
42 Reviews
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Superpower (2023)
Trump's fault again
30 April 2024
I bet you didn't realize that Putin's invasion of Ukraine was Trump's fault. You see if Trump hadn't said to Zelenskyy that he thought Biden was a super crooked VP; then the Democrats in the House wouldn't have been forced to impeach him which in turn caused a rift between republicans and democrats which spurred Putin to invade. What a farce. Leave alone the undisputed fact that Putin invaded because Biden is the weakest president in the past 100 years; this documentary by Sean Penn looks more like a very long ad for Zelenskyy's re-election campaign. Misstated facts and propaganda make this attempt at a noble retelling of the war unwatchable. Penn fauns over Zelenskyy so much its pathetic.
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Shōgun (2024–2026)
With all due respect
24 April 2024
This reboot is not as good as the original which is one of my favorite tv shows of all time. Despite enjoying the Japanese spoken (I speak it), the characters are not as compelling as the original. They seem to be one dimensional in comparison. Also, the script and storyline is much more haphazard. I can only assume the producers and writers thought this would be a more interesting and complex format. Instead, I feel the actors lack direction and often seem to just be reading the lines as best they can. My main concern though is the lack of character exploration which I feel the original series did in a much better fashion. Seeing Blackthorne become Anjin was a much more fulfilling experience in the original series for example. Still, compared to the typical dribble out there, it's decent.
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26 February 2024
This is what good to great writing can do. After years of painfully watching every spinoff crash and burn, the gods have seen it fit to stop the madness. Based on the first episode this is as good as the original series. If you're wondering whether it's worth the effort, don't. Fear started decent enough but became a preposterous watching proposition. World Beyond is truly bad if not unwatchable. Tales had some decent episodes but few too little. Dead City is watchable but very predictable. Dixon shows promise but is much too slow. The pace of Ones is like having a cold glass of water after a ten mile hike. Bravo! Please keep it up.
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Zero insight into the phenomenon
22 February 2023
This is more of a historical look at UFOs. If you are remotely educated on the subject, this will highly disappoint you. It's basically a rehashing of the major instances that the government and UFO organizations looked at. A whole episode on the glorification of J Allen Hyneck made me write this review. I am so disappointed they decided to barely touch on major UFO sightings and instead decided to focus on the investigators in a historical context. The show comes off as self serving and dull. I commend all these investigators for all they have done to advance research into this subject but I don't need to be force fed it.
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QAnon: The Search for Q (2021–2022)
Went Off The Rails
25 August 2022
First 3 episodes were ok seeing the Q nuttiness but Episode 4 is pure trash and leftist propaganda with little or no new information- HBO did the best Q doc.
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Unprecedented (II) (2022)
A missed opportunity again!
31 July 2022
The producers really missed a good opportunity (having access to Trump world) to show a balanced and much more interesting expose. Instead, we are saddled with liberal hacks taking political shots throughout each episode. Of course, none of what the left is ever challenged so your left with more Fake News.
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If it came out in the 70s - would be a classic
20 July 2022
I've been watching films since I was 10. Today's audiences are very fickle. I've seen over 4K movies and to rank this below a 7 is a joke. Anyone who was a teen in 1978 wherein Black Phone takes place will have a vast appreciation beyond the gore fed kids of the 90s through today. Fear is a state of mind so go into this with the right state of mind and you will love it.
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Had potential
6 April 2022
The film seems to be haphazardly put together with not that much new information/thoughts on the afterlife. Having said that it's not a bad starting point for someone who is a novice to Christ. It makes some deep and profound points but they are made somewhat insignificant due to the constant and self indulgences/biography of the lead characters.
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Billions (2016–2023)
No Axe is just the tip of the iceberg.
8 February 2022
Season 6 has caused me To downgraded it from a 10. Show writers please listen. Three episodes in to new season and I'm bored to tears because your making the audience not give a flying S about the plots. Boring Boring Boring. Where is the ingenious backstabbing? The cool 'Wish I was doing that' subplots are missing and no Axe to boot. For god's sake at least add some witty humor to make it watcheable.
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You'll like it if your into stylish slow burns
22 January 2022
This holds up surprising well after all these years. It wanders off at times, a bit stream of consciousness, but worth the time invested. Blake is great in this, albeit he became a murderer in real life. The director should of been nominated for an Oscar; name five better candidates from 1973. Enjoy.
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Inadvertently Reveals The Real Coverup
11 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Conspiracies exist because of coverups. Coverups exist because of CYA (cover your ass). Oswald had so many connections to the CIA that the intelligence community panicked and immediately went into cover up mode, because of the implications. This explains the chaos at the autopsy and the resulting control of access to information. Oswald was delusional and angry at the US for what he interpreted as basically using him. I was disappointed in Looking Glass not addressing the rumble seat in JFK's car which explains the magic bullet. Ballistics done over and over again have shown Kennedy's wounds were consistent with the Warren Commission (although that was basically a white wash). And as other reviewers have pointed out, there is not much new here. There's no mention of Oswald's previous assassination attempt on a US General. Conveniently leaving out and not addressing key facts makes this just a so so watch.
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Ignore the haters - Made For Sopranos Fans
2 October 2021
I didn't walk in with unrealistic expectations for this like some who are now rating this 5 and under which is ridiculous. To be fair, having watched the Sopranos catalogue is a big plus to enjoying it. It doesn't stand well on it's own despite being marketed as such. Don't expect too much and you will enjoy. Works best as a supplement to the series.
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Little new information
18 September 2021
Lots of retread video & story that has been seen before.
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The Sting II (1983)
Would have much higher IMDB rating if it had a different title
23 November 2020
This film suffers from being associated with the original, which is a better movie, but it's quite enjoyable on it's own.
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No No No
12 October 2020
I pledge allegiance to TWD, I will not watch inferior crap no matter how much AMC shoves it down my throat.
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9/11: Inside Air Force One (2019 TV Movie)
Worth Watching
14 September 2019
Amazing how unprepared our government was. This documentary inadvertently exposes how inept some of the top officials in the US are. Scary.
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Fear the Walking Dead (2015–2023)
Bad directing; worse writing
22 July 2019
I have to agree with many reviewers here in that watching a group of incredibly stupid survivors of a zombie holocaust is torture. It's one bad storyline after another and the actors know it. There's very little for them to work with and subsequently the acting is subpar. Fire every writer and every director and start over; you can't do any worse.
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The Attack (2012)
Tough Subject Matter
19 July 2019
A bit more background on the conflict and the couple's relationship would of been beneficial. Also, the Jenin massacre never happened; even left wing Wikipedia admits this 'Stories of hundreds of civilians being killed in their homes as they were demolished spread throughout international media. Subsequent investigations found no evidence to substantiate claims of a massacre, and official totals from Palestinian and Israeli sources confirmed between 52 and 54 Palestinians, mostly gunmen, and 23 IDF soldiers as having been killed in the fighting.'
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Somewhere here lies a a great movie
15 July 2019
Bizarre and non se·qui·tur best describe this nutty story that no film editor seems to have touched. But a magnificent performance by Ben Gazzara makes this otherwise artsy snooze fest very enjoyable.
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City on a Hill (2019–2022)
14 July 2019
Too many subplots and characters dilute the main storyline which is otherwise captivating; unfortunately the other characters and stories aren't. The writers tease the audience so much you end up not caring about the series as a whole.
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very good despite some subpar dialogue & acting
30 June 2019
Gets more and more captivating the longer you watch.
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Aladdin (2019)
Kids will love it
25 June 2019
Subpar acting and a screenplay that struggles makes this a forgettable feature but your kids will love it.
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Fatal Flaws Hijack a Good Story
23 April 2019
There are some severe holes in this film namely the slow pace, simplistic dialogue and an incredulous B movie climax with Sasquatch. It could have been something special with a better director.
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Vice (I) (2018)
Spinal Tap without the laughs
4 April 2019
Fails miserably as a Mockumentary. Nominated for Best Picture (based on Bale's performance I guess)? Didn't hear a single chuckle in the theater. Steve Carell is over the top awful in this.
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best and fairest portrayal of 2016 election from a liberal you could hope for
5 February 2019
James Stern is an unabashed Obama loving liberal, and he does his best to understand the other side. Where he fails is in giving time to Conservative subject matter experts on policy. Conservatives are portrayed as fear mongering but it's hysterical to see throughout the movie all the fear Stern has if Trump were to win. This alone is worth the price of admission. Yes it's biased but it's the best once could expect from a left gone mad.
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