
21 Reviews
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Splice (2009)
I paid for that ............Imagine!
9 June 2010
I like I always do check IMDb for user reviews not too decide wither or not I will watch a movie but too give me some idea of what I am in for. Now no matter what I read I always go into a movie with an open mind and decide for myself. That being said I went too see Splice last night. This "film" was unbelievably bad I have never left a movie early and I didn't with this but I tell you I spent a good amount of time looking too the door and too my watch hoping and waiting for an ending. The premise of the movie is ridiculous the effects are mediocre at best and the acting is bland. There are several scenes in this movie that will just leave you wanting too either puke or laugh out loud and neither are in a good way.This was not scary in the least and isn't something I would recommend anyone pay too watch. but then again it would seem that some of the people on here have liked this film not sure why you be the judge its your money your wasting.
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Zombieland (2009)
Nut up or shut up
2 October 2009
OK so i went into zombie land figuring on watching a decent zombie spoofish type movie and a movie like that its best too go in with low expectations because its very easy for a movie too try too "Be" funny and just fail miserably. This on the other hand managed too mix the perfect concoction of humor and gore.Casting in this movie couldn't be any better gore looked fantastic and oh the movie itself the humor couldn't be better timed.This is the first movie I clapped out loud at all well dying laughing.I would also like too make a special note too Woody's performance he is more excellent then the rest who are also excellent he is just a hair better then the rest. None the less This was one of the best theater experiences in a long while and I cant imagine how anyone couldn't have a fun time watching this. So....... Go see it would ya!
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The Unborn (2009)
Not Scary
14 March 2009
I wasn't expecting this movie to be great going in so my expectations were significantly lowered but I had no idea that this movie was going to be just terrible. This movie is rushed there is no character development I didn't even know the name of the main character for a good while and other than her looking real good in tighty whiteys she cant exactly act so there was no interest for her at all she could have got shot in the first 5 minutes and i couldn't have cared less. This is not scary at all its not creepy and on the most part is just dumb I rarely turn movies off but this is one i nearly did my god i will never get back the time i wasted..... nevvver watch something else this is garbage
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Max Payne (2008)
just terrible
17 October 2008
When I heard that max payne was being adapted for the silver screen I was very excited. As a fan of the game I will be the first to admit that the game was far from perfect mainly the control style was what was holding the game back but what made max payne memorbile was the in depth story line the characters were very intriguing and it was just stylistically cool. Well for the movie obviously they control style isn't a problem but unfortunately the very aspects that made the game truly great were lost in the translation to silver screen this movie was boring, stale and completely uncool not to mention the completely whacky and all over the place storyline i will say at times there were breaf glimpes of what could have been but they were way too brief and squandered uselessly this isn't the worste movie but one of the biggest disappointments I've incountered in years they dropped the ball on this big time. But who am I this is just my opinion.
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Wicked Lake (2008)
nudity couldn't save this
13 October 2008
I gotta be honest when going in to this film i was expecting not much but i at least thought it would have been a half decent cheesy horror movie with plentiful nudity there was in fact a lot of nudity but in this case it did the film no help. The women in this are beautiful but that is the only thing this film has going for it. The character development was terrible the direction was all over the place and the acting is probably some of the worst i have ever seen in anything plus add shoddy camera work and you have the likes of wicked lake even though there are some nice nude scenes there just anit nothing here i can recommend this is seriously bad. Just my opinion
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So ninja cheerleaders you say
11 September 2008
OK i don't know exactly what i was expecting going into this......wait no thats a lie i knew exactly what i was expecting when going into this i was expecting to see hot chicks kick butt and i probably had hope for some nudity and i also thought that with the title being "Ninja cheerleaders" i thought that there would at least be some cheesy laughs provided none of which was delivered the lead characters they casted never got past their skivvy's they completely sucked at any type of imitation martial arts and the writing in this film annoyed me i wont even go into detail but its bad and for the cheese factor although it was cheesy it never achieved one laugh i was too busy being mad that the chicks weren't gonna get nakie and im sorry Mr director man the random nude scenes between scenes will just not cut it my rating is 3stars only cause although they chicks weren't great in this film they were very sexy and charming so i gave them each a star and really it doesn't deserve that. some people might get a laugh at it watch and judge yourself
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88 Minutes (2007)
I thought it was very entertaining
9 September 2008
Well this is the first Al pacino flick i've seen for a long time and i was quite pleased this was suspenseful and very entertaining al pacino was great in it and the supporting cast was great as well. the story to me was believable enough the only prob i could see was the time frame the movie was to have taken place in but that isn't a critical problem for me i was still very entertained. I don't understand the bad reviews this movie has gotten at all.I will be the first too admit that i am not exactly hard too please when watching a flick and i am very thankful to that fact because i am allowed hours upon hours of entertainment that the "critics" will never enjoy. just my opinion but its well worth a watch hopefully more people will enjoy because right now its got a bum rap and it anit right
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The Bank Job (2008)
top notch
15 May 2008
Yet another Jason Statham film i absolutely love. So you take a screen play thats based on true fact and throw in some brilliant actors i.e Jason statham and what do you get you get the likes of THE BANK JOB perfect to the tee it keeps you on edge and fully entertained throughout The director made this film to capture the era that the events actually occurred which would be the 70's and let me tell you mission accomplished the soundtract was perfectly fitted and although i already mentioned the great acting i also wanted to make a side note for saffon burrows i haven't seen her in any thing other than deep blue sea but in this she is completely captivating she owns the bank job I would hope to see her in some more main stream roles. all in all this movie should entertain the lot of yas even the British/English accents were entertaining so watch and cheers to great movies.
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not so funny
15 May 2008
I am gonna go ahead and give this a 5 star rating this movie wasn't that great the jokes were stale over used and at some times just painful and they based the plot around the wrong characters in my opinion i think peter dante's character and jonah hill's characters would have been a way better way too go And i know Peter Dante is just reprising the same character he has played in several other happy madisen productions but it still is way more funny then anything that the so called lead performers had to offer Jonha HIll was really great in this film i think he could have caused me too watch the whole movie single handedly and i don't know if i should be angered at him.But all in all don't go outta your way too see this one a cheap rental or perferably free.Its not a complete waste of time though you will get a couple of chuckles
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The Signal (2007)
I never want to see CHAOS come to be
12 May 2008
OK this movie starts buy introducing the main characters but the film wastes little time throwing them to the "wolves" if you will. Soon enough chaos breaks free when normal average people become completely deranged psycho paths This movie does a great job of portraying this its unnerving because it leaves you thinking if chaos was to break out some of the actions portrayed in this film wouldn't be too far from reality. my only problems with the movie is it tries to go too deep into the human mind and although in the right dossage it would have been perfect here i think they simply just went a smidge too far. And also there is a few continuity errors in the film but these are minute and insignificant over all this movie is a great thriller that makes you think and keeps you in suspense.The acting is superb and direction was top notch this is one of those movies that if you watch it you will be sooo glad you did a true sleeper
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27 April 2008
I just watched diary of the dead and i have to say as a huge fan of Romero's i figured going in that i would in joy the film but I had no idea that i was to watch one of the best if not "the" best zombie movie ever made Romero sure has a knack for this type of film. I personal think that the cast was sufficient no Oscar performances but generally no complaints in the acting field plus great acting is not something needed for this genre. The effects and make up were top notch. Romero put together a great zombie movie shot pov style and until i saw this Cloverfield was the best film shot in this style and clover-field was great but Romero has taken this idea to a whole other level I have never been so nervous or creeped out watching any horror movie expesically a zombie movie the tension and suspense that is created by using the pov style of film making is unparalleled . I believe that Romero has taken the zombie genre back to its roots and back to being horror. I know this genre doesn't appeal to all movie goers and to those people I feel sorry for you for the rest of you if your a fan of romeo's if your fan of zombie flicks if your a fan of horror movies with suspense and just the right amount of gore than you will not be disappointed with this flick you need to see it PS thank you Romero you are a good among zombie film director/writers
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Come on people just let yourself go just enjoy
24 April 2008
OK so i came on here and saw the low rating this film had acquired and me being the huge Jason statham fan that i am i decided to read some of the reviews and the reviews had this movie down waaaay down on the to watch list but as i read on the reviews started to connect with one and other and the common theme at least in a lot of cases was that the reviewers seemed too all be how do i say of the academic type and by saying that I do mean the stuck up critic types who would go into a film such as this with their minds already made up and even possibly leave early and then they come on here and write reviews that have large words that i can only imagine what they might be compensating for non the less this immediately propelled this film to the top of the too watch list. So i watched it and i have to say Jason Statham you rock. OK that being said there are a few problems with this film Burt Reynolds although Im a fan he wasn't meant to play a king and then there is good ol ray some thought he was miss cast as well i think he did a fine job the costume designers on the other hand did not the story is typical and the action scenes in a couple brief moments it reminded me of when i was a kid watching power rangers yes i watched power rangers. So now your thinking well thats a lot of problems right well not for me it wasn't i was completely entertained i truly enjoyed this film i think Jason statham is phenomenal I cant help but root for him as a hero. But let me tell you this is one you definitely have to turn the brain off for just enjoy it .but this is a fare warning I am seriously easy to please when it comes too films I wish other could be too i think it would suck to have your enjoyment confined to a certain stable or type of film i count myself lucky I apologize for my spelling and punctuation etc and oh i didn't even quote poetry or use crazy large words and if i did I'm sure that i spelled incorrectly and or miss used them
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thank you BEN
15 March 2008
I watched this on the trails of no country for old men and I have to say that my mood after that wasn't very "happy" to say the least. But I have to say thank-you Ben Affleck because you have restored my faith in film because I was starting to think that any film that todays Hollywood would have you believe it to be a masterpiece is actually garbage. But not in this case this is a highly touted film and i agree on all fronts and in fact I really think it should have gotten more Oscar hardware.

Now the film. Well where to start the casting agency big ups the entire ensemble cast i can not remember seeing any cast more perfectly casted and i talk extras and all it made the film so much more realistic and genuine. And by the way if there are any people doubting Bens bro and his acting abilities well don't I think he should have at least been nominated with Daniel day lewis for best male performance at the Oscars no joke.And the directing well Ben has nailed his first attempt and if this is any indication of what he will bring to the screen from behind the camera then i truly cant wait.

This movie raises many questions like what can any man be capable of doing in the right circumstances and asks of you the viewer what is right and what is wrong. What truly is amazing about this film its ability to do this without compromising the end result. I think many films in the vain attempt to create a film with a message and meaning lose direction and eventually destroy the film itself.

everyone should see this film
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11 March 2008
O.K. first off when this movie first came out I was not at all interested too see it.Then through the months leading to the Oscars and with all the publicity that this film received I guess I got caught up in the hype and was a bit brain washed.So by the time this movie was released on DVD I was sure it would live up too its best picture award. Guess what not only did it shatter my hopes for a legit masterpiece but it was actually worst than I had originally thought.

Well let me first say never have I seen a movie with so many good actors too lack soo badly.Although I want to say that these actors are definitely hindered with the terrible script that was presented but they cant be entirely let off the hook i mean they have been accredited with award winning acting well the way I see it this is mediocre at best.

Now for the direction well it was completely undirected yes i know how that sounds but as i watched this movie i got the feeling that they just took random footage and hoped for the best there was no tension created and well the ending "the so called climax" well it just never happened in fact the ending is one of the worst i have ever seen in a long time and maybe even the worst ever.

What bothers me is that this movie has gotten so many good reviews it actually has been honored with best picture among other top Oscars.I just don't understand i admit that i was conned into watching it brainwashed even but as soon as i seen it i was awakened i saw it for what it was and it can only be describe as a steamy pile of pooo from Hollywood i wouldn't expect anything else but i have no idea what anyone else sees in it please people believe me when i tell you there is a ton of movies much better and way more entertaining don't be conned watch something else.
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Holy disappointing
17 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Well let me start by saying that I was anticipating this movie for a very long time the parties involved are ones that I've enjoyed their work in the past for example David Cronenberg and Viggo mortesen apoligies for spelling by the way. Now with that said I guess perhaps i put the film on a anticipation pedestal perhaps putting a lot of hype into it. maybe thats where i went wrong. Any way the movie started and right from the get go it entertained just like i thought and viggo was given one of his best performances yet i was in film bliss. then unexpectingly the film died before my very eyes. It was like one of those movies your left expecting the big monumental scene to come and never does it was like they put together the dream team but decided to forfeit the climax of the movie . now don't get me wrong this is still a solid movie great renter.Its just that this definitely had the potential to be on the godfather level with terms of greatness.

but all in all rent it don't buy it but definitely see it.
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Cloverfield (2008)
very impressive
27 January 2008
O.k. first off going into this movie I have to be frank I was expecting a blair witch type of a disappointment. And let me tell you I was completely wrong. This was a masterpiece it was original and captivating The first person amateur video unlike blair witch made the movie I cant remember the last time i was at the theatre and more intranced in a film. the acting was incredible i felt that i knew every character personally and i felt like i was running the streets of new york with them i thought the imagery was perfect they showed just enough they gave just enough info which was none at all and even though i may be one of the few i thought the ending was perfect. I also want to urge everyone who is on the fence of seeing this film GO see it before its outta theatres because this film offers a theatrical experience that i don't think you will get from a rental at least not to the same degree.
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Death Proof (2007)
OK just a little ticked off
18 September 2007
When grindhouse came to theatres I went and I was completely awe struck.And immediately afterward I began thinking about my future purchase of the masterpiece that is "Grindhouse". Now serveral months later I am disappointed to find that "Grindhouse" is no more because of the bad ticket sales I assume the powers to be decided to split the the double bill and try to get a few extra bucks for separate dvds.OK so I dealt with that so what I will bone out the extra 20 bucks to recapture the experience but wait thats not the only catch they also are releasing the two titles months apart but like a sucker I bought Death proof "special edition" figuring well its not a double bill but its sure to have the fake trailers and with the gritty missing reel 70s style that should be enough to recreate that atmosphere I felt in theatres well guess what they added the missing reels and more importantly none not even one fake trailer.

Now don't get me wrong Death Proof Is still a awesome film but half of grindhouse was the atmosphere created with the double bill, the 70s style filming, and of course the hilarious fake trailers. Quinton Tarantino is a master of conversation and he proves that once more. The characters are all very likable with exception to the Kim character I found her irritating but the grand slam performance goes to of course kurt russel. The film also offers one of the best endings to date seriously.

All I have to say this is the worst theatre to DVD translation I've ever in-countered. My advice is if you seen it in theatres and want to recreate the great experience felt months ago its not gonna happen yet not till they release the real special edition real GRINDHOUSE and I don't even want to think how long that will take and for everyone else definitely rent it everyone should see it but don't be a sucker like me and buy it!!!!
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Sin City (2005)
Very unique and entertaining
17 September 2007
When this movie hit theatres I have to say I was skeptical. I never was a fan of comics and/or graphic novels but the preview gave me enough general interest to give it a shot. And let me say Thank-you promo guys because if I hadn't went that first time then I probably wouldn't have gone the other three times nor bought the DVD.This masterpiece brings you right into the graphic novel. Visually this stands alone. I find it incredible that SIN City is completely green screen where Sky Captain failed this succeeded. Frank Miller and Robert Rodriguez two greats in their respective fields have combined talents to create one of the greatest films I've ever seen. I never was a fan of graphic novels not because I thought they were not well written I personally am too lazy to read them and this film is just some more proof that Frank Miller is truly great at story and character creations and that combined with Robert Rodriguez abilities too direct and visually create the scene they have dawned a new era in film making.What can I say about the acting well besides Micheal Madison's dismal performance and might I say small part (thank god) the acting is superb. Especially Mickey Rourke his performance almost makes the film for me the Marv character is one of the best in any movie. I could say a million more things that are great about this film but the best thing I can say is Just Watch It!!!
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Crank (2006)
This movie is crazy fun
17 September 2007
This movie is one of those movies where when I sat down to watch it I was awe struck right from opening credits. Jason Statham gives us the character performance of a lifetime he is funny witty and fun to watch a perfect match. The action is non-stop throughout this film with great fights,car chases and gun fights.Now with that said you absolutely have to turn your brain off well watching this one because there are logical errors throughout but its all in good fun.The basic idea of the movie is so original and the ending is one that I would put on my top ten endings list.Oh and I don't want to forget to mention Amy Smart she also brings hilarity to this wonderful film. All I can say is that I use to be a huge action film fan and as of late there hasn't been a lot to see.Granted this is not "Just" a action film but it certainly succeeds in that genre as well as the comedic genre I beg you watch this you will not be sorry!!
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Mr. Jingles (2006 Video)
This is not a movie
4 September 2007
The only reason Im giving this piece of garbage the one star is because I can't give it any lower its really a minus 5 truthfully. This thing, this horrible waste of time and space is not a movie. There is no entertainment value here I personally saw it for free yet I feel cheated.There are no actors just people in front of cameras and by the way I have better shot footage of home events and Im no camera man!! Oh and I almost forgot the script,screenplay and even the packaging of this shameful attempt at a film sucked as well. Please don't watch this "MOVIE" there are things that a person unfortunately can't unwatch. this has definitely jumped to my top ten worst movies of all time.
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Delta Farce (2007)
Its Just A movie
4 September 2007
OK why cant people just watch a movie and enjoy it for what it is why is it that every movie release has to be reduced to some ridiculous claim of racism. This movie is not exactly great but it was enough for me too be entertained through-out.DJ Qialls with his build is hilarious in this setting i haven't seen him in anything since The New guy.And well if you liked the blue comedy and more importantly Larry the cable guy you will get your fix "GET R'DONE".Nothing in this film is malicious or racist its just puns and dumb giggles. BUT come on What else would you expect.The only thing that i really didn't like in this movie was the American glorification but I've come to expected that All I can say is turn off your brain and you might like the movie.
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