3 Reviews
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Blue Jay (I) (2016)
Life is not just black and white.
12 October 2016
Beautifully written, directed, filmed, recorded and edited - this film brings forward a magical chemistry seldom seen on the 'big screen'.

One can hardly but integrate with the wonderfully true performances of Sarah Paulson and multi-talented Mark Duplass through the firm-yet-relaxed direction of Alexandre Lehmann's unique cinematography, cemented ever so subtly by Christopher Donlon.

Clu Gulager reminds us that true talent, like love, is ageless.

Getting to take part in and leave a legacy like Blue Jay would be a dream come true for almost any actor, filmmaker or expressive artist.

But anyone can take a trip into their own Universe of emotions with this masterpiece.
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The Peenix and the three stooges?
5 June 2015
Just when you think the plot can not become more predictable, it thins.

Making a film is always an experiment.

But it reminded me of the Peenix (very distantly related to the Phoenix, on some quantum-mechanical level) that is born in the night and dies before the sun rises.

But my hat off, to someone brave enough to go through the experiment.

Many people are more than willing to talk politics, but not many are prepared to do anything about it.

Talk is cheap, so is this review.

It is always easy to criticize athletes from a comfortable chair, with snacks in one hand and alcoholic beverages in the other!
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Where (Icelandic) nature and the human condition become one.
3 September 2013
Of Horses and Men, in Icelandic; Hross í Oss.

A film by actor, author and director Benedikt Erlingsson and produced by Fridrik Thor Fridriksson.

I encourage everyone to see it and form their own opinions.

Tom Robbins said: "The function of the artist is to provide what life does not".

Apparently Tom has never been to Iceland. I truly enjoyed this magnificent journey, diving into the deep end of the pool with a talented group of artists/professionals — and horses! — taking chances (in my opinion with great success) that I have never seen before in Icelandic films (if anywhere else) coming out with loads of beautiful - and some unforgettable moments...

One of the better films I have seen in a good while; amongst several other factors, the cinematography blew my mind. But then again, this is Iceland, Icelandic landscape, Icelandic horses, etc. etc.

Will be thoroughly surprised if this film does not do extremely well.
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