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extraordinary movie
18 July 2021
Sorry I waited so long to see this incredibly moving and unforgettable move. All the performances were beyond wonderful. Loved the quirkiness and emotional power of the characters.
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Kes (1969)
unforgettable story
13 July 2021
Absolutely brilliant writing...gritty, realistic drama; As an elementary school teacher in needy, low income neighborhoods for 32 years I know first-hand how brutal life can be day to day, and how families cope--some better than others--just getting the basics of everyday life. I also know how resilient children are as well as eager to soak up as much knowledge as possible about life & what's in store for them in the future if they work and study consistently. As a bird-lover myself I am inspired by their social behavior and wondrous singing and nesting habits. Kes --the movie--broke my heart, and then lifted my spirits as the drama unfolded in a logical, realistic step by step way.
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Glad I found this film!
22 December 2020
Turner classic movies featured an incredible number of unheralded Christmas movies this year, and I'm glad I had the time to research each one that I had not yet seen(thanks to being retired-and the Covid-19 pandemic.) This film is so well written and acted that I was Immediately drawn into the family's story. It is a seamless accounting of the complex dynamics of extended family relationships-and how precious and precarious they are! Only half way through watching...and had to express my feelings ...well I am now going back to focus only on the film!!!
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Haven't seen the end yet, but...
27 October 2020
... as each episode unfolds, the suspense created gradually over the course of the drama makes me wish desperately for more...The writer(s) have crafted an outstanding mystery, vivid and original. The flawed characters could be real people, and I find myself making judgements about how and why they have so many problems in their lives. In short, I love it...and today's ending left me transfixed and shocked, and, of course wishing for more RIGHT AWAY...GOTTA WAIT, darn it! That's okay...I know it's part of the fun and excitement of a good story well-told.
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Extraordinary film!
9 June 2020
I can't believe I have been an avid movie enthusiast for many of my 70 years, and yet never realized how amazingly talented Janet Gaynor was, to say nothing of Frederic March. I was touched and amazed by this movie, and want to thank TCM for introducing it to me.
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NCIS: The Arizona (2020)
Season 17, Episode 20
Cried for my Dad!
16 April 2020
My dad was a Marine vet stationed in the Pacific in Okinawa. He died several years ago, and never told me or my brother what he went through, except right before dementia and Alzheimer's took over his mind. He confided to my husband, whose Dad was in the navy in WWII, the horrific events he had witnessed, and how he felt guilty about surviving, while his friends perished in front of his eyes. This episode of NCIS was so powerful, thanks to the writers--who had created an extraordinary script--and, of course, Christopher Lloyd's incredibly powerful performance, enhanced by Mark Harmon's impressive and emotional support. I, like some other viewers, had gotten tired of the silly plots and weak scripts of late, but decided to record this episode after I saw that Mr. Lloyd was guesting. I was overcome at the end, and, even a half hour after the episode was over, I still cannot stop tearing up! My dad's generation came back from the war, and immediately took advantage of the GI bill, went to college, and chose a professional path to follow. My dad and so many like him were expected to transition to normalcy without the any assistance from mental health services: consequently, many men and women who had been traumatized by war like my Dad just sucked it up all their adult Dad explained to us how he was haunted by what he had experienced, but nevertheless, dutifully provided me and my brother and mom with everything we could possibly need, including a hefty bequest upon his and my mom's recent deaths.His business career was extremely demanding, long hours, tyrannical bosses, and very little appreciation shown for all his hard work. I feel most sad because I had no idea until he was 90+ what he went through, and how hard he worked to provide for his family until and after the end of his life. I sit here, a retired teacher, with a good pension, and a solid inheritance that is earning dividends for me as I write this review. Thank you Dad! And thank u,Mark Harmon and Christopher Lloyd, for such a poignant story depicting how much we war babies owe our parents...and how much the world owes the troops of all the wars that have helped us maintain a free world, while not perfect, still exists, and has been very very good to so many of us.
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All Rise (2019–2023)
Better and Better!
17 March 2020
I like the cast of the series, and nnever-the-less,at the start of the season I would have rated the show a 2. However, the chemistry between the principals has gotten so much more believable,and it seems the episodes are better constructed as well. I really don't want to lose this show next season, but I understand why the ratings have been so low. Here's hoping they can somehow hang in there, like The Rookie, and have a second season and a second chance! It's not Emmy level drama by any means, but a whole lot better than 911 for example!
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Fury (1936)
Timeless drama
14 February 2020
I started watching Fury alone one morning while my hubby was ill,sleeping upstairs. We both love classic films, and after about 15 minutes watching by myself I knew that I had to save this one for later. It's the kind of movie that begins to creep into your heart and soul instantly...Before I knew it was a Fritz Lang creation I was marveling at the artistry that was drawing me into the story. Now, I just have to wait until my husband feels better and moves downstairs to his recliner to rest and recuperate so we can experience this film for the first time together!
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When in Rome (1952)
Thank you, TCM, for giving me a chance to see this film! Needs to become a classic at Christmas time!
13 December 2019
Two of my 8 stars are for Rome as the location...been there twice...ONCE ON CHRISTMAS DAY! Never will forget my experiences in the eternal city Two stars for Paul Douglas...exceptionally wonderful artist Two stars for Van Johnson...ditto Final 2 stars are for the message of the story...sweet, and applicable to any era in time, especially NOW!
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13 December 2019
Each of the 5 stars in my rating stands for a positive take-way from a very bizarre experience watching this movie: one star for Leon Ames...such a great actor/comedian (best actor) one star for Frank supporting actor one star for vivid, if annoyingly colorful, sets and costumes one star for a fairly decent ending...kinda clever and fun and the final star goes to the final moment of the movie when I could finally turn it off!!!! THE END WAS THE BEST PART--kind of clever and cute actually!!!
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Incredible film...
4 December 2019
I accidentally began watching this film on TCM after a Busby Berkeley musical comedy, and got pulled into this drama and heartache of Wild Boys... I had no clue this film existed. Definitely a "must see" for everyone alive!! It's a heart-breaker for sure, but truly a masterpiece of film-making that should be a requirement by every dramatic arts program/film school in the world. I will never forget parents were growing up at the time, and my grandparents were struggling to provide for their families any way they could. And they did! No one in my extended families ever complained aloud about how incredibly challenging it must have been for them. I was much luckier than I ever really knew until today, and I am 70 years old.
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refreshing and straight forward comedy-drama
1 December 2019
I called it both a comedy and a drama because the sweet story addresses issues created by WWII, as well as scenes of clever repartee featuring Wendell Corey and Robert Mitchum, along with a child who is wise and not at all shy about showing his true feelings, and acting on his wise perceptions. Holiday Affair is more like a parable than a "story" in that it deliberately features dialogue and events that could actually allow the viewer to learn a lesson or two!
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All Rise: Maricela and the Desert (2019)
Season 1, Episode 8
Best yet this season...Inspirational and very well written
19 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I had my doubts about this new program, even though I loved the lead character from day 1! Women who are vulnerable, but at the same time, strong and consistent, appeal to me. It seems difficult to find a mix of these traits in most series on regular TV. The Maricela and the Desert episode was able to effectively take a story that could have been cliche and sappy (a child having to endure a horrible event involving her family members), and gradually show us how a thoughtful and caring authority figure ( the judge) was able to gradually understand how to effectively communicate with the child in order to allow her to feel safe and empowered--creating a child-friendly environment with teddy bears and comfy chairs and "blankies" proved to be the solution. I've been in courtrooms for jury duty, and as an adult, find them very intimidating and unwelcoming places. For a child it must be terrifying no matter how kind and/or normal the adults may seem, especially when the details of trials are hardly ever positive and/or redemptive, and often involve violence and gamesmanship. For the judge to decide to decorate and soften the venue using universal symbols of comfort and reassurance was heart-warming in this age of vindictive social media and children growing up way too quickly! Last night's episode inspired me to apply to become a child advocate in our local court system. I had thought about it since I retired, and this morning I started to contact agencies locally to attend orientation meetings and start my training. Looking forward to more thoughtful and relevant episodes of All Rise--hope it makes the big time!!!
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9-1-1 (2018– )
I DO understand the HATERS of this show!!!
15 October 2019
I have tried several times to give 9-1-1 a second, third, fourth. ..chance. Why? because I respect so many of the principals as wonderful actors, and kept hoping the script/writing would rise up to meet their extraordinary acting talents.However, last night's episode (Oct. 14) will be the final "chance". It was just much over-acting and so badly written.

When it comes to action, drama and chemistry among the characters, Chicago Fire is a 20+ compared to 9-1-1, even though I have had misgivings about some of the episodes and/or relationships over the years. But, each time I was on the verge of giving up on the show, the writing improved, and the character development took a turn for the better! I have come to know the characters and appreciate the growth each has made over the years. I can believe in their personal relationships within each segment, and that those producing Chicago Fire really make an effort to create memorable dramas each week. It is equally evident that the principal actors make a strong effort to rise to the occasion. There have been less than perfect episodes, but the acting and interacting of the principals has always been first rate from episode one to the present time.
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Top Notch Cast Elevates Procedural Drama
15 October 2019
As the new season of dramas unfolded show by show, I anxiously awaited the new Jimmie Smitts' series--well, my anxieties were unfounded. Bluff City Law, although definitely formulaic, is very well written, and the actors own their characters, and make the most of each scene. I have turned my back on many new & old shows this fall, but I definitely look forward to Monday nights, and not just because of Jimmie...Let's just say, I can depend on a rewarding dramatic experience. Cast, writers,crew, all involved in Bluff City Law production, deserve to be recognized and appreciated for their efforts each week!
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Perry Mason: The Case of the Festive Felon (1963)
Season 7, Episode 9
9 January 2019
I am addicted to Perry Mason right's a kind of therapy for me, given some uncontrollable and horrific events in my personal life, and the state of the USA political nightmare beginning in 2016...Love to revisit my childhood (I'm 69), learning more about how life was when my parents had me.

In essence, this episode, although a typically "Perry Mason" contrived plot, has the absolutely best group of talented, well-known actors of any other episode i"ve seen...and I've seen dozens!!!

Usually I can either shop online or do chores during most episodes and still get enough to enjoy the twists and turns and "impossibly corny" rhetoric in the courtroom, but this episode is far and away the best acted of them all so far...each principal character is played by an artist who "made it" eventually as a well-known actor either on TV, in the theater, or movies, or a combination of all these categories...because of the high level of each individual performance, the drama and intrigue produced by the resulting ensemble is amazingly elevated and I am totally focused on this episode,more so than any other I have enjoyed as I relive my childhood as a senior citizen!!!

Of course, I am always online at IMDB, researching each principal actor, learning more and more about what life was like when I was a clueless youngster who happily played with my friends, unaware of the history that was happening in the 50's and 60's.
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ER: Time of Death (2004)
Season 11, Episode 6
So touching....
29 November 2017
If you have ever been near or with someone who is in a traumatized situation, or dying, this episode will break your heart. It is one of the most moving hours of entertainment ever produced! It should be required viewing for all theater, TV & film/video students, as well as directors . Although Ray Liotta was the soul of the episode, everyone who participated in the filming of this unforgettable dramatic gem, shares the credit for its hauntingly beautiful, reaffirming message about humanity.
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Vera (2011–2025)
my husband and I both are addicted to Vera's eccentricities...
11 August 2014
The plot lines always seem to grab our attention. My husband and I actually enjoy Vera's character. To me she seems like a female version of Colombo, but she is not quite as corny--instead she is more human...just as clever and determined...never giving up until she finds the killer. I think one needs to develop a taste for British detective stories (they are not nearly as "glamorous" as American whodunits) in order to enjoy watching them. We also notice the same actors appearing and reappearing in different series, inevitably playing a variety of different character types. We find British shows well-written and often more original than their American counterparts. In fact, when we started watching British shows we could barely understand the actors and now we are quite comfortable listening to British English. So many excellent shows would never be available in the US if we didn't have public broadcasting. Thank you public television for hours and hours of commercial-free entertainment and a variety of intelligent, stimulating dramas from which to choose.
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Suits (2011–2019)
love, love,, poignant, witty, addictive
9 July 2012
Suits is a show that neither my husband nor I want to miss each a seasoned law show addict, I can usually practically predict what the characters are going to say next...not so in this the writing, character development, and twists in the plots...great ensemble acting...I think Patrick J. Adams has really developed as an actor since last year...He has added more depth to his character...and grandma...she's always been one of my favorites...Loved her on Wings. I think she is an underrated actress, not seen often enough on TV. Last, but not least, the score is great...the music invites you in, grabs you, and helps to seamlessly connect the scenes without distraction or overkill...Hope this first-rate program continues to such thing as too many intelligent and stimulating adult dramas on TV!
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One of my most favorite movies
19 February 2012
Unforgettable movie--fabulously elegant, charming, funny, poignant, and human in a very positive way. I was reminded about Enchanted April when I watched Foyles' War, recognized Michael Kitchen, and searched his filmography to see where I had "met" him before.It's been years since I have seen it, but it's on my list to see again. The characters compliment each other and the actors were perfectly chosen as an ensemble that seamlessly produced a flowing, moving, and joyfully entertaining mini-masterpiece of a film. Rarely do movies create and sustain a mood that touches the souls of the audience the way Enchanted April does. I highly recommend this film to anyone who enjoys filmmaking at its most authentic and genuine.
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Ally McBeal: The Man with the Bag (2000)
Season 4, Episode 8
sweet, original, should be a classic Christmas episode
2 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
With so many corny and trite, distasteful Christmas-themed films and TV shows produced all the time, this segment of Ally is refreshingly sweet, sentimental, and ultimately touching in more ways than one--I think it really adds depth to the personalities of the characters and portrays the magic of Christmas in an original way, sure to affect those, such as myself, who never watched Ally until the reruns caught my attention over vacation! I think it should be a regular feature of Christmas programming each year, such as "It's a Wonderful LIfe', etc.. You really can enjoy the show even if you have never watched any other Ally shows, and never intend to watch any in the future!
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Ally McBeal: Do You Wanna Dance? (2000)
Season 3, Episode 19
becoming addicted to Ally
15 July 2011
This episode (Do you wanna dance?) has me hooked...I never watched Ally when it was on live...I started to record it just for fun and found myself enamored of the characters and quirky plots, but this episode was laugh out loud funny...with clever dialog...double entendres, and fabulous ensemble acting...and now I am really addicted to the show.I am amazed at the incredible number of outstanding actors who appeared in the episodes over the years. I am actually glad I didn't watch the series in real time, because now I get to fast forward the commercials and Ally becomes more of a "HBO" series with no annoying interruptions, creating comedic and dramatic "flow" that contributes to the overall mood of each entertaining episode.
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Eat Pray Love (2010)
One out of three is better than nothing. . .
13 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I read two-thirds of the book before seeing the film. I was pleased with the cinematography, and loved the travelogue aspect of the film, having been to Rome, and wanting to go to India and Bali. I really got into the Bali segment, mainly due to the chemistry between the medicine man and Liz and, more importantly, the chemistry between Liz and Felipe. Javier Bardem was incredibly appealing as Felipe, and I was actually glad I had not read the final section of the book because I was not forced to compare the written story with the movie. Instead, I could just sit back and enjoy! On the other hand,I found Italy and India lacking in the kind of emotional and spiritual depth that was so appealing in the book. Liz Gilbert, the author, was able to involve me in the ups and downs of her experiences as she embarked on her quest for balance. I truly don't think it was possible to duplicate the engrossing details from the written narrative that so involved me in her personal adventures. The key people in her life sort of marched by in the film, without dimension or believability. I wanted very much to love the movie as much as I loved the book, but it was not until Bali that I was swept into the drama and pure enjoyment of it all. In fact I sat in the theater until all the credits were over, wishing I could watch "Part 3" over again! I feel sad that the overall consensus from most critics appears not to be favorable. Those who have not read the book certainly might find Liz's personal quest self-indulgent and superficial, and those who have read the book will be disappointed because so much is left out, and some details modified. Rarely is it possible to capture the "soul" of a good book in a film--sometime a picture is not worth a thousand words, but rather is just an image without depth of understanding. Perhaps a better option would have been a TV series, a multi-episode TV movie, or a series of three feature films, one for each stage of Liz's quest. Any of these media choices would have given the writers more opportunity to include essential details, thereby adding to the believability of Liz's experiences and allowing the viewer to better understand her true motivation. A single feature film just didn't provide enough time to do justice to the story.
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A Single Man (2009)
a perfect film
17 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Colin Firth was incredibly tuned in to his portrayal of a single man. I marveled at the way in which the scenes flowed, one into another, never missing a step. The musical score was perfectly blended into the drama and poignancy of each moment, never missing a beat. The writing, cinematography, and photography were perfect as well. I felt as if I were in a famous art museum viewing one masterpiece after another, not believing that mere human talent could produce so much perfection! Each character who crosses paths with Colin is beautifully "painted" into the story line. I found myself wanting to purchase the DVD (I never purchase films) as if it were a valuable work of art, About a minute before the end (I didn't know it at the time) I got a phone call, paused the film, and came back about 30 minutes later to view the remainder of the movie. I was blown away by the ending, saddened, but uplifted at the same time. The story was so intelligent. The writers and actors were able to express the innate value and diversity of human life and the way in which people can choose to relate to one another. We were drawn into the seemingly random events that in the end add up to an individual's life experience,for better or worse. A Single Man elevated my day, my week, my month. . .my life. Rented it from Redbox--the best value for a dollar I have ever gotten!!!
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The Bridge (2010)
a downer
17 July 2010
I only watched 20 minutes of the episode on Saturday, July 17 (with high hopes after reading the reviews), but I was totally turned off. I love police dramas, but this particular episode seemed very unrealistic, and depressing, without any redeeming positive qualities. I did like the premise of telling the stories from a union rep perspective, but I did not believe that in a matter of moments 2 gorgeous woman (one a lawyer and one a cop) were coming on to this guy. I didn't see the appeal. I also did not think putting a cop who everyone liked (but who accidentally killed his wife), into the general prison population without any real protection, was lame. This same (ex-) cop also was totally unfit, looked soft and out of shape, and did not project any kind of power or strength in his appearance. Good police dramas need a sense of humor (no matter how macabre or ironic the humor is) and also at least one strong, assertive and interesting character who rises above the minor characters in his/her wisdom, charm, charisma, or skill level. A good program also must have excellent ensemble acting, with meaningful interaction between the principal characters. This poor show lacks both meaningful dramatic power, and charisma of any kind in my opinion. my opinion.
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