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Cunk on Earth (2022)
Let's pump up the jam on History and get to the details.
7 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Cunk on Earth, as we are told, but I am not sure for one.

I never thought this would be a documentary that I would have voluntarily been forced to view when most people are willingly tricked into watching due to genius marketing. This documentary goes to great lengths as well as convoluted questions to garner the interviewer's truth as she sees or thinks it should be as she am, or is that is. This show has several different aspects of ass and bum holes that one would never ever consider thinking about much less asking the experts about said topic. I take offense to her coverage of religion due to my inappropriately laughing at a religion I hold dear. I shall have to go to confession and pray my bum off for forgiveness. I do have to give the British experts credit for trying to answer questions that are directly related to the Wild Wild West when they are experts in iron sticks, chainmail, and Taxes. Taking this shortcoming of the British experts on American history, I think they did very well considering the unique questioning of Ms. Cunk. Ms. Cunk makes a number, well more than a number of, unique questions that make you think. Maybe, not quite think, but we may have some odd thought on the question and what she meant. One of the most uninsightful of these is her questions about light.

For more, these shows can be viewed as long as you take some cautious mental precautions.
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Atlas (2024)
Pretty good movie except for
3 June 2024
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How easy it was to damage all the mechs but hers. The mechs were all easily damaged while hers took a beating and kept on ticking. We are supposed to accept that by her raising her mech arms she could protect herself while the other mechs could not. In the first few battle scenes we witness the mechs all being easily destroyed with only a few making it to the drop zone. Then at the drop zone they we see remnants of the mechs. All being shot up and destroyed. The drivers, rangers, all killed inside. The drop zone gives no evidence of them putting up much of a fight but when she arrives she takes on several mechs and aviods taking much damage.

Whoever thought of the battle scenes did not think it through. So, why did I give this movie an 8? Because of Jennifer Lopez. This is the third movie I have seen her in. Angel Eyes and Anaconda being the first two. She was outstanding in Angel Eyes and great in Anaconda. I think I have to see both again. Anyway, the script called out for an interaction between her and. Smith that is supposed to get you to understand the connection between them. It is drawn out more than it needed to be, but clears up later on. It is a minor flaw compared to the battle scenes. It also works out in the end, sorta. I will leave the ending alone. It may or may not work for you. It was acceptable to me. It also leaves it open for a sequel. As much as this had a bumpy ride from the beginning, I do hope they have a sequel. The sequel could be much better if they address the concerns in this movie. But Hollywood is not known for its smart decitions. OBTW, it could be considered a remake of a lesser known movie even if it is similar to other AI movies too. Still, it is different enough to make it worthwhille.
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The Twilight Zone: A Kind of a Stopwatch (1963)
Season 5, Episode 4
Hadn't seen this since I was a kid.
27 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Recently, I saw a snippet of this episode and wondered why it was not in any of the marathons I'd seen over the years. I know why now. The concept is wonderful but flawed. Mr. McNulty is a flawed character, as are many of the TZ Characters, but he is a bit more dim-witted. He falls out of line with much of the tone of the series.

First, he is gifted a watch with no build-up. It is more like it falls in the guy's plate. He then tries to convince people to notice that time stops when they are affected by the watch. He resorts to small, odd stunts to show people he has an ability that really does not make much of a difference in anyone's life. Is this to show how sub par he is? It doesn't work.

When we get to the bank scene, he knows he is stealing the money and takes no steps to conceal his fingerprints. As he is doing this, he breaks the watch and tries to restart time while he has all the money in front of him. Luckily, he can't.

After several attempts to get the watch going the episode ends with him stuck in a stopped time. It is glaringly obvious that everyone else is stopped, and time does not go forward from that point. How are we watching this episode?

The ending probably would not have mattered had it not been for all the other obvious gaps. I like watching TZ but I know I will not mind missing this one ever again.
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The Judge (2014)
Absolutely Fantastic
14 May 2024
This is not usually my kind of movie. I heard about this movie and gave it a try because it had three good actors in it as the main characters. Robert Downey Jr, Robert Duvall. And Vincent D' Onofrio. I found a great cast overall, over and above them. The family interaction, interaction of each family member, the father's standing in town, and any other interactions you want to mention, all, are well written.

Is it perfect, no. I am not going to mention the part that is faulty because not everyone knows that technicality in real life. Besides, it can be overlooked in the context of this film. What makes this movie great is that you fall into the family, faults and all, and hope they will make it. I enjoyed this movie a great deal and I think you will too.
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Unfrosted (2024)
It should be retitled how many people can we insult!
13 May 2024
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This might be funny to the kids who do not know the times that this is based on. Knowing the era vs the supposed humor about the era was too much of a clash to be funny.

I tried keeping a positive outlook for the movie, but for me, it went downhill when they insulted NASA. I could forgive the over done make up to make the really old actors look young. At least, they had a good makeup artist. The good points just could not make up for the downers. What really scared me was the comment about a little surprise in the box. I could not, did not, refused to go there. The adult jokes mixed in a kid's movie did not sit well with me. They were not done well. I am ashamed to admit, though, that I did laugh when the puppeteer was dragged out and shot. But that, too, lost its luster when you find out who got shot. I remember the days when children's movies were fun for the whole family, not torture for the adults. At least, the makeup artist did their job well.
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Everything bad is always just around that bend.
12 May 2024
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The movie starts off great. It modernizes the story and gives a somewhat plausible storyline as to how and why they are going to go to the island. I was very impressed how they could take an old story and convert it to modern times. It was well done.... Until... they made it to the island. They decided to fly through and not over the fierce storm clouds. That was the first sign something was wrong. Now, whether or not helicopters could fly over the storm is a different concern, but it would at least be understandable. When they make it to the island and start dropping siezmic reading divices that are too similar to bombs, thats when the movie takes a dive. Kong appears and destroys a helicopter with the entire fleet seeing it. I can understand him getting the second one, but the rest, absolutely not. They are supposed to be after the Vietnam era and the pilots would have flown off to a safe distance as they attacked. They would not fly right up to kong to fire their weapons which gives him the chance to wipe out the entire force. Miraculously, people survive a helicopter falling out of the sky at that altitude only to be scooped up or stomped upon.

So, within 30 minutes a well written and wonderful concept declines to an absurd piece of work.

Ah, so why did I rate it so high? After this point it flip flops back and forth. I do not know why they did not go with Godzilla and instead went with an absurd large monster to go against Kong. But that fits with the flip flop it goes through during the rest of the movie. If you can over look the bad the movie is pretty good. It stays close enough to the King Kong story with new material to keep you engaged. I hope the writer(s) learned from this movie. The great parts are wonderful, so there is potential there. The ending too, is just as good as the start. It ends on a great note.

Well, we shall see. I am not surprised at the low rating the movie has at this time. If you cannot get over those bad parts, it could ruin the experience for you. For me, the good parts won.
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This is what Hollywood thinks of you or GOG3 1/2
29 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
OH whoa is me. Hollywood truly has contempt for its fans and yet for Guardians of the Galaxy it is not bad. They could have kept in character without showing their contempt for us. That is why I am not giving it a 10. I don't know who thought the opening song was good and how Chris Pratt's saying no during the song made up for the insult. As for a Christmas Special, it deserves a 1.

But for GOG, it fits in more than not for the characters misplaced on Earth. For that it does deserve a 10. So, what do I do? I am in a generous mood tonight so I will give it a 7. And that is truly generous since they have decided not to come out with a GOG 4. What are the creators thinking? They have a gold mine here and they just throw it away. I am tired of Hollywood's fickle dedication to the storyline and the fans. Enjoy the last GOG.
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You have to give this movie time to build.
14 April 2024
I will say I did not like how they kept repeatins some of the scenes over and over again. The first few times I came up with some jokes at their expense because of it. It has been so many years since the movie that I was listening to someone and I did not know who they were. Some do not look like they did in the first Mad Max movie. Some, they make it obvious in the clips as to who they are, some not. When you get to know who they are and who they played in the move, you start to understand the importance of what they are talking about.

Also, as it goes on they start to pick out tidbits that you just have to go see the movie again. They build until the stills at the end. I wish they had made this movie years ago. These guys were genius. You knew this movie was pushing the limits back then, but the entire movie is like that. I think over the years I took it for granted. Heck, we had the French Connection and movies like that but not to this extreme. Maybe, Bullet.

But the best part. A part that I did not care for in the movie. It just came across as too weird, is the best part of this show. I did not care for Vince Gil in the movie. You can tell how great an actor is when you hate them in a move, and they are fantastic in person or visa versa. So, you get to "know" Vince in this movie and he ends it with his line in the Mad Max Movie. It sent chills down my spine and he wasn't even dressed in character. The turn of his personality from nice guy to horror, show you he has it better now then he did when he was younger. Wow.
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Pacific Rim (2013)
Just another Godzilla movie. To the Max!
18 March 2024
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When I saw the preview that is what I thought. I hadn't seen a Godzilla movie in a while so I thought I'd give it a chance. It even had a main Asian character and people screaming and running down the street Yes, a Godzilla movie. And to think, for all those years, we thought it was nuclear radiation that created Godzilla. Now, in this movie, we found out it was not from radiation.

So where did they come from? I guess, you'll have to see for yourself.

Can you tell I enjoyed the movie? I am surprised the rating has been so low. It is a good story, with good characters, and good actors, so how could it fail?
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There is so much wrong with this and yet so much that is right..
17 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So, how can we tell what is the truth? What is factual? What is real in this series? First, I knew of Computer Age. If you had any interest in computers, you had to read it. So there is some truth in this but some things I have a problem with. Remember when they said computers were new back then, they meant it was new. Only big corporations and government facilities had access to the mainframes. Back then it was a few monitors time sharing on a mainframe. When the guy said he was stuck in the last century, he was in the last century, literally. He makes it seem he should have had a computer on his desk. NO ONE had a computer on their desk. They had monitors that were tied to a mainframe that usually was at a different location. For modern day audiences that part right there is misleading. Few people would have a monitor at their desks. There are several sensational type comments made like this throughout the series that imply one thing based on today's standards that were not available back then. The example he gave of walking down the hall, office, whatever you would find out more information. You were not competent if you did not ask other people for their advice or knowledge on a topic. That was expected.

I love the phrases powerful, modern, etc. For back then it was, but they are ancient compared to today. You have to understand that powerful back then still missed a lot of information because you didn't have people tied into any kind of tracked information as they are today.

If you are savvy you can pick out several things that might be correct back in the 80's but can be taken wrong today. The viewer has to be aware of the technical differences between then and now. Now we have no privacy. Our computers, game consoles, TVs, cell phones, etc. Are all reporting on us and we are being monitored 24/7. Everything is known, while back then they knew very little about you.

So, modern day society will think they knew more than they knew back then. Considering they knew who is involved here they did have other options to find information on the person involved.

If you are aware of the differences between new and improved, modern, powerful software, etc., this is a very interesting presentation. When we have people dying and disappearing that are working or near so-called politicians, you have to wonder how much of this is valid. How much of this is all related?

There are many deaths that have not been answered to the publics satisfaction. Gen. George Patton, Kennedy, Jimmy Hoffa, Dorothy Kilgallen, and many more since then. What is going on? Many are related, but which ones?
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Star Trek: Picard: The Last Generation (2023)
Season 3, Episode 10
Im being very generous in giving this a 9
15 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The story is a great story with a very dark theme. It is a mix of the new flavor of Trek and the old. It is very true to the characters with minor deviations but acceptable. It is a very good story and the dark theme does work for STP with the previous build ups. The problem with this episode, it flies right in the face of the Borg episodes in season 2. The Borg have been changed into a more understanding species, if you can call borg a species. The borg in season 2 even asks for membership in Starfleet. This episode completely ignores what they set up earlier. The new people in star trek managers and writers have no problem returning to old plots and giving a contrary story. It is at least acceptable when they travel into a different timeline, but they do it too often.

Here they try to explain that this borg cube was left alone, separated, etc. It just did not compute. But, it did make for a very good story and did fall in line the Gene's Star Trek for the most part. Kudos for whatever management or writers that had he foresight not to mimic Discovery. Great Job All!
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Star Trek: Picard: Seventeen Seconds (2023)
Season 3, Episode 3
Oh how I hate the argument between Beverly and Jean luc
12 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The first time I saw this I thought this part was the worst part of the show. I definitely do not like it. Their history should have prepared both of them for that moment. But, reality is women think exactly like Beverly. Men act like Jean Luc. Beverly chose not to work with him and made the decision for him and the ensuing argument is on. It is such a typical argument that you want to believe your favorite characters would be above. But would they? I would like to think so but we are left with this.

It also boarders on betrayal of ST's premise that we have outgrown our worst frailties. But did we, have we? There are many episodes where they fell victim to base desires and personality faults. But ST is always learning and hoping humans will be better. So, why are the plots are having people fight worse battles?

Ah, well, I am not going to think more about it. On second thought, this scene is a very dramatic scene and as much as it is unlikable, it also fits human interaction.

But, then later, the interaction between Will and Jean Luc... Remove yourself from the bridge, you just killed us all. This is where it irks me. Too many little scenes like this that go up against who they are. Who we know them to be. This is not some new crew or even a rusty crew. They are Star Fleet. They have better training than spaceship Captains, like Merrick.

So, if you have only read up to this point you see the imperfections of humans, of the writers, of the characters. Then if you continue on, you see how they thread this all together into the Star Trek we know. You see how they over come their weaknesses and not only draw on their strengths, they build strengths out of their weaknesses. They are a team, they are star trek, they are who they are. They are our heroes and they will not fail. This is more Trek than Trek. I am proud to be a Trekkie!!! Yes, Trekkie! I was not threatened or insulted by it.
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Hey, Hey, It's the Monkees (1997 TV Movie)
Ok, my rating is biased, I am sure
8 March 2024
I can't believe I missed this movie. How? Why? Where was I? Only the greatest things can withstand the time and this surely did. They created a movie in the late 90's using 60's humor and it works even now in the 2020's. Damn, thats great stuff. I know they had their differences at times, but they put everything aside to give the fans one last romp in, in, Monkee heaven. Their series ended too soon and we are blessed with this wonderful, whacky, funny, corny, did I say funny, great show.

I wonder how many new fans they created in this show with the kids back then that never got to enjoy their antics for more than one show and reruns.

The Monkees are GREAT! Forever!
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Casino Royale (1967)
I have to laugh at all the bad reviews and their excuse for their ratings.
25 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was a hit back then. It was on all the talk shows and had several interviews of the stars back then. It was also the talk around town. It was regarded as a James Bond Movie and still is despite the later generations not getting it. It is more as sign of the decline of the audience than the movie.

This movie only gets better in different ways. I love the comments of the younger generation not getting this movie at all and bashing it. They have no sense of reality except their own and the views warped with modern values. So to disclose the plot to those who understand the modern The first 10 minutes explain very clearly why this movie fits in with ALL the other James Bond movies. Then after clearing that difference between CR and them, it goes on with the story. It appears to change tracks by introducing the bad guys... uh, women, led by Smersh. In this next section it also shows the difference between the womanizing modern James Bonds with the original's more old fashioned valued James Bond, David Niven. The contrast with the very risque movie and a very conservative JB adds to the flavor of the movie.

This section puts the old fashioned JB against the new modern bad.. women, where they try to break his character, and fails. Instead he impresses the leader of the gals. Once they fail at thier attempt they take more extreme measures.

All the scenes either poke fun at or nod at other popular movies, most notably at the beginning, Born Free, with the lions. But you can find one or more of these in most every scene. Many of these statements are coming from the love, tolerance, and so called accepting generation of the time, the Hippies. The origin of the modern lack of understanding, no tolerance, and censoring generation of today. That is the best irony of this movie. It is rejected by the product of that generation.

So, after JB makes it to the office the movie continues on with the set up of the what goes on next which leads into Peter Sellers.

Yet, all the bashers here can't see the plot.

How can the modern anthem movies and multi plot movies be understood and this master piece goes right over so many peoples heads.

One last note, they introduce so many stars and guest stars in a very unique fashion allowing each to have their moment in the movie. Wonderful blending of scenes introducing different facets of the plot. Hopefully, if one takes the time to read this, one may start to understand the excellence of this movie.
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American Made (2017)
What a disappointment.
31 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I was really excited to be watching this movie at the beginning. It appeared to be a great movie of how a small guy got drafted by the CIA and made it big. It is not that type of movie.

I missed the part that this is based on a true life story. I will be reading up on this to see how true this is. I am left in the end feeling that our country ()&*&'s. No country, government, or person is perfect. But this movie buries the CIA and our government. It moves you to almost if not hate the country and our government. It does not use this story in a constructive way to change our government for the better. That is propaganda.

If it were going to make a positive statement, it would show any positive or possible positive outcomes. It would show who tried to do a good thing. It only dwelled on the bad. Considering it only bashes our country I have to give it a one star.
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F.R.E.D.I. (2018)
Very bad on so many levels.
29 January 2024
It is the worst propaganda movie I have seen yet. First, global warming propaganda is not what I support. Global warming was proven to be false, that's why they had to change their name to Climate Change. Yet, climate change does not recognize that climate changes naturally, they still push global warming. Lost all integrity.

Then the only actcing in the movie is Angus Macfadyen and this script is wasted on him. Everyone is just talking when he is in the scene. This cast does not know how to act and cant try to act in his presence.

The script is boring and tedious. If it does not put you to sleep count your blessings.
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Trancers II (1991)
After seeing the first one I was hooked so many years ago, still am.
23 January 2024
What can I say. These are not the best Hollywood glitzy movies of all time. Glitzy may be visually stimulating but this is a truly down to earth movie set. I think that is what makes them so readily moving. They have a believability to them that spans through the 80s type B movies to allow you to accept the far out premise even more. It is the character interactions that make this movie great. This just brought the story further along and makes you want to know more.

It is funny how the best stories can span the wide range of quality in movies. We expect the block buster to be great whether it is a great story or not. We do not expect the one of the best stories to be in a movie type that we would think is not the best quality. It is the story here that makes this movie set greater than they are.
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Star Trek: Prodigy: Starstruck (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
Implausible Concept.
1 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I find this series a bit disconcerting. How and why are children caught and forced to work in a mine? It seems they've taken adult conapts and applied it to children which i s not good. Then they cant make up their mind if these are children or teenagers. The writers must have been very confused when they drew up this concept.

They try to figure out this ship but don't apply any logical thought pattern other than children pressing any ole button. Doesn't that always lead to disaster in real life. Oh, this is fiction, not even science fiction, it leans more to fantasy fiction.

The writers at least held this together in episode 1 and 2, but they fell apart here in 3. It was just a notch above not good until they ended on a collision course with the star. I do believe in not talking down to kids. They will get it eventually and learn that much faster, but these writers don't know if they are talking as adults or children. One second they have rational thought, the next they've lost all sense of intelligence.

I hope they improve because enough of this show is intriguing and I find my self wanting to know more.
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A moving but corny movie
28 December 2023
Each time I see this movie I like it less and less and there are not many movies I can say that about. Either I like them or not, and I may grow to like them. I think the thing I dislike most about this is the premise at the beginning of the movie. The gross negligence of supposed professionals ruins the movie for me. Also, knowing a little bit of the people in the field seems to me to be an insult to the professionals in the field.

That is not to say that this movie does not have some high points. It does have moments of being a 9 and 10 but they are few in between mixed in with sub par script. Gary Oldman is great as usual but Asa comes off lame. Maybe, it might have played better with someone better in his part.
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I was looking for a movie that might do Shazam justice
17 December 2023
Instead we have cringe. I suppose I should not be surprised because they have never given Shazam a good chance. Deep down I dont think they want to give it any real merit. Once they took over the original storyline decades ago, they took the best of the story out for other super heroes. It also appears they do not know if they want to use a storyline from ancient mythology or give it some modern reference. That is also true of Marvel super heroes too. This movie seems to have been written more from a nerdy teenagers point of view than a typical teenager. Add to that they dont seem to have a grasp on a good story either. It makes fo a very cringy movie such as this.
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Dredd (2012)
Very Good Version of Dredd
17 December 2023
First you have to get over Stallone's version to appreciate this movie. I was still appreciating his movie when I first saw this one, so I did not give it the respect it should have received. Coming back to it years later I really like this movie. The only part I did not like was the nude scene. That was not needed. We get it, these are bad people. What I liked about it was that it hold true to the concept of Dredd and it is made a new. It is also a typical example of Hollywood missing the mark. They had something good here and they did not follow through with it. They've done that too many times with good movies while making a sequel to other miserable movies. If you like this type of adversarial movies, this will be a good movie for you.
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So disappointed...
20 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I saw the trailer and thought I just had to see this movie. It definitely has some great scenes in the movie, but it fell short of a cohesive ensemble. The gist of the movie is that a woman is looking for a doctor to cure here sister. Or course, no modern doctor can do this so she turns to an Egyptian doctor from thousands of years ago. Definitely not the Night at the Museum.

Although, that is the point of the movie I was left wondering at the end of the movie. Was this a comedy, drama, suspense? I suppose it was nonsense. I also cannot say it was a bad movie either. I found that to be odd when the movie ended. So, as much as it had promise I would not watch it again.
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Zoom (2006)
This movie should have been better than it is...
13 November 2023
What is it with Chevy Chase and Pooh in the pants? I think he. The last really good super hero movie that was not Marvel or DC known heroes was Sky High. Why? It is not a terribly difficult concept but it seem even Tim Allen couldn't pull it off. It was good to see Chevy Chase and David Lander but they did not seem to have their heart in it. As for Chevy, he has not been funny in decades. After his failed attempt at a late night host he seemed to have lost the heart to be funny. He is, or was, a very funny comic, but either he is trying too hard or not hard enough. He misses the mark too often now.

Even Tim Allen and Courtney Cox seemed to just say the lines. Was this movie forced on the actors? In Galaxy Quest Tim Allen made the movie with his co stars. Here there seemed to be a distraction off screen that di dont allow them to mesh.

At first, I thought Tim and Courtney did not get along on set but there were scenes there that would have shown that had it been true. Or they are really good at acting close and toning down their dislike which speaks highly of their acting abilities. But I dont think that was it with some of the close scenes that did not show that they disliked each other. Considering it was an over all impression from all the actors it seems like the environment in which they worked was not very conducive to their showing their best acting abilities.

Had they meshed better I think this movie would have been a hit. It was a great concept and a good story over all, but it seems they did not have their heart in it.
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Nonesense and nothing like the description states.
7 November 2023
I do see a thread through the shorts but it was very well hidden and even then I was not sure until late in the movie. But before that I had no clue what was going on and did not like having to try to figure it out. I do not care for movies like this nor do I seek them out, so I feel this movie is just one big trick from the title, description, and film.

I also, do not like that it is under Sci Fi. Very little of it is actually sci fi. It should be listed under fantasy and Horror. Then again, since it is a rag tag film of different things I can understand the difficulty of putting it in any one primary category. So, lets just put it in under Films you do not want to waste your time on.
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RocketMan (1997)
Why you do not allow a 5 year old into space.
26 October 2023
I saw some excerpts from this film and I wondered how I had missed such a funny film about NASA. So, what do I do? I change my life for the worse. I look it up and find out where it is streaming. And I ruin my night irrovocably. The movie is a great concept ruined by the character Fred Z. Randall. Once I was five minutes in, I wondered if there was good reason why I never heard of it. There was. It is awful and insulting to NASA. There have been other movies with a character being a clown and being a success. All the actors did their part and reacted to Randell's lines. But the writers failed in making Randell a funny character.

As it is, this movie my possibly good for a 5 year old. But as an adult and someone who worked for NASA it gives me the creeps. Considering the Cape is down the highway from Disney, I am surprised they have not barricaded the highway between them. There is a reason why this movie is not well known, and I warn you not to learn why by watching it.

I want to add that I have never been so relieved that a movie ended. I can assure you NASA may have its nerds but none are as inept as this and most are enjoyable and fun to work with.
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