
124 Reviews
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Saw X (2023)
Final piece of the jigsaw???
12 January 2024
Saw x marks a return to form in the fading franchise. After many repeated attempts to recapture the originals twisted ending that usually failed, this one delivered. I was surprised that they brought about another and felt saw x was a vanity project. It's actually a worthy addition that sits nicely around 2/3 In the timeline

We see a good few dead faces from the franchise return and for once jigsaw or John Kramer is kind of the good guy. Unique twists throughout and you kind of end up rooting for jig saw

Just clever writing that harks back to the shock of the original

Nothing will ever beat the original for pure shock and twists but this is very good.
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Equal to the original
1 January 2024
Lesser ratings than part 1 but I am of the opinion that this is a match to it. The casting of the villains is excellent but this one serves to better offer Denzels character some jeopardy on multiple fronts. My only criticism is that the final confrontation was quite predictable but otherwise a downright brilliant thriller in the series. Great casting with bill Pullman, and pedro pascal as well. Some very touching moments that hark back to the 80's series very well and set up where macall has come from the original to where he is now, serving the unfortunates to right terrible wrongs

Cannot wait for part 3.
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The Equalizer (2014)
31 December 2023
Edward woodwards 80s television series of this was fantastic viewing as a kid. This reinvention by denzel Washington is superb. Very sinister and well played Russian bad guys which sets up a very tense thriller almost in the same vein as Taken. The way Robert macall deals with his enemies is so disturbing yet entertaining. I would argue this is one of Washington's better movies and is probably the reason it is the only of his to produce a sequel so far. Part 3 has just come out so I am rewatching the first two to prepare for it. If the first is anything to go by they will be great

Well worth watching.
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Good but not the best MI
27 December 2023
A solid entry which I hope brings about an epic dead reckoning part 2. Casting in this one is excellent with the returning regulars plus the introduction of Pom klementif, esai morales. It's a solid action packed fast paced entry but I think the problem is it doesn't have an ending as such as it's the precursor for what is to come. In all likelihood it may be better to review this as one entry when part two comes out but until then this is my review.

Stunt work and effects as solid as ever. I love the fact that this series or saga doesn't mind killing off a main character here and there.

Great film, it's just not fallout.
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Expend4bles (2023)
Better than III
13 December 2023
This has taken a bit of a kicking but I personally think it suffers as a result of the duff part 3. The 12 rating of that and dumbing down of the action potentially killed this franchise.

Here the cast isn't as stellar and it becomes the statham show as Stallone is reduced to a cameo but it's still holds up. Andy Garcia is the stand out actor in this and a worthy addition. However, Megan fox was poor casting and is unbelievable unconvincing and as wooden as ever. Her character is unlikeable. Some good comedic moments and very predictable ending but still great addition to the franchise and the genre.

A shame this will probably be the last due to box office bomb but as I said earlier this is a victim of part 3.
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Fatman (2020)
Ridiculous but fun
3 December 2023
An absolutely ridiculous premise as all movies About Santa Claus are. This one however takes out a lot of the campiness and sugar coated North Pole stuff and grounds Mel Gibsons Santa Claus in a more realistic setting.

The bad guy is excellently cast and is very sinister. Mel Gibson plays well Mel Gibson. Apparently Santa is no longer in the North Pole but instead has relocated to Canada. This film doesn't take itself seriously at all, has a ridiculous script and yet is surprisingly easy watching and funny enough to forgive its silliness. I don't think it will make anyone's yearly must watch list and it certainly isn't Die Hard but still Well worth a watch.
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Family friendly festive fun
27 November 2023
A bit of a Christmas cracker this. My daughter recommended to me and I watched with a bit of disinterest. I was very pleasantly surprised with the humour, the soundtrack and the genuinely good story. It takes you to some sad dark and depressing moments then lifts you up again.

Very good casting with plenty of diversity. The right mix of humour and pathos and of course plenty of Christmas spirit.

I think it's worth the 7 stars I have given and will definately be one to watch year on year. Not quite up there with your home alones or it's a wonderful life but still well worth the watch.

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The Nun II (2023)
19 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
An improvement on the original but still lacking something. A continuation from part one, and sees the protagonist chasing down bonnie Aaron's nun again.

Plenty of jump scares and a nice cameo from the warrens during post credits to link it all back to the conjuring universe

Slow starting though and makes you work for the pay off.

I just didn't understand the ending at all it completely baffled me. Also a little low on the body count which was disappointing. I guess that's because the majority of the cast were children and Hollywood can't be having that but it wouldn't have hurt for at least one of the bullies to die.
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Ruinous drivel
19 November 2023
Charles dickens classic tale is ultimately the greatest Christmas story ever told but this is absolute dross

I give it 2 stars purely on the premise as it's a good idea in principle but it just doesn't work. Characters with no dialogue, a switching between animation and real time actors. There's also a bizarre dance thing happening which I have no explanation of and nothing new in that department. It just ruins the classic tale. For a better version see Albert finney, Patrick Stewart, alistair sim or George c Scott's version. All much better takes and far closer to the story. As for this just avoid at all costs.
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Over rated
5 November 2023
I realise this is an American holiday tradition but it really doesn't stand up in the UK. It's just really not that funny. Randy quaid, Chevy Chase, Beverley D'angelo et Al all perform really well. The production values are very good for an 80's flick and I get the whole premise of it. Decent enough story and take the comedy out and it would be a decent Christmas movie

I just can't get past the bad American sense of humour.

Also stars a very young Juliette Lewis and Johnny Galecki before the Big Bang theory made him a household name

Whilst I will still watch anything Christmas themed this is just not one of the best like it's made out to be.
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Utterly ridiculous
27 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
These films are such a hard watch. It's Jurassic park on water, giant sharks , giant octopus, some land dog thing. It's utterly pants Stahams daughter in it is dressed like a anime character So many jaws tropes it is embarrassing. Please please don't make anymore. I love shark films but these are to me just dreadful

If not for the big budget they would be unwatchable but the production values allows it to pass but why these are theatre worthy and gaining such big box office numbers is beyond me.

I find myself rooting for the sharks in the hope that they kill of these competent unlikeable characters.
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From Hell (2001)
Historically way off the mark
19 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I have a very deep seated fascination with the Jack the Ripper story ever since I was a child and saw the Michael Caine mini series which was fantastic, with a sense of foreboding throughout.

This story is the exact same thread. The same antagonist, same protagonist played this time by Johnny depp with a pretty much all star cast so what went wrong?

Too many historical inaccuracies is what it is. Aberline did not die from chasing the dragon Mary Kelly did not escape to Ireland Aberline was not a clairvoyant

It's so frustrating hat it ruined it for me as this could have been fantastic

The Michael Caine mini series doesn't pretend that it's ending is accurate but owns up from the outset that this is what they believe and then stick to the truth for the rest of it that you forgive a guess at the ending

This is making it up as it goes along

Really poor form

Watchable but frustrating for budding ripperologists.
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The Flash (I) (2023)
I don't get the hate!
19 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I think this is fantastic. Bringing back Michael Keaton was always gonna be a big draw and is fantastic. Cameos from gal gadot, Ben affleck, George clooney, Jason momoa plus AI versions of Chris reeve and nic Cage as superman it has it all and to my mind is the best dceu movie. It's just a shame they didn't see this through properly. It's very clear budget was cut as the effects are poor and at times look like a scene from polar express. They'd obviously already spent out before deciding to reboot the dceu which is an argument for another thread

Any way I think this is a quality movie and far surpasses it's marvel peer multiverse of madness.
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Fanciful rubbish
18 September 2023
First thing to address is to point out that this is a German rendition of the story, filmed for German Tv in German language. Someone made the ridiculous decision to overdub in English with American voice actors. Americans running around Whitechapel!

One positive I can point out is that it is the first film to look at kosminski as a suspect. Although he was a suspect no one has addressed it before.

However that's all I have it just becomes more and more fanciful with a ridiculous direction abs ending

Aberline of course has a love interest with the leading lady same as Johnny depp in from hell

Just stick to the little facts we have

Very poor.
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Hammer horror classic
23 August 2023
As a child I was regularly allowed to stay up late or better still record hammer horror movies from Tv direct to VHS. This one is my all time favourite. Christopher Lee for me is the ultimate Dracula, however he's portrayed the count with far better acting than on this occasion. I think Peter Cushing is what sets this movie apart as van helsing. Some big names in this movie in a supporting role such as Michael Gough who would later play batmans Alfred.

This is not even close to faithful adaptation of Bram Stokers novel, no sign of renfield, barker is a vampire hunter hired as a librarian, the count just miraculously appears in London, the lady's names have been changed. It's all a bit rushed but somehow it really does work. For me a classic deserving of 7 stars but take with a pinch of salt.
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Classic car movie
31 July 2023
I don't understand all the bad press this movie gets as for me it's a classic 90's movie.

Tom cruise in his prime cutting his smouldering best, a very young Cary elwes, Nicole Kidman (Tom & Nicole met on set before the wedding) and Randy quaid but for me the unmistakable star of this movie is Robert Duvall. He is absolutely amazing and steals the show.

This movies car scenes and crash scenes are spectacular and well choreographed.

This movie has a fantastic soundtrack featuring David Coverdale, Cher, Terry Waite, and guns n roses, but the signature tune is Maria McKee with Show me heaven

Just a great fun movie.
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So so poor
13 July 2023
I was so disappointed with this film that I tried to watch it for three nights straight but just couldn't finish it. It's really that bad and monotonous.

A lovely touching start which pays homage to the late Chadwick Boseman but it quickly dries up there. The legacy of the original has been well and truly smashed with this. It's boring, slow and completely lacking in storyline. Angela Bassett is probably the one highlight. I actually don't know who turns out to be the black panther because I simply couldn't expel another second of my energy on it.

A disappointing addition to the MCU and hopefully not a sign of things to come.
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9 July 2023
I really enjoyed this movie. Being a massive fan of history and in particular the English civil war, I found this to be absolutely fascinating. A stellar cast for What is essentially a B movie including Tim Roth, Dougray Scott, and James Bolan. For me the star of the show is Rupert Everett as King Charles I. He snatches the limelight with his stellar turn as the doomed monarch. I think it's a well thought out story which due to run time has to breeze over a lot of the historical evens whilst covering the main salient points.

The cinematography is also excellent. I've watched this a good few times now. Well worth your time.
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The Conjuring (2013)
Modern classic
30 April 2023
Horror done the right way

Not a fan of modern horror movies but this absolutely ticked my boxes. Based on a true story, it builds the suspense whilst providing plenty of jump scares which are a must for me. Also impressively setting up a backstory and future franchise in the process. Granted I don't think much of the spin off movies at all but the conjuring movies are very good as a rule. This very much plays out like the amityville horror and I haven't done my research as it could well be the same true story that was based on. Patrick Wilson and Vera farmiga steal the show here

A great great horror movie.
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The Old Way (2023)
Half decent
14 March 2023
This is not a bad little cheap flick by Nicolas Cage's standards of late. Typically predictable revenge western story but I don't think it's too bad at all. An easy enjoyable 90 minute pass of the time

Plus points Nicolas cage plays the brooding cowboy out for revenge very well. His daughter is a cracking little actor who to be honest steals the show. Brief appearance from Ron Howard's weird brother Clint.

Negatives - the bad guy is just not believable or sinister enough. Poor piece of casting there. The story didn't really explain the cage characters past well enough to understand why he did the things he did

All in all a half decent western well worth a watch once.
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Monumental achievement
24 January 2023
Epic in scale and story a monumental feat of filmmaking

An all star cast come together to create a faithful retelling of tolkiens classic fellowship of the ring. Upon completion of the trilogy I always thought this was my favourite of the series but having rewatched all of them recently I have to say the Hobbit series does actually match these.

Some of the effects haven't aged so well by the hobbits standards but still a magnificent triumph

Viggo mortensen, Elijah wood, liv Tyler, Sean Astin, Orlando bloom and cate blanchett star but the star of the show is sir Ian mckellan as Gandalf the grey

Any one who hasn't seen the entire series should be ashamed.
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Smaug as board
19 January 2023
Worthy addition to the franchise but arguably the weakest of the trilogy. Benedict cumberbatch and Luke evans join the stellar cast for a compelling adventure. The dragon effects are spectacular and the voice from cumberbatch is eerily creepy

Cameo from Stephen fry adds gravitas but it's just not as fast paced as what was to follow. Luke evans character adds pathos.

Is it just me or does Orlando bloom look weird as Legolas green leaf ? I know he's aged but they surely could have suitably deaged to suit the story

Anyway worthy addition but short of the other two in the trilogy. Still great but battle of the 5 armies is spectacular

7/10 for me.
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M3GAN (2022)
Chucky meets iRobot
15 January 2023
I went to cinema to see this and so glad I did

Thoroughly enjoyable thriller

Predictable yet satisfying

The cast were all excellent except for the guy who plays the greedy Chinese corporation boss. Very wooden and over the top acting from him. He was completely upstaged by the young child actress who has to work with the robot/doll

Some real sense of peril throughout the movie which sets up for a terrific ending

Seen some bad reviews but I thought it was throughly enjoyable

Being made by James wan it's bound to have a sequel and potentially become a franchise and I for one will be rushing out to the cinema for it

8/10 with ease.
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Great origin story
9 January 2023
An excellent origin story to the lord of the rings trilogy

Many didn't know that Tolkien's masterpiece was preceded by a novel 'The Hobbit'

For all that Peter Jackson achieved with the original LOTR trilogy it's interesting to see how he turns what for Tolkien was a short story into a trilogy

An Unexpected Journey is a great start to the new trilogy and Martin freeman plays a very convincing Bilbo Baggins in place of Ian Holm. AUJ reminds me very much of the fellowship of the ring In that it starts up in the relative peace of the shire and Bag End and swiftly takes the poor hobbit into harms way in the depths of middle earth

No new ground trodden here but still a compelling watch.
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The Snowman (1982 TV Short)
80s Christmas Day nostalgia
25 December 2022
The snowman was a mainstay of every Christmas Day throughout my childhood in the 80s. I'm now impressing upon my kids every year just to keep the magic alive

However having watched as an adult it's really not that good. I don't actually think I liked it much as a kid but it was just a tradition more than a must see. The animation may have been groundbreaking back in 1982 but it certainly doesn't stand up that well today

The sequel the snowman and the snow dog is far superior movie which was released much much later

The theme tune walking in the air is the key moment in the film and I loved the single as a kid. I loved the aled Jones version and bought the vinyl single and wish I still had it as would be worth a few quid now.

Worth mentioning David bowies cameo just for gravitas

Worth seeing once but not great by todays Xmas movie standards. More a tradition to roll back the 80s.
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