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Slow thriller
14 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
But I can tell you what wasn't throlling was the main female characters. He husband was trying so hard and she was not putting forth any effort. It was painful to watch. I understand she is dealing with a great loss but so is he therefore I wished the character would have at least tried to meet him halfway. The house was a character in itself. That was well done. Other characters were added but not needed; they actually slowed down the plot a little bit. Although I understand the intent. A slow burn for sure. Other than that - I was intrigued throughout the movie and wanted to see how it ended.
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Poseído (2019)
Interesting take on possession
26 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
And politics. Maybe I'm not as smart as I think I am and itnwas actually bery simplistic in its plotbit after it ended I felt like there should have been more. Perhaps I missed it in translation but SPOILER wasn't there a growl at the end while the Priest was speaking or was the film saying the real demons are humans. I would love for someone else to watch and review this. It's on Tubi so after an extensive review of the whole staff at the beginning (like 8 minutes) you can watch it fairly quickly for free. And it is in a Spanish language with subtitles but if you hve time - sit down and come back and tell me.
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Mea Culpa (2024)
6 for Ms Rowland
26 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is actually a 3. I loved Mea until I didn't. The painter was written very annoying and there is no way any woman would have slept with him right after seeing another woman climb off of him. That was disgusting. The script and direction was terrible. And the "coincidence" at the end was absolutely ridiculous. All I could do was shake my head. I had a better scenario in my head of what I thought was going on. And I would have never let Mea give into his manipulation. To have Mea as intelligent and strong as she was just give in was awful and took me out of the film.

I would have kept the painter arrogant but innocent I would have Mea meet someone else to sleep with I would have made one of the painters Exs the murderer (cliche but not any worse than TP's past films) I would have kept the ending with the family paying the woman to kill her because of the affair the sister in law had but I would have had the murderer kill off the mom and brother before Mea killed her in self defense. Mea would have then left her husband and the phone call and walk off could have stayed.
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23 February 2024
The acting is very solid in this low budget anthology. Scripts are thought provoking and then camera (although it was a little dark) and sound work was pretty good. I am very proud of this tragic telling of the harder aspects of life. Tough topics unfortunately found in real life handled with taste. I appreciate the director not shying away from situations that are a reality for some.

I'm willing to see more from this crew and will look for them. I hope they found some decent funding for more movies. Seen on Tubi. So definitely wasn't expecting much but left pleasantly surprised at the quality of this project. Recommend.
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Good Effort
22 February 2024
So I appreciate its a low budget movie. The actresses were okay but didn't draw me in like a professional but they did give their best. The story was interesting and I wanted to see where it was going but when it got there I was like huh - okay. The mask for the "ghost" (yes you could tell it was a mask) was pretty scary and audio did provide a jump scare once. So the rating of 5 is justified to me meeting them on their level and not comparing them to a Hollywood blockbuster. The actor telling the story about Victoria was convincing in his role although the story (script) could have used a little more work.
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Seeds (I) (2020)
Could have been
28 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A great movie and I watched it to the very end. I was ever pulled in and I didn't develop "feelings" for the characters. I saw a convoluted story of a cult trying to get the woman to join but they send the invite to her husband. There was a lot of talk that I never truly understood but again it was hard to be all into this movie because it was lacking in suspense. Whether that is the script, director or actors fault - I can't say nor am I qualified but I have learned on this site if a film has a high score but minimal or no reviews-it's probably been rated by friends and family. I love the support and I don't have the capability to make my own movie but I was not drawn into this one.
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Returned (2015)
26 January 2024
I hope the writer got paid for the Netflix series Manifest because it is the same basic concept except a group of people came back except for one. Hmmmmm.

But otherwise this is an interesting film. Yes it's low budget. Yes the actors amd actresses didn't really hive it 100% to their roles (I think the example of children reading a play in class is accurate) but I definitely appreciate a sco fi movie featuring characters of color. Octavia Butler has a whole line of books that could be made into movies giving screen time to diverse populations and characters but they will also tale some time to translate to screen.
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You are right
7 November 2023
The acting needs some work. They did a pretty subpar job conveying emotions. Yelling loudly does not mean you are scared. But hey I'm no actress so who am I really. The main lady character did fair to good and the plot was semi familiar- Aliens and Resident Evil mixed but what really impressed me were the special effects and the camera work wasn't too bad either. I would give the director another try at a more original piece and with better actors. I mention the special effects and that accounts for 50 percent of my rating because I like gore in movies. I am a fan of zombie movies just for that. But let me see the smallest cut in real life and I feel woozy. Lol.
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Not that bad
8 October 2023
I'm glad I gave this a chance. The synopsis serves it no justice as many have pointed out this is an anthology with no wrap around storylines. I like anthologies because even though the acting and budget may be low the plots can be unique. I can see how each one could be extended (like one already has been). Reformed could be an interesting movie. Although it did well as a short. The exception would be What Metal Chicks Like. Lol that was good but no expansion could be made. They proved their point. The title story we have seem before but I thought it was good despite the one nurse acting like a complete weirdo. I liked it. This my 6.
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Re/Member (2022)
It was the dumb responses
26 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There were several moments where I was like REALLY. But the ending really was ridiculous SPOILER

So once they find the head, instead of her running immediately to place it where it should go, she is dragging it out even AFTER her love interest was killed.


There were other scenes that were equally dumb. I do understand horror movies are known to have these absolutely dumb moments to advance or extend the plot but people come on....

I noticed several people mentioned they should have been traumatized by what happened at night but to them it was a very realistic video game. They were upset until one of their friends disappeared in real time. So I don't agree that it was a plot hole or unrealistic; that ws one of the more true moments.
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Desertören (2022)
I was intrigued
27 January 2023
The actors overact a bit and the language sometimes seems out of place (the ise of curse words) but the plot made me curious on how it would end. The speech was stilted as if they read the script between takes. Could jave been a stage play with its limited background. No gore or sex shown - simply implied which suits me fine. More movies shpild employ that technique although tjr phrase "sex sells" didn't just come from no place. Thr time linr jumped a bit and sometimes I wqs confused but again I relied on the fact that I wanted to know what happens to the main character and I watched it to the end.
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The Child (1977)
The score alone.....
19 December 2022
Is enough to drive a sane person mad. Whoa. I appreciate these older horror movies. What they lack in technical aspects they more than make up for with gore (red paint blood is a little strong) and atmosphere. But just listening to the score - Am I watching a horror, a sci fi movie, a drama or am I just having a fever dream... you decide for yourself. But here is the question I have for you. Was that her dad or granddad? He was tooooo old really to be a father. And with a son that old, why did they need a she can go horseback riding and walks in the woods? How much was she getting paid?
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Loved it
12 November 2022
Absolutely adorable family film which talks about strength within yourself; love for family and friends and working together as a community. I love the way the grandson was introduced and the way the grandfather went to the extreme to make his grandson proud.

It was comedy, suspense and family values all rolled up into a entertaining movie.

I watched it in the original language, so not sure if it has a dubbed version and if that is any good (I don't particularly like dubs; it's like they pick the lowest bidder for the job always).

Liked the superhero costumes and the inclusion but protection of a lady character. The twist at the end was a surprise as well.
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Loved it
25 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Perfect amount of gore And suspense. Of course, there is your typical "do something stupid" or "don't listen to the expert" to advance the plot but the day horror movies figure out how to move the story without those crutches is a new day indeed. I also never thought about what happens to these storage spaces when people pass so that was also interesting to me. I also would have bartered for more money because the German gentleman was absolutely thrilled about the purchases. Although, as I always say, I would never find myself in a horror movie situation, so I might have just wanted whatever was offered as well. Enjoyed.
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Otis (2008)
WTH did I watch
18 July 2022
As a horror movie fan I an always looking for the unique. This was on some list that I blindly trusted. When you see the cast you are like okay this can be too bad. It was terrible. The "funny" characters were just annoying and the torture scenes went on entirely too long. The dialogue was juvenile. I've seen movies shot on iPhones way better than this. Trash. IMO.
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Resident Evil (2022)
So agree it needs work
17 July 2022
But really picked up at episode 7. By then most of the audience would be lost. But I loved the revealed development. And I'm curious to see more but since the beginning was so terrible- I mean BOTH of the Jades were obnoxious and made bad decisions all around - a second season may not happen.
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Dashcam (I) (2021)
The main character was SUPER annoying
14 July 2022
But I couldn't take my eyes off of the screen. And yes nothing is explained but you could put the pieces together however you wanted. I enjoyed it. Especially when she had to shut up......
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Scary Movie
28 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The punishments didn't match the crimes

According to horror movie lore, atrocities have been committed against gypsies and they have levied well deserved curses. But the two people who were dragged to hell didn't "deserve" hell. A little boy who stole a necklace and offered to give it back. A lady who was doing her job. The movie would have been just as scary if the young lady killed their dog.

And then for her to fall for the scam artist smh that was a dumb choice. In my opinion. But it is a horror movie staple that the characters must make dumb decisions. Some auto insurance company made a perfect commercial showing examples of that.

Anyway, right in line with the Evil Dead.
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Compelling Performance
23 May 2022
While an entirely compelling performance by Mr Hudson as a man dealing with regret and grief - the movie literally goes no where. Part of the failure was on me actually expecting there to be a man in the silo perhaps killed by the Hudson character (I typically watch horror). Instead it was a repetition of his guilt and circumstances and by the short ending I was like 'oh'
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Who Killed Sara? (2021–2022)
Season 3 is a ridiculous money grab
23 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
They could have stopped at season 2.

The Lazonos were destroyed We found out who killed Sara Then this season 3 cancelled all the suspense they built and replaced it with, " what is going on and why..." SMH.
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19 May 2022
So yes it's low budget and the acting is terrible. The sound went in and out. The score was obnoxious. There were some unnecessary boob shots. But it was interesting. Would I recommend it. Ummm if you like horror movies no matter what and it's already included in your streaming service - go for it.
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Killing It (2022– )
Started for Craig Robinson
10 May 2022
This is hilarious. The gentlemen that plays his brother is a really good actor. People are hating. Yes yes people are entitled to their opinion but claiming wokeness, or negative comments because of diversity. People in the world are racist and privileged and unwilling to expend their minds.

Yes it has vulgar moments-most comedies do. Yes it had curse words - most cable shows do. But if that's not your thing - you can turn it off. You don't have to rate it low.
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Good movie
2 May 2022
My opinion: people are tripping when they say Tom C phoned it in. I felt like he was really passionate about protecting his children. The CGI was good. The plot compelling. I actually paused it when I had to step out of the room because I didn't want to miss a thing. Would watch it again too. So good movie.
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Is It Cake? (2022– )
The 5 for the cakes
25 April 2022
The system seems flawed. The host was super annoying but he calmed down a bit during the last few episodes. He is super super corny (but I don't watch game shows so he may be normal). I don't think it should be renewed.
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Good could have been great
21 March 2022
It rarely happens for horror movies on here. Most of the time horror movies are under rated on here but this one was definitely over rated. 7 is not accurate - IMO. I was intrigued and I wanted to know what was going on but there were some elements that weren't needed at all. Then some flashbacks we're improperly placed. It wasn't 10 which is a movie I can watch over and over. And it's not a 1 - a wooden film with no plot, acting and film skill of me (I have no skill). But a 7 is generous. 5 is my vote.
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