
25 Reviews
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Wyatt Earp's Revenge (2012 Video)
Neither great nor terrible.
19 October 2022
Most of the other reviews are too harsh. Yes they cut corners on the budget. The costumes look as though they were bought at 'Halloween USA.' And I think the cap gun I played with as a kid made a louder sound than the guns here. However the cinematography and editing are well above average and the directing and acting are very good. Every principle character has great screen presence except for Steve Graham (Sam Kennedy) but I think that was on purpose because he's playing a character who's kind of a weasel. And it sticks to the formula for a great 'shoot em up' western. I. E. Well established good guys and well established bad guys (no grey area) trying to kill each other.
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Stagecoach (1966)
A good remake but the changes are mostly for the worse
17 August 2022
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John Ford's classic is redone here with a very good new song by Wayne Newton and stunning visuals of the old west. Most of the rest of the story is a faithful retelling with some additions that were unnecessary at best or detract from the story at worst. There's Gatewood, a white coller wimp who's embezzled money from his employers. Good story line but in the original he's arrested upon arriving in Cheyanne. Here he pursues the prostitute, Dallas, and tries to grift additional money from outlaw Luke Plummer and his sons. This costs him his life. A guy like that would be 'all business' and not have time for additional pursuits. Not believable. Another change was Curly keeping Ringo chained up while he pursues the Plummers. This costs him his leg in a gunfight. He then lets Ringo go free and Ringo kills the Plummers. In the original Curly turns Ringo loose right away (this delegation of authority is the obvious better option) and of course Ringo kills them and Curly remains in one piece.
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Paterno (2018 TV Movie)
Pacino sounded more like the real Paterno in "Dog Day Afternoon"
20 April 2021
For the most part this was a well told, and fair to all sides, story. There was some artistic speculation, like when the first victim is chased down the HS corridor by two bullies, no evidence that ever happened. But the overall narrative is balanced and lacking too much sensationalism. One question, why all the raves for Pacino's performance? Paterno retained his thick Brooklyn dialect his entire life, very similar to how Pacino talked as Sonny in 'Dog Day Afternoon', but said accent is a no show here. I expected more from Pacino since he was clearly capable of pulling it off .
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Very good but it doesn't go far enough.
20 March 2021
First off, this is unavailable on youtube, even for a price. That tells you that many want to shut this up, rather than debate it. It does a very good job of debunking most conspiracy theories but I deduct two stars because it doesn't debunk easy ones they had time for. Examples: Jean Hill claimed she saw Kennedy's head explode but the Zapruder film clearly shows her looking in a different direction at the instant he was shot. Also the single bullet penetrated Connolly's arm but it would still be possible to for him to grip his hat. Clenched, tense fists are a common symptom of being shot. Just look at both of Kennedy's hands in the same frame....tightly clenched
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The Fog (2005)
Not the original, but an OK remake
10 March 2021
The characters in this one don't garner the sympathy of the original. In the first the "Seagrass" was occupied by 3 harmless middle aged guys. Here it's got younger, very obnoxious occupants. You almost want them to get killed. And there's a completely cynical, tacked on, affair between Stevie and Nick that was missing from the first version. However I liked the fact that they tried to explain why the lead female and the ship had the same fist name. Same was true in the original but this was simply treated like a giant coincidence and was otherwise ignored. Here the explanation, while a bit implausible is at least attempted.
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The Flight Attendant (2020–2022)
Corporate espionage/murder mystery with a dash of "Leaving Las Vegas/Good Will Hunting"
30 January 2021
Cassie's (Kaley Cuoco) one night stand with a rich, good looking traveler becomes a nightmare when she wakes up next to his corpse. No one can provide her with an alibi, not even herself since she has no recollection of the night before. What follows is a tale replete with plot twists and background characterization. Overall a very good story but with a dearth of likable characters. Only her best friend Ani and Ani's boyfriend Max think of anyone other than themselves.
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The Hustle (I) (2019)
'Dirty Rotten Scoundrels'...CAKED in misandry
24 January 2021
A decent remake of Dirty Rotten Scoundrels with Rebel Wilson standing in for Steve Martin and Anne Hathaway for Michael Caine. And the guy replacement for Glenn Headly could pass for her son. Updated for the 2020's with references to social media and cell phones not possible the first time around. These 'female remake' movies do a lot better when they don't sink to the level of taking shots at the gender of the originals protagonists. Sadly this otherwise good movie does that A LOT. Drinking game,.. take a shot every time we hear how rotten and mentally challenged all men are, not just the title characters of the first movie. Do that and you'll be passed out before it's over. Other than a couple words by Martin early on, I don't remember the original having a similar ax to grind about women.
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The Twilight Zone: Person or Persons Unknown (1962)
Season 3, Episode 27
Scary, but what WAS the dilemma at the end?
2 January 2021
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Dave Gurney awakens to a world where no one, including his wife, knows who he is and he can't find any documented evidence of his existence. His literal nightmare ends when he wakes up and his wife knows him. Ironically he doesn't know her. Hinting that the same has happened to her and she'll need his help. Question, what's the dilemma? The "new" wife is a sweetie trapped in the body of a super model. Hs previous wife was rotten and ugly. Was this another test for the audience ( at least the men ) or just ironically bad casting?
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Scary, but with one too many plot twists.
2 January 2021
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Two astronauts survive re entry after disappearing from the radar for 5 minutes. Only one astronaut remembers a third, so everyone else, including his fellow astronaut think he's crazy. It's as if the first man never existed. Then all evidence of the second man disappears with only the third remembering him. The explanation is that they were 'supposed' to have died. OK but then why is ALL evidence of them ever having existed being erased? That looks more like the astronauts s/never have been born in the first place, not just that they should have died.
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The Twilight Zone: Mirror Image (1960)
Season 1, Episode 21
Like most episodes it's scary, replete with plot twists, but not credible....
2 January 2021
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Millicent is convinced she's has a double stalking her as she waits in a bus terminal. This includes theories about dopplegangers from parallel universe. A stranger seems compassionate until he turns her into the authorities. That's where this one kinda lost me. It's lack of believability has nothing to do with the premise. Science fiction and horror often go outside conventional bounds. No, I'm talking about the police arresting her on the word of ONE person, even when her behavior, if crazy, is not destructive to herself or others. By all accounts this story takes place in the USA, not communist Russia. I think the cops need more than just his word to take her into custody.
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The Twilight Zone: The Shelter (1961)
Season 3, Episode 3
A remake of "Monsters are due on Maple Street" but with a more consistent theme.
1 January 2021
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Previously friendly neighbors, thinking they are under nuclear attack from the Soviets, turn on each other in a grim battle for survival. The ending reveals it was all a mistake. The 'nukes' were just satellites accidentally gone off course. So their violent reaction was completely inexcusable. A previous TZ episode had neighbors turning on each other in a similar fashion, fearing an invasion from Mars. That episode had much less credibility because we find out the invasion was real all along. Making their violent reaction at least a little bit understandable.
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Ending sorta contradicted the message
31 December 2020
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The neighbors turn on each other thinking there' an alien invasion. We all agree that's wrong. However their initial hunch was correct. There WAS an alien invasion after all.
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It's pretty much all been said by other reviewers
28 November 2018
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This is awful and not in a campy "Plan 9 from Outer Space" way. You can't even laugh AT it. There's a plot that is literally the LAST thing I'd have thought of after hearing the pretty likeable song. The only thing remotely positive I can say is, it explains how the reindeer could have been low enough to have run over grandma in the first place. That part of the song always puzzled me. I.E. "Don't reindeer simply go from roof to roof, why would they run over Grandma walking on the ground?" This movie explains that part albeit bizarrely ***Spoiler Alert**** They're drugged by cousin Mel (YEAH, HER) Glad I only shelled out $5 for this.
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"Where have all these people come from?"
17 December 2006
I thought I was the only one. I saw this when I was ten years old and was freaked out by it. Reading the other reviews here tells me I'm not alone. Count me in as a member of the WHATPG cult. The story is ingenious and very suspenseful. The acting is excellent. It portrays the vulnerability and fear of the characters without being overly dramatic. Their subtle style draws the viewer into the story even more. Of course it can't be as scary 30 years later, but it comes close. Make sure you see this one before viewing a film called "Night of the Comet." Not that that's a bad movie,.. on the contrary. It's very good, but a kind of tongue-in-cheek version of this same story. It's "Dr Strangelove" to this film's "Fail Safe." The parody must always be viewed last, else the serious version will lose it's effectiveness. BTW, why is everyone lamenting no DVD? I bought it on VHS. I prefer DVD myself but listening to reviewers here, you'd think VHS was some black and white, hand cranked medium.
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the best of the bunch, which ain't sayin much
4 April 2003
This is the best of the FRIDAY...series. Most modern horror movies spend a lot of time with characterization. This is supposed to make you sympathize more with the characters,.. thus the murders will seem more gruesome. Or it could just be the director stalling us. Either way it usually doesn't work, except in this case. The chemistry between the actors is actually pretty good. Also fellas, keep an eye out for Amy Steel and Kirsten Baker, they're pretty hot.
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vastly underrated screenplay
13 March 2003
This is a movie which concentrates more on getting laughs than getting preachy. When it does get preachy, it tells both sides of the story (although some male characters are annoying sterotypes.) It also contains two of the all time classic lines in movie history. While Denise enjoys herself at Terri's prom, she rejoices, "I'm having such a good time, no one here knows I used to be fat." When Buddy is told by an attractive female classmate that he's a nice guy, Buddy retorts, "Not a nice guy, that's the kiss of death."
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politically fair, not politically correct
8 March 2003
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I am a big supporter of the death penalty, and I loved this movie. It is clear that the makers of this movie are against the death penalty but they don't lie or exaggerate to make their case. ****SPOILERS**** Matthew Poncelet, the convicted, is clearly guilty and unrepentant. This is true for virtually everyone on death row. Most other films (or political campaigns) against the death penalty take the chicken s**t approach of portraying a man who is innocent, then is executed. This film has the guts to tell it like it is, then makes it's case. It says that even a guilty man should not be put to death. I don't agree, but at least I can respect the messenger who fights fair.
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as puzzling as it was disappointing
7 March 2003
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I have always been a strong advocate for the death penalty, but being a fair guy I decided to give this movie a shot. I now believe in it twice as much as before. *********SPOILER ALERT************ Are we supposed to sympathize with this guy? He witnesses a suicide, then purposely tanks his own defense and is sentenced to die. And this is the system's fault because....WHY? This idiot gives new meaning to the phrase "Stop me before I kill again"
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The Bachelorette (2003– )
meet someone the regular way, will ya?
2 March 2003
The men on this show are obviously too self involved to meet, and commit to a woman in their own 'hood. They're obsessed with the perfect hottie (no matter how little brains or sincerity she has.) They DESERVE to get their hearts broken. The same goes for the gals on "The Bachelor."
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Pirates of Silicon Valley (1999 TV Movie)
accurate? Makes you wonder
20 February 2003
Since I don't know the people involved, I can't say how accurate the portrayals are. Steve Wozniak comes off smelling like a rose. He's seen as ambitious and brilliant, but also very easy going and laid back. Gates is about what you've come to expect, pathologically shrewd but not nearly as bad as Steve Jobs. Noah Wyle portrays him as ruthless, greedy, hypocritical and sadistic. Yikes! All things considered however, a good film.
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One on One (1977)
who is the good guy and who it the bad guy here?
17 February 2003
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Thumbs down.************POSSIBLE SPOILERS************ Saw this movie on ESPN classic last night. Sorry, can't sympathize with Henry at all. His coach was absolutely right. The kid was a hot dog, an undisciplined show-off. And like the coach pointed out, greedy and hypocritical. He even pops amphetamines during practice. I wondered why the coach took so long to try and throw him off the team. I would have done it much sooner, and much harsher. Then when he finally redeems himself and the coach gives him another chance, does he thank the him? No, he returns to his wise-ass self. Jerk.
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a "chick flick" this guy enjoyed
11 February 2003
I would describe this movie as a female "There's something about Mary," or perhaps "Something about Mary...lite." The humor is raunchy and fun, but this flick leaves a bit more to the imagination than the aforementioned Farrelly brothers film. All three ladies are terrific in their roles. Besides, you can't go wrong with a movie that features the lovely Selma Blair in her underwear (hey, that rhymes)
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Shallow Hal (2001)
good laughs, message is...garbled
2 February 2003
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This movie was entertaining but it can't decide if it wants to be a comedy or a morality play. That's fine if it wants to be both, but it must be believable if it wishes to be the latter. Why is Hal so shallow in his selection of women but not in anything else? His second best friend is crippled, but Hal would NEVER make fun of him. Why? I thought Hal was.....shallow.And that whole bit with the neighbor across the hall **************SPOILER ALERT******************* She would NOT fall in love with him just because he started dating fat girls. If anything, she'd ridicule him even more. The best she might do is say, "Hal, I was wrong about you. I think you two make a nice couple." SHE WOULD NOT START HITTIN ON THE GUY..... SHEEEESH. Is this supposed to be a slice of life or a farce, make up your mind.
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Urban Legend (1998)
come for the babes, stay for Dean Adams
17 January 2003
I originally saw this only to check out Alicia Witt, Rebecca Gayheart and Tara Reid. I was pleasantly surprised by the story which was a clever whodunit. I must admit, I sympathized with the killer when I found out his/her motives. The best part of this movie is John Neville as Dean Adams. His dry wit and cynicism are HILARIOUS. That line about Damon Brooks and the farm animal had me rolling on the floor for 5 minutes. The sequel is ok but not quite as good. Probably cause there is only one babe and no Dean Adams.
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Leviathan (1989)
credible workplace characters
23 June 2002
I loved this movie, not for the plot or special effects which were just average. I loved it's realistic portrayals of the workplace. Think about it. Every workplace has a jerk nobody likes...Daniel 'six pack' Stern. It also has someone older and wiser than everybody else,..but not quite as wise as he thinks he is.. Hector 'Cobb' Elizondo. There's always the hottie who won't let any guy except for the boss to get close to her... Amanda'Williams' Pays. There's always the black guy who makes a lot of racial comments, most of which are harmless..Ernie 'Jones' Hudson. There's the well educated person who thinks his degree puts him above taking orders... Richard 'Doc' Crenna. The boss who doesn't like being the boss..Peter 'Beck' Weller. The psuedo babe who's one of the guys..Lisa 'Bowman' Eilbacher. Finally there's the novice who's just happy to be everyone's friend..Michael 'DeJesus' Carmine.
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