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15 April 2018
Probably one of the most unique love stories told on film. Not for everyone, but it's very enjoyable. Great performances all around.
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Heaven Sent (2016 TV Movie)
Formula Film At Its Best
6 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers

I don't have cable TV, so I went to a friend's house to watch "Heaven Sent." I have never watched a Lifetime movie, ever. It's not my thing. Even if I had cable, I wouldn't watch the channel. The one and only reason I watched this film was it's star, Christian Kane. Known more for his action roles (as Eliot Spencer in "Leverage" and currently as Jake Stone on TNT's "The Librarians,")it's always nice to see him play a dramatic and slightly comedic role (he's really good at physical comedy, a gift I hope we get to see more of in future projects.) Christian plays Billy Taylor, and Marley Shelton plays his wife, Maire. Married for 9 years, she wants a divorce, and he doesn't. Maire says a prayer, wanting Billy to let go, and Billy prays that she'll change her mind. Turns out, someone is listening to their prayers. Enter little Taylor (played by newcomer Mallory James Mahoney,) a little girl who decides to take matters into her own hands. She appears at their house, out of nowhere, startling both Billy & Maire. As soon as they realize that only they can see her, they soon learn that she is, in fact, an angel who ran away from Heaven, and she really wants to call them 'mommy & daddy.' (If you're like me, you will have figured out who Taylor really is less than 30 minutes into the movie, but if not, then it'll be a major hankie moment for you.) She uses her charm and even a bit of magic to keep the divorce papers at bay, and to try and get Billy & Maire to re-connect with each other and fall in love again.

This is a formula film, through and through. Slightly hokey in its comedic efforts and a little over the top with the sweet moments, but none of it matters. We get Christian Kane at his best so far, being a doting dad to a little girl who's cuteness rivals that of any child actor I've seen as of late. Perfectly cast as Taylor, Mallory James Mahoney brings a sweetness, innocence, and even a bit of sneakiness to the role. Even at her young age, she is able to convey the wisdom that an angel from Heaven would probably have.

As Maire, Marley Shelton does a good job of portraying a workaholic woman who is all too ready to end her marriage, even though we get glimpses that it may not be what she really wants. She becomes very attached to Taylor and seems to relish acting the part of and being called 'mommy." As Billy, Christian Kane is perfect as the man who desperately wants to save his marriage and who is also trying to keep Christmas alive in his home and his heart, despite the many pitfalls (one literal) along the way. His scenes with Taylor, especially, are among the sweetest.

Director Michael Landon, Jr. does a nice job of conveying a cozy, small town atmosphere in Boulder, Colorado during the holidays. The story moves along at a good pace and doesn't really slack too much, but the scenes with Maire and her co-worker and possible new love Sean Miller (played by Ryan McPartlin) were slightly tedious to watch (but that's just me; if I had my druthers, Christian Kane would be in every single scene in the film.) A little plot twist that most people will see coming a mile away adds to the sappy factor, but it doesn't matter. "Heaven Sent" is a precious film that honestly made me fall in love with Christian Kane all over again (especially in the scene where we hear him singing to Taylor; Kane is an accomplished musician and has a beautiful voice; please check out his music on You Tube, or go to to buy his CDs if any are left; his fans, the Kaniacs, make re-stocking Kane merchandise a constant priority.) "Heaven Sent" is a perfect little gem of a film that will get you in the holiday spirit, renew your faith, and turn you into a faithful Kaniac. This one is destined to be a Christmas classic.
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Monster (2003)
This Blew Me Away
24 February 2004
If ever there was an example of how society can miserably and devastatingly fail a person, Aileen Wuornos is it. Raped by age 8, pregnant by 13, hooking by 13, and eventually becoming the first noted female serial killer, her life was one nightmare after another. Of course, this in no way excuses her actions; she deserved the punishment she was given for the 7 slayings, but it makes you wonder...what if someone had intervened way back when? What if someone had given her a chance when she tried to go straight? Would so many have died? We may never know, but what is for sure is that Charlize Theron's portrayl of Wuornos in "Monster" is so chilling, so dead-on (pardon the pun,) and so shockingly believeable that when it was all over, I had tears in my eyes. I saw the film yesterday, and it's still resinating with me. I went home and popped in my Journey CD and listened to "Don't Stop Believin'," absorbing it all again. It's not just that she put on 30 pounds, fake teeth, and some special make-up. She WAS Aileen, down to her foul mouth and body language. I saw no hint of the glamourous Charlize I've come to know and like over the years. This was not just great acting...this was a total transformation. She pretty much blows Christina Ricci (Selby, her lesbian lover) off the screen most of the time. Wuornos is damaged by life, full of hatred and rage, but still capable (although barely) of love, however warped it may be. Theron brings humanity to the 'monster' as well, and although there is no excuse for her actions, Theron makes us feel slight compassion for her at times. This is no small feat, and Theron is absolutely brilliant. She got the Golden Globe and SAG Award for Best Actress for "Monster;" come Oscar night, if her name is not announced as the winner for Best Actress, then THAT will be a crime in and of itself.
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Cute Little Teen Romp
10 October 2003
I can't possibly imagine someone thinking of Keanu Reeves as a nerd, but that's what he is in "The Night Before." The school queen, Lori Loughlin, has to go to the prom with Keanu's Winston because she made a bet with friends and lost. The chain of events that happens is wacky and hilarious, and it shows Keanu at his sweetest.
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Death Factory (2002 Video)
This One Made Me Laugh
16 May 2003
I've seen some low-budget stinkers before, but this one took the cake! As I was watching it, I kept thinking of "Scream," which is such a vastly superior slasher flick compared to "Death Factory." I laughed even harder when Ron Jeremy showed up. The characters were cookie-cutter slasher-film victims, and the "creature" looked more like a reject from the Freddy Krueger School Of Slashing. The acting wasn't too terrible, but when a "horror" film makes you laugh more than scream or jump, then it's a total waste of time. I watched all the previews on the DVD, too, and those films looks like bombs, as well. I really would have hated to be on the clean-up crew for these films!
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This Film Was Awful!
7 May 2003
Having been an extra in the film, I eagerly anticipated it´s theatrical debut. Man, what a waste of anticipation! The casting was bad, and the plot was even worse. Most of the time, I could follow what was going on, but towards the end, it made no sense whatsoever. It should have just been released straight to the B-movie section of the video store, and that´s a shame, because I expected more.
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I Was Stunned, This Film Was So Bad!
24 July 2002
Directed by Brett Ratner, this piece of garbage was included on the "Rush Hour" DVD; apparently, he felt he needed to share this directorial debut with the world. I truly wish he hadn't. Whoever this Mason Reese guy is, he must have been something special when he was a kid actor. I guess he was famous on Broadway or something. All I know is, he's the ugliest man I've ever had the misfortune to lay my eyes upon, and his voice was even worse. He sounds like he swallowed a whole helium tank. The only pleasant little suprise was Rebecca Gayheart (you gotta start somewhere, I guess.)Oh, yeah, and the dancing midget from "Twin Peaks" was in it, too. That was a nice suprise. But what was most shocking was that Ratner had financial help from AMBLIN ENTERTAINMENT! Mr. Spielburg's company helped make this crap possible. Gee, thanks, Steven. Trust me, I had more fun watching M. Night Shamalan's home movie on the "Sixth Sense" DVD! Avoid, avoid, avoid!
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