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Wins hearts and souls
16 January 2024
Boy Swallows Universe is a modern Aussie classic you'll see it in every bookstore you can find displayed on top. Netflix shows are mostly a miss or strictly timepass, everyone watches it but noone talks about even remembers. I didn't knew in which category it'll fall into considering I finally read the book last year and absolutely loved it.

Oh boy, they did a pretty good job with the casting, production and the story itself. There are very few minor changes but it stick to the heart and soul of the book. I have to give to the writer Trent Dalton as its an Aussie beloved book he must have given rights on stipulation of done right and not just a cash grab. As not once it seems cheap or under budget. Travis Fimmel, Phoebe Tonkin, Simon Baker brilliantly supporting the young cast Sophie Wilde (Who just gave Aussie A24 horror hit Talk to Me) and the incomparable performances by Felix Cameron & Zac Burgess as Eli Bell; the heart and soul of the show. Talk about perfect transition, I many times wondered is it same kid did they waited for 5 years.

It really made us proud here down under. Nothing better than when the books are done right.
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Solid Hunger Games, Tom Blyth & Rachel Zegler carry the torch.
24 December 2023
Just like almost everyone I love the Hunger games both books and movies. I recently rewatched beforehand and they still holds up and I totally agree with director the 3rd Mockingjay should have been one film instead of split into two. If it was one it could have been easily remembered as one of best trilogies.

I'm not huge fan of humanising the villains as we saw with Loki in Disney who killed thousands of people in Newyork and then becomes this funny caricature of a villain/Hero in later movies. So, I never read this book but here I would say Tom Blyth's screen presence and emotional turmoil sold this story to me. You can feel in his eyes how good & evil both live simultaneously inside us and you let one win over the other.

Rachel Zegler was amazing as she not only speaks in southern accent but sings too. She never fights in the whole movie not once as she rightly said that "Lucy Gray is a performer forced to fight and Katniss is a fighter forced to perform.". Her character is very from Katniss and she uses her singing as weapon which you never see in films.

The problem just like most viewers is the 3rd Act, as it slows down and then slightly rushed towards the end. I still immensely enjoyed the movie, and can't wait to see what Tom Blyth and Rachel Zegler (besides Snow White as I'm over CGI fest remakes) do next.
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Maestro (2023)
The pretentious aspect ratio 1.33:1 needs to stop.
24 December 2023
Considering the hype around the film and interviews with Bradley Cooper and other actors praising Maestro I was expecting something original. However, I got the same narrative which we have seen and heard atleast a thousand times, a genius man, loving wife and cheating husband she tolerates because he is a genius.

On top of the formulaic storyline, the pretentious aspect ratio 1.33:1 to make it more artsy felt nauseatingly forced. This aspect ratio I watched first time in Xavier Dolan French Canadian brilliant "Mommy" as the only time screens widens during his happy memories with his mother but otherwise with this aspect ratio it gave this trapped claustrophobic feeling as a viewer. Same for the Lighthouse, it worked as both men feel trapped on an isolated island. Here and Saltburn ( A knock-off of Talented Mr. Ripley for Gen-Z), I don't understand the need; except that they're trying soooo hard to get that Oscar noms for something.

The only saving grace was Carey Mulligan. She deserves all the accolades. If this wins any Oscars it must be due to producer Steven Spielberg's hard campaign because this was unbearable. There is a whole argument between Bradley & Carey, where the camera was left behind the fences. Let that sink in, how badly Bradley wants that Oscar.
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This is what a rubbish bin looks from the inside.
22 December 2023
It took three days to finish as I always fall asleep due to boredom watching this one. This movie was clearly made in editing, I'm not sure what was on paper but this heighten anxiety ridden man should not be on streets or on his own. The only thing I got that he had traumatic relationship with his mother. That didn't need this 3 Hours of disturbing imagery, fighting dick, naked men and screeching every 5 minutes.

A24 was right to be afraid and not happy with the film. Ari Aster biggest criticism was Hereditary is elevated version of Paranormal Activity and Midsommer was The Wicker Man. After watching his original idea proved that Ari Aster needs to go back on drawing board and make something sensible original out of his own mind to show viewers that he is a capable storyteller.
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Much much better than the book
8 December 2023
I absolutely loved watching this movie, the production, the direction and acting everything is absolutely top notch considering its on Netflix my expectations were very very low. As I had read the book years ago and felt it was overhyped and boring.

The movie perfectly splits it into 5 sections allows the story to breathe along and not rushed. The Social commentary on our addiction to technology along on America and their involvement in other regions and distrust it has created around the world clearly shows in this film.

Some people maybe disappointed as it is promoted as run of a mill thriller and not as a Social Thriller. I reckon that may disappoint some viewers but considering the Brilliant Oscar Winners Julia Roberts and Maharsha Ali on the lines of Jennifer Lawrence's Mother! Should know that it is something more substantial, a commentary on the American society.
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Leave it for Netflix to ruin a brilliant book
9 November 2023
The magnificent, intricate and detailed Pulitzer winning book has been adapted into a 4hours mediocre movie split in 4parts. The 70% of the book is there lives more before and how they collide as it goes through different timelines. The series focused on only 30% of the book and used few flashbacks, giving as viewers no connection to any of the characters. We know it is set during WWII and Holocaust but the director never took us deep into how they end up there. They acted as if, well You know the story, Don't You!!!

French and Germans interacting in English would have made sense but Germans n French are speaking in English to eachother while actors are from these countries just felt like a lazy approach to what could have been a brilliant story.

You have a director of Night at the Museum and The Pink Panther; a comedy director directing a serious story like this speaks volume of how much Netflix cares. This is another prime example of how Netflix never cared for the Art or the medium itself, it's just another thing on their weekly calendar. That's why no-one remembers anything on Netflix or talks about it in years to come.
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Bottoms (2023)
Proves RT Ratings controversy of paid reviews.
14 October 2023
For someone who actually enjoys this genre, and I reckon in recent years we have seen some great content around high school comedies so my expectations high considering the 92% rating on Rotten tomatoes. And Oh boy this one was a coordinated mess.

Means Girls, easy A or recent Netflix Do Revenge or series Sex Education or even provocative Euphoria works because it allows be set in some sort of believable school environments and characters. This one felts forced, unfunny and utterly unbelievable. There won't be any girls beating eachother in the presence of teacher or boys beating girls openly in an assembly. Etc etc. I always knew I was watching a satire or mockementary.

This definitely proves the RT paid critics controversy, just because the director and actresses made shows critically acclaimed soo they forgot about the mess this movie was on the name of "pushing the boundaries in Cinema".
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Black Adam (2022)
Great videogame, I didn't even had to play it!!!
7 August 2023
Watching Dwyane Johnson's interview with Kevin Hart about his disappointment in character not going along with new DC management sparked my curiosity to finally watch the movie.

Eventhough it was good time pass, I fall asleep two times and finished in few days. It felt like a videogame, there is not a single on location shot you can see the studio sets actors infront of green screen to barren sky. It was a hot mess with caricatures of Professor-X, Falcon, Big Ant-man and Wanda. Not surprised that the movie bombed at box office. Mr. Johnson is a great guy, and I hope he focus more on original fun idea without the CGI.

Can we stop this CGI fest with zero originality, Thanks God for Barbenheimer to save the Cinemas.
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More Original Comedies Please
29 June 2023
Absolutely refreshing to watch a R-rated original comedy in cinemas. It's not until you go and watch in cinema that you realise how much we missed this genre.

I and all people in cinemas in Melbourne, Aus had fun watching something original and daring. Jennifer Lawrence comedic timing is perfect along with new kid Andrew. Hope it opens more doors for original comedies as streamers have completed ruined the genre with Adam Sandler, Kevin Hart and Ryan Reynolds forgettable comedies every other month on streamers.

If we want to watch original content we need to go in cinemas to watch it. Support it!!
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The Idol (2023)
Worst Thing I Have Ever Seen
28 June 2023
This has to be most obnoxious piece of trash, I have ever seen. The whole point of the Weekend is that he wants to upset people, I mean why? Because they didn't nominate him for Grammy or because they don't think he is as talented as he proclaimed to be. Self-hatred is the biggest enemy and this show shows how much he hates himself to degrade himself with cringy dialogues and graphic laughable scenes.

I reckon they hired Lily Rose-Depp as exploited pop-star due to her father as Johnny Depp is exploited by media due to his court case against Amber Heard. I hope she survived this atrocity as things like that can derail once acting career for good.

The weekend doesn't care as he was never an actor, he will make another mediocre song to have Ariana Grande to remix and lift him up. Talk about exploitation and living off other artists.

PS. I lasted only two episodes. Barff!!!
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Don't Worry Darling (I) (2022)
Olivia Wilde ruined it & Harry needs a reality check!!!
17 November 2022
The drama around the movie cannot be ignored, especially the moment Olivia Wilde appears on screen. Florence Pugh and Chris Pine are electrifying but Harry Styles felt on another planet. It felts like two different movies, he was terribly miscast. Can't act to save his life, the poor execution and the screams will make you chuckle involuntarily in serious scenes. The movie is Okay, its like a scrapped Black Mirror episode inspired by M. Night's the Village and Black Mirror.

I can see why Wilde wanted Shia LeBeouf; he would have been perfect in the role considering the ending and commentary on toxic masculinity.

And talking about Harry Styles who preaches about "Treat People with Kindness" started dating a married woman Olivia Wilde, whose female lead Florence won't even speak to both of them and his Hollywood best friend James Corden Always involved in bad attitudes controversies shows How it is nothing like a Tagline for him to sell. Kindness starts from Home, your work and friends. First clean up your mess before start preaching. I like Harry, he is very talented musician but he needs a big reality check.
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Blasted (2022)
Reason Netflix loosing subscribers
8 July 2022
Things like should never go beyond a draft let on being made and then released. Netflix's agenda is quantity over quality which is back firing. As Netflix doesn't have test screens for audiences everything gets released once made.

This one felt like some childhood wish came through for the makers, i bet it must of lot of fun shooting it but the script has no soul or humour to keep you engaged. Took me 3 days to finish it while being on my phone. If that's your thing then go fry your brain with this mediocrity.

I'm Out!!!
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The Bubble (2022)
Judd Took Netflix's money and Runaway with it
15 May 2022
It's funny, how these directors take Netflix money and just run with it. Give them their half bake ideas and Netflix is wondering why their stocks are going down. Only thing on Netflix is decent if it's adapted from a book or picked up from a festival.

One of Worst things I have seen and I have seen 365 Days.
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Scream (I) (2022)
Someone needs to put an end to these sequels
13 March 2022
Ready or Not has some character, a Gothic theme and creativity in the hunting. This movie has none of these, all new cast is as boring as it comes. You didn't care about any of them at all.

They didn't even tried with the villains it was exactly the one you would expect. The movie lacked any signature direction, fun premise and smart social commentary. It was like countless remakes you have seen and forgotten instantly it's over.

All I can say is to STOP MAKING THESE, Enough is Enough.
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Good casting but what was the plot?!?
12 March 2022
This movie has some of the most loveable actors Ryan Reynolds, Mark Ruffalo & Jennifer Garner but what was the story or plot for the movie. Going to different timelines, fake sets, CGI lab fights, bad deAging villain ... i was kept thinking why they need to be there ? It was soo nonsensical that yes i had good time watching it because of these actors chemistry and the young Reynolds.

However, if someone asks me what was the story I had no idea, I don't even think actors had any idea about the plot. Also does anyone ever dies in these movies? Honestly, I am over it!!!
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The more I think about it, More I hate it
18 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
For a Bond, who famously said "he would rather slit his wrists than to do another bond movie" gets this ending and becomes the only bond who dies. I mean it felt like a slap to his audience and fans. He really hated the job, considering the fame and money it brought to him.

The story is nonsensical, DNA imprint or something if you can make one then maybe you can find antidote too in future. Also, I still don't know who was Madeleine's father in Spectre organisation. Just soo confusing considering last movie came out 5 years ago or something then You have Rami Malek. I haven't seen his Mr. Robot or Freddie Mercury movie yet but he is soo miserable in this and Little Things I recently watched. I was kept thinking winning an Oscar shouldn't mean you forget to act. Somebody needs to shake him along with Jared Leto to get out of whatever planet they're on.

I feel like the more I think about it, rating will drop. I liked the action sequences atleast it wasn't CGI which is a blessing considering the Garbage we get on Netflix these days.
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You (2018–2024)
to hate YOU is to LOVE it
18 October 2021
YOU - Outstanding (A)

I always try to judge the show on it's source material and story they are trying tell it's audience. A show about psychopath is not something new, recently Dexter successfully captured everyone's eye with some brilliant seasons and performances. What makes YOU so different from shows before is it's social commentary to our generation. Even in the first season usually the girl is portrayed as damsel in distress, a naive rom-com heroin qualities to it but here Guinevere Beck was flawed, troubled like many of us in today's times. Noone is perfect and the show judges its audiences too if they root for the psychopath.

This is one of the very few shows, which changes it's setup adds new cast and all three seasons can stand on their own thanks to brilliant performances from the Leads from Penn Badgley, Elizabeth Lail and Victoria Pedretti.

I had great time watching all three season, and will always recommend to people looking for something refreshing, bold and throughly entertaining. Sometimes we need to judge a show for it's entertainment level, not every show has to win Emmy one day.
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Melissa McCarthy needs to Cut the Cord
7 October 2021
Nine Perfect Strangers - C- (Disappointing)

This has to be the worst show I have ever seen with the amount of talent is attached especially Nicole Kidman, Melissa McCarthy & Michael Shannon. I mean this is just atrocious as everyone is high and talking nonsense for eight hours. That's pretty much the plot.

AND Melissa McCarthy need to cut the umbilical cord and lifeline she has given to her husband and her friend Rose Byrne Partner Bobby Cannavale. Every movie or series I watch she is either one of them whether they suit the role or not. The sheer obnoxiousness of her supporting nepotism is just repulsive in every single movie. Her all movies and series with her husband are just mediocre at best, forgettable. Her best work is with others who don't present her as stereotype stupid person.

One of the worst book adaptations I have ever seen.
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The Chair (2021)
Simply Excellent
25 August 2021
The Chair - A+ (An Award Worthy)

I had the best time watching The Chair, as it's refreshing and brings point of views of the young, middle and the old. It's not flashy like other campus shows but focuses on realist characters. We all know professors who don't wanna finish, and the young ones stuck in same cycle no chance of growth in career or personal as top seats are taken. The dialogues are sharp and witty, it demands your attention. It's and of few shows recently on Netflix that you're paying attention and not on your phone.

Sandra Oh can do No Wrong, Greys Anatomy, Killing Eve and now The Chair. She plays such diverse characters and brings some of the best First Seasons of series. Amanda Peet has created a quirky fun timely show which is trying to bring together all voices. My only wish is the episodes were bit long a 40Mints instead of 30mints sure should help bring more nuances to all characters.

The truth is noone is perfect nor noone has all figured out whether you're in 20s,30s,40s or 50s,60s. Can't wait for season 2. Finally a show on Netflix, I can recommend to people.
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Loki (2021–2023)
Loki Has Run Its Course, but Tom Hiddleston' contract hasn't I suppose
18 July 2021
Loki - C+ (Flawed but Worthy)

Marvel is running out of fresh ideas and characters. This show is a perfect example of how to ruin a good character. Take away all his wits and evilness which made the character interesting into a cartoonish silly disneyfied hero. Hollywood has always obsession with glamorising Villains without any remorse. Loki was great character when he was a villain. He worked even good as a Sidekick to Thor because they were brothers. Now, Left alone here as a Leading Man, he has become a cartoon version of some Kate Hudson's Rom-Com hero. Tom Hiddelston is a good actor but if an actor is doing a same character from over a decade. It really makes you wonder about his talent, and if you look subjectively that must be his Worst performance as Loki.

The whole timelines conversation is keeping you in a loop that it will all make sense. You keep paying attention just to learn that this show is a filler to get to next project Doctor Strange: Multiunivercse Madness. I mean why everything has to connect to something else as a filler. What about the show you're making pay some attention to that first. The sheer confidence of Marvel to believe that people like us will watch any garbage they will put is just becoming ridiculous.

Marvel likes to throw easter eggs like different Lokis etc to keep the conversation going after each episode online but if you look constructively all that was not to tell a good story but just clickbaits. I honestly thought I was watching a show about Marvel's greatest villain NOT a Sitcom. If I wanted to watch a sitcom I will put on Friends, not grown men and women in costumes bickering about timelines with forced humourless jokes in every scene. Marvel needs to stop with inserting forced humour into every single scene.

In the end, i did watch the show and just like anything Marvel puts out it's very watchable but when I think about it how frustrating the premise is it's just infuriating as a fan who has seen everything Marvel have put out. Also, If NOONE ever dies in Marvel, until they don't renew their contract what's the point of making scenarios as if something deadly is going to happens. Nothing Happens, they stay alive and always saved to tell a JOKE. Just like this SHOW!!!!
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Infamous (2020)
And She calls herself an "Actress". ROFL
13 July 2021
Infamous - D (Dreadful)

Bella Thorne gets a role, where all she has to do was to act natural and somebody who wants to be Famous without doing the hardwork. A role right in her alley But hey guess what? She couldn't even do that and to think she gets paid for these roles is laughable.

The woman is a con artist, causes controversies gets a movie then lays low then does something else controversial and keep getting these straight to DVD movies from her LA base. Since, Netflix has NO criteria for high quality material. It recommends whatever is available for cheap to dump on it's consumers.

We gotta rate low these movies, soo they stop feeding us this garbage with sequels and spin off etc etc.
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Atypical (2017–2021)
The Annoying sister takes Over, and ruins it!!!
11 July 2021
Atypical - Season 1-3 (B+) Season 4 (C+)

A great show about Autism, unlike anything on TV. Which was always fun to watch with such talent onscreen. Sadly the cookies have crumbled as I really had great time watching the show till the show pulled out Brigitte Lundy-paine (The annoying Sister) real life non-binary identification into the show.

You can be identified as you like in real life but if you're hired to play a sister how come the whole storylines changed how the actor transitioned in real life. This is such a poor decision that it completely ruined the show for me. She is too much on the face, preaching acting all annoying comes across pretentious because it was nothing like her character in first few seasons. The changes were soo abrupt that I had to look online what Happened?? Then I saw the actress comes out Non-binary deletes Instagram means she will return as fully transitioned. Anyways, People are already woke who watch this show we didn't need more preaching.

Thanks Brigitte Lundy-paine for ruining a great show, Nowonder Netflix canceled the show because they couldn't deal with her either.
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It is what It is, Take it or Leave it!!!
11 July 2021
The Tomorrow's War - B- (Fair)

It's exactly what you expect from an Alien invasion movie with the touch of time travel. I had good time watching as I can pause and could return back to it. Chris Pratt and cast did a decent job considering predictable storyline.

My major complaint is Since when we have started to accept Video Games like graphics into movies as Acceptable? I feel like that they've even stop trying to make an effort to smooth out the graphics and use real sets where it can built instead of shooting all on green screens. That's out of the most things takes me out of any fun of watching the movie. If i want to watch a video game, i'll go to YouTube and watch people playing videogames.

They need to do better, and I reckon as consumers we need to demand better than what has been bestowed upon us in recent times on the name of Big Budget Movies. Instead of going big and bold you can make compelling graphics like in recent A Quiet Place 1 and 2. That's more impactful and has less than half the budget of this one.
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Black Widow (2021)
NoOne milks a Cow, like Marvel does... NOONE!!!
10 July 2021
Marvel: You're finally getting your own movie.

Scarlet: Oh' Really?

Marvel: As long as it'll be used as a backstory of our future Avenger in Phase4.

Scarlet: whatever? What's my Paycheck ?!?

Honestly, I watched the whole thing without being getting bored due to sheer talent onscreen not due to writing or direction. However, the moment i finished, I instantly forgot as well. Problem with Marvel is that once everything you put out becomes a brand. They see storylines as how it can move their other movies like Phase4 or show Hawkeye here. It doesn't serve the story or character you're watching atall. Everything has to connect to something in the future. The untimely forced humour and video games like CGI in the end has become cringing but hey I watched it for free so no complaints.
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Fatherhood (I) (2021)
Kevin's Vanity Project
24 June 2021
Fatherhood - C (Mediocre)

I get that Kevin got Netflix money, which allows him to do whatever he wants from putting out unfunny/untried humourless homemade Standups to optioning off a White Father daughter's story in to a movie to show his dramatic acting chops.

I believed the movie is watchable if you're on your phone. The biggest problem is that every scene or scenarios in the movie have been seen hundreds of times on celluloid. I felt i have seen this before, there is no new take or presentation from the director except that Kevin Hart in a drama movie.

Kevin Hart needs to take sometime out and reevaluate his choices and craft as an artist. Honestly, i'm tired of seeing his face slapped on everything he is not even suitable for at all. From untouchables remake to this...
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