
8 Reviews
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Black Cab (2024– )
24 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Amazing crime drama about a former school teacher (Glenister) who works at night as a taxi driver in Liverpool. During his working hours he listens to the night radio where he calls in and tries to tell the dj (Pertwee) what's on his mind, as he is pursued by a tragic event in the past. To help a friend (Packer) he commits an act of violence which will put him into even more misery. During a gripping finale both the dj and the cab driver are confronted with their own demons. Great writing by Nick Saltrese and outstanding performances by all the actors. It is a story about trust and betrayal. One of the best dramas I have seen in ages.
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Not Going Out: Jury (2022)
Season 12, Episode 5
Amazingly unfunny
15 July 2022
I am a big fan of 'Not going out'. As far as I can remember I have seen every episode. My appreciation goes from 'mildly amusing' to 'leaving me in stitches'. Every episode so far has some great moments and inspired jokes. But not this one! In my opinion 'Jury' is the worst of the whole series. It is tedious, cheap and indescribably dull. Even the great Lee is irritating. The only convincing actor in this episode is Colin McFarlane. And, please, Mr. Mack and Mr. Peak, ditch the CSO-character! She is just not funny. Someone that stupid is not credible or comical and it doesn't suit with the rest of the characters. In the previous episode 'Front Window' the CSO already was the weakest link, so it is quite unintelligible that the writers decided to give her an even bigger part. I hope she doesn't turn up in the next series.
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10 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I just sat through the first episode of this series and the only thing I could think of was : really? Is this supposed to be funny? I did not even blink one eyelid! It is boring, badly written and tediously performed. I was glad that it was over. The only interesting (and slightly amusing) character already dies at the end of part one. I have no desire whatsoever to undergo a second episode. My advice to the creators : watch the Witch Trial sketch in 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail' and learn what good comedy is...
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Friendly chats
7 October 2020
Paul Whitehouse and Bob Mortimer (two comedy heroes of mine) spend some time together, fishing and talking about their carreers, life, hopes and fears. This show is absolutely beautiful. It is slow, funny and interesting. All this in combination with stunning views of locations all over the UK and a soundtrack that puts your mind at ease. Why don't we see more shows like that? And why not make similar programs with other comedians? I would love to see Vic Reeves talking to Rowan Atkinson, or Ricky Gervais in conversation with Reece Shearsmith, to name a few...
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Ghosts (2019–2023)
I changed my mind
7 October 2020
I liked the first series very much : fresh ideas, funny characters and entertaining story lines. After watching the first three episodes of the second series I felt that these qualities seemed to have disappeared. Due to sloppy writing the stories were going nowhere and some of the characters were becoming annoying and quite dull. Luckily, the rest of series 2 proved me wrong. In fact episodes 5 and 6 were the best of the whole show.
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Miranda (2009–2015)
Excellent comedy
4 August 2010
To tell you the truth, there are not many female comedians that can make me laugh. This is not a sexist opinion, it is just not my type of humor. But I can gladly make an exception for this Miranda Hart-show. Okay, sometimes it is a bit over the top, on a few occasions it is slightly tedious and worn out, but in general this is a very funny and intelligently written situation comedy. I love it when Miranda talks or gestures to the audience, I love the absurd thoughts that go through her head and I love all the characters that surround her, especially Patricia Hodge as Miranda's mother. Of course Hart is a brilliant actress (see also: Not going out) and her self-mockery leaves me in stitches. Although I must confess that I do not look out for a second series, except when there would be an acceptable twist in the concept. There's always the danger that it's going to be dragged out and that we will have seen it all before. But this first series still stands after a second view and it should definitely be in my DVD-collection. Miranda rules!
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Reggie Perrin (2009–2010)
I could not be bothered
26 September 2009
Leonard Rossiter WAS Reginald Perrin and nothing or no-one can change that, not even the great Martin Clunes. When I found out that they were showing a remake of the series, I certainly was curious, but after a few episodes I did not feel the need to watch it any further, although I took a glimpse at the final show (which could not change my opinion). The problem is (as it has been stated by others) that it is just not funny enough and that some of the characters are tedious or irrelevant. For instance Perrin's nerdy assistants. They were a waste of time and effort. And also Fay Ripley's character was not very well developed. Reggie Perrin's fantasies were actually the only things that made me laugh out loud. And that's only 5 % on the whole, isn't it? This comedy show had no drive, no punch and hardly any amusement, although the actors tried to make it work. I certainly hope that there won't be a second series. And instead of remaking a classic success, producers and writers should focus on new ideas. "Reggie Perrin" will not be in my DVD-collection.
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The Robinsons (2005– )
Outstanding comedy
19 September 2007
I cannot believe that, according to Martin Freeman himself, no one has seen this brilliant comedy show and that therefore there won't be a second series. At least that's what I've read in an interview. "The Robinsons" is a cleverly written, very funny and well acted look into the life of a slightly frustrated regular guy in his thirties. How he deals with his job, his love life and his relatives. Doesn't sound impressive, does it? But it actually IS. It's so recognizable and sometimes amazingly to the point, that I thought it was about me... Every character in this family is at the same time lovable and ridiculous and it is impossible to choose a favorite one. Maybe it's for the better that there will be no follow up, so they can't mellow it down. As a 6-part comedy it stands out, so much better than the usual sitcoms I have to sit through.
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