
31 Reviews
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Swelter (2014)
Good - Worth a Watch
21 June 2014
Back in the day, a movie starring Jean-Claude Van Damme was an action flick with lots of martial arts. He was the good guy in it. And it actually starred Van Damme.

More recently, Van Damme has made some movies with him as a flawed protagonist, and then several more as the main bad guy.

This movie is a decent Drama/Suspense film, with Van Damme as a secondary character, and a tries-to-be-good bad guy. He is just above the "character actor" role, probably in my mind only because he is JCVD.

The bad guys here go looking for the guy who barely escaped and still has the money, after some hold-up years ago where everyone else goes to prison to stew and fester about their revenge. There are enough variations on this basic idea to keep the viewer interested. Lennie James does a good job as the town Sheriff, easy going, hard to ruffle, and who you somehow know you just don't want to mess with. There is actually a little action here and there, but it is realistic (no martial arts) and serves mostly to add to the suspense.

With no JCVD, this would be a movie worth a watch. An interesting plot, with good acting, and nice cinematography. Seeing JCVD do his "actual acting" thing is also fairly enjoyable. He manages to entertain with his french (Belgian) accent and a simmering manner that seems to add depth even to a character that has little.
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Drive Hard (2014)
Average Movie - Worth Watching
30 May 2014
This Action-Comedy-Crime movie gave me something to do one recent afternoon, and I think it was worth the watch. I saw it before I read either of the current reviews, and thought that a middle-of-the-road review was more appropriate.

John Cusack and Thomas Jane do a good job with their characters and make the somewhat unbelievable plot more believable. Any action flick needs something to ground it, and the character development, particularly with Jane's character, does this. The female characters seem a bit stereotypical and one sided, but this actually seems to work to keep the focus on the male leads.

The action is by no means over the top, and it contains enough mild humor to qualify as a comedy. No guffaws here; just a few chuckles.

I found this a pleasant and entertaining movie, one worth watching, although I doubt I'll ever watch it again.
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Ice Soldiers (2013)
Good Enough to Watch Again Sometime
15 February 2014
Sometimes, I'll watch a movie because of who is playing a main character. And I don't mean I'm looking for any of the "usual suspects." I mean I want to watch an actor I see in movies, but who often seems to have some secondary role. Dominic Purcell's name caught my eye in this one.

TV roles are all well and good, but it is often refreshing to see such an actor play the lead or a main role (Bryan Cranston in Cold Comes the Night is another example). Here, Purcell plays a part with little need for drama, and little opportunity to demonstrate acting talent. To be fair, that was his character here, but the movie was still an enjoyable semi-action flick. The plot is tied into the 1962 Cuban Missle Crisis, but only tangentially. The Sci-Fi aspect overwhelms any real historical theme. And the plot-twist has so many clues dropped that it seems like a made-for-TV movie.

Regardless, the movie held my attention and Purcell's adequate performance was well supported by Michael Ironside and Adam Beach (who must unfortunately play the native American with an alcohol history stereotype).

As an aside, the movie might have been better if Purcell's character had developed more of a romantic interest in Camille Sullivan's character, or if the characters of the super soldiers (especially No. 1) had been fleshed out some more. eg. "bad ass wakes up after 50 years and his mission seems a little stale in a completely changed world." As it is, they come off as new Rap music fans who want to have sex with the first woman they lay eyes on.

No academy award winner here, or even high action, but still a fair watch for a story requiring little mental effort.
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Seal Patrol (2014)
Good Enough to Watch Again Sometime
11 February 2014
I just watched this recent flick with a friend. We wanted something to accompany our corn chips and cream cheese, and various forms of libation. We thought the joke would be that the movie would go well with the "cheese." We were both pleased to find that the movie, an action/military/science fiction film, was actually well done. The opening scene was a rather cleverly done shooting range/simulation test where a new recruit of the "BlackJacks" seeks to qualify. The BlackJacks are an elite, highly trained, ex-military, blah blah blah... ala the Navy SEALs. You get the idea, although no actual SEAL seems represented. From there, we were hooked.

There are no big stars in this movie, a couple I know I have seen here or there, and some who have done voices for action/military genre video games. They all do their parts credibly to provide an enjoyable view. Eric Roberts is the only one with a household name. And he does his usual good job adding some class and sophistication to his role. He is a CEO who sends the 'Jacks into Afghanistan to his super-secret but malfunctioning lab to recover the genius in charge of some experimental energy research.

The action is fairly constant but not overdone. Hardware and tactics seem authentic and believable. It has the look and feel of one of those action/military video games like Call of Duty, with good cinematography instead of expensive special effects. The science fiction comes in when stuff goes wrong and it becomes clear why the lab is off-line. There is also some gore here, but it's not overdone either. That and some brief nudity get it an R rating.

All in all, this movie held our interest and was fun to watch. If you like action movies with a military flavor, I recommend this movie to you.
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Nurse (2013)
Very Good - Will Watch It Again
9 February 2014
I recently saw this movie and felt compelled to write a review.

I'd read some of the other reviews before viewing, and had two reactions. First, this movie is a good deal better than I was led to expect from the reviews. Second, the negative reviewers were simply wrong on key points.

The plot is simple enough. A woman with "father" issues is sick of men who take sexual advantage of women in work places, and ruin families by thinking with their penis, and decides to take matters into her own hands (no pun intended). By day she is a dedicated nurse, by night she trolls for guys who she feels deserve death because of their sexual conduct. And she takes advantage of her medical knowledge to pull off her kills.

She accomplishes her task by scantily dressing like a total slut, and throwing herself at whoever looks interested. And this is a woman with extremely good looks and a smoldering sensuality.

The use of medical knowledge makes just barely (no pun intended) believable the ability of a skinny girl to pull off killing the guys she ends up alone with. And the tinge of unfairness in her judging men from their reaction to her "entrapment" is immediately offset by the slightly tongue in cheek treatment of this plot by the lead actress. Thus my several no puns intended really were.

I know this is just my opinion, but Paz de la Huerta is drop dead gorgeous in this movie. Even her casual movements seem specifically choreographed to be sultry and provocative. And to spice things up even more, she has some brief nude scenes with all of her parts uncovered, and she comes on to another woman whom she wishes to befriend. I think she plays this part magnificently. She definitely has the body and voice for it, and her approach is just shy of serious, in the same manner as Sean Connery's treatment of his 007 portrayals.

Its not all T&A though, as the real world soon intrudes on her activities, and some unqualifiedly serious stuff does happen, and there is definitely a gore element. Overall, tinge of comedy aside, this movie is more suspense than drama.

Secondary characters are also well played by Katrina Bowden, Judd Nelson, and a brief appearance by an almost unrecognizable Kathleen Turner.

This movie was a fun watch. I'm not sure the average straight woman would enjoy it as much, but it is what it is. Serious subject, over the top reaction, and really fine views to rivet your attention.
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Loosies (2011)
Very Good - Already have watched it again
15 January 2013
This is a Comedy/Drama/Romance Movie, that is, a "chick flick." I'm not generally into chick flicks, but I watched it anyway, intrigued by the fact that it was written, as well as starred in, by Peter Facinelli, the head vampire in Twilight.

Having watched it once, I watched it again a couple months later... and then I recommended it to my adult daughter, who is into chick flicks, and we watched it together. And you know what, I will likely watch it again sometime. Yes, I feel it is that good. In fact, any project with Facinelli's name attached to it will garner my immediate attention from now on.

Since he wrote it, I guess he knew exactly how he wanted to play the guy who has yet another in a long series of one night stands. The woman is played by Jaimie Alexander, and he is unusually fascinated by her (that's almost a pun). He struggles with leaving her his contact number, but can't decide yes or no...

Well, he seems to forget the encounter, but then she suddenly shows up to tell him she's pregnant with his child. She reminds him her name is Lucy (another almost pun). He is a pick pocket who has no kind of life style for anything but consequence free living. Actually, he is a pick pocket slaved to the man who his father owed a significant monetary debt to, so I guess he's not actually so free living.

Anyway, the depth of the movie is what all happens next. No spoilers here so all I will say is that if you watch it, you will likely not be disappointed.

This action movie junkie (and his daughter) rate this as a movie well worth a watch or three.
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Deadfall (2012)
Good - probably will watch it again sometime
2 November 2012
This is a taut drama/suspense film with a little romance and crime thrown in for good measure. The biggest problem I'm having is deciding which was better, the well done intertwining story lines, or the detailed character development. Both were excellent, making for a movie that is quite enjoyable and well worth watching.

The actors all did fine jobs, Eric Bana as the robber who is a killer, Olivia Wilde as the little sister who maybe has outgrown her need to be protected, Charlie Hunnam as her troubled but worthwhile romantic interest, Sissy Spacek and Kris Kristofferson as his parents, Kate Mara as the aspiring FBI agent deputy, and Treat Williams as her father the Sheriff. Their performances were all worthy of this well written and directed feature.

I have never heard of the writer or director, but I plan to watch for more of their stuff. This one is not a long movie by today's standards, but the pace of the action, and the time spent letting us figure out each character are so well balanced.

Make sure your snacks are ready ahead of time as, once this one starts, you will not want to miss a second of it (or even use the pause button once it is out on DVD).

Simply put, this is a good movie. Even knowing what happens, I'll probably watch it again sometime.
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Red Lights (2012)
Good - will probably watch it again sometime
1 October 2012
In a recent movie world filled with paranormal horrors and unexplained and scary phenomena, it was good to watch a movie about a Dr. who has assumed the task of debunking all the would-be charlatans and phonies. Sigourney Weaver plays this part very well, and is assisted by Cillian Murphy, a physicist who has his own reasons for eschewing a brilliant career to accompany Weaver on hers. Murphy's quiet and unassuming portrayal almost steals the movie.

As an aside, some of the explanations and demonstrations of phony paranormal are revealing in themselves. But this is not a documentary by any means. It's Drama/Suspense/Mystery all the way.

Then there's Robert De Niro. He is the slippery and smooth paranormal Weaver tried before to expose, without success. Murphy wants her to go after him again, but Weaver seems almost afraid of him, and she's preoccupied with her son who is in a comma after many years. She will not turn off the life support because, after years of uncontested skepticism, she knows there is nothing after this life.

De Niro is very good in his role. He is very convincing at showing how such a character can be very convincing in real life.

An if you think you know how it's all going to end, well, you probably don't. This one is a mystery until the very end. I recommend this movie for its great actors, fine performances, original plot, and direction which does not allow the drama and suspense to overshadow the enticing mystery.
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The Hunter (IV) (2011)
Good - will probably watch it again sometime
1 October 2012
This Adventure/Drama movie stars one of my favorite actors, Willem Dafoe. Dafoe has played a variety of roles over the years, with one of my favorites being Paul Smecker in The Boondock Saints (2000). Now this part as the hunter, Martin David, is also one of my favorites. He is a mercenary sent to hunt down what is believed to be the last remaining of a long thought extinct species Tasmanian Tiger.

During his hunt, he stays with a family in a remote area where the Tiger has supposedly been sited. The two kids there are brilliantly played by kid actors I've never seen before. The drugged out mom, grieving for a long missing husband, who the kids still think is coming home, is played by another actress I've only seen once, in The Windtalkers (2002). She handles the role well, only hinting at attraction for the mysterious hunter masquerading as a scientist.

Sam Neill plays a local guide who seems a little too interested in the status quo. Neill is perfect for this role and handles it astutely.

As they story unfolds, the main characters all become interesting, and are mostly sympathetic if not down right liked. The interplay of the supposedly aloof mercenary, the family he begins to form attachments with, and the usual crowd of locals who only complicate matters, makes for a very appealing story. Things get a lot more tense when Dafoe's employers become impatient with his apparent lack of progress.

Adding to the mood is some very cleverly chosen Springsteen music, along with some classical pieces; classical seems to be common in Dafoe movies.

If you like a film with some heart and nothing blowing up every few minutes, this is definitely a good movie to watch, one that I will probably see again sometime.
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The Samaritan (I) (2012)
Good - probably will watch it again sometime.
28 September 2012
The last couple years, I find myself wondering, is there a recent movie that Samual L. Jackson is not in? Well, he's in this one and, more than that, he owns it. Most of those other appearances that I've seen are an action movie of one kind or another. But this one is mostly Drama/Suspense and he takes full advantage of the opportunity to show his considerable acting skills.

Jackson plays Foley, a man just released from prison after 25 years, and he has a lot of past to live down. He comes across a young woman with whom he can start a new life, but the past dogging him draws him back. A former con man, he is forced into "just one more job." It sounds like we've heard it all before, but the plot twists in this one make it a very interesting watch. Have your snacks ready ahead of time because you will not want to miss the details here. Even if you are renting the DVD, you will not want to use the Pause button.

Besides Jackson's well done performance, Ruth Negga as Iris shows that she has a lot of promise as an actress. She has a screen presence and dramatic quality that let her hold her own opposite the veteran Jackson. And their screen chemistry makes believable the unlikely turn in their relationship.

There is even some amount of comedic irony in several lines of dialog between them, which is supposed to relate to the con, but also applies to them.

This is definitely a movie to see. It's engaging and entertaining to the end. I will probably watch it again sometime, even knowing the twists.
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Erased (2012)
Good - probably will watch it again sometime.
26 September 2012
I recently saw this film just based on its stars, Aaron Eckhart and Olga Kurylenko. Having watched it, I wonder why it was not better promoted.

An action/suspense flick, it features Eckhart as a CIA agent whose cover suddenly disappears, putting himself and his daughter (Liana Liberato) in mortal danger. No surprise, it looks like some kind of ruthless cover-up conspiracy. Yes, we've all seen movies like this before, but this is a tense, taut, and well-made suspense movie with very good casting. Eckhart is perfect for his role as the pseudo-good guy; handsome, dapper, chiseled. Kurylenko is also great as Anna, the subtly beautiful and inscrutable former colleague and possibly lover, who has the task of bringing him in, whatever that means. Liana Liberato does a credible job as the estranged daughter who just finds out that her Dad is or was a killer.

The plot moves quickly from story setup to action, and the suspense never lets up from there. While it doesn't quite have the thrills of a 'Bourne' film, it kept me interested. And while you kind of know (or hope) how it will end, it is definitely fun getting there.

It is a good movie that I will probably watch again.
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6 Bullets (2012)
Good - Probably would watch it again sometime.
15 September 2012
This is a Jean-Claude Van Damme action flick.

I've seen a number of his similar films over the years and feel that they have all been better than average. Meaning that if you like action movies, Van Damme delivers with ones that you will probably watch again sometime.

Like Assassination Games (2011), this one features his son and daughter (his daughter also produces). No, his kids won't win any acting awards either, but they turn in credible performances for their characters. For his part, Van Damme acts better than I have ever seen him act before as a troubled ex-mercenary who has built a reputation finding and returning kidnapped children. He also seems to have built one for leaving a lot of bodies behind, including innocents. Unlike most of his other movies where he does no wrong, this one has him a lot more fallible and even negligent. His realizations have him showing lingering regret that really spices up this plot.

While this film is vaguely similar to Taken (2009), there are more differences than similarities. It also shows what amoral lengths the family of a kidnapped child might be willing to go to to get their kid back.

This is a good action flick with some thought provoking moments about consequences and choices. I recommend it.
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Excellent - Definitely would watch it anytime.
15 September 2012
I have been a fan of the Men in Black movies since the original released in 1997. When MIB-II was finally out in 2002, I wondered why it took so long as Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith seemed to work so well together, and their characters had that just right mix of complementing but contradicting personalities.

Jones has long been a favorite of mine with some other highlight performances being the delightfully crazy villain in Under Siege (1992) and the hard nosed cop in The Fugitive (1993) and U.S. Marshalls (1998). His ability to make a facial expression the equivalent of the picture's 1000 words imho is up there with Humphrey Bogart.

Smith has distinguished himself in action, comedy, and drama films alike. He is a quite versatile actor whose movies I will gladly check out just because he is starring.

With MIB 3 coming another 10 years after MIB II, I once again wonder what took so long. While Jones's part as "K" is not so prominent as in the prior releases, he does well as the present day character. Smith follows the formula as "J" although the interaction with old "K" is a tad forced.

The pleasant realization is that Josh Brolin performs admirably as the past, younger "K." Brolin is certainly a fine actor in his own right, but his effective portrayal of Jones' character is nothing short of remarkable. The key to the plot is that Brolin is "K" before whatever happened that turned "K" into such a detached curmudgeon.

Also juicy was the villain's part done by Jermaine Clement as Boris (the animal).

Besides all the action and suspense you expect with the good guys vs. bad guy alien stuff, and the touches of comedy here and there to break it up, there is a dramatic and quite poignant and touching twist that comes out of nowhere that answers why "K" appears to be such an unemotional person, and why "K" has such regard for "J." Top quality actors and performances, well done script, yeah, this one's a keeper.
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Hijacked (2012)
Good - will probably watch it again sometime.
10 July 2012
I was lucky enough to catch this flick on the fly recently, and I'm glad I did...

An Action/Suspense/Spy movie, it stars Randy Coutoure and Vinnie Jones in a plot involving a CIA op against a crime organization. Also going on is Coutoure not being over his relationship with his ex-fiancée. It seems that he is thinking of trying to reconcile with her, and it seems that she might not be over him either.

Coutoure is not known for acting skill, but he does a credible job in making this film a good watch. Vinnie Jones turns in his usual well done performance doing what he does so well, the British/Aussie accented tough guy.

The ex becomes entangled in the CIA/Crime intrigue and naturally Coutoure becomes as active in protecting her as he is in finishing his assignment. And just as naturally, he has to do it on his own as circumstances result in him being non-official.

This is a well done action and suspense movie with a little romantic interest thrown in for good measure. The suspense is somewhat understated to begin, and builds more about half way through, with more and more implicated individuals, which I felt was effective. And when the action kicks in, it also builds effectively and realistically in that it is sporadic. And the fight choreography is pretty good... and Randy is not the only one kicking ass, literally and figuratively.

Does Randy get the girl (back)? Well, this one is well worth watching to find out, as well as to see the plot twist at the end.
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Cleanskin (2012)
Good - will probably watch it again sometime.
1 July 2012
I recently caught this film, billed as an action/drama/suspense flick, quite by accident, and immediately wondered why I saw no promo for it...

First off, it was nice to see Sean Bean, who has played some bad ass bad guys (eg. Patriot Games, Goldeneye), get to play the bad ass good guy, Ewan. No other actors were known to me, except for Charlotte Rampling, who was in the short Ghost Recon: Alpha. This was not a disadvantage as all the major and minor characters played their parts well. Rampling in particular did well as the pseudo "M" character.

The movie begins with more drama than action, and enough keeps going wrong, that you begin to wonder if Ewan still should be in this "game." But his ruthlessness (again, pseudo Bond) proves that he should. The plot is heavy with the middle east and terrorism situation and there is a considerable amount of socio-political undercurrent; there is plenty of ruthlessness to go around.

A fair amount of time is used to build suspense and establish motivations, all going to show once again how violence for revenge sake, or any sake for that matter, perpetuates. Pay attention to where there are flashbacks or you might get lost in the details.

The fight scenes seem graphic, not because of blood and gore, so much as for the sound effects. And when the action finally begins to build, it is punctuated with plot twists that underscore the complexities involved.

While ultimately enjoyable to view, the movie is ultimately less action and more drama, and the more realistic for that reason.
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Another Earth (2011)
Very Good - Would watch it again and again.
23 December 2011
Every once in a while, a movie comes along that just grips you, even if you can't articulate why. It is more easily said what Another Earth is not, than what it is. It has Sci-Fi elements, but it is not a Sci-Fi movie. It has romantic elements, but it is not a romance. And it is definitely not a comedy. I suppose the best way I can describe it is a thought provoking and murky drama.

Co-written by the main star, Brit Marling, and the Director, Mike Cahill, I found the story as fascinating and well done as Good Will Hunting. I never heard of Marling, but if she writes and acts this well she will soon be a household name. The direction was also superb.

Marling plays a teenager with a bright future who celebrates too much and drives home. What happens next is as much because she is staring at the just discovered "second Earth" as the alcohol in her blood. As a result of the tragedy, she crosses paths with a music professor well played by William Mapother. She has had to do jail time, which destroys her promising life. He has withdrawn from life by, of all things, drinking heavily.

The existence of the other Earth and the questions of how it and it's population is the same or different than us, serve as an excellent backdrop to the main story and how a person can recover from a terrible tragedy or make up for a single but shattering mistake.

While this movie is not light viewing, it is a well crafted story with excellent acting and directing. And it doesn't go where you might think. The originality of this film is enough by itself to deserve a look. And do not be surprised if it grips you, too.
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Colombiana (2011)
Very Good - Would watch it again and again
22 December 2011
Its Hanna and Salt and Hit-man all rolled into one...

Hanna because she starts out as a kid, a kid with unusual abilities. Salt because she is a beautiful skinny girl who can do the most implausible stuff. Hit-man because she is an assassin who reluctantly finds some romance.

This action movie has as much drama and suspense as it does action. Zoe Saldana is the assassin/hero, Cataleya, who is defined by seeing her criminal father and mother gunned down by a ruthless drug lord. Saldana more than holds her own in both the action and acting departments. Cliff Curtis does a fine job as the Chicago uncle she manages to find her way to, by following her father's last minute instructions.

The uncle then teaches her how to be a killer in a somewhat Leon-esque but abbreviated sub-plot.

The movie alternates well among the suspenseful, the action packed, and the romantic. The love interest is well played by Michael Vartan, of Alias fame. The only thing a little different there is that it's the guy who sees the girl once in a while and knows nothing about her, rather than the other way around (although this was done once before that I know of in Point of No Return).

Some amount of disbelief suspension is needed, just as with most action flicks, but this is most definitely a film I would see again and again. While my vote may be somewhat biased by my opinion that Zoe Saldana is one of the most beautiful women alive in the world today, the fact is that this is a solid and well done action/drama, well worth seeing.
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Good - Would Watch It Again Sometime
23 August 2011
Yes, the premise of this movie, obvious from the title, does seem a bit silly. Don't get me wrong, I've always been a casual fan of the western, whose movie popularity has waned for years now. And I have always loved science fiction. Star Trek, Star Wars, and space related science fiction in particular has always fascinated me. But to combine the genres sounded a little off.

But, I watched it recently and was pleasantly reminded how much I like Daniel Craig and Harrision Ford. Craig's Bond movies and Ford's Indiana Jones movies are films I would watch pretty much anytime, anywhere. And the reason is that those movies are exciting and improbably adventurous, but somehow made believable by the two fine actors.

The same is true here. These guys are some of the best Hollywood has to offer and it shows, once again making a strange sounding or improbable concept come to life in a believable and enjoyable way.

In my mind, the classic western has always had the grizzled and stoic hero, standing alone, or almost alone, against some undeniable and intolerable evil. Well, we got that here.

Science fiction often, overtly or subtly, involves contrasting the advanced technology with the immature social and political knowledge of the times, or even some current social issue. This movie doesn't go overboard with the special effects, nor does it get preachy. It's just good, plain action and adventure.

Besides the stars mentioned, there are some fine performances given by a variety of other actors, including Olivia Wilde, Walton Goggins, Sam Rockwell, and Noah Ringer (The Last Airbender). Olivia Wilde in particular has that something special about her (like Cameron Diaz and Brittany Murphy). And yes, there is enough drama to break up the action a little and help tie together the western and science fiction themes.

This was enjoyable to watch and good enough to watch again sometime.
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Bad Teacher (2011)
Good - Would Watch It Again Sometime
20 August 2011
As I have said in other reviews (see Knight and Day), there is something special about Cameron Diaz. Look into her eyes in a close-up...

She is not just gorgeous, she is interesting. And she carries this off again in this enjoyable movie. This time, she is not the good girl, or the good guy's gal pal, she is BAD. She throws herself at anyone with money; she keeps her job as a teacher only because her sugar daddy dumps her right before their wedding. She smokes, she drinks, she does just about anything except f--k. She lives with a totally clueless room mate who thinks she is a nurse. Her initial idea of teaching is to show educational movies... all the time.

Her goal is to get a boob job (as if she really needs one) to attract "someone who will take care of her." Justin Timberlake plays the role of the guy who is as clueless as he is rich, and her target. Lucy Punch is the goodie-two-shoes rival. And Jason Segal is the waiting-in-the-wings would-be boy friend. The actors all play their roles with skill and precision.

This comedy should remind just about everyone of their school days and the one (and only) babe teacher who was the object of their lust, obsession, and infatuation. If so, then the somewhat stereotyped comedy will seem a little funnier, a little more enjoyable, and like a film you will want to watch again.

Diaz makes much of her great body, acting ability, and a complicated personality to make this a flick you will enjoy, and enjoy again.
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Source Code (2011)
Very Good - Would watch it again and again.
31 July 2011
It has been some time since I viewed a movie I could quickly and easily rate as 8 out of 10 stars. This one is certainly it. It has plot originality, almost constant suspense, on-screen chemistry between the stars, superior supporting acting, excellent cinematography... A film like this makes me wonder why I never heard of it before the DVD release.

Jake Gyllenhaal and Michelle Monaghan click almost instantly. Jeffrey Wright and Vera Farmiga deliver fine acting in their supporting roles. Not an easy feat since facial expressions are what their characters have to work with in this quite original script.

While this is primarily a Suspense/Drama/Science Fiction flick, there is also some action, mystery, and a tad of romance.

Gyllenhaal plays a military man assigned to a computer-created reenactment of recent events with orders to discover who was responsible for a terrorist act. Like many science fiction movies, the "science" allowing this is a little hard to wrap one's head around. Nevertheless, I found myself OK with it, as more and more details emerge about what is really going on. And when the mystery resolves, what Gyllenhaal decides to do with the information he has acquired makes for a very interesting outcome.

This is a very good movie and I would watch it again, even knowing what happens. Highly recommended.
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Very Good - would watch it again and again.
10 July 2011
Matt Damon and Emily Blunt star in this contrast of a Romance/Comedy/Drama/Suspense and Fantasy/Science Fiction movie. You don't often see these genres combined, but I watched it solely because Damon has a reputation with me of high quality films (for example, the Bourne series and Good Will Hunting).

This one does not disappoint. Damon and Blunt have such a chemistry on screen that their instant attraction anchors the fantasy/science fiction plot. He is placed with her for a brief encounter that will inspire him to rebound from an otherwise devastating political defeat, by someone called the adjustment bureau. They are never to see each other again, except that he is so taken with her that he spends the next couple years trying to find her.

She meanwhile, calls off an engagement because of her brief but truly memorable experience with him.

The bureau's "plan" does not call for them to be together, in fact, it specifically calls for Damon to be without her, so that his political ambitions flourish.

Damon has other ideas, and he is eventually assisted by a bureau "man in black" with a conscience that the bureau is not used to. The rest of the movie concerns whether he is able to reunite with her.

This is a very good movie, and I think you will be surprised at the outcome.
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I Am Legend (2007)
Excellent - definitely would watch it anytime
4 April 2011
Will Smith stars in this latest of the several film imaginings of the 1950's novel by Richard Matheson. Smith plays a man who believes that he is the last person left alive after a biological apocalypse that has killed most everyone, and made all those left into zombie or vampire-like monsters who can not survive sunlight.

The monsters seem driven to constant violence and cannibalism, and incapable of anything resembling intellect or humanity. Worse, the apocalypse was man-made, the result of viral genetic engineering done in an attempt to cure cancer. Smith, in turn, a scientist, is driven to find the cure to reverse this civilization-ending catastrophe. His own family was killed by the chaos that resulted from the outbreak of the epidemic.

Will Smith has made more than enough films to convince me that he is excellent in comedy, as an action hero, and as a dramatic actor. This film is perhaps his best dramatic performance yet.

I fondly remember "The Omega Man" released in 1971, based on the same book, starring Charlton Heston, one of the most popular actors of his day. Heston was handsome, charming, strong, rugged, fearless... everything movie-goers at the time wanted in a superstar. And he played his part that way. He was heroic in almost every way.

Smith plays the role in a way more fallible and believable. He treats his only companion, Sam (short for Samantha) his dog, as if she were his child. He talks to himself and store manikins as if the world were still full of other humans. At the same time, he exhibits the same self-destructive actions as Heston, understandable in a world with so little to live for. His efforts to find a cure have yielded no results, but he remains determined.

When he finally comes across other survivors, events happen to bring to a head the contrast of his carefully protected and hidden environment, and the reality surrounding him. And then there are the alternative endings...

If you see this movie, definitely watch both endings. Watch the original theatrical release ending first. It seems the most consistent with the book.

But don't miss the alternative. I will not reveal anything, but watch for the butterflies... the butterfly Smith's kid forms with her hands, the one Sam chases, the one on the sign Smith passes, the shape in the cracks of the plexiglas when the alpha male hurls himself against it, the one the alpha male smears in his blood onto the plexiglas with his hand, and the one on the neck of the alpha female. What Smith suddenly realizes is nothing short of stunning. What he does is fearless. What happens next is positively memorable.
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Faster (2010)
Good - would watch it again sometime.
2 March 2011
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson plays a 10-year, full term convict who can not wait to get out of jail to avenge the death of his older brother. The brothers were involved in a robbery where they made a clean get-a-way, but they were betrayed. Not to the police, but to another group of criminals who then crash their party and relieve them of their loot. In the process, the older brother is killed, quite unnecessarily and very brutally.

I've seen several (6) movies featuring Johnson and most of them have him in a light-hearted or light-weight role. "Tooth Fairy" and his appearances on SNL demonstrate that he has an innate and very entertaining comedic sense. I suppose as a WWE wrestler/entertainer, you need that. Missing, however, was any demonstration of dramatic acting talent. Until now.

This movie shows Johnson in an intense, riveting, and well-acted dramatic role. His facial expressions and mannerisms confirm that his talent as an actor includes drama at its best. He is often cold and ruthless in his revenge. But he is also empathetic and forgiving. After all, a lot can change in 10 years. Yes, this is an action film, but thanks to Johnson, it is as well a drama, and a drama well done.

Kudos also go to Billy Bob Thornton who plays the pretending to be recovered drug addict cop, about to retire, who has one last case to solve. And that case is Johnson carrying out his revenge. Sauce for the goose is a yuppie hit man hired to kill Johnson before he reaches the end of his death list, the mastermind of the betrayal. This becomes a matter of ego as Johnson keeps besting him.

And there are a couple of sub-plots, Thornton's relationship with his estranged wife and son, Johnson's issues with his father, and the yuppie's desire to change his life relating to his relationship with his girl friend. They do not detract from the main theme, but add a little spice.

There are some plot twists that you may not see coming. This is a better than average action/drama. Well worth seeing.
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Vampires Suck (2010)
Good - would watch it again sometime.
18 November 2010
What is it with folks who clearly do not like the Comedy/Spoof/Parody movie genre, then watch one, and write a review about how much they disliked it? I'm reminded of a comment Abraham Lincoln once made when asked about a book he was unfamiliar with, something to the effect that if that's the kind of book you like then you'll like that kind of book.

Some of the best such movies ever made are only good for a chuckle here and there and a couple of healthy laughs, and only if you are familiar with the spoofed stuff. Imagine watching the Austin Powers movies or Johnny English having never watched a James Bond film. How about seeing Galaxy Quest having never seen a Star Trek movie or TV episode. Or watching Spaceballs without having ever viewed Star Wars and Darth Vader.

If you haven't seen the Twilight trilogy then don't watch this movie; you just won't get most of it. No, this movie is not as good the those previously mentioned (which are all excellent and I would definitely watch any of them anytime), but it is good, more on the level of Epic Movie, one that I would watch again sometime.

The formula for the humor is familiar, exaggeration and opposition. If a situation seems somewhat incredible, then exaggerate it until it is silly. If a moment is supposed to be warm and touching, then make it inappropriate and uncomfortable.

This movie does a pretty good job with this kind of humor. If this is the kind of movie you like, then you'll like this kind of movie.
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Abandoned (2010 Video)
Good - would watch it again sometime.
17 November 2010
Brittany Murphy had that something special. A certain look, an allure, a presence. As the French say, a certain something I don't know what. You see it in this movie. It's a drama/mystery/suspense flick that for some reason went direct to video.

Brittany drops off her boyfriend (Dean Cain) at the hospital for routine, out patient surgery. Except when she goes to pick him up, no one seems to know anything about him. He's not in the computer, his doctor is on vacation, and no one recognizes his nurse's name. Brittany gives a very good performance as the increasingly worried girl friend, seemingly losing the only man she has really connected with in a long time, or ever. Someone who has been there for her, and now, despite her best efforts, she can't be there for him. Peter Bogdanovich is also good as the creepy psychiatrist who suspects Brittany is suffering from a mental break down, a suspicion fueled by her current high dose anti-depressant meds and an unlikely story reeking of paranoia.

Supporting cast include Mimi Rogers as the clueless hospital administrator, Jay Pickett as the police detective with his own issues who is still good enough to follow the clues to the end, and Scott Anthony Leet as the intimidating security guard. Each give a competent performance that is credible.

The suspense is "edge of your seat" quality, and you can not be sure of the ending until it happens. Some (including me) might think it fairly obvious based on the plot clues, but that part is only the beginning of the twists.

As Brittany's final performance, this one is good enough to make you want to watch again sometime. Ultimately, it makes you wish she had longer to show us what she had.
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