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About season 12...
7 May 2024
So, listen. It wasn't a great season, but it was good. Makes you interested from the very beginning (don't say that it didn't, because why else would you watch the entire season?) Ending was not good, agreed, but are we basing entire season by the ending? And if so... why?

Anyway, I don't understand so much hate for Kim K. I'm one of those people who never watched a single reality episode of Kardashians, nor I'm Kims fan. But let's be honest here - could you play that role like she did? Can you even imagine yourself doing it? Cause I can't even try to imagine. Can you, from the top of your head, without thinking too long, think of any actress who could play that role that way? I can't. Everyone rolled their eyes when Lady Gaga was announced to be starring in "Hotel", and now Hotel it's a favorite season of many people, mostly because of Gaga. Give people a chance, people! Throwing stones and judging never did anything good.
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Saw X (2023)
Spoilers without any spoilers.
28 September 2023
I just came back from the cinema (first day of showing this movie, and first projection of the day) and I was not disappointed. It was really, really good movie. It's a prequel about Johns cancer days, so he's in 95% of the movie. All Tobin, all the time. And he played his role to perfection (as always). Next to him was Amanda (there was one really cute father-daughter moment between the two) who was also brilliant. One thing that's weird to me, is that Shawnee Smith looks like she had a very bad face-lift, when I know she haven't had any work done. How did they manage to do THAT - it's beyond me. But anyways, it's a really good prequel. There's a cool twist, and a twist within a twist. That was a very nice surprise.

Btw, I'm used to movie gore (especially Saw gore), but there was one trap scene where I had got an eye twitch and got a slight urge to puke (I didn't though). THAT is how well and realistic the scene was done. When you watch the movie, you will know exactly what trap I'm talking about.

10/10 from me.
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And Just Like That...: Hello It's Me (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
Wow... I did NOT expect this!
11 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I went into this show "completely blind" (in a manner of speaking). Of course I've watched SATC before, numerous times. The movies too. But since this show had a different title, I didn't know what to expect. The beginning was kinda slow, but I was following the story just fine. I was also glad to see all the familiar faces throughout the episode. So all in all, I liked it. BUT... of course there's a "but"... I did NOT expect that Samantha will be portrayed as money-grabbing-friend-ditcher. WE KNOW THAT CHARACTER! And that is NOT what she is! She was friends with Carrie long before she became her publicist, and now we get this line from Carrie that just doesn't make any sense (and I quote): "I thought I was more to her than an ATM". Like... what? You're really gonna turn character that we love into something we know she's not? No one's buying that. I don't care if Kim and Sarah didn't get along or whatever - Samantha (or better yet Kim!) didn't deserve that!

And OMG the ending! What the hell?! Killing off Big? I started watching this because I was bored and this show popped up, so I decided to "rest my brain" a little with loving characters. While Lilly was playing, I could feel something will happen to Big, but I figured it will be like a mild heart attack, and that the next episode will be in hospital where he will be recovering. I DID NOT expect him to DIE, omg! After episode ended, I just sat and looked at my screen, in disbelief and with tears sliding down my face. I just couldn't convince myself what I witnessed.

I'm giving it 8/10, because it made me emotional in many ways throughout the episode.
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The Last of Us: Long, Long Time (2023)
Season 1, Episode 3
21 June 2023
When I saw in which direction the story between Bill and Frank was going, I was certain that I will watch one of the greatest love stories ever shown on camera (amongst many others). And I was soooo right!

The chemistry between those actors is amazing! I mean, I was buying what they were selling. They were so convincing, that in times, I kinda forgot I was watching a TV show based on a game.

Now, since I mentioned a game - I haven't played it, so I went into this show completely "blind". And all I can say is - no regrets! All characters are super likable, camera shots are amazing, story-telling is easy to follow... Seriously, 10/10 for this episode and entire show.
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Soft & Quiet (2022)
Well damn!
17 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I suggest to every person who is not caucasian to skip this movie. I'm caucasian, but even I felt insulted for like 80% of the movie.

On the other hand, this is a good movie overall - not gonna lie. Sure, the main subject of the movie is terrible and insulting, but it's basically a reality of our society.

This movie represents monsters who wear masks of completely "ordinary people". You see these people in real life and you think nothing bad of them. Maybe you admire their clothes, hairstyle, posture... but you can not know what hides underneath that shell. You can't know what they're thinking about and what kind of terrible.
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I don't know why this movie has low rating
27 December 2022
Sure, it's not the greatest movie in the world, but it's pretty entertaining. There are several twists that are actually good and made me surprised (I rarely get surprised anymore when it comes to the movies).

This movie is a little slow, and shows some action only at the end, but I personally didn't mind that. It explains everything and it's keeping your interest from start to finish (at least it did to me, and I'm very picky about movies I watch - if it doesn't get my attention in first 20 minutes, I stop watching).

I wouldn't say it's a "must watch" movie, but hey, if you wanna kill some spare time - you can watch this one. You're not gonna waste that spare time.

8/10 from me. Peace out.
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Pretty Little Liars: Til DeAth Do Us PArt (2017)
Season 7, Episode 20
Let me tell you what writers should've done...
16 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So basically, they've put Spencers twin as A. D. in the final episode. A character that was never shown in entire series.

If writers didn't know what to do with A. D. - here's idea - why not make it like Spencer had a double personality, and it was HER all along, but not knowing it herself (not being aware of what her "alter ego" was doing)? That's also "used up" idea, sure, but it would kinda make sense. MUCH more sense than this insult to all faithful viewers over the years.

Shame on the writers! Finale ruined the entire show for most of us! We feel insulted, betrayed and like you don't give a damn about any of us. Congrats on that!
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Legacies: We're Not Worthy (2021)
Season 3, Episode 1
Everyone is getting cray-cray over unconsensual kiss
4 August 2022
When in last episode Hope didn't kiss sleeping Josie while in her mind, she said that even in fairytales, unconsensual kiss is never the answer.

In this episode, Landon kissed Hope while she was sleeping, and even though they love each other, people went crazy about "unconsensual kiss".

The same people who watched "The Originals" and cheered for Klaus when he went to murder spree, are judging a kiss between boyfriend and girlfriend, only because she didn't agree to it in that specific moment (but would absolutely agree if she was awake)?

Soooo, in conclusion, the way those people think is: a) Murder, mayham, torture and robbing - AMAZEBALLS! Give us more of that!

B) Unconsensual kiss - OH HELL NO! That person should be stopped by any means necessary! We can't watch this, it's disgusting!

Logic level - minus million.
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Who are the writers kidding?
22 June 2022
It's mentioned several times in a movie that by touching the Creepers detached limb shows his origin and how he became to be. Of course it wasn't shown, because even the writers don't know. They can't think of anything that would make sense. And how could they? What possible "origin" can be thought of about a creature that it's one of it's kind, can't die and apparently uses magic (he extends his arm from a far, body lifts up and the axe goes back to it)? There is no "origin" for that. And the ones who "saw it", still couldn't figure out how to kill it. Because even the writers don't know how to kill it. They created such a character that even they can't figure out. As a writer myself - that must hurt, especially with a large fan base that expects explanations, which they can't give.

Btw, poor dude that plays Creeper. I'm sure after 2 movies, he got to know his character. And now he couldn't play the REAL Creeper, but this poor sad sack that just whines and growls for literally no reasons whatsoever. He couldn't even do "sniff and pick". They made him go around killing people for fun, even though Creepers DOESN"T do that! He kills who he wants to eat and who is useful to him... doesn't kill teens on bikes for joy and amusement! Dude, sorry you had to play this character like that. When the script comes and you still want to have a job after reading it - you agree even if you don't like it.
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Poorly done
19 June 2022
Plus, all the accounts from which 9/10 or 10/10 reviews came from are all made exactly 7 months ago (for this movie specifically, I'm assuming) and that is their only review ever. Classic bots that are payed to boost up a movie so more people would watch it.

Don't even bother with this one, guys. Just... don't. You can tell all throughout the movie that actors did it only because of the money, not because they believe in project. They don't even believe in their characters even WHILE playing them!

There were some small efforts, so I'm giving it 3/10.
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Black Mirror: Nosedive (2016)
Season 3, Episode 1
8 June 2022
It's scary how this is so close to the actual reality! Praise the Lord that it's not exactly like that, or I swear... with my 42 instagram followers and so many people disliking me before they actually get to know me - I'd probably be 1.0 (if that!).

Anyway, this episode represents something that can happen in a distant (or near?) future. Imagine a world like this... sooo scary to even think about it!
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American Horror Stories: Ba'al (2021)
Season 1, Episode 5
And we're back!
27 April 2022
Awesome episode and super satisfying ending. Two twists in a matter of minutes, but they made so much sense and explained the story completely. This is what AHS is all about!

Also, if Ryan Murphy could put Billie Lourd in every single episode - that'd be awesome.

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American Horror Stories: The Naughty List (2021)
Season 1, Episode 4
No... just... no.
27 April 2022
First time I'm giving this low score to ANYTHING (and I've seen bunch of stupid stuff), but since I'm huge AHS fan (and series never disappointed me so far) - this is just BAD and deserves low score.

I mean, I could predict everything that's gonna happen. When they posted "the video", I knew what the result will be. I knew the result of two other videos posted after that before hand. It's just that obvious. Every step they take, every line they speak... it's all predictable. This is NOT AHS concept and has nothing to do with it.

Mr. Murphy... what the fork, sir? You're better than this.
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American Horror Stories: Drive In (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
5 stars only because I'm AHS fan...
27 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
...but seriously, it deserves a lot less. I like the idea, and if writers prolonged the story a little and gave it more "finesse"... it would actually be a decent episode.

Also, "the morning after" scene makes no sense. Everyone infected were scattered throughout the town, probably infecting or killing bunch of people in process, but the two main characters went across the town twice and haven't seen a single infected or dead person. It wasn't even such a "big deal" on the news, either.

Here in my country (Serbia), I could start to pee in the middle of the street, and all of a sudden there would be reporters around me. It would be a HUGE story and I would became famous. But over there, a movie that turned people who watched it into zombies, who killed a lot of other people - not that much of a news. Just a "regular day" and already "yesterdays news".
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31 (2016)
One character saved the entire movie
18 April 2022
So, here's the thing - this is first Rob Zombie's movie I've ever watched, and I'm 33 yo. I wasn't avoiding any of his movies, mind you, I just haven't encountered any of them.

I would've probably miss this one as well, but as "luck" would have it - I was super sick (out of season flu - cause I never do anything when it's "popular", even getting sick), staying in my bad and this movie popped up on a horror movie channel my TV was on. I wanted to change the channel, but movie started with monologue that was just so.... I must say it - mesmerising (in a twisted way). "Doom-Head" bought me from the very beginning and I found myself following the story even though I wasn't planning on it.

And I have to admit - it's a good movie (for my taste). Some camera shots (example - when that "Sex-Head" girl was stabbing that guy) were terrible and made me start blinking more that I should. But I guess that is Robs style, so I'll just move along.

About the characters - Meg Foster and Richard Brake were simply amazing! I'm happy they had a scene together, even though it wasn't very pleasant.

Other peeps were good, but they didn't "move me" in any way. Even Sheri Moon Zombie - I was expecting something great from her, but she was just... expressionless.

So, for me personally, it was Richard who saved this entire movie. Without him, it would just be a regular slasher.

Ending is awesome (especially the background song that followed it). You don't see it, but you KNOW what happens. And you also know she made him work for it.

8/10 from me.
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Intrusion (II) (2021)
For the most part boring
14 April 2022
I mean, it's a good movie to kill some spare time, but nothing much different from countless of other movies. 20 minutes into the movie, I knew exactly what was going on. It's a classic story and it's very stretched. Seriously, this entire story could've been explained in 40 minutes tops. This way, you have about 8 minutes in total of action, and an hour and 24 minutes of boringness, where you just wait to happen everything you already know it's gonna happen.

Overall, like I said - it's a good movie to kill time and the actors are likable. They did the best they could with what they were given.
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Simply... boring
28 February 2022
It's a good thing that the movie only lasts for an hour and 14 minutes, so there's not way too much suffering for the audience. But if you can - skip this movie. Boring, predictable (almost every step), killer can't be killed no matter what you do to him (apparently he's not human... idk)... you'll just waste your time with this movie.

Plus, acting is bad (especially by Leatherface himself). Victoriously waving that chainsaw for no reason, being "proud" of killing teens... I know it's all scripted and the actor had to do it, but it simply makes no sense.

4/10 - and that's me being generous.
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Wrong Turn (2021)
Pleasant surprise
23 February 2022
When I saw they made a movie named "Wrong turn" in 2021, I assumed it's a remake of the original one from 2003. So I went into it expecting same stuff from the first movie but with different actors and a bit more gruesome scenes (because... technology and make up style advanced way too much over the years). And oh boy... was I wrong!

It's actually an awesome movie, but it almost has nothing to do with "Wrong turn" saga. We all know what the real "Wrong turn" is all about, and THIS movie is not it. I kept expecting deformed cannibals to show up.

Although the movie has SOME similarities with "Wrong turn" saga, writers should of given it a different name. But I guess then it wouldn't be as watched.

All in all - if you watch it as something completely unrelated to Wrong turn story - you won't be disappointed. Lasts almost 2 hours, but it's time well spent.

9/10 from me.
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