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I'm a fan.
23 December 2021
I started to watch this out of boredom in 2014. Didn't exactly know what to expect except this is based on one of the biggest selling manga in Japan. "Jojo" also has a silly ring to it. I figured all these people can't be wrong. And indeed, what a ride. It is so much fun to watch this weird, colorful anime. Don't give up after the first episode as its sillyness grows on you. Kudos to the weird imagination of the author for the unpredictable storyline. It totally lives up to the title 'bizarre'. I'm so happy Netflix gives this anime the attention it deserves. A bit of warning: it contains humor which was acceptabele to most people in the late 80ies - begin 90ies but may upset some people now.
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Castlevania (2017–2021)
Exceptionally well done
21 April 2020
The artwork is beautiful, the animation is great and the storytelling is well-paced. The protagonists grow on you as you learn more about their motivations. There's very explicit violence, nudity and rude language but all serving the story.
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Homeland: Long Time Coming (2014)
Season 4, Episode 12
Season 4 finale focuses on character development and sets everything up for season 5
15 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Overall I really liked Season 4. Liked the plot, not so obvious as the series came to a full closure in s#3.

Some reviewers have a problem with Carrie. They ask for a more likable character. And then the finale totally focuses on her and has no cliffhanger. Ouch.

Well I guess that's the point of the whole show: move away from the standard good/evil, black/white, sane/sick, the US vs the terrorists and people start to complain. Go see Delta Force. Welcome to the way of the world where nothing is black or white (especially in the Middle East!). Self-preservation in stead of heroics. Even the voice of her conscience (Saul) seems to act in his own self interest.

Her sometimes Machiavellian tactics clash with our ethics and that's a good thing. It fuels the debate about what the West is doing in the Middle East and e.g. what will be the long term effect of the drone attacks. Will it make the "homeland" more secure or create more terrorists? (Don't know the answer either). Solely for this this series deserves a lot of credit.

This episode deals with the aftermath, coming home and facing what Carrie was running away from in the first place. Licking wounds. Utter disappointment.

I saw some solid acting and can't wait for s#5
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The whole show breathes quality but somehow I didn't get involved
24 October 2014
The first episodes create an interesting premise: a mysterious terrorist group, nuclear threat, manipulation, government conspiracies, yep we're in the 2010's...

Everything is beautiful animated, the music's really great and at any moment you expect this show to really gain momentum and explode. But in my humble opinion this just doesn't happen.

The main characters are quite sterile, I didn't end up caring for them.

A lot of elements covered in the story were already explored in numerous other (anime) works. Some twists are quite far fetched and silly.

And when the plot is finally revealed... well there weren't surprises.

Everyone can see so much work, dedication and love went into this series, so it is still worth to check it out.
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Space Dandy (2014)
26 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Because I loved Cowboy Bebop so much, I was really anxious about Space Dandy. I 've now seen 5 episodes.

To be honest, I didn't know what to think after viewing the first episode. No dark, tormented characters like Spike or Faye here. Expect over the top characters who are constantly in a sugar rush. Don't look for an arc or character development either, as the main characters usually don't make it to the end of the episode :-) The episodes are pure escapism, full of slapstick, and with numerous references to other Science Fiction works. You can just see everybody loved working on this series.

I read from some comments here, people didn't like the amount of boobs and other sexual references. It didn't bother me since it's quite obvious a parody on Space monsters material from the 50ies and 60ies.

The things it has in common with Cowboy Bebop are the highly dysfunctional crew, the beautiful artwork and animation and the fact the show grows on you every episode.

I really hope Space Dandy will also end with a "bang".
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Paperman (2012)
Great short
28 December 2012
It's a short movie and I will keep this review as short as IMDb permits.

I saw this before Wreck-it Ralph, make sure to be on time so you don't miss it.

When you consider all the crap Disney delivers on television, it's a surprise to be completely swept away by this beautiful little b/w movie.

Not one single word is said, the stunning visuals and appropriate music do all the talking.

It reminded me of the beginning of Pixars "Up", without the bittersweet tone.

Too bad for the business model, people can fold the merchandise themselves for this one. But please Disney, take more risks like this.
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Steins;Gate (2011–2015)
Great story
19 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Steins;Gate's early episodes left me puzzled as to what this series was about. I wondered what was the fuss about.

As an adult, the "coming to age" and "harem" themes simply don't appeal to me. I suppose I'm not the audience this stuff is aimed at. It is full of references to anime subculture (also the more silly stuff...), that's the only reason I don't give it better ratings.

Mind you, the next episodes simply blew me away and I ended up actually caring about the members of the Future Gadget Laboratory, as each of them has to make very harsh choices. This leads to warm, emotional scenes in which the characters react in a sensible way. The time travel bits are intriguing and realistic.

All builds up to an intense finale. Here, the writers missed a chance to end it in a sad but beautiful way. Now, we have a satisfying but by no means exceptional conclusion that isn't stupid and dorky like Lost and Battlestar Gallactica.

Some anime eventually gets blown up to mythical proportions, as if the writers lose control. Luckily not this one, it's set in a limited set of interesting locations in Akihabara, with a limited number of characters.

People with an open mind who want to see something more challenging really should check this out.
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Quite an enjoyable movie
4 February 2012
I was browsing through IMDb when I stumbled upon the reviews of this movie. As a matter of fact, 6 months ago, I saw the Dutch dubbed version with 3 kids (one 6y, 2 10y).

I have to say, everybody enjoyed it. The 6y old even asked me to buy it on DVD. I wonder if the person who gave this a "1" even bothered to look at the movie at all...

Because I like Paris, I enjoyed the little details the French animators put in it. It really captures the Parisian atmosphere. The animation is in the same league as Megamind, Despicable Me etc. It's not as good as the Pixar/Dreamworks movies, but it was still very well done.

Some jokes worked, others didn't, but all in all I found it well worth the money.
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A bittersweet tale
21 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This weekend, I got to see two animated movies with my kids. Rio and Arrietty. Even though Rio is the noisy one, their heart was with Arrietty, this beautiful witty character, on the verge of adulthood.

The developing relationship with Sho, how improbable it may be, is portrayed beautifully in all its complexity.

I don't understand people who say Ghibli movies have a problem with pace. I agree the pace is different. These Japanese guys take the time to tell a story, respect for that.

The attention to detail is stunning, as always. It's so vivid and colorful... Nobody comes close to Ghibli. Especially the animals are amazing, carefully avoiding the "cuteness"... My favorite scene is when Arrietty is climbing the roof. This is so painstakingly perfect animated... Craftsmanship becomes art...

The end is both sad and hope-giving, but hey so is life... bittersweet.

Don't believe the critics, go see this one if you get the chance. You won't be disappointed. It's a shame this movie doesn't get the attention it deserves outside of Japan.
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Melancholia (2011)
A voyage
16 August 2011
Yesterday I had the chance to see Melancholia. I was a bit anxious given the mixed reception here (either euphoric or very negative).

It seems the media are talking more about the disaster-press-conference-from-hell Lars gave in Cannes. Which is a shame.

Like always, Lars von Trier does not want to appeal to the general public, but in stead wants to present the viewer something unique and honest.

It was influenced by his own "melancholia", of which he suffered when working on this project.

I, for one saw solid acting and great directing from a person who carefully observes and understands human interaction. For me it works.

This movie is by no means perfect but it was thought provoking, and heart touching and that's exactly what a decent movie should try to achieve.

Thank you for reading my opinion.
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
30 April 2011
I never read the "A Song of Ice and Fire" series, so maybe my unbiased opinion can be of use.

From what I've seen from the TV show (2 episodes), I can assure you it's up to HBO's high standards.

The fantasy elements are minimal in the first episodes, with only the chilling opener and some dragon eggs that seem not entirely dead ;) So what we now essentially have is a dark medieval tale. I'm wondering how they will roll out these elements in the next episodes.

The atmosphere is extremely grim to American standards and the storyline will grab you by the throat from the very first scene.

It has complex characters, all with their own agenda, which you just can't label "good" or "evil". They behave like normal people would. It is totally believable. No formulaic "comic relief" , no "cute" characters... How confusing this must be for some people :-) This is a series that doesn't threat its viewers as children and entirely lives up to the hype.

An excellent job, HBO
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