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Excellent Doc About Stealth Public Education Destroyer
9 September 2023
A grifter even by Trump Administration, Devos became Public Education destroy public education in American in favor of their brand of Fundamentalist/Theocratic agenda, also siding with 'For Profit" (i.e. Scam) universities over their victims. A dangerous demigod/fanatic exposed. Everyone serious about public education and predatory school loans (and Devos' efforts to prevent former students from the ability to recoup some of the predatory loan money) should watch this important documentary. MGM will hopefully feature more magazine-type shows like this, and I think I've finally written a long enough review.
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Torn Hearts (2022)
Sunset Blvd, Y'all!
17 January 2023
This is a cool reworking (if that's the right word) of that 50s classic about an old, former superstar living alone in an old mansion with nothing but old memories and memorabilia from her star days and an ever-looser grasp on reality. Add two ambitious, young wannabees who come to her house/mausoleum and all hall breaks loose, just as sure as (add favorite, country witticism of your choice). I don't particularly like country, uh, music, which is perhaps why I loved this (and appear alone on that). Seems these ambitious sweeties have some 'issues', as the city folk call 'em. Your partner and her girlfriends will not be gathering to watch this together and cry every year like Fried Green Tomatoes or Beaches...but they may leave you suggesting they see it. Y'all give it a shot, ya hear!
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Reality-Based Political Fears
29 November 2022
As the description of this documentary makes clear, as well as the listed speakers in the credits, you have all the information you need to avoid unpleasantness; if you like Trump, you should skip this. But if you're in the majority of US voters (in both elections, incidentally), you will likely find this fascinating and scary, while staying grounded in real information, not crazy stories about evil pizza parlors or Jewish space lasers. If all the people writing these bad reviews actually watched it despite it's clear agenda (and I don't think most of them have), you should read the program details more carefully. I see someone like Alex Jones in the credits, pass...
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God Forbid (2022)
Sex Scandal (Appropriately) Brings Down Religious Right
2 November 2022
Both hilarious and infuriating, God Forbid chronicles the sordid and kinky demise of the First Family of America's Christian Right, The Falwells. After decades rending harsh judgements on particularly gay people for 'perverted sex', it seems fitting the Falwell Jr.s would be 'exposed' as a swinging couple of freaks doing a 3-way with...the poolboy? Character Counts -- that was the refrain of the Falwell types during the eight years of the Clinton administration, during which Falwell Sr. Tried to hawk a conspiracy video tying the president to several deaths, including elderly aquaintences who died of heart attacks, etc. This was always a hypocritical bunch of grifters and they probably suckered someone you knew out of their limited bank account.
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Women Are the Root Of All Evil!
30 January 2022
This film takes up the fundamentalist evangelical argument women must obey their husbands and give up their own will/identity or face a life of misery. That something like this can receive major distribution in the year 2022 is disheartening and depressing. Offensive garbage for sexists.
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Ready or Not (I) (2019)
Horror Comedy Mixmaster!
10 January 2020
"Get Out" meets "The Most Dangerous Game" meets "The Wicker Man" meets..."Rambo"? It's like they put a bunch of famous horror films and thrillers in a Cuisinart and came up with this bat**** Mad Hatters Party that still manages to be a lot of fun, assuming your idea of "fun" leans toward the dark side. Great Saturday night party film, particularly if you live in a state that's legalized marijuana. Get out the Funyuns and enjoy!
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Lake Mungo (2008)
Disturbing, Unique And Twisted
3 November 2019
Usually I'm not a big fan of the 'found footage' genre and definitely no longer into ghost stories, but Lake Mungo proves to be quite unsettling, with a David Lynchian, Twin Peaks-like twisted vibe going on that evidently led to it's cult status. It's a slow-burn for sure, but stay with it and...well, 'nuff said.
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Blue Ruin (2013)
Great anti-revenge revenge film
21 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
* possible spoilers "Whoever fights monsters must be careful lest he become a monster, and when you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares into you," Nietzsche.

This excellent film strips the revenge film of all it's usual tropes of false heroics and fodder for the audience's bloodlust, and presents a sad and vicious story of how even a seemingly righteous cause, if it's fueled by hate and desperation, leads to a conclusion that leaves no one cheering; in the end, there are no heroes here, just bitter people heading for the abyss. This is without a doubt one of the best films I've seen in the last 20 years.
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The Keepers (II) (2017)
What are the most important documentaries you'll ever see
16 August 2019
An outstanding, frightening and infuriating look into the abuses and cover up perpetrated by the Baltimore archdiocese, likely with the help of local police. This documentary belies the contention that Priests only preyed on boys. I understand the criticism of some reviewers who have suggested some additional editing needed to be done, but a story this important and profound deserves nothing less than 10 stars despite it's flaws. It hits all the main points hard and tells it's story well. For everyone who cares about the pain so many children have gone through because of the Catholic Church, please see this documentary.
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A Gray State (2017)
Fascinating and timely psychological horror
8 August 2019
I think the low rating, at least among those voting and not the critics who like the film, is disappointment the filmmakers did not turn Crowley into some kind of martyr, but treated him as the disturbed murderer that he was. As we've seen in the news so many times just in the last couple years, This can very well be the results of following absurd and dangerous conspiracy theories and letting your emotions overtake your reason. Even more relevant in 2019 than it was when first released. Highly recommended!
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Great Indy Character Studies
12 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Before I get to the spoilers, I will say this a top notch indy drama with great performances and a story that avoids the kind of easy answers and excepts the fact that labeling people "good" and "bad" makes no sense--most people are more complex than that.

If you haven't seen the movie, stop here. Contrary to many statements written here, Emma does not fall for Caleb because he's the cliched "bad boy." Emma is psychologically damaged herself, and she succumbs to her sexual desires for him (once), because: a)her boyfriend is dull, immature(afraid to discuss his past, afraid to date in high school) and inexperienced(not just in terms of sex--Caleb never tells him the truth about his father, keeping him--he's so dull, I had trouble remembering his name--had to look it up) rather sheltered from reality). b)She's young and just plain horny and Caleb is also better looking, sexually experienced and older. (Yes guys, gals get horny too; they're sexual beings just like us). c)Caleb is ultimately more interesting, more honest and open about his past than his dull brother, and Emma is, as I pointed out, a young woman dealing with her own past who clearly isn't ready or wanting to get hitched any time soon.

Though Caleb and his father somewhat reconcile, the film does not go for the usual happy ending. On train back to school, Peter finally tells Emma he loves her, and it's obvious she doesn't feel the same way and probably doesn't want to return to his home ever again out or either guilt or continued attraction to Caleb (probably both). I can see how some young women his age might consider Peter a catch, but it's clear Emma, far more complex, open and jaded/experienced with life's unpleasantries than him, is not one of them. The tear roling down her face is not because of joy--it's guilt and shame, as she knows she's going to have to be honest and break this nice, dull kid's heart.

A cliched, happy ending would have been Emma replying, "I love you too, darling," the two then passionately kissing, roll the credits. Didn't happen.
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Serenity (I) (2019)
You Have Got To Be Kidding!
2 May 2019
This would embarrass even M. Night Shyamalam -- a convoluted, incoherent, pretentious mess that's part Double Indemnity, part Jacob's Ladder, part Sunday School film. Something like that. Nothing worse than a low grade, exploitation film that thinks it's profound and enlightening. The ending? I won't even go there...

Want a film to raise your blood pressure to dangerous levels for so insulting your intelligence, by all means check out this mess. In other words, view at your own risk! Easily, the worst major studio release I've seen in years. We're talkin' Manos: The Hands Of Fat territory here. Too bad MST3K isn't still around to take this train wreck on. For those who wish to find god and several, nude shots of Matt's rear end...
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Strictly For The Alex Jones Crowd
25 April 2019
The right wing, as it so often does, pulls the 'persecution' card, arguing that Google and Facebook are blocking conservative information/favoring progressives, blah, blah... So if you're wondering why Pizzagate and other such conspiracies, er, important news stories aren't being spread around the Internet enough, you'll love this--it tells you exactly what you want to here..
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Best Film Of The Year
3 March 2019
Don't let the racists pretending to be objective fool you--this is one of the most powerful, American movies I've seen in years. There is nothing 'cartoonish' (an oft-repeated word among the bad reviews by people who obviously didn't see it, but certainly got their talking points down pat); it tells an important and absolutely true depiction of some evil people luxuriating in their own hatred who wrecked havoc on so many lives for so many years. If the racists in this movie seem one-dimensional, it's because racists ARE one-dimension losers; nothing complex or nuanced about them. A perfect film for the Trump-era, as these same type creeps seem to have come out from under their rocks and now feel newly empowered. This film is an important reminder of what they are capable of.
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The Details (2011)
Please remove the word "comedy"
11 January 2019
When I think of dark comedies, I think of everything from Dr. Strangelove to Harold and Maude. Dark, but comic. This film has all the humor and charm of getting hit by a garbage truck. Each one of the characters we see is singularly unlikable to the extreme, beginning with the married couple who stay together even though they can't stand each other, don't want to sleep with each other (the wife, anyway), but feel free to sleep with anybody else they can get their hands on. People called Gone Girl the "date night movie for people who never want to marry." This garbage is the "date night movie for people who never want to date." The two, morally bankrupt creeps married to each other in this film deserve each other, and everybody else we see on the screen deserves to be avoided at all costs. I guess I've seen worse films than this, but I can't think of a film in recent memory that's made me so incredibly angry as this infuriating mess. View at your own risk. Ick!
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Propaganda, not a documentary
8 January 2019
This "documentary" was funded and made by the Mormon church, so that should tell you how objective it is. If you're looking for a good documentary that shows the dark side of Mormonism, check out "Believer," which shows the deplorable way the Mormon church treats members of the LBGTQ community, such as disowning members of their own families for simply being gay. If you had to suffer through this propaganda, "Believer" would be a perfect antidote. Remember, this is the church that refused to ordain black ministers until the 1970s, and then only after they were shamed into it.
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You (2018–2024)
The Last Romantic Comedy
7 January 2019
The above is my suggestion as an alternative title to this excellent series now on Netflix (which obviously includes a lot of adult material edited or bleeped out from its original, Lifetime Network, I can't believe this was actually on Lifetime either). This is because You works best as a dark parody of the romantic comedy, a highly derivative genre I absolutely hate. The lead character even jokes at one point that he's in a situation "out of a romantic comedy." This is a show that gives new meaning to the phrase "love conquers all." The characters breathlessly spout all the usual, RC clichés about how they 'can't live with/without' the person they 'love so much, they can't stay with them because...' at the same time all the show's horror elements play out. Then there is a certain Dexter-like quality to the show, in that Joe does bad things (the lead character is a stalker, so I don't think I'm giving anything away here), but the people he does them to... I was both repulsed by Joe and at the same time somewhat sympathetic towards him. This is binge - worthy viewing at its best. My 10 rating might be a little high, but I haven't seen a show as entertaining as this in a long time. You has a great ending in particular, but I will add no more. See for yourself.
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Helps explain the present
10 December 2018
As more people see this great documentary, the rating will most certainly go up and be closer to the excellent critical reviews this doc has received. If you want to know the genisis for our currently polarized country, it all begins with one man - Roger Ailes. We went from simply disagreeing with each other on political matters to hating each other simply because we have a difference of opinion. This doc shows how Ailes basically created the landscape for the horrible condition of our current political discourse. The doc also shows how Ailes treated women like property he could use and abuse and discard at will. A must-see documentary if there ever was one.
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Amanda Knox (2016)
Superb documentary - ignore the haters
23 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Superb documentary - ignore the haters. Apparently some right wing news site sent a lot of people over here to write horrible reviews about this great documentary, even though critical reception has been universally and unanimously terrific. This really shows how the media can shape a story based on their own desire for ratings and sales, not reaching the truth. The fact that the judge, who believes satanic cults were roaming the countryside, was allowed to use his bias and superstitious beliefs to so taint this case, show how this case was doomed for the defense from the start, at least until just this was finally served in Amanda Knox was freed from prison. Those who have written here that the Catholic Church is incapable of having a member do something evil, I suggest you watch the movie Spotlight, now showing here on Netflix. A must for true crime fans.
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1974 Drive-In smash still a great action film.
20 September 2018
While the film begins as the kind of typical "good old boys" action film that flooded drive-ins 40 years ago, Macon County Line actually heads towards horror territory by the end, something most viewers did not expect . TCM will be showing this low-budget classic this Saturday morning, September 22, at 2:15 AM Eastern time. Check it out! Lots of sex, nudity and violence as only a 1970s low budget film can offer ( with an R rating, anyway). Time for remake.
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Money & Treason
16 September 2018
The true venality of the Trump presidency and it's financial genesis with a murderous, corrupt Russian dictator explained with the kind of depth and detail I have yet to see regarding this subject. Putin, a former KGB agent who has undoubtedly had the opportunity to study human behaviour types, and he accurately had Trump pegged as an insecure narcissist who just needed some kind words and a pat on the back to become slavishly devoted to him. We know the results of this evil alliance. Brilliant film-making and top rate journalism.
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Miss Sloane (2016)
Superb Psychological Drama/Character Study/Political Thriller
30 September 2017
Ignore all the political diatribes from the haters. This a superb psychological drama/character study about a woman who, like the Gene Hackman character in The Conversation, begins to realize just how immoral her job is. This is not a propaganda piece, but given how polarized and divided the country is right now, there are now some who would see a political agenda in Jaws. Chastain gives a brilliant performance as the overachiever who is great at what she does, but seems to lack any moral compass. Yes, the film takes a dim view of lobbyists, but people across the political spectrum have complained about the over-influence of lobbyists in politics. A limited release doomed this film at the Oscars, but it's Best Picture quality and definitely worth your time.
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Mommy, I Didn't Do It (2017 TV Movie)
Awful as only a Lifetime Movie can be
29 September 2017
Dreadful acting, writing, directing; overwrought; maudlin; sappy; predictable--in other words, a Lifetime Movie. I'll never learn. I watched it only because the premise sounded interesting, but I forgot once again Lifetime can take an interesting premise and turn it in to its usual soapy garbage, sanitizing away any tension or suspense. The characters are so childishly written, they might as well carry signs that read, "I'm bad/I'm good." The good characters emote and cry a lot (at least a few gallons of tears shed in this one, which you don't usually associate with courtroom dramas/murder mysteries), while the bad ones snarl, shout and spew heavy sarcasm/put-downs at the good ones. View at your brain cells' own risk.
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Important & Horrifying Documentary
7 May 2017
A tragic and infuriating documentary about two teenage girls who first faced sexual assault and then became pariahs (along with their families) for having the audacity to anger one of the city's most important families. But the most disgusting part of this film deal with the horrid sheriff slut-shaming the victims while defending the rapists because, hey, boys will be boys and the girls asked fro it anyway. The fact that creeps such as this still hold positions of power in this country, albeit a conservative part of the country, is even more disheartening. The fact that some find a documentary about two, victimized teenage girls 'liberal propaganda'...well, these are the ones with political agendas that ignores the facts. People who explain away rape and humiliation of teen girls are potential offenders in my opinion. A must-see for parents and their children say 12 and up.
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Dirty Teacher (2013 TV Movie)
Bad Even For Lifetime
11 June 2016
Yes, even by the low standards of Lifetime's formulaic, crime dramas, this one is bad. Horrible Fatal Attraction rip-off (and there have been many of those) with no surprises, high school drama club-level acting and a terrible script. Don't let the title fool you--this is tame, TV-14 (I would have rated it PG) level stuff. In fact, it plays like one of those old, Afterschool Movies (don't have sex with your teacher, kids!) with just a bit of racy/violent stuff thrown in. Lifetime has made a few, somewhat-decent time-killers, but this is not one of them. I should have checked the IMDb rating before watching this crud, but it was on Amazon Prime (home of a lot of terrible movies), so I thought "why not." I owe the move one thing along those lines, though: after watching it, I decided not to subscribe to AP after my free trial ends, so Dirty Teacher ended up saving me $10.99 a month.
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