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3 Body Problem (2024– )
Not a very interesting Western adaptation, Chinese version is flawed but a better story with better characters 4/10
21 March 2024
I've read the book, and I have seen the Chinese version of this.

The new Westernized version, except for the effects, moves way too fast, is poorly done and purposefully seems like a China-bashing effort.

The story opens with an exaggerated scenario of the abuses of Mao's cultural revolution, which was very bravely and admirably in the Chinese version of this story, but here is overly graphic and dramatic, and ugly - and without context - read unfair and non informative or enlightening to us Western viewers

This production takes a globally popular Chinese SF masterpiece and transposes it to England, in modern hipster lingo, and tries to move too fast that it skids and goes off the road. The visuals are good, but the screenplay is very poorly adapted.

Having just recently watched the Chinese version of this - it is so much more human, interesting and engaging - though the Chinese version is a pretty long slog - something like 30 episodes and it drags in many places and the effects are not as flashy - but I think it is much, much better done.

TBP ... well, I am interested in what people who have not read the book or been primed as to the story of plot are making of this because to me, who is family with most of it - it is going much too fast to establish characters or make us interested or care about them.

It also suffers from the same thing the Chinese version did - the many Chinese Asian characters faces were not chosen to be distinctive enough for Western eyes so it is a bit confusing and harder to follow, but not impossible.

The scenes at the labor camp zoomed by in minutes and had none of the deep impact of personal and societal betrayal and gravitas that the Chinese version did - and I would think this had to be a big deal in China for this movie to slam Mao's cultural revolution as it did. We get a accelerated vision of this that is kind of insulting to the import to China this must have been.

As China seems to open up to be more self-critical, the US is shrinking away from its history - as a general statement of my perceptions as an average older white American. It is sad to see.

The criticisms I am making are systemic and are going to be throughout the series, so I felt OK to write about this in a review even though only seeing a little over two episodes.

With all the effort that must have gone into this, it should have been better.
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Constellation (2024)
Brain dead, Science Fiction ridiculousness 1/10
23 February 2024
It takes a lot for me to rate something at 1/10 which I reserve for shows or movies that are literally unwatchable.

Well, Constellation is worse than unwatchable because you actually watch it for a while in hope that it is not as stupid as it seems at first. This show wasted 2 hours of my time before I threw in the towel.

Ghosts, hallucations, people with massive bad judgement? When a movie or TV show relies on it's characters being dumber than rocks, it's time to stop wasting your time with it.

Usually Jonathan Banks and Noomi Rapace have good judgement about what projects to associate themselves with, but certainly not here.

They throw pointless unbelievable hurdles in front of the characters to draw out what they nust suppose is suspense but it is just irritation.

They must have thrown a lot of money away on this brain dead story. There were some pretty good effects.

One silly example of how they got the science wrong is that there is a scene where a space capsule is re-entering the earth's atmosphere. To heighten the drama they film it as though it is taking off and there is massive acceleration force on the astronaut - but that is on take-off where a rocket has to accelerate to get away from Earth's gravity - not on re-entry which is more like a jetliner landing - it gets bumpy, but it does not keep you from operating the controls.

Nothing is working on the ISS, International Space Station, and of course communications are down. Everyone is hallucinatings.

Did they not read the story before they decided to make this movie?

Total waste of time for everyone. Rated 1/10.
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Constellation (2005)
Horrible, insutling to a vegetable's intelligence
23 February 2024
I watched two episodes thinking this might get better, but it actually got worse.

This is something that must have gotten a lot of investment judging from the cast and the special effects, so why did anyone greenlight this story?

Jonathan Banks usually has pretty good sense as to what media to be a part of and I expected better, and even more so with Noomi Rapace.

I don't give 1/10 ratings very often. To me, a 1/10 review is an unwatchable show. While "Constellation" is not unwatchable in the beginning because it piques your curiosity, it is worse than unwatchable in the long run because it wastes the time it takes to watch a few episodes to realize it is unwatchable and assuming viewers are utter fools.

Another really irritating thing is how they draw things out with no reason other than to draw them out. For example, nothing on the International Space Station seems to work or be dependable.

I just feel bad that if you don't take my advice and avoid this sad excuse for a science fiction movie you will be wasting your time watching it before you quit in disgust.

Sorry ... 1/10.
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Silo (2023– )
Logic would dictate a terminally low rating for this absurdity.
15 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Times like these I miss the old IMDB discussion boards because having read the books, and having at least a moderately functioning brain this series is done horribly and many interesting conversations could be had about this failure of a series.

As usual in modern SciFi TV/Movies, the effects are compelling, but let's not accept the effects as the movie, lots of good SF shows have no effects or technology and tell fantastic stories, and most of the ones with the best effects are the most vapid.

I would normally wait and review the full series, but there are so many red-flags of unreality here that this SF story vehicle has already gone off the pavement multiple times.

First thing I thought was why are there are so many multi-ethnic people here if this is a population that has been contained in a bottle for time lost generations. OK, who cares they had to have actors that appeal to everyone in the audience - but it takes away from the realism of the show.

Then there is the whole Juliet as keeper of the generator -and the idiocy of the generator itself. A 4 year old could probably disprove this series ... Daddy, where does the steam come from, and where does it go? Why are the rivets popping off the pipes, but then when the full pressure is restored - everything is allright again? Episode 3 is a total insult and a waste of time.

Steam produced from somewhere comes into the silo and turns a generator like an old steam locomotive. Where does the steam exit? Why are there no spare parts or does no one really understand the generator. Why can't they just stop off the steam - and why would the valve get so red hot? Most of all why do they not sit down and confer and come up with a real plan instead of playing it by ear with the survival of the whole population?

Why is Juliet, a supposed rational person who impressed the sheriff enough to make him refer her to take over his job always losing it and acting like a child one minute, and then like a bare-armed hard-hat worker the next? How is it that she became the only one to know how to fix the generator - even over her boss who lived down there all his life. Why is the only thing she does to the generator loosening and tightening a nut like 1940's iron mill factory worker? It was laughable.

The inconsistencies and stupidities of this series must give Hugh Howey heartburn for his baby. It is awful. I hope he got paid well for letting them murder his baby.

I gave it a 3 because it is not so awful as to be unwatchable (1/10) or barely watchable but finishable (2/10), it is watchable and kind of curious, but there is nothing useful, realistic or analogous in that would make a philiosophical or artistic statement, as then book sort of does.

I rated it a 3/10 because with the whole generator thing, and the helmit thing, which I did not go into because of spoilers - it is insulting to the viewer's intelligence, as is most of the content in our media these days - stupidifying.

If this concept interests you - I suggest getting the ... I think it is the omnibus edition the audiobook of the three stories, wool, shift and dust. They are at least entertaining and have interesting characters.

Silo, the series is a bitter disapppointment. I was hoping for something that really stood out, but nope, can't have anything intelligent for the American public.
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Bad Sisters (2022– )
This show is so funny and clever, 10/10
1 October 2022
Having seen Sharon Horgan in the series "Catastrophe" I respect and admire her writing, comedy and performance so much that I will watch anything she is in at this point.

"Bad Sisters" is a wickedly funny, brilliantly written, brilliantly acted, and brilliantly directed and just all around clever and so human - both the good and bad, that it stands out immediately.

There is no real violence, car crashes, special effects, it is all very human, the real drama and agony of what some people do to others, smoothed out with hilarious circumstances and comedy. I love this show.

John Paul, one sister's abusive husband otherwise known as "The Prick" to all the sisters is so marvelously and diabolically written and acted that I don't know if I can ever see this actor again in anything else and not hate him for being so evil in such a banal role. Two minutes of watching him constantly call his wife "Mammy" ... it's honestly, just upsetting, because he is so realistic you want to kill him yourself or see to it that he dies.

This series walks the fine line between comedy, drama and tragedy so perfectly, I have to rate it a 10/10.
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Everything Michael Parenti has done is a pure unique work of genius.
31 July 2022
Parenti used to be asked to be on the talking head politics shows, but when he began to bring up points and counterpoints to our American mythology and narratives he was not asked to comment any more.

He is so smart, and informed, and in so many documentaries as the main star or a contributor - WHY IS THERE NO Michael Parenti PAGE on IMDB for Michael, Dr. Parenti?

Noam Chomsky has a page on IMDB, why not Parenti?
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Finch (2021)
Pretty slow, pretty cliche, almost awful 4/10
5 November 2021
In order to avoid spoilers I can't really say much about this except in emotional generalities. I waited to see this for months because it looks so interesting.

The preview of the movie is about the right pave, but the movie itself drags on so slow, and it is boring. Also Hanks is so grumpy and angry ... who wants to listen to 2 hours or an old guy scolding a robot for everything he does.

After all he built the thing, but there is no recognition of that.

Almost all the robot cliches you've ever seen in a movie are right here but not done as well. The best part of the movie by far is Seamus who plays Goodyear the dog brilliantly.

It's insulting the intelligence of anyone who is over the age or 10, so kids might love this movie.
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For All Mankind (2019– )
Best series I've seen in a long time 10/10
15 September 2021
I have always been skeptical and negative on TV/Movies that involve alternate time lines or alternative futures, and I started "For All Mankind" with that skepticism in full gear. As I watched it I began to see some more and more the intelligence and heart in the story, and understand why it was done the way it was done.

For All Mankind takes place in an alternate universe where the first footprint of man on the moon was put there by a Russian. The second was put there by a female Russian cosmonaut. This immediately puts us into the competitive frame in which the space race was run.

We get to know the astronauts, some of the had the names of real people which was interesting. We see their personal lies, and all of this mixed up with trends in history played you through the 60's through the 80's.

Replacing the truth with fiction was done in a way that did not raise much objection from me as I thought it would. It was interesting to see the women's movement play a prominent role.

What I find hard is to understand why there is so much pushback and anger from some over this series. They call it woke, or politically correct in such a way as to show that the ones who are doing are the ones who really want to turn the clock back and resent the changes in our society. They seem to want to go back to the dark ages. It's sad to see so many comments that are this way.

This is serious fiction, with some serious and important messages done in a very smart and clever way - the best thing I have seen in years. Whatever they did, wherever this came from I hope we can see more of it.

Highly recommend 10/10.
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The Way West (1995 TV Movie)
Ric Burns Leaves His Brother In The Dirt With This Documentary ...
20 June 2021
While I love the Ken Burns documentaries and have gotten so much from them, they are far more mainstream and edited to be more palatable to over-sensitive American feelings.

Ric Burns' documentary "The Way West" is brilliant and almost terrifying in its revelation of how sheltered we are from real history.

This is one of the best documentaries I've ever watch, and I even bought it - and it was hard to find too.

Notice there are no reviews of this - besides mine today. That is an outrage. I've never seen it broadcast except once, and that was probably due to its being confused with his bother's documentary.

Americans need to open their eyes, and have the guts to seek out, learn, accept and integrate our history - the good and the bad.
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10/10 ...
21 May 2021
What all the other 10x10's are saying. This series is brilliant, it is like a serial TV hologram showing everything that is wrong with our world and how it just won't stop. Absolutely brilliant.
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The Discovery (I) (2017)
Confusing, but somehow pretty good 8/10
7 April 2021
I was prepared to dislike "The Discovery" for several reasons. One was that one of the stars, albeit a part in the background was Jesse Plemins, Todd from "Breaking Bad" who still gives me the creeps, but now he is fat and bloated too. The other was Robert Redford who keeps promising to retire but also keeps showing up in movies that are not that great. Then there is Jason Segal who tries maybe too hard to be a serious actor, and sometimes even succeeds. Rooney Mara who I am not that familiar with but who is the real star of the movie plays a memorable character very well.

Of course there is also the story which is about a scientist ( Robert Redford ) who proves that there is life after death, or "something" after death. He does not know what, and is set up in a giant rambling mansion of a house with lots of equipment, his two sons and a crowd of hangers on, and rooms to try to find out.

"The Discovery" that the "soul" survives death has set off a worldwide pandemic of suicides. They have a suicide clock and millions of miserable, sad or unhappy people are taking their lives all through the movie.

It is an interesting story - a movie that doesn't really move very fast, or even very logically, but the quirky budding relationship between the Jason Segal and the Rooney Mara characters has some odd depth and an intimate human element in what seems like it would be a unrealistic movie.

People have expressed dissatisfaction with the ending, and I can understand that, but I didn't think it was so bad because after all how would you even think to tie up such a discovery all in a nice bow that people would understand and be satisfied with. So, all in all it was a though provoking movie that had a fairly strong human element to it.

I would recommend it if this is a theme that interests you.
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Another great Woody Allen movie 10/10
1 April 2021
I am wanting like crazy to see this movie. I keep looking for it and I keep reading about it, and seeing video previews of it, but nothing is out yet. Why isn't Amazon showing it?

What I do see is that most reviewers on Rotten Tomatoes and elsewhere are prejudicially rating this very low, and clearly the reason is peer pressure. Since the absurd "hatchet job" documentary as Woody calls it "Allen V. Farrow" was released with HBO's name on it people are afraid to say anything good about Woody or his movies, and certainly will not release them without some kind of fight. This is a whole national witch hunt - but directed at one very famous and prominent American genius of a filmmaker. It is just not right.

This is so unfair and prejudicial that I feel totally correct and justified to give "Rifkin's Festival" a 10/10 stars to attempt to do my tiny part to rebalance the ratings just a little bit. I believe Woody.

The idea that Woody after 2 investigations and another to determined if he and SoonYi were fit to adopt children would have molested Dylan Farrow while an entire household of people were told to keep an eye on him,for 10 minutes in an attic, that is so small that even if a train set was up there even a little kid could not even fit up there - it's ridiculous. 30 years later he is still being dogged but these absurd accusations. Even Mia Farrow did not hold Roman Polanky guilty for drugging and raping a 13 year old girl ... so, this is all about Mia and her festering hate and vengeance.

So, as soon as I see this movie, if I need to I will return and adjust the rating should need be, but Woody's movies are so great I doubt the occasion will arise.
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Raised by Wolves (2020–2022)
Beautiful and compelling crashes into confusion, meaninglessness and stupid
20 March 2021
In typical Ridley Scott Science Fiction fashion Raised By Wolves starts out with amazing effects, draws you in, creates a whole world that you want to know all about ... and then somewhere along the time it all gets dropped into the toilet and gets flushed for no real reason other than Ridley Scott just cannot sustain and complete a good story. There was real potential here that Scott just squandered - maybe because I guess he just doesn't have too care any more.

As another review said ... watch it for the eye candy and to kill time, but don't expect anything really good from this ... a total tragic waste. Scott needs to retire, I cannot stand his awful exploitative stuff any more.
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Red Rover (2018)
Cute and wonderful "little" movie.
5 March 2021
Nice little story about self-actualization, getting out of a rut, and coupling. Kristian Bruun is great as Damon. And Cara Gee, "The Expanse"'s Camina Drummer, is wonderful, and wow, she can really sing. Morgan David Jones' as Mark is incredibly annoying, almost enough to want to shut it off. Same with Joshua Peace's Brad character. One of those little movies that is fun to watch, I enjoyed it. I'd give it a 8/10
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War of the Worlds (2019– )
Reviewing this as if there will be a second season ... (spoilers)
2 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers

There is a lot to be bothered by in this series version of War Of The Worlds, but I still liked it, except they did not get the story told in one season so I have to wait and see if a second season will every come out. So, about the things that are questionable:

The first thing is how fast the aliens show up. Astronomers are just getting broadcasts from them one minute and the next minute they are careening through the atmosphere and crashing all over the world. Astronomers do not mistake transmissions from objects in orbit or on a course for Earth as being near a star. Things astronomers see, or hear in this case do not show up on Earth within minutes.

Then once the objects have landed they again make the mistake of saying they are made from new elements we have never discovered. Can we please up the level of programming so that it is in lines with Jr. High Schoolers know about chemistry? That is total ignorant nonsense.

Then pretty much the whole series is build on some kind of radio wave communication and control of people's minds. That just could not happen.

So, or But, if you can overlook all that and realize it is a kind of science fantasy story without a lot of science, then continue, there is also a lot to like and be entertained by and carried away in a schlocky SF series.

There are several threads strung together in WOTW, the series, and they are fairly entertaining and engaging. Coworkers and family members from France and England are trying to find each other while traveling through a depopulated world in hostile terrain controlled by roving alien killing machines and working out their own relationship issues.

While any one aspect of any scene or episode can probably be picked apart, I was surprised I have enjoyed it and I think others would too, although it is rather dark, particularly one family's story.

My biggest gripe is that it is artificially extended to milk the story into two seasons ... the next one of which might not even be made. Series makers really need to shorten their sights on what they can do with the money and time they have - and finish their stories. So many science fiction series have one season and then get dumped ... no fun. So I have two ratings for this ...

2-3/10 - if the second season to the last season is never made, don't bother. 6-7/10 - if there is a second and last season made and it is as good as this one - it would be entertaining to watch provided you understand the science is pretty goofball. ( I chose this one for this review )
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Hunters (2020–2023)
No real point or purpose to this ... at least to me.
27 February 2020
When subject matter as serious as the Holocaust is taken on, it really demands to be taken as serious as it is, and foolishness, or lies, or misinformation should be eschewed as much as possible.

For a silly move like "The Producers" that is movie sized and has some kind of stupid point, vapid as it was, that is one thing, but to have a series that is 10 hours long and a treatment that is only there to trick people into watching longer through cheap devices, like violence or cliff-hanging is a waste of time for everyone.

While "Hunters" is not so terrible that it makes you want to turn it off immediately, maybe that is not such a good thing. As you watch it makes you think maybe you are watching something that has a payoff or a purpose, but alas not.

I'm pretty supporting of Amazon productions, and in generally they mean well even if they don't hit the mark, but "Hunters" is pretty much of a waste, and pointless.

The twist ending didn't really have any effect because by that time you are not taking the series very seriously anymore.

If you are curious check it out. After all it does have Al Pacino in it playing, in more ways than one, an old Jewish man. As for me, I regret wasting the time. 3/10
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The Irishman (2019)
What could have made this movie better than a 3/10 hack job.
30 November 2019
Martin Scorse's new NetFlix movie, "The Irishman" was, to a certain extent, a national event. After all Martin Scorsese, like Woody Allen, and some others are national treasures and it is not everyday that one of our national treasures puts out a virtually free movie that all Americans can see and dicussion - a national cinematic forum to make some kind of moralistic, artistic or at least patriotic statement. Instead, blah, nothing, boring, and on top of all the negatives, there is nothing to really verify that much of it or any of it was true.

This could have been a really good movie if they had just shifted the plot and conflict to be more about Hoffa, who no Americans know about, and whose history affected so many Americans. Americans should know a lot more about history but especially a lot more about this history because it has affected them so negatively. Few know who Jimmy Hodda was, and or course nothing about the lying selfish criminal scumbag liar no one can trust, Frank Sheeran.

Since the framework of the story was mostly based on a kind of nonsensical story from Frank, who is the book written about him seems to be all about Frank trying to take credit for every big Mafia crime or hit.

It seems like it would have been better to contrast the soul and crimes of Frank Sheeran with the soul and crimes of Jimmy Hoffa. Hoffa was no saint, ( or was he ) and consorted with and ultimately got run over, chewed up and spit out by the mob by using them to stand up to the 0.01% who were beating up. ripping off, stealing from the middle class of America. What else could he do? ... or we never would have heard of him or the Teamsters.

I don't think the writers of this movie were skilled enough to tell that story, so they just re-did Casino and Goodfellas.

America was traumatized by the assassinations of the 60's and 70's and as we can all see from the path of the country, the bad guys won. They took over the unions, screwed over the middle class, took their money, made them pay the taxes for the rich, made then fight their evil wars, and bought up the media and the news, bought up the military contractors, bought up the drug and pharma, and now we are all paying for it ... and dying for it, thanks to stupid sell-out, scumbags, creeps like Frank Sheeran, the Mafia, etc.

In fact you can really say pretty catagorically that this was a crappy film because it was situated so close to the rudders and currents and captains of American history - and yet missed the whole point to pander to a stupid unverified story about what happened to Jimmy Hoffa and the minutia of Frank Sheeran's evil life.
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The Kominsky Method (2018–2021)
I'll make this short and sweet ... Great job - 10/10
26 October 2019
"The Kominsky Method" is, in my humble opinion, by far, the best and most significant thing Michael Douglas has ever done or probably ever will do. For the sitcom genre, it is sublime. It has all the elements of comedy and tragedy and as they say punches way about it's weight.

Alan Arkin is also very good as are a whole host of recognizable big name celebrities. The plot, the storylines the characterizations, the character arcs, the direction ... all aspects of this series converge to create something substantial and way above the normal TV sitcom.

Notable are Lisa Edelstein who I first saw on The West Wing, then House, and now "The Good Doctor" playing Alan Arkin's wayward substance abusing daughter; Paul Reiser the health-challenged "boyfriend" of Michael Douglas's daughter Mindy played vivaciously by Sarah Baker. Reiser, who must be wearing a fat-suit is about the same age or older than Douglas himself which leads to many memorable moments. Jane Seymour who plays with absolute poise and dignity the love interest of Alan Arkin whose wife has recently passed away.

Teally everyone in the show does a tremendous job to bring the vision and writing to life.

I am not sure I ever would have thought to watch this series if it had not been done on NetFlix where I could watch it without a major investment, but I am very happily surprised that I did. Thanks NetFlix, and also to Chuck Lorre who climbed way above the adolescent, but funny, Two And A Half Men.

Really fun. 10/10
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Enemy at the Door (1978–1980)
So much to say about how great this series is ( 10/10 )
27 February 2019
That I find myself at a loss for words. I have never heard of this story of WWII and this series though probably not historically accurate, give us somewhat of an idea about what the people of the Isle of Guernsey, situated near France which was taken over by the Nazis during WWII and put their population though major misery.

The story is told with such deftness and cleverness that it is not just an interesting historical drama, but a great story of friends, neighbors, war, citizens, and family. I never thought I would enjoy this so much or get so much out of it.

I unreservedly recommend "Enemy At The Door" to anyone who imagines they might find it interesting ... and others.
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The First (2018)
I put so much time into watching this ... why? 1/10 (minor spoilers)
6 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I love science fiction, I love science, so I thought "The First" would be a real cinch of a series I would really like. Sean Penn is not my favorite so it is hard to watch the constant vanity shots of him exercising, schmoozing for spaceflight money, calming public reactions to the project, and trying to show how sensitive he can be to his messed up on-screen daughter. It is truly awful in every aspect.

First, if this is a story about mankind trying to get to Mars, they do the whole mission and motivation no favors. There is nothing to inspire, no wonder, just cold hard cash and political worries, and to top that off deep burrowings into all the astronauts home and personal lives which adds nothing to the story. If I look at the pace of this series, I am convinced we will get to Mars for real before this series does.

I love science fiction, and I love human drama, but mixing the two together in a way that does not make either story better, deeper or more meaningful is a waste of times, and with Sean Penn and his on-screen daughter over-acting it is difficult and sometimes even insulting to watch.

Other reviewers have mentioned it, the many cuts to Penn exercising. I did notice the similarity of "The First" to Terrance Malik's "Tree Of Life" - which I thought was horrible as well. There are some movies that are like a Rorschach Test, in that for some people they seem to see things in a movie that appeal to their subconscious minds, and others just see a mess of ink. I don't even see a mess of ink here, I see the dishonest hand that is trying to wield that ink.

If you want to know for yourself, see the first episode, and decide if you can take it because it slows down from there and goes off into the weeds - an all for no real reason. The main conflict here, and this is no spoiler really, is between the astronaut ( Penn ) and his daughter who is completely messed up mentally and emotionally. So, what is meant by digging so deep into there people's character - all pretty negative? This is a statement, not a story, at least the first season.

It would be one thing if this was based on some kind of story or theory, but it is all just put together to push a really negative image - and it is not fun to watch at all. The characters who run the project are all unpleasant, and know it, but so what? Is that supposed to be telling us that the writers know people in the space program enough to make personal psychological commentary on the meaning of their lives?

I always wonder at the amount of money and time and manpower that goes into an effort like this, and what the point is. What was the writer and director thinking? It is very sad to see such a waste.
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Big fan, saw it Thu. night before the release date 10/10
21 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
From the previews and comments I have heard ... honestly I was not expecting much, but this movie surprised me, like "Where To Invade Next", it was really excellent.

When I came here to look at the ratings and reviews I was surprised that it was so so low rated, but then all those reviews were before the movie even came out and just right-wing Trump supporters and Republicans coming here and trying to make the movie look bad by dumping low ratings on it.

The movie starts out with a quick rehash of the history of the 2016 election ... which was kind of sad.

What is really interesting is how Michael Moore first reminds us of our American values talking about the polling data of Americans from all over the country. They want public education, they want labor unions, they want healthcare for all, they want free college, they want equal pay for women, they want a strong minumum wage ... and on and on ... and then Mike asked the question ... if so, why don't we have these things like most of the rest of the world?

He goes into shocking details I did not know about the 2016 Democratic Primary and how many states Bernie Sanders overwhelmingly won with the votes of the people, only to have the bought and paid for super-delegates deny their fellow citizens the right to vote by pushing Clinton up even though she did not get the votes. Bernie went ahead and supported the Democratic party and candidate when maybe what he should have done was to blow the whistle on the entire system, but from that point on we know what happened ... the establishment Democrats ignored and turned off their voters and blew the election.

A whole narrative of the story behind the Flint, Michigan lead contamination, and how it was willful crime according to one Water Dept. official who thought Michigan Governor Rick Snyder should be Prosecuted and put in prison. But Moore also drives home the point that the Democratic party is complicit in these crises by showing the jaunt Barack Obama made out to Flint to touch some water from a glass to his lips and try to convince Flint residents the water is fine. Flint residents were heartbroken that their President who they had voted for twice would stab them in the back like that. Trump did basically the same thing. Moore also talked about how Governor Snyder hooked the Ford plant back up the pure water source from Lake Huron, while families were getting poisoned sick and dying in Flint. There was a lot to this story I had never heard about.

The teacher strike in West Virginia and the outrage of both how low teacher pay is, and how they have such a terrible health care program. Part of their teacher's health care program was a requirement that teachers wear a Fit-Bit like device to track their steps and make sure they were getting exercise. If a participant failed to do enough steps they would be fined $500. My jaw hit the floor when I heard this awful story.

Much, much more in this excellent and inspirational movie, and in terms of importance and getting it right, Michael Moore is firing on all cylinders. Go see this movie and take as many people as you can with you - drag them if you have to.

Fahrenheit 11/9 is an important movie for all Americans ... we are on the table in the Emergency Room and if we want to save our country we better wake up and start to do something.
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Get used to not trusting reviews and opinions you see here.
10 July 2018
First, there are facts, and there is reality. The facts give a broad bound on what occurred in a given situation, but anyone who has ever watched a trial knows that the facts can be spun in very different ways to further someone's intent.

You can tell by briefly scanning through the reviews here that there are many reviews by the same person, saying the same things, often in the same words, the exact copy ... and all of those kind of reviews I found we all 9 or 10 out of 10 reviews. That says, those reviews are fake, but it also says that IMDB has a terrible problem with trolls and sock puppets here to promote their political purposes. Whether these people are Alt-Right America haters, or Russian American haters, the one thing they certainly are is fairness and justice and truth haters.

The intent here is to smear and character assassinate a man who is dead and gone and cannot defend himself ... and should not have to. In a way this reminds me of the Woody Allen scandal where if someone were to make a movie of it, they would make it to appeal to one side or the other of the controversy, and then cherry pick the facts used to spin it to their purpose, and leave out of distort other facts.

No one knows for sure what happened, but a lot of people view this in light of the world today ... that is, where Emergency Services are dependable and just a cell phone dial away. Maybe you have to be old enough to remember walking a mile in an emergency to get to a pay phone. Another thing is the ubiquity of highway lighting we have today in almost all but the most remote areas, or the standardization of reflective warning signage. Driving out over black water in the middle of the night was a different experience in the 60's.

And accident in a car was also different. Most cars had just gotten seat belts and there were no seat belt laws and most people did not bother to use their seat-belts. Safety class was also not so technologically developed. Imagine being in an accident and how having all your wits about your either because you were tired or tipsy or both, had hard it would be to save yourself, let along look back in the dark and the water and try to see without a face mask and try to save someone in a heightened state of fear and exhaustian. Add to that the thought that your whole life might be ruined, and trying to guess what is the right to thing to do.

In the Blink, Malcolm Gladwell talks about how when your adrenalin is pumping you go mind blind, he called it, and you cannot think straight.

What Kennedy was guilty of is bad judgement of driving while drinking, and that was completely a different world back in those days. I don't even think it was illegal in my state of Texas, or it had just recently been outlawed that is what a different world 1969 was. The rest of what happened

There were 55,000 traffic deaths in 1969, in 2007 there were 41,000. It was a different world, and whatever world this movie was in it was politically biased and ugly one where the right-wing is so rich they can make hack movies like this one and attack a man's whole life because of one mistake, distorted by lies and judged by a situation that people born today cannot really put in valid perspective when faced with the immediacy of a movie.

Don't watch this movie, don't contribute money to the cause that made this movie, and do not watch movies that the actors who participated in this movie star in in the future. Stand against this kind of disgusting political manipulation, and fake news.
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The Hero (I) (2017)
The Hero outside the movie is Sam Elliot
16 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Sam Elliot, the guy his voice, his mustache and gravitas was the hero of this movie, for without it the movie would be all but unwatchable, whereas with him you are mesmerized to watch to the end where you realize it's really not a good movie.

Sam Elliot and his wife are in this movie. Katherine Ross from a long, long time ago plays the ex-wife of Elliot's character.

I wanted to like this movie and I kind of did, but at a certain point you realize there is nothing here. Elliot's character is buoyed up by Elliot's image and the fact that at 70 he can still attract a 30-something Laura Prepon. Ridiculous ... yes indeed. Made further ridiculous by the fact that Prepon's character is a stand up comedian, and when Elliot comes to watch her perform she tells every hackneyed geriatric joke she can think of, humiliating him, thus making him more sympathetic to the audience. This is what this movie is about, cheap tricks with very good casting.

Then there is the scene where Elliot at 70 has the bad judgement to take a drug with his champagne on the way to receive his acting lifelong achievement award. He totally humiliates himself by calling an older woman up from the audience and giving the award to her. Supposedly this video makes it way to social media and people go crazy over it.

What is good about this movie, and the reason I give it a 3/10 and not a 0-2 is that between elements of a really bad plot, the person to person scenes with Elliot and his family, friends and absurd new love interest, the movie somehow works off the charisma of Elliot himself who is always fun to watch.

Whatever is good in this film is owed to Elliot and Nick Offerman who plays Elliot's friend and pot dealer who show the elusive intimate working of a male - male non-gay friendship. That is kind of a miracle in Hollywood right there.

It's a bad movie with some choice moments that makes one wonder why Elliot never became the star he should have because the camera loves him.

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Casual (2015–2018)
Unique, risky, edgy ... maybe too edgy 10/10 for courage
25 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I was hunting around for something to watch and happened upon "Casual" on Hulu. After watching a bit of it I was perplexed and the first episodes of the first season are comparatively tame.

Seriously, I have the freshness and uniqueness of the show and the real and sometimes very uncomfortable feelings this show can elicit.

"Casual" is the story of a brother(Alex) and a sister(Valerie) and their often too close relationship, and messed up boundaries, in their dysfunctional family, including some very peculiar parents. Valerie's irritating daughter, Laura, also adds suspense and uncertainty to the show.

Other characters such a Jack (Valerie's sex addict BF), Leon ( Alex's best friend), Leia (Leon's delightful GF and Rae (Alex's room renting occasional hookup.

The show tends to focus on the things people do to drive themselves and others crazy ... it's hilarious ... I love it. Even though there are times when it kind of makes me mad or turns my stomach.

This last season, so far, season 3, has really gone out there, and I am wondering if anyone is left watching? I see very few to no comments on this show in the chat boards.

All three of the main characters have let their bad sides show, so maybe this show is a test if you can do that and maintain a fan base to a show that can turn fairly negative fairly quickly. I'll keep watching if only to see where these new writers will head next. Until then I will continue to rate "Casual" at 10/10 because they are working in new territory and doing a great job.

  • So, love the show and while I hope they keep it up for as long as they can, I would appreciate if just maybe they would tone it down so as to not alienate possible fans ... this is good stuff if you do not get put off and are a bit persistent.
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Horrible, boring, and no new information or real point.
12 August 2017
I thought "The Inconvenient Truth" was well done and stuck to the point. It came at the problem of Global Warming ... or Planetary Hotboxing, like I call it from a logical and scientific direction.

This movie ... I don't know what is was, but it put my girlfriend to sleep in less than 5 minutes. I had trouble staying awake and even making it through this long monotonous, aimless and pointless reminder of the first movie.

What I will remember from this movie is not any facts, or images, or important strategies ... but so many, many scenes of Al Gore's bloated body in all kinds of places. Gore waddling through airports, his whiny, dronying, irritating voice, but mostly all of these shots where Gore is getting make up for the camera.

What kind of an idiot thought this was an important image to include ... ugly old Al Gore sitting there saying nothing while some person applies makeup to his face? The whole movie was putatively about Global Warming, but mostly it seems to be about subliminally showing ugly negative and pointless scenes in the middle of a very tame, bland and old discussion of climate change.

This movie doesn't deserve a 1 ... but it also doesn't deserve much higher. I give it a 2/10 because it is serious and should be about something important.
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