53 Reviews
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Survivor: Too Little, Too Late? (2000)
Season 1, Episode 4
Improving, for sure
20 September 2022
What this episode may lack in dramatic tribal councils or really intense challenges, it makes up for in character development and shows people in ways that you don't always see in today's show. This is one of the good reasons that they don't always need the twists and advantages that you will see in later seasons. All it really needed to do was focus on the people in the show and their developments with each other. One has seemed like an outcast from the beginning, but tries to fit in. As the title implies, it could be too late for this person. I like the reward challenge and wish that it were used more in seasons of today. It can test a tribe's cohesiveness while also pitting them against the unknown of what the other tribe is doing. The immunity challenge should have been used again (and still can be), even if you won't always know just how other tribe members are faring at times so you might not always know who cost you the challenge. It is interesting to see a player display their cockiness at tribal council, only to instantly regret it. Still, we haven't gotten to any surprise vote outs yet, but it is hard to know when such a thing might occur in the future.
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Survivor: Quest for Food (2000)
Season 1, Episode 3
Getting Better
20 September 2022
What is there to say? The show is slowly improving in this episode as we get to more tribal relationships. It seems that one tribe is doing well, but the edit can be misleading at times. It is interesting that we get to one of the first times where a player wasn't sure that they were getting voted out, although the audience can once again see it coming. It is obvious and can be hard to see it as anything other than a simple vote off that they didn't see coming. I also know that we actually see the reward challenge in this episode in addition to the immunity challenge as well. It is a good episode, even with some limitations in the edit.
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Survivor: The Generation Gap (2000)
Season 1, Episode 2
Bits of Drama Starting to Unfold
20 September 2022
There are some things to like about this episode, but a lot of it are still not as good as they could be. I do like how we get our first real sense of drama on this show without it being manufactured by production in the form of a twist. Obviously, we aren't going to get into twists this early into the show. B. B. Is the main instigator of the problems on his tribe simply by being himself. That's part of the reason that casting makes the choices that it did as they wouldn't ever put a cohesive group together for everything to be Kumbaya. I hate that the first ever reward challenge isn't in this episode. It was edited out for one reason or another. I guess that the episode flowed smoother without it leaving more time for drama and character development. The immunity challenge is much better handled in future seasons. The tribal council isn't much of anything with too much of the results seeming predictable.
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Survivor: The Marooning (2000)
Season 1, Episode 1
Slow Start
20 September 2022
It is hard to know some of the classic Survivor in comparison to what we have now. I'll admit that what we have now is often too flashy at times. But this is a fairly decent episode to start off the series. Parts of it are boring and fairly run of the mill. That's to be expected since they don't know much about how the show would evolve over time. We get a fairly easy vote off and not too much is revealed right away. There isn't much drama, although there is a lot of working together, which you don't always see in the show. The immunity challenge is simple. A part of me wonders if they changed the form of fire to flint since water proof matches takes much longer to say. It is actually good that some of what we see in this episode isn't part of the common place part of Survivor in the future. But it is a fairly good episode and we get a simpler, less glorified version of Jeff than we have in current seasons.
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Great Special
20 December 2014
I always thought that this was a fun story that was enjoyable to see every year. Simple things can be nice. Pooh goofs up as usual and we get a funny story of him trying to set things right. It's a great story that anyone as young as two can watch. We get to see all of the important characters in the Winnie the Pooh world. All of them help make this special the great thing that it is. I've always loved Winnie the Pooh and I don't see why anyone wouldn't enjoy this special. I just hope that you can find a way to watch it. Even as one grows old, they would still probably like this special. Everything about it is enjoyable and I recommend it to everyone on this site.
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Yogi's First Christmas (1980 TV Movie)
Pretty Good
20 December 2014
I'm not as familiar with the Yogi Bear world as other people might be. Whatever else I may have seen of it, I can't remember that well. But this special is something that I enjoy watching and I see no reason as to why you wouldn't enjoy it either. It just one place, we get treated to a variety of different events all rolled into one special. I will admit, it could be a flaw that it seems like a bunch of little stories all rolled into one big story, but that flaw (if you could call it one at all) befalls a lot of great movies and specials. I still see this whenever I can each December because it always seems like a nice way to spend Christmastime. If you can see it, than watch it because it's a good movie to watch.
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Not that Good
20 December 2014
Okay, let me first start off by saying that we are all entitled to our own opinions and we can disagree about things. With that being said, I didn't really like this movie. The songs were random and we seemed to go about the whole thing without a point. What's the plot? Is there any plot? I don't really like things without a plot and I couldn't find one in this film. It can be a nice story and all. Other people can certainly like this. But I don't. I don't really get it. I'm sorry if you disagree with me, but I thought that I would say what I wanted to. What else can I say? Maybe it's not actually bad as much as it is a movie with no real purpose to itself.
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This is Great
20 December 2014
If you've never seen this special, I recommend watching it. It can be a very basic concept, an orphan wanting to find a family, but it's more than just that. There's a lot of other characters, both humans and toys, that make different contributions to the story. They put much in this short special, but the end result is pretty good. I'm not sure how else to review this movie than by saying that it's great. Such a simple thing with various characters all wanting something better with their lives. Some parts may not be realistic in the end, but it's hard to worry about that in a lot of different movies and specials. I hope that you can see it because I like it and I don't know why others wouldn't.
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20 December 2014
I'm not really sure how to review this movie. It's better than average, but not entirely that good. For instance, few people would care in real life if someone decided to skip Christmas or not. Random parts of this are simply random with no real point. But, it is interesting. It can be funny in some places. I certainly don't regret seeing this movie. But I wouldn't have missed anything that great by seeing it either. It has a nice point. But I'm not entirely sure that everything in it was thought out that well. It could have worked out better than it did. But it can still be a nice movie. It just depends on what your thoughts are. So you don't have to watch it, but it can be nice if you do.
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The Middle (2009–2018)
7 September 2014
Normally, when a new comedy rolls around, you have no idea if it will just be a repeat of other comedies or something new and original. This seems to be a bit of both, with the format it takes from other comedies not mattering with the fresh, new characters it has. It is normally always funny throughout the whole episode and you can never regret tuning in. Add in the fact that most inappropriate stuff in modern day sitcoms isn't there in this one, and you've got a pretty nice show. It's nice to see a woman as the lead of the show, which you don't see as much as one would like. Don't worry: she's not the only thing the show's about as the whole quirky family is focused as much on as her and they provide great entertainment in virtually every episode.
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The Big Bang Theory (2007–2019)
One of the Best Shows
7 September 2014
This show is hilarious and funny of great fun. I don't think that I can ever watch an episode without laughing, which is good. It's exactly what you want from a comedy. I suggest this show to everyone who is looking for a good laugh. Even if you don't understand all the nerd humor and inside jokes, you'll definitely love the characters who all have their own great ways of making the show work. Sheldon Cooper may be one of the most neurotic characters on television and that makes the show all the most fun. You'll never feel like you're wasting time if the only thing are you doing is watching this show. I think that it is among the best things television has to offer and I think you'll like it too.
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I Liked It
7 September 2014
First off, I haven't read the book this movie is based off of. While it is true that sometimes the book is better, sometimes you don't read the book so that fact doesn't really matter. I thought that this was a pretty good movie. It has everything you could want from a movie, although it can also be a bit confusing in some places. The plot may not sound all that interesting, but it is still worth watching and more interesting than one might think. This movie has action and heroes. You can actually show it to your kids, unlike most movies in that genre. I'm not sure how else I can tell you that this movie was good so I suggest that you watch it and see for yourself how fun it is.
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Planes (2013)
Nice Film
7 September 2014
I saw this movie on an airplane once since I figured it would be appropriate. I know that it has some connections to Cars, even if it isn't Pixar. While I heard good things about Cars and bad things about Cars 2, I was wondering how a movie like this would fare. Well, I think that the film was good in the end. It may not be entirely realistic, but it's a cartoon so it really isn't supposed to be. I admit that the whole plot of the movie can be a bit obvious and predictable, but that doesn't make it any less enjoyable. Planes was a good use of time on that long flight. The subplots may not be what you expect, but that makes them all the more better. I hope that you enjoyed the film like I did.
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Great Sequel
7 September 2014
If you saw the first Despicable Me, you probably didn't think that it would ever need a sequel. But this movie fits in with the series perfectly. It gives you all of what you probably loved about the first film and gave you a new great story to enjoy. This movie is pretty good for any age to watch. I'll admit that some parts of this movie follows predictable story lines that you see in mostly any movie. But, there's enough in here that'll surprise you if you've never seen it before. I highly recommend it to anyone. As a PG movie you might have to put up with some crudity that you otherwise wouldn't, but that tends to happen in a lot of good movies. So if you are looking for a good use of time, then you might want to see this movie.
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Good Enough
7 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
So I'm pretty sure that you can't make a bad Muppet movie. This surely isn't one. With that said, there are still some ways that they could have improved on this movie if they wanted to. Some of the basic Muppet trademarks, such as breaking the fourth wall a lot, is at a minimum for some odd reason. You only get to hear one of their great songs. Plus, while not a direct take off from any one work, it does borrow a lot of story lines from other Christmas movies. The alternate world part is easy to see that it is directly taken from It's a Wonderful Life, with the same sort of ending in this movie as well. I am disappointed that we never got to find out the villain's motivation for doing what she does. There's a lot of unmarked potential in that. But the movie is pretty good if you watch it all the way through. Enough of the stuff you know and love about the Muppets is in here like it always is.
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Frosty Returns (1992 TV Movie)
Bad Special
7 April 2014
If other reviews haven't already told you, this isn't that good a special. I'm not sure why it gets aired as often as it does. I haven't seen the other sequels to Frosty the Snowman, but they are probably better than this. So much of what one loved about the original special is missing in this one. Most of the plot doesn't make sense and none of the characters from the original, save for Frosty, is even in this. Typically, this is a good special to skip while you watch more enjoyable specials that I hope you either have or can find elsewhere. This probably is a good special to some people, but I find this to be very dull and pointless with only wasted time in store for people who watch it.
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Could be Better
7 April 2014
Okay, I'm not sure that I exactly hate this movie. This movie has a lot of good parts, some that stay part of the Christmas world for many years to come. But most if it doesn't seem to belong in the movie. They could have done a better version that wasn't rated PG-13. The stuff in the movie that gives it that ratings only helps drag it down. While I do watch it sometimes, it really isn't the best movie. It's hard to understand what the point of it is and it seems like it lacks plot in a lot of places. I don't really like movies that lack plot, but it isn't as bad as some of the other movies that have that problem are. So it's somewhat good in the end, but could be better than it is.
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The Tangerine Bear (1999 Video)
Should be a Classic
7 April 2014
I'm not sure why most people aren't familiar with this special. In fact, I didn't know about this until quite a while later. No matter what your age is, I believe that you will enjoy this. While toys coming to life when people aren't looking is a very common premise, I have yet to see it fail to create something good. The story is very sweet all the way through. You'll probably like this, even if your first time seeing it is as an adult. You may find yourself watching this even when it isn't Christmas because it could actually work for any part of the year, they just chose Christmas for this particular story. But whether you have a kid who likes nice stories or you are a kid yourself, I highly recommend this movie to watch all the time.
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Great Movie
7 April 2014
I find this movie to be a great movie that I like to watch every Christmas. It moves along at a nice pace and is pretty good to watch. I've never actually seen another Ernest movies, but I have to imagine that they would probably be good movies too. Parts of it may seem stupid, but they really aren't. It's very enjoyable with a good plot, even if it borrows from basic Christmas movies a little. One may thus find some of what's in the movie obvious, but it is hard to find better Christmas movies to watch on a regular basis. If you have not seen it before, I highly recommend it. You might enjoy it too. I don't think that one can regret seeing this movie because it is enjoyable for all ages. It can just be a little strange, but what were you expecting from an Ernest movie anyways?
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I like it
13 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, so I know that the Power Rangers: Turbo series is one of if not the most hated season in the Power Rangers universe, even among Power Rangers fans. I know that I've read a lot of bad reviews about this movie, but I don't think that it's bad. I find it to be quite good and entertaining. It is a good setup up for a series and makes you want to see more of it. But I also get the feeling that there is not enough in it. A lot of good scenes were rumored to be cut. I will not go into detail about that here in this review since I don't want this to have any spoilers. I just hope that all these good scenes were filmed and will pop up in a future release someday. I don't know all the people who hate this movie. I will tell you right now, if you aren't a Power Rangers fan, there is no reason to watch this movie and no reason to flood this site with bad reviews because if it. But I like this movie and I recommend it for Power Rangers fan. It isn't as bad as some people think and I figure you might enjoy it to, provided you liked the classic seasons.
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Pretty good film
13 August 2013
So this film isn't well received on this site. I don't know why and I don't care. I just know that this movie is a pretty good film for every Power Rangers fan. I don't know why non ranger fans would watch this in the first place, but one actually could. I don't know if this is in the same universe as the show or not and I really don't think that matters to enjoy this film. While most TV shows want to turn into movies, they have the problem of just making a movie into a very long episode. This is not the case (although some might argue with me). This is a very unique film. There may be a least one obvious plot hole but it isn't big enough to not be important and prevent you from liking the movie. I find this to be very enjoyable and hope that everyone who liked the series to watch and own this film.
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Good, underrated season
13 August 2013
I'm not sure why people hate this season. I know a lot of people do for reasons unknown to me. This team of rangers might actually be the first team of true and real heroes. The previous teams of rangers may have saved the world, but they lacked the type of heroism that comes with the every man. This team of rangers was arguably more heroic than any team before them and any team since. These teams were actually saving lives on a regular basis and based off of real heroes in life that you should see more. I'll admit that there are some aspects of the series that I didn't like. But for the most part, I'd recommend this season to anyone who loves seeing the real heroes in shows.
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13 August 2013
You might be wondering why I watched a show like this. I mean, Power Rangers started when I was a kid and I still shouldn't be into it, right? Well, I continue to watch shows if they continue to be as great as this one is. I've never seen Disney produce a better Power Ranger season then this. It may be considered dark to some, but I find it to be some of the greatest plots that ever came out of the Power Rangers franchise. Normally something can't be as serious as kid appropriate as this turns out to be. But this is much better than most seasons of late and probably the best season since the classic rangers ended a long time ago. I highly recommend this to people of all ages knowing that it is a great series that should be watched by anyone who was ever a fan of Power Rangers.
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Pretty Good
11 April 2013
I like this movie and I recommend it to anyone who wants to see it. I've never read the book that it was based off of, but I know that this movie was a pretty good action-packed time for everyone involved. I find that they used an interesting concept for a movie by using a controversial subject like a nuclear bomb and make an interesting story about it that no one can really say leans one way politically, which is good. Such interesting movies are usually hard to come by, especially by accident like borrowing this from a friend. The acting is nice and the director is good too. I can't see any problems with the script or writing of the movie. I think that you should watch it if you want to see a pretty good movie.
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A Wrinkle in Time (2003 TV Movie)
Good Book, Good Movie
11 April 2013
Rarely does a book get turned into a movie and the movie does the book justice. But this movie actually accomplishes what is normally nearly impossible. I read this book and thought that it was good. I think that the movie was a good interpretation of it as well. Nothing is really changed that much from the book and it is hard to say that anyone could hate this if they read the book. I've love to own this movie and watch it over and over again. The book is pretty good and creates a great story. This movies does it justice. I know it seems like I'm repeating myself, but hey, I have to get to ten lines somehow (even though it won't read like that on the site). So, if you didn't get that: the book is good and so is this movie. I recommend it.
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