heeds my warning, it'll all be worth it. I stared into the void that cold day in January, and the void stared back. But you can still be spared.

Make the right choice. Watch Jumanji 2 instead.
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Lovecraft Country: Strange Case (2020)
Season 1, Episode 5
Best episode yet.
15 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Both in terms of social commentary and Lovecraftian body horror, this is easily the strongest episode of LC to date. Much like Hillary, the gooey gory genre trappings are a second skin, hiding a much more complex and nuanced tale of racial inequality under the surface.

Week by week, Lovecraft Country continues to raise the bar on itself. Can't wait to see where this wild story and it's amazing cast of characters go next!
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It's fine.
1 September 2020
Doesn't scale the heights of the previous two, but Beyond Re-Animator is still a fun continuation of the franchise. Jeffrey Combs is impeccable as always, and the gore is gruesome and frequent. But the film lacks some of the more outlandish elements of the previous two, playing it a little too safe to wholly enjoy.

Still, seeing Combs don the iconic lab coat once more is reason enough to watch the further adventures of mad scientist Herbert West. It's just a pity the story is so lackluster.
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Welcome to your new obsession!
17 August 2020
Hot on the heels of last years stellar WATCHMEN sequel comes another genre-bending story that pairs timely themes with pulp trappings. While this story centers very heavily on race and racism (which makes for incredibly uncomfortable but very essential viewing, especially at this particular moment in history) the genre elements on display in Lovecraft Country are weird and wild in all the ways that will have fantasy/sci-fi/horror geeks like myself buzzing with excitement.

Come for the gore, the monsters and the magic, but stay for the fully defined characters, the topical and well-explored themes, and a powerful story of family at the core of this wild, wonderful series.

HP is spinning in his grave because of this series, and I mean that as the highest of praise. Welcome to your new Sunday night obsession.
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The Umbrella Academy (2019–2024)
Season One is Good, Season 2 is bloody fantastic!
3 August 2020
While Season One of The Umbrella Academy had a tonal imbalance and took a little too long to get to the good stuff, it was still watchable and populated with fun, relatable characters. Season 2 manages to not only keep the best parts of its inaugural run, but fixes all of its missteps along the way.

Characters are further defined and have well-motivated arcs, the universe expands nicely, the tone is consistent while maintaining a powerful emotional through-line, and the weirdness factor is turned up to 11.

All in all if you can get through a rocky but entertaining freshman season, you'll be blown away and throughly satisfied with the wilder and wackier follow up.
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As someone who LOVED the book...oof.
15 June 2020
Netflix really botched this one. TLDOAC comic is a fantastic story, well-paced, action packed and filled with vividly realized characters.

The film tosses all that out the window in favor of bombastic shootouts where characters barely even get grazed, pointless subplots that pad the move to an unbearable length, and characters so one-note they'd be better suited in a Michael Bay blockbuster.

As a huge fan of the book, this felt like a slap in the face. What a waste of fantastic source material. Just read the comic instead. It's so much better than this joyless slog.
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Scream: The TV Series: Endgame (2019)
Season 3, Episode 6
Oh, screw you!
20 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Really? They really went with the old "I like horror so I must be a psychopath" trope?

Honestly it's kind of insulting. Whatever happened to the ol' "Don't blame the movies!" mantra? Doesn't It seem antithetical for a HORROR show to blame HORROR movies for its psychopath main villain?

Way to botch an otherwise fine season. Can we go back to Lakewood now?
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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Victory and Death (2020)
Season 7, Episode 12
4 May 2020

Dave Filoni and company end their saga with grace and heart. It's gonna mess you up, but it's worth it.

A beautiful end to a wonderful Star Wars story.
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Speed Racer (2008)
Vastly underrated.
4 May 2020
It's no masterpiece but cmon, this flick is fun. Loosen up and enjoy the ride.
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Let's stop taking this so seriously.
20 December 2019
Look, every Star Wars movie has problems. This one isn't an exception. The first act drags, some of the twists and retcons seem forced (get it?). Some of the dialogue is expository nonsense.

And yet...

It's hard to not be swept up in the fantasy. Star Wars (for how seriously some people take it) has always been about one thing: fun. It's a ridiculous space wizard saga with creatures, robots, superpowers, space battles and sword fights.

This movie is FUN. It brings back the best of the OT and blends it with the best of the sequels. It leans into the crazier corners of this sci fi universe and delivers payoff after glorious payoff. The characters have great interplay and the emotional beats hit hard, even when they're a tad nonsensical.

Star Wars has always aped the goofy Saturday morning serials of old and Rise of Skywalker acts as a love letter to them and the saga They inspired. It may not be the best Star Wars film, but it's certainly the MOST Star Wars-y flick ever made.

Just lean in and enjoy the ride.
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Joker (I) (2019)
It's just...not that good.
3 December 2019
Cinematography, costume design and one powerhouse performance do not a good movie make. In truth, Joker is poorly paced with a lackluster story that Frankenstiens together elements from The King of Comedy and Taxi Driver. It borrows so liberally I'm amazed it didn't get hit with a plagiarism lawsuit.

Additionally, the movie has the subtlety of a sledgehammer. It's sociological commentary is ham-fisted and bland, and it lacks any truly jaw-dropping moments. Outside of the Talk Show scene and a single shot near the end, it's all very forgettable.

And the song for the stair dance sequence was so colossally stupid it completely pulled me out of the film.

That being said, Joaquin was great and the aforementioned cinematography and costume design were very solid. All in all, the movie coasts on Phoenix's mesmerizing portrayal, but never goes far enough to really get under your skin. Biggest letdown of the year.
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Knives Out (2019)
So much fun!
3 December 2019
This flick is the epitome of "a good time at the movies." It's slick, surprising, gorgeously shot and features the best Daniel Craig performance in years. Script is tight and the cast is obviously having a ball.

Just go see it. You will NOT regret it!
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