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Lighten up people, its a low budget B movie
14 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a fan of watching crappy B movies from time to time, because sometimes it's nice to just watch a flick that you know will not challenge your intellect, or just to have something going on in the background.

There are zero special effects and the acting is, well B movie quality at best. Any attempt at suspense is short lived and below average.

There are no real clear action shots of the Grizzly, just shaky blurry stills of what looks to be a bear which are overlap with what seemed to be the same 10 second audio track loop of growling.

There are also attempts at humor, but in keeping with the rest of the film, they fall short. For those who care, there are gratuitous nude scenes and gun play, both which are awkward and poorly executed.

So, why would anyone want to watch it? I can't answer that, but if you are a B movie fan or someone that doesn't mind low budget sub par cinema, I'd add it to the watch list.
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The Creator (2023)
At least the CGI was pretty good.. however
15 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie did not live up to the hype, not even close. Visually, it was good, but when it came to the script it was lacking. The acting was less than believable and felt forced at times even though it was quite predictable.

I came away from the movie feeling no sympathy for the AI, no hope for them, no longing for the day AI becomes integrated into our every day lives masked with the skin of a robotic companion/servant.

The fact that the simulants mimicked human emotions and actions (eating and sleeping and heart felt conversations) just added to the confusion of how easy it was for them to turn to violence.

Maybe we should take this as a warning of how easily most people can be lulled into a dystopian prison by having machines accomplish those every day menial tasks we find boring, meaningless, or just to dang hard to do.
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The Cage (II) (2017)
Quite disappointed.
21 November 2022
Seeing the 7 star rating and reading a short synopsis of this flick intrigued me enough to sit and spend 80mins watching it.

Boy what a complete let down. To start, the subtitles are no at all accurate, the acting (for the most part) seemed either rushed or overly dramatic.

The movies natural progression in pulling the audience into the story was non-existent to say the least. Any questions that the viewers have, go unanswered. It feels like there was more attention paid to the CGI (which isn't bad) than in any attempt at some sort of a backstory of the (never seen) ET's.

Overall the movie was quite disappointing and left me feeling that I had completely wasted my time watching it.

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Down down down..
12 July 2022
What an utterly disappointing sequel. The death of Doctor Strange (and Marvel) at the hands of sub-par writing, producing and sadly, acting.

All good things must come to an end, and that is what has happened to Doctor Strange. Yet another two hours of my life wasted on a CGI garbage filled movie.
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Outer Range (2022– )
Started of well.. then the downhill slide
1 June 2022
Titles says it. It started of quite well and I had high hopes, then as in most of todays offerings it just turned into a dramafest with no clear direction.

Oh well, maybe next time.
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Not what I was expecting, however..
25 April 2022
I'll start by saying I can't really add anything that hasn't already been written by other reviewers, so I won't.

Close to halfway through, I stopped the movie and started it from the beginning. I knew about 20 mins into it that the movie wasn't exactly what I thought it was going to be and wanted to re-watch the beginning with that in mind. There's a lot to unravel with the multitude of metaphors, symbolization of certain objects, as well as the character's actions, and reactions.

I'll leave it at that, (no spoilers) and just encourage you to watch this with an open mind and an understanding heart.
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All good things must come to an end.
21 November 2021
This was painfully long and there wasn't much that hadn't been covered before. I was really hoping for bit of a better plot, but I suppose they've all been used up since 1962.

If there is a glimpse of the "007" future in this latest offering, it looks as though the staple "suave and sophistication" we've grown to appreciate, is being replaced with "Thunderdome" dirty and crude.

Oh well, Bond had a great 60 year run..
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Bliss (I) (2021)
What horrible marketing!
5 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is a review oh how the movie was for ME, your mileage my vary and be quite different than my experience.

Watching the trailers I was under the impression this was a light hearted sci-fi(ish) love story, with a comical side to it. It was none of those, not even close. The entire marketing staff should be banned from ever working in the film industry, what an unbelievably skewed representation of the movies actual content.

It took me quite a while to figure out what was really going on in this movie, and I'm sure if I was aware at the start, that this was going to be a dark, depressing movie about drug addiction and mental illness, I would have been able to watch it through a different lenses. By the time it came clear what was actually going on, it had ruined the entire movie watching experience for me.
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Without Remorse (II) (2021)
Another good book destroyed by hollywood
1 May 2021
I think this is why Tom Clancy didn't allow this book to be made into a film while he was alive, he knew that hollywood would destroy it (and they did).

I get it, we need wokeness and inclusiveness in everything, even in the most elite military units, even if its not reality.

I was going to write an in depth review on everything that was wrong, or right with the movie in comparison to the book, but I just care, it won't make a difference. Feelings over facts, right?
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Stowaway (I) (2021)
It was... okay(ish)
29 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Well, it was (for the most part) an okay film as far as the visuals and the first 30 minutes of the script were concerned. However, from the 30 minute mark on, you'll have you head filled with 101 questions as the "why" or "who" or maybe even "no one ever planned for failures to happen in space flight"?

Honestly, I kept waiting for an explanation how and why the dude was sealed in the dang bulkhead. If that one fact would have been revealed, I would have given the movie 5 or maybe even 6 stars.

I was quite let down by the script, it had so much potential but fell short of a gratifying movie experience.
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Vanquish (2021)
Morgan should have invested his earnings more wisely..
21 April 2021
So he wouldn't have to take parts in horribly scripted movies like this.

Nothing, about this movie was enjoyable.

Nothing.. at all.

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Haven's End (2019)
Nothing at all...
12 April 2021
That's what is good or likable in this film.. nothing at all. Horrid acting, annoying nonstop wokeness, grade school quality "special effects" and below armature script.

Save 55 minutes of your life and pass on this.
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If I were an investor for this movie, I would ask for a refund.
5 January 2021
Most every other review here covers it. The writers and director should be banned from the entertainment industry. The first 20 minutes were the catalyst for this disaster. I have never in my 40 years of moviegoing ever murmured "wtf" so many times. Despite the seemingly noble attempts of the actors, this movie could not be saved from the absolutely horrid script. Sadly, most of the paid critics (que rotten tomatoes) will "misinform" you about how thrilling, action packed and empowering this movie is, but it's not. It's just painful.
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Enola Holmes (2020)
It's wasn't bad, it just lacked a bit
18 October 2020
As I always do, I went into this movie with an open mind with no expectations of greatness or failure. I put aside both extreme "sides" of those who have already reviewed the movie. The character Enola showed both sides of what one would expect of most young adults. Her background was a bit hastily thrown at us but was adequate I think. I understand the climate of today's vision for woman, however it may have been pushed a bit far to suite the period this film was portraying. It wasn't quite to the point of being a distraction, but close. Granted the story wasn't about "Sherlock", but it may have pulled on the coattails of his lineage more than some would care for by nearly rendering his involvement in this film rather inert which will undoubtedly frustrate true Sherlock Holmes fans. Maybe we have been spoiled by Robert Downey Jr's quick wit and quirkiness as Holmes, because that was indeed lacking in this film. I think it would have been better not to have Sherlock make an appearance at all.
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Just watch it!
29 June 2020
I'm not going to analyze the deeper meanings of this flick, I'm just going to say watch it, you won't be sorry. Give it a few minutes and let it come to you.
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Raccoon Valley (2018 Video)
Simple and low key. I enjoyed it.
19 May 2020
I went into this movie expecting nothing spectacular, I was only wanting to waste a little time and not be bored. This film delivered that.

From the onset, you can tell this movie was filmed on a low budget, but it isn't at all "B Movie" low quality by any means. I suppose anyone expecting a multiple award winning flick will be disappointed and could pick it apart with it's small goofs.

I actually enjoyed the lack of CGI, multiple high profile actors, and the soundtrack, which fills in quite nicely for the lack of dialogue. I wasn't at all disappointed with anything the movie brings, or leaves out for that matter.

Do yourself a favor and give it a shot if you're bored and have about an hour to burn, I don't think you'll be disappointed. (:
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Arkansas (2020)
Well, I didn't see this coming.
11 May 2020
This was a most haphazard movie, with a seemingless less than understandable goal on the horizon. With that being said, I did enjoy wasting two hours watching this rambling flick. So take this as a fair warning, leave all expectations at the door, sit down with a cold drink and maybe even a few snacks, and enjoy the movie, it'll all come together in the end.
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Don't be deterred by the rating.
19 April 2020
Okay, it's not the 70s version, but a rather twisted one to say the least. If you're a fan of B movies, this should fit the nitch and (hopefully) leave you telling yourself that it wasn't that bad. The acting was okay, cheesy when it needed to be and good enough to keep you watching to see how it ends. I was looking for something to fill some time (since we're all on lock-down) and this did just thay. It won't win a ton of awards, but most of the movies that we watch never do either. I won't spoil any of it, but I'll just say to give it a shot and remember to smile folks! (:
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Tiger King (2020–2021)
IQ lowering trash
10 April 2020
I don't understand the attraction to this type of entertainment. I watched two episodes and felt dirty for doing it. Hate, deception, greed, abuse, you name a vice that is ruining the fabric of humanity, and it's in this "documentary".

I suppose the excitement over these types of shows is an indication of how far we have fallen. I don't find things like this healthy for the mind or the heart.

I honestly do not care if anyone disagrees with this review, because in the end it's true.
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Welcome back Billy, we missed you and you did not disappoint.
22 February 2020
I'm not one who usually goes for the comedy/drama type movies, but I am so glad I sat down and watched this. There cannot be a human being alive that is unable to relate to something in this movie, in a personal way.

The acting was spot on, not too much or too little of anything. All the actors, fit just right. There's no hurrying the storyline, it just flows. I found myself relating and reflecting to so much of the story and it was a good feeling.

In short, you need to see this. Don't be in a hurry to do anything while you watch it. Take the 90 minutes and let yourself be whoever it is you relate to in this film. The ending tied everything together in a nice comfortable way.

Buy it, rent it, download it, whatever. Just watch it.
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Swing and a miss.
6 February 2020
I went into this hoping it would live up to the original storyline, but between Nicolas Cage's horrific (over)acting and the overabundance of CGI it falls short and Joely Richardson was mediocre and boring. The excessive over dramatization of every aspect of the film was unneeded but I suppose this mutilation of a great story by Lovecraft is the only way it could be told to the upcoming overmedicated self proclaimed victimized generation and keep their attention. I suppose it's a "thing" today in hollywood to see who can produce the most oversensationized, CGI packed "edgy" film. For me it didn't work, but then again I was never heavily medicated when I was a child.
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Great CGI interface, so-so script.
29 November 2019
The movie offers some of the best integrated CGI which was pretty much spot on the entire movie, I only wish the script would have had the same amount of stamina. Not that it was bad, don't get me wrong, it just seemed a bit rushed in the beginning. I can only surmise this was to facilitate the inpatients of most movie goers nowadays that need to get into the fast paced loud fight scenes. Nevertheless, I did enjoy the movie, and would recommend it.
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So cringe worthy
24 November 2019
My wife and I went to see this last night, and I was kind of shocked to see there were only a handful of people there. I had relatively high hopes that it was going to be better than the less than stellar reviews I'd read about it.

I was disappointed, not that the movie was so unbelievably cringy, but rather because my wife disliked it so much that she asked if I wanted to leave half way through. I feel bad because I told her to give it a chance and see if it gets better. It didn't.

I value my wife's opinion greatly, so when she told me she felt embarrassed and extremely uncomfortable watching the movie I asked to why. She explained how uncomfortable she felt that the men were constantly being over powered by woman who were so obviously incapable of actually pulling off these feats of superhuman abilities along with the constant mouth breathing of Kristen Stewart. Yes she actually said that lol.

My take on it? In short, zero chemistry between the actors caused the acting was very disingenuous. The fight scenes were rather choppy and (again) cringingly unbelievable, along with a plot was all too predictable. Not the actual plot of the movie, but the agenda I guess.

Do I feel bad this movie is going to flop? No. I feel bad because I subjected my wife to such an uncomfortable evening out, and yes I am going to make it up to her (:
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
Off to a surprisingly good start!
20 November 2019
Haven't been a fan of Disney's recent offerings, but this is something that I'm really enjoying so far. The cinematography is exceptional, the CGI is well placed and the acting is only going to get better as the series gets kicked into full speed. If it seems a too fast paced, put your phone down! So far, The Mandalorian seems to have really captures that old Star Wars vibe and I'm enjoying it. Despite the relatively short episodes, the story is being written nicely and I can't wait to see it unfold.
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Batwoman (2019–2022)
The elephant in the room
22 October 2019
I don't understand how people can continue to blame everything (or everyone) for the poor ratings other than the blatantly obvious. There's no "Online Hate agenda" which is causing the bad ratings. The ratings are bad because of the shallowness of the script and the lukewarm (at best) acting. I tried to like the series, but Ruby Rose's acting is just too cringe worthy. There's no sense of direction, nothing natural or genuine about the way she portrays a super hero we are supposed to support and love.

Oh well, it's no skin off my behind if (when) the series fails.
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