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Hit Man (2023)
"Chivalry may be dead.. but I didn't kill it"
8 June 2024
Well, I'm a little shocked.

They tagged this as "Action Comedy Crime", and I think only the Crime label fits it. It's not entirely "hilarious", and I was just thinking about how a movie can be this engrossing with no action at all.. But what it is, it's a tremendously well written and executed script. With plenty of memorable lines, unexpected "commitment", and even psychological (add that label) lessons. Glen Powell is simply amazing in it. He's demonstrated a lot of charm, but we now got to see quite a bit of range as well. Even his disguises. The rest of the case help sell it.

And the ending was quite satisfying, even if I didn't entirely expected it!

But the great pacing takes you along and you start to accept the path you are walking alongside these characters. Haven't watched a recent movie that makes me want to recommend this to everyone I know.. kind of has a Mr Brooks vibe to it.
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X-Men '97 (2024– )
"The Phoenix Force is gone now!"
5 June 2024
Actual Character depth, cool comic-book moments, decent references and proper usage of the IP, memorable emotional high-points.

CGI animation aside (to those of us that found it out of place at times).. This is a sequel to a gigantically OLD series. A story that was made nowadays.. and for something Marvel-adjacent? I'm surprised the storytelling goes as "hard" as it does and to do it so well!

Still, the ending might be a bit undercooked (with the villain deserveding "a tad more" or a better closure). The threat was made too great and was neutralized too quickly. And there's also the promise of more chaos.. when it felt like it could have just ended.

For me, "finally, this feud is over".
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"To be or not to be? Not to be."
4 June 2024
Do not understand the Razzie nominations.. I mean, I understand it doing poorly and not meeting expectations at the time. With a giant 85 million USD budget, Schwarzenegger as the star, and being released alongside "Jurassic Park" might have been too much! But hearing the film was tonally inconsistent, and being a little too meta? It is exactly the kind of superhero satire that you'd expect to be made by today's standards! With a starstruck cast and "cool" film references. Just seeing Sylvester Stallone as the Terminator was enough to remind me of a time people expected Tom Cruise as a parallel Tony Stark. I find the whole thing funny and quite interesting.

And while I can see the script's flaws and genericness.. I still consider it was doing something enjoyable and different.
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"Before I'm through with her, she'll see more geography than Marco Polo!"
3 June 2024
This is certainly "Fantasy".. not so much "Comedy" or "Romance".

I watched it without knowing anything at all, and was hitched at the idea of "Witches". Miss Novak does fit the role of an enchantress perfectly, and Mr James Stewart of a sucker.. both in a relationship that doesn't quite spark. The plot does feel quite straightforward and as simple as it could be. Sadly, there isn't much in the department of interesting imagery or memorable dialogue, much less developments.

I would love to be able to see the original 1950's play of which this based upon. Specially after reading about his thoughts on witchcraft : "Witches primarily seem to exist for their own self-gratification. However, one has to stop living in terms of 'self' if aspects of love are ever to be realized", which seems like a more realized idea in that simple phrase, that it does in this "okay" movie.
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"With all this talent and no place to put it.. something's gotta give."
1 June 2024
The premise is simple.. a cutesy cleaning-maid lies about owning the apartment she takes care of.. to the owner of said apartment.

It is a pleasingly old-fashioned quaint little story of silly deception and romance, with charming characters and decent dialogue, and maybe some dated elements. It isn't particularly hilarious or memorable, but it is fun enough to give it a chance. And more than a cinematic experience, it feels like watching television. Specially since there's one development, and this one-track script suffers a bit in the pacing department. But it makes do with a somewhat unexpected ending.
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"Narumi, you are like a Gorilla"
31 May 2024
With a terribly weak setup, a simplistic plot and developments, and awfully low stakes.. I would be hard pressed into recommending anyone watching this.

And in any case, it seems this is a sequel to a set of movies called "Game Trilogy".. with "The Most Dangerous Game" (1978) being the first entry (and I hear a lot more sleazy).

I was initially interested, as a random person on the internet stated that Spike Spiegel (Cowboy Bebop) was somewhat inspired by Yusaku Matsuda in this role. I could somewhat see it.. if I squint really hard. But there's no charm to this character (at least in this entry, one of the other 2 might actually be good), no memorable lines, no rewatchable action scenes, or anything. All you get is a plot of a guy hired to kill either Yakuza boss from 2 warring gangs.. and it is as lacking in excitement as that sentence I just wrote. I probably won't be tracking any more of these, sadly.
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"Someone declared War!"
31 May 2024
From unstable beginnings to a fabricated and unstable career. From an innocent tomboy to a disillusioned Hollywood star. A movie about exploitation of talent, and its cost.

I'm told that Gavin Lambert's original novel is more "spicy", and that this film did not entirely capture the depth and nuance of the main character.

Personally, it failed at properly conveying the internal struggles and vulnerabilities that a child actor would experience in such context. Everything seems too external and lacking in cohesion. The mental breakdown feels simplistic and weightless. There's no scene that leaves a charming impression, nor does it have any memorable moments, and the conclusion doesn't feel particularly satisfying. And while I liked her general presence on screen, Natalie does not really fit the teenager image of the young singer.

As an "entertaining" piece, instead, it manages to confuse with its content. And while it certainly does attempt to make a mockery of 1930s Hollywood "Dream Machine" and the price of fame, it falls short in that department as well.
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"That's all I want lady! A chance to show what I can really do"
30 May 2024
I'm thankful I've been on a Nataly Wood kick recently.. for I knew nothing going in, and simply loved it.

This comedy-romance is delightfully "on the nose" and truly refreshing! The world-building is intriguingly absurd (almost to the point of being a farce),which only enhanced my enjoyment! The characters are brimming with energy, and their mischievous antics make their enthusiasm contagious.

The initial premise vaguely reminded me of "Down with Love" (2003), but the ensuing chaos is a stark reminder that films aren't made the same way anymore. And the icing on the cake? The ending is absolutely perfect! It has a hint of "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World" (1963), and I wished it could have gone on for hours! Haven't had this much fun with such nonsensical and unexpected little details and lines! I just hope I forget enough to enjoy it again in the future.
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"I hold him profoundly in contempt"
28 May 2024
I quite enjoyed it! The story is a very interesting chapter in Immortan Joe's difficult reign! With survival and leadership amidst a landscape filled with covetous and ambitious individuals vying for power.

Fury Road's cinematic and chaotic style catered well to general audiences and garnered significant word of mouth. But it was relentless! Furiosa, on the other hand, seems to lack that same impact (which might affect its box office performance).. but is not a detriment! This installment felt more in line with the latter two movies of the original trilogy, and the world building is satisfying.

Still, I do think Anya Taylor-Joy's portrayal felt "too childish" for the role (even at the end). While she is usually quite charming, she doesn't physically embody Furiosa, especially when considering the direct connection to the Fury Road version. The lack of dialogue and presence further detracted from her performance. Chris delivered a very memorable character despite being somewhat tame compared to my expectations. But he fits perfectly. Tom Burke's Praetor Jack stood out as my favorite character, reminiscent of Iroquois Pliskin. Lastly, the CGI appeared under-polished, suggesting either a reduced budget or a rushed production.

Be it the impact of grandiose set-pieces or over the top and fresh world-building, or a lack of more memorable characters (what we did get felt like a glimpse of MGS villains, but with little screen time).. I can't quite put my finger on it, but it is lacking something.

Easily recommended.
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"The exact damn thing! Just as pretty.."
27 May 2024
This is a rather messy romantic-drama, where developments sway into extremes, and the young leads have powerful-emotions they don't truly understand.. and as they force themselves to not explore them, it is enough to almost make them explode! In a way, the developments seem rather childish and almost everyone in it feels inadequate.

The exact message is seemingly lost to me in the many scenes where adults are incapable of providing the necessary mental support. Still, I quite like the core ideas of thoughtless and inseparable love, of callow youthful-passion, societal expectations, of a force that pushes almost everyone into swimming against their will, the pain of unfulfilled desires, of mental health, and even the theme of loss and acceptance. As it aptly says, "gotta take what comes"! But the execution leaves a lot to be desired, at least to someone with today's sensibilities. The intensity seems to much to bear and even understand. And while it does feel somewhat dated, I can still understand it.. even if there's little to take out of it.

I'd watch anything with Natalie Wood in it, but I would have loved for someone to deliver a more polished version of this script.
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"I'll take you to the moon"
26 May 2024
Take the visuals away.. what do you have?

This feels like a story that loops onto itself rather pointlessly, where the details in between (after the setup of the 2nd - 3rd episode) can be completely skipped without affecting the delivery of the last episode's ending. It all doesn't make for a compelling or deep narrative experience either way.. the plot isn't memorable, and no characters is actually likeable. Calling this "mature content" because people constantly blow-up into small pieces of gory meat, is rather childish. Specially since the story itself is way too boring and plain to even complain about.

If you like studio Trigger's crisp animation and character design, you'll definitely get something out of it. But if you don't like meandering and pointless content that pretends to be more than it actually can deliver.. you can safely lower your expectations and maybe even skip this.
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Crimson Peak (2015)
"Love makes monsters of us all"
26 May 2024
A bloody mystery movie set in a Victorian-like era.

Had I read this as a book, I probably wouldn't have cared for it. And Toro's characteristic over-reliance on style over substance is palpable here as well.. with a clichéd story and characters that might lack development and narrative depth, as if static portraits of people.

The lines are good, but it is their exact delivery and the cast's presence that gives them weight. It is the atmospheric and intricate set designs and locations, along with the stunning costumes, that transports the audience to the eerie, yet beautiful, world of Crimson Peak.

No other movie has made me appreciate the collaborative effort of the entire crew, playing a crucial role in my enjoyment of a film. One person isn't capable of creating something worthwhile, and attributing it all to one man is nonsense! It is a testament to the hard work of departments such as production design and many others, that their harmonious work has otherwise brought this gothic romance story to life! Almost all present elements overshadow the narrative flaws, making the movie more enjoyable than it might have been otherwise.

It is a film with many elements, that luckily still work when stacked onto each other.

Still some that feel 'unnecessary' in retrospect, such as the addition of ghosts and horrors, that only seem to serve as tools to drive the plot forward, rather than being integral to the story! As the general story could have been told without them. Still, they help provide an allure that would have otherwise lacked. Also, it presents a premise that unfurls and develops rather slowly and to a rather predictable demise.

All together makes for a visual experience that overshadows the lacking narrative and it's flaws. Making it more enjoyable than it might have been otherwise.

It may not offer a groundbreaking story, but its execution is a a stroke of luck in atmospheric "unnecessary" horror and period drama.
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Atlas (2024)
"Do you prefer Pie or Cake?"
24 May 2024
The setup is quick and painless.

AI takes over the world and spreads in a threatening manner. In a surprising (and completely illogical) twist, the machines flees Earth. Twenty Eight years later, humanity must end what they started.

I'm beyond impressed at how a seemingly generic sci-fi movie, can have this level of production, appealing visuals, as well as designs in general (alien planets, interfaces, technology). On the other hand, I'm equally disappointed on what the movie delivers as a story.

The script is so vanilla, generic and predictable that it makes an otherwise excellent execution of an awful script, feel like a complete waste. Also, there are 4 actors on this movie, and I liked half of them.. neither were the lead or the villain and have little screen time. Sadly, Lopez is a detriment to the narrative, as the pacing tanks with her continuously stopping to deliberate on "unfun" ideas and awfully boring interactions. Also the action probably clocks at 30 minutes of a length of 2 hours!

It does have an interesting technological idea that only works as a concepts. And many things require that you don't stop to think about anything, or your disbelief on your lead and technology would hamper whatever you can muster from this film.

I would have loved for someone with an interesting idea to have had access to this level of polish and delivery.

Can you imagine them producing a (good) Gundam movie that looks like this!?
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"The expertly crafted and incredibly lifelike dialogue"
23 May 2024
Decent setup, excellent choreographies, and impressive camerawork. That's it.

A generic Hunger Games dystopian world that isn't really explored, and poorly developed plot is at fault for my lack of enjoyment. No element feels like a real threat, the ending is always in sight (predictable developments) and the narrative makes it hard for you to root/care about anyone.. Then the poor dialogue, the voice of "coach MacGuirk" is WAY too distracting, the predictability of the narrative, the pacing, the awful attempts "comedy". From the cast, only Bill Skarsgård and Jessica Rothe stand out (one more than the other)! Mostly due to their "physical presence". Aside from them, the character of Brett Gelman had a lot of charm (even with so little screen-time). The rest of the characters are quite forgettable and generic. All style, no Substance.

As a film, I was put off by it. That which should have been fun, felt like a chore.. but I also had too many expectations.

I could not recommend it, aside from the action scenes. Given score due to visuals and for what I imagine to be copious-amounts of stunt work and effort put by the supporting crew.
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The Fall Guy (2024)
"Even better than what you find in the movies"
22 May 2024
A giant stunt palooza! And an ode to all the incredible things these actors and supporting cast do.

With enough levity to make the world building feel like you are watching a skit or a cartoon.

Sadly, the story itself is just serviceable.. with a basic criminal plot, but plenty of fun moments. And while the silliness doesn't detract from how energetic and fast paced it feels, it still feels simple, short and compact. Lovely credits, though! From the behind the cameras, to the script-like credits. The other high point is definitely the varied cast (Winston Duke continues to be a treat) and the well-written characters. Oh! There's a bit of a Romance and "moving on" theme, as well as achieving that "happy ending".. barely.

I mean, we are all here for Ryan Gosling.. go watch it if you can.
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"I shouldn't have said it, but I'm not wrong"
20 May 2024
I personally rarely ever watch comedy shows, as I rarely enjoy the act of sitting down, knowingly expecting myself to laugh for the next hour or so.. but I quite like Jimmy Carr.

From his funny-memorable laugh, to his general attitude and approach to comey! Smartly knows that jokes are like Magnets for people.. and a (sometimes) tad relentless when interacting with his audience, which is easily the best of such a show.

In the end, I would rank this Comedy Show higher than I would as a general piece of entertaining. And I'd even be willing to recommend it.. IF you are fine with a Laundry List of jokes.

Normally, expect a better flow from lines to laugh, to next line. Even a bit of showmanship! Not necessarily a narrative, but maybe a core concept to try and tie it all together! This one is noticeably lacking in cohesion.. enough to feel underwritten. Like going from marriage propositions, directly to "I don't understand mother in laws". So it was fine in the end, had a few chuckles! But I'm sure he could do better.
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Shin Godzilla (2016)
"Watashi wa suki ni shita.. kimi-ra mo suki ni shiro!"
16 May 2024
Hideaki Anno's wet dream.. No other way to describe it.

It is the only type of story he is capable of telling, and you can feel his fingerprints all over it. Thankfully(?), they must have slowed him down and prevented the narrative from delving into the depths of his unbridled whimsy!! After so long and no sequel, just take the final scene as the interesting visual it is.

As for the script itself, I enjoyed it very much! Even if Shin Gojira also feels very familiar.. I'd go as far as call these developments as an alternate retelling of an Evangelion Prologue. A more detailed response to the first appearance of an Angel, and the prelude to Evangelion deployment. Not so much humanity versus a walking-reactor God.. but humanity against itself on 2 fronts.

Personally, I find it impressive that this came out 8 years before the recent release of the popular "Godzilla - Minus One"! One that feels lesser in comparison, as it doesn't stringe for innovate on any front, and only aims to retells a story that didn't need yet another flavorless remake. This one is very focused, much more engrossing and developed than its counterpart. With elements of chaos, environmental destruction, ineffective government response, unfounded optimism, human indifference and idiocy of general populace. All tied to the retaliatory willpower of one entity! With an excellent scientific framework and novel approach that changes things enough to feel new, even if still in line with the intentions of the original.

My only lament, is that it doesn't have the visuals that Hollywood's King Kong x Godzilla does.. because the cheap CGI (whether on purpose or not) is a real detriment.
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Tailenders (2009)
"Your top speed is a concept in itself"
14 May 2024
The movie Redline, this is not.

Around 20 minutes for a short that swirls around the idea of "racing", but doesn't provide much in that department and leaves one disappointed. While the art style is somewhat appealing, there's no memorable moment in its animation to truly celebrate. Add to that a story that barely starts and doesn't really end, simplistic designs, shallow characters, hollow aspirations and world building that is as scarce as its length.

It isn't particularly annoying or bad in any of its elements, just generic and utterly harmless. Can't really recommend something I barely feel like I watched.
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eX-Driver (2000–2001)
"Iwa iwa, tsuini atashi wo koero otoko ga arawareta!"
14 May 2024
PLOT - In a world of AI-controlled driving, a police force with 2 professional female teenagers drive gasoline-cars and prevent faulty vehicle-related incidents. Soon, a kid joins the job on a cliché 6 episode series (+ Movie).

The premise is REALLY simplistic, and the lack of imaginative world-building (specially for the time), leave a lot to be desired. Also! If there's something I don't like in a script.. it's shallow dialogue and pointless interactions. With lots of time-wasting scenes, lack of logic, and annoying comments from character make for a frustrating watching experience. Still, the animation is quite good! Though the constant change in camera-angles destroys the flow of the movement, which detracts from exciting speedy-car-movements. In the hands of better direction, these could have been memorable (Riding Bean from 1989 comes to mind)! But all together provides a generic and forgettable short series.
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"Lucky for us.. the prototype had already been transported to Hollow Earth for testing"
14 May 2024
I for one appreciate the script on this one (or a lack of)! But still glad I didn't watch this on theaters.

The constant "Primal Rage" battles with over the top cinematics and relentless action, and (more importantly) a small little human moment, while maintaining little presence throughout the film! There's so little dialogue, you could choose random points in the movie with a high probability of "no one talking"!! They ALMOST got it perfectly this time, too.. buy there's always that one out-of-place character that feels annoying and distracting.

And sadly, it still require you to shut-off your brain, as almost everything that happens is so too disconnected from reality and lacking in logical explanations. But this is a Monster Mash, and it does so very well! You can leave the more human and scientific storytelling to TOHO, whom are perfectly content with telling the same story as many times as possible. Fun and it moves rather fast, so it is easy to watch! And the great CGI helps too.
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Hunter Killer (2018)
"I can.. I'm looking at him"
12 May 2024
You have a sudden mystery and spark for possible all-out conflict, where professional men are asked to do the impossible in an off-of-the-record mission.

This is one of those fictional War movies that seem too short in retrospect.. at least when thinking about summarizing on a paragraph or two.

There are plenty of underwater action (albeit nothing out of the ordinary), military tactics, some tension and a decent conclusion. The draw, for me, are the good interactions between the cast. It does have a tired-plot that is executed rather well, and plenty developments with a lot "trust me" moments. But it is rather enjoyable, and reminded me of similar 90s films of the same genre.
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"You again?"
12 May 2024
An unsanctioned British mission, composed of colorful characters from different backgrounds, against Nazi U-Boat Submarines that terrorized the seas and prevented the Americans from joining the war.

This is more a history lesson than it is an Action-Comedy. As I didn't know much going in, I was expecting a Guy Ritchie movie, but realized this was closer to fact than fiction sooner rather than later.

Still, the story has good pacing and excellent execution, but it is rather tame and steady. Even so, the developments entertain quite a bit and conclude in a satisfying manner! And the main attraction is the charming cast.. the lot of 'em! Which makes this more pleasant than one could expect. Otherwise, the rare opposition somewhat drains the script of tense moments, even if an occasional wrench is thrown in the mix! And the lack of more memorable moments also hurts it a bit.. but there's little to do when working with the truth.

I can easily recommend it, but don't expect to jump off your seat.
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Abigail (2024)
"My lovely pack of rats"
10 May 2024
Campy and cheese Horror.

At a point.. I wasn't sure how it was going to go. But then you look back and the outcome is painfully obvious, with the copious amounts of foreshadowing and the generic script-structure doesn't leave much room either. But it still manages to be quite entertaining for what it is! The premise is strong enough as a foundation. But more than that.. it is the good performances, the likeable characters, and the carefree-attitude (that they nailed) that makes it enjoyable.

Still, I just wished the trailer and image before playing play wasn't a spoiler! I mean, talk about shooting yourself in the foot and deflating part of the experience for no reason. Even so, easy recommendation if you like this sort of thing.
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Pre-peeled chestnuts
7 May 2024
(Seeing something like "Past Lives" (same year of 2023) get an Oscar nomination over something like this puts a sour taste in my mouth).

This is the kind of movie that does impressively well what it sets out to tell.

Messages between the lines, charming performances and an air of loneliness and camaraderie. It all makes you ponder at how painful life can be, and how it can all easily go away with the right company. Or how you don't really get to know how hard someone's life is at a given moment, and how there's people that are kind just when you need them to being some of the most rare and special. The sort of people you'd hope you'd meet throughout your life.

I enjoyed more than I expected! And would easily recommend it, as it isn't too deep or meandering. But the pie of life it offers is quite sweet and sour.

... now feel like eating Ramen.
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"A Samurai's wife sends off her man with a smile"
28 April 2024
If you want to watch this film, you HAVE to watch the 2 following movies.

Together, they make more of a TV show season! And alone, this introductory story isn't particularly satisfying.. nor does it feel as if it provides a complete narrative either, as it tries to tell the entire life of Musashi Miyamoto. And so, I review the entire story and not just this first entry here (otherwise, I would have to lower its score by quite a margin).

I feel it has pacing issues, a lack of focus in some themes and moments, and constantly shifts to other things without a proper setup or conclusion. It's also has elements of period "romance", which is sometimes hard to enjoy (specially for those not accustomed to Japanese culture). It also lacks excitement or truly memorable moments (be it battles or interactions).. but it does have a good cast and the famed and always impressive Toshiro Mifune, and it is very well produced. I wasn't particularly blown away, but I also ended up watching them one after the other. So, while I would have wanted to get more out of it, it is enough to satisfy a fan of these films.. albeit barely.
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