
78 Reviews
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How is this criminal not in prison?
18 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I have never written a review like I am about to write.

This very disturbing, very embarrassing "documentary" is all over the place. Who "directed" this mess and what were they on?

It made my head spin and my skin crawl trying to figure out how this was even allowed to be aired and who fronted the money for it? This was clearly an outcast stalker's revenge out to embarrass Tinsley and her friends. How is no one else creeped out by this whole thing being made?

No one can see that he was deeply obsessed (and stalked) Tinsley and her friends years ago - to the point of detailing every single thing about them in an online blog? Then he went as far as trying to infiltrate her friend group? Park Avenue Peerage - they all laughed off as a rag mag put out by Tinsley herself. No one can see what it truly was? It was the ramblings of an obsessed stalker. They are so naive that they kept referring to it as "cute". Cute that this boy wanted to be close. Wake up... It wasn't just that it highlighted Tinsley often. He was obsessed with Tinsley. He was one person doing this writing. It wasn't a collaboration of multiple people. Tell me how this is any different than what other stalkers do. I'll wait.

Did everyone completely miss that he actually admitted to STEALING so much money from his parents that his parents had to file bankruptcy. Bankruptcy. Think about that. He stole so much from his parents that he put his parents through financial devastation. And this is just okay?

You can tell he is truly a sociopath because he had zero empathy or remorse for any of it. Every penny he made from this documentary I hope went right to his parents and he didn't keep a penny.

Who does this to their parents- drain every penny they have worked their whole lives for just to give the money to "some random guy" named Tommy that he was obsessed with? Who didn't even give him the time of day back? No one stopped him?

He admitted to buying massive amounts of drugs/gifts totaling over $300,000+++ heavy, heavy drug use, continuing to being a sex worker, catfishing people, stealing and stalking - how are they not in prison?

This is fraud and he is dangerous.

Don't give me some sob story that he is self medicating because of his mental illness.

No - this is criminal. Period.

So this is "just okay? No legal consequences for any of it?

No one sees anything wrong with this? No one sees how criminally insane this whole thing is?

This person had it in his head that he deserved to be rubbing elbows with the young girl elite socialites of New York - why exactly?

All of these girls came from very prominent families, very prominent old money. He literally stalked from afar, started a creepy blog detailing every move these girls made and was determined to infiltrate to get close to Tinsley - the very girl he was stalking?

How has he continued to get away with this?

This isn't scary to anyone? If he could do what he did to his parents - what else is he capable of?

"Already wrote out his wedding announcement many times in his head"? "Son of no one"? What?? That is a slap in the face to his parents - who I'm sure worked very very hard for the money he stole from them.

It was like watching a bi-polar narcissist stalker go through a severe manic episode and then immediately switch to the deep depressive stage without warning. Blaming everyone else for their problems and the life they chose. Over and over and over. Disjointed. Vulgar. Just a total waste of 2 hours viewers will never get back.

Was this a concoction to seek revenge on those he was obsessed with who "mistreated" him in his mind when he was a teenager?

A "remember me"?? (Yet none of them do.) An outcast's payback to the "in crowd" - that was never even his crowd?

Tinsley was very nice and very very naive to want to meet up with him. She extended a beautiful invitation for charity for the animals and not only did he not have the nerve to walk in, he made it all about him and lashed out against Tinsley in that voicemail in a way that is very concerning.

What they did to Tinsley in this "documentary" was appalling. This should have never been set to air. Tinsley tried to reach out to him and he basically slapped her when she has done absolutely nothing wrong. He one minute talks over her and says "let me know how I can help with your event" then says "why am I the one to always support others." What?!?!? This is much more sinister than being passive aggressive.

Tinsley cannot win with this one and someone needs to distance her from him. This is not friendship. This is obsession.

Did you hear the voicemail at the end telling her off? That was envy and jealousy disguised as "poor me" "I have nothing in common with those people". "I'm a sex worker". As if it was Tinsley's fault. Notice how we didn't see Tinsley's reaction to the voice mail. Makes you wonder why she distanced herself from him when they were younger.

HE chose to be a sex worker. He has no one else to blame and yet he was gas lighting Tinsley. He could have taken that 300,000 he stole from his parents and gotten his masters degree, a house and became something in life. He decided to blow it on blow and blowing.

Tinsley has a heart of gold. You can clearly tell she was completely duped into doing this whole interview. The entire time Tinsley looked confused as to why she was even there.

She agreed for them to interview her, she sincerely reached out and invited this person to her event and this person not only set out to completely embarrass Tinsley - they were rude and nasty to Tinsley in the process.

There was no ending. It was like they filmed this rant and all of a sudden ran out of money so they couldn't finish it.

This should be pulled and Tinsley deserves a massive apology for the embarrassment. Tinsley is way too nice to stick up for herself with this. She needs someone to step in and do it for her.
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Leah single handedly destroyed it once again.
15 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Leah single handedly ruined RHONY. After what Leah did to RHONY - people have no idea how Bravo allowed her on UGT. She then single handedly ruined UGT. The other women were immediately fed up with her and she made the trip miserable for everyone. She needs professional mental intervention - not reality TV. Not sure how she was cast on the show in the first place. She was NOT a HouseWIFE - She wasn't married. She was not wealthy.

She was vulgar, crude and disgusting. No wonder her parents were mortified.

Why did they cast this woman after all the problems she caused on RHONY? She actually tried to say that BRAVO/Andy Cohen MADE her drink? Were they responsible for her addiction issues years ago as well? Who is she blaming for that?
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Vanderpump Villa (2024– )
Anything LVP does is 10/10 but Hannah is unbearable to watch.
15 April 2024
Anything LVP puts her hands on turns out absolutely beautiful and amazing. There are people out there that will criticize LVP strictly because of RHOBH.

How could they possibly have anything bad to say about LVP given all that LVP has done to literally save the amount of lives that she has?

If you say you don't like her - at least take a few minutes to learn more about her before stating such.

LVP is the ONLY HW that has used her platform to literally save countless lives with her own bare hands.

Do you realize that LVP physically went to congress to fight the Yulan dog festivals? To stop the horrific festivals that torture innocent animals?

If you say you don't like LVP - look up the Yulan dog festivals and her part in trying to stop them. She didn't just sign a petition. She physically went to China herself to stop the Yulan Dog festivals. She didn't stop there - she saved countless animals from this horrific death and found homes for them.

Are you aware of her Animal Rescue and the countless animals she has saved here?

I cannot think of ONE reality TV person that has used their platform in this way. She was involved in rescue way before TV and will be long after she is no longer on TV.

How can anyone not like her after now learning this? This is on top of working full-time (and having her hands full) at an age most people start to slow down and retire she's running circles around all of us. Do you know how many restaurants she has been responsible for all over the world? How many jobs she has created?

Say what you will about VPR - but she gave her employees exposure they would have never had. She changed their lives.

Other HW have just slapped their names on some cheap product and have hawked it like some used car salesmen. They have not saved any lives nor have they even thought along those lines. Many of them had nothing to do with the creation of the products they have put their name on.

Anything LVP does is 10/10

That being said Hannah is unbearable to watch and is ruining the show. I keep fighting the urge to turn it off just so I don't have to hear/see her.

Hannah is a delusional narcissist and I'm being nice. Don't think so? Go watch the beginning of episode 5 alone. Will sum it up in about 5 minutes.

"I feel like I'm sooo pretty" WHO in their right mind says this about themselves in front of a group of people - on TV? Cringe. What she done to her lips is embarrassing.

What is the saying about delusional narcissists? Think it, don't say it. *Think* you're pretty don't say it. To anyone. Ever.

LVP has another hit - not only with the Villa but with the show. I know you have to have drama for a good TV show but Hannah is going to make people hate this show and turn off their TV.

I hope she gets the professional help she needs. It isn't normal for people to scream and cry like she is. To think she's probably on her best behavior knowing she's on TV. Can you imagine how she would be if she wasn't on TV?

No, I'm not a bully - I have stated facts and I'm mot stating anything you can see for yourself.

I hope she stops disfiguring herself with the lip injections. It is not cute.

I hope they replace several of the staff. Starting with Hannah. She is no Stassi and is going to ruin the show. Without her and a few others, LVP had a hit.
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Under the Dome (2013–2015)
Season 1 was Great. Season 2 Not Good. Season 3 Horrible
20 February 2024
Season 1 was Great. Season 2 Not Good. Season 3 Horrible.

With Steven King, and Steven Spielberg this series had the chance to be amazing. Absolutely amazing. How did those two power houses allow the writers for this show to completely ruin the show?

It had a great concept people trapped by a dome.

The writers completely ruined it by adding this far-fetched low budget cocoon absurdity. I mean the cocoon shots were the worst acting I have ever witnessed.

Far fetched doesn't even describe it. Did real writers go on strike??? Was there no budget? What what what what do you keep Logan do you keep hearing? What does it sound like? Explain the sound what are you doing?
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Sex Education (2019–2023)
Went from a Solid 7-8 to a 2 in one season.
31 January 2024
Went from a Solid 7-8 to a 2 in one season.

Seriously. Everything that could go wrong with the show - went wrong. I understand trying to address current issues and pop culture but this was an absolute train wreck. I mean it was absolutely embarrassing. Seasons 1-3 were entertaining. Season 4 I kept turning off. Every episode was worse than the last. I really hate not finishing a show once I start it.

What were they trying to do? Shock the audience? Were the writers on strike and someone else filled in? I don't see how everyone involved in this show signed off on this. I would be embarrassed to have my name attached to it.

The show has always has always been crude and vulgar - this season was over the top.

I guess in the UK, they are more liberal with sex, but if this is how teenagers are here in the USA, we are all doomed.
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The House of Ho (2020–2022)
How embarrassing. Their only hope is Reagan.
18 January 2024
How embarrassing. Their only hope is Reagan.

Reagan should take over the family legacy. He may be the younger son, but he is much much more mature than his pompous, embarrassing, failure brother. Without his father's money, Washington Ho would be a total zero. He is a junkie with daddy's money. He was a Gambling addict. He was an alcoholic. He should be ashamed. His father came here with nothing and he is blowing that hard earned money 25K-50K a pop gambling with his buddies??? I wonder how much he has blown of his father's money vs how much he has actually earned. I don't mean meetings that his father set up.

His father needs to cut him completely off. Put all his money in Reagan's hands.

His wife should run and not look back.

He went to rehab and it did nothing to make him grown up. He's a man child. I feel awful for his wife.

The way he talks about his wife is disgusting. She deserves more.
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Would have been an 8 if it had an ending!
10 December 2023
Would have been an 8 if it had an ending!

How could it end like this?

Did they run out of money?

How can anyone involved with this project be happy with the ending? There was NO ending.

It was over abruptly.

You have someone who built out a basement and when the crud hits the fan, they aren't in it???

It could have gone on for several hours

Maybe it should been a series?

Would have been an 8 if it had an ending!

How could it end like this?

Did they run out of money?

How can anyone involved with this project be happy with the ending? There was NO ending.

It was over abruptly.

You have someone who built out a basement and when the crud hits the fan, they aren't in it???

It could have gone on for several hours

Maybe it should been a series?
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My Pack Life (2022– )
THANK YOU for supporting a show like this!
29 September 2023
THANK YOU for supporting a show like this!

Have followed Lee Asher for many many years now and was so HAPPY to see someone funded a TV show highlighting his Sanctuary.

Every time he talks about growing up and being bullied I want to wrap my arms around him and give him a huge hug! He loves these animals because they won't let him down and they give him the Unconditional Love he needs (and deserves)! He us probably one of the most LOVED men on this planet - it is heartbreaking to know he didn't feel that growing up from friends. I know that kind of hurt all too well and I say "we'll look at him now bullies! He's loved by millions!

THESE are the people who deserve the reality TV money. Not the so called housewives who blow the money on countless b**b jobs, facelifts, b*tt lifts and then fight with people on camera. THIS is what viewers want to see!!!

We need MORE seasons of The Asher House aka My Pack Life and I hope he's getting as much money for his pooches as these other hooches on Reality TV get!
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The Family Stallone (2023– )
No mention of either son when speaking of family?
10 August 2023
Couldn't help but feel a little heartbroken that they didn't take just five minutes to mention either of Sly's sons. The name was The "Family" Stallone. There are messsges throughout about how much family means. The ending was all about family. Very sad that his two sons weren't mentioned at all. They could have acknowledged Sage and his passing after they spoke of Sophia's heart issues. They could have had just tribute wording or dedication wording at the end "Gone but not forgotten" I understand privacy for his other son but they could have found a way to acknowledge him. Could have even found a way to include him in some way. The world understands autism now that so many people are on the spectrum.

They found a way to include Pacino and Arnold... When speaking of the "FAMILY" Stallone - please don't forget to include all of your children... A simple acknowledgment at the end, even if an afterthought could have been worked in. They were his children first afterall... Would have given much higher rating if so...
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Listen to the bad reviews
26 July 2023
Listen to the bad reviews. I went into it knowing not to expect much. It be was worse than I could have ever imagined.

I honestly thought a movie with Morgan Freeman and Cole Hauser couldn't be as bad as all these reviews stated?

Morgan Freeman is one of my favorite actors of all time. The bad reviews are absolutely correct. This has to be the worst movie I have seen in a very long time.

George Gallo or whoever the Director is - should never work in Hollywood again. Videography felt like someone in high school shot it on their phone. Their 2001 flip phone.

Was there no pre-screening before this was released?

The other actors were horrible and could not act. I swear it was like they had their script in hand.

It was like watching a movie of all extras trying to play roles they had no business being in and then Morgan Freeman and Cole Hauser.
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Reboot is trash. These woman are disgusting.
20 July 2023
Reboot is pure trash. These woman are absolutely disgusting.

Who was in charge of casting these women???

The show needed a reboot. Leah single handedly ruined RHONY. After what Leah did to RHONY - people have no idea how Bravo allowed her on UGT. She then single handedly ruined UGT. The other women were immediately fed up with her and she made the trip miserable for everyone. She needs professional mental intervention - not reality TV. Not sure how she was cast on the show in the first place. She was NOT a HouseWIFE - She wasn't married. She was not wealthy.

She was vulgar, crude and disgusting. No wonder her parents were mortified.

I gave the reboot show an honest chance. I did not compare it to previous seasons.

On its own, in two minutes I was completely and totally disgusted. I turned it off. What was editing thinking for allowing this to be the first two minutes of the show? I deleted the remainder of the show and deleted RHONY entirely from recording future episodes.

Bravo - time to let this one go....

The first 2 minutes of Episode 1 - the things that came out of their mouths - classless and lowlife.

I equate New York with Class and Glamour. These women sound like they live in the gutter.

Their families should be horrified.
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Making the Cut (2020– )
WHAT did I just watch? These judges are horrible.
17 July 2023
WHAT did I just watch? The finale was horrific. These judges are really just horrible. Jeremy Scott is an embarrassment. He has no business on this show and needs to be replaced.

The ONLY good thing about this show is Tim Gunn. Replacr everyone else and keep Tim Gunn.

I have watched *every single episode* of Project Runway and *every single episode* of Project Runway All Stars.

Making the cut is a disgrace to the fashion industry. Truly. They had a great concept - see it on TV, but it right away.

These designers had ZERO I would ever buy. If I had a free gift card for $500 I would give it away. Not one thing was wearable.

I've never seen anyone so out of touch with reality win a fashion competition like this. Was this for publicity? Pick someone so "out there" that people would talk about the show?

No one in their right mind would seriously consider wearing any of these designs. It isn't cool. It isn't fashion forward it is a mental disorder displayed in textiles.

The festival episode could have been so cool. What in the world were they thinking?

Jeremy Scott has no business being a judge on this show. He cannot even dress himself but he's going to judge designers?

Nicole Richie is not a fashion icon. She's the only one they could get?

Get REAL judges with taste. That's the only thing that would save this show.

Tim Gunn never disappoints. He's amazing.
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Servant (2019–2023)
Awful. Glad it's over.
1 July 2023
First Season was good but by the third season it was clear the director only cared about his "attempt" at artistic (annoying!!!!) camera work.

Making people wait an entire week between episodes and then the episode is only 30 minutes long?!?! Who thought this was a good idea? If you didn't binge it all at once it was a complete drag....

They took what could have been a great series and ruined it by the HORRIBLE camera angles. Why did the camera have to be two inches from everyone's face??? The spinning, the shoe shots, the crotch shots. How about keeping the VIEWER in mind when shooting???? I want to WATCH TV not be aggregated by absurd camera angles.
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High reviews must be from people who worked on film.
16 April 2023
High reviews must be from people who worked on film. The other high reviews are a joke, right? I can't even rate it 1/10.

This has to be the absolute worst film I have seen in a long time. Kept waiting for it to get better. The end crashed and burned.

Pay attention to the LOW reviews about how terrible this film is.

The ending is like the ran out if money and gave up.

I want my two hours back.

WHO gave this a green light??? Who funded this?

No wonder none of the actors are known except WH.

Only famous actor is Woody Harrelson and after Natural Born Killers - he is known for making terrible movies.
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The worst movie I've ever seen. How is this a 7.7???
2 April 2023
The worst movie I've ever seen. How is this a 7.7???

Ever person who worked on this film. Must have given it a 10/10 or people must not understand the review system. The absolute worst movie I have ever seen in my lifetime and that is saying a lot.

I can't even say the acting was good. There was zero closure about why one of the main characters stopped speaking to his friend in the first place. There was unnecessary killing of animals (that I hope did not happen in real life and was fake) I won't say more I don't want to create spoilers.

I thought 7.7 would mean it would be a good movie. This didn't even deserve a 1/10.

Horrible. What has happened to film making? How did this get the green light from so many people?
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Seriously with these people? What an embarrassment.
28 February 2023
Seriously with these people? What an embarrassment.

What an embarrassment for Charleston. Why would anyone want to support these establishments if they are filled with people who speak like this? Where did these people go to school? Every thing that comes out if their mouths is vulgar and low class. Do they think it is cute? It isn't. It's gross. The other reviews online are right.

Their parents should be mortified. These trashy girls are a product of their raising. Rehab can help the alcoholics but where do you send people so they stop acting like low class trash?

How did this get a green light for production?

Charleston South Carolina itself is a beautiful area and amazing Southern Hospitality.

Are girls today not told to have class and carry themselves as such? Wow. There is a difference with clutching pearls and being grossed out by what comes out of GL's mouth.
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Next in Fashion (2020–2023)
Embarrassing. Just embarrassing.
24 February 2023
Embarrassing. Just embarrassing.

The two hosts/judges and their behavior on the show is absolutely embarrassing. Cringe. If this is how they behave on camera - when they are on their best behavior - How did they get on TV?

This is what they think is "Next" in Fashion? For who? None of these pieces should be worn in public. By anyone.

I have followed fashion design for 3 decades. I have never seen such awful designs by "winners" during any fashion week, fashion show, runway, etc. It isn't what is Next - it was a Mess.

The Military theme was a completely inappropriate theme considering our relations with certain countries around the world - including countries that some of these designers are from! Asking them to create something Military inspired? Really??? I come from a long line of military including my sister who was in the Army 22 years. Cringe.

Can't see this show doing well long term. Project Runway and Making the Cut are great. Tim Gunn - who worked for Parsons and wasn't even a TV personality is Amazing on camera. We LOVE Tim Gunn. Tan is an embarrassment. He is not funny. He can't even dress himself how can he judge designers?
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Spencer (2021)
WHY Kristen Stewart????? Terrible Choice.
2 November 2022
WHO chose Kristen Stewart????? Terrible Choice. Her acting was horrible. Diana was stunning. Kristen's mannerisms were creepy. This film was a stab in the back to Princess Diana's legacy. Everyone involved should be ashamed.

WHO chose Kristen Stewart????? Terrible Choice. Her acting was horrible. Diana was stunning. Kristen's mannerisms were creepy. This film was a stab in the back to Princess Diana's legacy. Everyone involved should be ashamed. Ugggh

WHO chose Kristen Stewart????? Terrible Choice. Her acting was horrible. Diana was stunning. Kristen's mannerisms were creepy. This film was a stab in the back to Princess Diana's legacy. Everyone involved should be ashamed. Awful.
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The Handmaid's Tale (2017–2025)
Went from a 9 to a 1 - talk about a director ruining a show
20 October 2022
END IT ALREADY!!!!!! Season 5 was supposed to be the LAST season. WTH happened. The Season 5 Finale dragged on just as badly as each episode for the last 5 seasons.

Put this show OUT of its misery already! STOP with the close-ups of everyone's face.

Went from a 9 to a 1 - talk about a director/actress ruining an ENTIRE show

They had ZERO RESPECT for alll their viewers' time - the ENTIRE series. They completely dragged out every single episode.

Show was a 9 now it is a one and dying a SLOW death. Very slow death.

There was one episode in the hospital room alllllllll they did was film June's face. The entire episode. That isn't art. That's pure stupidity.

This last episode was horrendous.

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Married to Medicine (2013– )
ANILA and AUDRA have RUINED this show. Stopped watching.
6 October 2022
ANILA and AUDRA have RUINED this show. Stopped watching.

ANILA doesn't belong on this show. She is nasty, negative and zero class. ZERO substance. ZERO story line. Toya brought her on the show and she STABBED Toya in the back. Time to go.

Anila's husband is an ocular specialist and he hasn't told her that her contacts are hideous? That she dresses like a hooker? Her make up is CAKED on.

Worst of all it is EMBARRASSING that ANILA refuses to take care of her own TWO KIDS. REFUSES. She cares more about getting free stuff then her kids. There is a word for this.

What was Bravo thinking giving ANILA a second season? Ms Gomez tried to spend time with her FAMILY instead of being these people's servant. ANILA needs to GROW UP and start being a mother and a wife.

The woman JUST walked in the door and ANILA made her bathe her kids????? SERIOUSLY? You can't bathe your own kids??? GROSS. Take care of your own kids. I hope her kids see this when they grow up. She cares more about being a narcissist and her Instagram than her kids.

Get these people off the show before the whole show tanks even further.
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The Patient (2022)
Whoever thought this should be a weekly show, should be fired.
1 October 2022
Whoever thought this should be a weekly show, should be fired. Then they also thought 20/30 minute formats were a great idea???

This should have been a movie. They are dragging this entire series out for zero reason. 20 minutes, 30 minutes - even hourly weekly episodes is ridiculous.

The writers have zero respect for viewers time. I purposely didn't watch until there were 6 episodes built up. That way we could binge watch all 6 at once. Even doing that I could see that they took what could have been a great MOVIE and absolutely RUINED it.

This could have been a 10/10. Instead it is a 1/10.

Complete waste of viewers time. I won't return to watch the rest. Not even out of curiousity.

WHO thought this should be in this format? They should be fired.
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Lead "actress" ruined the movie...
5 September 2022
Lead "actress" ruined the movie... Could have been a great movie with another lead who was an actual actress. Kat Graham cannot act. All of Kat Graham's lines seemed forced and ill-timed. Cringy and embarrassing. All her mannerisms made her seem immature like a perpetual teenager.

Looking at all the other things Kat Graham has been in - everything is rated 5 or below.

This is the best they found from their auditions? Do they not care anymore and cast just anyone now? There was a time when directors cared about the films they created. Now they just churn out cheesy less-than-lifetime-movie-quality movies and will hire anyone willing? What a shame. Why waste everyone's time and money? Especially the viewer's time.

The CGI cats? Why?

Giving 2/10 for filming in the city of Verona but they should have shown more of it.

Ugggh surprised I sat through the whole thing. Her "acting" so awful I wanted to turn it off immediately.

Whose idea was it to grope the statue? Just gross.
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The Terminal (2004)
What were they thinking casting Tom Hanks?
27 August 2022
I like Tom Hanks.

Castaway was 10/10. Philadelphia 10/10. Toy Story 1-4 were even 10/10.

This mess? 1/10.

I cringed the ENTIRE movie.

WHY in the world would they cast Tom Hanks of allllll the actors to choose from for this part. What were they thinking?? He was awful. This could have been a 10/10 OSCAR winner if they used a REAL immigrant we had never seen before. It would have been endearing and lovely. It would have been FUNNY and heartbreaking. Instead it was just awful.

Someone made a HUGE mistake. What a HUGE disappointment. Could have been Oscar worthy.

I like Tom Hanks.

Castaway was 10/10. Philadelphia 10/10. Toy Story 1-4 were even 10/10.

This mess? 1/10.

I cringed the ENTIRE movie.

WHY in the world would they cast Tom Hanks of allllll the actors to choose from for this part. What were they thinking?? He was awful. This could have been a 10/10 OSCAR winner if they used a REAL immigrant we had never seen before. It would have been endearing and lovely. It would have been FUNNY and heartbreaking. Instead it was just awful.

Someone made a HUGE mistake. What a HUGE disappointment. Could have been Oscar worthy.
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Luck (I) (2022)
Very cute but I don't think animator owns a cat?!?!?
11 August 2022
Umm. I know it is just an animated cat but the animator who drew the cat - do they own a cat of their own?!?!?! Have they ever???

The cat's teeth in the movie are nothing like real cat teeth.

Cats have teeny tiny front teeth (incisors) 6 on top and 6 on bottom.

Next is a gap and then a fang - 4 large fangs (canine teeth) two top, two on bottom.

Then pre molars and then 4 very wide large molars. The sizing of their teeth from front to the back has major extremes.

This cat in movie - all the teeth are the same size and way too many teeth. Bizarre that thrmovie is all about this black cat but no one took the time to see the teeth were right? And the tail is too short but I can get past that one.
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BRAVO has NERVE to still have Erika on this show.
30 July 2022
BRAVO has NERVE to still have Erika on this show. Most companies have a code of ethics. Bravo obviously has ZERO ethics and it shows. Teresa Guiduce, Erika Girardi, Jen Shah. DISGUSTING. Viewers have had enough. Obviously Bravo knew of Girardi's 20 YEARS of lawsuits against him. Otherwise whoever is doing due diligence and background checks needs to be fired.
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